The Reluctant Royal by Catherine Curzon & Eleanor Harkstead Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

The Reluctant Royal
Catherine Curzon & Eleanor Harkstead

Word Count: 93,492
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 352

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Book Description

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As an unseen enemy draws near, a royal bodyguard must choose between duty and love.

Risking his life to save a princess is all in a day’s work for Sergeant Joe Wenlock, a Close Protection Officer detailed to protect the royal family. After months of recovery following his brush with death, Joe’s ready to return to duties. But Alejandro Fuente-Sastre, as infuriating as he is fabulous, is the last royal Joe wants to be assigned to.

Alejandro isn’t quite the sort of queen that the British royal family is used to, but when Joe learns that Her Majesty’s step-grandson is also drag bombshell Paloma Picante, it makes his job a whole lot tougher. But is there more to Alejo than sulking and sequins?

When Alejandro’s life is threatened by an unseen tormentor who progresses from internet trolling to arson and violence, Joe must keep his charge safe from harm.

Living in close quarters with the man he shouldn’t be falling for, Joe begins to discover his true self. But as Alejandro’s enemy prowls ever nearer, Joe must make the impossible choice between duty and love.

Reader advisory: This book contains instances of homophobia and homophobic language, cyberbullying and threats, harassment, terrorism, drug use and abuse, Islamophobia and suicide. There are mentions of domestic abuse, including physical, emotional and gaslighting.


Joe took another sip of tonic water. He wished it contained gin, because being the only sober person at the table was hardly his idea of fun, but as he watched the bottle of champagne being passed around, he knew he didn’t really want any alcohol anyway. He couldn’t go back to work the worse for wear. Not after months of sick leave. Best foot forward, as his dad would say.

And it wasn’t only his decision not to drink that made Joe an oddity at the table. These were all Wendy’s friends, out for her birthday. Solicitors, legal types, who’d spent most of the evening already talking shop. Joe looked on, his mind on other things. Would he cope on his first day back? Would they trust him to ever do a good job again?

“So, Joe, we’re taking bets on who you’re going to be coddling next week!” Wendy put her second bottle of Prosecco on the table and settled into her seat. Her leg brushed Joe’s momentarily and she shifted, putting air between them again. “Izzy thinks one of the Fergie duo. Barnaby’s bet his bonus on Wills and Kate. I think it’s going to be the queen. The top job for a top bobby!”

“I don’t know yet.” Joe shrugged. “Maybe one of the corgis?”

“I bet you do know, and you’re teasing us!” Wendy’s friend Jemima brayed. “Have you signed the Official Secrets Act?”

Joe turned the plastic stirrer through his fizzing drink, rattling the ice cubes against the glass. He didn’t pester Wendy’s friends about confidential matters, so why did they think he was fair game? “As you know, if I had, I wouldn’t be allowed to say.”

“Whoever it is,” Wendy told them, “let’s hope they don’t put my poor old hubby in hospital again! He’s getting too old to play the action hero!”

Wendy’s friends laughed, and Joe tried to look happy, but he really didn’t want to be reminded of the accident. The headlamps coming straight for him in the evening darkness—and after he’d pushed the Duchess of Albany out of the way, there had been no time for Joe to leap aside. Just that crushing pain as the car slammed into him. Joe had slumped over the bonnet and found himself eye to eye with the idiot who’d just tried to deliberately run down the duchess.

“He’s not that old!” Verity giggled. She patted Joe’s leg and he tried not to flinch. “And still in fine form, too, Wendy, you lucky thing!”

“Lucky old me!” Wendy’s smile looked like a grimace. How would she know what form her husband was in when it had been over six months since they’d so much as kissed, let alone more? She refilled her glass and whispered to Joe, “For God’s sake, have a real drink.”

“Come on, you know I can’t,” Joe replied. “I can’t risk it. First day back and all that.”

“It’s my birthday.” Her pink lips grew thin and she drew in a deep, sharp breath, as sharp as her fresh blonde bob. Then she put her lips to his ear and hissed, “Stop showing me up, Joe, have a drink.”

“I’m drinking a stunt gin and tonic. That’s enough.” Joe held up the glass. It had the brand name of a well-known gin printed down its side. “They do tests, you know. I want to be nice and clean when they poke through my bodily fluids, thank you very much.”

“Barnaby!” Wendy subtly turned away from her husband, the centre of attention all over again. He was dismissed, just as he had been so many times over the five years of their miserable married life. “So, we’re all dying to know how your Tokyo merger’s going. It’s all everyone’s talking about. Tell us all the latest from the front line of big money!”

Joe sat his glass down on the table. The last thing he cared about was Barnaby and his bloody merger, which he’d heard snippets of for weeks as Wendy had made business calls at home. Barnaby this, Barnaby that, ‘Barnaby’s going places.’

So am I.

Joe nudged his seat back and stood to leave. Verity glanced at him, as if she was surprised he was going, but her attention turned to Wendy and Barnaby. Joe wasn’t sure where he’d go, but he needed fresh air. He wanted to be away from loud drinkers, away from Wendy’s carping. His head was pounding and as he stepped outside the pub, a car drove by close to the kerb. He instinctively jumped back, pressing himself against the wall behind him.

Calm down, Sergeant Wenlock, he told himself.

The night was cold, as cold as the pub had been hot, and Joe took a deep breath of autumn air. London tonight seemed even more surreal than ever, the streets a curious mix of the same well-dressed professionals who filled Wendy’s group and those who had embraced Halloween, escaping the real world in the form of cats and devils, vampires and aliens, some already stumbling, others only just starting out. And there in the middle of them was Joe, who would rather be anywhere else but there.

Maybe Joe should’ve thrown aside his tweed jacket and sensible open-necked shirt for a costume. He’d have made quite a good Frankenstein’s monster, maybe, though that said, when he’d first been taken to hospital and had plaster casts and bandages in places he hadn’t thought possible, he’d have been a brilliant cursed mummy.

Joe decided to go for a wander. Once he was working again, he’d have little time to call his own. He’d take his freedom when and where he could. Music blared from pubs and bars, people laughed, taxis pulled up and disgorged their passengers. And up ahead, someone was shouting.

Bloody people, can’t hold their drinks.

“Don’t you ever, ever bloody do that again! Do you hear?”

It was a man’s voice up ahead. Joe could see two figures, one in a black suit with a skeleton painted on it in white. He was wagging his finger—jabbing it—at the red-headed woman walking beside him in heels so high Joe wondered how she didn’t fall flat on her face.

“It’s so important to me, so fucking important, and all you have to do is just nod, and instead, you’re pissing about, making a fucking joke of yourself!”

“I’m sorry!” Her voice sounded almost desperate and she recoiled from her companion’s stabbing finger, jerking away as though it were the blade of a knife. She hurried after the skeleton when he stalked onwards, scooping up the silken hem of her shimmering red evening gown to follow. “Don’t be angry, I’m sorry!”

“I’m sorry!” he mimicked. Joe could almost see him in profile. The man’s face was disguised by makeup that turned his face into a skull.

Seemed a bit rich for him to be accusing someone of making a joke of themselves.

“The man’s an investor in my film, and I wanted him to know that I’m serious about my art, and then you’re there hanging over my shoulder, interrupting and gobbing on about God knows what!” The man clenched his hands. Even they were tricked out in skeleton makeup. “Why do you wind me up like this? You do it on purpose, for fuck’s sake, then it’s all I’m sorry! Well, you bloody well will be!”

“He was laughing too,” the woman said, a fresh note of desperation in her sing-song voice. No, not desperation. Fear. “He was having a good time, you’re not thinking straight! Just—please, don’t be like this!”

“My thinking’s perfectly clear!” The man gave a long sniff then, and Joe knew exactly what was going on.

The drugs are talking.

The man stopped where he was and raised his hand at the woman. The way she flinched back told Joe that this wasn’t the first time it had happened. As she drew away, he saw her makeup clearly, a glamourous sugar skull in a rainbow of colours that nearly took his breath away.

“Please don’t,” was all she said.

Joe increased his pace. The man’s raised hand trembled but in a split second he slapped the woman across her painted face.

Joe ran.

He was on the couple in only a few steps, and interposed himself between them. He didn’t look back at the woman, but could hear her frightened breathing just behind him. “That’s enough. Time for you to go.”

“And who the fuck are you, James Bond?” the man sneered.

“I’m not going to stand around and watch a bully like you slap a woman.” Joe clenched his fists, resisting the temptation to give Skeletor a taste of his own medicine.

“A woman? That’s a fucking joke. She’s a drag queen—a bloke!”

Joe turned to look at the woman.

A bloke?

Was she?

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About the Authors

Eleanor Harkstead

Eleanor Harkstead likes to dash about in nineteenth-century costume, in bonnet or cravat as the mood takes her. She can occasionally be found wandering old graveyards. Eleanor is very fond of chocolate, wine, tweed waistcoats and nice pens. Her large collection of vintage hats would rival Hedda Hopper’s.

Originally from the south-east of England, Eleanor now lives somewhere in the Midlands with a large ginger cat who resembles a Viking.

You can follow Eleanor on Facebook and Twitter

Catherine Curzon

Catherine Curzon is a royal historian who writes on all matters of 18th century. Her work has been featured on many platforms and Catherine has also spoken at various venues including the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, and Dr Johnson’s House.

Catherine holds a Master’s degree in Film and when not dodging the furies of the guillotine, writes fiction set deep in the underbelly of Georgian London.

She lives in Yorkshire atop a ludicrously steep hill.

You can follow Catherine on Facebook and Twitter and take a look at her Website.


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Notice: This competition ends on 2nd February 2021 at 5pm GMT. Competition hosted by Totally Entwined Group.

