Cinnamon Spiced Omega by Susi Hawke

Title: Cinnamon Spiced Omega

Series: The Hollydale Omegas 02

Author: Susi Hawke

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (118 Pages)

Publisher: Susi Hawke (October 16, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: I vow to love you and protect you as my omega, my husband, and my mate. I vow to be a good father to every child born of your womb whether born of my seed or not.

Christian Hawkins, owner and operator of Greasy Fingers Garage in Hollydale is in a rut. His life is spent taking care of his business and looking after his younger brother Kent. The scent of cinnamon is everywhere as the alpha finds himself haunted by the memory of the omega that he ran into…literally…on his way home from work one night.

On the run from the abusive ex who had no desire to be a father to the child he carries, omega Liam Leigh finds himself homeless, hungry, alone, and pregnant in the sweet little town of Hollydale just a couple weeks before Thanksgiving.

Christian and Liam both keep running into each other, as well as an odd little old man with a penchant for appearing just when he’s most needed. But what’s up with the unique golden tipped white feathers that keep popping up?

ISBN: B076HXC945

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in The Hollydale Omegas collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Christian and his brother were raised by their omega father and never knew their alpha dad. Their father was one of a kind and showed them how to be men. So they knew what it was like to be poor but well loved. When Christian came across Liam, he knew something was up and knew he had to help. He just got a little help from a angel in disguise. A little old man who seemed to know things before others.

Liam was very pregnant and on the run. His old alpha was an ass who didn’t want anything to do with their baby. He was broke and homeless. Unless helped him he was going to be in dire need, not only him but his child. It came in a sweet alpha and an crazy old man.

I came across this author with the first book in this series and can’t seem to get enough of them. They are funny as hell with a bit of magic thrown in. My attention had been caught from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. The characters are quite quirky and are a blast to read about.

I can’t wait to get started reading the next book.

Sam’s Story: It’s Good for Your Health by Dylan Joseph

Title: Sam’s Story: It was good, good for my health

Author: Dylan Joseph

Genre: LGBT literature, poetry

Length: Novel (209 pages) (poetry)

Publisher: Self-published

Heat Level: Mild

Heart Rating: ♥ 1 Heart

Blurb: When Dylan agreed to take a trip with his mom to a South Carolina campground, he wasn’t expecting much—until he met Sam, the lifeguard at the indoor pool. From that moment on, Dylan and Sam are thrust into a roller coaster of self-discovery. For them, even life’s most ordinary moments—brushing one’s teeth, playing a game of basketball, watching the sky—become precious. Sam’s Story is a poetic and heart melting read. Sam’s Story is more than a love story. It is about being human, it is about listening to our own crazy thoughts. It is about our own fears, how we deal with our emotions, and how we navigate through life. It is a reminder that love is possible for everyone. No matter the struggle being gay can be, you will pull through. You will find love. You will meet the guy you are destined to meet. And you will feel so good.

ISBN-10: 1539681300
• ISBN-13: 978-1539681304

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Napoleon A. Chase

Review: Within the first sixty seconds, I am filled with reviewer’s remorse.

The book started with an out-of-place Chinese proverb to backdrop a couple of white gay guys, followed by a shock value reference to gas chambers that’s apparently supposed to be funny.

The blurb described this book as “poetic”. Which led me to think, “a’ight, one of the protagonists are hardcore romantics”. I hadn’t realized that meant “this book is actually supposed to be an experimental poem format”. Blurb does not at all meet the expectations it sells at all.

I like poetry, but this reads like trying too hard to sound clever rather than the succinct, deep descriptions of life that he seems to be aiming for.

I got to “chapter” two, skimmed to get a heat rating, and never picked the book back up.

Art Series Bundle by Andrew Grey

Title: Art Series Bundle

Series: Art Series

Author: Andrew Grey

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (643 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (November 30, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Art and love intersect in this series by beloved author Andrew Grey.

In Legal Artistry, Dieter Krumpf is in search of the family art collection left behind when fleeing the Nazis and recruits lawyer Gerald Young to his cause; while trying to reclaim the paintings, they may just find something even more precious—love. In Artistic Appeal, Brian Watson has taken over the case, but he suspects that his good friends Gerald and Dieter have ulterior motives for inviting him to their Christmas party; when he meets deaf art restorer Nicolai, they’ll have to break down each other’s defenses to build a new relationship.

In Artistic Pursuits, FBI agent Frank Jennings and Interpol agent Leslie Carlton meet for an investigation and one night of passion, but when their case heats up again, they find their feelings getting in the way of their jobs. And in Legal Tender, when Timothy finds of cache of coins in his deceased grandfather’s possession, he sets out to solve the mystery and meets Joiner, a man determined to help Timothy on his quest.. and to steal Timothy’s heart.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-564-4

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Four amazing stories with four couples, Dieter and Gerald, Brian and Nicolai, Frank and Leslie, Timothy and Joiner finding and protecting treasures that are precious to different men throughout the bundle. The different occupation of some of the men added a different perspective to each story as it unfolded.

I loved the history aspect and immersing myself in the mystery of each fascinating tale. There is also the romance between the couples as they meet. It was sweet yet hot.

All in all it was a well written look into the lives and loves of four couples who find each other when they need help.

Good read and well balanced.

Pumpkin Spiced Omega by Susi Hawke

Title: Pumpkin Spiced Omega

Series: The Hollydale Omegas 01

Author: Susi Hawke

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (132 Pages)

Publisher: Susi Hawke (September 21, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: “I will always love you, both in this life and the next. I vow to love you, honor you, and stay by your side through haunted houses, dead relatives, and random appearances of red croquet balls.”

Milo is a mild-mannered omega who just wants to save his Sweet Ballz, the candy shop he owns on Main St. in Hollydale. Someday maybe he will find an alpha as awesome as the book boyfriends he reads about in the popular books by his favorite author. But for now, Milo is content to be at home curled up with his favorite romance books.

Rafe is a lonely alpha trying to juggle his writing career while settling into the gorgeous old manor he’s just purchased in quaint Hollydale. He just wants to have a home of his own away from the craziness of his rich, socialite family. All Rafe wants is peace and quiet to secretly write his popular romance novels, and to maybe someday find a sweet omega to love like the ones he writes about every night.

Rafe can’t explain the odd happenings in his new home, or the strangely sweet little old lady who comes and goes, even when the doors are locked. Is he being gas-lighted or is there more going on? Rafe and Milo could be perfect for each other, if they can first overcome the red croquet balls that life keeps throwing at them.

This is the first book of The Hollydale Omegas series. This book is 35k and most likely contains an HEA. 18+ readers only please! And yes, this book contains M/PREG, adults adulting in sexy grown-up ways, and way more than an occasional use of potty mouth language.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: I came across this author with an email to her book list and I will admit that it was the title to this book that had me wondering. And let me tell you that I am glad to have looked.

At first I was wondering about the alpha and omega part thinking shifters, but the guys never once shifted. So I was second guessing my choice because I usually don’t much care for books that use the same subject in the non shifter way, but I was quite surprised by it, in fact I will definitely put this author on a favorite list to read.

Milo is a sweet omega who just loves to make sweets and read a good romance. His best friend, who is just like his brother invites him out for a drink with a couple of strong alpha’s. To his shock, the sexy alpha looking at him like he was the top meal, also happens to be one of his favorite author of all time. He just had one problem and that was work. Someone was trying to say he stole a recipe from them, and he needed to get his family recipe to prove his innocence.

Rafe is a hot alpha with a great attitude. He was no one to go out and drink but he was loving the night. His heart might be caught but he has a nice surprise in store for himself. A sweet old lady is always showing up and giving him advice, and well if you want to know more read the book.

It was a fascinating book that kept my attention caught the whole time. In fact I read this story twice and can see me reading it more than once. It was the perfect length for me. I loved the characters and their story quite a bit.

I had so much fun reading this book and can not wait to read the next book.

Shadow of Doubt by H. Beryl

Title: Shadow of Doubt

Author: H. Beryl

Genre: Erotica, Paranormal

Length: 110 pages

Publisher: eXtacy Books (17th January 2017)

Heat Level: Explicit but tame

Heart Rating: 1 Heart

Blurb: What happens when one man has such a great talent that the US Government could use his help? A talent that the military could use as a weapon that makes the man frightened and even the Department of Homeland Security finds an interest in the sparks he produces.

