The Stark Divide by J. Scott Coatsworth Blog Tour, Unique Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

J. Scott Coatsworth - The Stark Divide Banner 2

Hi peeps! We have J. Scott Coatsworth visiting today with the tour for his brand new RE-release The Stark Divide, we have a brilliant unique excerpt, a fantastic $25 Amazon GC, & a signed paperback set of his Oberon Cycle trilogy giveaway and my review, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

J. Scott Coatsworth - The Stark Divide Cover 74jfug

The Stark Divide

(Liminal Sky: Ariadne Cycle Trilogy 01)

J. Scott Coatsworth

Some stories are epic.

The Earth is in a state of collapse, with wars breaking out over resources and an environment pushed to the edge by human greed.

Three living generation ships have been built with a combination of genetic mastery, artificial intelligence, technology, and raw materials harvested from the asteroid belt. This is the story of one of them—43 Ariadne, or Forever, as her inhabitants call her—a living world that carries the remaining hopes of humanity, and the three generations of scientists, engineers, and explorers working to colonize her.

From her humble beginnings as a seedling saved from disaster to the start of her journey across the void of space toward a new home for the human race, The Stark Divide tells the tales of the world, the people who made her, and the few who will become something altogether beyond human.

Humankind has just taken its first step toward the stars.

.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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The Hunt by Sarah Elkins Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Elkins - The Hunt RB Banner

Hi peeps, we have Sarah Elkins popping in today with her new release Psychic Underground: The Hunt, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

Sarah Elkins - The Hunt Cover mzk8dj

The Hunt

(Psychic Underground 02)

Sarah Elkins

The Facility is undergoing repairs after a chaotic failed escape attempt by several psychic test subjects some months ago. Neila and Henry’s mission is to locate potential psychics for the scientists at the Facility to study, but they have other ideas.

Neila can’t shake the idea of Nikola Tesla from her mind, and it’s getting worse as bizarre things start happening to herself and Henry. As they hunt for more about Neila’s possible past life, they aren’t sure if they will find answers or if they will become the hunted.

Things are not peaceful back at the Facility as troubling secrets come to light, and the Psychic Underground may never be the same.

Warning: Body horror, description of the torture of an animal

.•.•.**❣️ NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo ❣️**.•.•.

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The Shoreless Sea by J. Scott Coatsworth

J. Scott Coatsworth - The Shoreless Sea Cover s njew374Title: The Shoreless Sea

Author: J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Science Fiction

Length: Novel (381 pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-64405-138-2

Publisher: DSP Publications (15th October 2019)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: As the epic trilogy hurtles toward its conclusion, the fight for the future isn’t over yet. It could lead to a new beginning, or it might spell the end for the last vestiges of humankind.

The generation ship Forever has left Earth behind, but a piece of the old civilization lives on in the Inthworld—a virtual realm that retains memories of Earth’s technological wonders and vices. A being named Lilith leads the uprising, and if she succeeds in setting its inhabitants free, they could destroy Forever.

But during the generation ship’s decades-long voyage, humanity has evolved. Liminals with the ability to connect with the world mind and the Inthworld provide a glimmer of hope. They’ll have to face not only Lilith’s minions, but also the mistrust of their own kind and persecution from a new government as homotypicals continue to fear what they can’t understand.

The invasion must be stopped, the Inthworld must be healed, and the people of Forever must let go of their past and embrace what they’re meant to become.

Purchase Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: The Shoreless Sea starts in 2207AD 19yrs after the end of The Rising Tide. The Shoreless Sea is spilt in three parts with the last part set in the year 2229AD. The first two parts are concentrated on the threat from the Inthworld while the third part is centered on the threat from the Government.

The Shoreless Sea is not a book that can be read as a standalone it must be read in order, the previous two books, The Stark Divide and The Rising Tide has the world building and some events that lead to this book, it will also help to understand the circumstances of characters when they later appear in the book.

Andy is again a central figure throughout the book, with her children Kiyrn & Belynn leading the charge in both part 1 & 2. There are an assortment of characters that we are introduced to throughout the story who add their own unique experiences to the storyline.

I’d love to go into great detail about this wonderful story but I think my head would explode so I’ll give you the basics, the Inthworld is dying and Lilith is determined to survive, she leads an uprising and it’s up to the Liminals to stop her (it is so much more intricate than that but like I said head explodes). Then there’s Government trouble where a bitter person decides that the Liminals are the reason for all their woes.

The story is wonderfully written dragging you into a situation far in the future, filled with characters who are diverse and unique. The world building is yet again exceptional; descriptions are written in such a way that you can imagine being there experiencing events along with the characters.