His Dark Reflection by Heloise West Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

His Dark Reflection

Series: Heart and Haven 03

Author: Heloise West

Publisher: NineStar Press

Release Date: November 2, 2020

Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 66100

Genre: Contemporary, LGBTQIA+, action, blue-collar, law enforcement, mystery, crime

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Disgraced FBI agent Nick Truman failed to save his sister, who was held hostage by a drug cartel until he could give them Alex Crow, who eluded him. His epic downfall lands him in witness protection, where he plays by the rules and keeps to himself. But the murder of his neighbor brings danger to his door. He unexpectedly finds himself the champion of innocents and helplessly attracted to the homicide detective in charge of the case. Nick knows it won’t end well.

Homicide Detective Hank Axelrod is good at digging out secrets, maybe because he hides a big one of his own. He also suspects his husband has one foot out of the door of their marriage and the specter of single life looms unpleasantly on the horizon.

A murder resembling a previous one brings Nick into his world, a man who claims to be a mystery writer looking for a real-life resource. Hank’s instincts say he’s more than that, and he’s rarely wrong.

Torn between the errant soon-to-be-ex husband and the distracting, sexy stranger, Hank needs to focus all his attention on his murder case before he becomes the next victim.


His Dark reflection, Heloise West © 2020, All Rights Reserved

Hank rattled the keys in a one-handed grip to shake loose the house key from the rest. No lights on in the house and beyond late for dinner—starving and sleep deprived too. In his other hand, he held a thick file of case notes because the night wasn’t over for him yet. At least Len had left the porch light on.

After letting himself into the house, he placed the file on the end table, keys on top, and toed off his shoes. The windbreaker he shrugged out of hadn’t done much to keep the spring cold off.

The rocking chair in the living room creaked. Hank spun around, hand going to his holster.

“Easy, cowboy.” Len yawned. He snapped on the table lamp beside him. “I fell asleep. What time is it?”

“Jesus, Len. It’s two in the damn morning. Let me put this away.” At the bottom of the closet, the gun safe sat on a shelf. He knelt, spun the dial, and tucked the gun away. When he turned, Len stood, arms across his chest, brown hair tousled. Another yawn stretched his mouth wide. Hank, tired to the marrow, pulled Len into a bone-crunching hug, and Len laughed against his shoulder.

Relief tickled through him. On the drive home from the station, he’d feared the house would be empty. He inhaled the scent of Len’s pricey shampoo—vanilla and sweet tobacco with a hint of whiskey. His heart twisted with anxiety.

“I’m sorry. I—”

“You got caught up, I know. ’Sokay.” Len yawned again. “But I’m beat. She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed wants me in bright and early tomorrow, so…” He stepped away from Hank’s embrace. Hank let him go with reluctance. “There’s lasagna and meatballs in the fridge. Or maybe you’re ready for bacon and eggs?”

“Neither. Both. I’ll figure dinner out while I read the case notes again. I need to make sure this guy doesn’t walk.”

Len turned around. “Hon? I know. You’ll be great. You always are. Night.”

“Night,” Hank responded as he picked up the paperwork. He sat in the rocker Len had vacated with the file in his lap and fell asleep with the first page between his fingers.

He awoke with a snort, thinking he’d heard Len’s muffled laughter and smiled. When he glanced at his watch, twenty minutes had passed since he’d first sat down. He’d sleep in tomorrow, but he still wouldn’t have caught up on all the sleep he’d lost over this one. Hank stood and stretched his aching muscles, contemplating a shower, but his deepening desire for bed and maybe sex to relax him led him into the bedroom and not the kitchen. Len’s nightstand lamp glowed, and his side of the bed rumpled but empty. Len’s soft giggle came from the other side of the bathroom door.

Hank rapped his knuckles against the oak. “Hey, babe?”

The toilet flushed. “I’m washing up! Be right there.”

A cold weight settled into Hank’s belly at his husband’s rushed, edge of guilty tone, slithery and with pointed scales brushing against his tender insides—a too-familiar feeling tilting the world on its axis. The bathroom door opened, and Len came out wreathed in the scent of mouthwash and minty toothpaste. “All yours.” He smiled but wouldn’t meet Hank’s eyes, making it all the harder for Hank to dislodge the sick feeling in his stomach.

“Who were you talking to?”

Len turned away from Hank. “One of the new interns drunk-dialed me. She’s a hoot, so we talked. Come to bed, Hank. You must be wiped out.” He slid between the sheets and pulled on the covers on Hank’s side.

Liar, the serpent in his belly whispered.

“I fell asleep in the rocker, so yeah, I guess I am.” Too tired to fight, he gathered up pajama bottoms and a T-shirt and headed into the bathroom. When he came out, Len lay facing away from Hank, his breathing even. Maybe asleep. Hank doubted it as he climbed into bed turned away from Len, his eyes wide in the darkness.


Hank slept later than usual, exhaustion stealing any memory of dreams he might have had. When he awoke, Len had already gone to work. What had Hank been so afraid of last night?

He went into the kitchen and started up the coffee. Not the first time one of Len’s friends had called drunk or upset. Len had a lot of friends. They helped him through Hank’s late nights. Although their marriage went to hell last spring, in the end, love forced them to work things out. Hank believed in Len, still believed the tearful, heartfelt promises of renewed fidelity.

He shoved a bagel into the toaster oven. But—he plopped down on a kitchen chair as if his bones had untied themselves—why did he have such a weird feeling last night? A couple of weird feelings, actually.

He’d believed Len when he returned to him and promised fidelity. Yet, he spent too much time with liars, thieves, cheats, and murderers, so maybe the distrust had rubbed off on him?

Or should he stick with his gut feeling Len had more to hide? It wouldn’t be the first time…but he’d hoped they’d done with the past. Ugh, second-guessing himself again. He couldn’t afford the drain on his confidence today.

The toaster oven tinged. With a fork, he dragged out the bagel. He loaded it with butter and the homemade strawberry jam his mother had made.

He didn’t trust much of humanity, long before he’d become a cop. Hank didn’t want the scum bleeding into their relationship. Distrust bred more distrust. He often found it tough to leave the hard-guy persona behind at the office, to let his softer side out around Len. It’d been difficult when they first met, but Len had been patient. Well, Hank would be patient too. What if a family issue had set off Hank’s alarms, a secret Len didn’t want to share yet?

He’d demolished the bagel as the wheels turned in his head. Sucking on his sticky-sweet fingers of one hand, he opened the fridge with the other for a second bagel. Last night’s dinner sat wrapped in cellophane on the shelf.

He had to talk to Len. But first, where did he leave the damn file?


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Meet the Author

Heloise West, when not hunched over the keyboard plotting love and mayhem, dreams about moving to a villa in Tuscany. She loves history, mysteries, and romance. She travels and gardens with her partner of fifteen years, and their home overflows with books, cats, art, and red wine.

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Send Lawyers, Guns, and Roses by Heloise West Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Send Lawyers, Guns, and Roses

Author: Heloise West

Publisher: NineStar Press

Release Date: August 31, 2020

Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 76700

Genre: Contemporary, LGBTQIA+, Action/adventure, Established couple, Law enforcement, revenge, crime, vacation

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When Hunter and Alex are given the vacation of a lifetime, it’s a chance for them to pay attention to romance and get out of danger’s path. The tiny Caribbean island of Saba is gorgeous, the first to have marriage equality, and the Sabans are the nicest people on earth. There’s lots of rum poolside for relaxing and a room with a mirror on the ceiling for passion. Hot Karaoke nights, cold beer, and new friends.

Orfeo and Max, and Max’s sister Talisha, confide a troubling secret. Alex and Hunter want to help. As a hurricane bears down on them, a dead body surfaces and a purple backpack loaded with stolen jewels brings Derek Boyd, a jewel thief, into their lives. He wants his ex-boyfriend Max and the stolen jewels returned before the Russian mobster, who wants his wife’s jewels back, can catch up with him and exact his revenge.

Paradise is turning into hell on earth.


Send Lawyers, Guns, and Roses, Heloise West © 2020, All Rights Reserved


The door closed behind the last customer, and the noisy bar returned to silence, a booze-fumed, tacky-underfoot silence where the small noises Alex made seemed twice as loud. His ears rang as he picked up the broom to sweep out the crap on the floor behind the bar.

The front door opened again, and his shoulders tensed. He cursed himself for not locking it when he’d shoved out the last drunk patron, distracted by the e-mail he’d received. A rookie mistake. He groped under the bar for the bat the owner had urged him to use if he suspected he needed to.

“Excuse me,” the man in the doorway said. He’d been in the bar earlier, an Asian man along with a rather bland, nondescript white guy.

Alex looked closer, not letting go of the bat. “We’re closed. Need me to call a cab for you?”

The man appeared innocuous, but innocuous-looking people could still be trouble. The instincts Alex had honed all those months on the run had stayed with him. Director Flint’s warnings about retaliation flashed through his mind.

The guy opened his mouth to answer Alex’s question, but someone shoved him from behind before he could speak, and he stumbled. Alex grabbed the neck of the bat.

“Didja ask him? Is it him?” The pushy friend pressed himself forward a few steps, far drunker than his buddy.

“We’re. Closed.” Alex threw some menace behind the authority in his voice and revealed the bat. The Asian man flinched and grabbed at his friend, who fished in his pocket for something.

“It’s him. You. Boy Blue,” the drunk man burbled.

Alex froze, shifting gears. He tightened his grip on the bat. Anger fueled his ass up and over the bar to land a few feet in front of the drunk who pulled out a phone, aimed it in his direction, and blinded him with the flash.

