Chief's Mess by L.A. Witt Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

L.A. Witt - Chief's Mess BT Banner

Hi peeps, we have L.A. Witt visiting today with her new release Chief’s Mess, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

L.A. Witt - Chief's Mess Cover

Chief’s Mess

(Anchor Point 03)

L.A. Witt

Anthony Talbot is in Anchor Point to visit family, but after two days of strife, he needs a break. A local gay bar is calling his name.

When Chief Noah Jackson sees that red head stroll into the club, he immediately wants him. They’re perfectly matched, and before long, they’re burning up the sheets. Noah can’t get enough. Anthony can’t stay in Oregon for long, but as soon as he leaves, he’s counting down the days until he can fly back for more. And between his increasingly frequent visits, there’s always phone sex, sexting, webcams . . . anything they can get.

But Noah’s got a carefully crafted façade, and Anthony can’t help noticing the slowly forming cracks. The scent of alcohol in the middle of the day. The extra drinks at dinner. The hint of red in his eyes. Anthony knows what it means. He doesn’t want to believe it, but he’s seen this before, and there’s no denying it. If Noah doesn’t get his downward spiral under control, he’s going to lose both his career and the first man he’s ever really loved.

Riptide Publishing
Also check out Just Drive and Afraid to Fly, the first two titles in the Anchor Point series!

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Best Kept Lies by Helena Mauve

Helena Maeve - Best Kept Lies CoverTitle: Best Kept Lies

Series: Shadow Play 01

Author: Helena Mauve

Genre: Contemporary, Thriller, Suspense

Length: Novella (109 pages)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (August 25, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: What becomes of the Russian spy who lands himself in the crosshairs of a rogue British agent?

Grigory Antipov’s work within the intelligence community is exemplary, but attracting too much attention is against his interests as a spy—a lesson painfully learned the night he is abducted off the streets of Rome. Captivity is a dangerous thing and Grigory already operates under a cloud of suspicion, given his predilection for male company. Luckily, his stint in British custody is short-lived, a mere flex of muscle from Agent Karim Awad.

Karim’s objective is obvious. Lure Grigory into Section’s clutches and turn him against his own people—expose him to the wrath of Moscow if he refuses. His mission brief may not specify the methods to be used, but Grigory soon discovers that Karim is a man of many talents. With powerful interests at play and the threat of deadly force in the air, Grigory faces an impossible choice—surrender to his fate or sacrifice the only man whose touch makes him feel alive after so many years.

ISBN: 978-1-78430-735-6

Reviewer: Shorty

Product Link:

Review: This is book one of the Shadow Play Series. This book has a lot going on it. I expected this as I started reading and discovered spy and espionage in it the further I read. I have to assume since this is the first book the reason why some of the book was confusing was due to many different things going on, the introduction of many characters to base the rest of the series on, plus the fact that it seemed like there was no real beginning to the story.

This book is well written, fast paced and action packed. Although I liked the story I felt constantly confused as it seemed there were too many characters introduced into too short a book. 

Grigory, a Russian spy is caught by the enemy, Karim is a British Agent sent to try and get him to come to their side. There was a lot of sex in this book. I have mixed feelings about the overall story as it would have been so much better if things were explained better and not quite so much thrown into the book at once. 

Flash Daddy by Daddy X Release Blast & Excerpt!

Daddy X. - Flash Daddy Banner

Hi guys! We have a treat for you today from the rapscallion Daddy X, with Flash Daddy Daddy X has produced 55 tantalising short stories to tickle your fancy! There’s a wide range of pairings (MF, MMF, FFM, MFM, and FMF) so there’s bound to be something for everyone, and if you check out the excerpt you’ll find some are a little fun too! So check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Daddy X. - Flash Daddy Cover

Flash Daddy


Daddy X

Fifty five X-tra hot quickies from the Master of Flash

Do you like your stories quick and kinky? Swift and sexy? Distilling the erotic energy of a romance novel into just a few hundred expertly chosen words?

Well, come a little closer. Daddy X has a story to tell you. It won’t take but a minute.

