Big Man by Matthew J. Metzger Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Matthew J. Metzger - Big Man RB Banner

Hi guys, we have Matthew J. Metzger popping in today with his new release Big Man, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Big Man


Matthew J. Metzger

Max Farrier wanted to follow in the family footsteps and join the Navy once, but he’s better off focusing on just surviving his last year of school and going to work in Aunt Donna’s shop once it’s over.

After an incident at school puts Max in the hospital, Aunt Donna’s had enough. She signs him up for private lessons at a Muay Thai gym. Boxing—she says—will change everything.

But it’s not boxing that starts to poke holes in Max’s stupor—it’s his sparring partner. Cian is fifty percent mouth, fifty percent attitude, and isn’t afraid to go toe-to-toe with a bully in the street. Cian takes what he wants, and doesn’t let anyone stand in his way—not even himself.

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Blood Bathory: Like The Night by Ari McKay Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Ari McKay - Like The Night RBBAnner 1

Hi guys! We have Ari & McKay popping in today with their new re-release Blood Bathory: Like The Night, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Blood Bathory: Like The Night

(The Guardians of Gaia 01)

Ari McKay

You can run…

After losing his younger sister to cancer, fashion photographer Evan St. John tries to outrun his pain, leaving New York for the excitement of Paris. His talent and striking good looks bring him to the attention of Elizabeth Nadasdy, the elegant and powerful owner of House of Nadasdy. Evan is thrilled at the opportunity to work for such a prestigious designer, but he soon discovers Elizabeth wants more than his talent. Beneath the beautiful mask she presents to the world lurks the evil of a vampire whose lust for beauty is surpassed only by her thirst for blood.

Evan’s life is shattered when Elizabeth turns him into one of her “children.” Unable to bear what he has become, he flees to New York to find his best friend, police officer Will Trask. The one person who might be able to help him.

But you can’t hide…

Together, Evan and Will find themselves drawn deeper into a strange world they never knew existed. Standing against the vampires are the theriomorphs, shapeshifters who serve as the guardians of Gaia, the embodiment of all life on earth. Though sworn to eradicate every vampire, Marielle Du Lac, the leader of the theriomorphs, offers them a bargain. If they help bring down Elizabeth, her people will try to find a way to restore Evan to life.

Caught up in an ancient war between two powerful supernatural forces, Evan and Will must choose sides, because if they are to have any chance of a future together, they must destroy Elizabeth Nadasdy before she destroys them.

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Forgiveness by Grace R. Duncan Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Grace R. Duncan - Forgiveness Banner

Hi guys, we have Grace R. Duncan popping in today with the tour for her new release Forgiveness, we have a great new excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~


(Forbes Mates 04)

Grace R. Duncan

Ben’s love can help Eric find the forgiveness he needs… if Eric can accept it.

Nine years ago Eric Joyce went wolf when his chosen mate broke the bond, and he hasn’t walked on two legs since. Convinced he lost his friends when he ran out on them, he cut himself off from the pack. But a surprising visitor prods him back down the mountain, and he finds himself welcomed warmly.

Ben Arellano grew up in Texas with a human Catholic mother who didn’t understand a thing about wolves—and didn’t try to learn. He spent his whole life being told his wolf was a demon that needed to be exorcised, surrounded by a wolf pack made up of good ole boys who had no tolerance for his Mexican ancestry or his bisexuality. When he’s given the opportunity to relocate to an accepting pack in Pittsburgh, he jumps at the chance.

When Eric and Ben meet for the first time, neither is ready for it. Where Ben expects rejection, Eric is convinced yet another mate will leave, break the bond, and put him through the same hell all over again. Can they get past their reservations and have a happily mated life?

Continue reading “Forgiveness by Grace R. Duncan Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Guns n’ Boys by K.A. Merikan Big Blog Tour, Fanfic & Giveaway!

Hi peeps! K.A. Merikan stops by today with her Guns n’ Boys series tour, we have some fantastic exclusive fanfic and a  great giveaway, so check out the series and leave a comment on this post then enter the rafflecopter giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Guns ‘n’ Boys Series


K.A. Merikan

‘Guns n’ Boys’ is a twisted, dark erotic romance mixed with a crime thriller. It’s a long, turbulent journey of one couple deeply entrenched in the dealings of their mafia family. Behind the morbid humor and extreme violence hides the intense love affair of Domenico Acerbi, the mafia’s best hitman, and Seth Villani, the Don’s son.

