It's Simple, Simon by Lee Brazil

Title: It’s Simple, Simon

Series: N/A

Author: Lee Brazil

Genre: M/M Romance, Contemporary

Length: Novella

Publisher: Breathless Press (August, 2012)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3Hearts

Blurb: Simon Carter has achieved unimaginable success and he owes it all to a man from his past whose scorn set fire to his ambition.

“It’s Simple, Simon. You lack ambition.”

Chase Garvin’s jibe had sent Simon Carter on unexpected paths and brought him unimaginable success. No longer a penniless musician, the highly paid investment banker is going home for the first time in years. He plans to rest, relax, and spend a little time rubbing his ex-lover’s nose in his success. A visit to the Renaissance Fair brings this not-quite-so-simple- Simon nose to nose with his past and somehow revenge doesn’t seem quite so attractive.

Chase Garvin, Denver, Colorado’s very own Pie Man, is still incredibly handsome. What’s more, the more mature Chase is very appreciative of Simon’s talents.

When the old attraction flares between them, Simon and the Pie Man get caught up in tasting the wares, and neither counts the pennies.

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Reviewer: Thommie


Simple Simon met a pieman, Going to the fair;

Says Simple Simon to the pieman, Let me taste your ware.

Says the pieman to Simple Simon, Show me first your penny;

Says Simple Simon to the pieman, Indeed I have not any.

Twelve years and Simon still keeps that last memory of Chase breaking up with him. Those last words he said “It’s simple Simon. You lack ambition…” hunting him and pushing him toward his success. Now he has returned with a single goal, to show his old love just how ambitious he got. What Simon did not expect was how little does a twelve years older Chase care about that, for indeed when he shows up in front of him as a poor man, Chase only cares for him and makes whatever he can to get him back. Hastily made assumptions and unspoken words lead to misunderstandings that Simon was not prepared for. He came back to shove his success and fortune at his ex-lover’s face in a petty act of revenge and ends up falling all over for him, as if he ever stopped wanting the man. And Chase ends up making the same mistake he made twelve years ago. Can he make things right now? Can he win this new Simon and have a life with him?

This is a romance through and through. It somehow reminded me the Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks movies, very mellow and with a slight notch of humor. Although it was not entirely my cup of tea, I cannot deny that it had some appeal to me. The characters were cute and sexy, if a bit indifferent. I was more interested in the story itself than Simon and Chase. However their lovemaking made up a lot, I found the sex scenes quite fun and somewhat sensual. Some of them were indeed a bit over-sweet for my taste, but hey, I’m a very peculiar reader.

I’d recommend this story to romance lovers and anyone else in search for a light, enjoyable read. Have fun!!!



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