No Tea, No Shade by Stephani Hecht

n424884Title:  No Tea No Shade

Series:  The Haven Coffee House Boys Series Book Four

Author:  Stephani Hecht

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novella (80 Pages)

Publisher:  Extasy Books (January 15th, 2013)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥3Hearts

Blurb:   Sometimes the ones you love can hurt you the most of all.

Devlin is used to others thinking that he’s a jerk. He likes it that way. It makes it so, nobody ever expects too much of him. Only his close friends really know that soft side of him, and, that he’s never exposed enough so he can get hurt. Then Christian, Devlin’s boyfriend, needs him more than ever. Will Devlin be able to let his guard down enough, or will he risk losing Christian forever?

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  No Tea No Shade is the fourth book The Haven Coffee House Boys Series by Stephani Hecht. The story revolves around Devlin and Christian and their group of friends. If you have not ready the previous novels, you might feel a little lost in this one.

Christian is suffering from depression and has been hiding it from his boyfriend Devlin. Devlin could be such an asshole sometimes and I don’t see why Christian would even consider him as boyfriend material. But, Christian does bring out the best in Devlin and I like that. One thing I didn’t like was the fact that this novel was too short and consisted of only one plot. Christian’s depression. That’s it. There is nothing more. I would have loved if the plot was extended into something more interesting.

I must admit, Mrs. Stephani Hecht dealt with a very important issue here. Depression is something serious that has been affecting a large percentage of our youths. I think that the message was clear. Get help and let other help you.

When it is all said and done, the novel was okay. If another plot was added to this very serious issue, it would have made the story ten times better and interesting.


Love Means…No Limits by Andrew Grey

LoveMeansNoLimitsLGTitle:  Love Means… No Limits

Series:  Farm #9

Author:  Andrew Grey

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (200 Pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (January 21st, 2013)

Heat Level:  Medium

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   Bart van Andren, aka Spider, has been running away from life with a lot of chemical help. When he wakes up in a hospital, he discovers he’s picked up a champion. Duane must see something in Bart no one else ever has, because he finds Bart a job at Laughton Farms, where the people show Bart kindness and patience. He might even kick his drug habit with a little help from his new friends Geoff, Eli, and especially Tyrone.

Tyrone Jackson works at the farm despite the disapproval of his traditional black family, who find it suspicious that he works with gay men. Tyrone knows he’s gay, and until now, he’s kept his home and work lives separate.

Though Tyrone resists his feelings for Bart as long as he can—he’s seen enough of the drug culture to last a lifetime—he can’t deny their attraction forever. But before he and Bart reach for more than friendship, Tyrone has to face his family and Bart has to close the door on his past—a past that could put Tyrone, the farm, and everyone he’s come to care for at risk.

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  Love Means… No Limits is book nine of the Farm Series by Andrew Grey. The story stars Bart van Andren, aka Spider, and Tyrone Jackson who meet at the Laughton Farms. And that’s where the story takes off.

I loved Spider, sorry, Bart. He was a scared little kid that has been running away from reality and his life with the help of several drugs. After passing out in a motel, he wakes up in a hospital and meets Officer Duane. Duane sees a lot of potential in Bart and gets him a job at the Laughton Farms instead of serving jail time. It is there that he meets Tyrone. I loved Tyrone. He was sweet, dedicated and the best brother around. He has been living in the closet all his life because he is afraid to tell his family about his sexual orientation and I don’t blame him. His family is very racist and believes that gays are going to burn in hell. I personally think that Bart and Tyrone are perfect for each other. Tyrone brings out the best in Bart and Bart brings out the courage in Tyrone. And it is that courage that gives him the strength to tell his family that he is gay. There is a huge plot involving Bart’s past, but I won’t say it. You have to read it to find out. That little tragedy helps them to become closer and a happy couple.

In general, this is an amazing little read. You will laugh, cry and feel happy just reading this novel. A recommend it to everyone. Happy reading!




A Star is Born by Robbie Michaels

A-Star-is-Born-Cover-Draft-2Title:  A Star is Born

Series:  Most Popular Guy in the School #3

Author:  Robbie Michaels

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (200 Pages)

Publisher:  Harmony Ink Press (September 14th, 2012)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥3. 5Hearts

Blurb:   Having left New York and their old lives behind them, Mark and Bill are settling into their new home in California, their jobs, and their college courses. At least Mark is, but when Bill’s acting career takes off, Bill leaves college – and Mark – behind to film around the world. Learning to live together was hard – being the boyfriend of a budding superstar is almost inconceivable. Though it’s a struggle to stay relevant to each other when they live in different worlds, Mark is committed to Bill and their relationship.

When Mark gets an unexpected long weekend, he decides to surprise Bill on location in Maui. After all, it’s Mark’s birthday, and he wants to spend it with his boyfriend. But when he gets there it is Mark that is surprised when he finds Bill and his costar in bed together. The combination of fame, fortune and infidelity seems to spell the end for Bill and Mark – until a personal tragedy drags them back to New York, where it all began, and reminds them what really matters.

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Reviewer: John

Review:  Okay. I don’t know how to start this review. A Star is Born is book three of the Most Popular Guy in the School Series. I loved book one and two even with their flaws. Many would have given up on the series and moved on to something else, but I kept holding on. The story continues with Mark and Bill. I loved Mark and started to dislike Bill in book two. For some reason, I didn’t believe or trust him. Now, I disliked Mark so much.

I love him as a person, don’t get me wrong, but I just can’t understand him sometimes. In book two, rumors surfaced about Bill cheating on him and Mark went psycho on his ass. Now, in book three, he caught him cheating and he takes it so…easily. He goes and has a blast with his credit card? What? I would have burned Derrick St. James’ house to the ground along with them and threw their remains into a volcano. That’s just me though. I have no idea why Mark stayed with him, but I don’t blame Bill for cheating on him either. What Mark got was coming since book two. He was not giving Bill what he wanted so he found it elsewhere. That still DOES NOT give him the right to cheat on Mark. He should have kept his dick in his pants. I guess, those two are meant for each other after all.