Daddy X’s flash fiction archive is brimming with tales of sudden satisfaction. From that trove he has chosen this premier collection, fifty five of his finest filthy reads.

Fast and furious romps abound, as do tender tales of loving sex. And since this is Daddy X, count on plenty of laughs along the road. Whatever your pleasure, you’ll find more than one gem that warms your cockles (or wets your cunnels!).

What’s up those little skirts he’s so fixated on? What, pray tell, is a Bowling Night Flasher? How can a gang bang be romantic? What’s the latest outrage from the horny, hapless Delbert? What’s live? What’s jive?

Don’t be shy. Take a chance. Life’s too short for regrets.

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Painting Class by Suzanne Clay Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Suzanne Clay - Painting Class RB Banner

Hi guys! We have debut author Suzanne Clay stopping by today with her debut lesbian romance Painting Class, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Suzanne Clay - Painting Class Cover

Painting Class


Suzanne Clay

Ainsley’s first gallery showing is way out of her comfort zone. After teaching high school art for over a decade, she can’t think of anywhere else she’d rather be than the classroom, and especially not in front of a crowd of strangers ogling her paintings.

Salvation comes in the form of an insightful young woman who coaxes Ainsley to open up about her inspiration, her drive, and her sexuality. Sparks fly before Ainsley realizes that the young woman is her former student, Noma, freshly graduated from college. As Ainsley fights to reconcile her memories of Noma with the woman she’s become, they fall into a playful game of dominance and submission that will change their relationship forever.

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The Devils Price MC Series by Jessie G. Blog Tour, Teasers, Reviews & Giveaway!

Jessie G. - Devil's Pride MC series Banner

Hi guys, we have Jessie G. Stopping by today with her fantastic Devil’s Pride MC series, we have some great teasers, KathyMac’s reviews for books 1 & 2 and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Jessie G. - Tricking Chase Cover s

Tricking Chase

Devil’s Pride MC 01

Jessie G.

As Sergeant At Arms for Devils Pride MC, Tyler “Trick” Malone’s take no prisoners reputation make him one of the most feared and respected members of the club. Unbeknownst to the MC, Trick indulges his most dangerous secret, traveling out of state twice a year to trade his cut for the whip he expertly wields at a gay dungeon.

Trick’s well organized life takes a turn when he saves bar back, and terrified submissive, Chase Ward in a Georgia dungeon. With his protector and dungeon owner dead, Chase is no longer safe in the place he once called home. With the new dungeon owners circling like sharks, he desperately begs for sanctuary in the arms of his savior.

A year later the MC is still none the wiser that Trick’s houseboy is anything more than a grateful servant. Chase knows if the club finds out they will kill Trick, the man he’s come to rely on for everything from the food he eats to the pleasure he feels to the security he craves. Even when gratitude turns to love, Chase never expects reciprocation from his ruthless Master. After all, the only way for them both to survive is if Trick remains the heartless bastard the MC knows.

Trick is positive he has it under control and having Chase around has definitely made his life easier. There doesn’t seem to be any harm in letting Chase take a part-time job at Velvet Ropes, especially after meeting privately with the owners. That is until a bomb explodes at the club, leaving Chase fighting for his life and forcing Trick to face his long hidden feelings.

Even if Chase survives, that bomb has done more than rock the foundation of the popular leather club. It’s blown Trick and Chase’s well-guarded secret out of hiding, putting their lifestyle and their lives at risk. Now there is only one thing Trick needs to do before the club gets them and that’s to get revenge on the person who dared to hurt his precious boy.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

Jessie G. - Talk Dirty to Me Cover s

Talk Dirty To Me

(Devil’s Pride MC 02)

As a secret agent for the DEA, Snake’s gone deep into Devils Pride MC with the hope of bringing down the head of Miami’s lucrative drug trade and finds himself saddled with the club’s volatile and secretive SA instead. Unfortunately, after years as partners doing shit neither of them wanted to do for reasons neither of them felt comfortable sharing, Snake considers Trick his best friend. Now he’ll do anything to repair the damage his own necessary lies did to their friendship because, while Trick may have walked away from the MC, Snake needs someone he trusts to have his back.

