Noble by Jet Mykles

jm_ik4_noble_1Title: Noble

Series: Indigo Knights 4

Author: Jet Mykles

Genre: Contemporary/YAOI

Length: Novel (203 Pages)

Publisher: Loose Id (September 16th, 2014)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts

Blurb: Donny “Foxy” Foxley is hot. Noble knows it. All those screaming teen girls know it. And so does the production company with their millions staked on the teen idol’s dreamy good looks.

So when the supposedly straight movie star comes onto him, Noble is floored. Never one to ignore the allure of a pretty young man, Noble can’t resist and doesn’t even try. Why should he? Even if it has to be a secret, he’d be crazy to pass up a night of sexy times with the one man everyone wants.

But one night turns into two, and then blossoms into a friendship with the potential for so much more. If that’s what Noble was after, which he’s not. But Foxy gets under Noble’s skin until he cares way too much. Because there can never be anything but sex between them. To the world, Foxy is straight and Noble is anything but.

ISBN # 9781623005160

Product Link:

Reviewer: GiGi

Review: For fans of YAOI and Jet Mykles in general, Noble fits the bill. We get another healthy sexy dose of glamorous rock stars and beautiful movie star men, and of course a coming out of the closet situation. Noble is right in line with the previous Indigo Knights books as well as fitting the mold of Heaven Sent, that’ what her readers want, and that’s how I critiqued this book.

Foxy and Noble are both glamorous, figures, each with their own sexual appeal. Foxy, the shy but gorgeous up and coming film star with heavenly locks and a buff bod, Noble the ideal rock star image, dyed purple/indigo Mohawk hair, lots of silver rings and piercings, and a bad boy tattoo of a horny toad, both collide to form a steamy hot love affair. The problem is Foxy is a closeted movie star caught up in a morality clause contract and Noble is as out and proud as it gets, with a wild boy sex fiend reputation.

The tension of this plot is how Noble can keep true to himself, have some self-respect, and allow his love for the closeted star to grow. Will Foxy tuck tail and hide away from himself and Noble, or will he let their love shine in the light of day no matter the consequences. I’m sure you can guess the ending, but Noble is still a fun, feel good YAOI novel in the spirit of Heaven Sent and the previous Indigo Knights series with out as much angst or drama.

Secrets by Christie Gordon

4382Secrets510w-430x645Title: Secrets
Series: N/A
Author: Christie Gordon
Genre: Contemporary/ Erotic Romance/Yaoi
Length: Novel (340 Pages)
ISBN: 978-1-77111-896-5
Publisher: Extasy Books (March 15th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4.5Hearts
Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Brokenhearted after a stolen kiss in high school, a new college graduate must overcome years of bitterness to save the now desolate young man who once shattered his heart.

Logan only wanted one thing in his life, Christian, his childhood friend. But a stolen kiss on graduation night broke Logan’s heart and destroyed the special friendship they shared. Now four years later, Logan returns to his family in Santa Cruz on the verge of a new life to find Christian on a treacherous, lonely path of booze and drugs, harboring painful secrets. Only Logan’s love and acceptance can lead Christian back from the brink of destruction. Can Logan put aside old grudges to save the young man who shattered his heart and in return, accept the love he’s craved?

Purchase Link:

Review: This is the first book of Christie’s that I have read and I can tell you that it will tear you up and make you feel something you have not felt in a long time. There are stories out there that will break your heart when you read it and this was one of them. To feel the pain that each one of these guys felt makes me wonder how anyone can start over. Logan and Christian have known each other since grade school. There was one secret that Logan had never told Christian and that was the fact that he loves him. That he was in love with him. On graduation night, he tells Christian and kisses him. Only Christian reacted almost violently. It had hurt Logan more than anyone would know. Nearly destroyed him to the point of no return.

Christian has always hated what he had done to Logan on the night of graduation. The problem was for over two years he has worked with his band, drank, and was doing some hard-core drugs. To the point that friends were thinking that he was going to overdose one day. There are things that he is hiding from everyone and instead of getting help. He was substituting with drugs and alcohol. It had been four years since he had seen Logan after breaking his heart. Telling Logan that he never wanted to see or hear from him again. A friendship destroyed by the move of a young man in love.

Now Logan was back and was trying desperately not to see Christian. He figured Christian still hated him and really did not want to get into that again. He found out though that Christian’s father had passed away two years ago around the time that Christian had quit college and started using. It broke his heart to find out this. However when they come across each other again it was Christian that makes the first move. A move that will change their lives forever. However, Logan knew that if Christian did not stop using there was nothing he could do but leave once more. Then one night Logan finds out the truth that Christian’s mom had been hiding from all of them. It almost causes Logan to lose Christian forever.

This story shows you what can happen when someone you love is hooked on drugs. That the only one to help them is their selves. They have to admit that they are addicts and seek help. Almost losing his life and Logan would be the one reason Christian seeks help, but in truth, one must do it for themselves. You can’t do something for someone else. It just doesn’t work like that. I would recommend reading this story, but I must warn you that it will make you cry in parts and will tear you up on others. This story will give you sexy men, pain filled days, tender story, and lots of love. It did catch my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. I didn’t know what the story would be like till I read it. It comes off more real than a lot of other stories do.

Vanquished Thief by Yamila Abraham

91dqtNg6S7L._SL1500_Title: Vanquished Thief
Series: Vanquished #3
Author: Yamila Abraham
Genre: Yaoi / BDSM (Hentai)
Length: Novella (99 pages)
ASIN: B00JJVMAW2 (ISBN-13: 9781311055651)
Publisher: Yaoi Press (April 7th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2.5~3 Hearts
Reviewer: Thommie
Blurb: A waifish mortal thief is caught stealing in Darkhelm’s castle, and is only spared execution because his lovely body can be used for better things.

The Dragon King Caine doubts that such an unskilled mortal thief could have truly breached the underworld. He wishes to know what this creature really is, and what he wants with their beautiful slave Jonah. He intends to subject the pretty waif to some of their more exquisite tortures until he gets an answer.

The frightening truth behind the thief’s identity may place the mighty King Caine in a submissive position for the first time ever! An erotic BDSM medieval fantasy with a romantic twist!
Purchase Link:
Review: Book three in the Vanquished series comes and treats us to a surprising twist. We’ve been used to mortals being in the mercy of demons, Princes and Kings being vanquished by the sublime torments of extreme pleasure, but this time around, the author has granted us with yet another being extraordinaire.

There is not much to say about this new addition to the series. The sexual games work in the same path though there are new kinks introduced. The cruelty of the main characters is always followed by their love and nurturing nature as weird as it may seem for demons to behave this way. The main change came with Jonah’s new role. Though he remains a very wanton Uke, he took on a leading role in the previous book, which turned into full sadistic Seme into this one for a short spell. This new version of Jonah was definitely not met favourably from me.

So, in this book, we have a thief breaking and entering King Cain’s realm without anyone noticing him. How very weird this was in itself, but when the thief is caught, things become weirder still. It seems as if this thief is seeking punishment, instead of avoiding it… He seems to be quite cocky too and secure in some hidden knowledge. Could it be that this particular thief is much, much more than he seems?

I have made up my mind and my favourite character in this series is definitely Randell. He is the perfect sadist for my poor dark heart and he manages to make me smile each and every time I read another installment. King Caine is the sweet sort. No matter how hard he tries to be severe and cruel, deep inside his heart he’s a damned softie; there’s no other explanation for his behaviour. I would have love to see him in a vulnerable position and damn if this wasn’t the perfect opportunity to do so, but I guess the author wanted her Seme unspoiled. In any case, this new twist in the plot may very well produce interesting and enticing future installments.

Vanquished Knight by Yamila Abraham

81k-EH855lL._SL1500_Title: Vanquished Knight
Author: Yamila Abraham
Genre: Yaoi / Dark Fantasy / Forced Seduction
Length: Novella (74 pages)
Publisher: Yaoi Press (February 17th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts
Reviewer: Thommie
Blurb: A debauched dragon king subjugates a chaste knight who has volunteered to be his willing captive.
King Caine and his councilor Randell are owed a debt by the mortal king ruling in the land above them. When Caine sees the knight Jonah he’s stricken by his beauty and innocence—and then senses something even more compelling about him. Jonah surprises everyone by accepting his fate as Caine’s sacrifice. He willingly descends to Darkhelm to be used as the king and his councilor see fit.
An erotic medieval fantasy with a romantic twist!
Purchase Link:
Review: Okay, I had tremendous fun and laughed my head off with this little book. It seriously made me weep with the dialogue and Jonah’s lines. The best part of it was the “eeee” screeching and the “aaaeeiiii” that had me almost to my knees in surrender. I’m taking this book to be a bit in the comedy side, because frankly there is no other way to read it. It was hilarious as hell and even when in the most erotic scene that demanded all my attention and seriousness I couldn’t stop laughing. Jonah was simply irresistible when it came to that.

So, setting: medieval…? Hmmm… It is the year 8 thousand plus somewhere, in an alternate world where there are gods and demons and gods rule the above world while demons rule the Underworld. The mortal’s god is kind of like the Christian one. I mean, who has Knights/soldiers and demands them to be chaste? The hell is that all about? No touching, no getting off and of course no intercourse…especially any kinky stuff. That is punishable with death.

