Interview with Debut Dreamspinner writer, Jeremy Pack

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that my favorite part of my job is finding new authors.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the old pros who have become friends since MM Good Book Reviews came into existence, but there is nothing like the raw energy from the writer who is seeing their debut novel listed on a publisher’s web site for the first time, to bless my jaded heart.  Jeremy Pack is my latest acquisition and I brought my lead reviewer, Pixie alone for the ride.  Actually, in this case, I’m not sure who is leading who.  Not two hours after I sent Pixie Jeremy’s debut novel, The Heart of the Jungle, I caught Pixie pimping it on Facebook.  Not to be outdone, I made contact with this wonderful young man and the rest, as they say is history.  Jeremy and his partner Jason are really nice guys and I wished they lived closer.

Pixie lives in England and Jeremy lives on the West Coast of the US, but through the magic of technology, they were able to hook up and chat.  Hope you enjoy getting to know Jeremy Pack a little better.  Trust me; he’s going to be on the scene for a long time.


Friday morning in the MM Good Book Review Cyber Interview Room

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Hi Jeremy, seeing as I’m in England and you’re in America we need to synchronize our watches lol so we can interview in real time.

Jeremy Pack Indeed! You have but to snap your fingers. I’m at your beck and call, Pixie! XO

Friday afternoon

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Is you there? *peeks about*

Jeremy Pack A little slow on the uptake, but I’m present and accounted for. Mostly. XO

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Oh good. Let’s get the grilling, err I mean interview, under way. I will be making it up as I go along, because when I stalked you, er I mean, when I was doing background, I couldn’t find much about you. 😉

Jeremy Pack Wonderful. I’m an open book. (Be glad you can’t see me, though, after that midnight movie, I look like the wreck of the Hesperus.) Do I need to be here or somewhere else?

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Here’s fine Portia will do all the technical stuff later. Lol, that’s what bosses are for. And she’s the best. *innocent look*

Jeremy Pack Brilliant. Don’t make this easy on me, now. Go for the jugular.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Okay, Jeremy tell us a bit about yourself and how you originally started writing.

Jeremy Pack I grew up in a small town in southeastern Idaho. More Mormons per-capita than in the heart of Zion. As far as I was aware, I was the only gay person in the whole world. I didn’t feel like I had a place in the universe, so I started creating my own. I have stacks of spiral notebooks with quirky little romances that I wrote to fulfill that need for intimate affection. Of course, these days, I don’t have a need to invent love to fill an empty place in my life, but I’ve been doing it so long it’s become a part of who I am. Even if I never have the opportunity to publish another book, I am sure I’ll still be writing my quirky little love stories for as long as I live.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews ‎*g* Now there’s a bit of an interesting story as to how you rediscovered The Heart Of The Jungle isn’t there, involving cleaning the attic?

Jeremy Pack Yes. (That attic. Ugh.) Interestingly, I started writing The Heart of the Jungle about 10 years ago and abandoned it about 2/3 of the way through. I have a nasty habit of hitting the midway point, seeing something shiny, and becoming distracted. In any case, I discovered it and got chills because it was as if I had been whispering bits and pieces of what was to come in my own life to my former self. At the time I wrote it, I was struggling in a relationship with a man very much like I describe Michael Blake and dreaming (as I always had) about having children. Years later, I am a VERY proud daddy, and my Jason bears an absolutely UNCANNY resemblance to the one I invented in the book. Even the way Chris is undone at the first sight of his Jason mirrors the schoolboy befuddlement of the first time I laid eyes on mine. My heart still races. That’s why I chose to finish and polish it. Submitting it for publication, though, I owe that one to Jason. He made me do it.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews It sounds like your man, Jason, is very proud of you and what you have achieved and you sound very happy together. So I am going to be very nosy and ask how did you two meet and how old is your daughter Elise?

Jeremy Pack This is the jugular part… HAHA. Good job!

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Of course, you gave me free rein. *evil grin*

Jeremy Pack I mentioned a difficult former relationship earlier–after 14 years, and shortly after Ellie was born, we parted ways. He moved to Phoenix, and Ellie visits him for a couple of weeks every year. I met Jason online while I was there picking her up. I had to spend a couple of days before I could bring her home and was lonely for company. We had instant chemistry–and sushi. We got to know each other over text message for the next several months. Now, a little more than two years later, he’s become an irreplaceable part of both my life and Ellie’s. She worships him, and he is the greatest co-parent I could ever have imagined.

Jeremy Pack Ellie is six now. I adopted her at birth through a local agency that specializes in working with non-traditional families. She’s one of my life’s most beautiful and precious gifts. I imagined parenthood would be wonderful, but the reality is so much more. As Chris says, “It’s something as deep as your soul.”

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews  Aaahhh. That’s so sweet. I love finding out how people fall in love and you are so lucky to have such a beautiful daughter and she looks a touch mischievous. I bet she keeps you both on your toes. *sigh* so back to books. The Heart of the Jungle is your first solo story, but you did release a co-authored book with your mom, Cindy Aitchinson, about ten years ago didn’t you?

Jeremy Pack I did. It’s a quirky little supernatural story. (Not m/m) Mother and son bonding more than a serious go at writing. I think we loved the time spent together coming up with it at this coffee shop called “Jitters”, more than the actual attempt at writing a book. It’s self-published and the joy on my mom’s face at holding the book in her hand the first time is a treasured memory. She’s, without a doubt, the most incredible woman I’ve ever known. I owe all of who I am, as a man, to her example.

Jeremy Pack By the way: Mischievous is an understatement regarding Ellie. It’s a good thing she’s cute, because she’s got my mouth. God save us.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews It sounds like you and your mom have a wonderful relationship. Your mom must be so proud of your new book. For those who haven’t had a chance to read it yet, explain a bit about The Heart of the Jungle.

Jeremy Pack I like to describe The Heart of the Jungle as my diabolical side at work. It’s a mystery primarily, the kind that peels away in layers like an onion the further you go along. The caper at its core is complex, which was a fun mental challenge–particularly revealing it in bits to allow readers the fun of trying to guess at the untangling threads. (I love that kind of story, myself.) There’s a romance between the two main characters which I tried to portray realistically, so readers will likely find it to be more subtle than the standards of the M/M genre. I think Dreamspinner took a chance on this one, because it’s quite different from many of the M/M romances I’ve read. Understandably, this could be off-putting to some readers.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews I have to say I loved it, it was very true to life with the relationship and the mystery, suspense, and thriller part was extremely well-written. What made you take a chance with submitting this one? As how you said, it is different from the majority of M/M, at the moment.

Jeremy Pack First: Thank you so much for those kind words. Gosh, I still feel like I’m dreaming when someone tells me they liked my work…

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews You’d better get used to it. *g*

Jeremy Pack Actually, Jason is to blame for the submission. I have a decided lack of self-confidence and he swore to me if I didn’t send it in, he was going to do it for me. I tried to explain that I didn’t think it would be accepted because it is unconventional, but that was just me having a bad case of the chickenshits.

Jeremy Pack Oops. I probably should keep this clean. Sorry about the naughty word.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Don’t worry Portia will clean it up if need be *smirk*

*pop in*Portia de Moncur I ain’t cleaning up shit. 😉 *pop out*

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews ‎*pout*

Jeremy Pack I’ll be more careful. LOL. I’ve got terminal potty mouth.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews  Lol. You haven’t heard anything, when the boss gets going the air turns blue. *g*

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Jeremy, I saw on your website that you posted a little explanation about not following the convention of what people have come to expect from the M/M genre, can I ask why you felt the need to explain?

Jeremy Pack I have to tell you, I have agonized over the sex in the book for months. I wrote a blog post about it so that readers who look for erotic content don’t walk away disappointed. I don’t know if I will ever be able to write really explicit love scenes. It’s one of those contradictions about me that makes me a bit quirky. Doesn’t mean I don’t love to read them when my fellow authors write them, though. *Wink*

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Yeah, I can totally get on board with that.  Lol. So, I noticed that you have another book in the works; To Touch the Stars is that going to be a mystery as well?

