Third Time's the Charm by Julia Talbot

71kN+uoSMNL._SL1400_Title: Third Time’s The Charm

Series: Keeping Score, #3

Author: Julia Talbot

Length: Novella (41 Pages)

Genre:  Paranormal/Erotic Romance

Publisher: Changeling Press (December 23rd, 2013)

Heat Rating: Low to Moderate

Heart Level: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Demon hunter Skye isn’t terribly stable to begin with, but when he loses his twin sister to a demon swarm, the big bosses decide he needs retraining. Laurent, head trainer for the organization, is assigned to Skye’s case, much to his dismay. The last thing Laurent needs is a crazy berserker to deal with, no matter how hot the man is. He can’t help but admire Skye, though, and working together turns out to be easier than Laurent expects. They’re both determined not to get emotionally involved, but that’s easier said than done, especially when they have to depend on each other to survive.

Can Skye let go of what he’s lost in time to figure out what Laurent can give him?

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Review: I have never been a fan of short stories, there has to be a certain way they are written for me to get into them. This story was amazing even if it was too short. I wish there had been more to it, more description but he had a great amount of action and danger. It has a really good story line that once you start reading you get caught. It kept my attention through the whole thing.

Skye was a demon hunter who had lost his twin sister. It had been hard for him to get over it but with the help of Laurent, he manages it. He gets someone to love also. He is strong and has a will that is forceful. He is also loving and tender at times. Laurent is at first temperamental and pretty much a pain in the ass. However, once he meets and gets to know Skye, he knows that he wants to be with him forever. He loves hard and fights for what he wants even harder. The sex between them is gentle and loving with lots of passion.

I was amazed with this story, but wished for more to read. I will definitely be reading it again.