Meanwhile, Snake’s contact at the DEA has him tied up in knots. The sexy voice and inappropriate comments have him walking around with a permanent set of blue balls. Life undercover is lonely and he lives for every phone call, but his own personal Deep Throat is skittish about committing to a date once Snake returns to headquarters. As far as Snake’s concerned, they only have one shot to build something together and he’s not willing to waste it.

Greg knows he’s not Snake’s type, or anyone’s for that matter. Former love interests called him plain, chubby, and boring. More comfortable in his tech cave than with people, he’s a grade A nerd who isn’t exactly GQ material. Normally he would never be brave enough to flirt with anyone—much less the very hot and very dangerous ginger who’d been starring in his nightly fantasies—but Snake needed something to keep him from getting lost undercover. What started out as a helping hand quickly became an integral part of their relationship—if one could call a five year phone conversation a relationship—and Greg is terrified that once Snake’s sees the wizard behind the curtain, he’ll lose the only man he’s ever loved.

Now the DEA has called Snake home to plan the next stage of the mission, leaving Greg no more places to hide. When fantasy and reality collide, will it be everything Snake hopes for or everything Greg fears? The trick will be staying alive long enough to figure out the answer.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

Jessie G. - Tys That Bind Cover s

Tys That Bind

Devil’s Pride MC 03

Unprepared, ill-equipped, and with no example to look back on, Ty and Chase embarked on a journey to build a family for Ava and Luc that would far exceed anything they dreamed of for themselves. Two years later, they’ve succeeded beyond their wildest expectations, but there’s still a couple of things missing…and they’re ready to make them happen.

Bad boy biker Trick wouldn’t hesitate to fight for those he loves, but Ty knows it will take more than violence to win this war. Willfully submissive Chase has the utmost faith in his Master, but when he sees Ty struggling with demons from his past, it will be his quiet, unbending support that will see them through. Jumping through the loopholes of family court, they are only one event shy of making it all official and neither are willing to wait another second to check it off the list.

Clearing the path for adoption should reassure them, but it will take their cast of well-meaning friends and the occasional slap upside the head before they realize that the ties that bind them together are forged in a love that can never be taken away.

Continue reading “The Devils Price MC Series by Jessie G. Blog Tour, Teasers, Reviews & Giveaway!”

Michael, Reinvented by Diana Copland

Diana Copland - Michael, Reinvented CoverTitle: Michael, Reinvented

Series: Delta Restorations #2

Author: Diana Copland

Genre: Contemporary

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (May 19, 2017)

Length: Novel (220 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Cute hipster and interior designer Michael doesn’t do love—not after his ex screwed him over. Sex is a different story, though, and the gentle giant who’s painting the mural in the old mansion they’re restoring might be perfect hookup material. Gil is just Michael’s type with his solid muscle, wicked sense of humor, and the hazel eyes that seem to see into Michael’s soul.

Trouble is, Gil does do love. He wants romance and forever, and he’s set his sights firmly on Michael. Michael’s not going there again.

Yet when Michael is the victim of a vandal who’s been plaguing the men working for Delta Restoration, Renovation, and Design, Gil is the first person he tells. No matter how he fights it, it’s becoming harder and harder to deny he’s crazy about the guy—even if that thought terrifies him. But the true fear sets in when the criminal behavior escalates, and Michael realizes he might have lost the chance to tell Gil how he feels—forever.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-641-2

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Delta Restorations collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed Diana’s stories, so I am sending her great big thanks for this book.  It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end.  There is so much to this story, that it felt like you were right there with them.  I loved the characters, even though I still wanted to dropkick Michael in the beginning.

Michael had been a happy young man, till he picked the wrong boyfriend.  After it ended, he basically told himself that he will never believe in love again.  He stood strong on it, that is until Gil.  