The one thing that stuck in my mind more than everything else is humanity just can’t seem to break its cycle. I mean here’s what is left of humanity in an ever growing world with a complete fresh start and in less than a hundred years there’s orphan kids living on the streets, drunks passing out in front of pubs and politicians trying to crush those that they hate. I would hope that humanity would learn its lesson but I have a fear that J. Scott Coatsworth is just a bit prophetical.

I’d recommend this to those who adore science fiction, love epic storylines, amazing characters, intricate plots and brilliant endings.

The Shoreless Sea by J. Scott Coatsworth Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

J. Scott Coatsworth - The Shoreless Sea Banner

Hi peeps! We have J. Scott Coatsworth visiting today with the tour for his brand new release The Shoreless Sea, we have a brilliant exclusive excerpt, a fantastic $25 Amazon GC, & Three eBook sets of his Oberon Cycle trilogy giveaway and my review, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

J. Scott Coatsworth - The Shoreless Sea Cover jweu37

The Shoreless Sea

(Liminal Sky 03)

J. Scott Coatsworth

As the epic trilogy hurtles toward its conclusion, the fight for the future isn’t over yet. It could lead to a new beginning, or it might spell the end for the last vestiges of humankind.

The generation ship Forever has left Earth behind, but a piece of the old civilization lives on in the Inthworld—a virtual realm that retains memories of Earth’s technological wonders and vices. A being named Lilith leads the uprising, and if she succeeds in setting its inhabitants free, they could destroy Forever.

But during the generation ship’s decades-long voyage, humanity has evolved. Liminals with the ability to connect with the world mind and the Inthworld provide a glimmer of hope. They’ll have to face not only Lilith’s minions, but also the mistrust of their own kind and persecution from a new government as homotypicals continue to fear what they can’t understand.

The invasion must be stopped, the Inthworld must be healed, and the people of Forever must let go of their past and embrace what they’re meant to become.

.•.•.**❣️ DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iTunes ❣️**.•.•.

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In The Palm by Elna Holst Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Elna Holst - In The Palm RB Banner

Hi guys! We have Elna Holst stopping by today with her new release In The Palm, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Elna Holst - In The Palm Cover 83b4s

In The Palm


Elna Holst

Stranded on a tropical island, Dr No-Name has no mobile phone, no wallet, no keys, no passport. No left hand, no shoes and no memory. What she does have is a blister pack of nicotine gums, two minibar-sized bottles of whisky (consumed), and what appears to be an endless supply of coconuts. She can’t possibly get into any worse trouble, can she?

Warning: Contains scenes of physical injuries, trauma

.•.•.**❣️ NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo ❣️**.•.•.

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New Boy at the Academy by Sam Hawk Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sam Hawk - New Boy at the Academy RB Banner

Hi guys, we have Sam Hawk stopping by today with his debut release New Boy at the Academy, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway!  ❤ ~Pixie~

New Boy at the Academy

(Tales from the Academy 01)

Sam Hawk

Timmy had no clue that the first day of 10th grade at the Academy would rock his world. He thought it would be just like last year, with its endless bullying and recesses spent reshelving books in the library with his best and only friend Carleen. The sissy boy and the fat girl had bonded over their shared outcast status. But Carleen shows up filled with sassy confidence and declares they’re going to rule the school. By Christmas, the freaks and nerds would be the cool kids, and the mean girls and jocks would be the outcasts. Something had happened to her over the summer, but what?

And then, the two of them lay eyes on the new boy at the Academy. Doug has auburn feathered hair, veiny biceps, and green eyes the color of Sprite bottles. Plus, he’s come all the way from exotic Los Angeles, California. He rocks out to Patti Smith while Timmy loves ABBA. How does someone so cool end up in tiny, conservative Edgewood, South Carolina?

When Carleen immediately declares Doug a fox and her new prospective boyfriend, Timmy is shocked at his jealous reaction. He’s not supposed to like boys in that way, is he? Doug stirs up weird new emotions deep inside him as Timmy embarks on the adventure of his life. He and his hometown will never be the same.

.•.•.**❣️ NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo ❣️**.•.•.

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The Rising Tide by J. Scott Coatsworth

Title: The Rising Sky

Series: Liminal Sky 02

Author: J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Science Fiction

Length: Novel (380pgs)

ISBN 13: 978-1-64080-627-6

Publisher: DSP Publications (30th October 2018)

Heat Level: Nil

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Earth is dead.