Jeremy Pack My worst nightmare is a disappointed reader. I recognize the value of both time and emotional investment in a story–you have expectations about where the journey might take you when you crack open a book and I’ve been let down more than once in my years of reading. I don’t ever want to do that to someone else.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews I think most readers will enjoy your book quite well, it’s heavy on the story and light on the sex but it is a fantastic story… *face palm* I’m gushing again aren’t I ~rolls eyes~

Jeremy Pack  To Touch the Stars isn’t a mystery actually. It’s certainly got its share of suspense and action, but it’s an historical romance. It was my dream project–a book I didn’t think I had it in me to write. I will very rarely say anything approaching boastful, but I personally feel like it’s the best writing I’ve ever done. I poured my soul into that text, and even if it never sees the light of day, I am proud of the message it delivers.

Jeremy Pack And I’m blushing and grinning like a loon. I adore you!

Jeremy Pack Now that it’s done, though, I’m deep into plotting my next one. It will be a mystery and it’s going to be a doozy. Diabolical Jeremy has learned a thing or two. *Rubs hands together*… So much fun!

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Well, I hope it gets accepted soon so I can read it… err, so we all can read it, I mean. *grins innocently* And I adore your writing. OOoohhh another mystery gimme, gimme, gimme, err what I meant to say was, stop plotting start writing.

Jeremy Pack I write very quickly and have an aggressive schedule set for myself. I hope to always have another submission ready when a book releases so that something is always in the pipeline.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews  Good. I won’t have to put your name on my ‘authors to hunt’ list. *bwahahahah* Okay, Jeremy as a new comer to the genre what would you advise someone who is currently thinking of submitting their work?

Jeremy Pack So very kind of you, Pixie! It makes me so happy that you would look forward to something I’ve written. That’s about the highest honor a writer can be given.

Jeremy Pack M/M is a relatively young genre–it’s an incredibly exciting time to be joining the party. As a writer, it feels like there is a vast amount of uncharted frontier to explore. So far, my experience has been that the audience and the industry are incredibly supportive and open-minded. That’s something you won’t get with a big 6 publisher. Experiment. Don’t be afraid of taking a risk. (Of course I’m saying this selfishly as a reader, too. I LOVE authors that take me to places I’ve never been before.) I can’t wait to see how the genre grows and develops over time–particularly as the risk-takers are embraced by the wide open arms that are waiting to receive them.

Jeremy Pack My God, Pixie, it’s almost 11:00 where you’re at. I feel horrible for keeping you up so late!!

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Did you have anyone that you turned to for advice or support who was already established in the M/M genre?

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Would you like to continue tomorrow maybe a bit earlier? 😉

Jeremy Pack The first M/M novel I ever read was Blind Items by Kate McMurray. When I finished it, I was so overcome; I dashed off a long, gushing letter to her. In hindsight, it felt a bit stalkery, but she was incredibly gracious about it. I’ve been a big fan ever since. She inspired me to hope that there might be a place for my work.

Jeremy Pack Dreamspinner Press maintains a community for authors where we can gather and network. That board has been an absolute godsend for me. The Dreamspinner family is the most amazing group of people I have ever had the good fortune to associate with. I’ve grown immensely from my time with them. Special thanks to Kate Sherwood who gave me fantastic advice early in the writing of To Touch the Stars. I owe my personal pride in that work to her counsel. She is brilliant!

Jeremy Pack And yes, please, sleep! I’m completely free this weekend.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Thank you, what time is it for you now? I can work out a time then that we can meet tomorrow 😉

Jeremy Pack It’s 3:00 in the afternoon here in Seattle.

Jeremy Pack I’m usually up by 5:30 or 6:00 am. Happy to connect with you anytime after I’ve had my first cup of coffee.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews  Wow.  Really? Okay, so I will be on about 4pm which should be your 8am. 😉 I will have plenty of tea at hand, so I will be happy.

Jeremy Pack Wonderful. I’ll be at the keyboard. Sweet dreams to you, Pixie! Thank you again for absolutely everything. I really can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Tell me tomorrow *grins cheekily* night or afternoon. *wink*

Jeremy Pack LOL–Goodnight!

Saturday morning

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Helllooo are you there, Jeremy? Let me know if you are receiving me on the other side. wooo hooo *grin*

Jeremy Pack Hey, good morning! I hope you got some good sleep last night.

Jeremy Pack Guess it is evening for you, though…

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews I slept like a baby. 😉 And it’s late afternoon, so I will just ask a few more questions so it shouldn’t take too long.