The Underworld though, King Caine’s domain. Oh Hell, I wanna go offer myself there for eternity. Perverse, cruel, sublime. King Caine is freaking awesome. I want to worship him forever awesome, and if you take a look at that exquisite cover, he is drool-worthy. His Councillor Randell follows right after him in hotness level and dear Lord they have such depraved longings. Yes, I’m still grinning from ear to ear. Cheshire cat has nothing on me.

The story is simple enough. The above world is plagued with evil sky-rocks that turn men into animals (not literally you wicked minds) and the King has no other way to save his people but to ask for the help of the demon King. In return King Caine may ask whatever he wants, no matter how cruel it may be. Deal made and Caine leads his soldiers to remove the wicked rock. On his way though he sets his eyes upon this gorgeous young soldier, who seems to be the only one not afraid or disgusted by him. Yup, Caine’s got his sacrifice all right.

I liked the plot, I liked the way the story spun and made all parties wait and get frustrated. I even liked the fact that cruel demonic all-feared Caine was so gentle (not literally again) and sweet with Jonah, the Knight. I liked how Randell seemed to be the exact opposite of Caine. I loved the ménage. Oh yeah, I definitely loved that. What weirded me out a bit and was somehow a turn off was Jonah’s immediate compliance. He not only surrendered to two fearsome demons with, let me tell you, huge, massive, gargantuan appendages, but he went from chaste knight to whorish slut in the blink of an eye. What was up with that? I mean some sort of… ah I don’t know, uhm pain? Suffering? Something was call for there, just not that…

Okay, perhaps I’m being weird, after all Jonah said so himself that he didn’t like the war and fighting in the above world, but most of all he didn’t like to be made feel as if he was evil for merely thinking kinky stuff. So he was very relieved to be claimed by Caine. But it was a bit too easy, and oh my freaking God how hilarious his lines. I can’t stop thinking of it. He was made to speak about how it felt to be penetrated and all that, so you can imagine how that went. Needless to say that I pictured and heard it all in my head in Japanese language and tone of voice. Just imagine it for a moment: “eeee, itai, itai, yada, yamero kudasai”. No, I’m not a nerd… I think.

So anyway, funny book, funny story. The erotic blended with hilarity and the story was laden with that weird kind of tender, the tender cruel masters give. It was a bit romantic, a bit sweet even at points. I wished it was darker and a bit more blood and gore – it had demons of course I wanted blood – but overall I had a splendid time reading it. If that’s what you looking for, I suggest you give it a try.

Disclaimer: I find Yaoi a blend of erotica and comedy, so my view of it might be quite different from that of hardcore Yaoi readers.

Swordmaster Dasan by S. Hart

15719517Title: Swordmaster Dasan
Author: S. Hart
Genre: Yaoi/Hentai / Paranormal/ BDSM
Length: Short Story (65 pages)
ISBN: 9781476300115
Publisher: S. Hart (June 1st, 2012)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
Reviewer: Thommie
Blurb: Swordmaster Kyo Dasan is known for both his abilities and bitterness regarding visitors throughout the territory, seemingly comfortable only when alone.
Localem Arada, nicknamed Loki for his tendency to find trouble wherever he goes, finds himself at the mercy of the man he needs to train him. Despite his reluctance, he agrees to the Swordmaster’s offer regarding alternative means of payment.

This is a gay bondage fantasy erotica short, and is not intended, or in any way suitable for underage readers.
Purchase Link:
Review: Coming across this short story – which by the way is free on Amazon – I had a feeling that I’d come across something good. Thankfully, I was not disappointed.

This short is a Yaoi/Paranormal in genre and that means one thing to those who are familiar with it. Seme-Uke/Forced Seduction. So the general characteristics are the old-time dubious consent kind. In this story, Kyo Dasan is a famous Swordmaster (elf) and he’s known to taking no students. Actually, he’s well known for his intolerance of people. Yet he strikes a deal with Loki, who in order to escape his fate to be forever the lowly partner of a female of his species goes after Swordsmanship. But Loki has nothing to offer for the privilege of being Dasan’s apprentice… except his body.

As I said, a typical Yaoi forced relationship where the Uke originally hates the attention of the Seme and is deeply mortified when his body reacts pleasantly, and then later on Seme’s forceful love is not only accepted, but also wanted and even explained/reasoned. To be honest I liked the entire read except the ending itself as it was rushed and hastily thrown in there. It left me cold and literally didn’t see the point of such hastiness as it ruined it all for me. In addition, the story was definitely in need of more editing and polishing, but bottom end I quite liked it, so much so that I wouldn’t mind more of Kyo and Loki. The entire world where this story is set is actually very fascinating and enticing me to go after the main series (Playing with Tigers) in order to get more of it.