All in all, this was an awesome read. Yes, I hated the characters, but that just shows that Mr. Robbie Michaels got what he wanted. To have people on both sides, loving and hating the main characters. That to me; makes an awesome read. Another thing that I loved was the fact that I couldn’t find any plot holes. Maybe there were some, but I didn’t found any. That was a huge improvement from the previous novels.


Go West Young Man by Robbie Michaels

Go-West-Young-Man-Cover-Draft-2Title:  Go West Young Man

Series:  Most Popular Guy in the School #2

Author:  Robbie Michaels

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (260 Pages)

Publisher:  Harmony Ink Press (August, 2012)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts

Blurb:   “The Most Popular Guy Trilogy: Book Two” A few short months ago, Mark Miller was a shy nerdy kid who kept his head down and stayed off the radar. He had nothing in common with the in-crowd. But then he got snowed in with Bill Cromwell and learned not to judge a book by its cover. One thing led to another, and now Mark has a boyfriend. A “popular” boyfriend. A boyfriend who wants to go to prom with him. But Mark worries that Bill is risking too much-his popularity, his friends.

Then there’s graduation: caps, gowns, and a whole new world awaiting Mark and Bill in faraway California. They rent an apartment, join the workforce, and start college. It’s the beginning of the journey of their lives, and they should be enjoying it-but amid uncertainty, temporary separations, and bad communication, Mark and Bill have to struggle to hold on to the fledgling relationship that grounds them when the outside world seems to move too fast.

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Reviewer: John

Review:  The second installment of Robbie Michaels’ the Most Popular Guy in the School Series is better than the first. The story continues where the first book left off. It starts with Bill’s birthday and continues with their journey in California. Just like the first, this one suffered from one or two plot holes that left me wondering. Also, sometimes the scenes and dialogues appeared to be a little too unrealistic. But guess what? It’s fiction! I do however; want to know what the hell happened with Sue and the jocks? Did they end up in jail? Did they get away with it? I read that chapter twice and couldn’t find my answer so I moved. Maybe, I missed it. I still do want to know though.

In California, I liked Mark and Bill together as a couple. They seemed perfect and meant for each other. Mark was awesome and geeky, just like how I like them. I started to dislike Bill after the rumors about his affair with Derrick St. James. I disliked Derrick St. James. I don’t know why, but I knew he was trouble the moment he walked into the picture.

Overall, I loved the story since it was the tale of a couple trying to make it work in life. That seemed very realistic to me. In life, there are so many trials that push couples to the breaking point. Some stay together, some, walk away. I liked that these two stuck together and proved their love to everyone even against me.




The Thunder in His Head by Gene Gant

14289017Title:  The Thunder in His Head

Series:  N/A

Author:  Gene Gant

Genre:  M/M Contemporary/ Young Adult

Length:  Novel (200 pages)

Publisher:  Harmony Ink Press (May 15, 2012)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:  Kyle Manning is a tall, strong, openly gay sixteen-year-old who makes decent grades and plays on his school’s basketball team. He’s a good kid who cares deeply about his family and friends. But his life has become a mess. His mom, Lela, has finally had enough of her husband Joe’s serial cheating. Kyle’s parents are headed for divorce, and the collapse of their marriage torments him.

Divorcing parents is bad enough, but Kyle also has to deal with new people in his parents’ lives. He likes Stephanie, his father’s girlfriend, but he finds himself increasingly attracted to his mother’s handsome boyfriend, Reece. As Kyle struggles with his fear and frustration, he grows angrier and more erratic.

Then he meets Dwight Varley, a buff, attractive athlete from another school who takes an instant liking to him. Having Dwight around doesn’t solve all Kyle’s problems, but it does make life more bearable. As their relationship develops, Dwight becomes a bright oasis in Kyle’s harried life. But Dwight’s life is more complicated than Kyle ever imagined, and just when things start to get better, Kyle discovers the truth about Dwight—and about his father.

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Reviewer:  Artemis

Review:  Thunder in His Head is a coming of age story about Kyle’s struggles to deal with growing up, being gay, and falling in love.  In the beginning of this book, I get the impression that Kyle is a little bit confused, slightly angry, and really just wants to be left alone.  His parents are separated, and while his dad’s girlfriend seems to be okay, he is developing one serious crush on his mom’s boyfriend.  The author does a great job of portraying Kyle’s torn emotions.  He understands that his feelings for Reece are wrong, but that doesn’t stop the heart and the hormones from wanting what he shouldn’t have.

In comes Dwight, and Kyle’s life takes quite a turn.  We see the relationship between Dwight and Kyle develop as a teenage romance with lots of angst, anger, and miscommunication between the two of them.  Along with the relationship between Kyle and Dwight, we see the struggles of the secondary characters as well.  They are all very well written and seem quite ‘real’.  In fact, all of the characters in this book are very realistic.  The dialogue doesn’t come off as stiff or forced at all.

At the end of the book, I felt like I had a better understanding of Kyle’s inner struggles when it came to his parents and their significant others than I did with his relationship with Dwight.  I wish the book had continued on for a few more chapters to JUST focus on Dwight and Kyle.

This was a great coming of age story with realistic characters who are struggling with difficult issues and emotions.

His Undoing by Aria Grace

17164966Title:  His Undoing

Series:  N/A

Author:  Aria Grace

Genre:   M/M, Erotica, Coming of Age

Length:  Novella (112 Pages)

Publisher:  Surrendered Press (December 23, 2012)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Best Selling Gay/Lesbian Erotica Author brings you…

When Mike found out he would be sharing a dorm with a former football star, he was terrified. He’d been bullied by jocks all his life for being scrawny and weak and didn’t have high expectations of how it would go. To his surprise, Brett was a great guy that was easy to get along with and seemed to enjoy his company. When Mike learned that Brett was gay, it was a shock but it also explained the threatening letters that Mike had been receiving. Was Mike really at risk because of a jealous ex? Was there even anything to be jealous of?

*** Warning: Contains graphic descriptions of gay sex ***

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Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Let’s start with Cover Love!  It is simple and sexy, and completely fits the story it’s wrapped around.  I grabbed a copy from Amazon as a free read, but I would gladly have paid good money for this book.

Mike is in his first year of college in a foreign state, away from his family and friends.  Having spent much of his young life being picked on and bullied, the scrawny more academic than athletic type, is justifiably anxious to meet his new roommate.

Brett is the typical jock, the same kind of person that had picked on and bullied him in the past.  Imagine his surprise when he meets Brett and he’s not only friendly and easy to get along with, but he’s gay.

His Undoing is the story of Brett’s hidden attraction to Mike, who is none the wiser in the beginning.  As the story progresses Mike makes friends and even grabs himself a “girlfriend”, sadly, he also becomes the unwitting victim of a stalker that results in him being brutalized as the result of a hate crime.  Brett and Maggie both are there for him through the ordeal and the aftermath and as his relationship with Maggie progresses to the next level, Mike realizes that he’s not quite as attracted to her as he thinks he should be.

Grace does a phenomenal job of squeezing a lot of content into this short story, as well as conveying Mike’s emotional journey while adding depth and realism to it.  I loved the reality of the conversation he and Brett have when Mike is telling him how he feels.  This is the first book I’ve read where one page had me saying “Awwww, they are just so damn cute!” then the next had me fanning myself from the steam radiating off the pages when Brett and Mike finally get together.

My only complaint was the way the situation was handled when they discovered who it was that had attacked Mike.  I thought there could have been a better outcome, aside from that this was a well written, coming of age, gay love story with some Fantastic guy on guy action!

Where You Are by J. H. Trumble

where-you-are Title:  Where You Are

Author:  J.H Trumble

Genre:  Contemporary, Young Adult

Length:  Novel (304 pages)

Publisher:  Kensington Publishing Corporation (December 24, 2012)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:  Robert Westfall’s life is falling apart—everywhere but in math class. That’s the one place where problems always have a solution. But in the world beyond high school, his father is terminally ill, his mother is squabbling with his interfering aunts, his boyfriend is unsupportive, and the career path that’s been planned for him feels less appealing by the day.

Robert’s math teacher, Andrew McNelin, watches his best student floundering, concerned but wary of crossing the line between professional and personal. Gradually, Andrew becomes Robert’s friend, then his confidante. As the year progresses, their relationship—in school and out of it—deepens and changes. And as hard as he tries to resist, Andrew knows that he and Robert are edging into territory that holds incalculable risks for both of them.

J.H. Trumble, author of the acclaimed Don’t Let Me Go, explores a controversial subject with extraordinary sensitivity and grace, creating a deeply human and honest story of love, longing, and unexpected connection.

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Reviewer:  Cat

Review:  Andrew McNelin is a high school teacher. He is still quite young, only 24, a father of a two-year-old, and gay. Yes, he is gay, but he and his wife have a workable relationship.

Robert Westfall’s father has been ill for a long time and is now terminal. Robert is dealing with being a high school senior, a so-called boyfriend, and how the illness has affected him and his family.

This story deals with how each man deals with his own life struggles, and how their lives cross.

This is such a poignant, well-written story of how unfair life can be, and how people struggle with love, death, and life in general.

I fell deeply in love with both characters, and cheered and cried through the entire story. I can’t think of a thing I didn’t like, and unlike most stories I didn’t want to smack any of the characters. Well, only the two main characters. I’d like to have smacked all of Robert’s family on his father’s side, and a couple of the student’s on both men’s sides.

I highly recommend this to anyone that likes a longer story with well-written, believable characters, strife, the struggle to find and keep love, and just an all-around good story!

Clueless by J. Roman

Clueless (2)Title: Clueless

Series: Keeping Secrets 02

Author: J. Roman

Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult

Length: Novella (109pgs)

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (1st February 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4½Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Out jock Tommy Johnson and former bully Jason Strummer have settled into a surprisingly comfortable routine. They’re even planning a special camping trip for just the two of them for their one-month anniversary. Tommy doesn’t think things can get any better—until Jason’s past catches up to them.

Jason’s stepdad will stop at nothing to put Jason back in his place. As Jason spins out of control, Tommy tries desperately to hold the edges of their world together. But the pressure of dealing with Jason’s increasingly erratic behavior and keeping a growing number of secrets under wraps may prove too much for Tommy to handle.

Then Jason blows it and their comfy world falls apart. When he finally texts Tommy for help, they both learn some secrets aren’t worth keeping.

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Review: This book is part of a series and must be read in order. Tommy and Jason are coming up to their one-month anniversary and they have plans to celebrate. But, Jason reacts badly when his step-father confronts him. As Jason reacts to his pain, Tommy is left to pick up the pieces and trying to be supportive, but just how much of a burden can a seventeen year old take?

This story continues with Tommy and Jason’s relationship from Heartless. We see how the two boys are handling their relationship and the horrors of Jason’s past. Things are going well between Tommy and Jason and they are planning some alone time for their one-month anniversary, but Jonathan (Jason’s step-father) wants Jason back and it sends Jason on a course of self-destruction that Tommy is desperate to contain and stop. The burden becomes too much when Jason turns to Tommy and Tommy feels used and just when they begin to get back on an even keel Tommy has no choice, but to tell the adults what has been happening.