Five years later, the remnants of humanity travel through the stars inside Forever, a living, ever-evolving, self-contained generation ship. When Eddy Tremaine and Andy Hammond find a hidden world-within-a-world under the mountains, the discovery triggers a chain of events that could fundamentally alter or extinguish life as they know it, culminate in the takeover of the world mind, and end free will for humankind.

Control the AI, control the people.

Eddy, Andy, and a handful of other unlikely heroes—people of every race and identity, and some who aren’t even human—must find the courage and ingenuity to stand against the rising tide.

Otherwise they might be living through the end days of human history.

Purchase Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: This story is the second book in the Liminal Sky series and follows on from The Stark Divide so I’d advise that the books must be read in order.

The Rising Tide begins five years after the end of The Stark Divide with Eddy, now the Sheriff, starting an investigation into missing and slaughtered sheep. Eddy stumbles across something that shocks Eddy, Andy, Colin and the Immortals; it will also turn your stomach.

Before delving further into the story I would advise brushing up on the characters in The Stark Divide, because I went into this story cold and it took a bit of time for the characters to fall back into my memory. This story can’t be read without having all the background and characters stories that are fully fleshed out in The Stark Divide; you wouldn’t make it past chapter one without scratching your head and wondering what the hell you’d fallen into.

When we finished book 1 we knew that Davian would cause some problems in the future, and now we finally discover just what trouble Davian causes and boy is it a doozy.

The Rising Tide is split into three parts, Rendezvous 2171, Coup 2181, and Flight 2188. This really is an amazing story and while it has gay, lesbian, Trans and asexual characters I would actually say that this is a more mainstream story. There’s no romance as such and no one character to focus on. Each part sees progression for all the characters, their lives growing and changing, new main characters coming forward and some main characters being lost. As with the previous story there is a core of characters who have the centre light, as they age and roles change the younger generation take the spotlight.

There are shocking revelations, danger, depravity and sheer horror at times in the story; we also have love, understanding and forgiveness. There are several relationships being built, restored, explored and let go, I’d love to delve deeper but with so many main characters there’s just too many to describe. The main focus of this story is family, friendship and the adventure of surviving as a whole world inside a living world/ship, the last of humanity, the hope of the future, and free will.  

This is an amazing story, the world building, the character development and story development which keeps you gripped as you discover what’s happening, are so fully flesh out that you get immersed in their world, you feel for the guys as they struggle to put their world to rights and battle an evil that wants to rule with an iron grip to serve his wants and whims.

As I reached the end of the book I began to wonder what could be next, the evil has been vanquished, safeguards have been put into place to protect the world mind, the last of humanity have begun to establish Governments for its cities and begun to rebuild after the devastation… so what is next??? I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.

I recommend this to those who love deep science fiction stories, who adore a storyline that pulls you along in its wake, who love interesting characters, who love the sheer instinct to survive, and an ending that leaves you feeling fulfilled but wondering what could be next for our intrepid survivors.

The Rising Tide by J. Scott Coatsworth Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Hi peeps! We have J. Scott Coatsworth visiting today with his brand new release The Rising Tide, we have a brilliant exclusive excerpt, a fantastic $25 Amazon GC,& paperback giveaway and my review, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Rising Tide

(The Liminal 02)

J. Scott Coatsworth

Earth is dead.

Five years later, the remnants of humanity travel through the stars inside Forever, a living, ever-evolving, self-contained generation ship. When Eddy Tremaine and Andy Hammond find a hidden world-within-a-world under the mountains, the discovery triggers a chain of events that could fundamentally alter or extinguish life as they know it, culminate in the takeover of the world mind, and end free will for humankind.

Control the AI, control the people.

Eddy, Andy, and a handful of other unlikely heroes—people of every race and identity, and some who aren’t even human—must find the courage and ingenuity to stand against the rising tide.

Otherwise they might be living through the end days of human history.

.•.•.**❣️ DSP Publications paperback | DSP Publications ebook | Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iTunes ❣️**.•.•.

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Blood-Bound by Kaelan Rhywiol Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Kaelan Rhywiol - Blood-Bound RB Banner

Hi peeps! We have Kaelan Rhywiol stopping by today with xyr new release Blood-Bound, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic $10 NineStar GC giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway!  ❤ ~Pixie~


(Ace Assassin 01)

Kaelan Rhywiol

Rhian is content in her life. As a pwca, a Welsh shapeshifter, she is bound to the Dark God Arawn as an assassin. So when he assigns her as ambassador to oversee Ontario for him, it’s a shock.