One cop from a small town turns to help and protect him and even finds love where this cops wasn’t looking for any relationship.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0981-4

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Napoleon A. Chase

Review: At this point I’ve learned to read eXtacy books as self-published, with all the range that that entails.

There’s a sort of melancholy that takes me a while to shake every time PoC presence is invoked as a [villainous/expendable] backdrop. That melancholy is ramped up to full-fledged horror here.

All the black characters talk in the same style of satirized, childish Ebonics, including the kids. There are southern white accented characters who aren’t written with ‘accents,’ despite their accent being emphasized. The plot is cardboard, and none of the characters come off as particularly distinct beyond professions and the love interest’s superpower which he literally uses to fry an entire ‘gang’ of Black guys without remorse. Not sure it’s ever explained why a bunch of “stupid” Black guys are the villains in a government conspiracy.

Quote: “They were all dressed in what one would see in the movies, all in low hanging pants and too many necklaces and carrying knives” was the last line I managed to read.

Sex scene was rushed instaromance.

Family of Lies: Sebastian by Sam Argent

Title: Family of Lies: Sebastian

Author: Sam Argent

Genre: High Fantasy, Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (324 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (March 18, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 1/2 Hearts

Blurb: Sebastian Orwell did the only thing a smart wizard could do when he stumbled upon the wounded Crown Prince: he healed him and dumped him in a tavern where he could continue not being Sebastian’s problem. Unfortunately, the prince isn’t content with being alive, and he hunts Sebastian down to thank him personally. Not only is Sebastian stuck with the prince’s unwanted affections, he’s also confronted by growing evidence linking the assassination attempt to someone from his father’s past.

Lord Orwell is a lot of things: thief, liar, drunk, and all around horrible father, but Sebastian knows he’s no murderer. In order to prove it, Sebastian has to keep the prince alive long enough to discover the truth—a task made considerably harder because the idiot prince prefers wooing Sebastian over securing his own survival. On top of everything, Sebastian needs to save the day without revealing his magical powers and the real reason he hides his appearance.

Sebastian had no intention of playing the hero, but whoever is stirring up shit in his country will pay for destroying his quiet life.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63216-681-4

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Sebastian keeps to himself and does not like being around others. His humor is funny to me. I found his snarkiness lovable. Prince Turrin has a way of trouble finding him in the form of assassination attempts on his life. This is how the two meet when Sebastian saves him.

The prince wants to get to know Sebastian better despite his standoffish vibes. He’s persistent an eventually wears Sebastian down. The two are hot together once they actually get together.

The mystery off the assassination attempts and who is behind and to what degree was fascinating and intriguing. I loved how the story flowed and ultimately ended up. Well written with degrees of romance, suspense, action, drama and hot sex all culminated in a story that had me on the edge of my seat.

Great read.

Midnight Twist by Rian Durant Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Rian Durant - Midnight Twist Banner

Hi guys! We have Rian Durant stopping by today with her new release Midnight Twist, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Midnight Twist


Rian Durant

Jaydon can’t afford to lose a bet he’s made, so when the sweet as sin Eluin offers him The Contract, it may be exactly what he needs. Or is it? Things get a little twisted with the cheeky demon being around.

The number of demons in Jaydon’s apartment grows, with Eluin’s big brother Eluel and his wayward lover Sam showing up. The couple is at a breaking point in their own on/off relationship and this time getting back together seems as probable as hell freezing over.

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Bank Run by Alli Reshi Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Alli Reshi - Bank Run Banner

Hi guys, we have Alli Reshi popping in today with her new release Bank Run, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Bank Run

(Expanding Horizon 02)

Alli Reshi

Mark Noland doesn’t know how he always ends up in these situations. All he wants is a few quiet days on Rescon with his new boyfriend Gavnson. But he’s just finished a job, and the rest of his team wants their pay.

A simple trip to the bank shouldn’t be much trouble, and then it’s back to peace and quiet. What could possibly go wrong? The answer to this is apparently robbery, kidnapping, and a foot chase across town. A run to the bank takes on a whole new meaning when you also have to thwart the bad guys.

A simple crime unravels to something much more. Amidst the chaos, Mark and Gavnson not only end up with new friends, but a renewed focus on Gavnson’s ongoing PTSD issues—once they finally have a moment to themselves.

*Bank Run is the second installment in the Expanding Horizons series and is best read after book one, Oops, Caught.

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