“You fucker!” Alex reached out to slap the phone away—too late, because the man had thrust it back into his pocket. Alex smacked the bat against the tiles on the floor. It made a sharp, solid noise, and they both looked at him with drunken, slow-motion surprise. “Get out before I call the cops!”

“Asshole!” The first guy grabbed his friend again, shoved him out the door, and slammed it shut behind him.

Alex locked it this time and leaned against it, heart racing. When it began to slow, he took a deep breath and another, and his temper faded. He had a date tonight, and if he didn’t move his ass, he’d be late. Cranking up Dropkick Murphys to exorcise the intruders, Alex cleaned the place out in record time. Once done, he grabbed his phone and clicked on the video text. Happy Birthday! The handmade sign filled the screen. Alex smiled.

Bare feet on their unmade bed. Hunter wiggled his toes, and Alex laughed. The phone camera traveled along Hunter’s shins to his knees, all dusted with brown and copper-tinged hair, and as he bent his left knee, the sheet fell from his muscular thigh. Hey, the pointed birthday hat covered his… Hunter stretched like a big cat, and the tip of the hat rocked as he adjusted his hips. Alex swallowed hard, mesmerized as the camera swept across Hunter’s hips and flat belly, up the opposite side of his body, past an erect pink nipple, the tattoo, and the hairy armpit, along his biceps, which he flexed, then forearm to wrist and the silver bracelet around it. Alex’s heart gave a little lurch, beating faster. His boyfriend had handcuffed himself naked to the bed for his birthday.

Oh, honey. Alex groaned, grabbed his wallet and keys from the cash register, and ran for the door.

He jogged out into the warm June night, the sky clear and sparkling over Delingham as he jumped into the car. He hoped to get home without wrecking the care while Hunter’s video replayed in his head. His blood boiled for Hunter.

He drove through the quiet streets. Alex hadn’t wanted to come back to Delingham at all, but Hunter’s family had made sure the rent got paid on his apartment. At least they had a safe place to go to when Hunter recovered from Dale Markham’s accidental gunshot wound. Dale Markham, former FBI agent, rotting in jail—someplace hot, Alex hoped, good practice for when he got to hell. Nick Truman, too, but a big black hole existed where he’d once been. Maybe they had put him in Witness Protection like Nick had hoped. The case against the two men who had murdered Alex’s uncle had become a nonissue, since before they could be taken into custody, someone had killed them.

Nothing like thinking about those things to defeat his raging hard-on, so he blasted out Dropkick Murphys again to fuel up the testosterone.

“Here I come, baby,” he murmured.

Not finding a parking spot near the apartment building set him seething and grinding his teeth. His lot in life had improved, but not his temper. He dropped the keys twice on the front stairs and made it through the door before he considered alerting Hunter. Alex texted—coming up now—and smiled to think again of Hunter there, waiting, naked, and handcuffed to the bed. They’d talked about playing like this but hadn’t got around to it yet. In the video, Hunter had kept the wounded leg covered; he hated the scar, the asymmetry where they’d taken part of the muscle during surgery. Doing better after a pretty deep depression before his physical therapist motivated him on the road to getting back in shape.

Yeah, we’re doing good.

Alex kicked away his shoes and whipped off his socks. “It’s me!” In the bedroom, both the music and the lights were low. Alex opened the door, grinning from ear to ear. Hunter grinned back at him, naked on the bed, the party hat on his head tipped at a rakish angle. A second set of cuffs dangled off the tips of his fingers. Alex pulled his shirt up and over his head, wrecking his hair, but he didn’t care. Hunter’s eyes were on him; Alex wanted Hunter drinking him in as much as Alex drank in Hunter. Alex had set himself up with a rigorous workout schedule to prep for the physical part of the special agent application process. He didn’t know for sure if he’d get accepted, but the real payoff lay in Hunter’s eyes.

Alex worked the zipper of his jeans. “Have you been waiting long?” He stripped off his jeans and underwear.

“I’m fine. Come and have your birthday cake.” Hunter laughed, the sexy, dirty laugh Alex loved. Hunter’s whole body moved in a sinuous, inviting wiggle, and the cuffs rattled. Alex’s cock and heart led him right into the bed like the needle on a compass pointing true north. He straddled Hunter, their legs tangling together in the sheets. He ran his hands over Hunter’s bulging biceps; he and Hunter had been working out together.

Hunter, his dream of love, impossible, unreachable. His selfishness for staying with Hunter kept him awake at night, tossing and turning, his head filled with fear. Vargas or Truman would take Hunter from him, from the world, and he’d be left to live out his days without Hunter, knowing he had been the one to cause his death.

Alex kissed Hunter to burn away his fears. When he put his hand down on the bed to brace himself, he touched the second set of cuffs. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

“I guess you liked the video?”

Alex froze for a moment, like he had in the bar when the drunk guy had called him Boy Blue. Looking around, he found the webcam on the nightstand beside Hunter’s laptop and moved it into the top drawer.

“Ah,” Hunter said. “I thought you might want to make a sex tape, you know, for us?” He smiled cute and sexy, but Alex shook his head.

“I want my cake.” He nibbled Hunter’s neck.

“Did something happen in the bar tonight?” Hunter’s eyes were so light blue they appeared gray, but this close they were dark with concern. “You looked worried there for a minute.”

“Nothing to worry about,” Alex assured him, hoping he spoke the truth.

“Okay?” Hunter bucked his hips under his. “Come on, baby. Let’s go. I’ve been lying here thinking about you and all the things you’re going to do to me when you get home.”

“You look good enough to eat. And lick.” Alex flicked his tongue across the letters of Hunter’s tattoo. When he took a hard little nipple in his mouth, Hunter arched his body with a moan, and Alex tightened his thighs around him. Hunter pulled at the cuffs. They rattled again, the play of straining muscle in his arms mesmerizing Alex. He unwrapped Hunter like a present, pulling the sheets from them both until they were naked. As he reached for the lube, he tightened one hand around both their cocks and squeezed and stroked them together. Hunter’s groans set his blood on fire, and he strained to keep from sinking into Hunter’s ass and fucking the daylights out of him.

“So ready for you.” He moaned, arching up against Alex, the heated slide of their skin making Alex shiver. “Come on, tiger.”

Alex moved Hunter’s wrist to the headboard and cuffed his other hand to the top of the wooden frame.

Monogamy had freed them from the tyranny of condoms. Hunter’s hot and ready flesh welcomed Alex, wrapping around his aching cock like a velvet glove, and he pummeled the soft nub of Hunter’s prostate until his body fell under Alex’s control. No wrestling with his bossy bottom—Hunter took what Alex gave him, and Alex gave everything he had. He stared into Hunter’s eyes as he fucked him, the eye contact a live wire between them while he drove into Hunter, so sexy, so much love.

“Coming,” Hunter groaned out, tears in his eyes. “Oh, God…Alex…I love you.”

Alex couldn’t form words. Hunter had melted his brain. Alex stroked him until he came in Alex’s hands, crying out his name as orgasm racked his body. Alex didn’t hold back anymore and came like a rocket.


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Meet the Author

Heloise West, when not hunched over the keyboard plotting love and mayhem, dreams about moving to a villa in Tuscany. She loves history, mysteries, and romance. She travels and gardens with her partner of fifteen years, and their home overflows with books, cats, art, and red wine.

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The Man From Milwaukee by Rick R. Reed Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Rick R. Reed popping in today with his new release The Man From Milwaukee, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

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The Man From Milwaukee


Rick R. Reed

It’s the summer of 1991 and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been arrested. His monstrous crimes inspire dread around the globe. But not so much for Emory Hughes, a closeted young man in Chicago who sees in the cannibal killer a kindred spirit, someone who fights against the dark side of his own nature, as Emory does. He reaches out to Dahmer in prison via letters.

The letters become an escape—from Emory’s mother dying from AIDS, from his uncaring sister, from his dead-end job in downtown Chicago, but most of all, from his own self-hatred.

Dahmer isn’t Emory’s only lifeline as he begins a tentative relationship with Tyler Kay. He falls for him and, just like Dahmer, wonders how he can get Tyler to stay. Emory’s desire for love leads him to confront his own grip on reality. For Tyler, the threat of the mild-mannered Emory seems inconsequential, but not taking the threat seriously is at his own peril.

Can Emory discover the roots of his own madness before it’s too late and he finds himself following in the footsteps of the man from Milwaukee?

Warning: Deceased family member, kidnapping, violence/gore, attempted murder, death of a parent

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The Painted Phoenix by Sarah Kay Moll Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys! We have Sarah Kay Moll popping in today with her new release The Painted Phoenix, we have a great excerpt and a $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

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The Painted Phoenix

(The Syndicate 02)


Sarah Kay Moll

With paintbrush in hand, Nate Redfield takes a city full of ugliness and makes it beautiful. His quiet, empty life is a refuge from a harrowing past, and although he has nothing to love, he also has nothing to lose. Standing up to the syndicate is a good way to end up with a hole in his head, but Nate is not afraid to die.

For once in his life, he’s going to do the right thing, even if it kills him. And it probably will.

But the most dangerous criminal in the city—a man whose sadism and ruthlessness have become local legend—decides to spare Nate’s life. On the streets, Ras is a cold-blooded syndicate enforcer, and makes no apologies for it. But he pursues Nate with a tenderness like nothing Nate has ever known. While no amount of violence could compel Nate to betray his moral compass, love leaves him defenseless.

The vibrant portraits Nate paints tell every story but his own: a lost little girl who thinks of him as a father, a lawyer who tempers justice with compassion, a crime boss and an art thief, and the killer who stole his heart. Ras offers him the love he’s yearned for all his life, if only he is willing to close his eyes to the violent truth. But his story is not one of compromise. It is the story of an indomitable spirit, rising like fire from the ashes of his past.