Her new job? To find out who murdered her predecessor and bring them to justice, as well as to oversee the otherkin and clean up their messes before the humans find them—all to preserve the illusion that magic and supernatural creatures do not exist.

The problem? One of the otherkin she’s supposed to oversee is her estranged husband, Kai, the only person Rhian never regretted having sex with, and the only one she can’t forgive.

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Wheels and Heels by Jaime Samms Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Jaime Samms - Wheels and Heels TourBanner

Hiya peeps! We have Jaime Samms popping in today with her new release Wheels and Heels, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Wheels and Heels

(Stories from the Hen and Hog 01)

Jaime Samms

As a teenager, Ira Bedford fled a troubled home life and people who didn’t understand his penchant for feminine things. In the city, he fell in with Cedric, who found him work as an underage stripper. It took him years to escape Cedric’s influence and try to build a life of his own.

Now, he just wants to be left alone to create his art. But Cedric’s on-going harassment means Ira had to drop out of art school, is squatting in a friend’s apartment, and is still relying on his allure as a sexy, skirt-wearing exotic dancer to pay his bills.

Then he meets Jed. Part-time bartender and the apartment building’s superintendent, Jed is just the right mix of strong, kind, and protective to pull Ira out of hiding. He also welcomes Ira into his chosen family at the Hen and Hog Pub. But Ira yearns for more. Still, he doesn’t dare to hope that Jed will want him and his questionable past, his skirts and high heels, his hang-ups, and the profession he seems unable to escape. But Jed will do anything to prove him wrong.

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The Stark Divide by J. Scott Coatsworth

Title: The Stark Divide

Series: Liminal Sky 01

Author: J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Science Fiction

Length: Novel (284pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-63533-833-1

Publisher: DSP Publications (10th October 2017)

Heat Level: Nil

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Some stories are epic.

The Earth is in a state of collapse, with wars breaking out over resources and an environment pushed to the edge by human greed.

Three living generation ships have been built with a combination of genetic mastery, artificial intelligence, technology, and raw materials harvested from the asteroid belt. This is the story of one of them—43 Ariadne, or Forever, as her inhabitants call her—a living world that carries the remaining hopes of humanity, and the three generations of scientists, engineers, and explorers working to colonize her.

From her humble beginnings as a seedling saved from disaster to the start of her journey across the void of space toward a new home for the human race, The Stark Divide tells the tales of the world, the people who made her, and the few who will become something altogether beyond human.

Humankind has just taken its first step toward the stars.

Purchase Link:

Review: The Stark Divide throws you into the stars as Earth races towards extinction. Humanity takes one last grasping chance to save themselves even as the world dies around them because of their stupidity, and even in the dying last breaths they continue throwing nuclear missiles at each other and condemning the entire species.   

J. Scott Coatsworth has written an amazing science fiction novel that sends shivers down your spine because of the ring of truth to it.

The setting of the story is a living world/ship that’s an amazing combination of organic/technology with an artificial intelligence that is more than it seems.

The story starts from the very beginning of Forever’s life when she’s still a seedling and the amazing crew who first ‘plant’ her. The Dressler’s crew, Captain Colin McAvery, Anastasia Anatov scientist and creator of the seedlings (Forever) and Jackson Hammond ship’s engineer, have the important task of ensuring that the seedling is planted on an asteroid so it can begin growing so it can save a portion of humanity. The problem is something’s wrong with the Dressler and it’s a race against time.

The story then jumps in time with Colin, Anastasia and Jackson’s son Aaron meeting as Forever is being colonised for human habitation. It’s a fraught time as truths come out and Forever doesn’t forget grudges.

The final segment in the story is 30 years on from Forever’s birth, while Forever still isn’t quite big enough or ready for mass human habitation the Earth is failing, and refugees are flocking to Forever.  

This really is an amazing story and while it has gay, lesbian and Trans characters I would actually say that this is a more mainstream story. There’s no romance and no one character to focus on, the story is about Forever’s journey with the stories of some of the humans who are important to her survival coming through.

The world building is absolutely amazing; we get to see a new world emerging through determination and survival instincts, we get to picture through the authors words exactly what a new world for humans might be like, living inside that world… it’s just amazing.

The characters each come to life, their hopes, dreams, fear, anger, desperation and shame comes through brilliantly, we are left in no doubt as to what the characters are going through.

This isn’t your usual science fiction story, there’s no danger other than that brought on by humans stupid actions, there’s no aliens racing to help humanity, there’s no devastating natural world event, there’s no nicely timed rescue of Earth. It’s a story of amazing ingenuity, characters connected by the beginning and shear survival instincts.

