On a Lee Shore by Elin Gregory

16757396Title: On A Lee Shore

Series: NA

Author: Elin Gregory

Genre: MM Historical Romance

Length:  Novel (289 pages)

Publisher: Etopia Press (December 12th, 2012)

Heart: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Heat: Low (most of the sex scenes are faded to black)

Blurb: Give me a reason to let you live…”

Beached after losing his ship and crew, and with England finally at peace, Lt Christopher Penrose will take whatever work he can get. A valet? Why not? Escorting an elderly diplomat to the Leeward Islands seems like an easy job, but when their ship is boarded by pirates, Kit’s world is turned upside down. Forced aboard the pirate ship, Kit finds himself juggling his honor with his desire to stay alive among the crew, not to mention the alarming—yet enticing—captain, known as Le Griffe. 

Kit has always obeyed the rules, but as the pirates plunder their way across the Caribbean, he finds much to admire in their freedom. He deplores their lawlessness but is drawn to their way of life, and begins to think he might just have found a purpose. Dare he dream of finding love too? Or would loving a pirate take him too far down the road to ruin?

Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/On-a-Lee-Shore-ebook/dp/B00ANV96ZG

Reviewer: Cat

Review: After being captured by pirates, Kit is forced into a dilemma in more ways than one.  Not only does he have to go against his principles and his Navy service and help the pirates, but he has to face the part of him that he hides deep inside of him. The part that the captain, Griffin wakens inside of Kit. Will he escape and try to save face with his country yet again or will he choose to stay with the men he now finds as friends and the captain that has stolen his heart?

This story is so beautifully written. It pulls you into the life of the pirates and makes you feel as if you are sailing on the stormy seas with them.  The characters are so interesting, some charming, some so mysterious, some filled with mixed emotions and need.  I loved the way it focused on Kit and Griffin but also told the stories of many of the other pirates as well.  There are many twists, lots of action and suspense, plenty of angst and a very slow unfolding romance that leaves you swooning. What more could you ask for?

Recommendation: If you love historical fiction, pirates, angst, action, suspense and sensual love with a very intriguing twist at the end this is for you!