.•.•.**❣️ NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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Flowers of Flesh and Blood by Amy Tasukada Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys! We have Amy Tasukada popping in today with her new release Flowers of Flesh and Blood , we have a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

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Flowers of Flesh and Blood

(The Yakuza Path 05)

Amy Tasukada

A killer. A traitor. A deadly war that could take their love and their lives…

Ruling the Kyoto yakuza makes Nao Murata a perpetual target, especially with the Koreans encroaching into their territory. An attempt on his life at his mafia headquarters crosses a line. Setting up his beloved ally Aki as the would-be assassin crosses another. Nao knows the only way to save his friend’s life is to sever their growing bond and force Aki to fake his own death…

But Aki Hisona refuses to stay dead. Determined to expose Nao’s would-be killer and save the man he loves, Aki goes deep undercover in the Korean underworld. But when he’s asked to prove his loyalty, he risks becoming caught in a web of his own lies…

With Aki gone and the Kyoto mafia in grave danger, Nao fears his trust in others could be fatal.

Will Nao and Aki find the assassin in time, or will Nao’s rule end in bloody chaos?

Flowers of Flesh and Blood is the powerful fifth installment of The Yakuza Path thriller series. If you like gritty Japanese crime, richly nuanced characters, and slow-burning gay romance, then you’ll love Amy Tasukada’s high-octane novel.

Buy Flowers of Flesh and Blood to slice into the Japanese underworld today!

.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iBooks | Books2Read ❣️**.•.•.

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Third Eye by Rick R. Reed Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Third Eye

Author: Rick R. Reed

Publisher: NineStar Press

Release Date: April 20, 2020

Heat Level: 1 – No Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 93300

Genre: Horror/Thriller, NineStar Press, LGBTQIA+, crime, suspense, dark, men with children, reporter, hurt/comfort, psychic ability

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Who knew that a summer thunderstorm and a lost little boy would conspire to change single dad Cayce D’Amico’s life in an instant? With Luke missing, Cayce ventures into the woods near their house to find his son, only to have lightning strike a tree near him, sending a branch down on his head. When he awakens the next day in the hospital, he discovers he has been blessed or cursed—he isn’t sure which—with psychic ability. Along with unfathomable glimpses into the lives of those around him, he’s getting visions of a missing teenage girl.

When a second girl disappears soon after the first, Cayce realizes his visions are leading him to their grisly fates. Cayce wants to help, but no one believes him. The police are suspicious. The press wants to exploit him. And the girls’ parents have mixed feelings about the young man with the “third eye.”

Cayce turns to local reporter Dave Newton and, while searching for clues to the string of disappearances and possible murders, a spark ignites between them. Little do they know that nearby, another couple—dark and murderous—are plotting more crimes and wondering how to silence the man who knows too much about them.


Third Eye
Rick R. Reed © 2020
All Rights Reserved


She was only thirteen. It wasn’t fair she now lay, bound, waiting for death. Before, there had been struggling: clawing and fighting, scratching their faces, pulling at their hair, batting at whatever part she could reach. Her breath had come in choking spasms, adrenaline pumping, burning, anteing up the hysteria so much she thought her air would be blocked. Then had come the dread that made her lose most of her fight, when her terror-addled brain had begun to accept her fate was to die here, in this tiny, hot room, with the only witness to her demise the sparkling eyes of her killers and the maddening, crooked whirl of a ceiling fan long past its prime and wobbling, doing nothing more than blowing the overheated, moist air around the room. The dread had risen up, a nausea twisting her gut and making her afraid she would vomit. And then had come the numbness, a dull tingling throughout her body that precluded movement, stripping her of coherent thought.

They stood above her. Faces she had trusted, faces she had seen before, around her neighborhood. The man she and her friends had had a crush on. He used to drive by her little house on Ohio Street in his old red Mustang, looking the picture of youth, confidence, masculinity. His hair was dark, cut bristle-brush short, and his face always clean-shaven. Thin lips bordered rows of perfect white teeth, and when he had smiled at her, only hours ago, she had lit up. A tingling had started in her toes and had worked its way up until the color rose to her cheeks. At her young age, the interest of a man in his twenties was inconceivable, although it had been something she had hoped for since the first day she had seen him, back at the onset of summer, when the sun had turned white-hot, burning up the grass and making illusory waves rise from the hot, cracked sidewalks.

He had pulled to the curb and sat there, car idling. She sat in the front yard, sorting through Barbie clothes: ball gowns and swimming suits, miniskirts and stretch pants. He didn’t say anything, not right away. She had looked at him once, then looked away, certain his interest could never be in her. Suddenly she felt ridiculous with her metal trunk, her Barbie dolls, and all the outfits she had once been so proud to collect. Swiftly, she returned the clothes to their case and slammed it shut.

She leaned back, resting on her palms, and lifted her face to the sun. Its heat beat down relentlessly, making the skin on her face feel tight.

She felt his eyes on her still. She opened her own eyes a crack and regarded him peripherally. He really was looking at her! The adorable little smile that caused a dimple to rise in his right cheek deepened in the sun’s play of shadow and light. She leaned back more, left hand reaching out to surreptitiously move the Barbie trunk farther away. In this posture, here on the withered and brown grass, she felt that her breasts, little more than two tiny bumps an unkind boy at school had once referred to as her anthills, looked larger. She could be eighteen, couldn’t she? With the right makeup and her hair pulled up….

But now her long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, clipped with a pink plastic barrette. She wore a pair of cutoff shorts and an oversized South Park T-shirt belonging to her older brother. He would have killed her had he known she was wearing it. But he was away at the Y’s summer camp and would never know the difference.

The idling of the car was like an animal purring.

And then the sun disappeared, and she sat in darkness. Beneath her closed lids, she sensed someone standing over her.

Why hadn’t she heard the slam of the car door? Her eyelids fluttered, but she did not open them. It would be just like her mother to come outside now and stand above her, hands on hips, and ask her what she thought she was doing.


Finally, she opened her eyes and blinked at the brightness of the August day. He was smiling. So unlike the other guys in Fawcettville, he was dressed in pressed black slacks and a collarless white shirt, buttoned to his neck.

“How did you know my name?”

“Oh, I make it my business to know the names of all the pretty young ladies around here.”

Lucy felt the heat rise to her face once more. She grinned and could not think of a single word to say.

“Playing Barbie?”

She shoved the case farther away, until it was completely out of her grasp. The case lay in the white heat, glinting, looking, she hoped, as if it had nothing to do with her.

“What? Oh…no, no. These are my little sister’s. She always makes such a mess of things, and I was just organizing for her.”

“What a good sister.”

“Yeah, well…”

The two said nothing for a while, and Lucy began to grow uncomfortable under his gaze. She shifted her long, tanned legs in front of her, crossing them at the ankle.

“I was driving by and saw you sitting there, and I had to tell you”—he hunkered down beside her—“what a lovely sight you are. It made me stop just to have a better look.”

She laughed and thought she sounded way too much like the thirteen-year-old she was. “Thank you,” she whispered, wondering where her voice had gone.

“No, thank you, for being here, for making the heat of this day a little more pleasant.”

Oh, stop! she wanted to cry out but whispered again, “Thank you.”

He leaned closer, enough for her to feel his breath near her ear. In spite of the day’s heat, his nearness caused gooseflesh to rise on her arms, her spine to tingle.

“Listen.” He glanced around the empty street with eyes like none she had ever seen: green, ringed with thick black lashes. And in his gaze was a conspiracy that included only the two of them. “My car has air-conditioning. I know this is out of the blue and all, but I wondered if you’d like to go for a ride with me.”

Lucy glanced back at her house. She wished suddenly she lived in a bigger house, in a better neighborhood. Here on this modest residential street close to the river, her small white clapboard house was surrounded by other houses very much like it, some of them covered in rusting aluminum siding. She pictured her mother inside, on a vinyl-covered kitchen chair, watching All My Children on a thirteen-inch portable TV on the Formica-topped kitchen table. Her mother, she knew, would never approve of what was transpiring here, right in her front yard.

He stood suddenly. “Okay, okay. I get the message.”

“Wait.” She sat up straighter. A pickup rumbled by and left in its wake a smell of exhaust and a rush of hot air.

He turned. “What? Need to get your mom’s permission?”

“Of course not!” Her voice came out higher than she would have liked, the whiny protest of a child. She stood. “I’d like to come with you. But I can’t stay out too long.” She was about to say “My mom will be worried” but realized how immature that would sound. “I’ve got some people I have to meet in a little while.”

He smiled. And the smile erased any nervousness she had about going with him. After all, she had seen him around the neighborhood dozens of times. He wasn’t exactly a stranger, not really.

“That’s fine, Lucy. I’ll have you back within an hour. I promise. I certainly wouldn’t want to get off on the wrong foot with you.” He winked, and she followed him to the waiting car.


NineStar Press | Amazon | Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

Meet the Author

Real Men. True Love.

Rick R. Reed is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than fifty works of published fiction. He is a Lambda Literary Award finalist. Entertainment Weekly has described his work as “heartrending and sensitive.” Lambda Literary has called him: “A writer that doesn’t disappoint…” Find him at Rick lives in Palm Springs, CA, with his husband, Bruce, and their fierce Chihuahua/Shiba Inu mix, Kodi.

