My Three Dads by Zane Silva

c. My 3 Dads [ZS]  - 400x600Title:  My Three Dads

Series:  None

Author:  Zane Silva

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novella (91 Pages)

Publisher:  Silver Stream Press (June 15th, 2013)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:  About to graduate from college, Carl tells the story of his childhood, a sort of informal testimonial to thank the men who raised him. To begin with, he was leery about having a gay couple for his foster parents, but living with Leonard Schafer and James MacPhalen, he found love, respect, and stability for the first time in his young life. Now that his biological father has reappeared and wants him back, everything may change again… and not for the better.

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  My Three Dads by Zane Silva is a very short, but touching story. The novel stars Carl Crawley who had a very rough life. His dad walked away when he was just a little over two years old, and if that wasn’t enough, his mothers dies and he soon finds himself living in several foster homes. Almost instantly, he develops a bad reputation that leads him to a Boy’s Home a few years later. It was there where James and Leonard take him in and raise him as their own.

I loved Carl. He was a very sweet kid that life took no pity on. Yes, he was little rebel, but he had been through a lot at a very young age. I absolutely loved James and Leonard. They took him in and gave him the opportunity to be a normal kid for once. They lived a happy life until Carl’s father makes an unexpected appearance and gets in between them. I absolutely hated the old man. After thirteen years, he wants his son back all because he was being raised by two gay guys? I seriously wanted to punch him in the face. I never met my father and I really hope that I never do. Anyways, the story was solid and the writing was really good. The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that the story went back and forth making it hard to keep up. Besides that, I absolutely loved this short little story.

I recommend this novel to anyone who wants to read a very cheesy story about a kid as he finds his way in life at the hand of two great and amazing guys.


The Locker Room by Amy Lane

10821000Title: The Locker Room

Series:  None

Author:  Amy Lane

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (244 Pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (April 22nd, 2011)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   Xander Karcek has only wanted two things in his life: Christian Edwards and basketball—the man he loves and the game that let him escape a childhood he’d rather forget. His two obsessions have served him well. He and Chris beat the odds and stayed together through high school, college, and right on to the NBA.

But life under fame’s microscope isn’t easy, especially when two men are pretending to be frat-buddies so the world doesn’t know they’re the next best thing to married. Their relationship survives the sacrifices they make and the lies they tell to stay together, but when their secret is exposed, the fallout might destroy them when nothing else could.

Chris and basketball are the two things holding Xander together. Now the world is asking Xander to make a choice. Is there an option that includes a future with the man he loves?

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  The Locker Room is a very touching story by Amy Lane. This novel stars Xander Karcek and Christian Edwards who meet one day doing the one thing that they loved the most, basketball.

I loved Xander. He probably had one of the roughest childhoods I ever read. His mom was a drug addict and she would constantly let her boyfriends abuse him. After meeting Chris and his family, he falls in love with him and decides to move out from his mom’s house or reach. Xander had it tough, but with Chris and basketball on his side, he knew he would conquer the world.

I really liked this novel. But, it was too long for my taste since it covered over fifteen years of their lives and everything revolved around basketball. Everything. Maybe, that was the thing that turned me off completely. I’m not a sports fan and therefore, I found myself dragging myself to finish the novel.

All in all, this story was well written and thought out. If you are a sports fanatic, this novel maybe the perfect one for you to read.

Finding Shelter by M.J. O'Shea

17790449Title:  Finding Shelter

Series:  Rock Bay book #3

Author:  M.J. O’Shea

Genre:   Contemporary Romance

Length:  Novel (204 pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (April 29th 2013)

Heat Level:  Explicit and Erotic

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Justin Foster has nineteen years of nothing but trouble behind him. After escaping his abusive father, he finds himself in Rock Bay, Washington, with his cousin Travis. Justin is bruised and has a hard time trusting, but with the help of his family and the small town, he might be able to heal.

Logan O’Brien is also new in town, hoping he can finally get away from his past and the memories of the girlfriend who shattered his heart. It doesn’t take him long to realize Rock Bay can be more than safe harbor: it can also be home. And for the first time in his life, he finds himself captivated by a man—by Justin.

Justin is attracted to Logan too, but he’s also wary. Physically, Logan reminds him a bit too much of the closeted jerks who used to beat him up after school. But after one awkwardly amazing kiss, he’s smitten, despite how his past and insecurities continue to haunt him. Logan’s love, faith, and stubbornness are just what Justin needs to believe their love is worth fighting for.

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Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Justin Foster has been abused by his father since he was 12 years old, because of his obvious sexual orientation. Justin never had to come out as gay, as soon as he was old enough to develop a personality everyone just knew. He finally has the opportunity to escape the abuse, hopping the bus to Rock Bay where his cousin lives.

Logan O’Brien has escaped to Rock Bay as well, running from his past, but for an entirely different reason. Logan doesn’t even see Justin, just hears his voice for the first time and he’s a goner. This takes him completely by surprise, since he’s straight. He’s immediately and fiercely protective of Justin as well and the two slowly develop a friendship that eventually grows into an amazing love story. It takes some time though. Justin is skittish around Logan, at first, because he reminds him of the bullies that picked on him back home. Logan takes it one step at a time and earns Justin’s trust. then shows him how wonderful it feels to be loved and be in love.

The story flows well, as it shows the emotional journey both characters have to take in order to be together. They both struggle with a past that they can’t wash away and O’Shea conveyed every emotion flawlessly. Justin was standoffish and wary, but Logan was patient beyond belief. And when these two finally come together, oh my god, but it was hot as hell! Passionate and electric as they explored each other and their relationship.

I highly recommend this book to fans of the genre. Sexy and romantic with just a touch of suspense and that coveted HEA!!

Everything We Shut Our Eyes To by Gene Gant

EverythingWeShutOurEyesToLGTitle: Everything We Shut Our Eyes To

Series: N/A

Author: Gene Gant

Genre: Contemporary/Young Adult

Length: Novella

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (May 23rd, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Crushing on your straight best friend will make any normally outgoing high school football player withdraw from his friends. Unrequited love can do that to you. But when Dwight Varley’s mom dies, he’s also left with a burden of guilt he finds difficult to shake. To make matters worse, Dwight must cope with his distant, grieving father, who spirals into depression.

Playing it straight helps Dwight save face temporarily, but living a lie tears his insides apart. Tell his dad…. Don’t tell his dad…. Some choices seem too hard to make. Besides, what if coming out sends his dad over the edge?

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It’s an unfortunate truth: love doesn’t always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.

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Review: Oh m., the emotional charge this book has is beyond words. This is the story of a fifteen year old boy who is realizing that the feelings he has for his best friend are more than brotherly… and they are not going away. We view this story entirely from his perspective. We are inside his mind and soul, and I can’t stop thinking how perfectly the puberty phase is captured and described. The way Dwight shuts his emotions deeply inside him, the way he tries not to even think about what’s going on with his sexuality, yet never able to truly escape it is incredible. And heartbreaking.

And as if his life isn’t already messed up in all those crazy emotions, he is burdened with the loss of his mother. with the guilt that he caused his mother’s death,( that is simply a distorted notion in his head), and with a father that dives head first into depression, Dwight’s entire world keeps sinking and the way his emotions are described can’t feel more real for me. It is almost unbearable witnessing how scared and powerless this kid is. It is gut wrenching when he eavesdrops on his father telling his best friend about his dead wife’s suspicions of Dwight being gay and how he would rather have no son. And it’s downright soul-shattering witnessing this young child feeling the guilt of letting down his father, thus trying to be straight for him.

I loved this book, really did, even though there were instances that it hurt too much reading it. Even though I got too attached to the character and thus too invested, experiencing many feelings on his behalf, or perhaps due to all these reasons, I found it brilliant. I think this book addressed so many issues and problems teenagers face nowadays and with a gorgeous writing skill. I even loved how things turned out in the near end. The fact that they went even worse, the fact that it had my jaw hanging there thinking that, come on, life can’t be crueler to this kid. It was just too damn realistic and I’m a sucker for all that. My one and only disappointment was the very way this book ended. I felt as if it was too abrupt, or as if there is a whole new story there to follow. I simply wish there is a sequel to this book, because damn I didn’t get a closure from this one.

So heads up, this is not a HEA or a HFN, this is downright life-sucks-reality and while a brilliant work, keep in mind you’ll get too emotional reading this book. If, however, you are like me and in need of some serious slap in the face story, with no happy endings there because life isn’t always fun and games, then I suggest you read this one. Totally worth it.

Tanglewood Road by Elliott Arthur Cross

tanglewoodroadTitle: Tanglewood Road

Author: Elliot Arthur Cross

Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal

Length: Novella (130pgs)

Publisher: Queerteen Press (24th May 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 ½ – 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Cody Langdon moves to Florida to start over after a failed suicide attempt. His mom hopes the change in scenery will do him more good than the medication he refuses to take, but Cody hates the sweltering summer heat and the loneliness of living in a state without any friends.

With several weeks to go until school begins, Cody sulks alone in the house while his mom works. Refusing to acclimatize himself to his new surroundings, he insists on wearing his usual black clothing and cranks the air conditioning all day.

The odd thing is, Cody hasn’t seen a single sign of life since his arrival on Tanglewood Road. The lawns are well-kept, cars are parked in the driveways, and trash is put out once a week, but Cody has never actually seen anyone living on the street. Slowly, his thoughts spiral into obsession and paranoia. Where is everyone?

Then Cody stumbles upon a support group for those who have survived demonic attacks. The posts online only strengthen Cody’s resolve when he learns about a murderous demon who has long stalked Southwest Florida. Has this same demon set up residence on Tanglewood Road, or is Cody’s cabin fever getting the best of him?

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Review: Cody’s family moved to Florida after Cody’s failed suicide attempt in the hopes that a new start will bring Cody out of his depression. Cody hates Florida, so he sulks alone in his house waiting for school to start. But, he begins to notice something wrong on the street. There are no signs of life. Cody begins to investigate the strange absence of neighbors and comes across a demonic survivors’ group on-line that talks about his street, and Cody strengthens his resolve not to fall victim to the terrible monster.

This is a great young adult paranormal story that delicately borders the horror genre. Cody is sixteen; he suffered bullying when he was outed by someone he thought liked him. Now, after a failed suicide attempt his parents have moved to Florida so he can have a new start. Cody has noticed something wrong on their street though and is determined to get to the bottom of it. It leads his to make horrifying discoveries and leads him on a path that will test his sanity and make some unusual friends.

I really enjoyed this book with its mysterious paranormal aspects and the friendships Cody discovers with a diverse group of demonic attack survivors and the sweet relationship he develops with Adam, a young man who survived an attack similar to his own. The way the story develops is wonderful. Making you wonder, at first, if Cody isn’t really just imagining it all and is losing his sanity. The way that it further develops to include everyone from the DSG and leads us on a further adventure than just Tanglewood.

Cody is a typical teenager. he mopes and whines, is depressed and doesn’t want to do anything. The new friends he meets are brilliant. Adam, a teenager who has been through hell and locked up in a mental institution. Dominic, an older gentleman who has been hunted by a curse. Lin, who lost her son to an evil spirit. Caleb, who lost a friend in a strange way and Naomi who had a narrow escape from a succubus’s son. Together they come together to help each other out and it makes a great story. I am looking forward to the sequel Clearclay Park to see what this group of people faces next.

I recommend this to those who love young adult stories, paranormal bordering on horror, twists and taking on the paranormal and a happy for now ending.  

End of the Innocence by John Goode

EndoftheInnocenceLGTitle:  End of the Innocence

Series:  Tales from Foster High #4

Author:  John Goode

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (300 Pages)

Publisher:  Harmony Ink (November 15th, 2012)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Kyle Stilleno is no longer the invisible boy, and he doesn’t quite know how he feels about it. On one hand, he now has a great boyfriend, Brad Greymark, and a handful of new friends, and even a new job. On the other hand, no one screamed obscenities at him in public when he was invisible.

No one expected him to become a poster boy for gay rights, either—at least not until Kyle stepped out of the closet and into the limelight. But there are only a few months of high school left, and Kyle doubts he can make a difference.

With Christmas break drawing closer, Kyle and Brad are changing their lives to include each other. While the trials are far from over, they have their relationship to lean on. Others are not so lucky. One of their classmates needs their help—but Kyle and Brad’s relationship may be too new to survive the strain.

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  I loved this novel and the previous ones as well. End of the Innocence is the continuation to Brad and Kyle’s love story at Foster High. Now, if you have not read the previous ones, you have to read them because they are so thrilling and exciting. These kids have been through hell and survived, but all of that was just the beginning.

Now, this novel, however, basically revolves around The Party. Every year, Kelly throws the party of the century and the last one promises to be the best one yet. There are several new characters introduced in this novel. For example, Sammy and Jennifer. They are so freaking awesome and I absolutely loved them! Now, at The Party, Kelly confesses to Kyle that he’s gay and he’s in love with Brad. But, unbeknown to them, someone records their conversation and all hell breaks loose.

