My Hometown by S.J.D. Peterson ~ Audiobook

S.J.D. Peterson - My Hometown Cover AudioTitle: My Hometown

Author: SJD Peterson

Narrator: Ronald Ray Strickland

Genre: Contemporary

Length: 7 hrs, 14 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC (11th July 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Jimmy Brink and Eric Halter grew up together in a small country town. While Eric has always been content with life as a rancher, Jimmy wanted more and moved to Chicago early on to pursue a medical career.

Life has a way of coming back around. When Jimmy’s parents decide to retire in Florida, Jimmy returns to his hometown to finish his residency at a local hospital. Flamboyant boyfriend Oliver in tow, Jimmy bumps into his old friend. Eric quickly takes a disliking to Oliver, though, and for good reason. Oliver proves he’s not only self-centered but also a cheater.

To complicate matters, Eric finds it more and more difficult to hide his attraction to his best friend. When the opportunity arises, he needs to decide whether to risk their friendship to pursue his feelings, but maybe Jimmy will see there’s more for him now than ever before in his hometown.

Product Link: Audible US |  Audible UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: My Hometown is your usual Gay-for-you type trope, right down to two childhood besties harboring lifelong crushes on each other but never able to admit the truth to each other. In all honesty, the only reason I didn’t rate this one a 5/5 was because I found that aspect a little too tiring at times and I just wanted the guys to get a move on.

But I’m jumping ahead of myself.

The two best friends in question are Jimmy and Eric. They grew up in a small town, working on their parents’ farms, but once they finished high school, Jimmy went off into the big bad city where he studied to become a doctor. That was when things started to go bad for their friendship. Jimmy is a bit of a lazy friend, as in he is hopeless in keeping in contact with Eric, though Eric could have also tried as well (but that’s beside the point).

But then Jimmy moves back to take over management of his family’s farm when his parents retire. He doesn’t plan on taking over operations completely as he will be there to manage things while also completing his residency at the local hospital. So, what we got essentially is 2 best friends that love each other and a rift that is only made worse by Jimmy’s cheating (for lack of a better word) boyfriend.

That’s the bare bones of the story. As I said, it’s pretty much what you’d expect from this type of story. Its fun and I liked the country twang that the narrator uses, I got no idea if the accent is accurate but I loved it and thought that it was perfectly charming.

Bound by SJD Peterson

BoundLGTitle: Bound

Series: Guards of Folsom 05

Author: SJD Peterson

Genre: BDSM

Length: 200 Pages

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (March 14th, 2016)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Guards of Folsom: Book Five

Tek Cain & Jamie Ryan work at the Guards of Folsom BDSM club. After two years on the run from their old motorcycle club and the Feds, Tek & Jamie are finally able to relax and enjoy their new life in New York City. But the past won’t stay buried, and when the MC resurfaces, it’s Jamie who pays the price. Tek and the rest of the members of the Guards of Folsom must work together to get back one of their own.

In this, the final installment in the Guards of Folsom series, everyone must come together, bound as one in their quest to find Jamie and bring him home once and for all.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-800-9

Product Link:

Reviewer: Cat

Review: This is the 5th and final book in the Guards of Folsom series.  There are many characters and lots of wrap-ups from the previous books.  This book begins with a proposal, a funeral and then gets going with the kidnapping of Jamie. The entire group gets together and uses their skills to find and bring Jamie home. Then there is recovery. If you are already a fan of this series, I am sure you have been waiting for it, and it won’t disappoint you. I haven’t read any of it and loved it. I will be going back and reading the rest of this series.

I felt like the book was a bit long and all of the inner thoughts by Tek kind of put me off a bit. They seemed a bit poetic for an ex-motorcycle gang leader.  Otherwise, I thought the book was really good.

So if you like BDSM, bondage, motorcycle gangs, and the tight brotherhood of men, lots of angst and lots of hot Man-sex this is for you. Don’t forget to start with book one!

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through 

Bound by S.J.D. Peterson & Exclusive Excerpt!

S.J.D. Peterson - Bound Banner

Hi guys, we have S.J.D. Peterson stopping by to show off her upcoming release Bound. S.J.D. is also letting us have a peek at a fabulous exclusive excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

S.J.D. Peterson - Bound Cover


(Guards of Folsom 05)

S.J.D. Peterson

Tek Cain & Jamie Ryan work at the Guards of Folsom BDSM club. After two years on the run from their old motorcycle club and the Feds, Tek & Jamie are finally able to relax and enjoy their new life in New York City. But the past won’t stay buried, and when the MC resurfaces, it’s Jamie who pays the price. Tek and the rest of the members at the Guards of Folsom must work together to get back one of their own.

In this, the final installment in the Guards of Folsom series, everyone must come together, bound as one in their quest to find Jamie and bring him home once and for all.

Continue reading “Bound by S.J.D. Peterson & Exclusive Excerpt!”

Ruin Porn by S.J.D. Peterson & S.A. McAuley Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

S.J.D. Peterson & S.A. McAuley - Ruin Porn Dreamspinner BannerS.J.D. Peterson & S.A. McAuley - Ruin Porn 960x350

Hi peeps, we have S.J.D. Peterson & S.A. McAuley stopping by on the tour for their upcoming release Ruin Porn, we have a bucket list chat with the guys from  Resonator, we have a great excerpt and there’s a fantastic giveaway, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~ 

S.J.D. Peterson & S.A. McAuley - Ruin Porn FS

Ruin Porn


S.J.D. Peterson & S.A. McAuley

There is underlying beauty in destruction….

Miah Thade, Finn Reese, and Ritchie Meyer are Resonator, an indie rock band with an edge—best friends turned rock stars, known as the Detroit 3. When Evin Rene appears in their life, none of them can deny he belongs with Rez.

They may have named their first album Ruin Porn because people get off on seeing how Detroit went from deeply loved to thoroughly forsaken, but they’re determined to prove that blight isn’t the entire story and blight isn’t always ugly.

Ritchie, Miah, Finn, and Evin take Resonator to a level no one anticipates. But no prosperity comes without sacrifice, and no secret stays hidden without a trail of lies. As Rez’s fame grows, so does the intensity between two of its members… as well as their potential for destruction. 

Evin and Finn are about to discover the underlying beauty in their ruin porn.

Release date: 28th August 2015 Pre-order:

Continue reading “Ruin Porn by S.J.D. Peterson & S.A. McAuley Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Mauled by S.J.D. Peterson

MauledLG*Title was free on Publisher’s web site at time of posting*

Title: Mauled
Series: Guards of Folsom #4.5/Beyond Duty #2
Author: S.J.D. Peterson
Genre: Contemporary/BDSM/Military
Length: Novella (67 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (February 4th, 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Reviewer: Aerin
Blurb: Gunther Duchene aka “Gunny” and Macalister Jones aka “Mac” have overcome the obstacles of coming out and retiring from serving more than twenty years as Marines.

Their exit ceremony is behind them, their wedding vows are made, and now it’s time for the honeymoon. What better way to kick off their marriage than enjoying the retirement gift Mac gave Gunny?

With the leather pants and collar packed, it’s off to New York City and the Guards of Folsom club to celebrate—BDSM style.

ISBN: 9781632161758

Product Link:

Review: This is my favorite story in this series because….well Gunny and Mac, that says it all, nothing to add. They’re hot and sexy as sin. They’re an established couple and retired marines.

This book starts with some sexy lovin’ but immediately changes into a surprising and hilarious visit from Mac’s parents (there might have been a stubborn vibrating dildo that refused to be turned off). I loved Mac’s mother and the easy acceptance she shows Gunny and Mac.

As a present for their honeymoon, Mac turns Gunny’s fantasy into a reality when he takes him for a visit to Guards of Folsom. Gunny likes to submit when he needs to clear his head and the visit is a huge turn on for both of them. We also get to catch up with the cast from the previous books and I enjoyed seeing the subs being their normal bratty selves.

Mac and Gunny are both alpha men, strong and courageous, dedicated and passionate. I LOVED how they couldn’t get enough of each other even though they’ve been together for 20+ years. They are the best example that gay men can love hard, fight hard, can definitely serve in the military, and are dependable people.

Let’s not forget the bit where they show that they can definitely fuck even harder because that was sexy as hell. They’re also not afraid to show their affection for one another and cuddle at every given opportunity.

I didn’t want this book to end because you know…Gunny & Mac. They’re the real deal and I want more. Definitely recommended, don’t lose the opportunity to get to know some seriously awesome men.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

The Rival Within by S.J.D. Peterson

RivalWithinLGTitle: The Rival Within
Series: N/A
Author: SJD Peterson
Genre: Historical (1950s)
Length: Novel (200 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 29, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Blurb: Officer Thomas Webber made a vow of marriage to his wife, a vow to his God to resist temptation, and a vow to uphold the law. But when Tom is forced to shelter a dark-haired stranger from the tornado raging over the county, long suppressed desires are brought to the surface and he is powerless to resist.

Ben Parker has hidden his true nature his whole life. The laws in 1952 are very clear, and to expose himself would mean rotting in jail, shunned or worse, a possible death sentence. Unable to find a job, he turned to crime. Seven years later, he’s still angry and tired of hiding who he really is from the world.

After meeting Thomas, Ben can envision himself settling down for the first time. The only problem is, he’s already forced Thomas to break the law and become his alibi. And then there’s the little obstacle of Tom’s wife, family, and commitment to the town of Ramer.

Ben knows what he wants, but in order to get it, Tom will have to turn his back on society and the vows he’s made if they are to find the happiness they deserve.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63216-425-4

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Well written intense at times story. Set in the 1950s, Officer Tom Webber has a wife and a son and has been fighting his other half that yearns for a man all his life. Along comes Ben Parker and blows all his walls down in one night. Unfortunately, the Sheriff of another town finds out and sets out to destroy Tom and convict Ben for a crime he never committed.

I really don’t understand why some people like the sheriff in this story abuse their power to get what they want by any means necessary and are quick to accuse people of crimes without investigating them further. I do believe it still happens today as well. It disgusted me the lengths the sheriff went to and I was ashamed of the way some of the townspeople treated Tom afterword’s.

I was very glad that Tom went Ben and spent the rest of his life with him rather than stay in the town he was basically shunned in. I laughed when Ben exposed the sheriff for what he was and threatened him with a taste of his own medicine.

The sex between Tom and Ben was hot. Great read.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through*

A Night Never Forgotten by SJD Peterson

NightNeverForgotten[A]LGTitle: A Night Never Forgotten
Author: SJD Peterson
Series: Celebrate! 2014 Advent Calendar
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: Short (29 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 1st 2014)
Heat Level: Mild
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: After a one night whirlwind romance, Braylon returns to Toronto on the first of December every year in the hopes of seeing the man of his dreams again. Instead, Braylon meets a strange man who tells him Christmas is a magical time, and one never knows what unexpected gifts he’ll receive.

Braylon takes a chance and makes a Christmas wish, but instead of getting what he wants, he contracts an infection leaving him dependent on dialysis and unable to make the journey the following year. But the stranger just might be right; an unexpected gift may be the miracle Braylon needs most of all.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package “Celebrate!”

Product Link:

Reviewer: Tams

Review: Braylon returns to Toronto every year at the first of December in the hope of finding the man that he shared a passionate night there with several years prior. But this December his ailing health prohibits him making the annual trip. Over the next year, Braylon recovers from a kidney transplant and begins to live his life again, including taking his trip to Toronto in December.

Will a strange twist of fate finally bring him and Ross back together, or will Braylon resign the encounter as a one-night stand that just wasn’t meant to be?

A short, heartwarming story that shows the true power of circumstance and coincidence. There was a lot of content for so few pages as well. You really get a sense of how badly Braylon wants to reconnect with Ross. And the twist at the end left me surprised and smiling. Definitely a must read for my fellow hopeless romantics.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Splintered by Sjd Peterson

71UNjwVLCpL._SL1350_Title: Splintered
Author: SJD Peterson
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: Novel (220 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 6th 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: A string of murders targeting effeminate gay men has the GLBTQ community of Chicago on alert, but budget cuts have left many precincts understaffed and overworked. Not to mention, homophobia is alive and well within the law enforcement community and little has been done to solve the mystery.

When the FBI calls in Special Agent Todd Hutchinson and his team, the locals are glad to hand the case off. But Hutch finds a bigger mystery than anyone originally realized—seventeen linked murders committed in several different jurisdictions. Hutch’s clues lead him to Noah Walker.

Working on his PhD in forensic psychology, Noah has been obsessed with serial murders since he was a child. But coming to Hutch’s attention as a suspect isn’t a good way to start a relationship. Noah finds himself hunted, striking him off Hutch’s suspect list, but not off his radar. To catch the killer before anyone else falls victim, they’ll have to work together, and quickly, to bring him to justice.

ISBN: 1632164531 (ISBN13: 9781632164537)

Product Link:

Reviewer: Tams

Review: Todd Hutchinson is one of the best profilers the FBI has, and he heads up a small team of men just as good at their job as he is. Hutch along with super tech Granite and hacker Byte are known for getting results. Their current case takes them to the heart of the gay community in Chicago, and one step behind a serial killer targeting ‘twinks’. Hutch is an excellent profiler because he has a keen second sight, an ability to put himself inside the mind of a killer.

While at their most recent crime scene, Hutch goes into sensory overload when he spots someone slightly familiar in the crowd.
Noah Walker has a keen eye for details, and serial killers. After finding the bodies of his mother and sister when he was just a child, he transformed his morbid curiosity into a lifelong passion for murder.

So it comes as no surprise that Noah sort of idolizes Hutch, he has followed his cases for years, and he has a teensy crush on the brooding FBI agent. Hutch and his team are a little baffled by Noah in the beginning and his unnatural interest in the case. It doesn’t take long for Noah’s interest in the case to draw a target on his back.

Hutch has to navigate the sickening feelings he is picking up on from the killer, keep a professional persona when he is surrounded by incompetent and homophobic cops, and give a valiant attempt at ignoring his growing attraction to Noah. A few harsh words from Hutch, aimed at the killer at a press conference prove to push the man over the edge.

One of my favorite movies is Manhunter with William Peterson as the FBI profiler that captured Hannibal Lecter. This book reminded me so much of that movie. Hutch is so good at his job partly because of his ability to see through the eyes of a killer, anticipate the killer’s motives and moves. I was on pins and needles throughout this book with the twists and turns, full of suspense and intrigue, definitely a well-woven murder mystery.

And I don’t think I’ve ever read a character quite like Noah, the super smart groupie that is working on his PHD. His romance with Hutch was hard won. As I said, Hutch tried very hard to avoid the attraction. But Noah is an intelligent man who knows what he wants, he’s lusted Hutch on paper and in the media for years, he is not about to let the chance to make that a reality slip through his fingers. Psycho serial killer be damned!

If you love an intricate and imaginative with a macabre twist, and a veritable cast of gay characters, then this book must go on your must read list.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

BAMF by S.J.D. Peterson

Author: SJD Peterson
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novel (200 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (July 28th 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: With his fauxhawk, sleeve tattoos, and visible piercings, Ridley Corbin has the whole badass vibe going on in spades. The image serves him well as the self-proclaimed protector of the underdog, and he wants nothing more than to be Alex Firestone’s hero.

Alex, a mild-mannered library assistant, has moved to Slater, a quiet college town, hoping to hide from his past. He keeps to himself, but that doesn’t save him from catching the unwanted attention of the campus bully. But, not all is, as it seems. Alex’s past comes calling, and it’s time he becomes top dog.

Purchase Link:
Review: Ridley Corbin was bullied as a child, up until his brain figured out a way around it. Shorter and skinnier than most of his peers, he used his smarts to his advantage and turned his biggest bully into his best ally. He’d do the schoolwork, and butch would keep the other kids away. As he got older, he grew taller, filled out, and made it his mission to be sure no one was picked on when he was around. But there is something about Alex that makes Ridley completely submissive, putty in his hands. For the first time, Ridley is not the one in charge, and oddly, he welcomes it.

Alex Firestone can seriously work the cute factor with his skinny jeans, long curly blonde hair and bow ties. He’s standoffish at first, but when Ridley finally corners him for a date and gets a few beers in him, all bets are off. The sexual tension is through the roof and the resulting encounter is so electric, loud and intense that the neighbours call the cops. But then Ridley wakes up alone and Alex doesn’t return his calls. Ridley is nothing if not persistent, that persistence coupled with his need to be the hero land him in the hospital when he and Alex go toe to toe with a group of homophobic jocks.

Alex has tried hard to go unnoticed, keep his head down and not get attached to anyone or anything. He didn’t anticipate one Ridley Corbin swaying his way into his life though. Now he can’t get enough of him, he’s addicted to Ridley’s smile, that laugh that makes his heart melt and the man is absolutely, completely submissive to him in bed. Alex pushes every barrier, seemingly trying to push Ridley away, but he just keeps coming back for more. When Alex’s past shows up on his door step, locked, loaded and shooting holes in his door, Alex finds himself willing to do anything to protect the man he tried so hard not to get attached to.

This book was just so much fun I can’t even tell you. The way the characters play off each other is hysterical. Ridley is what you might call a power bottom, until he met Alex. The way Alex takes charge, tells him what to do, bends him, and throws him where he wants him. Ridley is completely out of his element the first time around, but the experience is so literally mind-blowing that he can’t not go back for more. And the sex is rough, off the charts white-hot and steamy. I mean, a term of endearment for Alex is “grab hold of the head-board, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!” or “I’m going to fuck you until you see stars!” but my personal favourite was when I was inside Ridley’s head while Alex is lining up, ready to drive it home and all Ridley was thinking was, “He’s not just going to fuck me through the mattress, he’s going to fuck me through the floorboard.”

But there is an underlying story here that goes way beyond the sexual aspect. Alex has a dangerous secret that Ridley becomes privy too in a deadly way. They wind in very close quarters, relying on only each other for their safety, and the bond between them only grows stronger. It truly was a wild ride watching them first fight it, then fall madly in love with each other. I think that the title, BAMF, stands for Bad Ass Mother Fucker… because that is exactly what Alex is. But don’t count Ridley out just yet. Alex wouldn’t be a badass captain without his first mate.

If you love stories that make you laugh out loud, my ribs hurt laugh out loud, with some fantastic chemistry between the two male leads, then this is a must read. Snarky, dry, witty, sexy and just a little bit dangerous. Well worth the read!

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Wrong by S.J.D. Peterson

20940721Title: WRONG


Author: S.J.D. Peterson


Genre: Contemporary, Dubious Consent


Length: Short (59 pages)




Publisher: SJD Peterson (March 1st 2014)


Heat Level: Explicit


Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts


Reviewer: Cat


Blurb: Lee thought he had a solid plan. His game stretched across an imaginary board, manipulating each object, location and person with no more thought than moving each piece into place to achieve his goal. He thought he was in control of his world…


He was wrong


Author’s Note

This story came about when a nasty internet troll made his presence known. That’s what you call inspiration. There is a saying, “Don’t piss off an author or you’ll end up in their next novel and they’ll kill you.” This is that type of story only death was too good for him. It’s dark, ugly, contains dubious-consent, a karmic bitch slap and in a word is just WRONG.


*This work was originally included in Crack the Darkest Sky Wide Open, which is no longer available in print.*


Purchase Link:


Review: Warning: contains dubious consent.  Wrong is about a man that thinks he has all the answers, very self-confident, cocky and a real ass. Lee is not a very likeable person, though he isn’t supposed to be, so the author did a great job making this man to be I guess I’ll say… Wrong.

). Both the main character and the I guessed would have been the antagonist or the bad guys were pretty much tough characters


I found this story very unusual in the fact I didn’t really see any good guys unless you count Lee’s brother, Kris (I would love to see his story).  The story is a real nail-biter and trust me you will wince a lot.  If you don’t like violence, this isn’t for you. 


If you like stories that are dark, dubious consent, violence, and karma bitch slaps this is for you!

Pony by S.J.D Peterson

18738795Title: Pony

Series: Guards of Folsom, #3

Author: SJD Peterson

Genre: BDSM/Kinks & Fetishes

ISBN: 978-1-62798-479-9

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 30th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Grant Maxwell, aka Max, wakes to find his coffeepot has died in the night. Not one who can start his day without his favorite brew, he heads to the local coffee shop. Max finds something even more appealing than caffeine in the form of twenty-six-year-old hottie Aiden James. For the first time in his life, well-established, confident, and respected Dom Max finds himself sputtering and unsure in the face of Aiden’s charms.

Aiden lives with three roommates, works a dead-end job, and isn’t sure where his life is heading. That is until he meets Max. Max introduces him to a foreign yet intriguing lifestyle, and they soon discover they have something more than mutual attraction in common.

A shared kink is one thing, but Aiden’s past vanilla sexual experiences as well as his fear of losing himself in Max may keep Aiden from experiencing his fantasy. Max has an obstacle of his own to overcome. He must somehow figure out how to help Aiden explore his submissive side when, for the first time in his life, he’s head over heels in love.

Product Link:

Review: Oh my, is it hot in here or was it the book…? Don’t answer that question, it’s quite rhetorical. This book was one hot ride and oh my God, finally a light one in the Guards of Folsom series. After all the grief and hardships of the previous two I’m so freaking glad to have a story that was not only highly erotic, sensual, and light, but fun as well. I enjoyed this installment immensely. The kink it involved was whew steaming hot, the couple it followed was just awesome, and the end was sweet with a touch of spicy.

So, a little meet the folks; Max, we’ve met him briefly and saw that there was someone in his life in Tag Team, when he showed up in Florida. And here we get to see exactly who that someone was. Remember Lorcan’s Desire? Yeah, Lorcan’s brother Aiden makes an appearance, or rather takes the spotlight as his the man who screws Max’ life and thoughts and turns everything upside down. I like this development, made me want to go back and re-read Lorcan and Quinn just for fun… again.

But, I digress. So, in this book we have Max, a bachelor until now, secretly envying his fellows for falling in love and having their D/s relationships. Until one day, his coffee-machine gives its last breath and he’s forced to run at the local coffee shop. One bad thing though turns into something he wouldn’t have expected in a million years. All his confidence, control, and grasp of reality, not to mention his goddamn psychiatrist diploma flew out of the window at the mere sight of Aiden.

Just a note here that I absolutely LOVED this little detail, for there is nothing more amusing for me than a Dom who loses his wits in the face of a young stud.

They finally start dating after Max finds his courage and initiates it only to discover that while Aiden has no idea about Max’s lifestyle, he harbors some kinky fantasies that drive Max insane with lust.

The story is simple, there are no big things happening here, only two people getting to know each other through a D/s relationship and exploration and slowly yet steadily falling in love. There are all kinds of emotions involved; there is fear and anticipation, there is intimacy and love blooming, and there are some spats of course that the men overcome in the end. What it is mostly is one hell of an enjoyable ride, sexy as it gets and erotic to the point that it takes your breath away and leaves you panting like crazy.

For me this was perhaps the best in the series. It had it all, the kinks, the awesome couple, the hot mind-blowing scenes, and joy. Yup, that’s mostly my favorite part, the fact that it made me have this stupid grin on my face during the entire read. Do I recommend it? What, are you blind or what? Of course, I do, go read it and you’ll nod your head at my words. This is one fun book definitely a must read if you like the genre. Enjoy!

Holiday Post's from Pixie's Author Pick

Hey guys, today you will see various posts from Authors that we hounded… er asked what they would be doing for Christmas and many of them have sent us wonderful posts with pictures so we can share their holiday’s with you.

My first author is Mary Calmes, I adore Mary’s stories like Where You Lead and with how she creates great stories I just had to find out how she celebrated Christmas.

Christmas TreeChristmas at the Calmes house begins with tree decorating and we watch the movie Elf while we’re doing it along Dewey Stockingwith eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate. Even in Hawaii we did the same thing. There are Treestore bought ornaments and handmade ones as well. We hang the kids’ stockings and two years ago, we got a cat, so Dewey’s goes up too. The last decoration we put up is the angel and she always goes in the kitchen. We open Angelgifts Christmas day, not Christmas Eve, and since we moved to Kentucky, we drive out to the country to spend the day on the family farm. The very best part of the holiday is being together.


My next author is Sjd Peterson, and after chasing her all over cyberspace I finally pinned her down to share her Christmas plans. Oh I nearly forgot that she once did a Christmas story, Leon it’s a cute read that’s all warm and snuggerly.

SJD Peterson Christmas3Well, I’m not big on decorating. I used to be but I’ve gotten lazy so the tree is all you get.  But hey, it’s a perty… “Oh shiny”  tree.   (It’s so totally me)SJD Peterson Christmas1

I’ll be spending time with friends and family on Christmas and taking all the positive vibes and SJD Peterson Christmas4magic of the holiday season and sending them to Tj, Eric and their families. If anyone deserves a Christmas miracle it’s them.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.SJD Peterson Christmas2

Merry Christmas Hugs



And now we have R.J. Scott, who within minutes of being asked had everything back to me with a picture collage, but then she always seems prepared with her excellent Christmas stories like Texas Christmas.

When Pixie asked me to write and tell you about the Scott family Christmas I immediately went to my stock of family photos. I love Christmas, I love the friends, the food, I love writing about Christmas, watching Christmas films, giving presents… you name it and I sign up to it!

This Christmas day is at mum’s house where wine will be consumed and presents opened alongside a huge Christmas dinner. We’ll play games, Matt’s favourite is Sorry, followed closely by Uno and Sevens. We’ll build lego, and probably Mr RJ and my sister’s hubby will have a sleep – that is if Mum’s dog will let them! We always have big plans for what we call *tea* which is at around 7pm… but end up being way to full to manage even a small slice of cucumber.

We don’t really have snow at Christmas (despite what the films tell you!) but every so often we do get the white stuff. Apparently this year it will be overcast and raining… 🙁

All my presents are wrapped and ready, I just need to get Jesse’s Christmas out and available then I can relax!

Happy Christmas to everyone!


R.J. Scott Christmas1Picture 1 – Baby’s first Christmas… and yes that is me… bald as a coot and three months old, with my first two teddy bears. I think those bears are the only things holding me up, bit like after I have had a few too many wines.

Picture 2 – Baby’s first Christmas, take 2 – this time I am the one in the rather fetching blue dress, with my mum and dad, circa 1972, holding my little sister (and yes she WAS born with that much hair, unlike me). This was a very special Christmas as we were a family of four.

Picture 3 – An old Christmas Decoration – This is a decoration that we have just put on my Mum’s tree. So many memories of putting this same decoration up every year.

Picture 4 – The Scott Christmas Tree with added arty effects. We put this up at the weekend and I love turning the lights out and sitting watching TV with just the Christmas lights on. Beautiful.

Picture 5 – Don’t ask. When I was 12 I was in the wonderful Panto Cinderella at my school. Yes I played the ugly sister and it was a big (and funny) part, and yes I absolutely needed padding and so much makeup on to make me look hideous…

Picture 6 – Cinderella again. This is a set of Christmas lights that hang in my mum’s house and have done every Christmas since I was little. The set is Cinderella’s carriage interspersed with tiny lanterns. Very pretty and so old now.

Stephani Hecht, sent along her little post about her family Christmas and only technical difficulties have postponed their Christmas snapshots. I suppose to make myself feel better I should read Wayne County Holiday’s and Hot Cocoa and Candy Canes!

Family Traditions-Stephani Hecht

a christmas storyOur family traditions are pretty simple. We like to decorate our tree as soon as possible, usually on Thanksgiving Day. Yeah, we love the Holidays that much. The thing we look forward to the most is the day where they have the Christmas Story marathon. We usually watch it all day long. Sigh We never get tired of that movie. Even though Cody is twenty and Joie is twelve, we all still get stockings. We even make up little ones for the birds and our lizard, so nobody gets left out.

We don’t leave cookies and milk out for Santa anymore, which is kind of a bummer. I miss doing that. The one silver lining in that, is that we passed down our nice plate and glass down to Jackie’s kids. So, it almost feels like the tradition has carried on.

As usual this year, I went overboard on presents. But, to me, the fun part is giving, rather than receiving. I love to see people’s faces when they open a gift that I got for them. To me that’s what the Holidays are all about—bringing joy to others.

Amber Kell, Well if I had RJ then I had to have Amber Kell as well, well they did come up with the wonderful The Case of the Sinful Santa and Amber went even further with her free Christmas short stories Christmas Tree Magic & Santa Wishes! So I had no choice to invite the Queen of Novella’s to tell us her Christmas plans.

When MM good book reviews asked me to write a post I had to take a moment and ponder if I truly wanted everyone to know how strange I truly am. Then I realized most of my fans probably already do so they probably won’t be the least bit surprised at my revelations.

I was asked what sort of Christmas traditions my family follows. Growing up we didn’t really have any. My family isn’t religious and most of the time was spent putting up the fake tree and juggling time between my mom or dad’s house. As an adult I decided to start my own traditions.

AK - photo-51) We always have a real tree. We go to a tree farm and find the perfect tree. Then my husband tells me it won’t fit in our house. Next, we scale down expectations and find a tree that will at least scrape the ceiling. Once tree is home we drown it in lights and ornaments until it can barely stand beneath the weight.

2) We go to Archee McPhee’s and purchase a mystery bag. This will be opened on Christmas Eve to keep the AK - photo-2children’s little heads from exploding from Christmas expectations. It contains the normal stuff: poseable Einstein dolls, zombies and the occasional bacon flavored candy…you know the usual holiday cheer.



AK - photo-43) We get a Lego advent calendar so my eight-year-old Lego fanatic can put them together every day. Older son had one last year but he didn’t want one this time because they didn’t have a Santa Darth Maul. He has a chocolate one instead.

4) Hubby and I send the kids to bed early, drink eggnog and put presents under the tree while we watch ourAK - photo-3 holiday movie The Ref. I always wrap and assemble everything as soon as it is purchased and stash it away. I hate wrapping anything on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is the time for coffee and movies with hubby with a side of Santa.

AK - zombieFingersAlong the way we do have things like the usual sugar cookie making. One year I couldn’t find my Christmas cookie cutters so I made Christmas octopuses, once baked they looked like Cthulhu. Maybe it was wrong to take them to my husband’s highly religious family but we had fun.

This year my son’s teacher sent a bag of crayons, a star mold and instructions on making custom crayons. End result. Hubby used them to make crayon zombie fingers. Just another holiday tradition at the Kell house. I hope everyone has fun this holiday season following your own traditions. Merry Christmas.



T.M. Smith, was an obvious author to invite, after all she does fulfill my pervie needs 😉 She has no Christmas stories as yet but she rocks with The Library!

T.M. Smith - Xmas treeChristmas in our house means a time of gathering and recognizing the traditions. There is a long list of things we do every year, and the family have come to expect it. First, we always decorate our tree on Thanksgiving day while listening to Christmas Carols. We have such an eclectic array of ornaments and each and every one holds special meaning as well. Every year each member of the family gets a new ornament and this ornament always reflects that person. Trust me, if you know us you could walk over to this tree and know who each ornament is for! For each of the kiddo’s in the family, including myself, we have a baby’s first Christmas ornament. So there are precious bobbles on this tree that are 42 years young!

Friends and family gather every year the weekend before Xmas for a party and gift exchange. And every year it seems, the group grows by one or two. Some of these people we only see this one day a year, so it is all that much more cherished. The conversations, T.M. Smith - Merry Xmasthe visiting, sharing events from the past year, eating lots of good food and drinking LOTS of good wine!

These are all things that my grown children look forward to every year. And my hope is that as they grow older and wiser, that they will continue these traditions in their own homes. Thanks for stopping by today and sharing my Christmas traditions with me! I’d love for you to leave a comment and tell me what Christmas means to you, or one of your families Holiday traditions.


Cardeno C. Was cautious to join us, but as I said it’s a holiday so send what you can, so C.C. had celebrated Hanukkah and shared with us their holiday celebration, and I am going to tell you to have a look at In Another Life because it’s a wonderful Hanukkah story.

Cardeno C. 1Hanukkah came at a fun time this year because the 2nd night was on Thanksgiving. That made for some creative Thanksgivukkah celebrations, like a pumpkin turned into a menorah.

Like with any holiday, there’s food, of course. Potato latkes are traditional this time of year and I tried to get creative with mine. Instead of the usual grated potatoes and onions fried into patties, I used roasted potatoes and all sorts of veggies. It was pretty good, I think, though nothing beats the original. Cardeno C. 2What I’m more proud of were my matzah balls. My father has always made wonderful matzah balls but he was out of town for the holiday this year so I gave it a go. I think they turned out pretty well.

But food and candles aside, Hanukkah is about spending time with family and friends. I Cardeno C. 3was lucky to share candles and dinner and dreidel on the eight night with people I hold near and dear. What is dreidel? Well, it’s a fun game where you spin a top and gamble chocolate coins.

Food, games, and candles with friends and family. That was my holiday this year and it was wonderful.

And now we come to Beau SchemeryAugusta Li, I invited these authors separately but am posting them together because they are such an awesome pair, I adore both these authors books and nearly *squeed* in joy when they said yes!

xmas_beau3My name is Beau Schemery and I’ve written the YA novel, The Seventh of London and the Verses of Vrelenden series. Xmas isn’t a real big day in our household which is to say Gus (That’s Augusta Li, fantastic and infamous M/M writer; yep, we’re roommates) and I are normally too busy to go in for all the pomp and circumstance. Our kids are older so they’re not really into the craziness anymore either. We both still work day jobs to supplement our writing so we don’t really get a Christmas break. We really just get a day off. xmas_beau1

xmas_beau4xmas_beau2That said we really use the day to relax and play Xbox games that we will probably buy for each other. We do presents but nothing super elaborate (Note the extra fancy wrapping bags nicked from our place of day jobbery). We also still put up stockings for the kids with mostly Japanese candy inside. My stocking is one of my boots with my Slytherin scarf thrown over it.

Our goal this year was to not leave the house but since we don’t have cable, we’ll be seeking out a relative’s home to watch The Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor. And we’ll probably sit around weeping like little kids when Matt Smith regenerates.

Oh and wine. Lots of wine. Hope your day off is as relaxing and filled with weird, authory awesomeness as ours will be!

Augusta Li was ever so kind as to create a picture of the stars of the Blessed Epoch series, Yarrow, Duncan and Sasha…. I have died and gone to heaven, aren’t the guys just so sweet! ~Pixie~Sasha, Duncan & Yarrow Christmas

Tag Team by S.J.D. Peterson

TagTeamLGTitle: Tag Team

Series: Guards of Folsom: Book Two

Author: SJD Peterson

Genre: MMM / BDSM-Kink

Length: Novel (220 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 4th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5~4 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Following the death of their sub, the former owners of the Guards of Folsom, Robert “Bobby” Alcott and Rig Beckworth, were left to pick up the pieces as best they could. After seven years, these two Doms are ready to move on and find the boy who will complete them. Their painful past comes crashing back when they meet Mason Howard, a submissive who just weeks ago lost his Doms in a car accident. 

Reeling from overwhelming grief that’s complicated by a severe social anxiety disorder, Mason can barely leave his home. When Rig and Bobby find him, he’s hit rock bottom, believing life is no longer worth living. Bobby and Rig set out to prove the younger man wrong. Fate has brought the three men together, but they’ll have to face the pain of fear and loss head-on before they can all truly live again.

Product Link:

Review: This is quite an interesting read from many perspectives. It deals with loss and the effort it takes to move on after it. Bobby and Rig have already deal with the loss of their sub seven years ago and now they find themselves ready to try to have that relationship again. They find they need to have a sub not only for play, but also to love and care for. In their vacation in Florida, they stumble upon Mason. Mason is a very peculiar character as he suffers from social anxiety disorder. His former Doms held him quite secluded and after their death, Mason is slowly sagging deeper into darkness. He reaches the lowest point of his life, believing all would be over soon, not counting on Fate throwing Bobby and Rig on his path.

So right, here you might think it’s a bit of a big enough coincidence that a sub who has lost two Doms finds two new ones. Truth be told, I was wary of this fact, too. But, it worked fine for me the entire read. What made an impression though and made me quite love this book was the way the author dealt with this idea. So, if you expect the “magic” to suddenly make Mason’s entire life change, magically fall in love again and be perfectly happy ever after with his two shinning knights, then I suggest you leave this book well alone. Because, what you’ll find here is a mostly realistic approach in the way people deal with loss and pain and overwhelming emotions.

I loved how this book starts with a serious blow to your emotions the opening scene being a funeral, and after it has made it a point to shred you to pieces it transport you onto South Florida heaven. What a marvelous contrast of setting and emotions this one was. It manages to swipe you off your feet in a matter of minutes and in only a few pages. Afterward it’s a slow build as the two Doms try to help Mason stand on his feet. The journey is a big one, the understanding and silent support the Doms give Mason, taking care of him without any expectations from him comes a great deal into building a confidence inside the sub he had lost. The guilt that came when Mason finally saw that he could go on living without his former Doms, and that he can feel new emotions for new people was absolutely stunning. Everything in this story, the plot, the pace, the approach on human emotions was wonderfully executed. The erotic scenes between the three of them were more than satisfying, the eroticism, and sensuality ricocheting high.

However, I did expect a bit more when it came to the kink part and I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t get that. While the “air” might have been D/s and all, I would’ve preferred some deeper scenes that I had been fantasizing Rig would dish out, what with him being all Alpha Dom and all. Furthermore, while the end of this novel lacks nothing, and was quite hand in hand with the entire theme of the book, I suddenly felt empty when it ended, as if waiting for something to happen which didn’t.

All in all, though I liked the book a lot. If romance between three people exists then this book gives you a great deal of it, along with a good journey of fighting ones way to live. Strongly recommended.


Coming This Week from Dreamspinner Press ~ 09/30/2013

Between Two Loves by Shelter Somerset


BetweenTwoLovesLGSequel to Between Two Promises; Between Two Worlds: Book Three


Spring struggles against winter in the mountains of Montana as Aiden Cermak and Daniel Schrock settle into their new life together. Aiden, a journalist from the East Coast, wants to make a rustic home for them and their adopted dog, though he continues his reporter’s quest for the truth. Daniel’s roots are traditional Amish, and though he’s become a successful carpenter with his own shop, the modern world still baffles him.


When Aiden’s former boyfriend, Conrad Barringer, ill and alone, asks Aiden and Daniel for help, they agree and welcome him, but with misgivings that persist and grow. Aiden finds fulfillment in nursing Conrad, yet worries that the closeness he shares with Daniel will be lost, as Daniel isolates more and more. Then Daniel learns of an ugly revelation that could change everything, and he grapples with whether to tell Aiden the truth, or carry it with him to his grave.


Length: Novel (214p.) | Genre: Contemporary | Release Date: September 30, 2013

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The Stars that Tremble by Kate McMurray


StarsThatTremble[The]LGGiovanni Boca was destined to go down in history as an opera legend until a vocal chord injury abruptly ended his career. Now he teaches voice lessons at a prestigious New York City music school. During auditions for his summer opera workshop, he finds his protégé in fourteen-year-old Emma McPhee. Just as intriguing to Gio is Emma’s father Mike, a blue-collar guy who runs a business renovating the kitchens and bathrooms of New York’s elite to finance his daughter’s dream.


Mike’s partner was killed when Emma was a toddler, and Gio mourns the beautiful voice he will never have again, so coping with loss is something they have in common. Their initial physical attraction quickly grows to something more as each hopes to fill the gap that loss and grief has left in his life. Although Mike wonders if he can truly fit into Gio’s upperclass world, their bond grows stronger. Then, trouble strikes from outside when the machinations of an unscrupulous stage mother threaten to tear Gio and Mike apart—and ruin Emma’s bright future.


Length: Novel (200p.) | Genre: Contemporary | Release Date: September 30, 2013

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OneNightEverAfterLGOne Night Ever After by Elizah J. Davis, Elle Brownlee, Tere Michaels


Just a Drive by Tere Michaels


After weeks of flirting, “One Night” Wyatt Walsh spends a fabulous night with his shy coworker, Benji Trammell. As Wyatt tries to sneak out the next morning, he receives a call from his frantic, very pregnant best friend Raven—she needs him immediately. With no other way to get from New York City to the Pennsylvania town where Raven and her husband live, Wyatt accepts Benji’s offer to drive him there. Wary and unsure of each other, they start the trip at odds, but as time goes on, the barriers that usually keep people at a distance fail. And what started out as “just a drive” becomes a step toward romance.


Just a Stranger by Elle Brownlee


The excitement of meeting a stranger in a club can’t be beat. Loud bass sets the rhythm to Michael Wiercinski’s primal urges as he flirts with Andrew, a cute guy offering the promise of a hot night with no strings, no complications. Still, when their night is done, Michael admits there was something about Andrew that left him wanting more. Months go by with no sign of Andrew until Michael moves back home to help after his father’s heart attack. Once there, Michael is completely amazed to find Andrew Lucas living in his hometown. Despite surprising “complications” in Andrew’s life, Michael vows to take advantage of this second chance to make Andrew more than just a stranger.


Just a Weekend by Elizah J. Davis


James is a homebody in a predictable, if not altogether comfortable, rut. He’d rather stay in with a book than brave the Seattle bar scene. One night, after allowing his friend Kara to coax him out for drinks, he meets Devin—charming, gorgeous, and way out of his league.


With a little bit of help from Kara, James leaves with Devin to indulge in a night together, which is as much time as he’s bound to get with a guy as hot as Devin. He doesn’t expect the easy rapport that quickly develops between them, and when the weather conspires to keep them together, James wonders if this could be more than just a weekend fling.


Length: Novel (254p.) | Genre: Contemporary | Release Date: October 2, 2013

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Arriba Aruba! by Jonathan Treadway

ArribaArubaLGJilted at the altar when his best man ran off with his fiancée, Craydon “Cray” Wright trades in his Mexico honeymoon for a vacation in Aruba. When godlike Stone Ferris walks onto the plane, sits next to Cray, and makes his interest known, Cray decides to act on desires he’s felt since high school but ignored.


He agrees to let Stone show him the island, but what starts as fun-filled and casual turns earth-shattering for Cray. When his time in Aruba ends, Cray realizes his feelings for Stone have grown beyond fun, but he worries that it might not translate to real life in LA. Can he convince himself and Stone their love can be paradise at home?


Length: Novella (128p.) | Genre: Contemporary | Release Date: October 2, 2013 |Buy as eBook ($4.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-163-7)


Puzzle Me This by Eli Easton


PuzzleMeThisLGLuke Schumaker designs computer games, working from his home. Every day he walks his dog in the woods nearby, never suspecting that someone who is completely smitten is watching. The watcher is Alex Shaw, and he too works from home, designing logic and crossword puzzles. Alex’s options are limited: he’s too shy to approach Luke and his wheelchair won’t let him follow into the woods. His solution? Secret messages for Luke in the crosswords he writes for the local paper. When Luke decodes them, romance begins, but then they face greater puzzles, like Alex’s interfering sister and what commitment to a man in a wheelchair really takes. And, most puzzling of all, how do you know if love is real?


Length: Novella (88p.) | Genre: Mystery/Suspense, Humor | Release Date: October 2, 2013 |Buy as eBook ($3.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-162-0)


My Only Sunshine by Rowan McAllister


MyOnlySunshineLGTanner Wallis is nearly at the end of his rope the night Mason Seidel finds him lying next to the mangled body of a cow on the back pastures of the Seidel family’s Wyoming ranch. Recently out of the hospital after he and his boyfriend were brutally beaten, Tanner is jobless, homeless, and almost penniless. His desperate hope is that Mason will believe he’s innocent of the senseless crime and give him a place to heal, both physically and emotionally, until he can get on his feet again.


But Mason already has enough on his plate. He’s only been back on the ranch a few months, ten years after his father kicked him out for being gay, and only because his sister begged him to come help after the man’s disabling stroke. With all his responsibilities—running the struggling ranch and keeping his sister and father off his back—Mason can’t really afford the distraction Tanner represents. But he can’t just abandon the attractive young man either. There’s trouble in spades on the ranch, but if they face it together, Mason and Tanner might find a future with a little sunshine.


Length: Novel (226p.) | Genre: Western | Release Date: October 4, 2013

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Ethan in Gold by Amy Lane


EthaninGoldLGJohnnies: Book Three


Evan Costa learned from a very early age that there was no such thing as unconditional love and that it was better to settle for what you could get instead of expecting the world to give you what you need. As Ethan, porn model for Johnnies, he gets exactly what he wants—comradeship and physical contact on trade—and he is perfectly satisfied with that. He’s sure of it.


Jonah Stevens has spent most of his adult life helping to care for his sister and trying to keep his beleaguered family from fraying at the edges. He’s had very little time to work on his confidence or his body for that matter. When Jonah meets Ethan, he doesn’t see the hurt child or the shamelessly slutty porn star. He sees a funny, sexy, confident man who—against the odds—seems to like Jonah in spite of his very ordinary, but difficult, life.


Sensing a kindred spirit and a common interest, Ethan thinks a platonic friendship with Jonah won’t violate his fair trade rules of sex and touch, but Jonah has different ideas. Ethan’s pretty sure his choice of jobs has stripped away all hope of a real relationship, but Jonah wants the whole package—the sexy man, the vulnerable boy, the charming companion who works so hard to make other people happy. Jonah wants to prove that underneath the damage Ethan has lived with all his life, he’s still gold with promise and the ability to love.


Length: Novel (350p.) | Genre: Contemporary| Release Date: October 4, 2013

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Tag Team by SJD Peterson


TagTeamLGGuards of Folsom: Book Two


Following the death of their sub, the former owners of the Guards of Folsom, Robert “Bobby” Alcott and Rig Beckworth, were left to pick up the pieces as best they could. After seven years, these two Doms are ready to move on and find the boy who will complete them. Their painful past comes crashing back when they meet Mason Howard, a submissive who just weeks ago lost his Doms in a car accident.


Reeling from overwhelming grief that’s complicated by a severe social anxiety disorder, Mason can barely leave his home. When Rig and Bobby find him, he’s hit rock bottom, believing life is no longer worth living. Bobby and Rig set out to prove the younger man wrong. Fate has brought the three men together, but they’ll have to face the pain of fear and loss head-on before they can all truly live again.


Length: Novel (220p.) | Genre: BDSM/Kink, M/M/M or More | Release Date: October 4, 2013

Buy as eBook ($6.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-189-7) | Buy as Paperback ($14.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-188-0)


Harmony Ink Press’ releases for the week of September 30, 2013


The Sacrifices We Make by Sophie Bonaste

SacrificesWeMake[The]LGAdam Jameson has always felt like an outsider in his own home, where his parents’ constant efforts to instill religious fervor have instead filled him with fear. Most of the time, he just wants to stay out of everybody’s way. But when Adam is forced to volunteer at a homeless shelter his senior year in high school, everything changes. He’s introduced to people who care about more than religion and, as a result, he starts to come out of his shell. For the first time in his life, Adam finds people who he wants to be around.


Mickey Stafford lives on the streets, a teen kicked out by his parents for being gay. He comes to the shelter for food and medical care, and after they literally run into each other, the two boys strike up a friendship. As Mickey introduces his new friend to the world he lives in, Adam starts to question everything: his parents, their religion, even his own beliefs. Once Mickey kisses him, Adam starts soul-searching and finds his heart, which is full of love for Mickey. But these two young men will have their love put to the test as they face a future of uncertainty and fear.


Length: Novel (190p.) | Genre: Contemporary, Gay, YA | Release Date: October 3, 2013

Buy as eBook ($6.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-186-6) | Buy as Paperback ($14.99 ISBN: 978-1-62798-185-9)

Beyond Duty by S.J.D. Peterson

18274894Title: Beyond Duty (2nd Edition)

Author: S.J.D. Peterson

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (214pgs) 

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (August 2nd, 2013) First published June 4th, 2012

Heat Level: Explicit 

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥4½ Hearts 

Reviewer: Pixie 

Blurb: The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell didn’t come soon enough for Gunther “Gunny” Duchene and Macalister “Mac” Jones, career US Marines who met at boot camp in the 1990s. They’ve been somewhere between best friends and lovers in peacetime and wartime both, but as the clock ticks toward Mac’s and Gunny’s retirements, the guys have much more to worry about than coming out. 

Whether their relationship will survive outside of the closet they’ve had to shove, it into for over two decades is a big question mark. Gunny questions why a hot military man like Mac—who could get any guy he wanted, including a younger, sexier one—would want him. But as Gunny and Mac navigate emotional waters as choppy as any they saw on duty, they just might learn Semper Fi applies to more than their careers.14927724

This story was previously a short story for Goodreads ‘Love Is Always Write’, this version is the extended Novel Edition.

Purchase Link: 

Review: Gunny and Mac have been best friends for over twenty years; they have been exclusive lovers for the last ten but always having to hide because of their careers in the military. Now as they both approach retirement and with the Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Gunny is worried that Mac will no longer want him when he no longer has to hide. Mac knows what he wants after retirement and he plans on having it but first they both have to face their families and navigate the emotional rollercoaster they both face.

Ah hell, I absolutely adored the first free short of Beyond Duty and I really didn’t think that S.J.D. Peterson could improve on it, but seriously she has, and she has given us a beautiful story with a touch of angst and family unrest, while giving us a love story that has extended for decades. Gunny is quickly reassured by Mac about what Mac wants after retirement, but his worry begins anew when Mac confides he wants to come out to his parents. Mac knows what he wants and it is Gunny. With retirement and the repeal of DADT he wants to go out in style, but coming out to his parents doesn’t go as planned and he is left reeling with Gunny being his rock. Gunny has his own family problems as he tries to reconnect with his mother and father, but some wounds are still raw and Gunny is left adrift unsure if his parents will ever come around. 

I loved this story, after Gunny and Mac settle their relationship and where they are going with it, we then see the full story of what is happening with their families and how Gunny and Mac react to the truth of being treated as gay men. Mac does have his head in the clouds a little thinking nothing would change but both he and Gunny realize the truth when they become the ones the slurs and insults are being thrown at. The background we get of both Gunny and Mac is interesting and we see how strained Gunny’s relationship is with his parents but Mac’s parents more than make up for it. 

This is a great story of that there is no doubt, we have fantastic hot military men, hot sex, some slight BDSM that is really hot, we find that Mac can act like a ten-year old, we have both Mac and Gunny being supportive and sexy. There really isn’t that much missing from this story, angst, worry, reality, love, and support, it has it all.

I recommend this wonderful story to those who love military men coming out in style, enduring love, some angst and family drama, great characters and a brilliant ending.

Pup by S.J.D. Peterson

PupLGTitle: Pup

Series: Guards of Folsom 01

Author: S.J.D. Peterson

Genre: BDSM/Kink, Contemporary

Length: Novel (214pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (19th April 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Micah “Pup” Slayde knows he wants Tackett Austin the moment he lays eyes on him in the Guards of Folsom. Micah wants to have purpose, to be taken care of, and to take care of his Dom—wants to trust him completely, live for him, and belong to him. To become his everything. Micah is sure Tackett is the one. The problem is, in order to be the perfect sub, he needs to stay focused, and that’s not easy for Micah, who suffers from what he refers to as a “broken brain.” Focus and adult attention deficit disorder rarely coexist.

Ever since Ty Callahan and Blake Henderson’s collaring ceremony, Tackett’s been thinking too much about his own loneliness. Even though Ty introduces Micah and urges Tackett to give him a try, Tackett isn’t so easily convinced. He’s spent his life pursuing a successful business career, and the subs he dominates almost never enjoy the kiss of his leather twice. Twenty years Micah’s senior, Tackett has no interest in taking on and taming such a young and naughty sub—but it’s difficult to resist such an adorable pup when he begs.

Warning: Some readers with experience of Mental Health Issues may find some scenes offensive and distressing.

Purchase Link:

Review: Micah has wanted Tackett from the first second that he set eyes on him. There’s something about the sexy older man who has Micah thinking that Tackett is the man to give him just what he needs. Tackett has been in a funk since his birthday. He isn’t sure what he wants anymore and even though he is tempted by sexy sub Micah, he really doesn’t think that they will be a good match. Being thrown together during a party leads Tackett to accept Micah’s offer and after a night of passion they agree to spend two weeks together to see if they are what the other needs; a disruptive pup and a strict Dom just watch the sparks fly.

S.J.D. Peterson has produced another punch packing, emotional wreaking book. Micah is an incredible character who needs help focusing to become the sub he wants to be. Tackett is a controlling Dom that Micah has chosen to master him. Both man need to find the perfect balance between them to make it work, but with only two weeks to find it and with Micah’s ADD it is a challenge for both men. will Micah be able to find his focus? And will Tackett be able to take on a demanding full-time sub?

This is a brilliantly written book and the sex is hot. The characters are wonderful and make a great couple. The relationship progresses well with some tender moments. Tackett really does try to be the Dom that Micah needs and Micah really does try to focus all his attention on Tackett and tries to become the sub that Tackett needs. The power exchange between them is wonderful, with Tackett turning to Micah when he has a need that he wants met. The sex between them is passionate and will make you burn. There is little angst and that is only when Micah has felt he has failed. There is no real conflict except conflicting feelings, but S.J.D. has still produced a story that many will love and adore.   

I had some niggles that disturbed me though. Tackett tries his best to discover just what Micah needs from him and he turns to his friends for advice and while I find that admirable, what disturbed me was, he never asked Micah if he was currently on medication or if he had received any therapy in adulthood. He never guided Micah to talk to a professional or even talked to one himself before diving into using his control and BDSM as a way to get Micah to focus.           

I have struggled at great length to keep my personal feelings aside, unfortunately I have failed. This book has received three stars for the characters and the strong feelings that this book invoked, for the attempt at bringing two people together for a loving power exchange and for the passionate sex. If this story hadn’t have touched such a tender subject that was close to my heart, then it would have been a much higher rating and I know that many people will disagree with my rating.   

In my eyes this book has failed miserably since the second ADD/ADHD was mentioned, having years of experience with this MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE, reading this book was painful. I could see years of progress being shoved forcefully back into the middle ages. I was proud of myself for getting through this book, but my breaking point was page 171 and I threw up. Being punished for something that can’t be controlled without extensive help from a qualified medical professional was just too much for me to bear. I wanted to stop reading but I couldn’t. I needed to finish this book so I could write this review. While some people with ADD/ADHD do enjoy the lifestyle of BDSM and the structure and peace it can give them, they also, usually, have received medical help with medication and/or Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); they do not use BDSM as Cognitive behavioral therapy.

Plan B by SJD Peterson

PlanBLGTitle: Plan B

Author: S.J.D. Peterson

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (200pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (6th February 2013)

Heat: Low – Moderate

Heart: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Danny Marshal has always lived his life out loud, but his androgynous appearance is only a small part of who he is. One night at a frat party, Danny meets Lance Lenard, football jock and apparent straight guy. Lance is shocked when he’s immediately attracted to Danny’s feminine side. Danny is happy to be the subject of Lance’s first man-on-man experiment—until Lance begins to struggle with the fact that despite his appearance, Danny is indeed a man.

Lance’s whole life has been focused on his goal of playing in the NFL, and he knows those dreams will be smashed if anyone finds out about his little secret. Although Lance has grown to crave Danny’s touch, he’s not willing to give Danny what he’s grown to crave: a boyfriend who’s proud to love him for every flamboyant and snarky cell in his body.

Life sends Danny and Lance in different directions, each of them focused on his respective Plan A. But the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

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Review: Danny doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks of him. If he wants to wear makeup, high-heeled boots and dress flamboyantly, then he will; he has firm plans for what he wants from life, and that life involves the theatre and NOT a jock who seems to have a kink for feminine men. Lance has his own life plans, the NFL, but his attraction to Danny is confusing him, being gay would ruin all his hopes. Their plans and needs rip them apart… but what happens when Plan A doesn’t go according to plan?

This is quite a good story of a straight jock and a gay theatre student becoming involved, but their plans and dreams stopping them from taking it further. Danny is a great character who lives life to the full.  Meeting Lance throws him though, because there is just something about the man who has snagged Danny’s attention. Lance is a character that we don’t get to know quite as well because everything we learn about him is from Danny’s POV, and that view is slightly tainted by Danny’s feelings. The storyline is great and plays out nicely, while the writing is smooth and well-paced, and there’s some great emotional tugging of confused feelings, angst and love.

I really did enjoy this story and watching as Danny and Lance danced around the truth between them. Both of them knew, from the beginning, that with each of their plans, there would never be a future for them. But, knowing and being able to protect their hearts are two different things, and there is only one thing that can be done. The conflict that Danny goes through will touch your heart, falling for the jock that may never be able to admit he’s gay is something he never wanted, but he won’t live in the closet or deny who he is. Their years apart haven’t changed the feelings for either of them, and after an explosive confrontation, they just might have the timing right where Plan A can turn into Plan B.

Okay, for some of you this story will be perfect just the way it is, but, and I hate to say this, I wanted Lance’s story as well, his turmoil, his confusion and his heartbreak because although it was great from Danny’s perspective, it would have been brilliant to have had Lance’s as well. This story is about two young men finding a love that interferes with their life plans, but we only get one side of that story, we see it all from only one POV and although I thought Danny was great, he wanted it all and on his terms, there was no compromise.

I will recommend this to those who love straight jocks going gay, a gay guy wanting more, conflicting plans, some angst, some hot sex and eventually a very happy ending.



Tuck and Cover by SJD Peterson

tuckcoverTitle: Tuck and Cover

Series: Rough Rangers 02

Author: S.J.D. Peterson

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (121pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (24th November 2012)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: You may have heard the story of my time in boot camp and Ranger School in Shane Tucker’s published diary entitled Battle Buddy. Some of the events he didn’t get exactly right. Here’s the way I remember it going down.

You may have heard the story of my time in boot camp and Ranger School in Shane Tucker’s published diary entitled Battle Buddy, but he didn’t get all the details exactly right. Tuck will argue the point; but I assure you, a few facts he definitely got wrong. I don’t blame him or claim that he lied intentionally. At the time he was, if you remember, a little sexually frustrated; and it may have skewed his thinking just a wee bit. To this day, I still tease him about it. This is my take on our wild and crazy ride.

“Rangers Lead The Way!”


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Review: This story is part of a series and must be read in order. Owen Bradford is now giving us his side of what happened when he first met Shane Tucker. From the first second that he laid eyes on Shane all the way to a blissful Christmas holiday, explaining everything from his point of view.

Woo-wee, get ready to fan yourself down as we join this very horny young man, Owen Bradford, as he takes us back to his first meeting with Shane Tucker and his steady pursuit whenever he laid eyes on the sexy man. Owen wants to set the record straight, while Shane’s diary is pretty accurate there are one or two things that Owen wants cleared up… just so we all know the truth. As we journey back to the first time Owen saw Shane, we see a brash, cocky young man who set his sights on a man he lusts after and we see how his feelings change over time.

Well, what can I say, but hot damn? Owen, you are one cock sure honey, who completely gets what he wants. This time around it is Owen’s turn to tell us how his relationship with Shane started and how it all really was in his eyes. from the first flush of lust that nearly knocks him on his arse, to the harsh realizations of enduring a forbidden longing, all the way to finally getting his man. Owen has always worked hard for what he wants, he might be brash and cocky, but he is good at what he does, and after catching sight of Shane for the first time, he decides he wants that man and goes about getting him.

Owen is completely full on in this story and you swagger through every page with him. Owen and Shane are two men that together could overpower you with their testosterone. They are both macho men, who love what they do, but they also love men and putting them together is asking for passionate, primal sex, as both clash as their lust gets the better of them. Seeing things from Owen’s point of view is great, as we get to see inside his head as he himself struggle with the feelings that Shane evoked, the background that has led him into the Rangers and the determination to be the best of the best. All the while knowing that to be gay was still taboo in the army. Oh and when they exchange gifts *squee* so cute and sweet, it melted my heart.

I have to recommend this to those who love army men who get hot and sweaty, primal hot sweaty sex, passionate sex, getting to know Owen better and the faint stirrings of hope for our horny young Rangers.


Jess's Journey by S. J. D. Peterson

Title: Jess’s Journey

Series: Whispering Pines Ranch 05

Author: S.J.D. Peterson

Genre: Contemporary, Western

Length: Novel (201pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (8th October 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate – High

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: At an early age, Jess Jenkins learned to take care of his family and friends and put their needs before his own. He dreamed of finding the same simple happiness his parents had and followed their example. Then Lorcan James broke his heart and an automobile accident broke his independent spirit. Now that’s all Jess is: a broken shadow of the man he used to be, still confined to a wheelchair after six months.

Jess is finally forced to put himself first and accept the help he needs on his journey toward recovery. Though pain, frustration, and depression leave him bitter and eager to push people away, his friends refuse to allow him to wallow in self-pity. Jack has only glimpsed the man beneath Jess’s angry shell, but he takes it upon himself to prove Jess isn’t broken. And Collin is determined to bring back the sweet man he once knew. The simple, happy life Jess has always wanted is there for the taking—all he has to do is open his eyes and see it.

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Review: This story is part of a series and best read in order. Jess is recovering from crashing his truck six months earlier; he is still in a wheelchair and just being released from the rehab clinic.  If he wants to walk again, he has a long painful time ahead of him. Luckily, he has the support of two men Jack, his physical therapist and Collin, his childhood best friend’s younger brother. Jack has caught glimpses of the sweet big-hearted man Jess was before his accident and he wants to know him better. It isn’t long before he wants Jess all to himself, but Collin has a huge crush on Jess and Jess finally begins to see a future for himself, if he can just let go of the pain and anger.

Well, S.J.D. has given us a story that is tinged with pain and anger, hope and happiness, doubts and despair along with forgiveness and love. Jess is still facing an incredible amount of pain in his rehabilitation and he has bouts of anger and frustration which can be directed at the people closest to him. it’s not what he wants to do but sometimes it just all gets too much to bear. Jack is a man who has slowly fallen in love with one of his patients, and as he gets closer to Jess he is made to wonder if his actions are the best thing for Jess. Jess also knows that he has to talk to Collin, because although he loves the man like a little brother, he will never love him like Collin wants.

This is a wonderfully written story that takes us alongside Jess on his journey of not only love, but of finding a new path to forge as he realizes his new life. S.J.D. drags us into Jess’s life with her hands around our throats; forcing us to see and feel Jess’s frustration and anger, his hopelessness at times as he looks at the obstacles he faces just to walk again, the unimaginable pain he endures on a daily basis and finally to the hope and love he has when he begins to see Jack as more than just a friend. She makes us see Jack’s dilemma and the choices he has to make and then finally she gives us Collin’s devastation as he realizes he will never have Jess’s heart the way he wants.

This story is not for those who want an easy read or huge conflicts being brought to bear, this story is about a man struggling with the painful changes in his life, of lingering guilt, of self-doubts and of finding love when he never thought he would. It’s about letting go of the past and looking to the future and of course it’s about the hot sexy men 😉 dealing with what life has thrown them and finding love and happiness. Jess and Jack are two men that you want to have their perfect happy ever after, they are wonderful together and when they make love, you know it is truly making love.

I must admit to loving this book, but I was slightly disappointed when Jess was made to face that he wasn’t the only one who has ever been injured. I felt that Jess should have erupted a little bit more before he broke down, raged a bit more at fate because in situations when you are made to confront the truth you are not quite rational. Other than that S.J.D. has given us yet another emotional draining story that leaves you wanting more… maybe Collin or Jack’s friend, Troy?

So I have to recommend this to those who love damaged cowboys finding their way back to living ranch life, physical therapists finding love with their cowboy patients, hot sex and a very happy ending.

Connor's Courage by S. J. D. Peterson

Title: Conner’s Courage
Series: Whispering Pines Ranch 04
Author: S.J.D. Peterson
Genre: Western, Historical (1974)
Length: Novel (198pgs)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (3rd August 2012)
Heat: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½Hearts
Reviewer: Pixie
Blurb: John Price and Conner Burnett have been part of the Whispering Pines Ranch for the past thirty-seven years. A loving couple who have overcome every obstacle thrown at them, John and Conner are a testament to the strength of true love. But now John is in the hospital with a diagnosis of cancer, fighting for his very life.
As his lover struggles, Conner looks back on when they first met. The early seventies wasn’t an easy time to be a gay man, especially in a small country town. Considering John’s pride, Conner’s need to be himself, shame, bitterness, and two stubborn natures, their love story almost wasn’t written. But they beat the odds, and Conner will be damned if he’ll let anyone take John from him now. He had the courage to stand up for what he wanted in 1974. If need be, he’ll go toe to toe with God himself to keep the man he fought so hard to love.
Review: John is in hospital having being diagnosed with cancer. It’s a diagnosis that Conner won’t accept, and he’s not losing the love of his life without a fight, not after 37 years of facing everything together. Conner looks back to the beginning of their relationship when they had to fight the hardest, against their own selves, as they tried to embark on a relationship that was still frowned upon in cowboy country.
This is a wonderful story that gives us fans of Whispering Pines Ranch the chance to get to know both Conner and John better, and also gives us their romance from the very beginning. As John lies in his hospital bed with Conner snuggled up against him, Conner takes us on the journey of the beginning of their relationship and the courage both men had to find to be the men that the other loved. Conner has already faced a lot in his 29 years and is comfortable with whom he is. But, John in his 32 years has always played it safe. He doesn’t want to lose the respect of the men around him. But when the two meet, they both have to make choices until they reach an impasse and they both realise just what is most important to them.
I loved this story. I love Conner and John in their sixties and I loved them just as much when they were younger. Being able to see the beginning of their relationship was a treat. I loved the ups and downs that they faced, as well as the emotional battles that they faced within themselves. Seeing them both come to the realisation as to what was really important to them, for Conner it was being himself even if it meant losing the man he loves, and for John it was about facing his life without the man he loves, compared to having the full respect of those around him.
This story isn’t as angsty or angry as the previous books in this series, and it isn’t as frustrating or hair pulling because we already know that Conner and John would get their happily ever after, but it still pulls at the heart-strings as we see the men we could love become the men we do love. S.J.D. has written another wonderful touching story that will stay with after you have finished the last page. As a little side note: please ignore the fact that the Bee Gees travelled back in time to 1974 with their song Jive Talkin’, which they didn’t record until 1975. Lol S.J.D.’s a good sport and said I could mention it.
So I will recommend this to those who love stories about rough, tough cowboys, about having courage to stand for what you want, for hot men falling in love, some hot cowboy sex and the beginning of what we know to be true love for two lovely wonderful men. Now to wait impatiently for Jess’s Journey ;-).