Gil was big man who had a heart of gold.  He believed in love and marriage, and he was looking at Michael.  The problem was the man was just down right snarky as hell.  It would take time, but damn he knew he could get the man to be his.  Then trouble started with a vandal, and Gil was the first person Michael called.  Then the vandal gets a bit more dangerous and it almost cost Michael everything.  

I can understand cutting yourself off from love, after some asshat tears you down.  I was glad that this story had such a wonderful happy ending.  These characters were a hoot.  I especially loved Pixie and Scooter.  I loved how this is a romance with a bit of mystery and suspense added in for the danger factor.  This book was a blast to read and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Michael, Reinvented by Diana Copland Intro & Excerpt!

Diana Copland - Michael, Reinvented Banner

Hi guys, we have Diana Copland visiting today with her upcoming release Michael, Reinvented, we have a great intro & excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Diana Copland - Michael, Reinvented Cover

Michael, Reinvented

(Delta Restorations 02)

Diana Copland

Cute hipster and interior designer Michael doesn’t do love—not after his ex screwed him over. Sex is a different story, though, and the gentle giant who’s painting the mural in the old mansion they’re restoring might be perfect hookup material. Gil is just Michael’s type with his solid muscle, wicked sense of humor, and the hazel eyes that seem to see into Michael’s soul.

Trouble is, Gil does do love. He wants romance and forever, and he’s set his sights firmly on Michael. Michael’s not going there again.

Yet when Michael is the victim of a vandal who’s been plaguing the men working for Delta Restoration, Renovation, and Design, Gil is the first person he tells. No matter how he fights it, it’s becoming harder and harder to deny he’s crazy about the guy—even if that thought terrifies him. But the true fear sets in when the criminal behavior escalates, and Michael realizes he might have lost the chance to tell Gil how he feels—forever.

Release date: 19th May 2017

Continue reading “Michael, Reinvented by Diana Copland Intro & Excerpt!”

Leaning Into The Fall by Lane Hayes

Lane Hayes - Leaning Into the Fall CoverTitle: Leaning into the Fall 

Series: Leaning into # 2

Author: Lane Hayes

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (210 pages)

Publisher: Lane Hayes (March 12, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: Nick Jorgensen is a quirky genius. He’s made a fortune in the competitive high tech field with his quick mind and attention to detail. He believes in hard work and trusting his gut. And he believes in karma. It’s the only thing that makes sense. People are difficult, but numbers never lie. In the disastrous wake of a broken engagement to an investor’s daughter, Nick is more certain than ever he isn’t relationship material. 

Wes Conrad owns a thriving winery in Napa Valley. The relaxed atmosphere is a welcome departure from his former career as a high-rolling businessman. Wes’s laid-back nature is laced with a fierceness that appeals to Nick. In spite of his best intention to steer clear of complications, Nick can’t fight his growing attraction to the sexy older man who seems to understand him. Even the broken parts he doesn’t get himself. However, when Wes’s past collides with Nick’s present, both men will have to have to decide if they’re ready to lean into theultimate fall. 


Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Nick is a numbers guy. Always has been. That makes him come off as a bit calculated at times. In this story he meets older guy Wes. Laid back, successful and pretty a good guy. The sparks flew between these two from the start. I thought they were a good mix together and meshed well. 

The chemistry was great. I loved how Wes figured Nick out and began to reel him in so to speak without spooking him. I understood how Nick thought but also realized that sometimes numbers aren’t everything and you have to take a chance when the opportunity presents itself.

Wes was awesome. I completely fell for him. He was so smart, patient and understanding to a degree. I was cheering both of these characters on the further I read.

Really good read.

The Tradition by Renee Matthews

Renee Matthews - The Tradition CoverTitle: The Tradition

Series:  Forbidden #1

Author: Renee Matthews

Genre: Erotic Romance, Paranormal

Length: Short (45 pages)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (March 3, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Are traditions allowed to be broken when it leads to finding your soulmate?

Zane was raised to see the evil that was in the world. With monsters surrounding their village on all sides, it seemed very simple what the evil was. Until Zane meets Tancred and starts to question everything that being a villager stands for. 