This novel is very sad since it deals with cyber bullying. An issue that is affecting our youths these days and sometimes forcing them to choose between life and death. Sadly, many are making the wrong decisions. John Goode did an excellent job portraying this disease with his novel and I simply can’t wait to see what will happen next.

All in all, you have to read this novel. Its twist and turns will leave you wanting more.       

Distant Rumblings by John Goode

DistantRumblingsLGTitle:  Distant Rumblings

Series:  (Lords of Arcadia #1)

Author:  John Goode

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (200 Pages)

Publisher:  Harmony Ink (March 15th, 2012)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   Lords of Arcadia: Act One Kane Vess may be gay, but he is also extraordinarily ordinary a crushing weight in Athens, Iowa, where a person s worth is measured by his uniqueness. But when he meets the school s newest student, Kane s ordinariness seems to evaporate. He is desperate to get to know the mysterious stranger and that leads him into danger. Hawk is an exile from his homeland, an otherworldly traveler with impossible abilities and a changeling bodyguard. He s generally disappointed in Earth, which seems common except for Kane. But while Hawk and Kane explore their mutual interest, the forces that made Hawk an exile are busy tracking him down. Kane s newfound feelings pull him into Hawk s shadowy fantasy world, where he learns he needs to grow up fast. Kane s life may now be extraordinary, but if he isn’t t careful it could cost him everyone he holds dear including Hawk.

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  I absolutely loved this novel, but the one thing that turned me off was the damn cliff-hanger at the end. UGH!

After getting that off my chest, I can tell you that this story stars Kane Vess. He lives in Athens, Iowa, where being unique is ten times more important than wearing a damn label on your forehead. I loved Kane so much. He was unique and funny. Hawk, on the other hand, was the bomb. He was so mysterious that he immediately caught Kane’s attention. But as I said before, being unique was ten times more important in Athens. And Hawk was very unique.

Kane slowly begins to see that only he can see the mysterious and handsome boy. After being stabbed by Hawk without receiving any damage, Kane slowly finds himself between two worlds or…nine. For you see, Hawk, is the next king of Arcadia and ruler of all nine worlds. He, along with his Changeling protector, Spike, was sent to Athens to hide from the Dark assassins who want to see him dead so that they can take over his kingdom. Pretty cool, huh?

From the moment he made his appearance, I hated Spike. He betrays Hawk and tries to kill Kane because Hawk fell in love with him. He pissed me off so much! With that off my chest, this novel was awesome! It reminded me so much of I am Number Four and Thor. The way Hawk acted was exactly the way Thor acted in the film. Boastful and proud, but sweet and caring. I honestly want to read more. You have to read this novel. It is new, refreshing, funny and fun.


See by Jackie Nacht

3783SEE510-220x330Title:  See

Series:  Ripples in the Water, #1

Author:  Jackie Nacht

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novella (86 Pages)

Publisher:  Devine Destinies

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   When love allows you to see in your darkest hour.

Drew has had a tough couple of months. Coming out to his parents wasn’t too bad except it hasn’t been brought up since. However, coming out to his friends his freshman year in high school is a whole different story. His friends turn their backs on him and have become leaders in the daily tortures he has since had to endure. When a humiliation page pops up on the internet showing pictures of Drew being bullied, he decides to end it all.

Just before he takes his life, the fourteen-year-old Mason appears telling him that he will be Drew’s husband in the future and spirits are guiding him to help stop Drew from making an irreversible mistake. Mason will be advised to take Drew on a journey to see what his future would be like if he didn’t end his life. When Drew is still unconvinced, Mason will show Drew the impact his life will have on the others around him if he does end it all. Will Mason be able to show him that Drew has a future to live for and give him the guidance to help him get through his darkest hour?

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  Oh. My. God! I loved this novel. This novel stars Drew, who has had a very hard couple of months. Why? He was brave enough to come out to his family and friends as a gay guy. That bravery was short-lived because his parents are completely ignoring the fact that he’s gay and his schoolmates are not very gay friendly. They bullied him to the point that he decides to end his life. And that’s where the story takes off.

I loved Drew. He was so sweet and loving. He was simply trying to find his way in life and be happy. As he is about to end his life, a mysterious boy appears before him and shows him what his life would be like in the future. Yeah, pretty awesome. I don’t want to give the story away, but what I can tell you is that this novel was very surprising and thrilling. It left me wanting more. I really hope there is a part two because Drew’s life seemed so interesting and fun.        


Kale's Spirit by Jackie Nacht

400000000000000858542_s4Title:  Kale’s Spirit

Series:  Fork in the Road #1

Author:  Jackie Nacht

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novella (80 Pages)

Publisher:  eXtasy Books, Inc. (September 15th, 2012)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   When Kale comes to the fork in the road, who will you choose for his happily ever after?

Kale has just a few more weeks of school and can’t wait to graduate and get on with his life. At home, he has amazing supportive parents but at school, he has habitual run-ins with the popular kids, who want to make everyone’s life miserable. After catching the group in the woods doing drugs, Kale has an encounter fighting for his life.

The road to recovery is long and Kale has the help from his rescuers Hunt and Volk. Hunt is the strong; take everyone under his wing kind of guy while Volk is the sweet, caring guy. Kale finds himself falling for both of them. Who would you choose for Kale to have his happily ever after?

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Reviewer: John

Review: I absolutely loved this novel! Kale’s Spirit stars Kale, a high school senior who has been bullied in school for four long years by the popular kids. Their reason? They suspect him to be gay. A very shitty reason if you ask me. One day, Kale runs into the popular kids in the middle of the woods and pretty soon, he finds himself fighting for his life, but two persons save him that day, Hunt and Volk.

I love Kale. He was smart, awkward and sweet. He was a closet gay guy who did not have the courage to tell his family and friends about his sexual orientation. I loved Hunt. He was strong, caring and sexy. I also loved Volk. He was caring, sweet, sensitive and loving. I had a hard time deciding who to pick for Kale, but at the end, everyone wins. Yes. Everyone. What is so great about this novel is that you can pick the ending. You get to choose with who Kale stays with, Hunt or Volk.

To put it briefly, this was a short and amazing little read with a surprising little twist. If you like wolves, mystery and love, this novel maybe the one for you.   


Play Me, I'm Yours by Madison Parker

PlayMeImYoursLGTitle:  Play Me, I’m Yours

Series:  None

Author:  Madison Parker

Genre:   Young Adult

Length: Novel (244 Pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (April 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Low 

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:  Fairy Tate. Twinklefingers. Lucy Liu. Will the taunting ever end? Lucas Tate suffers ridicule because of his appearance and sensitive nature. When he’s not teased, he’s ignored, and he doesn’t know which is worse. He feels unloved by everyone, but the one comfort in life is his music. What he wants more than anything is to find a friend.