I recommend this to those who love deep science fiction stories, who adore a storyline that pulls you along in its wake, who love interesting characters, and an ending that is also a brand new beginning.

The Stark Divide by J. Scott Coatsworth Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt & Review!

Hi peeps! We have J. Scott Coatsworth visiting today with his brand new release The Stark Divide, we have a fantastic interview with J. Scott, a great excerpt and my review, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

The Stark Divide

(Liminal Sky 01)

J. Scott Coatsworth

Some stories are epic.

The Earth is in a state of collapse, with wars breaking out over resources and an environment pushed to the edge by human greed.

Three living generation ships have been built with a combination of genetic mastery, artificial intelligence, technology, and raw materials harvested from the asteroid belt. This is the story of one of them—43 Ariadne, or Forever, as her inhabitants call her—a living world that carries the remaining hopes of humanity, and the three generations of scientists, engineers, and explorers working to colonize her.

From her humble beginnings as a seedling saved from disaster to the start of her journey across the void of space toward a new home for the human race, The Stark Divide tells the tales of the world, the people who made her, and the few who will become something altogether beyond human.

Humankind has just taken its first step toward the stars.

DSP Publications paperback | DSP Publications ebook | Amazon | B&NKoboiTunesQueeRomance Ink

Continue reading “The Stark Divide by J. Scott Coatsworth Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt & Review!”

Queer Magic by L.C. Davis Blog Tour, Short Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

L.C. Davis - Queer Magic BT Banner

Hi peeps! We have L.C. Davis popping in today with his new release Queer Magic, we have a short interview with L.C., a great excerpt and a brilliant $20 AGC giveaway, so peeps check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

L.C. Davis - Queer Magic Cover

Queer Magic


L.C. Davis

An LGBT+ fantasy of apocalyptic proportions.

Twenty-something Holden Adams never asked to be the harbinger of the apocalypse, or for the seven lovers who come with the job. All he wanted in Stillwater, Vermont was a fresh start, but his past as a preacher’s kid turned witch threatens any hope he has of a normal life in the idyllic town. A fateful encounter with a strange cat on the brink of death earns Holden a new enemy and some unlikely friends, but as Stillwater reveals itself not to be as conventional as it appears, the line between the two becomes irreparably blurred.

Daniel St. James is getting too old for this crap. The love of his life turned out to be a cold-blooded killer and while Dennis got away with murder thirteen years earlier, Daniel and the rest of the town are still reeling from the tragedy. Now some kid who claims to be a witch waltzes into town and all of a sudden, Daniel’s unflinchingly straight best friend is head over heels for Holden. Chaos has a way of following Holden, revealing a web of supernatural secrets around Daniel that makes him question everything he believes about the town he’s lived in his entire life–and everything he doesn’t.

Welcome to Stillwater. Things are a little queer here.

Continue reading “Queer Magic by L.C. Davis Blog Tour, Short Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

The Cobbler's Soleless Son by Meredith Katz

meredith-katz-the-cobblers-soleless-son-coverTitle: The Cobbler’s Soleless Son

Series:  Pandemonium

Author: Meredith Katz

Genre: Bisexual, Fantasy, Genderqueer, Pansexual

Length: Short (41pgs))

Publisher: Less Than Three Press (August 24, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Everyone expects Renart Walker to follow in his mother’s footsteps and become the cobbler for their little demon-ruled town. That’d be the proper thing to do: keep his head down, live his quiet human life, and try not to get too involved with demons. But Renart has never been terribly concerned with proper, and he isn’t interested in a quiet life. His interests are a little more ambitious: he’s aiming to catch himself a demon prince.

As a human, he’d never be allowed to even get close to Prince Hrahez. The only solution is to make a bargain with a demon, and everyone knows what they want. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and he’s got a plan—but it involves tricking a demon. If it doesn’t work, nobody in town would want to be in his shoes.

ISBN: 9781620048290

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Renart knows what he wants, a demon prince, and so hatches a plan to snag him one. Humans are nothing but slaves and cattle to the demons. There to do their bidding and nothing more in the small town. Renart is expected to follow in his mother’s footsteps but he rebels and goes on his path. 

There was not enough of the actual relationship between Renart and the prince beyond sex for me to call them a couple. It seemed that sex was the main thing in this story and I personally like stories with less sex and more actual plot. Plus there is a m/f scene in it as well which I did not like, it doesn’t take away from the story but it just wasn’t to my preference.

I liked the idea of this story but due to the many sex scenes the actual story seemed a little lost in the background.