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Promises: The Next Generation by A.E. Via Audio Tour, Excerpt

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Promises: The Next Generation

Bounty Hunters Series, Book 5

Author A.E. Via

Publisher: Tantor

Narrator Aiden Snow

Listening Length 9 hours 3 minutes

Audio Release: 04.07.20

Promises 5 Audio Cover


Duke Webb has run the most successful bail recovery agency in Atlanta for over 20 years. That’s because he has a team of trained, competent hunters backing him up to keep his name feared on the streets. But Duke knows that nothing can go on forever. That’s what leads him to start his new training program.

Kellam Knight has studied martial arts under his sensei, Quick, since he was 8 years old. A tossed-out reject from high-society, Kell has a problem fighting on the right side of the law. When Quick offers Kell the opportunity to join Duke’s training program, he’s all in. Except he’s not prepared for the straight, over-confident, extremely disciplined, sexy man Brian has recruited to be his partner.

Tyrell Jenkins’ world was flipped upside down when his father never returned home from his last deployment. He’d been Ty’s teacher, mentor, his guide to living a righteous life as a good man. When Brian King – his father’s most trusted comrade – finally comes to him with the truth, he doesn’t come alone. He comes with trained men hidden in the shadows…and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join a brotherhood unlike any other.

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Kell paused at the door with his hand on the knob. “Tyrell. There is something I want.”

“Name it.”

“I want to kiss you.”

Ty’s chest expanded. Kell was giving him his gift in return. His thank you for the rare gold lying against his skin.

Ty didn’t stop walking until his entire body was pressed against Kell’s from thigh to forehead. He bent down and placed his lips where he always did. Needing to make eye contact, he brought one hand up and caressed Kell’s cheek tenderly before reaching around and releasing his hair from the messy bun. Kell swallowed loudly. Ty grazed his lips across Kell’s temple and lingered there as he slid his hand into that thick mane, burying it deep until his palm cradled the back of Kell’s skull. His partner whined and rubbed his body against him. So pliant and at his will. Kell smelled like fresh soap mixed with the ginger and apple from whatever shampoo he used. Ty pressed in harder and plunged his other hand in, watching the long strands thread through his fingers. Kell’s hair felt like plush down feathers.

Ty’s joint was ’bricker than brick.

Kell lifted his head higher, aiming those pretty lips where he wanted them to be. Ty hovered his mouth just over his and paused there, inflicting a few more seconds of torture before giving in to what he craved. Kell rose onto the balls of his feet and took their suffering away. He touched their lips together, gently at first, before moaning deeply, tilting his head and flicking his warm tongue at Ty’s lips.

Ty’s composure shattered.

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A.E. Via has been a best-selling author in the beautiful gay romance genre for six years now, but she’s no stranger to MM. She’s been an avid reader of gay lit for over fifteen years before she picked up her laptop to place her own kiss on this genre. She’s also the founder and owner of Via Star Wings Books, having published a couple great new up and coming MM authors.

A.E. has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from Virginia Wesleyan College that she used to start her own paralegal firm after she graduated in 2008. She spent five years preparing and filing bankruptcy petitions for struggling blue collar workers who couldn’t afford to file with a lawyer. It was a rewarding and satisfying career… but another path called to her.


A.E.’s novels embodies everything from hopelessly romantic to adventure, to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.

She’s recently celebrated her 20th book anniversary, and is kind of known now for her hardcore, play rough and love hard, bad boy, alphas. However, she does like to push herself to step out of her comfort zone, exploring different tropes, but she won’t push herself into a whole other genre. She’s head over heels for gay romance and she has tons of more hot stories to tell.

Be sure to visit Adrienne on her social media pages and subscribe to her newsletter to never miss another release date! Go to A.E. Via’s official website for more detailed information on how to contact her, follow her, or a sneak peek at upcoming work, free reads, VSWB submissions, and where she’ll appear next.

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Feral Creatures by Tommy Ousslander Blog Tour, Guest Post & Excerpt!

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Tommy Ousslander has a new MM shifter book out:

Feral Creatures

After a brutal attack that almost killed him, Billy discovered that the monsters from horror movies and myth really do exist, not realizing he was one of them. Now dancing and turning tricks at a dive bar called The Molly House, that caters to lowlife supernaturals, Billy searches for a home and the truth of what he really is.

Meeting Brogan, the sexy and dangerous Alpha of a pack of feral werewolves, Billy is drawn into a battle between Brogan and the High Court, the ruling body of the supernatural world.

When they discover the truth of what Billy really is, will he survive the fight to control him?

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Welcome to The Molly House
Tommy Ousslander

To me one of the best parts about writing is the research that goes into a story. This goes for almost every kind of story you might be writing whether it is horror, a romance , and most definitely science fiction. Of course you could just make everything up. It is your story, your world after all but I enjoy when there is a basis in fact.

When thinking of a name for the divey gay bar where Billy works as a gogo dancer and hooker, I wanted it to be one that had some sort of history attached to it and a basis in reality. That is how it came to be called , The Molly House.

Now a molly house was a gay bar in 18th and 19th century England. The most famous owner of a molly house was Mother Clap. It was said she hosted forty plus chaps a night and more on Sundays.  At the time gay sex was outlawed under the Buggery Act of 1553 and you could be fined, imprisoned or put to death if convicted. 

It was said she loved her customers. She was known to provide false testimony on behalf of her customers who were charged with sodomy. It was this act that got Mother Clap arrested and charged.

According to Rictor Norton in the Trial of Margaret Clap. She was found guilty as charged and was sentenced to stand in the pillory in Smithfield Market, to pay a fine of 20 marks, and to two years’ imprisonment. During her punishment, she fell off the pillory once and fainted several times. It is not known what became of her, if indeed she survived prison.

This is where our story picks up.  I thought such a brave woman deserved a little better treatment from history, so I continued her story. After surviving her two year stint in the hellish Newgate prison, Mother Clap fled to the Americas in search of freedom and a new start. In 1730 she opened her new establishment, The Molly House. It became home to the new world’s gay supernaturals that disembarked on America’s shores with all the other immigrants.

Mother Clap lived and died at The Molly House. Her ghost still haunting and keeping a watchful on on her beloved customers.

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Brogan stood at the side of the bed and looked down at Billy. When he first saw him unconscious in the back of the truck, he almost lost it. The thought of ripping out the twin’s throats flashed through his mind. They were just following orders. His orders, hurt him but don’t kill him. I must be getting soft. What is this fucking kid doing to me?

Billy woke with a start. Nervous and fearful with Brogan leering over him. He propped himself up on his elbows. The sudden movement made him dizzy. He felt the back of his head. The stitches felt weird but didn’t hurt.

“We sewed you up. Just a couple of stitches.” Brogan explained. “You’re a tough little Sonuvabitch.” Was that a smile? “Sorry about the misunderstanding with the twins. Was my fault.” He tried to keep his tone and ego in check. A slight like Billy committed never went unpunished.”So what are we going to do?”

“I gotta couple of ideas.” Fear gave him smart mouth. “Where’s Sheila? What did you do to her?” Billy sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He was pissed and concerned for his only friend. This motherfucker lied to me, he played me with what I wanted to hear.

“She’s a tough girl. She knows the score.”

“Why should I believe you? You already lied to me.” Billy was standing his ground. Chin jutted out in defiance. His heart beating fast.

“Go ahead.” Brogan tossed Billy his cellphone. He didn’t like to be challenged, especially by some little pup. He waited while Billy called Sheila. He allowed them only a few minutes of conversation before he cut them off and tried to take the phone back. Billy waved him off and kept talking. Brogan slapped the phone out of his hand. “Don’t defy me boy.”

“Fuck you.”

Brogans face twisted in rage. He grabbed Billy by the throat. His left hand squeezed tight. Billy tried to pry the himself free but Brogan’s grip was solid, unbreakable. Those hands were made to be wrapped around his neck. A perfect fit.

“I don’t know whether to gut ya or fuck ya.” He barked out the words, eyes wide and sparkling with madness. Billy’s face grew bright red but he did not loosen his hold. “No one ever made me feel the way you do. I could have given you the fucking world. Why the hell did ya do a runner?”

There it was . It was the fact the kid left him that twisted his guts. The diamonds were not even a concern at this moment. He was wounded, hurt after being left. Brogan had opened himself and gave a small look into his heart and was rejected.

Billy heard the words and wanted to believe. After all, he wasn’t dead. He clutched at the hand tightening around his throat. He could feel the power coursing through him. Billy’s nature peeked through as he started gettinghard. The tighter the squeeze, the more aroused he became. Brogan watched the twink’s bulge grow as his cock got excited. He grew close to blacking out again but he fought it.

The wolf released his throat and dropped him onto the bed. Billy had a coughing fit and tears ran down his puffy red cheeks. Brogan threw his hands in the air, “For fucks sake, boy.” He was frustrated by the confusingemotions the boy raised up in him.

“Why?” Billy’s voice was raw. ‘Ya wanna know why? Those stones offered me a better life. One where I didn’t have to scrounge in dumpsters for some scraps of food or give a blowjob to some rando for twenty bucks.”

“I told you to stay and ya wouldn’t have to worry about that shit anymore.” His mind raged at the thought of BIlly giving head to some skell, letting them paw at that beautiful body. Violating him.

“Ya think I haven’t heard that line before. Some dude promising me the world, a home. Only to find out it was just some bullshit. That they just wanted to fuck then my ass is kicked to the curb like the trash.” He said. “You, me, we were fucked up out our minds. How could I trust what you said? And believe me, I wanted too. oh, fuck did I want too. I thought I felt a real connect between us, like nothing I ever felt before.”

Billy long denied what and who he enjoyed. The strong hand, taking what it wanted. To give in and let someone dominate him, giving them everything. A man who wanted him with such passion and need. Billy looked atthe man framed between the v of his thighs.

