Phantom Touch by Delilah Storm

71yxDOrJ-FL._SL1500_Title: Phantom Touch

Series: Lights Out Halloween Shorts from Torquere Press

Author: Delilah Storm

Genre: Contemporary/Ghoulish Lovin’

Length: Short Story (21 pages)

Publisher: Torquere Press (October 22nd, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:

Blurb: Coerced by his friends, Chris enters the old Weyburn mansion on Halloween night. The most haunted housed in Ashville, Weyburn mansion is supposed to be possessed by the spirits of Mrs. Weyburn and her many lovers. From the moment Chris enters, he’s plagued by touches, which quickly turn into caresses and then more. How can Chris possibly escape all the pleasures that touch brings and does he really want to?

Product Link:

Reviewer:   GiGi

Review: This is a fun “I dare you to go into the big spooky house!” Halloween short story. Except the ghosts that haunt this house are rather benign, and scared visitors are more than likely to leave satisfied instead of terrified. If you can get on board with a bit of invisible lovin’ than you’ll have fun with this short story. I have a big imagination, but still had a hard time getting turned on by ghostly lovers.


Fun short, not really scary, but a hell of an imaginative idea!