The Captain’s Mate by C.W. Gray

C.W. Gray - The Captain’s Mate 3d Cover oe93ik

C.W. Gray - The Captain’s Mate Cover 74hm3Title: The Captain’s Mate

Series: Blue Solace 06

Author: C.W. Gray

Genre: Paranormal, Science Fiction, Space Opera, MPreg

Publisher: C.W. Gray (August 29,2019)

Length: Novel (235 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Draif Ando started life as a slave on Vextonar. When he was fifteen, he met his best friend, Leti Ando, and life got a lot better. Now he’s a Charybdis Station captain and works closely with the Lord Admiral of the Station. He is a free man, finally has a purpose of his own, and has the the best lieutenant in the galaxy by his side. If he’s so content, why does he yearn for more, and why is he suddenly picturing children with his eyes and Lucas’ ears and tail?

Lucas Meluth knew that Draif was his life mate from the moment they met. He also knew that Draif was demisexual and wasn’t attracted to Lucas. Not at first. Now, Lucas notices the way Draif’s eyes follow him and the way Draif’s innocent touches are suddenly not so innocent. Has the time come for their friendship to turn into more?

Draif and Lucas may finally be figuring their relationship out, but their enemies are approaching and it’s time to protect Charybdis Station and rid the galaxy of Humans First, once and for all.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Draif had been a slave for most of his life but now thanks to his best friend Leti he is free. He had been fifteen when he was sold to Leti’s father, but Leti did not want him as a bed-slave. Leti had just wanted him as a friend and brother. Now he was completely free. Draif was demisexual and it took him time to fall in love. The one time he had tried it, the man had betrayed him. Now he realizes just what Lucas means to him.

Lucas knew Draif was his lifemate but also knew that he had to give the man time. Now he has seen Draif’s eyes follow him but wasn’t too sure what to expect. Their relationship is heading into the best direction. On top of that they were going to destroy the Queen and Human First group. It is going to be the fight of their lives.

This story runs right along with the fifth book in this series. It is written a bit different that I am used to but it really does work. It is action packed and the excitement is felt throughout the whole book. I love that even though it has a serious tone to it, there is so much humor mixed in. The war that we have waited on has come and damn if it doesn’t rock. I loved the characters and their quirky attitudes.

I hope that there are many more books in this series. They are stories that will be read many times over. I had a blast reading this and can’t wait to read them over.

I loved it and can’t wait for this authors next book.