Saint Martin's Day by Kim Fielding

SaintMartinsDayLGTitle: Saint Martin’s Day

Series: Dreamspinner Press’ 2014 Advent Calendar:

Author: Kim Fielding

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Short (31 pages)

ISBN:  978-1-63216-735-4

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press December 1, 2014)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Cat

Blurb: Five years ago, Neno Kova? fled California, graduate school, and his lover, Toby Cowan, to return to his native Croatia. Since then, he’s led a quiet life as a librarian—until one November afternoon when Toby, who has never stopped loving Neno, shows up in Zagreb. When he left the United States, Neno wasn’t ready to give up his home and family to take a chance on a long-distance relationship. But Saint Martin’s Day has arrived, the day pressed grapes turn to wine and autumn turns to winter. Perhaps it will be a day when other changes are possible as well.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package “Celebrate!”.

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Review: Neno lives in his hometown of Zagreb and works at the library. The town is planning for St Martin’s day. He is surprised when a vice form the past pulls him from his work.

Toby his college roommate from California has come back to see why Neno fled without keeping in touch and perhaps get closure.

This is a lovely story of two young men that loved each other but went their separate ways. I loved both men, Toby for his desire to find out why Neno never kept in touch and see if it was possible to pick up where they left off and Neno for his family responsibilities.

I like learning about other people’s customs and cultures and this story was very good describing the celebration of St. Martin’s day and the customs and cultures of Neno’s town.

If you like different cultures and customs, lands abroad, wine and sweet romance this is for you!