Of Paws and Pet Rocks by J.D. Walker

OfPawsPetRocksTitle: Of Paws and Pet Rocks
Author: JD Walker
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (12K words)
Publisher: Amber Allure Press, Amber Quill Press (November 17th, 2014)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts
Blurb: Barry Dunning is a gifted yet lonely pet groomer, fierce animal lover, and the painter of pet rocks, thanks to the lease on his tiny apartment that does not allow for actual pets. He’s been burned badly by an ex-boyfriend who left him with tons of debt, which will take years to pay off, and has built a wall around his wounded heart.

Sheldon Svenson, the handsome owner of the animal shelter where Barry volunteers on weekends, asks him out on a date. Barry—for once taking his sister’s advice—accepts. Dinner starts out well, but when the discussion turns to Barry’s past relationships, he panics and runs away.

Undaunted, Sheldon pursues Barry. But can Sheldon convince the man to risk losing his heart and to give their budding relationship a chance, despite his fears?

ISBN: 978-1-61124-703-9

Product Link: http://www.amberquill.com/store/p/2072-Of-Paws-And-Pet-Rocks.aspx

Reviewer: Prime
5 of hearts logo red on black smallReview: This is a very sweet and very cute story about the start of a relationship. I also felt that it was realistic. Barry has some major baggage from a past relationship that kept him broken-hearted and in a great deal of debt. He is the unassuming and probably very naive, he’s works as a pet groomer, taking great pride in his work, and he also volunteers at his local animal shelter every Saturday. Isn’t that sweet?? Barry is completely adorable!

Sheldon is the owner of the animal shelter. He’s had a career change and has always loved animals. He is mostly opposite to Barry. He is quiet but he knows when he must take control. He’s probably also more than a little stubborn. Sheldon has been attracted to Barry for a while now, but the timing is now right for him to make a move. Despite all of Barry’s baggage, he now works through things in his mind. Sheldon is also a sweetheart, taking the lead but going at Barry’s speed.

There are a couple minor characters too. In particular, Barry’s little sister, Trixie, is a whirlwind of energy and has only the best intentions when it comes to her big brother. The interaction between her and her husband and her and Barry is amusing to read. Again, the sibling relationship feels so natural.

If only this could be long, I absolutely adored this story!

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *

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