Holiday Post's from Pixie's Author Pick

Hey guys, today you will see various posts from Authors that we hounded… er asked what they would be doing for Christmas and many of them have sent us wonderful posts with pictures so we can share their holiday’s with you.

My first author is Mary Calmes, I adore Mary’s stories like Where You Lead and with how she creates great stories I just had to find out how she celebrated Christmas.

Christmas TreeChristmas at the Calmes house begins with tree decorating and we watch the movie Elf while we’re doing it along Dewey Stockingwith eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate. Even in Hawaii we did the same thing. There are Treestore bought ornaments and handmade ones as well. We hang the kids’ stockings and two years ago, we got a cat, so Dewey’s goes up too. The last decoration we put up is the angel and she always goes in the kitchen. We open Angelgifts Christmas day, not Christmas Eve, and since we moved to Kentucky, we drive out to the country to spend the day on the family farm. The very best part of the holiday is being together.


My next author is Sjd Peterson, and after chasing her all over cyberspace I finally pinned her down to share her Christmas plans. Oh I nearly forgot that she once did a Christmas story, Leon it’s a cute read that’s all warm and snuggerly.

SJD Peterson Christmas3Well, I’m not big on decorating. I used to be but I’ve gotten lazy so the tree is all you get.  But hey, it’s a perty… “Oh shiny”  tree.   (It’s so totally me)SJD Peterson Christmas1

I’ll be spending time with friends and family on Christmas and taking all the positive vibes and SJD Peterson Christmas4magic of the holiday season and sending them to Tj, Eric and their families. If anyone deserves a Christmas miracle it’s them.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.SJD Peterson Christmas2

Merry Christmas Hugs



And now we have R.J. Scott, who within minutes of being asked had everything back to me with a picture collage, but then she always seems prepared with her excellent Christmas stories like Texas Christmas.

When Pixie asked me to write and tell you about the Scott family Christmas I immediately went to my stock of family photos. I love Christmas, I love the friends, the food, I love writing about Christmas, watching Christmas films, giving presents… you name it and I sign up to it!

This Christmas day is at mum’s house where wine will be consumed and presents opened alongside a huge Christmas dinner. We’ll play games, Matt’s favourite is Sorry, followed closely by Uno and Sevens. We’ll build lego, and probably Mr RJ and my sister’s hubby will have a sleep – that is if Mum’s dog will let them! We always have big plans for what we call *tea* which is at around 7pm… but end up being way to full to manage even a small slice of cucumber.

We don’t really have snow at Christmas (despite what the films tell you!) but every so often we do get the white stuff. Apparently this year it will be overcast and raining… 🙁

All my presents are wrapped and ready, I just need to get Jesse’s Christmas out and available then I can relax!

Happy Christmas to everyone!


R.J. Scott Christmas1Picture 1 – Baby’s first Christmas… and yes that is me… bald as a coot and three months old, with my first two teddy bears. I think those bears are the only things holding me up, bit like after I have had a few too many wines.

Picture 2 – Baby’s first Christmas, take 2 – this time I am the one in the rather fetching blue dress, with my mum and dad, circa 1972, holding my little sister (and yes she WAS born with that much hair, unlike me). This was a very special Christmas as we were a family of four.

Picture 3 – An old Christmas Decoration – This is a decoration that we have just put on my Mum’s tree. So many memories of putting this same decoration up every year.

Picture 4 – The Scott Christmas Tree with added arty effects. We put this up at the weekend and I love turning the lights out and sitting watching TV with just the Christmas lights on. Beautiful.

Picture 5 – Don’t ask. When I was 12 I was in the wonderful Panto Cinderella at my school. Yes I played the ugly sister and it was a big (and funny) part, and yes I absolutely needed padding and so much makeup on to make me look hideous…

Picture 6 – Cinderella again. This is a set of Christmas lights that hang in my mum’s house and have done every Christmas since I was little. The set is Cinderella’s carriage interspersed with tiny lanterns. Very pretty and so old now.

Stephani Hecht, sent along her little post about her family Christmas and only technical difficulties have postponed their Christmas snapshots. I suppose to make myself feel better I should read Wayne County Holiday’s and Hot Cocoa and Candy Canes!

Family Traditions-Stephani Hecht

a christmas storyOur family traditions are pretty simple. We like to decorate our tree as soon as possible, usually on Thanksgiving Day. Yeah, we love the Holidays that much. The thing we look forward to the most is the day where they have the Christmas Story marathon. We usually watch it all day long. Sigh We never get tired of that movie. Even though Cody is twenty and Joie is twelve, we all still get stockings. We even make up little ones for the birds and our lizard, so nobody gets left out.

We don’t leave cookies and milk out for Santa anymore, which is kind of a bummer. I miss doing that. The one silver lining in that, is that we passed down our nice plate and glass down to Jackie’s kids. So, it almost feels like the tradition has carried on.

As usual this year, I went overboard on presents. But, to me, the fun part is giving, rather than receiving. I love to see people’s faces when they open a gift that I got for them. To me that’s what the Holidays are all about—bringing joy to others.

Amber Kell, Well if I had RJ then I had to have Amber Kell as well, well they did come up with the wonderful The Case of the Sinful Santa and Amber went even further with her free Christmas short stories Christmas Tree Magic & Santa Wishes! So I had no choice to invite the Queen of Novella’s to tell us her Christmas plans.

When MM good book reviews asked me to write a post I had to take a moment and ponder if I truly wanted everyone to know how strange I truly am. Then I realized most of my fans probably already do so they probably won’t be the least bit surprised at my revelations.

I was asked what sort of Christmas traditions my family follows. Growing up we didn’t really have any. My family isn’t religious and most of the time was spent putting up the fake tree and juggling time between my mom or dad’s house. As an adult I decided to start my own traditions.

AK - photo-51) We always have a real tree. We go to a tree farm and find the perfect tree. Then my husband tells me it won’t fit in our house. Next, we scale down expectations and find a tree that will at least scrape the ceiling. Once tree is home we drown it in lights and ornaments until it can barely stand beneath the weight.

2) We go to Archee McPhee’s and purchase a mystery bag. This will be opened on Christmas Eve to keep the AK - photo-2children’s little heads from exploding from Christmas expectations. It contains the normal stuff: poseable Einstein dolls, zombies and the occasional bacon flavored candy…you know the usual holiday cheer.



AK - photo-43) We get a Lego advent calendar so my eight-year-old Lego fanatic can put them together every day. Older son had one last year but he didn’t want one this time because they didn’t have a Santa Darth Maul. He has a chocolate one instead.

4) Hubby and I send the kids to bed early, drink eggnog and put presents under the tree while we watch ourAK - photo-3 holiday movie The Ref. I always wrap and assemble everything as soon as it is purchased and stash it away. I hate wrapping anything on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is the time for coffee and movies with hubby with a side of Santa.

AK - zombieFingersAlong the way we do have things like the usual sugar cookie making. One year I couldn’t find my Christmas cookie cutters so I made Christmas octopuses, once baked they looked like Cthulhu. Maybe it was wrong to take them to my husband’s highly religious family but we had fun.

This year my son’s teacher sent a bag of crayons, a star mold and instructions on making custom crayons. End result. Hubby used them to make crayon zombie fingers. Just another holiday tradition at the Kell house. I hope everyone has fun this holiday season following your own traditions. Merry Christmas.



T.M. Smith, was an obvious author to invite, after all she does fulfill my pervie needs 😉 She has no Christmas stories as yet but she rocks with The Library!

T.M. Smith - Xmas treeChristmas in our house means a time of gathering and recognizing the traditions. There is a long list of things we do every year, and the family have come to expect it. First, we always decorate our tree on Thanksgiving day while listening to Christmas Carols. We have such an eclectic array of ornaments and each and every one holds special meaning as well. Every year each member of the family gets a new ornament and this ornament always reflects that person. Trust me, if you know us you could walk over to this tree and know who each ornament is for! For each of the kiddo’s in the family, including myself, we have a baby’s first Christmas ornament. So there are precious bobbles on this tree that are 42 years young!

Friends and family gather every year the weekend before Xmas for a party and gift exchange. And every year it seems, the group grows by one or two. Some of these people we only see this one day a year, so it is all that much more cherished. The conversations, T.M. Smith - Merry Xmasthe visiting, sharing events from the past year, eating lots of good food and drinking LOTS of good wine!

These are all things that my grown children look forward to every year. And my hope is that as they grow older and wiser, that they will continue these traditions in their own homes. Thanks for stopping by today and sharing my Christmas traditions with me! I’d love for you to leave a comment and tell me what Christmas means to you, or one of your families Holiday traditions.


Cardeno C. Was cautious to join us, but as I said it’s a holiday so send what you can, so C.C. had celebrated Hanukkah and shared with us their holiday celebration, and I am going to tell you to have a look at In Another Life because it’s a wonderful Hanukkah story.

Cardeno C. 1Hanukkah came at a fun time this year because the 2nd night was on Thanksgiving. That made for some creative Thanksgivukkah celebrations, like a pumpkin turned into a menorah.

Like with any holiday, there’s food, of course. Potato latkes are traditional this time of year and I tried to get creative with mine. Instead of the usual grated potatoes and onions fried into patties, I used roasted potatoes and all sorts of veggies. It was pretty good, I think, though nothing beats the original. Cardeno C. 2What I’m more proud of were my matzah balls. My father has always made wonderful matzah balls but he was out of town for the holiday this year so I gave it a go. I think they turned out pretty well.

But food and candles aside, Hanukkah is about spending time with family and friends. I Cardeno C. 3was lucky to share candles and dinner and dreidel on the eight night with people I hold near and dear. What is dreidel? Well, it’s a fun game where you spin a top and gamble chocolate coins.

Food, games, and candles with friends and family. That was my holiday this year and it was wonderful.

And now we come to Beau SchemeryAugusta Li, I invited these authors separately but am posting them together because they are such an awesome pair, I adore both these authors books and nearly *squeed* in joy when they said yes!

xmas_beau3My name is Beau Schemery and I’ve written the YA novel, The Seventh of London and the Verses of Vrelenden series. Xmas isn’t a real big day in our household which is to say Gus (That’s Augusta Li, fantastic and infamous M/M writer; yep, we’re roommates) and I are normally too busy to go in for all the pomp and circumstance. Our kids are older so they’re not really into the craziness anymore either. We both still work day jobs to supplement our writing so we don’t really get a Christmas break. We really just get a day off. xmas_beau1

xmas_beau4xmas_beau2That said we really use the day to relax and play Xbox games that we will probably buy for each other. We do presents but nothing super elaborate (Note the extra fancy wrapping bags nicked from our place of day jobbery). We also still put up stockings for the kids with mostly Japanese candy inside. My stocking is one of my boots with my Slytherin scarf thrown over it.

Our goal this year was to not leave the house but since we don’t have cable, we’ll be seeking out a relative’s home to watch The Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor. And we’ll probably sit around weeping like little kids when Matt Smith regenerates.

Oh and wine. Lots of wine. Hope your day off is as relaxing and filled with weird, authory awesomeness as ours will be!

Augusta Li was ever so kind as to create a picture of the stars of the Blessed Epoch series, Yarrow, Duncan and Sasha…. I have died and gone to heaven, aren’t the guys just so sweet! ~Pixie~Sasha, Duncan & Yarrow Christmas

In Another Life by Cardeno C.

InAnotherLifeLGTitle: In Another Life

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary, Holiday

Length: Novella (84pgs)

ISNB: 978-1-62798-579-6 (Heartwarming: 978-1-61581-636-1)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (1st December 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: At age 18, Shiloh Raben is tired. He no longer has the energy to deal with mean classmates, inner doubt, and fear of familial rejection, so he takes a razor to his wrist. When he wakes up in the hospital, Shiloh meets Travis Kahn, the EMT who saved him and didn’t leave his side.

Travis is handsome, smart, and funny—the type of guy Shiloh would never be brave enough to approach. But his near-death experience has an unusual side effect: the life that flashed before his eyes wasn’t the one he had already lived, but rather the one he could live. With visions of a future by Travis’s side, will Shiloh find the strength to confront his fears and build a life worth fighting for?

Purchase Link:

Or as part of the Heartwarming collection:

Review: Shiloh is tired of being bullied, he is tired of hiding himself, and he is scared of how his parents will react if he tells them he is gay; so he takes the only option he thinks is open to him. When Shiloh’s life flashes through his mind it isn’t his past but a future that he has not lived yet, a future with a man who will be his whole world. When Shiloh awakens in the hospital with the EMT who saved him by his side, the future vision of himself and the EMT are fixed firmly in his mind. Travis is an EMT and he has great plans for the future, when he saves Shiloh he discovers those plans now include the cute patient who knows more about him than he should.

There are so many words that I would like to utter but they mainly consist of Ohhhh Ahhhh sweet and cute, and *sigh* soooo romantic. We are given a true treat with this wonderful holiday story that shows the despair of a young man who feels he doesn’t have anything to cling to. It then takes us on a journey to a possible future that he would miss out on and then we are treated to a sweet ending when the course of the future is changed with Shiloh’s knowledge and his actions. The love that is discovered first in the future and then in the present is incredibly sweet but also passionate, a meeting of soul mates who are meant to be whether in the future or in the present.   

Shiloh and Travis are a couple that we see in the future, a developing love when they are older that is struck with tragedy, and in the present, a new love as young men that has hope. The first half of the story is with Shiloh at 36 which then flicks back to Shiloh at 18, in both parts we are treated to a wonderful relationship between Shiloh and Travis, and both characters are wonderful giving us a brilliant story that both delights and has hints of sadness.

Ah, there are so many wonderful and bittersweet moments in this story but the lingering thoughts that stay with me was how everything was altered by Shiloh’s very first action. Without Shiloh’s first desperate actions we would never have seen the future that should be, Shiloh would never have met Travis when he did in the present and would never have changed Travis’ habit to alter the eventual outcome. Puzzled? Well, you won’t be when you read the story and discover that maybe, just maybe, Shiloh’s actions changed both their futures for the better.  

I recommend this to those who love stories of a love that was meant to be, incredible characters, a story that draws out your emotions with ease and a story that brings family together.                        

More than Everything by Cardeno C.

MoreThanEverythingLGTitle: More than Everything

Series: Family 03

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary, M/M/M

Length: Novel (234pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (4th November 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: As a teenager, Charlie “Chase” Rhodes meets Scott Boone and falls head over heels in love with the popular, athletic boy next door. Charlie thinks he’s living the dream when Scott says he feels the same way. But his dreams are dashed when Scott moves unexpectedly and doesn’t return.

Years later, Chase meets brash and confident Adan Navarro, who claims all he wants is a round between the sheets. When they’re still together after eight months, Chase is convinced Adan returns his love. But then the time comes to be open about their relationship, and Adan walks away instead.

Time heals all wounds, but when Charlie runs into Scott and Adan and realizes the only two men he’s ever loved are now in love with each other, his heart breaks all over again. Scott and Adan tell Charlie they want him back, but Charlie doesn’t know if he can trust two people who have hurt him so deeply. And even if he can, why would Scott and Adan want Charlie when they already have everything with each other?     

Purchase Link: 

Review: This story is part of a series but can be read as a standalone. Charlie (Chase) is just a teenager when he falls head over heels in love for the first time, and when Scott finally admits he feels the same Charlie thinks his dreams have come true. But, Scott transfers to another college to be closer to his new little sister promising to return but he never comes back. Years later Chase meets another man who captures his heart and Chase has high hopes, but those hopes are quashed when Adan shows his true colors by refusing to be open about their relationship. Things change for Charlie/Chase years later when he inherits new responsibilities and both Scott and Adan walk back into his life, time might heal wounds but when the loves of your life find love with each other and say that they both want you, the trust is hard to rebuild.

Cardeno C. hits the spot yet again with this new addition to the Family series, raising the heat level by giving us three hot men and a tricky love story, which has heartbreak and forgiveness. This is a wonderfully written story that has you leaving the comfort of a gentle sappy love story and plundering your emotions as we are taken on a whirlwind rollercoaster of Charlie’s love life. The story is written mainly from Charlie’s point of view, its a scrapbook of his life with him explaining each section and retelling what happened as though we are there watching. We also get Scott and Adan’s point of view during certain times and it helps us to connect to them and understand why they did the things they did, we also see clearly that they never stopped loving Charlie. 

During this story you will be pulled in all directions, we feel the loss as Charlie loses his first love to distance and time, and then his devastation as he realizes his second love wasn’t what he first thought. We feel his love for two men that always lingers in his heart, then we feel his confusion and breathtaking heartache when he sees his two ex loves together and in love. We follow along as both Scott and Adan try to get Charlie to let down his walls to let them in, to accept the love that they still both feel for him and to regain the trust that they both trampled. The characters are perfectly written with each one having their own unique personality, they bring out the best in each other, what one lacks another makes up for. 

This is a beautifully written story and a pure joy to read, the blending of a ménage relationship where they just slot together and become a whole was just perfect. I loved that Scott and Adan recognized that while their relationship was a happy one they still had something missing, something that would balance out two tops perfectly but that they weren’t ever going to settle for less than perfect. I loved that Charlie just didn’t dive headfirst into a relationship with two men even if he loved them, and that when the time came he worried over how it would work between them. And the sex oh boy, it’s steamy enough to make your temperature rise and erotic enough that you won’t miss a word. 

I recommend that you get a copy of this book, lock your house down, curl up in a comfy chair, and read this wonderful story until your heart’s content.                  

Strong Enough by Cardeno C.

StrongEnoughLGTitle: Strong Enough     

Series: Family Series, 02 

Author:  Cardeno C.    

Genre: Contemporary      

Length: Novel (200pgs)    

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (30th August 2013)     

Heat Level: Moderate     

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥4½ Hearts  

Reviewer: Pixie     

Blurb: When twenty-two-year-old Emilio Sanchez sees handsome Spencer Derdinger walking by his construction site, Emilio makes it his goal to seduce the shy professor. Getting Spencer into bed isn’t difficult, but Emilio soon learns that earning the trust of a man deeply hurt will take time and patience. With a prize like brilliant, sweet Spencer on the line, Emilio decides he is strong enough to face the challenge. 

