Warlock Unchained by Stephani Hecht

813zCQkLOIL._SL1425_Title: Warlock Unchained

Series:  Detroit City Warlocks

Author: Stephani Hecht

Genre:  Dark Fantasy

Length: Novella (62 pages)

Publisher: ManLoveRomance Press (October 19th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥ ♥ 3 Hearts

Reviewer:  Seeker

Blurb:  In the future, where being a warlock is unlawful a team of brothers risk all to save one of there own in his quest for freedom.

As a warlock, Delton is marked as an enemy and imprisoned by humans in an internment camp. After spending five grueling years there, he manages to escape. His freedom is short-lived when he finds himself cornered by guards who want to take him back to the camp. Then Delton is rescued by the handsome and mysterious warlock, freedom fighter, Vicen.

As Delton spends more time with Vicen, he finds himself drawn to the other warlock. But, can Delton trust Vicen? Or is he about to have his trust betrayed in the worst way?

Purchase Link: http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=SHWARLOK

Review:  In Warlock Unchained – Detroit City Warlocks Stephanie Hecht re-introduces modern-day prison camps for those born with magical talent.  Even with the solid plot line and cohesive story structure, at times the writing is a tad clunky and chewy, especially in the beginning. 

This is a wonderful tale with characters that the writer leaves us wanting to know more about.  The depth of Warlock Unchained could easily transfer into a full-length novel.  And, more importantly, I believe it has the potential to become one of Paranormal’s full-fledged Classic contenders.