Title: Origins
Series: Gods of War 01
Author: Shannon West & T.S. McKinney
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy
Length: Novel (200 Pages)
Publisher: Painted Hearts Publishing (April 11, 2018)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: Former Army Ranger William Logan is serving hard time in Leavenworth for a crime he didn’t commit. With three months left on his sentence, he’s approached by a recruiter for a private military group. The Red River Group make him an offer he can’t refuse—a get out of jail free card and a chance to continue as a soldier, working as a hired gun. He’s sent to join a team already in training for their first mission. The new soldiers are all former elite military but also misfits, like Logan, and recently sprung from brigs across the country.
At the training facility, he meets company man and trainer, Luke Warren, a former Navy SEAL. Logan begins an intense relationship with the prickly but gorgeous man as they get ready for a top-secret mission against the drug cartels in Mexico. The team has to make sure that MARS, a highly addictive and lethal new drug, along with the factory that produces it, is completely destroyed.
When everything on the mission goes wrong and the factory blows up in their faces, the team wakes up to find they not only survived, but the now have impossible enhanced strength and abilities. Frightened and confused, not knowing who to trust, Logan leads the team in a run for the States to find a safe haven, forcing Luke to come with them.
With violence and intrigue swirling around him, Logan relies on his instincts and his ingenuity to discover who his allies and his enemies really are. As they travel across the country, Logan and Luke begin to realize that they have to stick together and they’ll need all their newfound abilities and a lot of luck to make it out of this alive.
ISBN: 978-1-946379-93-1
Product Link: Painted Hearts Publishing | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: It has been a few years since I read one of Shannon West’s books but when I saw the cover to this book it caught my attention. Then I read the blurb and damn if I wasn’t wanting to read it. It has a very unique and fresh story going on. I am not too sure of whether or not I like the guys but they are tempting.
Logan was special forces until he got into a fight and a man was killed. He wasn’t the one that killed him, but since his ass was drunk and he had no friends there, well you can guess what went down. He had three months left to serve when a very special group came calling.
Luke was a little harder to get a handle of. He was also in this group of black ops with no military truly backing them. He was trying to make the group stronger, but he really wasn’t getting very far with him. Lets face it the guys are asshats.
Then their first op blows up in their faces, and your going to just have to read the book on this one. It is a very fascinating story that is on the edge of your seat exciting. The problem is there are a few things missing in the story. It would have been nice to see their first interaction when Logan is taken to meet everyone. It was a bit harder to get into Luke’s life, but he was actually easier to like.
Other than my problems with the story, it caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end.
I had a lot of fun reading this and can not wait to get my hands on the next book.
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