Spencer is surprised when he’s approached by the gorgeous construction worker he’s admired from the safety of his office window. Acting spontaneously for the first time in his thirty-eight years, Spencer takes Emilio home. When the casual hookup turns into the potential for love, Spencer realizes that if he wants to build a life with Emilio, he’ll need to be strong enough to slay his personal demons and learn to trust again.     

Purchase Link:   

Review: Emilio has been hanging around his brothers construction site in the hope of bumping into the sexy older professor he spotted one day while he dropped off supplies, persuading the shy man to a date is easy but gaining his trust and healing old wounds will take a lot longer. Spencer is shocked when the sexy young construction worker he has been spying on asks him out, but for once, he finds himself being swept away with impulse and before long finds himself with a young sexy lover. Spencer has to fight his personal demons to fully accept the love he is offered but with Emilio by his side, he is strong enough to face anything.

Ahhh, Cardeno C. has produced another sweet and sexy love story with wonderfully characters you can’t help loving. Spencer is the slightly older man who has had a poor run with relationships, one of which has left him afraid of intimacy, but under the caring loving hands of the sexy construction worker Emilio he blossoms and not only discovers the love of his life but also the close family he has never really had. Emilio is the younger man who wants something different and when he spots Spencer he discovers everything he has ever longed for.

I loved this story, it made me feel all sweet and gooey and sappy *sigh*. Spencer’s and Emilio’s relationship develops quickly with Emilio being sensitive enough to see Spencer’s invisible scars, he is patient and supportive but he doesn’t let it ruin his and Spencer’s fun in the least. Spencer seems to be a very gentle soul and Emilio helps him to broaden his experiences and to give him the support he doesn’t know he needs, together they make a fantastic sweet couple who you adore. This is a slight May-December relationship and it is beautifully set out even though, because Spencer is unsure of himself, Emilio takes control of their relationship more. There are instances of humor and some sappy scenes, but we also get some sexy scenes and some tense scenes (Peter is an ass), but you come away from this book with a ‘feel good’ glow and a sappy smile fixed firmly in place. 

I recommend this to those who love sweet sexy love stories, putting the past firmly in the past, some hot sexy scenes, squishing the ex and a delightful ending. 



Dreamspinner Releases for the 08/26/13

MakeMeWholeLGMake Me Whole by Marguerite Labbe


After a grueling battle in ancient Greece, lovers Dexios and Lykon committed their lives to each other in the name of Goddess Cythera. After the war, fearing the strength of his love for Dexios, Lykon abandoned his vow and returned home. Heartbroken, Dexios called on Cythera, who changed him into four unfinished statues. In that form he would wait for his fickle lover to return, break the curse, and make him whole.


Thousands of years have passed when Galen Kanellis finds the disassembled pieces in the storeroom of a Seattle museum and makes them the focus of his new exhibit. Needing information, he contacts his ex-lover Nick Charisteas. Nick has a lifelong dream of finding the Dexios Collection, and the last thing he expected was for it to wind up in the hands of the man who broke his heart. As both men search for answers about the statues, worries of abandonment and fear of loss test their renewed relationship, threatening to separate them again—this time permanently.


Length: Novel (294p.) | Genre: Fantasy, Contemporary, Paranormal, BDSM/Kink

Release Date: August 26, 2013 | Buy as eBook ($6.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-056-2) | Buy as Paperback ($16.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-055-5)


NoAngelLGNo Angel by Daniel A. Kaine


Born with a birth defect called Devil Syndrome, it is impossible for Josh Harper to hide the two small stumps of hornlike bone atop his head. If people also knew about his ability to create force fields with his mind, they’d lock him up for sure. Left to fend for himself on his eighteenth birthday, Josh tries to make it on the streets. When he’s attacked, he’s rescued by Sam Mitchell, who has an equally strange power—and a set of pure white wings.


Sam ran away from home a year ago, and the new life he’s built for himself includes living in an abandoned house and looking after three younger kids, all with Devil Syndrome. Then along comes Josh. After a rough start their relationship grows and the two young men find a haven in each other’s arms. But when tragedy strikes their newfound family, Sam’s hatred of regular humans spirals out of control, and Josh will have to make Sam see sense before everything he’s worked so hard to build is destroyed.


Length: Novel (200p.) | Genre: Contemporary Fantasy, Paranormal, Coming of Age

Release Date: August 26, 2013 | Buy as eBook ($6.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-124-8) | Buy as Paperback ($14.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-123-1)

CallMeButLoveLGCall Me But Love by Tracy Rowan


Mercutio is a funny, moody, complex foil for Romeo in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, but in the four stories presented here, each an independent tale, Mercutio’s love for his friend goes far deeper, always somehow entwined with the fates of Romeo and Juliet.


The first tale sets the trio back in Renaissance Verona, where Mercutio vies for Romeo’s love. Romeo is oblivious, but the love triangle has deadly consequences. Next, we find Romeo and Mercutio in Victorian England. Though Romeo knows Mercutio loves him and returns his passion, he struggles to fit his desires into the strict mores of the day. The third story takes us to post-WWII America, where war-weary Romeo, Juliet, and Mercutio long for the right to love whom they choose. The final story in the collection brings the three characters into contemporary times, a band on a road trip that will change their lives forever. 


Length: Novella (74p.) | Genre: Contemporary, Historical (European, Americas)

Release Date: August 28, 2013 | Buy as eBook ($3.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-014-2)


RidetheWindLGRide the Wind by Anne Dudley


Alex Durant lives in a room behind the motorcycle repair shop where he works as an underpaid mechanic, bullied by his boss. There’s a truth he’s ignored most of his twenty-three years: men on their bikes turn him on, not women on the pin-up calendars that line the shop walls. It’s during a well-earned vacation to Sturgis, South Dakota, to attend the motorcycle rally where he comes face to face with his truth.


He meets the confident and outgoing Jordon Baker, who races motorcycles as a career. Alex is overwhelmed by Jordon’s incredible smile and kind eyes and his need to live life to the fullest. In the week they spend together, it’s Jordon who shows Alex things he’s never experienced: concerts, races, and the stars. It’s Jordon who shows him that two male bodies can ignite in pleasure when they come together. By the end of the week, Alex sees in Jordon’s eyes what he feels in his heart, and the truth of that scares him to the core.


But Sturgis week has ended, and Alex is back to the grind. He’s now stuck with making a difficult choice: continue to live his sad life alone and in hiding, or live his truth with the man who has big eyes for the world.


Length: Novel (246p.) | Genre: Contemporary, Coming of Age | Release Date: August 28, 2013

Buy as eBook ($6.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-033-3) | Buy as Paperback ($14.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-032-6)

HeartWithoutBorders[A]LGA Heart Without Borders by Andrew Grey


Pediatrician Wes Gordon will do just about anything to escape his grief. When opportunity knocks, he signs on to work at a hospital in a tent camp in Haiti. One night while returning to his quarters, he comes across a gang of kids attempting to set fire to an underage rentboy and intervenes, taking the injured René under his wing. At the hospital, diplomat Anthony Crowley tells Wes that the kids involved in the attack are from prominent families and trying to hold them responsible will cause a firestorm.


In spite of the official position Anthony must take, Wes’s compassion captures his attention. Anthony pursues him, and they grow closer during the stolen moments between Anthony’s assignments, escaping earthquake destruction for glimpses of Caribbean paradise. When Wes realizes the only way to save René is to adopt him, Anthony is supportive, but time is running out: Wes must leave the country, and Anthony is called out on a dangerous secret mission. Now Wes must face adopting a boy from Haiti who has no papers without the support of the one person he’s come to rely on most and may never see again.


Length: Novel (200p.) | Genre: Contemporary | Release Date: August 30, 2013

Buy as eBook ($6.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-020-3) | Buy as Paperback ($14.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-019-7)


RoyalBind[A]LGA Royal Bind by Sui Lynn


2nd Edition

Changing Moon: Book Two


Lance Fitz and Andrew Reed are a blissfully mated pair, but Andrew’s benefactor Stephon, a born vampire, isn’t happy with the pairing, especially after he discovers Lance’s pedigree. Stephon attempts to find answers using his mental connection with Andrew, and when his efforts fail, he goes after Lance’s new shifter family. Enraged, Lance severs the tie to Stephon. He wants to tear apart the abusive vampire and free his mate and family for good. But before he can try, the family reminds Lance that the death of one vampire won’t change the social status of shifters as an enslaved people. The fight won’t end with Stephon, even if Lance succeeds.



1st Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2012.


Length: Novel (200p.) | Genre: Paranormal, Vampires, Shapeshifters, Mystery/Suspense

Release Date: August 30, 2013 | Buy as eBook ($6.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-062-3) | Buy as Paperback ($14.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-061-6)

StrongEnoughLGStrong Enough by Cardeno C.


A Book in the Family Series


When twenty-two-year-old Emilio Sanchez sees handsome Spencer Derdinger walking by his construction site, Emilio makes it his goal to seduce the shy professor. Getting Spencer into bed isn’t difficult, but Emilio soon learns that earning the trust of a man deeply hurt will take time and patience. With a prize like brilliant, sweet Spencer on the line, Emilio decides he is strong enough to face the challenge.


Spencer is surprised when he’s approached by the gorgeous construction worker he’s admired from the safety of his office window. Acting spontaneously for the first time in his thirty-eight years, Spencer takes Emilio home. When the casual hookup turns into the potential for love, Spencer realizes that if he wants to build a life with Emilio, he’ll need to be strong enough to slay his personal demons and learn to trust again.


Length: Novel (200p.) | Genre: Contemporary | Release Date: August 30, 2013

Buy as eBook ($6.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-052-4) | Buy as Paperback ($14.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-051-7)


A Shot at Forgiveness by Cardeno C.

17933275Title: A Shot at Forgiveness

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Short (68pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (1st June 2013)

Heat: Explicit

Heart: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: A dozen years, two thousand miles, and a law degree after high school, Rafi Steiner continues to harbor resentment toward Isaac Jones, his childhood bully turned NBA star. When Isaac appears at Rafi’s favorite restaurant acting like a long-lost friend, Rafi bluntly dismisses him.

But Isaac is tenacious and has his heart set on the grown-up version of the boy he always wanted and never forgot. The way Isaac sees it, he, and Rafi are perfect for each other, if only he could sink the most important shot of his life: his one shot at forgiveness.

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Can also be purchased as part of Dreamspinner’s 2013 Daily Dose: Make a Play:

Review: Rafi suffered years of torment in school. He thought he had put it all behind him until his tormentor boldly walks up to him a restaurant and acts as if they were long-lost friends. Dismissing Isaac from his life is harder than Rafi thought because Isaac blithely blasts through his defenses. Isaac has no intention of letting Rafi ignore him. He knows his behavior in school was wrong, but there was some good as well. Now if he can just get Rafi to forgive him, he could have what he has always dreamed of.

This is a great light read that touches on high-school bullying, seeing things in a different light, forgiveness, and love. Rafi is a wonderful character. Even though he was bullied, he came out the other side determined to never be a doormat. Rafi is so dismissive of Isaac that you can’t help but giggle. His internal dialog was funny and his forgiveness of Isaac wasn’t instant or easily won. Isaac is a character that you want to have harsh feelings for, but the thing is he comes across as cute and sweet. Blithely ignoring the past as best he can, so that he has a chance to win Rafi’s affection.

I really enjoyed this story. The descriptions and scenes had me laughing unexpectedly in places. Rafi is a character that I would love a full-length novel about, he was great. Isaac is brilliant, too, just in a much different way. They were perfect characters together making this a very good story. I loved seeing Isaac remind Rafi of the times that he helped Rafi, of the revelation that Isaac’s behavior hid his real feelings and that Isaac tried so hard to please Rafi. I absolutely loved that Rafi didn’t fall at Isaac’s feet because he was rich and famous, that he didn’t want anything to do with Isaac, and, although he wanted to hold a grudge he still gave Isaac a chance.

I recommend this to those who want a great short read, giggles and laughs, great characters, hot sex, brilliant descriptions and a great forgiveness story.


Until Forever Comes by Cardeno C.

UntilForeverComesLGTitle: Until Forever Comes

Series: Mates 02

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novel (204pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (20th May 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Ethan Abbatt is a wolf shifter who can’t shift. Plagued by pain and weakness all his life, he hopes to find an honorable death by joining his pack mates in a vampire attack. Instead, Ethan learns two things: draining his blood releases his pain and his wolf, and he has a true mate—a vampire named Miguel.

Miguel Rodriguez is more than four centuries old. Strong, powerful, and vicious, he walks through life as a shadow, without happiness or affection. When a young shifter tells Miguel they’re true mates, destined to be together, Miguel sends him away. But Ethan is persistent, and Miguel can’t resist for long. Once Miguel gives in, being together comes naturally. The challenge is keeping themselves alive so they can stay by each other’s side until forever comes.

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Review: This story is part of a series and can be read in any order. Ethan is twenty and has never shifted. he’s grown weaker by the year and suffers from unexplained pain. Deciding that he wants to accept death on his own terms, he goes with some pack mates to town to hunt down vampires. Instead of dying though, he realizes that bleeding out released his wolf and that Miguel, the big badass vampire is his mate. Miguel is over four hundred years old. He has no interest in playing nice and when crossed is vicious. His thirst for blood is strong and is only getting stronger. When Miguel crosses paths with wolf shifter, Ethan, he is puzzled by the shifter’s reaction to him. And when Ethan keeps turning up, Miguel gives in to his attraction. But, with shifters and vampires hating each other they have opposition to face.

This is a brilliant story that tells us the tale of Miguel and Ethan who we met briefly in Wake Me Up Inside. This story begins just over fifty years before Wake Me Up Inside, with a young Ethan who has been shunned by his pack because he is different. Never having shifted and being weak, Ethan can’t believe it when he wakes up the morning after the vampire attack. Not only is he still alive, but he is a wolf and has never felt stronger and he has found his mate. Miguel is in town to buy land, but since he has been in town his thirst for blood has grown. Meeting Ethan confuses him because Ethan is a wolf and Miguel wants him. His blood smells wonderful, but shifter blood is poisonous, and why does Ethan say they are mates?

Miguel and Ethan are wonderful characters; Ethan with his simple needs and plain words and Miguel with his badass attitude and need to protect Ethan. I can’t tell you how much I adored Ethan and his easy attitude, his willingness to forgive others and how he wraps Miguel around his little finger without even trying. I loved Miguel’s take no crap attitude and how, when he accepted his feelings for Ethan, he would do anything for him even when it goes against what he wants to do. I loved the easy storyline that has just a smidge of danger and the sex is hot and they are made for each other in every way. It just warms you up seeing them together.

The storyline is great and we learn a lot more about the world the paranormals live in; when they were even further removed from humanity and when the animosity between vampires and shifters was high. This story is an easy read with just a touch of danger from jealous vampires. Ethan and Miguel are this story, their coming together, being perfect for each other and providing just what the other needs. both of them helping to save the pack even when they turn their back on Ethan and the discovery that not all wolves have shifter mates and that true mates could be anywhere or anyone.  

I recommend this story to all those who love shifters and vampires, a great love story, hot sex, a touch of danger, a pissed off vampire and a very wonderful happy ending.   


Wake Me Up Inside by Cardeno C.

WakeMeUpInsideLGTitle: Wake Me Up Inside

Series: Mates 01

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novel (250pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (15th August 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Zev Hassick is surprised and confused when he finds himself attracted to his best friend. His very human, very male best friend. Zev is the son of the pack Alpha, regarded as the strongest wolf in generations, born to lead. And everyone knows a male shifter has to mate with a female of his own kind to keep his humanity. So shifters can’t be gay, right?

Jonah Marvel wants a relationship with Zev, his best friend, the man he has loved since childhood. It wasn’t easy to maintain that relationship over years spent living apart while Jonah studied to become a doctor. And then things grow more difficult when Jonah becomes his own patient. Before he can make a life with Zev, he has to understand his past and cure the unexplained ailments that plague him.

Zev and Jonah know they’re destined for each other, but they’re facing traditions ingrained over generations and long-buried secrets that may threaten any future together.

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Review: Zev can’t believe that what he feels for his best friend, Jonah, is more than just friendship. Jonah is human and male and Zev has always been told that he will tie to a shifter female or lose his humanity, so Jonah can’t be his true mate… can he? Jonah has loved Zev for years and he has lived with the limited relationship that they have had while he was studying to become a doctor. But, Jonah becomes convinced there is something wrong with him and has to look to his mother’s past to discover secrets long buried. Together Zev and Jonah have to challenge generations of belief and prejudice to be together.

This is a great shifter story that gives a new view on shifters and the world they live in. Zev and Jonah are a fantastic couple. They first meet when they are still babies, Zev in wolf form tracks down a smell that he can’t resist and comes across a baby Jonah. From there they meet through the years as wolf and boy before meeting finally as two seven-year old boys. They become best friends and when they reach eighteen they admit how they feel for each other. But, Zev has had to get his father and pack to start seeing humans in a different light, rather than as half-souls who are beneath them. But still, bringing a human home as a mate will be hard. Bringing a human male as a mate, will be harder.

I loved this story. it was perfect, going from childhood best friends to adult lovers. Zev refusing to take that final step until Jonah could be all his. A perfect sweet romance with a twist of mystery. I loved how we had flashbacks to Zev and Jonah’s past, seeing them together as they grow up and develop a great friendship. It would have been nice to have a clearer sign that we were about to delve into a flashback, but it was still well done. Another thing I loved was that although Zev and Jonah had a clear feeling that they were meant to be together, Zev managed to hold out for years before completing the bond. So yeah. Instant mate connection. but far from an instant mating.

Cardeno C. has written a story that keeps your interest. It has an interesting shifter element and has woven bigotry, prejudice, love, overcoming circumstances, friendships and secrets together to bring us a story that is sweet with a tinge of mystery and danger. Neither Zev nor Jonah has it easy, though, because the longer they are apart the harder it is for them to cope with the separation and as Jonah still hasn’t got a clue about shifters. The stress and strain drive him to nearly cheat… so you have been warned. I personally feel that Zev should have explained things earlier to Jonah, at least then Jonah might have had a clue as to what was happening to him.

I will recommend this to those who love shifters, hot loving, sacrifice, strong and enduring love, mysterious happenings, a touch of danger and a very happy ending. Grabbing a cuppa and snuggling with this book is a great way to spend an evening.

Something In the Way He Needs by Cardeno C.

SomethingintheWayHeNeedsLGTitle: Something In the Way He Needs

Series: Family Series 01

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary, Slight Kink

Length: Novel (220pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (25th February 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Police captain Asher Penaz’s staunch professionalism bleeds into his home life, down to his neatly pressed attire and spartan apartment. He enjoys being the man in charge, and leather bars satisfy his need for dominance—so his sudden and powerful attraction to the lighthearted, free-spirited Daniel Tover throws him for a loop. In his entire life, Daniel has never gotten what he needs, so he moves to the next place, the next job, the next attempt to find something worth staying for, always landing at the top of his game, but never feeling like he belongs.

The chemistry between Asher and Daniel sizzles, so Asher invites Daniel home. As both men struggle to learn themselves while getting to know each other, the lines of desire and control blur. With all that fire comes the risk of getting burned. But if Daniel and Asher can walk through the flames together, they might find what they desperately need.

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Review: Asher loves being in control.  he loves having the power of being in charge; it suits him well in his job as a police captain and in his personal life as a Dom. But, Asher doesn’t understand the overwhelming need and attraction he has to the bumbling, lighthearted Daniel who has no structure and no direction in life. Daniel lives his life flitting from one job to another, one city to the next and loves it, but in his heart he is looking for someone to belong to. The two men meet and sparks fly.  They embark on a relationship that neither man really understands, and when the going gets tough will they be able to face it together or will uncertainly drive them apart?

God damn, Cardeno C., when you decide to break the mold you do it in a unique and brilliant way. Asher loves being a Dom.  He loves having the control of a sub’s pleasure, of giving them just what they need, but he has never met anyone that he has wanted for more than a night, until he meets Daniel. Daniel doesn’t have any real structure in his life.  He flit’s from one thing to the next looking for some place that he really belongs.  He enjoys life but is always searching, and he might have found what he is looking for in Asher.

This is a story that I never thought I would read; a Dom changing for his submissive.  A Dom changing because he found something he never even knew he was looking for. But, a Dom who nearly loses what means the most to him because of his own pig-headedness. Asher and Daniel are a fantastic couple. Daniel changes Asher without even realizing it and Asher introduces Daniel to something he never knew he would like. There’s a lot of give and take with both men finding what they really need, but neither man are actively trying.  They just naturally provide what the other needs, and whoo the sex is explosive. It isn’t all easy between them though, especially when Asher’s past rears its ugly head because of his insecurities, a simple touch of jealousy and lack of communication.

This is a story not to be missed if you love slight kink, a Dom who wakes up to his needs, a sweet man who likes a touch of dominance, a great story, brilliant characters and a very happy ending, I highly recommend this book to everyone.

Eight Days by Cardeno C.

16162097Title: Eight Days

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary, Hanukah

Length: Novella (80pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (1st December 2012)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Maccabe Fried and Josh Segal have nothing in common, but they’ve been friends forever. Maccabe is an athlete with dreams of playing professional baseball. Josh is a good student with dreams of being with Maccabe. Then both dreams come true.

Maccabe and Josh fall into a passionate long-distance romance, and after years of hiding from the world, Josh wants to bring their relationship into the open. When Maccabe refuses, Josh is faced with a tough decision: stay with the man he loves or live the life he deserves. Somebody’s bound to get hurt, but in the season of miracles, there’s always hope for a happy ending.

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Review: Maccabe and Josh are two different boys, one enjoys sports while the other prefers band and school but they are best friends and their families are close. Maccabe and Josh embark on a passionate relationship, but life gets in the way and when Josh has had enough and wants to come out to his family Maccabe isn’t supportive and Josh has to make a choice… stay buried in the closet so Maccabe’s sporting chances aren’t affected or being true to himself and maybe lose the man he loves.

This is a very sweet story that covers several years and is from Maccabe’s POV. Maccabe and Josh are best friends even though they are very different. When Maccabe realizes that his feelings for Josh have changed he pulls away. The next time they celebrate a family gathering, Maccabe acts on his attraction and it is the beginning of a passionate affair, but when Josh makes it known that he wants more Maccabe makes a mistake. Josh makes his choice which affects both of them and several years later when Maccabe learns the truth he sets out to bring Josh home where he belongs.

I loved the way that this story was spread over several years as these two families, the Fried’s and the Segal’s, celebrate Hanukah together, seeing not just the main characters but how they are each year with their families and the interaction between them all. Maccabe has one dream, to make it into Major League baseball and even though he cares deeply for Josh nothing is going to risk his chance. Josh wants Maccabe more than anything, but hiding is making him unhappy. Josh wants more, but Maccabe’s reaction tells him everything he needs to know. Misunderstandings and over-reactions are abound which makes an interesting story, but don’t miss the sister’s interactions, they are brilliant.

This isn’t a story where there is a bad guy or anyone taking advantage. It’s a story of two young men discovering what they want and of one young man missing what he is being told and how he reacts. Maccabe finds himself missing the obvious, until it suddenly hits him and his reaction makes up for him being clueless for so many years. Josh never expected what happened and his reaction to everything was completely understandable. I mean, damn, after two years the words “I’m not gay” must have been a smack in the face. Seeing these two men together is really sweet and we see some foreplay which is hot, but this is more about getting together, losing each other and then finally finding each other again.

I will recommend this to those who love sweet love, hopeless men, hot loving, hunting down love, tight-knit families and a very happy ever after.


The One Who Saves Me by Cardeno C.

Title: The One Who Saves Me

Series: Home 06

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (212pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (12th November 2012)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: At fourteen, Andrew Thompson and Caleb Lakes become best friends. As the years pass, they stand by each other through family trauma, school, and the start of their careers. They share their first sexual experiences as friends, learning and experimenting. And they talk each other through countless dates and breakups. Decades of trust and loyalty build a deep and abiding friendship —until Andrew suffers a tragedy. Caleb moves in with him, and the parameters of their unique relationship blur.

Wrestling with feelings he can’t articulate, Andrew spirals into self-loathing. Caleb struggles to help his friend heal, but he longs for more than Andrew can give him. After so many years, neither man knows how to break out of his established role. After all, boyfriends come and go, but best friends are forever.