Much to his dismay, both his mom and a schoolmate are determined to find him a boyfriend, despite the fact Lucas hasn’t come out to them. His mom chooses a football player who redefines the term “heartthrob,” while Trish pushes him toward the only openly gay boy at Providence High. But Lucas is harboring a crush on another boy, one who writes such romantic poetry to his girlfriend that hearing it melts Lucas into a puddle of goo. All three prospects seem so far out of his league. Lucas is sure he doesn’t stand a chance with any of them—until sharing his gift for music brings him the courage to let people into his heart.

Product Link:

Reviewer:   John

Review:  What can I tell you about this lovely little piece of literature that has not been said before? Nothing. This book was awesome and I absolutely loved it!

Play Me, I’m Yours is the story of Lucas and Zach as they slowly grow together and become one. Lucas was introvert and unique; therefore, he never quite fitted in at school. Add that to the fact that he’s gay and you got an awesome story with clever little twists. Lucas, overall, was so sweet and innocent. There were several times that I wanted to hug and squeeze him to death. That way I could protect him from anyone who would want to hurt him, but that was impossible. I felt his emotions and the pain he went through every day as an outcast of life. Now, Zach was the opposite of Lucas, yet the same. He was gay, but he had to hide it from everyone because his mom did not approve of his sexual orientation. He and Lucas went perfectly together like a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

The one thing that I love about this story is the fact that the secondary characters were awesome and they did not overshadow the main ones. I absolutely loved Mason, Lucas’ brother. He was so overprotected of Lucas even though he came across as a jackass most of the time. He completely won me over with his attitude. Alex was another surprising character and I completely fell for him. However, I did not like Donovan. There was something about him that I found repulsive and annoying. He still has to prove himself to me, if there ever is a part two.

All in all, I loved the story from beginning to end and I cannot recommend it enough.

Unlikely Hero by Beau Schemery

UnlikelyHero[The]LGTitle: Unlikely Hero

Series: Verses of Vrelenden 01

Author: Beau Schemery

Genre: High Fantasy, Young Adult

Length: Novel (160pgs)

Publisher: Harmony Ink (Dreamspinner Press) (15th April 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Despite the suspicions Mother Dragon shared with Celestrian before her death, he may be the last surviving unicorn of Vrelenden—though most may simply think him some crazy person with a horn attached to his forehead. Nevertheless, Trian has nothing to hold on to but hope, and he’s about to hang that hope on an unlikely hero named Renwald Mallorian. Ren may have been born an accountant’s son, but he’s longed to be a professional hero for as long as he can remember, and he’s read every book on the subject he could get his hands on. When Trian arrives and hires him to find the last remaining unicorns, Ren jumps at the offer and their quest begins.

But the evil Father Denkham is intent on obtaining the last unicorn and sets a deadly assassin on their trail. If that isn’t bad enough, they’ll face a Vampire, Dragon, bandits, and zombies. Their only hope now is for Ren to prove he’s the hero he always dreamed of becoming—but no book in the world could have prepared him for what’s in store.

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Review: Celestrian (Trian) has lived with Mother Dragon since he was a small foal. But, now it is Mother Dragon’s time to pass and she has some last words of wisdom for the young unicorn; find a Hero to help him look for the last remaining unicorns. Renwald (Ren) wants to be a Hero more than anything. He has read every book he could find on Heroes and adventuring and now he has overextended himself buying two Elven-made Named blades and he owes a lot of gold to the local coin lender. Trian walks into an Inn looking for a Hero and Ren is drinking and contemplating his sorrows. together they join up to go on the Quest to find the last unicorns. But, the rumor of a unicorn reaches the ears of Father Denkham who sends an assassin on their trail. But, that is the least of their worries as they face bandits, Zombies, Ogres, Trolls and Orcs.

This is a brilliant young adult story that will appeal to high fantasy fans of all ages and who like their Heroes less than perfect. Trian is a wonderful character who has a delightful outlook in life; he also has a trusting nature and believes everything Ren tells him. Ren is a bit of a bumbling Hero. He fumbles with his heroic duty and realizes that it is a lot harder than the books say. Together they make a great team who face dangers and discover a love between them that is tested to its limits.

There are many things to enjoy about this book from the characters and the dangers, but I have to admit to enjoying the bumbling ‘Monty Python’ moments best. they were absurd, funny and ridiculous but so suitable to the general feel of the book. Ren isn’t perfect and when Trian crosses his path he seizes the opportunity to take advantage of Trian’s trusting nature. Oh, he also thinks Trian is insane. Trian knows that they will face possible dangers in their quest to find any other unicorns and thinks he has chosen wisely in his Hero. When he discovers that Ren isn’t as experienced as he claimed accepts that Heroes have to start somewhere.

Ah, this book at times reminded me of my youngest son playing on his Xbox 360. Slashing and bashing as he screams at his online friends to grab health packs and dishing out his wisdom with weapon advice. The storyline is great, the flow perfect and the sexual elements we do see are nicely done. Just giving us enough so that we know what’s going on even if we don’t get all the detail, it is perfectly done for young adults. The adventure keeps you reading and so does the desperate need to see what Ren is going to do next. Trian is a great character, but it is Ren that makes this book special. Although we don’t get a happily ever after at the moment, we are left with hope for the future.

I have to recommend this to those who love high fantasy, young adult, adventure, developing love, great characters and whetting the appetite for further adventures. 


The 7th of London by Beau Schemery

16187002Title: The 7th of London

Author: Beau Schemery

Genre: Steampunk, Young Adult

Length: Super Novel (350pgs)

Publisher: Harmony Ink (1st December 2012)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: After his parents and family die, Seven escapes his factory job. By wits and will alone, he survives in a London divided into the affluent Fairside and the squalor of London’s industrial Blackside, where many struggle to eke their existence out of despair. But Seven has to fight for more than just food and shelter.

All over Blackside, a secret cabal of prominent citizens and the mysterious Mr. Kettlebent are snatching children. Rumor has it a wizard is controlling the queen, and the country’s most notorious villain is the only one who wants to stop him. Seven is determined to find out why.

Hired by the criminal Jack Midnight to steal the evil wizard’s spellbook, Seven soon discovers the mystery runs deeper than he suspected. But events spiral out of control and it isn’t long before the intrigue sweeps Seven into its deadly current.

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Review: Seven lives by his wits on the streets of London’s Blackside, dodging the men that hunt him since his escape from the factory that cost him his family. Seven keeps in the shadows taking odd jobs where he can and an odd figure of Mr. Kettlebent catches his eye. When Seven is approached to do a job for criminal mastermind Jack Midnight, Seven is pulled into a world of intrigue, danger and a mysterious old civilization. To save the children of London they have to save the Queen from a manipulating wizard, but keeping an old foe at bay is becoming difficult and joining an underground revolution is just the beginning.

Steampunk fascinates me to no end and Beau Schemery has created a wonderful Steampunk world. Seven is a great character. He is only about fifteen, but he survives on his own wits and refuses to give up. He has survived hell and although he feels guilt he is strong in mind and spirit. The other characters in this book are incredibly written and as we get to meet them they each become special to you. I must admit that out of all of them Jack Midnight is my favorite. He is a complete psychopath, but he is such an endearing psychopath that you can’t help like him. Tesla is a genius ten-year old, Annie is a young prostitute, Rat is a young messenger, Waverly works in a pub, Silas is a young revolutionary and all these are characters who make this story great.

The setting for this story is wonderful, London is split in two. Fairside where the well-to-do and the aristocracy lives, Darkside is like the slums and the air is foul, steam power is all the rage and Queen Victoria is being controlled by the wizard Fairgate. There’s a secret revolution being built beneath the streets of London in a long forgotten underground city and these are the things that Seven discovers when he is hired to steal the wizard’s journal. There is a slow love story in this book and it is between Seven and Silas. They somehow manage to fall in love while chaos ensues around them. This story is jam-packed with action, adventure, danger and hope glimmering through all the loss and devastation.

There are some scenes where there is torture and it is nasty. The person responsible, Fervis, has hunted for Seven for years, but you know the saying ‘what goes around comes around’? Well, Fervis gets his *evil cackle*. The ages of the characters vary, you have many young characters but there are also a select few adults who are trusted. I know some people may have concerns about young characters being portrayed as prostitutes and having relationships at such a young age, but the setting is 1865 when the age of consent was twelve. There is never any on page sexual content except one or two kisses shared by Seven and Silas.

I will recommend this to those who love Steampunk, Young Adult, rewritten history, spunky characters, a sweet love, an inventive storyline and a fantastic ending.         


Evolution by Sam Kadence

EvolutionLGTitle: Evolution

Author: Sam Kadence

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult

Length: Novel (230pgs)

Publisher: Harmony Ink (Dreamspinner Press) (1st May 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 ½ – 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Gene Sage has only ever wanted to sing, but his band, Evolution, is pushing him toward the big time. He finds it hard to focus on making musical history when he’s dreaming of graveyards and seeing ghosts. And while all he can think of is hiding who he is from a world unforgiving of anyone different, he discovers he’s also the ultimate snack for vampires and demons. When Gene literally runs into—over—his idol, Kerstrande Petterson, rock god, vampire in hiding, and music cynic, his life falls over the edge into chaos.

Jaded by the world and nearly a decade in the music business, Kerstrande thinks Gene wants to use him to make Evolution immortal in more than one way, but he can’t seem to brush aside the young singer’s enthusiasm.

Getting involved with Kerstrande drags Gene into otherworldly power struggles. Between the ghosts stalking them, the media painting supernaturals as villains, and a vampire out of control in the city, the only way for Gene and Kerstrande to survive is for Gene to embrace his powers—and his destiny.

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Review: Genesis (Gene) only wants to sing with his band Evolution. he doesn’t care about fame and fortune just the music. When Gene hits a man with his car, he is shocked to discover it is retired rock star, Kerstrande (KC) and his life is about to get even more out of control. Seeing ghosts and people’s auras, and dreaming of graveyards is the norm for Gene, but being the chew toy for vampires isn’t. Being attracted to Kerstrande, Gene refuses to let Kerstrande push him away, and Gene is dragged into the paranormal world that he has always ignored. Kerstrande thinks Gene only wants him for the riches and power that he possesses, but his own pull towards the young man won’t let him walk away. Having to confront old friends to keep Gene safe and fighting his own past demons, Kerstrande has to accept Gene means more to him than he wanted him to.

This is quite a good fantasy novel from a first time published author. Gene is different from most people… he can see and speak to ghosts. He can also see the auras of people and read their moods and Gene is about to discover that he is even more different from he thought. KC is a retired rock star; he’s also a vampire in hiding and one with a dark past. When KC and Gene collide, it is the beginning of a reluctant relationship laced with bitterness and resentment before blooming into more.

The storyline is one where you learn as you go. We slowly discover the paranormal beings. we piece together what is happening with Gene and what he is becoming and watch as Gene and KC struggle to find balance in their relationship. I must admit I began to like Gene a hell of a lot more when he started to stand up for himself, instead of letting people walk all over him. Some of his so-called friends were just manipulative, but some of them were real gems like Cris. KC has been used and manipulated in the past so he is very wary of Gene, pushing him away with his nasty attitude. Gene won’t give up, though, until he has cracked KC’s shell.

I will admit that while I liked this story I found it to be a bit creepy as well. Gene is seventeen and by his own admission has been sexually active for a couple of years, and what I found creepy was that although some of the men he slept with looked the same age they were much older. What I liked about this book was the paranormal aspect and the strange relationship between Gene and KC. the paranormals are known to humans and there are laws in place and there’s even a group called Preservation Group who want to wipe out the paranormals. The vampires have their good and bad, there’s an incubus and maybe a demon. It is all really vague and mysterious and you keep hoping something more will be revealed. I will also add a warning here that there is a near rape scene and some scenes of apparent orgies.     

I will recommend this story to those that love paranormal, young adult, danger, discovery, a strange relationship and an ending that could mean there’s more to follow.  

Gold in the Clouds by Hayden Thorne

Gold_in_the_Clouds_400x600Title: Gold in the Clouds

Author: Hayden Thorne

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult

Length: Novel (200pgs)

Publisher: Queerteen Press (14th April 2013) 

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥3 ½ – 4 Heart 

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: After his fifteenth birthday, Blythe Midwinter finds himself in a bit of a pickle. It’s high time for him to be a productive member of his family, taking up work he detests in order for his older sister, Molly, to follow her dreams of success as a talented baker. Though the three orphaned Midwinter siblings — Molly, Bertie, and Blythe — are lucky enough to work, they still earn only enough to keep themselves clothed and fed. Blythe desperately wishes for more, and it doesn’t help that his best and only friend, Jack Wicket, refuses hard, honest work in favor of good luck as the only means for quick success and instant riches.