Tancred knew from the first moment they met that Zane was his other half. Learning that the man was the kin of the humans that destroyed his family caused him to run. Will Tancred learn there is more to Zane than his last name? Or will he lose the man that is the other half of his soul?

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1008-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Zane is to follow in his father’s footsteps as the leader of their village. He’s heard the stories of monsters throughout his life and how his family was the ones to take them out then a truce is called.

Now eighteen Zane meets Tancred and feels a connection. Tancred has no love for humans as they killed his family. The Tradition is interesting as when a demon finds his other half he can be hurt by hurting the other half. I found it intriguing that Tancred and Zane were mates. However the exact species of certain individuals was a little vague. For instance it states that Tancred was an elemental and produces electricity and that’s it. 

But, due to Tancred’s anger he refuses Zane for five years until Zane’s father figures out the bond between them.

I like the story and am looking forward to Lucifer’s story with his mate.

Positive Reinforcement by Tamryn Eradani Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Tamryn Eradani - Positive Reinforcement Banner

Hi guys! We have Tamryn Eradani popping in today with her new release Positive Reinforcement, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and then click that giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Tamryn Eradani - Positive Reinforcement Cover

Positive Reinforcement

(Daniel & Ryan 04)

Tamryn Eradani

It’s Hell Week at work, which means Daniel hasn’t seen Ryan in what feels like too long. A quiet weekend in is exactly what they need, and Daniel strives to make sure he’s exactly what Ryan needs.

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Orange and Mal by Angelique Voisen

Angelique Voisen - Orange and Mal CoverTitle: Orange and Mal

Series:  Bad Boys Need Love Too # 2

Author: Angelique Voisen

Genre: Paranormal, Erotic, Shifters, 

Length: Short (68 pages)

Publisher: Evernight Publishing (January 31, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Tabby shifter Orange leads a double life. Kindergarten teacher by day, thief by night, Orange’s sick of juggling two lives. He wants to leave the life of crime behind and find a mate to settle with, but fate has other plans. A job gone wrong lands him in the path of a ferocious werebear, but Mal doesn’t seem interested in turning him over to the cops.  

Mal’s always been good at fighting and he’s done his share of bad deeds. He hates thieves, but there’s something about Orange he can’t ignore. His bear knows Orange is his to claim, mate and love—but will Orange accept a man who isn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty?

ISBN: 978-1-77339-163-2

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Orange is a school teacher and ex thief. He is tasked to do one last robbery in order to bail his brother out of jail. During the robbery he comes face to face with his mate Mal who works security. Orange ends up going to rescue his brother who in the mobs hands. 

I loved the interactions between these two. Orange is confidant and seems to have a level head while Mal is gruff and at times blunt. Well written and entertaining.

Great read.

Claw and Ollie by Angelique Voisen

Angelique Voisen - Claw and Ollie CoverTitle: Claw and Ollie

Series:  Bad Boys Need Love Too # 3

Author: Angelique Voisen

Genre: Paranormal, Erotic, Shifters

Length: Short (48 pages)

Publisher: Evernight Publishing (February 15, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Blurb: Can a broken cat find redemption?

Tabby shifter Ollie can charm his way into any safe and into the pants of any eligible bachelor…once upon a time. Now Ollie’s merely a shadow of his former self, terrified of facing the outside world. Ollie craves seclusion, until his heart starts longing for a mate to make him whole again.

One glimpse is all it takes for jaguar shifter Claw to know Ollie’s the one man he’s been searching for his entire life. Knowing Ollie needs time to heal, Claw’s kept his distance. When an enemy from Ollie’s past resurfaces, it’s up to Claw to get his hands dirty. Claw doesn’t mind, as long as he gets his reward in the end. Ollie will become his, no matter what happens.

ISBN: 978-1-77339-182-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Ollie is recovering from his ordeal with the mob but has anxiety and social problems as result of the torture he suffered. Orange enlists the aid of Claw to keep an eye on his brother and protect him.

I liked that Claw wanted to help Ollie yet did not baby him. Though some interactions were questionable they still accomplished the goal of getting Ollie to move on. 

Well written and interesting. Great read.

A Warlock's Surprise by Erin M. Leaf

Erin M. Leaf - A Warlock's Surprise CoverTitle: A Warlock’s Surprise

Series:  The Warlock’s # 2

Author: Erin M. Leaf

Genre: Paranormal, Erotic, Humor

Length: Short (62 pages)

Publisher: Evernight Publishing (28th January 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Leo thinks asking his soul-splice mate to marry him will be easy, but Dakota says no, again and again. When he finally capitulates, Leo believes happy ever after is in the cards, but Dakota isn’t feeling well, and meddling family members hijack their plans. Neither warlock wants the drama of a large ceremony, but the Conclave gets its way. Witches always do, after all.

When the eventful day arrives, neither man expects their old enemy to raise a demon from Hell to ruin their wedding. Witches can’t stand up to a demon, so the newly wed warlocks must save the day, but not before a surprise revelation leaves Dakota reeling.

Can Leo and Dakota survive a demon, witches, and a grandma intent on embarrassing them both as much as possible? Sadly, even magic can’t guarantee a happy ending…

Be Warned: MPREG, m/m sex, public exhibition

ISBN: 978-1-77339-161-8

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This is a continuation from the first story. Leo is ready to move onto to the next step in his and Dakota’s relationship. After begging and asking Dakato finally say yes to the marriage proposal. 

I really enjoy these characters interactions and the way they seem to take their time insted of just jumping into things.

Enjoyable read.

Who I Am When I'm With You by Tamryn Eradani Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Tamryn Eradani - Who I Am When I'm With You RB Banner

Hi guys, we have Tamryn Eradani popping in today with her new release Who I Am When I’m With You, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Tamryn Eradani - Who I Am When I'm With You Cover

Who I Am When I’m With You

(Daniel & Ryan 03)

Tamryn Eradani

Daniel and Ryan have fallen into a routine, carefully keeping work and play separate. In the office, they’re co-workers, people who sometimes meet in the break room, but in the bedroom they’re different. Daniel likes being someone different. He likes being Ryan’s Daniel for a little bit every night.

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Trust and Control by Remmy Duchene (2nd Edition)

Remmy Duchene - Trust and Control CoverTitle: Trust and Control

Author: Remmy Duchene

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (162pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (14th November 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Wealthy real estate mogul Christophe Lafavre has everything—except any love life to speak of. Though he has a brilliant head for business, when it comes to relationships, he’s often left fumbling in the dark.

To put a stop to the whispers about his pitiful social life, Christophe takes a suggestion from a friend and goes to a club on masquerade night. There, he meets an elusive hottie who calls himself Raj, and though Christophe cannot see Raj’s face, there’s definitely a connection. Over the phone and online, Christophe and Raj get to know each other. Their conversation is easy and arousing. It’s hard for Christophe to believe the strength of the feelings he’s developing toward a man who is still essentially a stranger, but he can’t get Raj out of his head. They eventually give in to their physical longing—but still Raj refuses to show his face or divulge his identity.

When it comes, the revelation will rock Christophe’s world and redefine more than one relationship in his life.

First Edition published as If I was Your Man by Breathless Press, 2013.

ISBN: 978-1-63477-911-1

Product Link:

Reviewer: Veronica

Review: I absolutely love Friends to Lovers stories, and after reading the excerpt for this story, I was so hyped up to read this, but the first half of the book is all hot and steamy, and I was breezing through this, until it started to drag on for me. Christophe and his business partner, have been best friends for years, they also co-own a thriving company together. The idea behind the Masquerade piece injected into the story is brilliant. Christophe has everything that he can want in life, except for a significant other. His past lovers are nothing to speak about, because they don’t stay around long enough.