J. Roman has yet again written a story that tries to rip your heart out. She has written a story that gives us the hardships that these two young adults are facing, the pressure they are under and the heartache that they suffer. This story is all from Tommy’s point of view, so we see the true pressure he is under as he tries desperately to be the rock that his boyfriend needs; to keep a devastating secret that is destroying the one he loves and trying to corral his boyfriend before he self-destructs. Jason acts out, driving the ones who want to help and support him away, refusing the help he needs and he ends up placing himself back in the way of danger.

I have to recommend that everyone reads this book; it is filled with anguish, angst, fear, heartbreak, love, and hope. It has two young adults who are trying to deal with a secret that would bring adults to their knees, but it also shows that it is better to place a secret that devastating into the hands of the ones who can do the most good.

By the Creek by Geoff Laughton

17200729Title: By the Creek

Series: N/A

Author: Geoff Laughton

Genre: MM / Contemporary / Young Adult

Length: Novel

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press

Reviewer: Thommie

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb: Soon-to-be high school junior David Harper hates his family’s move to the country. There’s nothing to do, and he misses his friends in the city. But he doesn’t have a choice. His mother’s job is in Mason County now, so David and his mom are too, and he has to make the best of it.

At first, the only redeeming feature of David’s new home is the swimming hole across the field from his house. Then David meets Benjamin Killinger, and suddenly life stops being so dull.

Benjamin is Amish, and cooling off in the swimming hole is one of the few liberties he and his brothers enjoy. A friendship with an English boy is not—but that doesn’t stop him and David from getting to know each other, as long as it’s on the neutral ground by the creek. After David risks his life to save Benjamin’s father, the boys’ friendship is tolerated, then accepted. But before long, Benjamin’s feelings for David grow beyond the platonic. Benjamin’s family and the rest of the community will never allow a love like that, and a secret this big can’t stay secret forever….

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Review: Well, the moment I started reading this story I knew what I was facing. This is a very sweet, romantic and sad story. I’ll not go into details about the story itself as the blurbs says more than enough, but I’ll say a bit at the fact that there should be more books like this one.

This is a teen romance and of course the drama of the teenagers is there full front. I loved though that it wasn’t tiresome on that aspect. The feelings it evoke were genuine enough and it reached the point where it caused moisture in my eyes. And that is not easy to accomplish.

I think what caused me so much sadness was the fact that Benjamin, on the contrary of David, had no real options in front of him. The despair he felt, the despair children in his place out there feel every day, is what got to me the most.

Yes, this book has a HEA thankfully. And through many difficulties and lot of inner strength our two boys and especially Benjamin manage to get their lives in a line, and I managed to get my wits about me. The book was very well written, and while it certainly was no light-read, or the entertaining kind, I am more than happy to have read it. I’m also more than happy to recommend it to all of you who love a good romantic, young adult story.


Sock It To Me, Santa! by Madison Parker

Sock-2Title:  Sock it to Me, Santa!

Series:  None

Author:  Madison Parker

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Short (55 Pages)

Publisher:  Madison Parker (Amazon)

Heat Level:  None

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Ryan is assigned to Jamie Peterson for his class’s secret gift exchange. If word gets out that he has to make a handcrafted gift for flamboyant and openly gay Jamie, Ryan will be the laughing-stock of the school. It’s a good thing no self-respecting boy would be caught dead in a craft store, because otherwise he’d be at risk of being spotted when his mom drags him to her weekly craft workshops. He hopes Jamie will appreciate all the trouble he’s going to for this assignment. Finding the perfect gift is gunna be tricky. Jamie deserves something good, though, after all the crap he has to put up with at school. At least, Ryan tells himself that’s the reason he’s putting so much thought into the gift. It couldn’t be that he has feelings for Jamie, could it?

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  Ryan is a closeted gay teen who has been living in the shadows all his life. In high school, he keeps hiding because he fears the retribution of his peers, since being gay is not acceptable by them. He tries to go under the radar and live a normal life, like everyone else. Jamie Peterson is the opposite of Ryan. He is the most flamboyant gay kid in school. His sexual orientation makes him the center of every joke and prank by his classmates. When Mrs. Keats assigns Jamie for Ryan’s secret Santa gift exchange program, their paths intercept and we get to see a new side of these two boys.

I love Ryan. He is a normal gay kid trying to survive an environment where being gay is totally unacceptable and lands you a spot on the hot seat. He has to hide who he is in order not to be the center of brutal jokes. When he has to make three gifts for Jamie for the secret Santa gift exchange program, he begins to let loose and gets to know the flamboyant boy. Jamie was as sweet as sugar. Even though he was the center of attacks by his classmates, he did not let them get to him. The kid fought back. That was something that Ryan could not do. He could not come out as a gay kid and tell the world to screw off. After following Jamie around, he falls in love with him. Yes, he messes up sometimes, but he quickly does something that makes you continue loving him. I loved the ending since Ryan got the courage to tell everyone how much he loves Jamie and what he means sot him.

This is one of the sweetest and shortest stories that I have ever read and I hope that there is a sequel to it because I want to read more about these two characters. Madison Parker is a fresh voice to the writing community and I know that great things will come her way if she continues writing sweet little stories with happy endings. I recommend this novel to anyone who wants to treat their eyes with a loving story about love, acceptance and courage for this Christmas season.

Boys Will Be Boys by Paul Alan Fahay

Title: Boys Will Be Boys

Author: Paul Alan Fahey

Genre: Young Adult, Historical (1950s)

Length: Short Story

Publisher:  Queerteen Press (October 14th, 2012

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:  In the late 1950’s, fourteen year old Philip Noland is a gay but sexually inexperienced freshman at St. Sebastian’s, a Catholic high school for boys. Alone and emotionally isolated, with the exception of two friends named O’Riley and Carlin, there are no familiar guideposts for Philip to follow, just an excess of rules and regulations that make no sense to him.

A late bloomer, Philip learns to masturbate effectively and fall in love for the first time, but his greatest challenge isn’t the regimented behavior at St. Sebastian’s — it’s surviving a bully named Molinara who has set his sights on Philip.

Can Philip navigate the minefields of St. Sebastian’s and emerge victorious?

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Reviewer:  Madison

Review:  I enjoyed the author’s writing style. The way the report cards and other notices were incorporated into the story was both unique and effective in terms of establishing the setting and characters.

I wonder what the intended audience’s age is for this story (I’m guessing it’s fairly young). The entire time I was reading, all signs led to impending tragedy, but that climactic moment wasn’t really that bad. It could’ve been much darker.

Overall, this is a touching short story about young friendship and love. Yay, Smith!


The New Boy by Maddy Linehan

Title:  The New Boy

Series:  None

Author:  Maddy Linehan

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  157 pages

Publisher:  Self Published (June 12th, 2012)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥4.5Hearts

Blurb:   Alex thinks he has the perfect relationship with boyfriend Gary. When Dexter moves in next door to Alex, things start to get complicated. Everyone Dexter meets seems to develop feelings for him, and even though the new boy is straight, Alex can’t help but start to fall for him. These concerns he outlines in his brutally honest diary, while also dealing with his psychotic best friend Andie and his parents’ divorce.

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  Alex thinks that his life is perfect with Gary, even though Gary can be very manipulating. His world is slowly coming down, as their relationship crumbles and he has to deal with his parents divorce. But wait, something is shinning a positive light over him. Could it be the new boy next door? Yes. Dexter is the opposite of Gary. He is funny, understanding and very extrovert. He is the life of the party and the guy you want to have around. The main idea of the story is beautifully told by Maddy Linehan since she is a new fresh voice in the YA world. On the down side, there were a few mistakes, but nothing that would make your eyes bleed. I would recommend this story to anyone who wants to experience High School drama, first true love, more drama and coming to terms with your own sexuality.



Timshel by Lillian Turner

Title: Timshel

Author: Lillian Turner

Genre: Fantasy, YA

Length: Novel (265pgs)

Publisher: Etopia Press (20th April 2012)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: To love is to heal…

The Cursed Ones. As the sheltered youngest son of a healer, Eiland of Summerton has heard of them all his life, the miserable creatures who share the great sickness brought down by the wrath of the gods. Yet unlike any of the illnesses Eiland’s father treats in the village, this one is not passed by touch or cough or poison. It’s given by the Cursed Ones. All it takes is three small words: I curse you.

It never occurred to Eiland that a Cursed One could be young. Or handsome. Until he meets Charon, a wandering outcast who bears the Curse. One stolen kiss changes everything for Eiland and sends the two young men on a dangerous journey that neither can hope to survive–unless they set aside their differences and give in to forbidden love…

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Review: Eiland is a sheltered 17-year-old. He has never seen outside of his village and has only heard stories of the outside world. When he comes across another boy in the orchard, a stranger, he never realized that his life was going to change forever. Charon is a Cursed One. He is only sixteen. He has come in search of a healer who could help him. When he comes across Eiland, he is drawn to him, but he is Cursed and he can’t get his hopes up. But, Eiland knows much about healing, and Charon takes him on a journey that teaches them both the world.

This is a great YA story that takes two young adults on a journey that neither will forget. Eiland doesn’t realize that the boy he meets in the orchard is a Cursed One and treats him like he would anyone else. This bit of kindness will change his life forever. When Charon wants Eiland to come with him to show him how to make the salve that will help him, Eiland knows he doesn’t really have a choice. What a Cursed One wants a Cursed One gets. On the journey, Eiland realizes a lot about people, himself and the way of the world.  He sees, also, first-hand what a Cursed One goes through, and he begins to understand why Charon is the way he is and does the things he does.

I enjoyed this story. it didn’t just take us to a new world, it showed us the world and the people in it from the unique eyes of a young man who had always saw his world only one way. This story is all from Eiland’s POV, so you get a large selection of emotions that he goes through on his journey, fear, anger, sympathy, hope, happiness, loneliness and understanding. Charon, your heart will break for, he lives with The Curse every day and his story is a very sad one, being cursed at a young age for a simple mistake.

I must admit to wanting to know more about The Curse. Although we are given a vague idea about it, you don’t get a real understanding about it. It leaves you with many questions about it. This story is really well written and flows well. Eiland and Charon are two very interesting characters and although they do exchange kisses that is about the extent of the romance, although Charon is very interested Eiland is unsure. I don’t know what Timshel means or why the book is called that, it is never mentioned once and I would love to know where the title came from.

I will recommend this to those who love fantasy, Young Adult, unsure feelings, being torn with what you want and two young men who have a difficult time of it.

Dr. Morbid's Castle of Blood by Hayden Thorne

Title: Dr. Morbid’s Castle Of Blood

Series: Masks 06

Author: Hayden Thorne

Genre: Young Adult, Superheroes

Length: Novel (173pgs)

Publisher: Queerteen Press (JMS Books) (19th August 2012)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Following the attacks on Vintage City by the Deathtrap Debutantes, life quiets down, and the superheroes are temporarily without work. Unfortunately, unemployed superheroes mean bored superheroes, and with Peter’s birthday just around the corner, Eric asks for help in coming up with the most creative gift he can give a boy who’s got everything. Tapping into everyone’s fondness for computer games, Eric enlists the heroes’ help in experimenting with a video game in a desperate bid to amaze Peter with something unique.

What they don’t expect is a game that’s been sabotaged by an old nemesis. Eric and the heroes suddenly find themselves trapped in a horror game, forced to advance against the clock or be stuck in it forever. With three of their friends vanishing from the group, Eric and Ridley are forced to use their wits and their limited abilities to fight their way through monsters that are meant to keep them from finding the others. Outside, Althea as Spirit Wire, along with unexpected allies, scrambles to keep a delicate connection with her friends as she tries to save them all.

Purchase Link:

Review: This book is part of a series and is best read in order. Eric is struggling to come up with a birthday gift for his superhero boyfriend, Peter; the guy who has everything he could ever want. So, Eric with the help of a few of his superhero friends sets out to get the coolest best present that a boy could ever want, a 3D interactive computer game.  But, it goes wrong when an old nemesis sabotages the game and they are stuck inside fighting zombies and monsters, trying to find their friends with a time limit to finish the game and escape.

This is a great story for young adults and those not quite so young adults who love gay superhero stories and great fun. Eric just can’t think of anything to give Peter for his birthday (except the obvious, but then he is sixteen and horny. So, when he strikes upon the idea of a unique gift he pleads with his friend Althea to help him out. So everything is planned and the game seems to be going great and then everything goes wrong, as they find themselves trapped having to complete the game before the time runs out. then three of them go missing and Eric and Ridley have to battle their way through the rest of the game trying to find their friends with the limited help the Althea and two unexpected allies.

Okay, so I have to admit to being a fan of the Mask series. I just love being able to read a book that can take me back to my teenage years of dreaming about superheroes and the weird and wacky things of the teenage imagination. This story is great; Hayden Thorne really does manage to get into a teenage psyche to give us the weird and wonderful life of Eric and his friends. the adventures they have are unique and very funny in places. This story is no different. Eric and Peter are a great couple, but other than them being boyfriends and horny, most of the story is focused on Eric trying to find the perfect gift and then on the adventure of being stuck in a game.

This is a really well written story for those of us who love trying to recapture those fleeting teenage feelings and this is an excellent story for young adults who want to let their lives go briefly and sink into an imagination filled world which is fun, amusing and just a touch angsty. I know people will pull a face, but my favorite bit out of the entire story has to be the scene with the zombie baby. It was just so disgusting and amusing and oh, so wrong to laugh, that I still chuckle when I think about it.

So, I recommend this if you love a gay teenage superhero, their faithful not superhero boyfriend, angsty teenage problems, adventures that only a teenager could do, horny teenage boys, chuckles and laughter and an amusing story.



Safe by C. Kennedy 2nd editon

13600975Title: Safe

Author: C. Kennedy

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

Length: Short (89pgs)

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (October 24th, 2013)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Safe follows the burgeoning love of two boys from the time they meet at ten through their senior year in high school when they’re outted by a foolish display of affection.

They met at ten, they kissed at twelve, and were madly in love at eighteen. Caleb is the captain of the swim team and the hottest senior in school. Nico is small and beautiful and has an Italian father who rules with an iron fist. Literally. Nico is never safe from his vicious father. One morning Caleb forgets himself and pecks Nico’s lips at school. A teacher sees them and tattles to the Headmaster. Accidentally outing themselves is the least of their problems. The ball set in motion by the school’s calls to their parents may get Nico killed.

Purchase Link:

Review: Caleb and Nico have been best friends since they were ten. they kissed at twelve and become boyfriends and at nearly eighteen they are happily madly in love. But, just one mistake could now take that all away from them. Nico faces his biggest fear when his vicious father finds out the truth and Caleb is left feeling helpless, as he can’t keep his true love safe.

This is a wonderful coming of age, first love, high school sweetheart story that by the end has you smiling as tears blur your vision. Caleb and Nico are a wonderful young couple who have had to hide their love for each other for nearly six years. When Caleb slips up and pecks Nico on the lips at school and a teacher can’t keep his mouth shut. It leads to danger for Nico. And Caleb has to admit the truth to his father when he doesn’t feel ready.

One of the best things I loved about this story was the way that it drew us into both Caleb and Nico’s lives. We see them as they grow up together at pivotal moments of their lives; as their relationship progresses and as they grow and explore their sexual relationship. Although it was from Caleb’s POV we get a great feel for the character Nico, how sweet and gentle he is but with a backbone when he needs one. Caleb is more of the protector in the relationship wanting to protect Nico from his father and anyone around them that would do him harm. Caleb also wants to take care of him and be the one that Nico relies on.

This story is really well written and gives us a wonderful experience of high school sweethearts who have to hide what they really are from everyone. to the struggles they face when they are outed and the ramifications of the actions of a careless adult. Nico and Caleb show how they stand together against anything thrown at them, but also how they support each other in a traumatic time. I was very happy with how the story played out. Although, I would have liked to see what happened to the teacher who spread it around and the punishment that he received for the distress and heartache he caused by his actions. So, even though this story is about teenage boys, that don’t mean that there is rampant sex.  Yes, there is some experimenting, but they never go all the way. The sex in this is all about them discovering with each other; what they both like as their relationship progresses and doing what they both feel ready to do.

In all honesty I recommend this to both young adults and adults who love true romance and true love, being there for someone you love through the good times and bad, to being brave enough to face your demons and a happy ending for two wonderful young adults that is also a new beginning for them.

Meant For Each Other by D. H. Starr

Title:  Meant For Each Other

Series:  N/A

Author:  D.H. Starr

Genre:   Young Adult/MM contemporary

Length:  190 Pages

Publisher:  Ai Press (November 7, 2010)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥4.5Hearts

Blurb:   Sometimes your first love is the one that was meant to be. Craig Harper and Jeremy Finn were best friends growing up. They attended the same school, spent all of their time together, and hung out with the same group of people. It wasn’t until the day before Jeremy and his family moved across the country that they discovered their attraction to one another. Fifteen years later, they reunite by chance in New York City. Both are in relationships and have established a routine in their lives. But routines and relationships are shaken as they begin to spend time together once again. Old feelings and connections are still strong and the passion that pulls them together is a powerful, soul-searing call neither man can deny. As each deals with the issues in their own relationships, they begin to question whether the comfort of what they know is more powerful than the pull of what they could have been…and what they might become. Struggling to find the answer, only their hearts can reveal if they are meant for each other.

Product Link:

Reviewer: John

Review:  I have to be honest. When I got this novel to review, I wasn’t looking forward to it because I am not a fan of MM contemporary novels. They tend to be more about adults and their problems. But, I’m so happy that I did.

This love story revolves around Craig Harper and Jeremy Finn, who grew up as best friends in Newton, just west of Boston. One day at age fifteen, they share a kiss and Jeremy moves across the country the following day. Slowly, they begin to lose contact with each other and grow apart. Fifteen years later, their paths cross once again, but things are not perfect. Why? Craig is with Robert and Jeremy is with Andrew. This is where things get a little interesting.

I loved the main characters and I absolutely loved the concept of the story. Some may find it hard to believe that you will lose contact with a friend over time, but that has happened to me so I found credibility in this story. With that said, I get where these two are coming from.

The only character I disliked was Robert. There was something about him that I hated so much. He was just a bastard. I loved Andrew and I was torn because I was cheering for Craig and Jeremy. Andrew was just too sweet and at some point, I was cheering for him and Jeremy. What made me change my mind about Andrew was the fact that he placed his needs first and cheated on Jeremy. I loved Jeremy. He was perfect and deserved someone better or in other words, Craig.

In a nutshell, the story was perfectly written and well thought out. It was an amazing read that made me enjoy a genre even though I was not a fan. I would recommend this novel to anyone who wants to read a sweet love story full of tears and real life scenarios.

Wrestling With Desire by D. H. Starr

Title:  Wrestling with Desire

Series:  Wrestling #1

Author:  D.H. Starr

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  301 Pages

Publisher:  Featherweight Press (November 26, 2011)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   Derek Thompson is a senior, a wrestler, and has a secret. He’s gay. Scott Thayer is a new student who has just moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts from Iowa. On the first day of school Derek and Scott meet and their lives change in an instant. As Derek and Scott discover the things they have in common, they enter into one of the closest and most loving relationships either of them has ever experienced. When unexpected circumstances threaten their relationship, they both have to make a decision. DO they protect their secret and separate? Or fight for what they want…each other?

Product Link:

Reviewer:   John

Review:  Wrestling with Desire is a very touching and emotional coming of age novel that is probably one of the most realistic I read so far. The story revolves around Derek Thompson, a very reserved teenager. On the first day of classes of his senior year, he meets Scott Thayer who recently moved to his hometown of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Derek, who is secretly gay, is intrigued by Scott’s charming good looks and the fact they both wrestle. There is an instant connection between the two that they can’t deny. Soon, they become friends and allies in the sport that they love. At first, Derek was unsure of Scott’s sexual orientation, but he soon sees a new side of him that he loves. Without giving away too much of the plot, they fall in love and their struggles begins.

I loved Derek. He was smart, funny, sensitive, caring and compassionate. I absolutely adored his relationship with his best friend, Beck (Rebecca). Their friendship is everlasting and they are there for each other when they need someone to cry on. Scott was a dream. He was tall, charming and the perfect guy. His relationship with his parents is not the best in the world because they move a lot and that puts a strain on their relationship. The secondary characters are very intriguing and in no way overshadow the main cast. I also loved the fact that in this story, no one found out about their secret love affair. I found that to be new and fresh since on many other YA novels, that is a main issue. I also loved that the novel was real and raw. It did not have any bizarre scenarios or fake plots. It was simply and clean.

There are two things that I didn’t like. One was the fact that the story was too long. I think that it could have been shorter. I also disliked the wrestling scenarios. I am not a fan of the sport, so I found them to be dull and boring, but if you are a fan, you will love them. Those scenes did not set well with me.

Overall, this novel was an amazing read. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys wrestling and wants to read a sweet love story of two boys, as they become aware of who they are and what they want in life.

Heartless by J. Roman

Title: Heartless

Series: Keeping Secrets 01

Author: J. Roman

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

Length: Novella (130pgs)

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (30th June 2012)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: For gay teens in the South, Erwin High School is as good as it gets. The prevailing liberalism means being gay doesn’t have to be the focus of your life—which frees up seventeen-year-old Jason Strummer to take on the role of bully. Jason understands his beauty and power and has a reputation to match his attitude. No one but his best friend suspects the cruelty Jason hides behind is a ruse to keep his hellish private life out of the public eye.

Jason has only loved one boy in his life, and that crush on Tommy Johnson ended so badly that they’re no longer on speaking terms. When an ex-lover threatens Jason and Tommy steps in to help, the heartless playboy can’t help but fall a little bit back in love with him—but Jason will have to choose between keeping Tommy or his secrets.

Young Adult Age Range: 14 to 18 years old

Warning: Some scenes may cause distress.

Purchase Link: UK:


Review: Jason is living a hellish existence in his home life, so he puts on a front at school and with his friends. He has a hard shell and doesn’t care who he hurts. But, when he is attacked by his ex-lover, Tommy steps up to the plate and rescues him and it is the start of something new between them. But, Jason once humiliated Tommy; can they really forgive and forget? And can Jason admit his secrets and become the person Tommy thinks he can be?

This is quite a hard-hitting story, that has your emotions swinging with desperation to save Jason and to beat the crap out of his mother and kill his step-father, and yes there are also times you want to smack sense into Jason. But, when you fully understand what he has gone through and is still going through you can empathize with his actions. I can only read this book as a mother, but I am sure there are some of you out there that will see it from different perspectives. For me I was sick to the stomach for poor Jason, for what he was going through and for what his mother knew he was going through.

Jason hits out at people before they can do it to him, in retaliation for an offense and so people don’t see the real him. This means he comes across as shallow and self-centered. It takes Tommy to begin to get through to Jason that he doesn’t have to be that person, that he can be less defensive and that there are people who will help him. Tommy and Jason have some touching moments and they are wonderful together, they both secretly loved the other when they were younger, but, a careless word from Tommy hurt Jason more than he thought possible and so he enacted his revenge.

This is a sweet love story that is angsty, with a lot of emotional upheaval for these teenagers. Tommy and Jason have their misunderstandings, but they are at the beginning of their new relationship and at a new juncture in Jason’s life. Jason has had a lot to live with and hide, he has his reasons for how he acts but it isn’t always easy to forgive his actions. Tommy has lived through his humiliation and come out the other side, now he wants another chance with Jason.

I will recommend this to those who love young adult stories that are as hard-hitting as they are sweet with young love, for those who can see past the surface mask to the hurting boy underneath, who want a happily ever after and a new start for two young men.





Without Sin by J. Tomas

Title:  Without Sin

Series:  None

Author:  J. Tomas

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  185 Pages

Publisher: JMS Books (July 8th, 2012 )  first published 2008

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   Sixteen-year-old Jacob Smithson has a temper. He’s picked on because he likes boys, and fighting gets him kicked out of public school. As a last resort, his parents place him in St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Boarding School for Boys.

At his first mass at St. Thomas he sees Avery Dendritch, a senior who serves as altar boy during the service. When they meet, the attraction between them is hard to deny. The two become fast friends, and as the school year progresses, their friendship deepens until Jacob feels he’s found a place where he belongs.

But the other students gossip about their growing relationship. Avery can ignore them; Jacob can’t. As the rumors and slurs start up again, can he curb his temper, or will his fighting get him expelled from St. Thomas, too?

Product Link:

Reviewer:   John

Review:  Without Sin by J. Tomas is very touchy Young Adult romance novel that is very well written and beautifully told. The story revolves around Jacob Smithson and Avery Dendritch. Jacob is a rebellious boy that whenever he is teased or provoked, he fights back with fists in the air. His parents, instead of finding what’s wrong with their son, decide to send him to an all boy Catholic school. (I wish my parents would have done the same.) Avery is the oldest and a senior at their high school. He is the type of guy that is comfortable with his sexuality, but does not go around flaunting it to everyone. It is evident that being himself gets him bullied around by his classmates. As soon as these two meet at an early school mass, parks fly and their journey takes off. Without giving the story away, it starts off as a beautiful friendship and soon blossoms into tender romance and love.

These two go through a lot during their time in St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Boarding School. I completely fell in love with the two lead characters and found myself loving every page of this book. The way their love story was told, kept me jumping from page to page and gave us insight into their minds. Their hardship, love, insecurities, and fears are told in ways that keeps you reading and wanting more.

I would recommend this story to anyone who wants an easy read or wants to read a very well written coming-of-age novel where the hardships that the characters endure are real, captivating and exciting.

Outtakes of a Walking Mistake by Anthony Paull

Title:  Outtakes of a Walking Mistake

Series:  None…yet

Author:  Anthony Paull

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  196 Pages

Publisher:  Feelmagik Productions (October 4th, 2011)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Outtakes of A Walking Mistake chronicles the romantic entanglements of an ‘out’ gay 16 yr. old boy named Tyler Morris, who auditions for a student film to win the heart of Billy Greske, the school’s celebrity thespian. The plan seems promising until Tyler’s bipolar best friend Jenny offers love advice and a local skater takes interest in Tyler as well. Furthering complications, Tyler’s estranged mother, a clairvoyant circus clown, returns home to win back the love of her family.

Product Link:

Reviewer:  John

Review:  Outstanding, amazing and seriously funny! Outtakes of a Walking Mistake by Anthony Paull is fresh, new and exciting. The story revolves around Tyler Morris an ‘out’, gay, 16-year-old who is in love with Billy Greske, the heart-throb of his high school. In order for him to win Billy’s love (even though Tyler is not sure if Billy is gay, but does he cares? No.), he auditions for a student film. And so begins the story of Tyler and Billy as they begin to accept who they are.

I absolutely loved Tyler! He is interesting, outgoing and seriously funny. He reminded me a lot of Lola from Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. He had that little spark that got me laughing from page one. Billy was the bomb! He was the type of guy that anyone would want to have as their boyfriend, because he had a very generous and kind heart. The secondary cast was amazingly good as well. I loved Tyler’s dad, even though he did not approve of his son being gay. What I loved about him was the way he protected Tyler, because at the end of the day, it was his son. Jenny, Tyler’s best friend, was surprisingly real. She brought the element of realness to the story, since her life was tragic and sad. However, the girl was fun to have around especially when she was high on meds. I know I should have hated Tyler’s mom, but I absolutely loved her! She was a very surprising character and I instantly fell for her free-spirited personality. My heart broke whenever Tyler rejected her. I know he had his reasons, but the woman was amazing to me. Eric was a very peculiar character. He was the bad boy that everyone should stay away from, but can’t keep their hands off! He was a complete d-bag, but I found him to be hot, interesting and luring. The one thing that I didn’t like was the ending. I still don’t know who grabbed Tyler’s hand! It all indicates that it was Billy, but it left me with doubts. This novel needs a sequel and fast!

I would recommend this novel to anyone who wants a fun read or have a very random sense of humor. You will laugh, cry and laugh some more.