Together, they have to deal with their blooming affection for each other, their family’s homophobia, their own prejudice, lust, jealousy, and violence. In true anti-hero fashion, they do so in most morally ambiguous ways.

Individual book links below

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Inked in Vegas by K.M. Neuhold Release Blast & Excerpt!

K.M. Neuhold - Inked in Vegas release banner

Hi guys! We have K.M. Neuhold stopping by today with their new release Inked In Vegas, we have a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy!  ❤ ~Pixie~

Inked In Vegas

(Heathens Ink 06)

K.M. Neuhold

“We’re going to be married in a week. You’re going to be my husband, and we’re going to live happily ever after.” ~Madden

It feels like I’ve been waiting to marry Thane my entire life. And with our big day only a week away, our friends insist on a bachelor party in Vegas.

An outrageous scavenger hunt, an unexpected trip to the altar, and a wild night with an ex-boyfriend. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…right?

Join the Heathens crew as they hit Sin City to celebrate the upcoming nuptials of Madden and Thane; you know these men never do anything half-assed.

***This is a multi-POV novella with lots of sexy times (including one MF and one MMF scene). Unlike the rest of the Heathens Ink series, this one CANNOT be read as a standalone.

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Captain Merric by Rebecca Cohen Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Rebecca Cohen - Captain Merric RBBanner

Hi guys! We have Rebecca Cohen popping in today with her brand new release Captain Merric, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Captain Merric


Rebecca Cohen

A tale of pirates, lost love, and the fight for a happy ending.

After he’s set adrift and left to die by his mutinous crew, the last person Royal Navy officer Daniel Horton expects to come to his rescue is Captain Merric. An infamous pirate, Merric is known as much for stealing his victims’ hearts as their jewels. Daniel’s world is about to be turned upside down when he recognises Captain Merric as none other than Edward Merriston, someone he thought he’d never see again.

Edward can’t believe Daniel Horton is aboard his ship. While Edward is willing to do anything he can to get a second chance at their happy ending, Daniel isn’t interested in digging up the past. But Daniel is one priceless treasure Captain Merric isn’t about to let go of without a fight.

Captain Merric first appeared as short story in a pirate-themed anthology. Now completely rewritten and extended he is ready to set sail again.

Continue reading “Captain Merric by Rebecca Cohen Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Cloaked in Shadow by Ben Alderson

Title: Cloaked in Shadow

Series: Dragori 01

Author: Ben Alderson

Genre: Fantasy, Military & Wars

Length: Novel (330pgs)

Publisher: Oftomes Publishing (December 5, 2017)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 1/2 Hearts

Blurb: Dragon Shifters. Magick. Elven Royalty.

Zacriah Trovirn is concerned with two things in life: hunting and dodging Petrer, the boy who broke his heart.

Heartbreak becomes a distant concern when Zacriah is taken to the Elven capital of Thessolina, where he is forced into King Dalior’s new legion of shapeshifters. But Zacriah isn’t a shapeshifter. In truth, he doesn’t know what he is.

Zacriah joins forces with new friends and they soon find themselves embroiled in a clash between the three Elven continents. With war on the horizon, Zacriah must learn to use his latent magick to fight and protect those he loves before they are destroyed.

“Romantic tension, heartwarming friendships, thrilling pacing, all wrapped in the fantasy world of elves you’ve been waiting for. Alderson deftly paints a world that’s rich in intriguing magicks and peoples. Once Zachariah’s story pulls you in, you will not be able to put this down!” – Elise Kova, USA TODAY Bestselling author of Air Awakens.

“One word. EPIC!” – Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★

ISBN: B075R773K9

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: One day Zacriah, an elf, is invited with may other elves to attend a feast at the king’s palace. What he does not expect is for all of them to be poisoned with a sleeping potion. However not all fall asleep. Those that do not are told of an enemy the Morthi, that are attacking villages and that the elves, they are shifters, are being called to arms for the king. This is where the prince Hadrian comes in.

I loved this story. It was magical, secretive and adventerous. Zacriah has a secret. When it comes time to shift he can not. He is taken to Prince Hadrian. Together they figure out some things are not as they seem and set out to find the truth while trying to keep each other and themselves alive.

A wonderful story with a great cast of characters. I found myself riveted to the story awaiting the outcome. The secret Zac and Hadrian have are awesome. The evilness that plagues the palace is scary with it’s intentions and deception.

Fantastic story that I am looking forward to reading more of.

Quickening, Vol. 1 by Amy Lane

Title: Quickening, Vol. 1

Series: Little Goddess | Book Five, Vol. 1

Author: Amy Lane

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (316 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (May 2, 2017)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Cory thought she’d found balance on Green’s Hill—sorceress, student, queen of the vampires, wife to three men—she had it down! But establishing her right to risk herself with Green and Bracken had more than one consequence, and now she’s facing the world’s scariest job title: mother.

But getting the news that she’s knocked up takes a back seat when a half-elf hunts them down for help. Her arrival brings news that the werewolf threat, which has been haunting them for over a year, has finally arrived on their doorstep—and it’s bigger and more frightening than they’d ever imagined.

Cory throws herself into this new battle with everything she’s got—and her men let her do it. Because they all know that whether they defeat this enemy now or later, the thing she’s most afraid of is arriving on a set schedule, and not even Cory can avoid it. The trick is getting her to acknowledge she’s pregnant before she gives birth—or kills herself in denial.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-439-5

Product Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: As with all the books in this series there is a lot going on. Cory finds herself pregnant and is not overly happy about it. At the same time she starts school. Then there is the part elf girl wanting their help to rescue a boy in jail that is part of the werewolf issue.

I found myself at times a little bogged down but never the less it was a truly well written, well balanced story with all the usual happenings in this series. A little of this and that drew the reader into the ongoing series like a fish swimming through water with the occasional danger from others.

Intriguing and fascinating this story certainly delivers.

Great read.

The King’s Courage by Charlie Cochet

Title: The King’s Courage

Series: North Pole City Tales 06

Author: Charlie Cochet

Genre: Fairy Tales, Holiday

Length: Short (77 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 20, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: With the wedding of Jack Frost and Rudy Rein Dear only three weeks away, everyone travels to Jack’s palace in Svalbard, Norway, where the happy couple will exchange vows beneath the northern lights. Festivities have been planned leading up to the wedding, and Dasher eagerly anticipates not just the fun, but staying under the same roof as the blustering winter spirit who’s caught his eye—the King of Frost, Jack’s father.

A long-ago tragedy has left Eirik fearing to ever love again. As the King of Frost, Eirik maintains his distance from everyone, especially the young Christmas elf who insists on intruding on Eirik’s solitude. But Dasher is determined to find a way to show the lonely king that his heart still beats and he shouldn’t fear allowing it to beat for another.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64080-032-8

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I loved this story of two heartbroken men who have faced loneliness different ways. The king of Frost, Eirik, has spent a long time since his queen died keeping away from everyone else. He is for all intents and purposes unattainable. Dasher, finds him sexy and alluring and starts trying to break through his icy walls to show him that life goes on and they are still alive.

Dasher has lost someone he loved as well only he tries to live life to the fullest. Amid wedding plans, doubts, enemies these two slowly come together. My heart broke for both their pains but I was glad to see them both shine in the end.

Fantastic read and highly recommended.

Beneath the Scales by Aurora Peppermint

Title: Beneath the Scales

Series: The Knowledge Effect 01

Author: Aurora Peppermint

Genre: High Fantasy, Teen Fiction

Length: Novella (150 pages)

Publisher: Harmony Ink (Dreamspinner Press) (July 9, 2015)

Heat Level: Nil

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Loyalty and truth will be redefined as a young orphan undertakes a quest that will change his life.

Martus is doing all he can to help his magically gifted sister, Elsaben, living with the frustration that it’s never enough. They’re living hand to mouth on what he can steal, and under the table jobs aren’t enough for Martus to fund the training Elsaben needs. He’s desperate to find a way to help her, but he’s getting a reputation as a troublemaker, which will only endanger what meager living he’s already scratching for.

His life changes drastically in the course of a single day when a dragon attacks their village, leaves it in flames, and then carries Elsaben away. Knowing there is nothing else for him to do, Martus swears to rescue her and avenge their home, knowing he’ll either return triumphant… or die.

What he finds in the mountains challenges his perceptions and prejudices, leading him discover that he may have a chance at a better life, including a friend of the likes he never expected. This adventure could change his worldview—including the beliefs he’s always accepted as the norm.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63476-069-0

Product Link: Dreamspinner PressHarmony Ink Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK 

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Martus is doing his best to get the help Elsaban needs for her magic since their parents died in a fire. One day a dragon, Hal, shows up and starts tearing up the town and eventually takes Elsaban away. El eventually returns and Martus sets out to kill the dragon.

Hal is a sweet boy who has no one to help him control his dragon. When he shifts he has no memory of it or the things he does. Due to Martus and a letter he writes, a group of people invade where Hal’s home is. Martus does try to protect his new friend.

I liked the idea of the story but the delivery was lacking as at times as it jumped from one thing to the next with no warning. Martus and Hal are both alone and I liked that despite the rocky start they became friends.

Unabated by Ryan Field

Title: Unabated

Author: Ryan Field

Genre: Erotic Romance

Length: Novel (199pgs)

Publisher: Ryan Field Press (28th April 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Danny and Vince have an almost perfect gay marriage in New York, and then they move to a small gay enclave in the suburbs of Pennsylvania where they discover something interesting: most of the older gay couples have open marriages. Danny and Vince are still in their twenties, and everything about their lives is new and exciting. So when they leave New York to be closer to Vince’s job as a TV weather person in Pennsylvania, they discover they’re interested in exploring the possibilities of an open gay marriage, too. In the midst of all this “adulting,” from being first time homeowners to buying a new car, the changes Danny and Vince experience in the small town of Penn’s Grant lead them to new sexual and emotional experiences they never had in New York. They not only meet gay couples who have been together for decades, but a few who have been leading double lives and hiding deep dark secrets that have ruled their lives. Thanks to his new open gay marriage, Danny discovers a few secrets about his own strong desires for men he never knew existed. Will their open gay marriage ruin them both forever, or will it wind up bringing them closer together? And will the move to Penn’s Grant turn them into the small town gay couple they never wanted to become in the first place?

ISBN: 9781311942876

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

Reviewer: Napoleon A. Chase

Review: While swingers are far from my preferred genre, I jumped on this book for the opportunity to read something written both by and for the actual members of the gay/mlm community. What Field advertises is a story of identity/sexual exploration, self-discovery, double lives, growth as gay men, and some teasings of gay history. This is what I’ll be paying the most attention to.

The first tidbit that strikes me is that Danny works as a freelance writer, to which I smirk and announce, “hashtag own voices” while my partner is trying to sleep (sorry partner!). To be fair, I give TV shit about that all the time, too.

There’s a certain ache of recognition in just hearing some dynamics of your own relationship described. I hear from people in heterosexual relationships who haven’t so much as kissed in years, who don’t have any clue how to initiate intimacy let alone sex. Meanwhile, 10 pages in: yep, there’s the middle-of-convo buttgrab of a regular couple who hasn’t had the chance to forget what oral feels like (or what it’s like to take advantage of a stairwell). Thank fuck.

I am grateful for the way race was addressed in this: frankly, respectfully, and without sugaring up how the average person actually *does* address race.

Our narrator has a subtle hand at introducing the things that annoy the fuck out of him but he doesn’t want to say outright. The battle of following his family of origin’s rules is both intriguing and familiar.

The politics are believable, both to the tune of laughs and sighs.

I am not Romani, and I am not sure how the American Romani experience differs from elsewhere or if the author is Romani. If Field is not, he’s treaded into some disappointingly face-palming levels of stereotyping here. If he is, well, we’ve all internalized shit we’re told about ourselves, but it sucks when we start inflicting it on our own communities, too.

I got a kick out of Nick’s “detective” story arch.

Speaking of Nick, minor nitpick: always double-check who “Nick” really is. It seems like the author might have planned him in two different roles than he eventually ended up in, and that that slipped through editing.

Four stars and recommending to my friends, even if Danny never does realize how awesome pickup trucks are. Delightful read.

Slow and Tender by Leah Blake

Title: Slow and Tender

Series: Love Your Dragon 01

Author: Leah Blake

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Shape-shifter

Length: Novella (118pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand (3rd January 2015)

Heat Level: Sextreme

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Tallis Hynes knows he is different, but a dragon? After being kidnapped from his apartment during the night and locked in a cell with two strangers claiming to be his lost brothers, he is mercilessly exposed to secrets that had been withheld all his life. Unfortunately, their enemies want the power they possess, and won’t stop until they get it, at any cost.

Zhett Rhiodan, chaos dragon by birth and fierce warrior of the Khoronian race, is on a mission to find the four lost Hynesin heirs and return them to the king of Khorone. Like everything in his life, his mission is complicated when he locates three of the four brothers and learns Tallis is his mate.

When the threat to the heirs makes an appearance, the entire mission is at risk for failure. Can Zhett keep his mate safe when all hell breaks loose? Or will the Khoronian people fall into the hands of evil?

ISBN: 978-1-63258-746-6

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Zhett, a chaos dragon, and his crew are given a mission of find, retrieve and bring back the four Khorone heirs that were hidden so long ago. When Zhett learns they had been located and at the mercy of Xona he heads in immediately to save the brothers.

Tallis has no clue who he really is until he is kidnapped. Upon awakening he learns he has brothers and that they are all dragon shifters. Tallis is the youngest of the brothers so has no memories of before. He’s fierce and deadly when he needs to be.

I loved this story of Zhett and Tallis and all the others. It was a fascinating blend of sci-fi, paranormal, suspense and action. There were so many heartstopping scenes when the brothers were captured multiple times.

I am looking forward to reading more in this series.

Tested In Fire by E.J. Russell Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

E.J. Russell - Tested In Fire TourBanner

Hi guys! We have E.J. Russell stopping by today with the tour for her new release Tested in Fire, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway where you can win a $25 Amazon credit and an ebook copy of both titles in the Legend Tripping series, so guys check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Tested In Fire

(Art Medium 02)

E.J. Russell

Six months ago, Stefan Cobbe was at rock bottom: grief-stricken, guilt ridden, debt laden, artistically blocked, and living on charity in an isolated mountain cabin. But after reconciling with his first love, Luke, and moving to Sarasota with him, Stefan is preparing for his first major show. Yes, he still has debts, and no, Luke doesn’t understand Stefan’s desire for independence. But compared to last year? No contest.

Luke Morganstern ought to be happy. After all, his art-investigation business has recovered and he’s got his boyfriend back. But Stefan stubbornly refuses to move in with him or accept Luke’s financial help, and it’s really starting to bug him. Who knew that the biggest test of their relationship wouldn’t be time or distance, but his own insecurities? After Luke’s next job—a trip to Italy to retrieve a mysterious artifact—he plans to convince Stefan that it’s time to totally commit.

But when Luke returns, he changes, and Stefan begins to suspect that the person in Luke’s skin isn’t Luke at all. He can hardly go to the police and claim his lover is the victim of a supernatural hijacking though. He needs alternative help to find Luke and get him back, because he refuses to let anyone—or anything—come between them again.

Continue reading “Tested In Fire by E.J. Russell Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Omega Shadow by Quinn Michaels Release Blast & Excerpt!

Quinn Michaels - Omega Shadow RB Blurb

Hi guys, we have Quinn Michaels popping in today with her new release Omega Shadow, we have a great excerpt and a link where you can sign up and get a free copy of Omega Shelter so check out the post and enjoy! ❤ ~Pixie~

Omega Shadow

(Pine Creek Lake Den 03)

Quinn Michaels

One is accused. One is betrayed. One is a killer.

Midwife-apprentice, Kyle’s sheltered world is shattered when a patient’s alpha mate flies into a murderous rage and attacks him. Kyle is rescued by a handsome alpha visitor, but as attraction blazes between the two men, and they fall into each other’s dreams, what starts as lust becomes something impossible. Kyle is a beta. He can’t be an alpha’s true mate. And yet, what else explains their connection?

Visiting Pine Creek Lake alpha, Shadow isn’t looking for his true mate when he stumbles across a beta being attacked in the middle of the night. But when a simple rescue reveals a chain of possible murders, Shadow must learn the truth about the man in his dreams before it’s too late. Something is driving alphas in the Blackcreek pack to rage and die young. Is Kyle as ignorant as he pretends, or is he hiding a dangerous secret?

As Kyle and Shadow work together to discover the truth, both men are forced to question their deepest assumptions about themselves and each other. Are they fated mates? Is Kyle living a lie? And when the killer is revealed, will Kyle have the courage to face the truth before Shadow suffers the same death as the others?

Find out in Omega Shadow, Book 3 of the Pine Creek Lake Den series, an action-packed Mpreg romance mystery with a happily ever after to melt your heart.

Fast paced. Sexy. No Cliffhanger.

If you love Mpreg Omega werewolf romance with life-or-death action, knotting, babies, and hawtness, start reading Omega Shadow, Book 3 of the Pine Creek Lake Den series, today!

Continue reading “Omega Shadow by Quinn Michaels Release Blast & Excerpt!”

Austin by Felice Stevens Release Blast & Excerpt!

Felice Stevens - Austin RDB Banner

Hi guys, we have Felice Stevens popping in today with her new release Austin, we have a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! ❤ ~Pixie~


(Man Up 01)

Felice Stevens

I can make it by myself. The only rules I follow are my own. Love? I learned that lesson the hard and painful way—it wasn’t right for me. Sure, sometimes it gets lonely, and I wish I had a man to hold. Who’d love me. Want me. Treat me with respect. Yeah, I dance in a club, but that doesn’t mean I’m easy. Or a fool. So you, sitting in the back, watching me? I know what you want. You want me. In your bed. Under you. But I say no. It doesn’t matter how many presents you give me.

I’m not falling for you. I know who you are. But you don’t know me. You don’t know Austin.

Continue reading “Austin by Felice Stevens Release Blast & Excerpt!”

Asylum by Robert Winter Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Robert Winter - Asylum Blog Tour Banner 2

Hi guys, we have Robert Winter popping in today with the tour for his new release Asylum, we have a brilliant guest post from Robert where he introduces us to Provincetown, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic $25 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~


(Pride and Joy 02)

Robert Winter

Death threats drove him from his country. Can he ever find asylum from his past?

Hernán had family, college, and a future in El Salvador. Until a vicious gang targeted him as gay. Threatened with murder, he braved a nightmare journey toward a new life. Now, haunted by his trek, he hides from immigration trouble as well as his enemies. He prays to pass in Provincetown unnoticed.

But a handsome man with a secret like Hernán’s is vulnerable to predators.

Colin is in town for a wedding when he falls into the harbor. The man who rescues him is dark-haired, dark eyed and gorgeous. He’s also a target because of his immigration status. Colin owes a debt, and wants to repay it by helping his savior escape the monsters who would exploit him.

Hernán yearns to trust the kind man who offers him sanctuary. Will his demons destroy his chance at a future with Colin?

Asylum is a standalone gay romance novel but contains spoilers for the prior novel, September. Trigger warnings for brief references to off-page sexual abuse of a child and adult.

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On a Summer Night by Gabriel D. Vidrine Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Gabriel D. Vidrine - On a Summer Night RB Banner

Hi guys, we have Gabriel D. Vidrine popping in today with his new release On A Summer Night, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

On A Summer Night


Gabriel D. Vidrine

Fourteen-year-old Casey is determined to have fun this summer going to camp with his best friend, Ella. His overprotective mother frets that attending this one instead of trans camp like he’s always done will cause problems, but Casey has his heart set on going stealth anyway.

His mom just might be right.

All Ella wants is love for her best friend, and she’s determined to set him up with someone, despite Casey’s protests that he just wants to have fun, not get involved in a summer romance. But things get complicated when camp bully Ryan focuses his energies on the two friends. At least Casey’s cute bunkmate, Gavin, appears interested in getting to know him better, making Casey rethink the whole romance thing.

Until he finds out Gavin and Ryan are good friends.

Summer camp turns into so much more when Casey has to decide if Gavin is worth pursuing, friend of a bully or not.

There’s just one more problem: Ryan knows Casey is transgender

Continue reading “On a Summer Night by Gabriel D. Vidrine Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Soul to Keep by Garrett Leigh Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Garrett Leigh - Soul To Keep RBBanner

Hi peeps, we have Garrett Leigh popping in today with her new release Soul To Keep, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Soul to Keep

(Rented Heart 02)

Garrett Leigh

Recovering addict Jamie Yorke has returned to England from California. With no home or family to speak of, he sticks a pin in a map and finds a small town in the Derbyshire Peak District. Matlock Bath is a quiet place—he just needs to get there, keep his head down, and stay clean. Simple, right? Until a chance meeting on the flight home alters the course of his so-called life forever.