A friend told Christophe that the club they frequent will have a Masquerade night and that he should check it out. He’s free that night, and he goes. There he meets Raj, but Christophe thinks that he’s egotistical. They dance together, and then Christophe reluctantly leaves the bar, but not before they exchange information on how to contact each other. Couple days past and they started messaging each other. Now Raj knows everything there is about Christophe and he wants him, but Chris is the cautious type and doesn’t want to be hurt again by another man. Further into the story, the sex scene in the restaurant is so steamy and hot, but the moment froze over fast when Raj reveals himself to Christophe and that he’s in love with him. Christophe freaks out now, and says some pretty hateful things to Raj and then runs out of the restaurant.

At the office, things are very strained with Christophe and Raj/Jas. Chris doesn’t want to see or talk to Jas, so he hides out in his office, Jas decides that he can no longer work at the company with the way that Chris feels about him with the deception. He works from at home, and then he leaves the country without letting anyone knowing. So after talking with an employee and family members, Chris decides that he can’t live without Jas, and the way that he makes his body sing in bed. So he goes looking for Jas to beg for forgiveness. It then drags out for me, but hopefully for Christophe, he can convince Jas to give him another chance.

Leaning Into The Fall by Lane Hayes Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Lane Hayes - Falling Into Love Banner

Hi guys, we have Lain Hayes stopping by today with her new release Leaning Into The Fall, we have a short interview with Lane, a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Shorty’s review so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Lane Hayes - Leaning Into the Fall Cover

Leaning Into The Fall

(Leaning Into Stories 02)

Lane Hayes

Nick Jorgensen is a quirky genius. He’s made a fortune in the competitive high tech field with his quick mind and attention to detail. He believes in hard work and trusting his gut. And he believes in karma. It’s the only thing that makes sense. People are difficult, but numbers never lie. In the disastrous wake of a broken engagement to an investor’s daughter, Nick is more certain than ever he isn’t relationship material.

Wes Conrad owns a thriving winery in Napa Valley. The relaxed atmosphere is a welcome departure from his former career as a high-rolling businessman. Wes’s laid-back nature is laced with a fierceness that appeals to Nick. In spite of his best intention to steer clear of complications, Nick can’t fight his growing attraction to the sexy older man who seems to understand him. Even the broken parts he doesn’t get himself. However, when Wes’s past collides with Nick’s present, both men will have to have to decide if they’re ready to lean into the ultimate fall.

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Fahey's Flaw by Jenna Byrnes

Jenna Byrnes - Fahey's Flaw CoverTitle: Fahey’s Flaw

Series: Kansas City Heat 9

Author: Jenna Byrnes

Genre:  Crime, Mystery

Length: Novella (100 Pages)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (January 6, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Can KCPD detectives keep the latest designer drug off the streets and out of the hands of teenagers?

There’s a new drug of choice in town, and the detectives of the KCPD Vice Department are working fast to keep it away from unsuspecting students looking for a cheap high. Detective Wynn Fahey’s son, Connor, is thirteen going on thirty. His recent announcement that he’s gay causes concern for his mother and her new husband, and the parents of the boy he’s been caught in a compromising position with.

Wynn struggles to help his son adjust, not having gone through the same issues since he didn’t come out until he was divorced with a child. When the new five dollar Insanity drug invades Con’s school, the boy is forced to grow up faster than his parents would have liked. Will the love and support of handsome English teacher Reilly O’Keefe be enough to sustain Wynn and Connor, or are they in too deep to scrabble their way out of danger?

ISBN: 978-1-78430-929-9

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Kansas City Heat collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

I love the way this author can put together a book that not only fascinates you but draws you in. I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading more by Jenna. The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down.

There is a new drug out there that is sold extremely cheap and is ending up in the hands of teenagers. It has the police department searching for a way to stop it. It brings it even closer to home, seeing as Wynn’s son is thirteen. Wynn seems to have many problems at hand on top of the damn drug. His son has come out gay, and Connor’s mom’s husband is not taking it to well.

On top of that Wynn is falling for Connor’s teacher. It would seem Reilly feels the same way. Now they just have to figure out how to stop the danger from hitting close to home.

I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series that you can’t put down and have to read more than once. It is the perfect story for me and gave me all that I needed. In fact I think that this one is my favorite.