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Review: This story is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone. Andrew and Caleb become best friends at fourteen. Their friendship spans for the next twenty years. They are there for each other through family troubles, school, break ups and tragedy and when they both come out as gay they are each other’s firsts. Andrew and Caleb are best friends with benefits, but what happens when their relationship lines blur?

This is a wonderful addition to the Home series where we see the development of a strong friendship that turns into more and settles into something that neither man realizes. Andrew is searching for the one man who will be his everything; he searches for years going through bad relationships, before he settles for what he can get. And when that ends in sadness, he blames himself and feels guilt over his feelings for his best friend. Caleb won’t settle for second best and keeps hunting for the man for him. He has concerns for Andrew and Andrew’s reaction to the loss of his boyfriend, but dragging Andrew from his depression is harder than he thought and both men finally see what they have been missing all along.

Ahhh, Cardeno C. always writes an incredible story and this one is no different. The story of Andrew and Caleb is very sweet and touching and at times frustrating. Both these characters are incredible men. while Caleb is quite happy to wait for the man of his dreams, dating and taking things slow; Andrew is desperate to find his Mr. Right and throws himself into all his relationships wholeheartedly. And, Caleb is always there to pick up the pieces of his heart. In this story, we see a deep and abiding love that spans twenty years. We see two young men grow up and embark on their adult lives side by side. They share everything together, but as close as they are they miss the obvious… their love for each other.

I loved this story and yes, I got frustrated at Andrew for letting himself be treated badly. But, his desperation to have a steady relationship made him take what he could get. Caleb’s patience is amazing. How he didn’t scream at Andrew to man up and put his foot down proved what a great friend he was. I must admit to being amazed that Caleb and Andrew could never see how they truly felt about each other. But, I suppose that they were too close to see it as more than best friends. The sex between them is very hot and sexy and it was wonderful to see that over so many they still fancied each other rotten.

I recommend this to those who love a friend to lovers story, deep abiding love, hot sex, heartache, frustration and a belated happy ending.


Just What the Truth Is by Cardeno C.

Title: Just What the Truth Is

Series: Home 05

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (200pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (11th October 2011)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Ben Forman has been in the closet so long he’s convinced himself he’s actually straight. But his denial train gets derailed when hotshot lawyer Micah Trains walks into his life. Micah is brilliant, funny, and determined… and he just assumes Ben’s gay and starts dating him. Finding himself truly happy for the first time he can remember, Ben doesn’t have the willpower to resist.

Still, life isn’t all rainbows and happily-ever-afters. Ben loves his family, but his parents have been estranged from his brother, Noah, since he came out of the closet. Ben doesn’t want to lose them, but Micah won’t be his dirty little secret forever. Suddenly Ben’s hold on his happiness and his sense of self seems to be slipping. If he’s going to survive with his heart intact, he’ll have to own up to the truth of what he wants and who he is. The trouble is figuring out just what that truth is.

Review: Ben has struggled to keep his feelings under wraps for years.   He’s determined that he is straight and forces himself to date women.   That all changes when he meets Micah.  He can no longer deny the truth to himself… although; he gives it his best shot. Micah falls hard for Ben and after a difficult time between them he learns the truth about Ben’s outbursts and he does what he can to support him.

This is an incredibly addition to the Home Series. Ben faces up to his true self and he realizes that he is so much happier just being honest with himself. He hid the truth about himself away because when his brother Noah came out his parents did not react well.   Since that time his family has been torn in two; with Ben trying to be the perfect son. Ben also faces the truth that many of his pre-conceived notions about being gay were wrong and maybe his parents were wrong in what they have voiced about gays over the years.

Ben is really torn up and a mess inside and it takes a while to sort himself out but when he does he embraces coming out to his family and friends.   It’s not all roses but he expected that before coming out. A wonderfully written story that tugs at your heart-strings as this man finally embraces who he is and not what other people want him to be. The relationship between Ben and Micah has its ups and downs with Ben hiding the truth about his situation from Micah, the truth finally comes out and that’s when Ben realizes he wants Micah more than anything else in the world.

An incredibly story that is charming, loving, witty, humorous, touching and moving.   The storyline is very believable and the plot moves along smoothly. I loved Micah’s family and thought they added a good feeling to the story.  Ben and Noah repairing their relationship as brothers was touching and the final scenes of the book made my eyes fill with tears of happiness for this incredible couple.

I would recommend this to… everyone who wants a story that leaves you with a happy warm heart, a smile on your face and a sheen of tears in your eyes. Get this book, a bottle of wine and curl up on your sofa and enjoy a brilliant story.





Love at First Sight by Cardeno C.

Title: Love at First Sight

Series: Home 04

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 1/2Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb:  Do you believe in love at first sight? Jonathan does: the moment he glimpsed the striking David from afar, he was hooked, but David disappeared before they could meet.

More than three years later, Jonathan gets a second chance—he and David finally meet face to face, and the two fall into a passionate love affair. David turns Jonathan’s previously lonely life into a fairy tale, giving him more than he ever imagined. But the past few years have been hard for Jonathan, and he’s terrified that his young son and scandalous past will be too much for David. If they’re going to build a future together, they’re both going to have to dig deep: David for the courage to share himself in a way he’s never considered… and Jonathan for the strength to tell the truth.

Review:  This was a true pleasure to read… again… for the third time. Cardeno C.’s Home series always warms the heart and this latest addition is no different. You don’t have to read the series in order, as they are independent books but sometimes we briefly meet a new character who later has their own book.

Jonathan is naively innocent even after his shameful past; he fell instantly in love with David from across a room and then moved to New York hoping to track him down. Over three years and a son later he moves back to his hometown having given up on his dream and after being accosted in a bar he is rescued by none other than his dream man. David is fascinated by the beautiful young man who he rescues and they embark on a beautiful love affair, where David discovers things about himself, thanks to his friends, and Jonathan is forced to reveal a secret before he is ready.

The interaction between Jonathan and his family is nice to see and even when he is inadvertently outed to his parents they take it in stride. David takes it all in stride, meeting Jonathan’s family and his son, even when someone seems determined to end his relationship with the man he adores. Watching these two men fall in love, get to know each other and be a family unit is wonderful and brings a smile to your face.

This is a beautiful, sweet love story that warms your heart and makes you want more. If you want love, romance (with hot sex thrown in) and a happy ever after… then this is for you.