Blythe’s dreams of a better life get more desperate when he attracts the attention of another boy, the youngest son of a rebellious old artist, whose family rises well above Blythe’s in wealth and station. Embarrassment and shame muddle Blythe’s perceptions of luck, work, and the promise of love — that is, until Jack Wicket’s foolish decision to exchange his beloved cow for a handful of magic beans forces Blythe to look past castles in the clouds and understand what it is that truly measures a man’s worth.

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Review: Blythe is fifteen and his sister, Molly, has decided it is time for him to start work. turfed out of bed every morning at dawn to sell bread is not Blythe’s idea of a decent job, but Molly is insistent that Blythe sells the bread while she concentrates on baking cakes. Blythe wishes for an easier life and it isn’t helped by his layabout friend, Jack, and his sore feet. But, letting Molly down isn’t an option, if he wishes to keep his hearing and not be strung up by his sister. When Blythe meets Edrik, a well off boy, he is tempted by Jack’s dreams of luck.

This is a great young adult fantasy story that shows a lad’s changing views, as he enters manhood and the hardships of adulthood. Blythe suddenly has to start bringing in the money when he turns fifteen. Although, he whines that he is too young, his sister, Molly, points out that both herself and their brother, Bertie, both started work at fifteen. As Blythe reluctantly takes over the bread selling, which according to Blythe is a girl’s job, he still dreams of an easier life. Jack keeps trying to tempt him with doing nothing, but hoping for luck. When Blythe meets Edrik, he can’t understand why the other boy would be interested in him. He’s poor and Edrik’s family is rich.

Blythe is like so many other young adults in his town. He’s at the age where he should choose what he wants for a job, but he wants to cling to the last vestige of childhood. Having a friend like Jack doesn’t help him. Jack believes in luck and that he doesn’t have to do anything and riches will fall in his lap. When Blythe is embarrassed in front of Edrik, he is tempted by Jack’s offer of instant riches. Hayden Thorne has created a wonderful fantasy world where gossip is abound about fairy-tale horrors. A boy catches the eye of a rich boy and where a friend has his head in the clouds. Blythe is a wonderful character who is down to earth and cheeky, Jack is obnoxious, Molly is trying to keep her family going, and Bertie has really bad night gas and Edrik is sweet on Blythe.

I thought this story was vastly entertaining, with its down to earth characters. With the simple dreams of the characters and with its gentle learning curve for Blythe. This story is all from Blythe’s perspective, so we get the unfettered view of life from a fifteen year old boy with his hopes and dreams, but, also with him learning that life isn’t perfect, but you can be happy with what you have. Jack’s a character that does get up your nose, Edrik you don’t see very often but he is a lovely character who is super sweet on Blythe and what we see of Molly and Bertie is good.  

I recommend this story to those that love fantasy, young adult, obnoxious boys, growing up, finding a sweetheart, a touch of adventure and a happy ending. 


New Suburbia by Stephen Jerrome

new_suburbia_400x600130311_0721Title:  New Suburbia

Series:  None

Author: Stephen Jerrome

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (266 Pages)

Publisher:  Queerteen Press (March 10th, 2013)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:  A few weeks before his 21st birthday, Lance Brody gets his first tattoo. Lance is determined to live ‘the life,’ as he calls it — as the eldest kid of musical legends Dale and Cheryl Brody, he is eager to claim his place in the world of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. Pity about his two much younger siblings, Chester and Lucy, though. With their father dead and their mother in rehab, Lance is the designated adult, a role that doesn’t come easily to him.

Fortunately Lance’s best friend and fellow rockstar-child Kevin Day is more responsible. Lance becomes a roadie for Summer Day, Kevin’s rockstar sister, and Kevin helps with Chester and Lucy while juggling his musical composition studies and a collaboration with the handsome, if infuriating, choreographer Aadi Chandar.

Kevin struggles with his temperamental sister for quiet time to work with Aadi as Summer’s chaotic lifestyle, which now includes Lance, threatens to overtake their entire house. Looming signs of a classic rock ‘n’ roll meltdown put Chester and Lucy in serious jeopardy.

As crises looms, they are pushed to redefine their definition of ‘family.’

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  I have to be honest; I’m not a fan of rock and roll so keep that in mind. This story stars twenty-one year old Kevin Day and twenty year old Lance Brody. Kevin is a sensitive music-composition student unlike his rock and roll parents and older sister, Summer Day. He gets stuck with a class assignment and seeks the help of choreographer Aadi Chandar. That’s when things get interesting.

I liked Kevin Day. He was sweet and intelligent. The one thing that I didn’t like about him was that he was still not sure about his sexual orientation. What twenty-one year old man is not sure about his sexual identity these days? Who? I loved his relationship with Chess and Lucy. Those two are Lance’s younger siblings who Lance has custody of because their mother is in rehab. I disliked Lance so much. He was reckless and did not give a damn about his younger siblings since all he wanted was to be is a rock star, live life and chase after Kevin’s older sister. Summer Day was bitch. She only cared about herself only, screwing others in the process. She and Lance were perfectly made for each other. At the end, they got what they deserved.

All in all, Kevin managed to survive all the drama surrounding his life and got himself a nice boyfriend and a great family. Truthfully, this was a fun read. Beware, if you’re not a fan of rock and roll, you might not like this one, but keep a positive mind and try it. You might end up liking it like me.

An Ordinary Boy by Brian Centrone

ordinary-boyTitle:  An Ordinary Boy

Series:  None

Author:  Brian Centrone

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (273 pages)

Publisher:  Seventh Window Publications (February 23rd, 2013)

Heat Level:  Medium

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts

Blurb:   Tom Grove’s family is rich, his grandparents are famous, and he’s beautiful. He can have anything he wants, but all Tom really wants is to be an ordinary boy. Like his best friend, Marissa, Tom wants to fit in, make friends and date sexy boys. It would also help if he could be free of his father’s weighty expectations, his mother’s insane demands, and his older brother’s snide remarks.

When Tom begins his first year of college, he believes he’s going to come out and start a new life. But Tom’s plan to come out of the closet and meet hot college boys isn’t exactly foolproof. His new roommate is a straight jock, the gay club at school is made up of outcasts, and the lines between going out to dinner and a date are blurry at best.

If that isn’t challenge enough, Tom has to learn how to navigate drunken college parties, the campus social hierarchy, and the attentions of the wrong sort of boys. What begins as a journey to independence turns into a series of mishaps, love, heartache, soul searching, awkward situations and the realization that life is less like an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog and more like the everyday low prices of Wal-Mart.

And to make matters worse, he still has to make it through freshman year.

Product Link:

Reviewer:   John

Review:  This boy is anything but ordinary. Have you ever wonder what would happen if Gossip Girl, Project Runway and Mean Girls would merge into one? Well, here it is. Don’t get me wrong, people. I loved this novel, but I just couldn’t understand or relate to Tom.

Tom comes from a rich family. His grandparents are really famous, his sister is becoming famous, and he’s sexy and hot. What more could he want in life? To be an ordinary boy and live a normal life. That’s okay with me. But you must know that you can’t since your social status will follow you everywhere you go. Just be you and live life. Screw the world! However, I get Tom to an extent. He wants to be normal and escape from his superficial reality. But, I got to be honest; Tom comes out as a little bit shallow throughout the novel. When he sees or meets someone, he judges their clothes, shoes, etc. That’s shallow to me and he wants to be normal? Anyways, there were a few grammatical errors, but nothing out of this world. There wasn’t a happily ever after so I hope there is a sequel in the works.

All in all, I liked this novel. Yes, it had a few flaws, but I still liked it because we get to see a new fresh voice for the LGBTQ community who is not afraid to try new things and lead us into a brand new world.

Caleo by James Crawford

9781481939904_p0_v2_s260x420Title: Caleo

Series: Leech 01

Author: James Crawford

Genre: Paranormal, Young Adult

Length: Novel (199pgs)

Publisher: James Crawford (Self Published) (29th April 2011)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Every High School has their social outcasts. The band nerds, the math geeks, the chess club, the girl that chews her hair, but at Butler even the creepy nose picker in the chess club is more popular than Caleo Anima. No matter what he did, his pale skin, snow white hair, and piercing blue eyes always made him an easy target. He used to think that the only way things could get worse would be if someone found out that he was gay, but that isn’t even the tip of the iceberg of problems after a mysterious stranger shows up and changes Caleo’s life forever.

Hidden amongst our society, a secret and magical race of people known as ‘Leeches’, have been engaging in civil war for decades. Both sides are desperately searching for a weapon with unlimited power that will give them the advantage they need to rule their world. This wouldn’t mean anything to Caleo, except for one problem…He is that weapon!

Forget making it through High School. Caleo has bigger problems! As the search for him goes on, the world is quickly crumbling around him. He’s now fighting for his life and the life of what little family he has left. With the help of new friends, he has little time to try and master his newly found powers as he tries to figure out who he can trust, who is trying to use him, and who just wants him dead. One wrong step and being the awkward pale outcast will be the LEAST of his worries.

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Review: Caleo has always been a social outcast.  Bullied and ignored he has just one friend, Jack. But, sometimes even that doesn’t help. Caleo’s life changes the day that a strange man shows up and starts talking about powers and a hidden society of magical people.  But, it gets worse when his hometown is bombed. The power struggle between The Blessed and The Rebels is tearing society apart, as they hunt for a powerful weapon.  A powerful weapon that is clueless as to what is happening.  But, Caleo has to master his new-found powers, if he is going to save his friends and family. And he wants nothing to do with either The Blessed or The Rebels.

Well, this is a great Young Adult paranormal story that is filled with danger, confusion and angst. Caleo is a young man struggling to get through school every day.  he has one friend, Jack, who has been his best friend since they were small. Discovering he is different is a shock, but he can’t trust any of the Leeches, because they want to use him or ‘recycle’ him. Escaping from danger with his family is hard and rescuing strangers from capture is the only right thing to do, when your world is turned upside down.

This is an excellent, exciting adventure for Caleo and his friend Jack. It is action filled, dangerous, angst filled and teenaged drama filled with jealousy and despair. This story is all about seventeen year old Caleo.  He is different from others and even different from the Leeches. It places him in danger, just because he is alive. Caleo and Jack face huge odds together. But with the help from Nolan, they try to survive. Caleo is a great character and he is written brilliantly. Jack is more laid back, but you can see his awkward attraction to Caleo, which Caleo misses.  And Caleo is dazzled by Nolan’s Greek god beauty.

This storyline is far from straightforward. it twists and turns bringing surprises along the way. Who can you trust when it seems like everyone is trying to kill you? The loss of everything you have ever known and the insecurities of teenagers, battling with trying to hide and survive is a brilliant idea.  Add in paranormal powers, warring factions of Leeches and a young man who could be The Angel and you have a great action packed read that shouldn’t be missed.

This is a great story if you want angst and danger, never knowing what will happen next and having a cliff-hanger ending that will have you reaching for the next book. So if you love any of that and adore Young Adult stories, then don’t miss this book.

Tapestry by Hallie Burton

TapestryLGTitle: Tapestry

Author: Hallie Burton

Genre: High Fantasy, Young Adult

Length: Novel Plus (276pgs)

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (Dreamspinner Press) (15th March 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: In Ollas, anything that stirs the emotions is forbidden by the governors—especially music. So when Tallie Tarmelin, a farm boy from a lower-tier guild, is offered a scholarship for his talent in design, he keeps his head down and follows the rules. He’s terrified of breaking one of his society’s many laws and ruining his future. But feeling lost and alone in an unfamiliar city takes its toll, and Tallie accepts sympathy from a guildless social outcast even though he knows it could destroy his reputation.

Despite the rules against casual touching and fraternizing in public, Jonis Sinter offers Tallie comfort instead of denouncing him for an excessive emotional display, and they fast become friends. Secret friends, though, because Worran, the respectable son of a governor, has asked Tallie to be his partner.

When Worran’s mother learns of Tallie’s association with an outcast, she dispatches the militia. Worran sends Tallie a warning, and Tallie flees the city and civilization with Jonis. Surviving the wilds will take every ounce of perseverance they can muster, and the rediscovery of music might be their only solace— unless they recognize the love that’s growing between them.

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Review: Tallie is quite happy with his life. He is about to become a Journeyman in the Design Guild.  He has a Master who will guide him and he is about to accept the partnership of a wonderful man.  But, it all begins to fall down around his ears when his friendship with Jonis, a guildless Bonder, is discovered. Fleeing from the militia for breaking a secret Fundamental law, Tallie and Jonis begin a journey that will bring love and hope back to all the people of Ollas.

This story is of an incredible journey of two young men who discover that the restrictive society that they have grown up with has been stifling the spirit and the joy that can be discovered in a simple life. Tallie is a young man who has gone along with the rules set down by those before him.  But, when his friend Jonis breaks a law that they don’t even know about and the militia comes for both of them, they flee to the wilds and begin to discover what the Governors have been suppressing for three hundred years. Sharing their discovery with others is risky, but both Tallie and Jonis agree that the joy they feel must be shared and it begins a change within Ollas that can only make a better life.