Ex-Army medic Marc Ramsey is recovering from life-changing combat injuries while pulling nights as a trauma specialist at the local hospital. Keeping busy is a habit he can’t quit, but when Jamie—so wild and beautiful—bursts into his life, working himself into the ground isn’t as compelling as it used to be.

Marc falls hard, but chaos lurks behind Jamie’s fragile facade. He’s winning his battle against addiction, but another old foe is slowly consuming him. Both men have weathered many storms, but the path to the peace they deserve might prove the roughest ride yet.

Continue reading “Soul to Keep by Garrett Leigh Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

As I Am by Melissa Collins Cover Reveal with Giveaway!

Melissa Collins - As I Am Banner

Hi guys, we have Melissa Collins stopping by today to show off the lovely cover to her upcoming release As I Am, so check out the post and then visit with Melissa and join in her giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

As I Am


Melissa Collins

Chase Hansen. Broke. College drop out. Male stripper.

My life wasn’t at all what I imagined it would be. I should have been finishing up college, interning with a well-respected business, partying with my friends. But instead, I was raising my seventeen year old brother, struggling to make ends meet. Love wasn’t even on my radar. Besides, what did I have to offer? A few crumpled singles pulled from my G-string? Defeated and exhausted, I knew I had zero chance of finding someone to love me just as I am.

Noah Carpenter. Angry. Betrayed. Doctor.

Just when I thought my life was going exactly as it should, everything turned upside down. With my final rotation in medical school complete, I finally achieved my lifelong dream of becoming a doctor. What I never expected was to catch the man of my dreams in our bed with the man of his. Beyond infuriated, Istruggled to piece together the remnants of my life. Just when I’d decided to give up on love altogether, I found a man who loved me just as I am.

Cover design: Sommer Stein at Perfect Pear Creative Covers

Photography: Christopher John at CJC Photography 

Models: Sam Wiles and Aaron Michael Bell

Release date: 25th April 2018
Add As I Am to your TBR on Goodreads here.

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The Wounded Heart by K.D. Worth

Title: The Wounded Heart

Series: The Grim Life 02

Author: K.D. Worth

Genre: Angels and Demons, Teen Fiction

Length: Novel (224 pages)

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (Dreamspinner Press) (December 12, 2017)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3 1/2 Hearts

Blurb: Dating is tough… especially when you’re dead.

Max and Kody never really figured life out, and their afterlife isn’t proving any easier. They were supposed to live happily ever after, escorting souls to heaven for the Big Guy—as in God—but then their boss, the mysterious angel Slade, delivered some shocking news about the undead.

Their afterlife just got a lot more complicated.

The appearance of the undead shades can only mean one thing: wraiths—the malevolent incarnation of stranded spirits. But what do they want with Kody? If that wasn’t enough for Max to worry about, Slade makes a cryptic remark about the end of Max and Kody’s relationship—and Max already resents the time Kody spends with Slade.

Kody’s family is still reeling from his death, and his sister is spiraling out of control. She blames their mother, religion, and God. When Kody and Max form a plan to help save her faith and her heart, it could bring the wraiths into the mortal world… and the boys might not have the power to fight them.

Only love can push back the darkness and heal the wounds in their hearts. But sorrow and confusion might drive a wedge between Max and Kody when they need most to stand together.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-782-2

Product Link: Dreamspinner PressHarmony Ink Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: As with the first book I was thrown with this story. A lot of this story is about Max and Kody worrying about this or that which grew tiresome to me. I was honestly expecting a more action packed book as the setup was given in the first story but it seemed this story was a continuation of a set up.

There is only one action scene and it seemed as though nothing was answered when it ended. So overall this another emotional story about Max and Kody. Some scenes were sweet some were tense. Slade was still his secret self. I seriously hope in the next book this story moves along further than it has.

Too many questions have been left unanswered. I feel as though I’m being strung along, fed bits and pieces of a larger plot so I am looking forward to answers.

An O.K. read.