Jeremy Pack I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me, Pixie. 😉

*pop in*Portia de Moncur ‎*rolling eyes* Oh, God…chill with the kissing up…the little imp is already plotting world domination…next it will be the universe *off to get first cup of coffee**pop out*

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Ah, Honey, don’t make me offers like that. I just might keep you as my personal author. LOL. So you are with Dreamspinner Press. I have to ask because as a reader I really don’t know, but do they offer loads of support and walk you through the process and stuff and if they do explain it to us readers.

Jeremy Pack LOL Portia de

Jeremy Pack The team at Dreamspinner has been absolutely wonderful. Writing a book is only the first step in a long process before release. Each book goes through three rounds of edits and a couple of proof-reads, not to mention blurb writing, cover art, and marketing… The editors are excellent. They saved readers from a 12 hour car trip without a single stop to pee, a corpse abandoned in a closet, and a magically appearing cigarette in the hand of my favorite character. Every step of the way, Elizabeth (the Executive Director) and Lynn (the Editor in Chief) made themselves available to me. If I had a question, they responded to me nearly instantaneously. I NEVER expected that the production process would be so user-friendly. Aside from that, the author community is always buzzing and jam-packed with folks willing to offer advice and support.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews That’s wonderful, it’s nice to know our favorite authors are taken care of. So when you write do you have a certain process that you follow or is it just when it comes to you?

Jeremy Pack I generally write a couple of chapters if I have a new idea to see if the story has legs. If it does, I’ll write an outline and character biographies. I do a lot of research, too–both experiential kinds of research (like learning to fly a plane) as well as lots and lots of reading. I like to develop a good working knowledge of a subject, even if I don’t include all of the little details. I write in a very linear way. Beginning to end, and whenever I can spare a moment. There’s a lovely Zen garden at my workplace where I sit on lunch breaks, and I often dictate in the car on my commute home. During polishing, one other thing that helps me is to listen to my work read aloud. I use a software program that converts the text into speech. “Amy”, the synthesized voice, is a very proper British woman who has become almost like a real person to me. I LOVE her! (And she cracks me up when she uses invective. It’s priceless!)

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Hmmm but you don’t call her ‘Amy’ do you?

Jeremy Pack No way. Amy is much too bland. She sounds uncannily like Anjelica Houston to me. We’re on nickname basis now, so I have taken to calling her Angie-baby.

Jeremy Pack To wax serious for a moment, though: Flow and cadence are something I really strive for in my writing. Listening to the text aloud helps me find stuttering passages and repetition. It also helps me make sure my characters speak distinctly.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews I can guess at what she would call you if she could! And it great that you do that as well Jeremy I can’t tell you the amount of times that I have been heaved out of a book because the speech is to bland or just sounds wrong (the voices talk in my head… don’t push it). So other than creating nicknames for voices what else do you do in your spare time (you know those five minutes in between your work, writing, partner and daughter) 😉

Jeremy Pack Free time? What’s that?

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews LOL, so no hobbies besides going to see the Avengers film at MIDNIGHT

Jeremy Pack Kidding. My house was built in the late 1800s, so I do a lot of renovation–and I love it. Jason and I like to go camping and fishing in the summer. I read voraciously, play video games with Elise, garden. I’m very dull in real life… haha.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Ah reading… so what types of books do you read and who’s your favorite author?

Jeremy Pack I’m very genre agnostic. I tore through the Pendergast series by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. (Excellent, excellent mysteries) and loved them. I’m a big fan of Dean Koontz, as well, and I adore Mary Roach (Bonk and Packing for Mars). On the M/M side, I’ve recently read Poppy Dennison’s Mind Magic and loved it, anything by Rick Reed, and of course I continue to be a big fan of Kate McMurray.

Jeremy Pack My favorite author is Jean M. Auel–if only for The Clan of the Cave Bear. I read it in my formative years, and for anyone who has ever been an outsider, it’s positively inspiring. I make a yearly pilgrimage with it. It’s absolutely my most cherished book of all time.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews You have excellent taste. I applaud you. So I will be bringing this interview to a close soon and I will be asking all authors this question… and then making up a personality type for each answer. * Bwahahahaha…* If the world suddenly became a magical place what magical creature would you be?

Jeremy Pack Wow. Excellent question. Ponders…

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews It could also be a mythical creature 😉

Jeremy Pack I think I would have to choose a sprite–like Puck from a Midsummer Night’s Dream. I’m a little bit mischievous and elusive myself, so having license to give in to those inclinations is appealing. Plus, the whole sylvan lifestyle. Yes, please.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Hmmm I will have to think up something suitable *evil grin*. So Jeremy let you legions of fans know where they can find you.

Jeremy Pack Disclaimer: Sprite Attire + Jeremy = Eww… Imagine at your own risk. LOL

Jeremy Pack I’m on the web at, twitter @JeremyPack1973, and Facebook at, FB Fan Page:

Jeremy Pack

All things Jeremy

Jeremy Pack Legions of fans… LOL.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews  Yes. I say Legions, so it will be Legions, so says the Pixie. Ohhhh. I missed that what does the J stand for.

Jeremy Pack Oh no. This is REALLY the jugular.

Jeremy Pack My middle name is Joe. Jeremy Joe.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Ha ha, that’s why Portia usually keeps me looked in a cage lol

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews And that should say Locked

Jeremy Pack LOL–mean Portia!*pop in* Whatever.*pop out*

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Okay. Jeremy I think that’s everything I can think of at the moment, if I have missed anything I am sure Portia will tell me. But, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy days to answer my questions and say it was a pleasure to chat with you and hope we can do it again.

Jeremy Pack I’ve loved spending time with you, Pixie. I hope I haven’t bored you to tears, ’cause I’ve had a great time! Really hope we get the chance to meet in real life. I owe you a big hug, or at least a stiff drink.

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews No pure pleasure Jeremy and thanks again and if you do come to England I am sure we can arrange something 😉

Jeremy Pack Added to the bucket list. Now off to slay the pernicious morning glory. The nasty bitch is trying to kill my lilacs. Hope you have a wonderful evening, Pixie. Don’t be a stranger!

Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews Bye

Aggressive Alpha by Anitra Lynn McLeod

Title:  Aggressive Alpha

Series:  Twin Pines Grizzlies 07

Author:  Anitra Lynn McLeod

Genre:   Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter

Length:  Novel (35,894 words)

Publisher:  Siren-Bookstrand, Inc.

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts

Note: Aggressive Alpha [Twin Pines Grizzlies 7] was previously published as Wide Receiver [Gridiron Gods 7]. Due to popular demand, the series has been revised to emphasize the bear


Blurb:   Deception and love don’t mix…

 Desperately poor Dustin Brooks thought he’d won a scholarship to Twin Pines College, but instead, he finds himself tricked into a blackmail scheme he doesn’t want to participate in and can’t escape.

Mitch Gay loves learning, football, and sex—not necessarily in that order. When Mitch finds out a reporter is joining the team for an away game, his suspicions and libido are equally aroused. Determined to uncover the truth, Mitch goes after Dustin with an aggressive hunger that shocks them both.

Casual sex play on the bus turns surprisingly intense for both men at the motel, but Dustin’s secret inhibits a deeper connection. Dustin has never met a man like Mitch, but falling in love goes against his clandestine mission. When Mitch is injured and falls into a coma, Dustin is terrified of losing him. Mitch pulls through, but when he wakes up, he has no memory of Dustin as anything than just another gorgeous guy.

When Mitch’s love is on the line, Dustin makes the right moral call, but will he be too late to claim Mitch and become part of the brotherhood?

Product Link:

Reviewer:   Cat

Review:  Dustin sets out on a mission to uncover some scandal and make money for college. He meets Mitch and uncovers more than scandal. He finds himself in love with the man. So does he continue to earn the money to feed himself or does he follow his heart? I’m not telling…you will have to read the book.

I thought this book was pretty good. I have to admit that this is Book 7 and it’s my first in the series. I felt it stood on its own quite well. I never felt lost and I wanted to finish the entire book. The story was a very good, sweet romance (I love good heartfelt love romance!)My only problem with it was that I never quite figured out who the aggressive Alpha was. I loved the uniqueness of the bear shifters also and would have liked to have seen a little more of that.

If you love a good heartfelt love story, some pretty hot Mansex and shifters, this is for you. A nice quick afternoon read with something different.


