Title: When the Band Came to Town
Author: H. Lewis Foster
Genre: Historical, New Adult
Length: Novella (84 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (8 April 2015)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: đź’–đź’–đź’–đź’–đź’– 5 Hearts
Blurb: In the swinging Sixties, life gets rockin’ for Jeff McInnery when a new band plays at the local pub. Caught up in lead singer Danny Speed’s cool, Jeff sneaks a kiss. But being found out as homosexual could stop Danny’s hot career fast, and even land him in jail. With harsh words, Danny leaves to head for fame and fortune while Jeff starts university. On campus, Jeff meets Archie Ballatine, a history student living as openly as possible. It’s an exciting new world of sex and friendship for Jeff, but then the band comes back to town.
ISBN: 9781632168276
Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Prime
Review: This is a nice, short and exceedingly charming story which I realised once I got to the end is actually meant to be more like a memoir of Jeff McInnery.
In a time where in the UK one could get arrested and gaoled for being homosexual, it’s a bit like a journey of discovery into love for Jeff and his two love interests – rock star Danny and fellow student Archie.
It’s a very light hearted/rose coloured view of this time in history but the ending is just perfect!