I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. I had a blast reading it and I can’t wait to read the next story. When Jenna puts out a book I am usually there to eat them up. I would definitely recommend reading this book. Trust me it will keep you laughing, crying, loving and having fun.

Price of Freedom by Helena Maeve

Helena Maeve - Price of Freedom CoverTitle: Price of Freedom

Series:  Shadow Play # 2

Author: Helena Maeve

Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance, Thrillers and Suspense

Length: Novella (102 pages)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (November 10, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Some stories just aren’t meant to be told.

From warzones to domestic scandals, Ulysses has built a career as a high-profile journalist at the expense of both family and relationships. Now his dogged pursuit of the truth has cost him credibility and job security. Discredited and depressed, he hunts for the story that will re-establish him as a trustworthy name in British journalism.

Stumbling across a string of mysterious murders that spans the breadth of the continent may prove a godsend. Yet catapulted into a world of spies and outstanding blood debts, Ulysses finds himself collaborating with elusive Robin, a man on the run whose past is as dark as the desires he awakens in Ulysses. Their chemistry is incendiary, breathtaking, unlike anything Ulysses has ever known. And chances are the fallout will prove proportional.

As Robin’s dealings land him in the crosshairs of the British intelligence services, Ulysses is faced with a choice that may cost him his life. .

ISBN: 978-1-78430-843-8

Reviewer: Shorty

Product Link:

Review: This is book two in the Shadow play series. Ulysses, journalist, was a very ambitious man. He wanted the top story and did what it took to get it until he was discredited. Robin a man with a dark past corroborates with Ulysses to find out the truth about some murders. Which puts both men’s lives in danger.

I really liked the mystery part of the story. The way Ulysses sought out facts was fascinating. But I have t say I was intrigued by the mysterious yet sexy Robin. As more details about his past are revealed I was wondering how they would make it out alive. 

I liked the story though I felt it was a little drawn out. 

A Warlock's Best Friend by Erin M. Leaf

Erin M. Leaf - A Warlock's Best Friend CoverTitle: A Warlock’s Best Friend

Series: The Warlock’s 01

Author: Erin M. Leaf

Genre: Paranormal, Erotic, Humor

Length: Short (55 pages)

Publisher: Evernight Publishing (October 29, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Dakota thought moving to a new town for his new job would be easy. He gets to live with his best friend Leo, far from the machinations of his mother and the witches who want his genes. Unfortunately, his new boss keeps hitting on him. Is there nowhere a nice guy can hide from women who want his body?

Leo thinks pretending to be his best friend’s lover will be hilarious. He loves a good joke, and he’s delighted that Dakota finally lives close enough for them to hang out again like they did as kids. So what if they’re not gay? It’s all for a good cause: keep Dakota out of the clutches of a crazy woman.

Neither of them expects their charade to feel so real. How were they supposed to know that one kiss would lead to sex, or that true power comes from love?

ISBN: 978-1-77339-062-8

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: I enjoyed this short story about Dakota and his best friend Leo. Dakota gets hit on his boss every time he sees him. Tired of the way the man is making his friend feel Leo suggests they act like a couple in the hopes it will deter the man’s advances. 

It comes down to an intense kiss, sparks flying and a connection neither Dakota nor Leo saw coming. Sweet and cute this short story packs a punch.

From Top to Bottom by Kevin Klehr Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Kevin Klenr - From Top to Bottom Banner

Hi guys, we have Kevin Klehr popping in today with his new release From Top to Bottom, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Kevin Klehr - From Top to Bottom Cover

From Top to Bottom


Kevin Klehr

Can a dedicated top really learn to bottom? Tony wants to find out but he’s scared another die-hard top will just plow through him, instead of taking it nice and slow on a newbie.

Enter Butch, a bear who’ll try anything, and Ford, a guy whose curiosity is tempting him to cheat on his boyfriend. Like Tony, both are dedicated tops wanting to try something new, and on this journey of physical self discovery, all will find that being open means more than taking it doggie-style.

Ménage, Open relationship, Orgy

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