“I hunger for you like no other. ” Brogan broke free and let it all spill. “Not just to plow that fucking sweet ass but the thought of anyone else touching you.” He shook his head. The lustrou black hair falling into his face. “ I alone want to possess you. The thought of another man touching ya drives me mad. I would fucking kill em.” His voice low and growly.

“I want to but … I’m scared.” Oh god yes. Just say yes, let go of all that bullshit. The idea that Brogan would be so jealous to murder over him, excited Billy. It pulled at his twisted sense of love. Would he kill me too? Just jump into the abyss.

“Listen, Billy.” He fell to his knees at the side of the bed, hands rested atop Billy’s knees. “Sheila says we’ve bonded and whether that’s love, I don’t fucking know. I’m not sure I even know what love is but..” he drifted off, not sure of the right word to say. “What I do know is I can’t stand to be apart from you. It’s like a knife in me guts. I want to protect you. To take care of you and see you happy. I ain’t promising you white picket fences and flowers. We live fast and we live hard, come what may. Stop trying to live how they tell us we should live. That bullshit is for the normals not feral creatures like us.” No poetry just honesty. Something in short supply in Billy’s life. “Join our pack and run with us. Run with me?” Please say yes so I don’t have to chain you to this bed and just take what I want.

New tears ran down Billy’s face. He’s right, stop living for them and live for you. Take this chance, give in to it.

“The only love I knew was from my mom.” He tried to summon a clear memory of her but the image was blurred and faded. His heart hurt. “I didn’t even have that for long. I guess we’re both fucked up in that department. Even if you said you loved me, I wouldn’t buy it or even if I did, I wouldn’t know how to handle it. I understand wanting and needing, those I can deal with it.”

“Know this. If you accept me then you are mine. There is no walking away from it. You will belong to me.” He stood up at the edge of the bed, looking down at Billy. Brogan barely maintained control. it was hard to not just take the boy and force him to be his. “So what will it be?”

“So I will be your property for to fuck and beat when it suits ya?” Billed asked. “What every boy dreams of.”

“Oh, I will fuck you and fuck you often but I won’t abuse ya. I ain’t me da who liked to batter the ones he said he loved.” Brogan was serious. “I will protect and care for you, that is what I’m offering.”

“Yes.” The sound came out small but packed a punch. He cried with happiness, fear and release. The head of his cock pushing out of the jock. “Please, take everything I have. Make me disappear.” He whimpered in need. “I will be yours.”

Brogan licked his lips. He was hungry and the beast needed to be fed. Now. There was no way he wasn’t going to fuck this boy right now. After last night and today, his balls ached to unload in him.

He took billy’s face in his hands, his lips hovered over the boy’s. “You are mine now.” His breath hot and heavy. “I wanna swallow you whole.” The big bad wolf was going to devour little red riding hood.

“I need you inside me.” Giving in to brogan and his own appetites was exhilarating. It felt so…good. “Claim me as yours.” Billy unbuttoned his jeans. He started squirming out of them when Brogan grabbed the pant legs and roughly yanked them off.

Brogan crawled up in between Billy’s legs, forcing them to spread wide. Billy groaned under the weight of the big man. Long strong thighs holding him prisoner. There was no escaping this. There will be a reckoning. Billy loved the way Brogan’s hair fell and covered his face. Brogan reared back on his knees, undid the button and zipper of his jeans, pushing them down past his ass, letting out his meat. Rigid and fat, his cock stuck straight out, a piece of iron oozing precum. The size of his hard dick made Billy mewl again, his hole instinctively tightened. The sound triggered Brogan, calling to the wolf within him. It demanded to be released. Brogan spit into his hand then ran up and down his length. He slicked up his cock. Billy’s hips rolled and bucked, anxious and desperate to get fucked. A cat in heat writhing and mewling. Their bodies burned with pent up desire and frustration, with need. His hands dug into Brogan’s sides, demanding he continue.

Shamelessly, Billy reached for his ass and spread his cheeks. His hole presented to Brogan, who leaned in with his hips and pushed into him. He felt that heat as Billy’s ass opened and took in the engorged head. It stretched him wide. Billy bit his lip and whimpered. Brogan almost shot his load when he heard him. The young blond lifted his hips higher in the air to accommodate the hard cock. Billy didn’t have a chance to grow accustomed to the intrusion. One more thrust and Brogan slide in all the way.

Author Bio

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Feral Creatures - Tommy Ousslander
Tommy developed a love of books, from autobiographies to science fiction, at an early age. After trying many careers paths such as soldier, mailman, club promoter and party decorator and with the publication of “Feral Creatures” has finally decided to pursue his first love of writing.

Born in the Bronx, he has lived in a variety of places from Germany to Phoenix. He now lives outside of new York City with his husband and a rotating cast of family and friends who are constantly coming and going.

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Pins & Needles by A.J. Thomas (2nd Edition)

Title: Pins & Needles

Author: A.J. Thomas

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (300 pages)

Publisher: A.J. Thomas (14th October 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: The truth is rarely seen on the surface, and getting to it might mean digging deep….

After a devastating accident and a long stay in the hospital, the last thing petroleum engineer Sean Wilkinson wants to deal with is the settlement the oil company tries to force on him. He’ll never be able to work in his field again, his education is all but useless, and his surgeons are pessimistic about whether he’ll ever walk again. He needs someone in his corner, but most lawyers take one look at his tattoo-covered father and turn their backs. It’s just Sean’s luck that the one attorney willing to give him a chance is also the hottest guy he’s ever seen.

As a trial lawyer, Nate Delany has a lot to prove—to his father, the world, and himself. Sean intrigues Nate, and he struggles to reconcile the gifted tattoo artist he can’t stop fantasizing about with the quiet, brilliant engineer. His investigation reveals facts left out of the accident report—including an illicit affair, greedy coworkers, and a vicious corporation that will do anything to protect its bottom line. When Sean’s life is threatened, winning Sean’s case, and his heart, becomes a lot more dangerous.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: An intriguing read about Sean and how he copes after an accident leaves him in a wheel chair battling the company he worked for over a settlement. In steps Nate Delaney to negotiate the terms of the settlement.

These two men are not without their struggles in life but they grow closer amid a wide variety of suspicious things going on around them. I found both characters to be interesting. I liked the way they interacted with each other and others.

This story will draw you in and not let go until the very end. I enjoyed this story and it’s characters. Well written with the right amount of mystery and romance.

Great read.

Promises Part 4 by A.E. Via Audio Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

A.E. Via - Promises 4 Audio Tour Banner

Hi guys, we have A.E. Via visiting today with her audio release Promises: Part 4, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant 4x $25 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the post and then enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~ p.s. keep an eye out for Prime’s review coming soon!

A.E. Via - Promises 4 Audio Cover dnm87

Promises: Part 04

(The Bounty Hunters 04)
Narrator: Aiden Snow

A.E. Via

Brian King was honorably discharged from the United States Navy five years ago. He’d left with the highest honors a man can receive in his country, but he’d paid the ultimate price to earn them. He’d returned home with all his limbs, his right mind, and with his only brother Ford, at his side. But, one thing had been lost, maybe for good…his voice.

Now, being a bounty hunter is Brian’s only means to satisfy his need to calculate, track, and capture. He missed companionship, he missed communicating. So, when he met Sway Hamilton – in the most unconventional means – he’d been surprised at his special way of understanding Brian’s every look…and touch.

Sway grew up in the rough part of ATL, trailing behind his twin brother Stanton and his best friend, Dana. He and his brother had a bond only twins could understand. So when Stanton’s life was taken during their sophomore year in college, Sway didn’t think he’d ever recover. However, Sway knew there was more to life than heartache.

Sway has to learn to trust in love, and Brian has to believe that Sway will always understand him even if he never speaks again.

.•.•.**❣️ Audible US | Audible UK | Tantor | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “Promises Part 4 by A.E. Via Audio Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Promises Part 3 by A.E. Via Audio Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

A.E. Via - Promises 3 Audio Tour Banner

Hi guys, we have A.E. Via visiting today with her audio release Promises: Part 3, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant 4x $25 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the post and then enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~ p.s. keep an eye out for Prime’s review coming soon!

A.E. Via - Promises 3 Audio Cover

Promises: Part 03

(The Bounty Hunters 03)
Narrator: Aiden Snow

A.E. Via

The hunt is on… and he’s the prey.

Bradford (Ford) King was sure he had the rest of his life mapped out. Though he was no longer a SEAL Lieutenant, his brother was home safe and he had a job that still allowed him to satisfy his hunger for hunting bad guys. Life was simple, no distractions or complications – at age forty-six – that’s all Ford wanted. What he didn’t want was his work partner, sniper/watchman, Dana, giving him s**t all the time.

Dana Cadby had grown up labeled a roughneck from the wrong side of the tracks. He’d fought, scrounged, and survived despite a father that constantly told him he couldn’t. Dana pulled himself up by his own boot straps and made a name for himself in the marksman community. He’d been Duke’s bounty watchman for five years. It was his job to ensure their safety, watch their backs. At thirty-three, he was trusted, well respected by his peers, his bosses, his friends… so why couldn’t he earn the same respect from his partner?

Dana knew he was bisexual before he graduated high school. He also knew he was attracted to the huge, 6’3”, SEAL from the moment he and his brother came to join their team. It wasn’t easy for him to tamp down his immediate reaction to Ford’s thick muscles, full beard, and dark eyes. Still, Dana exhibited nothing but professionalism towards him, not wanting to make his ‘straight’ partner uncomfortable.

