Title: To Catch His Mate
Series: Beware The Beast AmberSuperPax™ Collection
Author: J. D. Walker
Genre: Fantasy / Shapeshifter / Mystery / Detective / BDSM (Light)
Length: Novel (162 pages)
Publisher: Amber Quill Press, LLC (July 19th 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Blurb: Felix Cotter is a top-notch insurance investigator, as well as a beast…of some kind. He has no idea who his real parents are, but when he shifts, Felix has the body of a black panther and the head and paws of a white Bengal tiger. Regardless, Felix now finds himself hot on the trail of a thief. The problem is, this thief smells like mate. Felix has never met another creature like him, so he’s not sure what to think of the sensual dreams he’s experienced since starting this case.
When Felix sets up a sting to catch the burglar, he finally comes face-to-face with the man of his erotic dreams—Tyler Panterone—and the feeling of belonging grows even stronger.
A white panther shifter, Tyler has been running scared since the murder of his family, and has since become involved with the wrong crowd, forced to steal against his will. Now, it’s up to Felix to help Tyler out of the bad situation while not implicating him in any way.
Whoever is really behind these heists needs to be stopped, if only so Felix can finally settle down with the man he wants to keep safe and at his side forever.
A NOTE BEFORE PURCHASING: This title is part of the Beware The Beast AmberSuperPax™ Collection. To purchase this title individually, simply use the shopping cart on this page. To purchase this title as part of the entire AmberSuperPax™, however, and receive an even greater discount off our normal retail price, use the shopping cart on the Beware The Beast AmberSuperPax™ page.
ISBN: 978-1-68175-059-0
Product Link: http://www.amberquill.com/store/p/2227-To-Catch-His-Mate.aspx
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: Felix Cotter, a mixed shifter, works for Englemann Insurance. He is on the case of stolen jewelry. It was a fascinating story reading how Felix connected all the dots to find out who the culprits were and why they did it.
Tyler Panterone, a white panther shifter, was a sweet kind man who was forced into the situation he found himself in. I was furious at those that took advantage of him for their own gains. The way Felix and Tyler met was intense. The chemistry between these two was off the charts. Though both Felix and Tyler’s past were sad Tyler’s broke my heart. I could actually feel his loneliness and pain as recounted what happened to his family.
This was a story that keeps your attention from start to finish. With well written scenes that seemed to flow smoothly throughout. The only thing I did not understand was why Felix had no contact with Tyler for eighteen months. I thought he would have called, visited or something. I also wished it had been longer especially at the end. With the way it ended I hope there will be another book.
Other than those things I loved it.
It was a great read with some hot sex to add spice to the story.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *
Thanks so much for your kind review! 🙂