Red Moon Rising by Joy Lynn Fielding

19448492Title: Red Moon Rising

Series: Strength of the Pack, #3

Author: Joy Lynn Fielding

Genre: Shifter/Werewolves/Paranormal

Length: Novel (151 Pages)

Publisher: Siren Publishing (January 28th, 2014)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:

Blurb: Siren Classic ManLove. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Tristan Howe is abducted and imprisoned by a pack at war with his own. His future looks bleak until he finds an unexpected ally in enemy pack member, Colby Williams. A fragile bond develops between them as they escape together.

Once he’s safely back with his own pack, Tristan finds his feelings for Colby are more than just gratitude for being rescued. He’s delighted to learn that they’re reciprocated, and even more excited to realize he and Colby are mates.

But idealistic Tristan finally has to face up to the fact that even true love might not be enough to defeat the forces ranged against them—not least his pack-mates’ suspicion and hostility toward Colby, and a mate so scarred by his abusive past that he doesn’t know how to be free. All Tristan can do is try.

NOTE: Beta hero raped during the story. It is not described in detail and is not intended for titillation.

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Review: This is the best book in the series so far. I like angst and defeating odds, and this book has plenty of that. There are some disturbing abuse scenes involving Colby and his abusive pack leader, but it’s necessary to build up just how damaged Colby is and paints a clearer picture of what he’s up against. There is also a large amount of more gruesome violence, just be warned.

Once Tristan manages to gain his freedom with help and sacrifice from Colby, he needs to both trust his helper and convince his pack to trust him too. All along I expect the mental and physical abuse, and fear to overcome Colby and cause big problems. The PTSD of an abuse situation is a big part of the plot, along with Colby learning to trust again and believing he can have happiness, that he’s not completely broken.

A big and scary surprise awaits Tristan’s pack when they go to confront Colby’s old pack leader…and it all ties into Jesse’s past once again. An exciting read, with lots of emotion, and some unexpected twists and turns!