After Dana took back his ex-girlfriend, he’d noticed an intensification in Ford’s bad attitude. One that turned aggressive and downright antagonistic, and Dana was damned if he’d just lay down and take it. He was gonna make that man respect him if it was the last thing he did.

When Duke sends Dana and Ford out to track down their most dangerous bounty yet, they both embrace the fact that they make one hell of a team… but they fight tooth and nail against the powerful intimacy brewing between them.

Beware: When Ford and Dana connect, no fugitive can hide from the hunter and his watchman.

This story is a part of a series but can stand alone. It does not end on a cliffhanger and has a HEA.

Disclaimer: This book is about MM romance, albeit there is a very brief MF scene.

.•.•.**❣️ Audible US | Audible UK | Tantor | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “Promises Part 3 by A.E. Via Audio Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

His Hart’s Command by A.E. Via ~ Audio Review

A.E. Via - His Hart's Command Audio Cover 874rjfTitle: His Heart’s Command

Series: Nothing Special 06

Author: A.E. Via

Narrator: Aiden Snow

Genre: Contemporary, Action, Cops

Length: 8 hrs, 51 mins

Publisher: Tantor (5th November 2019)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: Lennox Freeman (Free) is one of the best hackers in the world which has caused him to spend most of his life on the run. Never able to put down roots, he couldn’t trust anyone not to take advantage of him, even his own family.

Ivan Hart has lived and bled one creed all of his life: To Serve and Protect. His intense focus and determination in law enforcement has led him to finally commanding his own team. He’d worked hard to put together a squad of badasses capable of backing up a very dangerous team of detectives. Being God and Day’s last line of defense came with a lot of responsibility that he took very seriously.

After his divorce was final Hart turned right around and remarried his job. He had his good friends there in the office with him every day, so it was easier to ignore the few quiet hours he spent at home alone each night. He’d settled well into his new routine and was comfortable with it. Then God decided to disrupt everything by hiring another tech specialist for his department. A man whose brains, trendy looks, and voice would leave Hart tongue-tied and captivated at their first introduction.

Purchase Link: Audible US | Audible UK | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: His Hart’s Command is the sixth book in A.E. Via’s fantastic series, Nothing Special, which follows the love lives and the action at work of the elite Atlanta PD drug taskforce led by Lieutenants God and Day.

His Hart’s Command continues with the same intensity and tone as the five previous books in the series. It’s seamless transition between books and Via has this wonderful knack to mix hot, steamy sexual attraction with a complex storyline. I find every minute – either as an audio or on page – compelling and interesting. While it’s impossible for me to relate to tough alpha males who work in a high stakes, possibly deadly line of work, I love that they also feel like they aren’t extraordinary human wonders that no one could possibly understand. I love that this series doesn’t forget the guys who we’ve already seen find the love of their lives, because we get to see that they are human and that even down the track these are still have their own issues cropping up from time to time.

Aiden Snow, who has performed the narration for the entire series so far, continues a fantastic job and really just completes the job of getting me engrossed in the world of the guys on God and Day’s team. Snow’s voice suits the action and the passion throughout the book, as well as hitting the emotions and uncertainty. The part that has me in awe the most is how Snow has managed to give all the characters in this series their own voices and portrays them so well. After all, just because the guys in the previous books found their men doesn’t mean that we don’t see them all the time in subsequent books and continue to see more of their stories.

His Hart’s Command starts with Lennox Freeman (aka Free). He got onto Day and God’s team with a brief introduction in book 5, he’s one of the best hackers around and his skills has landed him in trouble, so much so he’s always struggled to make roots from himself. Until now that is, now that he has been invited to be God and Day’s team’s technical eyes and ears when his friend (and the team’s previous hacker) became a field cop. Free is getting comfortable in his new life and there is one man that has him intrigued, Ivan Hart.

Ivan is the leader of the SWAT team who is more often than not providing back up for God’s and Day’s team. He loves his job. It is perhaps his greatest passion. He prides himself on his expertise. Meanwhile his personal life is in disarray. He is recently divorced and since the end of his marriage he has thrown even more of himself into his job. But things change when Free join’s God and Day’s team. Free challenges Hart’s every day normal but there is a strong current of attraction between them. With issues arising God and Day and their team seeming to take unnecessary risks, romance between these guys appears to be something that could cause a lot of issues amongst the drug taskforce and the SWAT.

As I said earlier, this is a wonderful series. It’s amazing and I can’t stop gushing about how much I love it. If you’ve not read the previous books you should go back to the start as there is a lot of overarching and interconnecting storylines. Those that love some action and danger and men in uniform with their romance will definitely dig this series.

Promises Part 2 by A.E. Via Audio Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!!

A.E. Via - Promises 2 Audio Tour Banner

Hi guys, we have A.E. Via visiting today with her audio release Promises: Part 2, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant 4x $25 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the post and then enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~ p.s. keep an eye out for Prime’s review coming soon!

A.E. Via - Promises 2 Audio Cover whec6eb

Promises: Part 02

(The Bounty Hunters 02)
Narrator: Aiden Snow

A.E. Via

Roman “Quick” Webb is one badass bounty hunter on the crime-filled streets of Atlanta. He’s fearless when it comes to carrying out his dangerous job alongside his longtime best friend and business partner, Duke. However, there is one thing that has begun to cause Quick concern and it’s the dreadful thought of living out the rest of his life alone. 

Dr. Cayson Chauncey has been wildly attracted to the big, tattooed hunter for almost a year, ever since he performed the surgery that saved Quick’s best friend’s life. Cayson must’ve mistaken Quick’s gratitude for something more, because the one time he tried to make his desires known, he was harshly rebuffed and left on the man’s doorstep feeling stupid for hitting on an obviously very straight man.

Dr. Chauncey stirred up Quick’s suppressed, most carnal desires from a place deep down inside of him. He’d reacted so badly the first time that now his sexy surgeon wanted nothing to do with him. It was going to take a fair amount of patience and a whole lot of wooing involved as Quick sets out to convince Cayson that he’s worth another chance and that he is the brave lover who Cayson has been looking for.

.•.•.**❣️ Audible US | Audible UK | Tantor | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “Promises Part 2 by A.E. Via Audio Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!!”

Promises Part 1 by A.E. Via Audio Book Blast & Excerpt!

A.E. Via - Promises 1 Audio Tour Banner

Hi guys, we have A.E. Via visiting today with her audio release Promises: Part 1, we have a great excerpt, so check out the post and then enjoy! ❤️ ~Pixie~ p.s. keep an eye out for Prime’s review coming soon!

A.E. VIA - PROMISES PART 1 Audio Cover 6jyu8r

Promises: Part 01

(The Bounty Hunters 01)
Narrator: Aiden Snow

A.E. Via

Duke Morgan owns and operates one of the largest bail bond companies in Atlanta. Not only does he bond criminals out of jail, he and his notorious group of bounty hunters will also track them down and ensure they show up for court.

Roman “Quick” Webb is Duke’s business partner and best friend. Both men are in their forties and have given up on the happily ever after with the ranch-style home, and white picket fence. They’d both tried it and failed miserably. But they have their friendship and they have the business.

When Quick’s son, Vaughan Webb returns – after seven years-from studying abroad with his law degree in hand, he’s back to claim what he’s always wanted…his fathers’ best friend…Duke Morgan. Vaughan has always claimed to be a classic gentleman with an old soul. He was focused and dedicated to becoming the man worthy of Duke’s love.

It’s a complex and messy situation as Duke and Quick figure out how to still be best friends when one of them is sleeping with his friend’s one and only son. But when Duke is hurt on the job, all the unimportant trivialities fall to the wayside and Vaughan and Quick put their heads together to save Duke.

.•.•.**❣️ Audible US | Audible UK | Tantor | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “Promises Part 1 by A.E. Via Audio Book Blast & Excerpt!”

Nothing Special V by A.E. Via ~ Audio Review

A.E. Via - Nothing Special V Audio Cover s nty373Title: Nothing Special V

Series: Nothing Special 05

Author: A.E. Via

Narrator: Aiden Snow

Genre: Contemporary, Action, Men in Uniform

Length: 12 hrs, 29 mins

Publisher: A.E. Via

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: Atlanta’s notorious narcotics task force is at it again. They are stronger, bigger, and better than ever. Especially when a city councilman sends RECON Marine Edwin Steele – who’s been black-listed from his Oakland department – to join the team.

Steele was ready to hang up his shield. He was done fighting with bigoted bastards that couldn’t respect the job. He was good at fighting; he just needed the right team to fight with. When his uncle – City Councilman Rasmus Steele – shows him a video of God’s team in action, he knows right away it’s where his nephew belongs in order to restore his faith.

Steele was skeptical about his new placement, but when he meets God’s technology special-ist/computer genius, “Tech”, he’s willing to give it his all, and he definitely shows and proves.
Tech is stunning. His sweater vest and khakis, a stark contrast to the blue-jeaned roughnecks he works with. A beautiful sheep amongst the wolves. Steel thinks there’s no way the brilliant man would be interested in a hardhead like him, but Tech has a few badass hidden talents of his own and manages to surprise him…surprise all of them.

Purchase Link: Audible US | Audible UK | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: Nothing Special V is (obviously), the fifth book in AE Via’s Nothing Special series.
I have absolutely loved this series from the start, although I’ve not read it and only been listening to the audio. Which I at first found out, because this book has some very long and steamy sex scenes, which usually I find rather boring. However, Via does an excellent job of writing multiple, very explicit scenes into books that actually fit in the flow of story, as opposed to being crow-barred in because hey, let’s have characters have sex in stupid places (Via doesn’t do the latter, but it’s one of my pet hates in romances, erotic or otherwise).

The audio narration is performed by Aiden Snow, which summed up in one word is sublime. Each book, although has one couple which is the primary focus, features a whole cast of characters which become more complex and developed throughout the course of the books. At this point we’re talking seven or eight sets of lovers with a handful of other characters who have popped up more than once in the course of the series. What I love the most about Snow’s audio is how he gives these very complex characters distinctive voices and feels. I felt this more so in this book because at the end we have a character with an English accent pop up, and another with a Southern drawl also pop up. This was a totally amazing performance that reflected Snow’s skill and versatility to narrate a story and perform the characters in a way that does the writing justice.

Nothing Special V brings technical, computer and communications specialist for the Atlanta PD’s most successful narcotics squad, Tech. Tech joined the team as part of a deal, which Lieutenants God and Day helped him get a deal when he was caught hacking into government databases while trying to find his brother. Tech is smart as hell, he’s been to MIT and only got caught hacking that one time. He joined the unit as their tech specialist, but he continued to become a detective in his own right. However, being much younger than his colleagues, as well as having a much more slight build with significantly less muscle, means that he feels his team are over protective of him. But Tech has been working and training because it is his dream to become a field officer, as well as help with the technical side of things.

To make this more complicated, we multiple storylines from multiple characters. In particular, the first couple that started this series, God and Day, the leaders of the squad. After becoming engaged, and despite working together and living together, fears and insecurities have caused a breakdown in communication. While they aren’t all out brawling there is a lot of tension. I liked this particular aspect because not only did it reflect the characters past. I liked how the tension showed that things aren’t always rosy in a relationship, especially with the dangerous and stressful job they have, even though they have their HEA.

Lieutenant Godfrey of the APD isn’t took happy when he is forced to take a new member on his squad. They aren’t even recruiting and he and Day haven’t asked for more boots on the ground. But he has a new guy and that man is ex-marine, medal of honour recipient Steele. Since leaving the service Steele has found it difficult to find his place in a career as a police officer. But it is his uncle who pulls some pretty serious strings to join a team that would better fit him before Steele’s dependence on alcohol got any worse. Steele isn’t exactly happy that his uncle did what he did, despite being his only surviving family, and it also has Steele living in the same state as his uncle once more. Yet when he first lays eyes on Tech, he is instantly intrigued. Suddenly, his new job is looking better and better, and he finds out his uncle left out a few important details when he had shown Steele a video of the APD team in action.

The book is full of passionate love scenes, a number of comedic moments and plenty of action. This is a must read (or listen) series for anyone that loves to read about rough and tough law enforcement guys. They work and play hard. This is an ongoing story, so it’s vital to start this series from the start and not treat this as a standalone book.

The end of this audio also features a short story which involves the brother and the adopted son of some of our most beloved characters from the APD Narcotics squad. It was a nice little story, and while it’s removed from the world of cops and action, I really liked how well developed the romance and characters felt – both have changed a lot since we first met them in earlier novels of this series and have been written into very mature young men that reflect the values of the cops in their lives.

There is one more book in this series, the set up for it was laid towards the end of Nothing Special V, and I can’t wait to hear the audio for it and get what I’m sure will be another stellar performance by Aiden Snow.

When Death Frees the Devil by L.J. Hayward *Pre-release Review*

L.J. Hayward - When Death Frees The Devil Cover snab7ehbTitle: When Death Frees the Devil

Series: Death and the Devil

Author: L.J. Hayward

Genre: Suspense

Length: Novel (337pgs)

ISBN: 9780648446064

Publisher: L.J. Hayward (17th January 2020)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Maya

Blurb: Ethan is finally free. He’s left the Cabal behind and embraced a civilian life with Jack, the man he loves. The only problem is that the Cabal isn’t willing to let him go. A call in the middle of the night and a threat to Jack’s family, and Ethan is back in the game. The only way out is to take on the organization that spent years warping his life.

Jack’s boyfriend has a way of vanishing on him, but this time Ethan’s disappearance is more frightening than ever. A trail of mysterious clues, a hit against his family, and the handprint of the Cabal on everything means the greatest test of love and determination Jack has ever endured.

Torn apart by forces greater than they are, Jack and Ethan must fight harrowing battles to get back to each other. The Cabal is the greatest foe either of them has had to face. Ethan is willing to throw away everything to bring an end to the Cabal’s evil. And Jack is willing to do the same to make sure Ethan comes out the other side alive.

CW – teen suicide, suicidal thoughts, child abuse, graphic violence.

Purchase Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo | Smashwords | B&N

Review: Jack and Ethan are back!

It’s as much a treat for me as the previous books have been, even though I was feeling like yo-yo during much of the book – dangling on a string.

It’s not just the plot– which is very good, it’s the way the narrative unfolds– we get only pieces of information, layers upon layers forming what’s attention grabbing, hair rising and heart melting story.

It was outstanding!

This time we get introduced to big evil just hinted at in previous book – namely Cabal, which is trying to regain their control of Ethan. Jack is standing in their way, determined to help his lover. The story is jumping from point to point in time, each piece giving different view of situation, underscoring just how desperate Jack and Ethan’s position is. I kept reminding myself there is a happy end and my fingers itched to jump pages. I couldn’t tear myself from the story. It was brimming with twists and turns causing adrenaline rush. It’s ultimate thrill ride!

Despite unrelenting action, there is emotional component to the story. Cabal is part of Ethan’s past and the story doesn’t stint on his reaction to shadowy manipulations that ruined so much of his life, we do find out more about Jack. It seems like all the ghosts from his pasts aren’t buried and they started popping up. While Ethan and Jack are separated through good part of the book their relationship only grows stronger as they risk everything for each other. The ending was really, really sweet and I hope we see what author teased in following books (notice I’m hoping for plural).

The plot ends are all tied up nicely (and boy, does Hayward have a devious mind – surprises abound!) but the ending allows plenty of opportunity for Jack and Ethan to get into more trouble.

Fingers crossed the new book is soon!

Promises: Part 1 by A.E. VIA Audio Blog Tour & Giveaway!


Hi guys, we have A.E. Via visiting today with the tour for her new audio release Promises: Part 1, we have a brilliant giveaway where you can win your own audiobook of Promises: Part 1, so check out the post and then enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~ p.s. keep an eye out for Prime’s review coming soon!

A.E. VIA - PROMISES PART 1 Audio Cover 6jyu8r

Promises: Part 01

(The Bounty Hunters 01)
Narrator: Aiden Snow

A.E. Via

Duke Morgan owns and operates one of the largest bail bond companies in Atlanta. Not only does he bond criminals out of jail, he and his notorious group of bounty hunters will also track them down and ensure they show up for court.

Roman “Quick” Webb is Duke’s business partner and best friend. Both men are in their forties and have given up on the happily ever after with the ranch-style home, and white picket fence. They’d both tried it and failed miserably. But they have their friendship and they have the business.

When Quick’s son, Vaughan Webb returns – after seven years-from studying abroad with his law degree in hand, he’s back to claim what he’s always wanted…his fathers’ best friend…Duke Morgan. Vaughan has always claimed to be a classic gentleman with an old soul. He was focused and dedicated to becoming the man worthy of Duke’s love.

It’s a complex and messy situation as Duke and Quick figure out how to still be best friends when one of them is sleeping with his friend’s one and only son. But when Duke is hurt on the job, all the unimportant trivialities fall to the wayside and Vaughan and Quick put their heads together to save Duke.

.•.•.**❣️ Audible US | Audible UK | Tantor | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “Promises: Part 1 by A.E. VIA Audio Blog Tour & Giveaway!”

Testament by Jose Nateras Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Jose Nateras - Testament RB Banner

Hi guys! We have Jose Nateras popping in today with his new release Testament, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

Jose Nateras - Testament Cover ncbds7h



Jose Nateras

Gabe Espinosa, is trying to dig himself out of the darkness. Struggling with the emotional fallout of a breakup with his ex-boyfriend, Gabe returns to his job at The Rosebriar Room; the fine dining restaurant at the historic Sentinel Club Chicago Hotel. Already haunted by the ghosts of his severed relationship, he’s drastically unprepared for the ghosts of The Sentinel Club to focus their attentions on him as well.

When a hotel guest violently attacks Gabe, he finds himself the target of a dark entity’s rage; a rage built upon ages of racial tension and toxic masculinity. Desperate to escape the dark spiral he’s found himself in, Gabe flees across the city of Chicago and dives into the history of the hotel itself. Now, Gabe must push himself to confront the sort of evil that transcends relationships and time, the sort of evil that causes damage that ripples across lives for generations.

Gabe must fight to break free from the dark legacy of the past; both his own and that of the hotel he works in.

Warning: mentions of suicide, assault, rape

.•.•.**❣️ NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “Testament by Jose Nateras Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

The Hunt by Sarah Elkins Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Elkins - The Hunt RB Banner

Hi peeps, we have Sarah Elkins popping in today with her new release Psychic Underground: The Hunt, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

Sarah Elkins - The Hunt Cover mzk8dj

The Hunt

(Psychic Underground 02)

Sarah Elkins

The Facility is undergoing repairs after a chaotic failed escape attempt by several psychic test subjects some months ago. Neila and Henry’s mission is to locate potential psychics for the scientists at the Facility to study, but they have other ideas.

Neila can’t shake the idea of Nikola Tesla from her mind, and it’s getting worse as bizarre things start happening to herself and Henry. As they hunt for more about Neila’s possible past life, they aren’t sure if they will find answers or if they will become the hunted.

Things are not peaceful back at the Facility as troubling secrets come to light, and the Psychic Underground may never be the same.

Warning: Body horror, description of the torture of an animal

.•.•.**❣️ NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “The Hunt by Sarah Elkins Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”