Patterns Uncharted by Suede Delray

Suede Delray - Patterns Uncharted CoverTitle: Patterns Uncharted

Series: Patterns 04

Author: Suede Delray

Genre: Contemporary, Mystery

Length: Novel (180pgs)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (June 9, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Dominick and Rob face challenges. Can their marriage survive them?

At this point in their lives Dominick and Rob are sure of only one thing, they love each other and nothing will ever change that. But there are challenges and compromises to be made. Will the sacrifices they make to please each other end up making them miserable?

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1042-1

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Wow, Rob has taken a liking to a young man named Logan. Logan had had a life pretty much like Rob when he was younger, and Rob can see a bit of him in him. He wants to give Logan a home, but it is going to take a bit to talk Dominick in to it. That is until Dom saves a four year old boy. Family might just grow by two.

They just have to keep Logan safe when his old pimp tries to get him. A pimp that owes money to Dom’s sadistic father, a father who is sitting in prison for murder. How a man raised by a mob boss such as his father, it is a wonder how Dom turned out so fine.

I love how this story is just told. You get excitement and danger mixed in with a cop trying to keep his family safe, plus so much more in this book. It not only caught my attention from the start but I was sitting on the edge of my seat throughout it. I can tell you that this book is one of those that will be read more than once.

I absolutely loved these guys and their big hearts. I wasn’t to sure about Dom’s reaction to Logan but he did prove himself in the end. I had a blast reading it and can’t wait to see what more stories this author has out. I would definitely recommend it and can guarantee that it is one of those stories that will be read more than once.

Pattern’s Revealed by Suede Delray

Suede Delray - Patterns Revealed CoverTitle: Patterns Revealed

Series: Patterns 03

Author: Suede Delray

Genre: Contemporary, Mystery

Length: Novella (148pgs)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (April 21, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Dominick has recovered from his injuries but is still on suspension from the force. This hasn’t deterred him from wanting to solve the Regis murders. Some information from his sister prompts Dominick and Rob to take a weekend trip to Boston. What they don’t know is that the killer is watching.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1038-4

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Dominick went against regulations to save his sister and was now on suspension, the same as his partner. It did give him and Rob time to take a small vacation. To bad he wants to still work the case and he has found a lead in Boston. However it would seem the killer knows they are there. Someone that knows him so very well.

Lots of twists and turns to this story and lets just say it is quite surprising. I was very surprised to find out who the killer was and even thought it was two other guys. Never suspected and damn was it good. My attention was caught from the time I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. When I started reading this story I knew that I had read it before and that tells me it is quite remarkable. I can see myself reading this more then the two times I have read it. It is a bit creepy though with a dark tone to it.

I usually don’t read stories that have dark tones to it, but this one was top notch. It kept me on the edge of my seat both times. I can’t wait to get started reading the next book and I can guarantee that you will love these guys just as much. The characters were what made the story rock even more for me.

More Patterns by Suede Delray

Suede Delray - More Patterns CoverTitle: More Patterns

Series: Patterns #2

Author: Suede Delray

Genre: Contemporary

Publisher: eXtasy Books (April 7, 2017)

Length: Novella (140 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts

Blurb: Rob and Dominick are trying to adjust to married life but Dominick’s job takes more time away than Rob expected, especially since Dominick is on the trail of a killer who slaughtered an entire family as they slept. Rob has problems of his own at Martindale’s Institution for boys, namely a new intake who claims he hooked up with Dominick in a BDSM club. If that’s not enough, Dominick’s mafia connections are about to catch up with him, and he will risk everything to save his sister, including his job.  

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1028-5

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa 

Review: Each book in the Patterns collection features our sexy duo Rob and Dominick. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. 

Rob and Dom have been married about nine months now and it is hard to get use to not being together all the time.  Dom has taken on a new case where an entire family is slaughtered and his father is back to his games.  There is a hit out on Dom by his father and Rob is getting scared.  To top it off a fourteen year old is telling everyone at the institute that he had sex with Dom.  Things are going nuts for these two men.  The past never stays in the past and now Dom must protect those he loves.  For more information, read the book.

This story still has that dark tone to it, but damn is it not good.  There is the hot romance and sex, danger, death, suspense and excitement going on.  It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end.  The story has a strong plot and is fully developed, just like its characters.  I must admit though that Rob is a bit on the needy side, but I suppose that is to be expected.  

I came across this author with her first book in this series and I can honestly say that she has risen to become a regular in my library.  I had a good time reading it and would definitely recommend this story.  It does leave you with a cliff hanger but I can’t wait to start reading book three. 

Patterns by Suede Delray

Suede Delray - Patterns CoverTitle: Patterns

Series: Patterns #1

Author: Suede Delray

Genre: Contemporary

Publisher: eXtasy Books (March 18, 2017)

Length: Novella (144 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts

Blurb: A homicide detective, Dominick’s marriage to his job had saved him, helping him to leave his feelings for Rob in the past. Or so he’d thought. Then he ran into Rob on his way to work. Ever since their impromptu meeting, Dominick couldn’t stop thinking about the past. Then a suspect in a murder investigation leads Dominick to the Martindale Institute, the very place Rob Dewhurst works.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1024-7

Product Link:

Reviewer:  Lisa 

Review:   When I first saw this book I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to give it a chance or not, especially since I have not had a chance to read anything by this author before.  The cover is a bit dark to me, but it turned out that it fit the story perfectly.  It is a romance story, but it is a dark romance with a serious tone to it.  I just wasn’t too sure about the story though.

Dominick was born into a huge mob family, but he decided to take a different route, which made sense because being gay in the mob family usually got you killed.  A few years ago he had save a male prostitute that was one of his uncle’s boys.  At first it was to protect but soon fell into love.  That love ended the moment Rob decided to go out on his own.  Rob had been controlled by Danny and feared Dominick would do the same.  He realized right after leaving that he had made a mistake.  However it was the end of their story.  That is until now, when they ran into each other on the subway.

Rob was in charge at an institute for kids that were criminals.  Dominick’s latest murder leads him right to one of those kids.  The two are thrown back into each other’s lives, but the dangers from the past might still be waiting for them.

As I said above this has a dark and serious tone to it, but the romance is slowly building once more.  It is like a lost love that has been rekindled.  I am still not really sure if I like it personally, but the story is pretty damn good.  It was very entertaining and kept my attention from the start.  I enjoyed reading it and can’t wait to see what book two has going for it. Although I will admit that the title doesn’t do it justice.Â