Being Human by Anna Marie May

Title: Being Human

Series: Fallen Angel 01

Author: Anna Marie May

Genre: Fantasy

Length: Novella (160pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (5th May 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Love is never simple, especially between an angel forced from Heaven, a Guardian of Earth, and the Devil. The forces of Heaven and Hell are rising, but all Kai can think about is the human who owns his heart.

Love’s the key to salvation.

Or is it? If Kai hadn’t once loved Lucifer, he might not have started down the path towards Armageddon. Nor would he have met Alex, a Guardian from an ancient blood line who now holds to the key to his heart.

As the forces of Heaven and Hell rise, Lucifer returns with an old prophecy and a legacy that could mean their salvation. But life is never this simple. Amidst new terrors rising from the shadows, and old family secrets being revealed, will the blossoming love between Kai and Alex stand the test of time? Or will it fall victim to the darkness slowly rising around them?

Only time will tell if love truly conquers all…

Purchase Link:

Review: Kai is rescued by Lucifer just before the last of his grace is stripped from him. Why he was attacked, he isn’t quite sure, but now he is mainly human and as a prophecy begins he is drawn towards Alex, the human who bond them. Alex is a Guardian and he is attracted to the angel, Kai. Before Kai was out of reach, but now with Kai being human he is within Alex’s reach. But, he has been burnt in the past and with a new threat rising, he fights the attraction.

I really enjoyed this story of Heaven, Earth and Hell and the prophecy that brings them all together. Kai and the human, Alex, have somehow managed to accidentally bond and it has far-reaching consequences. When Lucifer rescues Kai from death and gives him hints as to what is happening it sets Kai on a path with Alex and the beginnings of the Threefold war. Alex is determined that Kai is not for him, but when Kai disappears it is Kai that makes him realize that nothing is forever.

When I came across Alex, my first impression was that he was a bit of a twink, but he proved to be nothing of the sort. Kai is the gentler sort, as he is a scholar, but he shows his mettle when it is needed most. The relationship between them isn’t easy, because even though Kai wouldn’t mind giving it a try, Alex is wary of a relationship. Lucifer hovers on the outskirts at first, as he had something going with Kai before he was banished.

I enjoyed the storyline and the twist of the Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness was great and Kai and Alex have a couple of clashes, but figure out their relationship in the end. They are also hot together, although I did hope Kai would punish Alex for being an idiot (at least a little bit). This really is a really interesting storyline of how an adversary has played Heaven, Hell and the Earthly realm to begin a war that was prophesized thousands of years before. I am really looking forward to the next story in the series.

I will have to recommend this one to those who love angels, fallen angels, prophecies, hot sex, danger, stubborn men and a great ending.



Redemption by Fire by Andrew Grey

Title:  Redemption by Fire

Series:   Redemption by Fire

Author:   Andrew Grey

Genre:   M/M Contemporary

Length:   72 pages (novella)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (May 1, 2012)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 1/2Hearts

Blurb:   Dirk Krause is an asshole of the first degree. His life is a hell of his own making, and he makes everyone around him just as miserable. When he’s injured on the job while fighting a fire, he’s nearly unbearable to the hospital staff, and of course no one from his unit cares enough to visit.

Lee Stockton is the new guy at the station, so he gets saddled with the job of bringing Dirk a sympathy bouquet from the guys at the firehouse.  To Dirk’s surprise, Lee sees through him like a pane of glass and doesn’t take any of his crap.  Lee’s determined to get Dirk to stop being a dick just to push everyone away. When their fighting turns to fucking, will the fireworks shine brightly on a possible relationship or leave them with nothing but ashes?

Product Link:

Reviewer:   Artemis

Review:  The opening scene of this book is a gripping one with Dirk, one of the main characters, struggling to get a baby to safety in a raging house fire.   While he is successful at his mission of saving the child, he lands himself in the hospital due to an assortment of injuries.  He gets a visit from Lee Stockton, one of his fellow firefighters, who arrives with an arrangement of flowers from the guys from the firehouse.  And apparently the only reason Lee is there is because he is the newbie and had no choice.  Seems like Dirk is a major asshole with an attitude problem and no one really likes him enough to make the trip to see him.  Dirk isn’t really surprised and continues with the crappy attitude even during Lee’s visit.  Lee, however, sees right through the attitude and correctly deduces that the major source of Dirk’s anger is the fact that he is gay and trying to hide it.

