A Sip of Rio by Teodora Kostova Book Blast, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hi guys! We have Teodora Kostova popping in today with her release A Sip of Rio, we have a brilliant guest post from Teodora, a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Teodora Kostova - Sip of Rio reboot Cover

A Sip of Rio


Teodora Kostova

Liam Young has a problem – he’s booked a romantic holiday to Rio de Janeiro months ago, but when he breaks up with his boyfriend, all his plans fall apart. Not only is his dream holiday slipping through his fingers, but Liam is sick and tired of getting his heart broken.

Blaine Reed has a solution that can save Liam’s plans. Recently divorced, Blaine needs a break, and a couple of stress-free weeks in Rio with a sexy guy like Liam sounds like heaven.

Liam and Blaine hit it off right from the start, becoming good friends even before they’ve left London. Despite their efforts to ignore the simmering attraction between them, it boils over when they end up sharing a room in one of the most romantic cities in the world.

Being together in Rio is easy, and it’s exactly what Liam needs – no feelings, no drama, nobody getting hurt.

Until someone does.

When the holiday bubble bursts, it’s up to them to find a way to be together outside of Rio’s seductive magic.

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Gabriel by R.J. Scott Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

R.J. Scott - Gabriel RBBanner

Hi guys, we have R.J. Scott stopping by today with her long awaited new release Gabriel, the second book in her Legacy series. We have a fabulous excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~ 

R.J. Scott - Gabriel Cover


(The Second Legacy)

R.J. Scott

Trapped in darkness, can an escort find a man to help him into the light?

Gabriel Reyes never gave in. He fought and was hurt, was abused but escaped with his life. He made his way in the world using the one thing he was good at: sex. He earned a place with a man who controls everything but Gabriel is safe; he’s made it.

Cameron Stafford hires Gabriel for a night, needing nothing more than a pretend boyfriend to get his dysfunctional family off his back. With the money he has in the bank and his own hotel, why won’t they just leave him alone? It doesn’t matter that a degenerative disease has stolen his vision, or that his last boyfriend was a bastard who tried to steal from him; for now he has purpose.

When Gabriel and Cam fall for each other, can they find real happiness and, maybe, a forever that will save them both?

A new story set in the world of Jack and Riley Campbell-Hayes and the Double D Ranch, Texas.

Please be aware: emotional and physical abuse are depicted on the page in this book

Amazon US | Amazon UK | KOBO | Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | iTunes

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Trust With A Chaser by Annabeth Albert Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Annabeth Albert - Trust with a Chaser Blitz Banner

Hi guys, we have Annabeth Albert stopping by today with her new release Trust With A Chaser, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Annabeth Albert - Trust with a Chaser Cover

Trust With A Chaser

(Rainbow Cove 01)

Annabeth Albert

One hot cop. One bar owner out for redemption. One smoking-hot summer fling destined to leave scorch marks…

Mason Hanks has returned to Rainbow Cove, Oregon with one goal in mind: turn the struggling coastal community into a thriving LGBTQ tourism destination. Step one is transforming an old bar and grill into a gay-friendly eatery. Step two? Don’t piss off Nash Flint, the very hot, very stern chief of police who’s not so sure he’s on board with Mason’s big plans.

Nash Flint just wants to keep his community safe and enjoy the occasional burger in peace. He’s not big on change nor is he a fan of Mason’s troublemaking family, especially his rowdy older brothers. But Mason slowly wins him over with fantastic cooking and the sort of friendship Nash has been starving for.

When their unlikely friendship takes a turn for the sexy, both men try to steer clear of trouble. Nash believes he’s too set in his ways for Mason, and Mason worries that his family’s reputation will ruin any future with Nash. Burning up the sheets in secret is a surefire way to crash and burn, and discovery forces a heart-wrenching decision—is love worth the risk of losing everything?

Trust with a Chaser is a 75,000 word stand-alone gay romance with a May/December theme, a hot law-enforcement hero, opposites attract, plenty of sexy times, and one hard-fought, guaranteed happy ending with no cliffhangers.

Amazon US | Amazon UK

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Into the Mystic Anthology Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway!

Anthology - Into the Mystic Banner

Hi guys! We have NineStar Press’ anthology Into The Mystic stopping by today to celebrate it’s release, Into The Mystic is a collection of lesbian/bisexual paranormal short stories,  we have an exclusive excerpt from one of the stories and there’s also a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Anthology - Into the Mystic Cover

Into The Mystic

(Anthology, Volume 01)

Brooklyn Ray. J.C. Long, Kara Race-Moore, Samantha Kate, Nicole Field, J.P. Jackson, Caitlin Ricci, L.J. Hamlin, Kayla Bashe, Charli Coty, Tay LaRoi

Eleven lesbian/bisexual paranormal short stories…

Reborn by Brooklyn Ray – Dark magic, mystical bloodlines, a living forest, and two women fighting to reclaim a love they lost.

Zero Hour by J.C. Long – She can’t outrun the full moon.

Dove in the Window by Kara Race-Moore – As if the Great Depression wasn’t bad enough, Cissy’s first love is back from the dead.

Bottom of the River by Samantha Kate – The demon isn’t always the monster.

If You Want to Walk by Nicole Field – Follow Chess into the Underneath and meet the strange creatures she finds there.

A Tended Garden by J.P. Jackson – Immortality or humanity—which one will win out in the end?

Romancing the Healer by Caitlin Ricci – In a deadly snowstorm a werewolf needs all the help she can get, and the werebear coming to her aid is more than she appears to be.

Midnight Kisses by L.J. Hamlin – A local witch, a new-to-town werewolf, and a mystery to be solved.

Like a Bell through the Night by Kayla Bashe – Guarding a faerie princess? All in a day’s work for a werewolf bodyguard. Avoiding falling in love with said princess? The hardest mission of Jaffa’s life.

The Imp in the Rock by Charli Coty – The cure for a bad breakup might be magic.

Smile Like You Mean It by Tay LaRoi – Ingrid meets a terrifying Japanese legend, but the stories are all wrong.

Full blurbs for each story below.

NineStar Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo

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The Storm Lords by Ravon Silvius Guest Post & Excerpt!

Hi guys! We have Ravon Silvius popping in today with their upcoming release The Storm Lords, we have a brilliant guest post from Ravon and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Ravon Silvius - The Storm Lords Cover

The Storm Lords


Ravon Silvius

The heat took everything from Rowen: his parents, his voice when the local cure for heatstroke poisoned him, and the trust of his fellow villagers, who branded him a water thief. It would have claimed his life when he was deemed unworthy of precious resources and left in the sun to die, had not a strange man named Kristoff ridden in on the wind and told Rowen he had power. 

Rowen works hard to become a Storm Lord, one of a secret magical group that brings storms to break the heat waves overtaking their world. But Rowen is starting his training at a disadvantage since he cannot speak and is much older than the other novices. The desire to please Kristoff inspires him to persevere even more than the threat of being sent back to his village to die should he fail. Still, he cannot gather rain, and when his abilities manifest, they are unlike anything known to the Storm Lords. Unless Kristoff can help him control his deadly powers, the entire world will be in danger.

Kristoff might be among the mightiest of the Storm Lords, but he’s never been a mentor before. For a chance to be with Rowen, he’s willing to risk everything.

Release date: 8th August 2017
Pre-order: DSP Publications ebook | DSP Publications paperback | Amazon US | Amazon UK

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