Recommend to those who like Yaoi and BDSM mixed into a paranormal world.


The Great Wall by Z. Allora

B00E6YTH8W.01._SX500_SCLZZZZZZZ_Title:  The Great Wall
Series: Made In China, Book #1
Author: Z. Allora
Genre:  Contemporary/ light BDSM/Yaoi

Length: Novel (231 pages)

Publisher: MLR Press (July 27th, 2013)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:  There’s no gay in China so what’s the drummer of Made in China supposed to do about loving his male best friend when his family thinks he’s engaged to the girl next door?
Jun “Styx” Wong’s heart and mind battle to determine his destiny. His mind tells him to be a good Chinese son and marry the girl his parents chose, but his heart longs for his best friend, Jin, and life with their new band. “Jun” means honesty, but he’s not even honest with himself. A quest to eradicate his feelings for Jin nearly ends his life. Styx’s near death serves as a wake-up call for Jin, whose blond hair–legacy of his German father–marks him as different. Jin harbors secrets of his own. His experiences prepare him to take the drastic measures needed to help Jun overcome the walls surrounding them. Because there is no gay in China…
Product Link:

Reviewer:   GiGi

Review: I think I’m really starting to develop a passion for Yaoi, and this book hits the spot! There is plenty of heartache, drama, desperate people taking desperate measures, and of course beautiful boys and rock stars. This story has a rather deep plot, and serious drama and really painful situations for the usual Yaoi plot. This is great, because even though Yaoi is fun boy love, I love angst with my romance! The scenes involving autoerotic asphyxiation were seriously handled and the danger very real. I appreciate the authors attempt to get across to the audience the dangers inherent in such behavior. Another thing I enjoy about this type of storytelling is the way the author tries to get a Western audience to understand Eastern concepts of medicine, sexuality, family, tradition, and art, in many cases quite successfully. I also like how the BDSM elements develop from a rather natural progression, instead of the usual staged scenes and shallow temporary tricks.

So sure, pick up this well written tale of two beautiful boys finding love against all odds — but it’s deeper than that, and very rewarding! I can’t wait for the next book in the series!

Dojo Boys: Dragon & Crow, Volume One by Alex A. Akira

Title:  Dojo Boys: Dragon & Crow, Volume One

Series:  Dragon & Crow #1

Author:  Alex A. Akira

Genre:   Yaoi, Boy’s Love, M/M Romance, Gay

Length:  245 pages

Publisher:  Alex A. Akira @ KDP

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   This two-volume fast paced pulp yaoi novel is an adventure filled journey with many twists and turns involving love struck men, martial arts, dancing, casinos, hotels, an amazing Manhattan loft, the NPA, the FBI, the Yakuza and a healthy dose of graphic sex.

In this Volume One, we meet twenty-three year old graphic artist Michael Black, a Native American student of Shotokan karate and learn of how his life gets turned upside down and inside out by a mysterious stranger whom ambushes him at the dojo he attends, one evening.

Product Link:

Reviewer:   John

Review: To all of you yaoi lovers, I found the right book for you. For those of you who are completely lost and wondering what the hell that is, yaoi focuses on homoerotic male relationships that are usually written by female authors. It is more commonly known as Boys’ Love. You should also know that yaoi novels usually take more than one novel to complete. Basically, if you want to know the ending, you will have to buy both volumes of this novel. Now, with that said, this novel is really fast paced and well written.

When I tell you well written, I’m basically saying that Alex A. Akira does an outstanding job when describing the characters and everything around them. To some, this may take away from the plot, but in reality, this is a work of art written in words. You can perfectly picture every single thing throughout the novel and that reminded me a young and talented woman who became famous because she wrote several novels that included a young wizard. Their genre may be different, but their execution or writing style is almost the same.

Now, back to the novel, the love story in this novel revolves around Michael Black and Kiyoshi Kimura. They both come from very troublesome pasts. I love Michael and Kiyoshi together since they bring out the best out of each other. Somehow they seem to balance each other off perfectly well. Michael comes from family whose family members mysteriously die due to unknown or tragic circumstances. By the young age of fifteen, he was left all alone and to fend for himself. Kiyoshi, on the other hand, is a very unique character since he suffers from multiple personality disorders. My heart broke when I found out what led to his current state. His past is tragic and very sad. Without giving away too much of the plot, Kiyoshi is basically three persons in one and the NPA (National Police Association of Japan) is looking for one of his personalities. It is up to Michael and Ichiro (Kiyoshi’s cousin and Michael’s Sensei) to hide and save him from them. I will recommend this novel to all the yaoi lovers out there and to anyone who wants to try something new and fresh.