Pure by Victoria Sue

81+GUgJmugL._SL1500_Title: Pure
Series: N/A
Author: Victoria Sue
Genre: BDSM
Length: Novella (110 pages)
Publisher: Dark Hollow Press (December 4th 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Blurb: Callum hasn’t time to take on a new sub for training. He has his BDSM club – Pure to remodel and open on Friday. He certainly doesn’t have the time to train Lee in all the nuances of submission, even if Lee seems to be a natural.

But someone else wants him. Another Master who has no limits and doesn’t believe in safe words.

If Callum doesn’t wake up and accept the gift of Lee’s submission, someone else will take it – forcefully.

ISBN: 978-1-94217-642-8

Purchase Link: http://www.darkhollowspress.com/#!pure/chxv

Reviewer: Leigh

Review: Callum rescues from Lee from a man claiming to be a Dom, but is really just a sadist ass with no limits. Lee is innocent in the way of BDSM and was lured into a scene at the club with the wrong person. Lee may be innocent but he knows what he wants and Callum makes him feel safe. Callum also knows what he wants, but he has his own doubts and issues to deal with.

This story is told completely from Callum’s point of view, so there is not much of an inner knowledge of Lee. But I actually liked how Lee was seen through Callum’s eyes. To Callum, Lee is simply adorable, and I agreed. I loved Lee. He was a mix of young and innocent, with a backbone of steel when needed. When Callum tries to back away from a relationship with Lee, Lee pushes for what he wants in order to keep Callum.

I think this is a story that someone will either hate or love. It has BDSM elements, but not perhaps what one expects. I personally enjoyed the step back from the standard. I liked the relationship that Callum and Lee build throughout the story. The sex was hot, the writing was well done, and I was happy with the ending. It had all the elements needed to make a satisfied reader.

I would look forward to reading more from this author in the M/M genre. There seemed to be an opening for another book with a few of the secondary cast. I would definitely read them.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *