Title: Initiated – Episode 2
Series: Demon Gate Series
Author: Nicholas Bella
Genre: Paranormal/Dark Erotic/
Length: Novella (88 pages)
Publisher: Nicholas Bella (July 31sst, 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: “I always thought I knew myself better than anyone ever could. Now, I’m not so sure.”
Having been approached by some secret organization that polices the demon world, I’m now left with the choice of if I want to join them or not. My entire world has been flipped upside down. I used to just be Brian Cordero, sexy as hell cop with a body as masculine as my machismo. Life was great! Then, a month ago I met Raphael. The things he did to me changed me forever in more ways than one. Now, I’m an Agoto demon, a soul eater and apparently, that’s top tier in the demon world. It’s also one of the reasons I was approached by Agent Smith. Really, that’s her name.
Anyway, I’ve got a lot on my mind and I’m having a hard time focusing on what’s important because I can’t get Raphael’s chiseled Mediterranean features out of it. I spend every waking moment thinking about sex and with what I am, I know I need him as he’s my mate. But I just can’t bring myself accept that. On top of that, if I do decide to join this organization, I’ve been tasked with bringing in a very powerful demon into the fold.
God, what the hell am I going to do?
Warning: This serial contains strong adult content not meant for sensitive eyes. The novelettes in this serial will be filled with dark, twisted, raunchy and steamy scenes between powerful, sexy men and women that will either offend you or get ya revved up. This series will not be pulling any punches, and it won’t apologize for hurting your feelings, either. You’ll find no fluff and ruffles here.
These demons play hard and they fight dirty.
There are approximately 29,000 words in this novelette.
ISBN: B012C1D54M
Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/Initiated-Episode-Demon-Gate-Series-ebook/dp/B012C1D54M/
Reviewer: KathyMac
Review: And…the plot thickens!!
Brian Cordero, the sexy cop turned into a demon Agoto is getting in over his head, I’m afraid. He is struggling trying to meet the demands his body needs as far as feeding and having sex with his mate. He continues to be in denial about the pleasures he receives from Raphael even though fulfilling the demands his body is seeking makes him fill renewed and have newfound vitality.
In the first episode, Brian was approached by a secret organization who wanted his help in bringing a powerful demon God into the fold. After talking with Raphael, and learning some more facts about the demon species, he makes a decision that hopefully won’t be his downfall. He also learned that he may not be as indestructible as he first thought therefore losing some of his confidence.
But, he can’t deny that some of his new abilities come in very handy on his day job as a police officer. With his increased hearing and vision he is able to take down some deadbeats before too much damage is done. Of course, he must tread carefully in order not to set off any triggers with his partner, Sheila. I’m not sure how long he will be able to keep this info from her as she also is very good at her job and recognizes when Brian veers away from their normal routine.
As much as Brian tries to tell himself and others that he hates the sex with his mate, his body tells something else. Making a decision to approach the demon God, Adriel Sama, definitely takes him out of his comfort zone. Not only is he immediately attracted to him…a man…another one… he walks in on a foursome that makes a body part or two wake up and take notice.
Lying about the effects he is having will not work with Adriel since he has the ability to read Brian’s mind. An ability that he takes advantage repeatedly.
Brian wanted to talk with Adriel to see if he would join their ranks within the organization. However, the outcome is not what he was hoping for. But, what will happen when Adriel has a request to make of Brian? He may be willing to help but he has conditions of his own. Conditions that will require Brian to learn some new words such as Sir, Master, my King, or my Liege.
And, this is where I say the plot thickens. Nicholas is a devious and clever author as he intricately weaves a whole new level of intensity and intrigue into the storyline. I can’t wait to see how Brian reacts to these new terms. Does he have a submissive bone in his body?
Right now, I would say no, but I have no doubt, at all, that Adriel is a very persuasive and demanding demon. He’s already given Brian a taste of his passion proving that he is not unaffected as he tries to believe. Adriel is sexy and gorgeous and very powerful. And he wants Brian. But, what about Raphael? He is Brian’s mate and he wants to spend more time with him, not just be a booty call or only be called if Brian’s in trouble. I’m positive this new element will bring much delight to the storyline.
The next book is titled, Mischief, and I am already imagining the ways that will be fitting. I love the way Nicholas continues to add more and more to the plot, taking us down different avenues that is sure to add more excitement and suspense. I love that he includes a sense of humor in his characters that will always put a smile on your face.
The author’s depiction instills us with a vivid imagination of the characters feelings and actions. We are part of this journey with Brian as he tries to find his footing and navigate his new world. We are only two episodes into the series, but the author devotes his storytelling to give us an overall portrayal of what lies ahead making this another addicting series by this talented author.
There is an f/m scene with Brian and one of his lady conquests. Personally, I skim over these scenes because they can ruin a story for me, but I can also acknowledge that this development was needed in order to help Brian accept his new role of having a male lover. He needed to know he can still get turned on with a female. Thanks to the perfect timing of an unexpected visit from Adriel, it was over fairly quickly.
Nicholas always manages to make each episode fun and sexy while continually building the plot with suspenseful and engaging dialogue. The ending always comes too soon, unfortunately, and the anticipation of the next episode kicks in. Another great addition to the Demon Gate Series.
I can’t wait to see if my overactive imagination comes true in Mischief.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *