Trust With A Chaser by Annabeth Albert Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Annabeth Albert - Trust with a Chaser Tour Banner

Hi guys, we have Annabeth Albert popping in today with the tour for her new release Trust With A Chaser, we have a fantastic guest post from Annabeth,  a great excerpt, Aerin’s review and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Annabeth Albert - Trust with a Chaser Cover

Trust With A Chaser

(Rainbow Cove 01)

Annabeth Albert

One hot cop. One bar owner out for redemption. One smoking-hot summer fling destined to leave scorch marks…

Mason Hanks has returned to Rainbow Cove, Oregon with one goal in mind: turn the struggling coastal community into a thriving LGBTQ tourism destination. Step one is transforming an old bar and grill into a gay-friendly eatery. Step two? Don’t piss off Nash Flint, the very hot, very stern chief of police who’s not so sure he’s on board with Mason’s big plans.

Nash Flint just wants to keep his community safe and enjoy the occasional burger in peace. He’s not big on change nor is he a fan of Mason’s troublemaking family, especially his rowdy older brothers. But Mason slowly wins him over with fantastic cooking and the sort of friendship Nash has been starving for.

When their unlikely friendship takes a turn for the sexy, both men try to steer clear of trouble. Nash believes he’s too set in his ways for Mason, and Mason worries that his family’s reputation will ruin any future with Nash. Burning up the sheets in secret is a surefire way to crash and burn, and discovery forces a heart-wrenching decision—is love worth the risk of losing everything?

Trust with a Chaser is a 75,000 word stand-alone gay romance with a May/December theme, a hot law-enforcement hero, opposites attract, plenty of sexy times, and one hard-fought, guaranteed happy ending with no cliffhangers.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE

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Dali by E.M. Hamill Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

E.M. Hamill - Dali RB Banner

Hi peeps! We have E.M. Hamill visiting today with her fantastic new genderfluid sci-fi release Dali, we have a brilliant interview with E.M., a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post guys, enjoy and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

E.M. Hamill - Dali Cover



E.M. Hamill

Dalí Tamareia has everything—a young family and a promising career as an Ambassador in the Sol Fed Diplomatic Corps. Dalí’s path as a peacemaker seems clear, but when their loved ones are killed in a terrorist attack, grief sends the genderfluid changeling into a spiral of self-destruction.

Fragile Sol Fed balances on the brink of war with a plundering alien race. Their skills with galactic relations are desperately needed to broker a protective alliance, but in mourning, Dalí no longer cares, seeking oblivion at the bottom of a bottle, in the arms of a faceless lover, or at the end of a knife.

The New Puritan Movement is rising to power within the government, preaching strict genetic counseling and galactic isolation to ensure survival of the endangered human race. Third gender citizens like Dalí don’t fit the mold of this perfect plan, and the NPM will stop at nothing to make their vision become reality. When Dalí stumbles into a plot threatening changelings like them, a shadow organization called the Penumbra recruits them for a rescue mission full of danger, sex, and intrigue, giving Dalí purpose again.

Risky liaisons with a sexy, charismatic pirate lord could be Dalí’s undoing—and the only way to prevent another deadly act of domestic terrorism.

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Weekend Getaway by Tamryn Eradani Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Tamryn Eradani - Weekend Getaway Banner

Hi peeps! We have Tamryn Eradani stopping by today with her new release Weekend Getaway, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Tamryn Eradani - Weekend Cover

Weekend Getaway

(Daniel and Ryan 07)

Tamryn Eradani

Daniel wants to test his control in a more public setting than he and Ryan have used before. It takes some negotiation, takes some planning, but they make it work.

NineStar Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo

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Perfect 10 by Sean Michael Cover Reveal, Intro, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hi guys, we have Sean Michael stopping by today with the cover to their upcoming re-release Perfect 10, we have a short intro from Sean, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the new stunning cover and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Sean Michael - Perfect 10 Cover
Cover photograph by Michael Murphy ; Cover Art by Bree Archer

Perfect 10


Sean Michael

Despite a life-threatening injury sustained in a vaulting accident, top gymnast Christopher Allen is determined to get back to his former perfect condition and compete again. Brian Rainings is a coach in need of someone to believe in, and he takes Chris on, admiring the spirit and determination that drives Chris to succeed. And admiring the sturdy, muscled body Chris maintains.

Admiration soon leads to something much hotter as they train together. From their scorching first kiss, Brian and Chris’s chemistry is obvious, but they have a long road ahead to get Chris back into shape. Months of hard work lead to success, with Chris gaining strength every day and finally finding the elusive sponsor he needs for financial support. Secrets, hidden dangers, and family troubles plague them, though, and they have to face the fact that Chris might never compete again and score that perfect ten.

First Edition published by Torquere Press, 2006.

Release date: 6th September 2017
 Dreamspinner Press

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Roaring Waters by C.J. Baty Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

CJ Baty - Roaring Waters RTBanner

Hi guys, we have C.J. Baty popping in today with her new release Roaring Waves, we have a great excerpt, my review and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

C.J. Baty - Roaring Waters Cover

Roaring Waters

(The Warfield Hotel Mysteries 03)

C.J. Baty

Damien Fitzgerald has lived through hell and is determined to never let anyone get close to him again. A fervent reporter, he throws his life into his work and doesn’t care whose toes he steps on. But someone else does. He’s got a stalker, and the messages are growing increasingly threatening. He turns to his best friend, Justin Warfield and his lover, Private Investigator Marcus Drummond. Seems like a good idea until Robert Wyler becomes part of the package.

Robert Wyler, the manager of the bar at the Warfield Inn, has always been misunderstood. Sure he takes care of his body, wears his hair long and likes tatts, but that doesn’t mean he’s domineering. A cold exterior hides the more passionate man inside. Men like Damien Fitzgerald get on his nerves. Too good looking. Too arrogant. But when Justin and Marcus needed his help to guard the man from a stalker, Robert couldn’t say no.

Damien and Robert have a history. Whenever they are near each other sparks fly. Can Damien and Robert get past their prejudices to find the real men hiding underneath. Will they find love before the stalker gets to Damien and their chance at happiness is destroyed forever…

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon DE

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Heat Wave by Elyse Springer Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Elyse Springer - Heat Wave TourBanner

Hiya peeps! We have Elyse Springer popping in today with the tour for her new release Heat Wave, we have a short intro from Elyse, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Elyse Springer - Heat Wave Cover

Heat Wave

(Seasons of Love 03)

Elyse Springer

Sara Walker’s life is going nowhere fast: she has a job she enjoys but doesn’t love, friends who are too busy to hang out with her, and no boyfriend in sight. Then a phone call on a lonely Friday night changes everything, and suddenly she’s spending her weekends with Laura. Newly single and openly bisexual, Laura makes Sara think decidedly not-straight thoughts.

Laura Murphy, with her red hair, freckles, and killer curves, is any guy’s wet dream. But Laura’s done with guys for now, and it’s Sara who can’t stop dreaming about her. When Sara finally gives in to the curiosity, Laura blows her mind and pushes her further than she’s ever gone before.

But Laura makes it very clear that this is only a rebound fling, and she’s still planning to move to California. She’s more than happy to tie Sara up, but she’s not ready to be tied down. If Sara wants to keep her, she’s going to have to work hard to convince Laura that New York is worth staying for . . . and so is she.

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As Big As The Sky by Amy Aislin Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Amy Aislin - As Big As The Sky RBBanner

Hi peeps, we have Amy Aislin stopping by today with her new release As Big As The Sky, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

As Big As The Sky


Amy Aislin

Sam wants nothing to do with his irresponsible, sarcastic neighbor…or does he?

Sam McAuley is having a rough start to the summer: Not only is he being sued, but the new guy running the animal rehabilitation center next door has no idea what he’s doing and his runaway chickens constantly end up in Sam’s pristine yard. 

Everything is temporary for Bo Novak. For as long as he can remember, it’s been one town to the next, one school to the next, one job to the next. Even his current job—running his sister’s animal rehab center while she’s away on a four-month leave—is temporary. And he does know what he’s doing, thank you very much. Sure, things don’t always run smoothly, but the stick-in-the-mud next door could be a little nicer about it. 

One overheard conversation, an olive branch, and a baseball game might show these guys that being at odds isn’t really what they want, and that what they want might just be each other.

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Dolphins In The Mud by Jo Ramsey Guest Post & Excerpt!

Hi guys! We have Jo Ramsey popping in today with her upcoming release Dolphins In The Mud, we have a brilliant guest post from Jo and a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Jo Ramsey - Dolphins in the Mud Cover

Dolphins In The Mud


Jo Ramsey

How can a young man rescue everyone when he’s entangled in his own net?

Chris Talberman is tired. Tired of taking responsibility for his autistic nine-year-old sister, Cece. Tired of his mother disappearing for hours at a time. Tired of having no friends and an oblivious father.

When a pod of dolphins is stranded in the cove by Chris’s home, his life changes. It starts when Cece runs toward the water’s edge and Chris must pursue her. That’s where Chris meets Noah Silver. Noah’s life of travel and homeschooling intrigues Chris, and the two begin a friendship they both hope will lead to more.

But when Chris’s mother abandons the family, Chris’s responsibilities increase exponentially. He’s only sixteen, but he knows how to take care of Cece better than their father. Chris wants to lean on Noah for support, but Noah is hiding an untreated mental illness—which could lead to tragedy.

Harmony Ink Press ebook | Harmony Ink Press Paperback |

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Royal Symbionts by Jo Tannah

Jo Tannah - Royal Symbionts CoverTitle: Royal Symbionts

Series:  Rise of the Symbionts # 3

Author: Jo Tannah

Genre: Erotic Romance, Science Fiction

Length: Novella (99 pages)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (May 26, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Betrayal threatens Kallen’s nuptials, his coronation, and the very survival of his people.

Things are not going according to Kallen’s plans. After rescuing the symbiont hatching ground from the dead planet of Nigul, Kallen and his Royal Consort, Lando Garr, thought they would finally gain the answers to unlock the mystery of their symbionts, Bobik and Dobik. Instead, they are faced with more questions and not a single answer.

Plans for their coming nuptials and coronation are pushed to the side when two technomage families disappear. What should have been a simple search and rescue mission reveals a betrayal so deep it threatens not only Kallen’s kingdom, but their entire galaxy. With a technomage war looming, it is incumbent upon Kallen, Lando, and their symbionts to defend the people of Oryon and ensure the survival of their kind.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1263-0

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon DE

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Kallen and Lando’s plans are put on hold when revelations are made that could be the start of war. A technomage of great power is hellbent on destroying lives and gaining power. The symbionts are still mysterious with one yet to appear.

I absolutely love this series. Mystery, adventure, danger, romance and everything in between. I love the relationship between the symbiont and its host. I hope to learn more about them in the coming books.

Fantastic read and highly recommended.

Royal Consort by Jo Tannah

Jo Tannah - Royal Consort CoverTitle: Royal Consort

Series:  Rise of the Symbionts # 2 

Author: Jo Tannah

Genre: Erotic Romance, Science Fiction

Length: Novella (85 pages)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (April 28, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Kallen seeks answers to ensure the survival of the symbionts and his world.

Royal Guardian Lando Garr was weakened by his extensive injuries in the service of his prince and faces boredom from a medically enforced bed rest. When the unexpected happens, Lando is forced to act to keep the royal family safe, but at great personal cost.

Prince Kallen proves once more that his symbiotic relationship with the dragon Bobik is not only to his benefit but to his world’s. Faced with a difficult decision, Kallen realizes that he either accepts the inevitable or faces a lifetime without the man he loves by his side.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1207-4

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon DE

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Another exciting addition to the series as more explanations are given in regards to the dragon race. Someone attacks the royals. Some characters are lost and Lando is gravely injured. 

The mystery deepens as to who ordered the attack as most evidence is non-existent. Kallen still searches for answers as revelations come to the forefront. I love this series. I am always on the edge of my seat as I read each book. 

I read all three books one after another. It’s a fascinating series filled with danger, deception, romance, action and mystery.

I highly recommend this series.

Royal Guardian by Jo Tannah

Jo Tannah - Royal Guardian CoverTitle: Royal Guardian

Series:  Rise of the Symbionts # 1

Author: Jo Tannah

Genre: Erotic Romance, Science Fiction

Length: Short (76 pages)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (March 31, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Man and dragon seek those who dared harm their prince.

Kallen has been away for two years to further his education. En route to his home planet, Oryon, his starship is attacked by unknown brigands. All fear the death of the heir to the kingdom, as well as those of his accompanying loyal guardians.

With Bobik’s assistance, Lando Garr is the one man who can find and rescue Kallen. Not because he’s bound by duty as a Royal Guardian, but because the prince’s symbiont responds to no other but him. Both will stop at nothing to find Kallen. Losing him would mean Bobik’s death and Lando’s heartache.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1202-9

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon DE

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Lando is faced with finding his prince a cure for whatever is slowly killing him. He brings him an egg he found on a dead planet. What happens next blows everyone’s mind when a dragon hatches and merges with the prince healing him.

This story is riveting, amazing, spellbinding and outstanding. I loved this book. I was blown away by how well this story entranced me with its complex explanations as to who the dragons were. The symbionts fascinated me to no end. 

I’m looking forward to learning more about everything.

Highy recommeded.

Divergence by Lyn Gala

Lyn Gala - Divergence CoverTitle: Divergence

Series: Aberrant Magic # 3

Author: Lyn Gala

Genre: Multicultural, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (231pgs)

Publisher: Loose ID (August 30, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Kavon and Darren believe they finally have the life they want—a lead on O’Brien, a better understanding of the failures that have plagued the team, and time to nurture the bond between them as shamans and lovers. However they’ve gotten involved in magical politics, and that has consequences that neither of them could foresee. Magic is changing, and Kavon and Darren are in the center of a coming storm. 

In the past, Kavon’s only fear was that he might inadvertently damage Darren, and he is painfully aware that he has hurt his lover before. He’s vowed to never make that mistake again, but new forces threaten their relationship and pose a special threat to Darren. With the danger growing more intense, Kavon struggles to find a way to protect the ones he loves and Darren realizes that the magic that gave him his heart’s desire could take everything away just as quickly. Magic is a two-edged sword and the two lovers have to find a way to wield the weapon before it becomes the instrument of their death.

ISBN: 978-1-68252-209-7

Product Link: Loose Id | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon DE

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Kavon and Darren are adjusting to their new lives as a couple with all that entails. They are not without their struggles as is with all pairs. Amid this is their continuing investigations of cases that are not closed yet. 

There was a lot going on in this story. I liked the explanations regarding the magical world as it gave me a better understanding. Some answers from the first two books are given as well. 

Yet I felt like the book was incomplete at the end. There were still questions left unanswered as well as some new characters thrown into the mix that left me feeling like maybe there will be another book in the future. 

Aside from this it was still a great read with plenty of mystery for all. Great read.

Derivation by Lyn Gala

Lyn Gala - Derivation CoverTitle: Derivation

Series: Aberrant Magic # 2

Author: Lyn Gala

Genre: Multicultural, Fantasy & Paranormal, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (224pgs)

Publisher: Loose ID (July 26, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Darren and Kavon have committed to each other, but magical rules are changing and that tests the strength of their bond. The death of a prominent Egyptian shaman and the shadowy remains of O’Brien’s conspiracy to kill adepts and steal their magic also pressure the new couple. Kavon is determined to protect his partner through these storms, but he is also painfully aware of his own tendency to hover. And as Darren is quick to point out, he is an armed federal agent who won’t allow Kavon to keep him off the front lines.

Making the relationship even more difficult, the spirit guides who offered their loyalty have their own hopes and needs. The world is changing, and Darren’s spirit guide pushes them to find the right path to navigate. However, Kavon has never enjoyed being pressured, and he is particularly uncomfortable walking into a situation he doesn’t understand. Worse, the longer he knows Darren and his guide, the more confused Kavon becomes about how magic even works. The two men must pull together or the forces moving in the shadows threaten to destroy them before they have any chance at happiness.

ISBN: 978-1-68252-177-9

Product Link: Loose Id | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon DE

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: While I enjoyed the deepening relationship between Darren and Kavon my main focus was on the spirit guides. I found them fascinating and intriguing.

At times the ifrits seem to turn the story dark with their unique abilities. The change in dynamics for Kavon was amazing. I loved how he tried to understand what was going on and go with the flow. Darren seemed to grow as he grew accustomed to his new powers.

The overall feel of the book was a great story with magical and dramatic elements that made for a nice addition to the series. Looking forward to reading the third book and what happens next.

Great read.

Deductions by Lyn Gala

Lyn Gala - Deductions CoverTitle: Deductions

Series: Aberrant Magic # 1

Author: Lyn Gala

Genre: Multicultural, Fantasy & Paranormal, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (225pgs)

Publisher: Loose ID (June 21, 2016)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Darren is proud of his work on the FBI’s magical Talent unit. However, his own lack of magic means he can never be with Supervisory Special Agent and Shaman Kavon Boucher. The shamanic magic poses a real danger to any mundane who gets too close, so Darren tries to hide his attraction and keep a professional relationship at work. That resolve begins to crumble when a new man sets his sights on Kavon and Darren can’t control his resentment.

Now they have a brutal new case of a suspect targeting magical adepts. Darren tries to keep focused on that crime, but when he starts to show signs of his own magic, he hopes that maybe he can not only be a more effective part of the team but also a real partner to Kavon. He might have a second chance at love if only Kavon can learn to trust his new and unpredictable magic that has changed the rules of the magical game. 

ISBN: 978-1-68252-159-5

Product Link: Loose Id | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon DE

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Darren is a mundane with no magical capabilities, until they start manifesting, that serves as a go between for his unit. Kavon, Darrens boss, shoots down Darrens advances because of the shamans ability to drain the life from humans. There is a lot of drama when a new guy is entered into the mix.

I loved all the explanations of the magical sense. Although at times I felt bogged down by it I still felt grateful. It was a magical story about cops, animal spirits and the beginning of a relationship though the relationship aspect really does not go far until the end.

The mystery was intriguing and the investigation in depth. I was enthralled in the case and the way it unfolded. I am looking forward to seeing what else happens in the next book.

Great read.

Rush In The Dark by Lynn Lorenz (2nd Edition)

Lynn Lorenz - Rush in the Dark CoverTitle: Rush in the Dark (2nd edition)

Series:  Common Powers 02

Author: Lynn Lorenz

Genre: Contemporary, Cowboys and Western, Erotic Romance, Paranormal

Length: Novel (189 pages)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (July 11, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: Rush is so deep in the closet he can’t find the door, but meeting Brian might give him the courage to step out of it.

When Brian and Rush meet in a dark alley, sparks fly. The attraction is fast and hard, but Rush is a rancher with a reputation to uphold and Brian is out and open.

Both men have secrets, including the small powers they each have, and a relationship means they might have to share. It would require Rush coming out of his closet and putting his ranch and his friendships with the people around him at risk.

For Brian, it means putting his heart on the line for a man who’s afraid of being himself. He’s been down that road before and Brian won’t go back in the closet, not even for Rush.

Each time they’re together, Rush and Brian set the air around them on fire. As they move closer, both are still holding back, still unsure of each other. One of them will have to take the first step or this thing between them will flounder.

For Rush, it’ll take a huge step and a lot of trust to risk his entire life in the small Texas town of Spring Lake. And once he’s out, there’s no going back.

For Brian, his heart isn’t the only thing at risk. If he keeps seeing Rush, he knows he might just lose his life.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of murder and references to rape, abuse, stalking and murder.  

Publisher’s Note: This book has previously been released elsewhere. It has been revised and re-edited for re-release with Pride Publishing.

ISBN: 978-1-78651-584-1

Product Link: Pride Publishing | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon DE

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Brian is a Pi and while on a stake out meets sexy Rush in alley. Instant sparks fly. There are repeated phone sex conversations which I did not care for. Rush is in the closet and it shows throughout the book. If he was that worried why did he not just stay in it. 

I felt sorry for Brian having feelings for someone who was not sure yet whether or not he could be with another man out in the open. I say tell him when you make up your mind call me then. 

While I expected this book to be better than the first it was not in my opinion. Sammi and Mitchell are in it and I liked that Brian was determined to figure out who Sammi is. I also got really irritated with all the sex scenes and the back and forth of one character making repeated mistakes and the other forgiving him. Seriously? I would have said enough was enough.

It was an o.k. read.

Thunder & Lightning by Patricia Logan Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway!

Patricia Logan - Thunder & Lightning BTBanner

Hi guys! We have Patricia Logan stopping by with the tour for her new release Thunder & Lightning, we have a fantastic exclusive excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Patricia Logan - Thunder & Lightning Cover

Thunder & Lightning

(Death & Destruction 06)

Patricia Logan

Jarrett Evans and Thayne Wolfe have been partnered in the ATF for nearly two years and their love and commitment to each other has grown over time. Now faced with one final challenge, the boys are headed to Arizona to help Thayne’s mom, stumbling headfirst into a brand new case. When a man is shot on Dot’s sister’s ranch, their informal investigation leads to the Native American reservation bordering the property.

Juggling tricky tribal politics isn’t something Jarrett and Thayne are accustomed to but, as with most things in their lives, nothing is ever uncomplicated. When a surprise sighting shakes Thayne to his very foundation, they call out for help and their colleagues ride to the rescue along with a little help from the FBI. The mystery on the reservation only deepens when they start putting two and two together. Questionable cigarettes at the Ahtunowhiho Trading Post may be the least of their worries.

From the mean streets of Los Angeles to the vast deserts of Arizona, Thayne and Jarrett once again brave the minefields of bad guys, bigshots, and a vicious betrayal that kicks them in the ass. But one thing is certain. Thru thunder and lightning, Jarrett and Thayne are never alone. They’ll fight for each other down to the last man standing, even if it costs them their very lives.

Amazon US | Amazon UK  | KOBO | Smashwords

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Rhubarb Patch by Deanna Wadsworth Blog Tour, Recipe, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Deanna Wadsworth - Rhubarb Patch tour banner

Hi guys! We have Deanna Wadsworth popping in today with the tour for her new release Rhubarb Patch, we have a fantastic recipe, a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Deanna Wadsworth - The Rhubarb Patch Cover

Rhubarb Patch

(Men of Gilead 01)

Deanna Wadsworth

City boy, sci-fi novelist, and recovering pushover Scott Howe doesn’t know what to expect when he inherits his grandmother’s house outside the quaint village of Gilead, Ohio—but it isn’t an enormous bald man in nothing but tighty-whities and orange rubber boots shouting at him to keep his weed wacker away from the rhubarb patch.                                                                  

Scott has never met anyone like Phineas Robertson: homesteader, recluse… Republican. A tender—if unlikely—friendship grows over the summer while Phin and his schnauzer, Sister Mary Katherine, teach Scott about life in the country and the grandmother he never knew. Opposites attract, but widower Phin worries his secret will send Scott running faster than his politics, and Phin isn’t convinced he deserves a second chance at romance.

 Scott is convinced—rural life, and his one-of-a-kind, older neighbor, is the future he wants. Before he can settle in, his mother drops a bombshell that strains their already tenuous relationship, and a cousin who believes he is the rightful heir to the property puts Scott in danger. It’ll take a lot of compromises, and even dodging a few bullets before they’re out of the weeds, but nurturing something as special as true love always takes hard work.

Dreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback | Kobo | B&N | Amazon US | Amazon UK

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