This Gift, This Curse by Edward Kendrick

8b40a9065aad411e243d724b3bc376ca.image.300x450Title: This Gift this Curse

Author: Edward Kendrick

Genre:  Contemporary, Crime (police/detectives/PI), Gay, Male/Female, Romance, Suspense/Mystery

Length: Novel (231pages)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (December 14th, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Cat

Blurb:   Will–forty-three, straight, homeless, with precognitive abilities. Mick–eighteen, gay, a street kid, and Will’s companion. Kevin–eighteen, a college freshman. When these three men’s worlds collide, life will change for all of them.

Will Reynolds is forty-three years old, straight, and living on the streets while dealing with his precognitive abilities. Mick Gillen, eighteen and gay, is a runaway street kid and Will’s constant companion.

Kevin Parker, also eighteen, is the son of a single parent and beginning his freshman year in college.

When Kevin is attacked by an unknown assailant, these three men’s worlds will collide and their lives will be forever changed.

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Review: I loved, loved, and loved this book.  I am a huge fan of Edward Kendrick and love the way he combines mystery with a sweet romance.  I have to say this on top of my favourite list of his now.

Where do I begin? Let’s start with a little rundown. Will is living on the streets with a young runaway that is 18 and had quit school. He has taken him under his wing, and is teaching him basic schooling to eventually get him off the streets.  Will has precognitions at random. He tries to help people when he has a premonition, but mostly people think he is crazy and ignore him and this eats him up having this gift that becomes a curse most times.  One day Mick is watching a young man he thinks is cute wishing he had a chance for dating, Will see the young man and has a premonition that he will be attacked. They try to find him to no avail and read of the attack in the paper. Here the story gets interesting and twists just keep coming!

Oh boy does this story have some twists. The mystery is simple but intriguing, as the story unfolds we find out more of who Will is. The romances that develop as the story unfolds are also so sweet and I felt very romantic. Only Edward can take a mystery/suspense and make it so romantic without becoming too sugary.  The sex is all off the page but I love the way it eludes to such happy sensual loving.

If you like a good mystery/suspense’s, precognitive gifts, cops, coming of age, slow-moving romance, and an all-over good story this is for you! Oh! For those of you that just like M/M romance, don’t let the M/F in the genre throw you off. The M/F is very secondary and off the page. No girly bits.