Title: Family of Lies: Sebastian
Series: Family of Lies
Author: Sam Argent
Narrator: Cornell Collins
Genre: High Fantasy/Suspense
Length: 10 Hours and 4 Minutes
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC (February 23, 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts
Blurb: Sebastian Orwell did the only thing a smart wizard could do when he stumbled upon the wounded Crown Prince: He healed him and dumped him in a tavern where he could continue not being Sebastian’s problem. Unfortunately, the prince isn’t content with being alive, and he hunts Sebastian down to thank him personally. Not only is Sebastian stuck with the prince’s unwanted affections, but he’s also confronted by growing evidence linking the assassination attempt to someone from his father’s past.
Lord Orwell is a lot of things: thief, liar, drunk, and all-around horrible father, but Sebastian knows he’s no murderer. In order to prove it, Sebastian has to keep the prince alive long enough to discover the truth – a task made considerably harder because the idiot prince prefers wooing Sebastian over securing his own survival. On top of everything, Sebastian needs to save the day without revealing his magical powers and the real reason he hides his appearance.
Sebastian had no intention of playing the hero, but whoever is stirring up shit in his country will pay for destroying his quiet life.
Product Link(s): https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=7570
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: This is actually the very first book that I have read by this author, or I should say listened to and I have to say that it was a blast. At first when I heard it start I wasn’t actually sure that I would like it. However once I got past the accent, I was glad to have had the chance to hear this story. There is a lot of detail and depth to it that caught me by surprise. This is one story I would not mind listening to more than once.
I wasn’t sure at first if there was going to be any romance till I saw the Prince sleeping next to our sexy Sebastian the first night in the woods. If you love anything fantasy, mage, fey, wizards and so much more, then this is going to be one for you. I absolutely hated Sebastian at first. He is a cocky little ass through most of it.
Then you add in his family and let’s just say that it would make the holidays even better. Then you have assassins going after the quirky little prince, whose mind is on Sebastian and it is action packed. Although if you don’t have a deep idea of all the characters then you might get a bit lost with it.
Cornell Collins narrated this amazing story and he rocked it. He was able to give all of the characters distinctive voices that you could not forget if you tried. I was impressed with his ability, that is for sure. He made this book even better in my opinion.
The plot and story line are fully developed and are a bit complex in areas. I wasn’t sure at first but after the first few lines I knew that this was going to be a hit with me. I enjoyed it and look forward to more by not only this author but narrator.
I would definitely recommend it.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *