Hi guys, we have Marie Sexton and L.A. Witt popping in today with their new re-release Roped In, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Cat’s review, so enjoy the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Roped In
Marie Sexton & L.A. Witt
Graham and his roping partner, Jackson, have been friends since they were boys. They’ve ruled the rodeo scene for ten years running, but lately, Graham’s heart isn’t in the game. He’s tired of the bruises, the cowboy mentality, and the animal rights activists who picket every event. He’s also tired of being in love with Jackson, and nothing’s been the same between them since their disastrous drunken encounter the year before.
Then Graham has a run-in with one of the rodeo protesters, and everything changes. Kaz is young, idealistic, and sexy as hell. But he’s also a know-it-all, animal-loving vegan, bent on saving the world one cow at a time. They have next to nothing in common, but Graham can’t stop thinking about what might happen if they can stop butting heads long enough to give it a try. Unfortunately, no matter how attracted Graham is to other men, he always panics and runs when the clothes start to come off. But Kaz has an idea for getting Graham past his nerves and into bed.
All they need is a bit of rope.
(Note: This is a re-edited second edition of a previously published title.)

They were there, all right. And it didn’t help my concentration one bit. It was the last day of the rodeo, and I’d been off my game from the start, making one mistake after another. More than once, I caught Jackson watching me.
“How’s that rope burn?” he asked at the end of the day, as he hoisted his saddle onto the stall door.
I glanced at the abrasion on my left arm and shrugged. “It’ll heal. My own damn fault for getting in the rope’s way.”
He chuckled, but then looked at me more seriously. “You all right tonight? You’ve been all over the place.” He tapped his temple with a gloved finger. “Up here, I mean.”
I exhaled and hooked my bridle over the saddle horn. “Just an off night, I guess.”
He shot me a look. Our years together had given him an uncanny ability to determine when I was lying. I could see him debating whether to push the subject. But tonight, he let it go. Maybe he sensed that pushing me would lead us back into the dangerous territory we’d been carefully avoiding since the incident at last year’s regionals.
He gave a half shrug of dismissal before he picked up a brush and shifted his attention to his horse.
“Angel is still pretty hot.” I clipped her lead to her halter. “I’m going to go walk her for a few minutes.”
“All right.”
I led Angel down the aisle. She wasn’t breathing hard anymore, and she really didn’t need to cool down, but I figured a walk would do us both good. Probably more me than her, if I was being honest with myself.
I needed to get away from Jackson. He was right about my focus. I’d been everywhere but in the game, which was how I’d managed to burn my arm. Lucky thing that was all I’d done. A moment’s distraction could lead to a hoof in the face, or worse. At least the calf hadn’t fought too hard, or I’d have been nursing more than a mild rope burn.
Yeah, he didn’t fight, but I’ll bet he didn’t enjoy it either.
I winced at my own thought. That protester’s comments hadn’t really sunk in, had they?
No, but my vehement defense of the rodeo didn’t feel as airtight as it once had. Hell, I’d had one foot out the door for the last few months anyway, edging toward giving up this whole rodeo thing, not because of any ridiculous charges of animal cruelty, but because it felt like a suit of clothes that no longer fit. The protesters’ accusations were just another excuse to leave behind a lifestyle that had once been liberating, but now left me feeling stifled. Being on strange ground with my longtime teammate didn’t help.
I was so lost in my thoughts, I nearly forgot where I was—or, more importantly, where I was going—until Angel balked at the end of the aisle.
Like a suicidal moth to a flame, I’d taken us right to the door, giving us a clear view of the lot where the protesters had gathered. It wasn’t like I hadn’t known they were there. I’d been able to hear their chanting even in the arena, over the cheering crowd and the booming announcer. But, somehow, I’d come their way, despite the chaos.
I stroked Angel’s neck and spoke softly to her. “Easy, girl.”
She watched the crowd with wide eyes, ears pricked up and body tense as if she was on the verge of bolting. She wouldn’t—though she wasn’t quite bombproof, she wasn’t a runner—but she was definitely nervous.
“They’re only people,” I said. “They won’t—”
Something solid smacked against something else, and Angel jumped, her eyewhites showing and nostrils flaring.
“Shh, easy.” I looked at the crowd and realized someone had slapped a couple of signs together. “Fucking morons. And they think we’re the cruel—”
Oh shit.
There he was.
And he was looking right back at me.
His eyes narrowed a little, and his lips pulled into a taut line.
I swallowed hard, forcing back my nerves, yet suddenly wanting more than anything to be face-to-face with him again. I couldn’t take Angel any closer—we were too close already—but I didn’t want to let this opportunity pass by either. I beckoned him closer.
Eyebrows up, he tapped his chest, an unspoken Me?
I nodded and beckoned again.
He hesitated. Then he handed his sign to the guy next to him—the same guy who’d had his back the first night—and broke away from the crowd. As he headed toward me, I led Angel back into the barn. Not all the way back to where Jackson waited—and I didn’t bother looking to see if he was watching me—but far enough to put some space between my horse and the noise.
When we stopped again, the kid was a few feet away, eyeing me warily. He wore an oversize flannel over a faded PETA T-shirt. His tousled dark hair hung in his eyes, which were even bluer under the barn’s fluorescent lights than they’d appeared that night when he first challenged me.
I cleared my throat. “Listen, uh . . . about last time . . .”
He set his jaw. I wondered if he was about to roll his eyes. Something about his punk skater-boy look made me think that was as natural a thing for him as breathing.
I went on. “I wanted to apologize. For my, uh, friend’s comments. And maybe see if you’d take me up on the offer to discuss things more civilly.”
His eyes widened a little, and he stood straighter. “Come again?”
“You guys want to make your point?” I stabbed a finger past him. “You’ll get a lot further talking about it over a couple of beers than you will waving signs and shouting.” And I want to, okay? For some reason, I really want to.
“Uh.” He glanced back at the crowd and his friend who was watching us both, then faced me again. He shrugged, the loose flannel almost slipping off his shoulder. “Are you serious?”
I felt a slow blushing creeping up my cheeks, but I stood my ground. “Yeah, I’m serious. You in?”
“You’re not planning to lure me somewhere so you and your cowboy buddies can kick my ass, are you?”
“What? No! I thought we could talk. Have a beer.” Get to know each other, while I stare at you and think about how goddamn cute you are. And after that, maybe . . .
No. Best not to go there.
He seemed to debate the idea for a second, then smiled. “Sure. Why not?”
“All right. I need to take her home.” I patted Angel’s neck, as if there were anyone else I could’ve been referring to. “Meet me at Ted’s Place out on County Road 10 in an hour?”
“I’ve never heard of it.”
“It’s about a quarter mile past the turnoff for the highway. Look for the red neon. You can’t miss it.”
He pulled back his oversize sleeve and looked at his watch. “Okay. Sure. I’ll be there.”
I took Angel back to her stall, doing my best to ignore Jackson’s icy stare. “What the fuck was that about? You switching teams?”
I didn’t want to ask which “teams” he was referring to—rodeo riders versus protesters, or gays versus straights. “Just making small talk.”
I didn’t blame him for his sarcasm. Still, I wasn’t about to try to explain why I’d offered to take the skate-punk protester out for a drink. I wasn’t sure I understood it myself. Did I really think I could change his mind about the rodeo? Or about cowboys in general?
No. But maybe I could change his mind about me, and that was suddenly important.
It all seemed like a good plan. Right up until the point where I parked my truck outside of Ted’s Place and had to walk inside. It was a long, low building, the windows full of the usual neon beer signs. It was a bit of a dive, but there were always pool tables open, and unlike most of the newer places I’d been, the country music still came from a jukebox and was quiet enough to actually allow for conversation.
I checked my hair in my rearview mirror and straightened my black felt hat. I wished for a minute I’d taken two minutes to brush my teeth.
For what? some voice in my head asked. You planning on getting that close?
Read more at: http://riptidepublishing.com/titles/roped-in (Just click the excerpt tab)
About Marie & L.A.
About Marie Sexton
Marie Sexton lives in Colorado. She’s a fan of just about anything that involves muscular young men piling on top of each other. In particular, she loves the Denver Broncos and enjoys going to the games with her husband. Her imaginary friends often tag along.
Marie has one daughter, two cats, and one dog, all of whom seem bent on destroying what remains of her sanity. She loves them anyway.
Connect with Marie:
- Website: net
- Twitter: @MarieSexton
- Facebook: com/MarieSexton.author
- Goodreads: com/MarieSexton
About L. A. Witt
L.A. Witt is an abnormal M/M romance writer who has finally been released from the purgatorial corn maze of Omaha, Nebraska, and now spends her time on the southwestern coast of Spain. In between wondering how she didn’t lose her mind in Omaha, she explores the country with her husband, several clairvoyant hamsters, and an ever-growing herd of rabid plot bunnies. She also has substantially more time on her hands these days, as she has recruited a small army of mercenaries to search South America for her nemesis, romance author Lauren Gallagher, but don’t tell Lauren. And definitely don’t tell Lori A. Witt or Ann Gallagher. Neither of those twits can keep their mouths shut . . .
Connect with L.A.:
- Website: com
- Author Blog: blogspot.com
- Personal Blog: blogspot.
- Twitter: @GallagherWitt
- Facebook: com//L-A-Witt-MM-Fiction
- Goodreads: com/GallagherWitt

To celebrate the release of Roped In, Marie and L.A. are giving away $20 in Riptide Publishing credit plus one ebook from each of their backlists.
Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!
Title: Roped In (2nd Edition)
Author: L.A. Witt & Marie Sexton
Genre: Cowboys, Contemporary, Western (Modern Day), BDSM (Light)
Length: Novella (155pgs)
ISBN: 978-1-62649-461-9
Publisher: Riptide Publishing (20th June 2016)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Cat
Blurb: Graham and his roping partner, Jackson, have been friends since they were boys. They’ve ruled the rodeo scene for ten years running, but lately, Graham’s heart isn’t in the game. He’s tired of the bruises, the cowboy mentality, and the animal rights activists who picket every event. He’s also tired of being in love with Jackson, and nothing’s been the same between them since their disastrous drunken encounter the year before.
Then Graham has a run-in with one of the rodeo protesters, and everything changes. Kaz is young, idealistic, and sexy as hell. But he’s also a know-it-all, animal-loving vegan, bent on saving the world one cow at a time. They have next to nothing in common, but Graham can’t stop thinking about what might happen if they can stop butting heads long enough to give it a try. Unfortunately, no matter how attracted Graham is to other men, he always panics and runs when the clothes start to come off. But Kaz has an idea for getting Graham past his nerves and into bed.
All they need is a bit of rope.
(Note: This is a re-edited second edition of a previously published title.)
Purchase Link: http://riptidepublishing.com/titles/roped-in
Review: Graham and Jackson have been friends since childhood, though for Graham it has been much more than just friendship. They both ride the rodeo circuit and have been rodeo partners for years. One night at regionals both men were drinking heavily, they were drunk, lonely and horny and both acted on a mutual attraction. Ever since that night a year ago their relationship has been strained.
Graham is sure he is gay but every-time the action gets past kissing he panics and runs. Until one night he has a run in with one of the animal rights protestors. Kaz is young, sexy and outspoken. Kaz and Graham have a personal run in and Graham finds himself intrigued by young Kaz.
The story is character driven and I have to say I loved both Kaz and Graham.
The story is a good case of opposites attract. Two men couldn’t be much different than these two. I am a big fan of both L.A Witt and Marie Sexton. I loved how they showed the attraction immediately upon meeting with short sentences that just seem to pop. As they were describing Kaz from Graham’s view in a confrontation at a Rodeo where Kaz is protesting, after the short effective description; Graham thought…And cute. Those two words were powerful. They seemed to set the stage. It was a cue that for more to come. And boy was there more to come!
I wasn’t able to stop once I started and the ending left me wanting more! For those of you who like to know ahead of time, I will say it was a happy for now ending. It’s not a cliff hanger; the story was beautifully resolved in a way that for me hinted that there could be much more to come. Yes, I am seriously hoping this is the beginning of a series, because I want more on Kaz and Graham and Jackson too.
For those of you wondering about the mild BDSM, it is mild, but let me tell you it’s hot and sexy. If you like a story with some hot sex, a little rope play but no real D’s or spanking, a sweet story that is also hot but not overly descriptive, A story with some twists and turns, Vegans, Animal rights Activists, and of course Cowboys, this is for you.
I highly recommend this for those of you that have been wanting to try a Male/Male romance, or like a sweet MM romance and wanted to sample a bit of the BDSM genre. This story is a good starter!

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I am enjoying following the tour. I really want this book.
debby236 at gmail dot com
love the excerpt….
jmarinich33 at aol dot com
Sounds like a good read, adding to list.
I love both Lori and Marie’s books. One story written by both is a must read for me!
Thanks for the review!
Just bought it!! (Kobo has 50% sale!!). Maybe I can try to read it this weekend. YAY! Thanks for the tour 🙂
Tank you for the excerpt and the review!
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
I loved the excerpt! Thank you for the post and the review.
ree.dee.2014 (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the excerpt! I liked it.
Thanks for the excerpt!
I can’t wait to read this! Sounds so good!
Psshepherd(at)earthlink(dot) net