This is a very in-depth story of a very repressed society, where anything that could entice emotions is banned and you could get punished for the simplest of touches. I found this story to be fascinating.  Nobody but the governors knows what the Fundamental laws are, but the breaking of a Fundamental law is severely punished, so you could break a law and not even know about it. Jonis and Tallis’s journey is incredible as they set out to survive in the wilds while dodging the militia who won’t stop hunting them, falling in love along the way and discovering the true tapestry of life.

This story is well written and the storyline is really good.  An entire society will be changed by the simple discovery by two young men. The descriptions are wonderful and at times feel spiritual, but not in a religious way, more pure and celebrating life type of way. The characters are wonderful and they pull together well. Slowly realizing that what has been hounded into them since they were young isn’t right. The characters face danger and love and they buck against a system that is draining the life out of them. They all end up on a journey of discovery, with Jonis and Tallis leading the way and having, sometimes, dangerous brushes with nature.

I have to recommend this story to those who love shaking the foundations of society, finding love, discovering joy and bringing people together, and a happy ending.

Surviving Elite High: Loving James by John H. Ames

SurvivingEHSLJ23Title: Surviving Elite High: Loving James

Series: Surviving Elite High #3

Author: John H. Ames

Genre: MM / Young Adult

Length: Novella

Publisher: Ai Press (March 1st, 2013)

Reviewer: Thommie

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥3Hearts

Blurb: Surviving a normal high school is hard enough. Surviving Elite High? Close to impossible! Not until you learn the difference between love and obsession…

Sixteen year old James Gordon has it all. He’s rich, studious, and bears quite a strong resemblance to Justin Bieber. So, what’s stopping him from being a normal kid in high school? The deadly jocks. They torment anyone who’s gay or possibly closeted; even though Nick Wild Hawk, star of the football team and the love of his life, John, came out to the whole school in previous years and made being gay at Elite High just another walk of life.

However, even though the jocks have bullied James nonstop and made his life a living hell, he can’t help but fantasize about the king of the jocks, Nathan Parker. Nathan is rugged, straight and the most popular guy in school. When fate intercepts and places James and Nathan under the same roof, James’ torture really begins. And yet, through it all, James hopes that that his steadfast love for Nathan will change the jock into a lover rather than an abuser. Unless a certain hot, loyal, guy in the background can find a way to show James he is really, truly loved, and has been for a long time. Before it’s too late…

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Review: Well damn, I really thought this one would be Jacob’s story, but it appears to James’ featuring Jacob toward the end. If you’ve read SEH: Senior Year then you will remember John’s tutee James. James has idolized John and even more Nick, who is his number one goal. Well not Nick himself since he’s taken, but someone like him; a jock, rugged and straight.

Unfortunately in his young and obsessed mind he makes the mistake of believing that special someone could be Nathan; Nathan who bullies and terrorizes him. In James’ mind Nathan could change for their love like Nick changed for John.

Yes, it is pretty obvious and pretty fast that James is one delusional kid and this story is beyond disconcerting on that account. James is so blind in his delusions that he almost puts himself in a very, very dangerous situation. With his father marrying Nathan’s mother, and the two boys living in the same house, James finds that the bullying he had to suffer at school gets tenfold worse in his own home, his own sanctuary. And with Nathan’s bipolar behavior James really doesn’t see the monster that is right in front of him.

Jacob on the other hand has dropped college to be a car/bike mechanic in James’ dad’s shop. And he has a silent crush on James never actually admit to it. That struck me as odd, since the Jacob we met in SEH was pretty forward when it came to claiming what he wanted. Anyway, he silently provides help and companionship for James even if the latter couldn’t really see straight and realize what’s good for him.

The story gets pretty brutal from a point on. That’s not what bothered me, but the fact that the plot leapt from one scene to another in a very quick pace. Just like the young teen that leapt from emotion to emotion, love to love in the blink of an eye. The fact that it was so much in the same tone as John & Nick’s story didn’t help. In some places you really could confuse James with John.

However the story was shocking and very intriguing and the emotions behind it even if a bit overly dramatic, still very strong. I personally would have loved more Jacob/James time, but never the less I had fun reading how wonderfully Jacob grew and matured. A wonderful addition for all the fans of SEH.

Tormented Discovery by Jayson James

17290632Title:  Tormented Discovery

Series:  Finding Our Way Series Book Two

Author:  Jayson James

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  365 Pages

Publisher:  Amazon Digital Services, Inc. (January 27th, 2013)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥4.5Hearts

Blurb:   Justin and Derrick have a secret that they revealed only to their closest friends. They are gay and are now a couple. The story of Justin and Derrick continues as they learn more about being a gay couple in their senior year of high school and the complications that arise from it. Some friends will have their backs while others simply stand on the sidelines. Other friends will be accepting and others will ridicule them.

Sometimes love is almost not enough to save a relationship and both Derrick and Justin begin to have their doubts as they watch relationships around them rise and fall. Justin and Derrick both want to have new experiences, new choices and make new friends, which leads to them questioning their own relationship. They soon discover that some of the people they consider friends have their own secrets, some darker than others. The couple begins to see how people react towards homosexuality and just how people want to deal with it and them.

Will Justin and Derrick be able to hold onto each other while their lives and secrets spiral around them?

Or will they decide to step back and give up on themselves and each other?

Product Link:

Reviewer:   John

Review:  Oh no! Oh yes! I loved this novel. This story is told in three points of view, Hayden’s Derrick’s and Justin’s. To some, that might be a little confusing, but it’s not. When there is a skip of one point of view to the other, the story flows smoothly. It does not go back and retell what you just read. At first, I found it hard to know in whose point of view I was, but when I catch on, I loved the story from beginning to end.

My favorite character was Hayden. I loved the little kid. He was straight and friends with the gay guys in school. His best friend Ryan has a little crush on him. A little? He falls for the guy! Who wouldn’t? He was awesome! At first, Hayden freaks. Name a straight guy that wouldn’t, right? After he calms down, he seeks Ryan and tries to fix their friendship which he does. Those two stay as friend and I liked that.

Derrick and Justin were awesome. I liked their love story, but Hayden stole the show. I hated Kristian. He was mean and unlikeable. I hope he gets what he deserves in book three. The plot was good, but the story was a little too long for me. I liked the fact that I felt like a fly on the wall throughout the novel. I truly felt like if I was eavesdropping on their conversation and a part of the gang by the end of the book.

In a nutshell, the story and characters were great and likeable. I recommend this novel to anyone who wants to read about a group of friends as they make their way through life.