Between working in a rather homophobic career and having an extremely conservative father, Dirk doesn’t really feel comfortable outing himself.   Lee is a rather decent guy and even after Dirk is released from the hospital, he tries to visit him at home and help out as much as possible.  Unfortunately, Dirk is still pretty much a pain in the ass although the heat of anger quickly turns to passion and they find themselves burning up the sheets on a regular basis.  Lee isn’t going to stay Dirk’s dirty little secret, though, and the two of them have some serious issues to work out if they are going to find happily ever after.

I think, in general, I liked the story line and writing style in this book.  My major problem was that I thought it was a bit rushed.  I really would have loved to see a chapter or two before the fire and hospital scene to introduce Dirk and Lee and get to know them better.  I actually thought at the beginning of the book that Dirk was a total newbie to the gay lifestyle which I learned was not the case a little later into the story.  There was a lot of anger and passion between the two men which made for a rather intense story.  I also would have like to see the ending stretched out a little bit longer.  Just a wrap up to the relationship would have been nice.  Overall, I think this is a good story and I do so love the closeted firefighter theme.  And the cover is an absolutely beautiful thing….absolutely drool worthy!

Coffee, Tea and the Mile High Club by H. L. Holston

Title: Coffee, Tea and the Mile High Club

Series: Love at 38,000 Feet 01

Author: H.L. Holston

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Short (37pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (5th May 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥3 ½Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: International flight attendant Jake Watson jets from Dallas to Tokyo with his boss and secret crush, lead flight attendant Evan Parker. Evan’s frosty glares and snarky comments have held Jake’s feelings at bay for months because Evan hates Jake. Or does he?

While the plane cruises high over the Pacific, Evan proves Jake’s secret crush isn’t so secret or as unwelcome as he believed. Can Jake’s fire melt Evan’s ice? Their layover in Tokyo is Jake’s chance to sneak past his boss’s defenses and possibly into his bed.

Will Jake crash and burn with Evan or find love at 38,000 feet?

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Review: Jake has a secret crush on his boss, Evan.  But, he hates working with him. Not because of his unrequited lust, but because Evan is snarky and unpleasant to work with.  But, on a flight to, he sees a slightly different side of Evan and maybe his lust isn’t as unrequited as he thought.

This is a cute little short that has whetted my appetite for this new series. Jake was expecting to spend his lay over with his friends, Mason and Trevor, but that falls through. So, now he is looking at sightseeing by himself, but his plans are looking to change again, with Evan’s thaw in attitude. Evan has always been stand-offish or as Jake thinks ‘snarky, anal retentive bastard’, whereas everyone else goofed off with light-hearted banter, but Evan is a stickler for the rules.

This short story has quite a bit of humor and is enjoyable to read. There are several different scenes with different characters that are quite funny, so the story is smooth and flows quickly. The Evan we see at the end of the book is completely different form the one we are introduced to at the start, but I suppose some people do have a different face at work. The other characters (Mason, Trevor and Tyler) add to this story as well, fleshing it out and adding to our enjoyment. We don’t learn much about the characters because of the length of the book, but it didn’t actually make me feel like I had missed out though.

I recommend this to those who like flight attendants, humor, some passionate sex, a great short story and enjoyable read.

Serge by Jade Astor

Title: Serge

 Series: Moon Lake Wolves 03

Author: Jade Astor

Genre: Shifters

Length: Novella (147pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (5th May 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 ½Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Serge, the youngest Lyall brother, finds unexpected love with Nicholas, the mysterious newcomer who hires him to restore an old house. Hidden in the walls, however, is a secret that unexpectedly connects their pasts and threatens to destroy their future.

Serge, the youngest Lyall brother, wonders if he will ever find the kind of committed love his brothers Darius and Caleb now enjoy with their partners, Ash and Desmond. Then he meets Nicholas Starling, a mysterious newcomer to Moon Lake who hires him to restore an old house he has inherited, and an unexpected attraction sparks between them.

Once he begins work on the house, however, Serge uncovers a surprising, centuries-old connection that links him to Nicholas, as well as a bizarre secret that may make a future for them impossible. As his feelings for Nicholas grow, and the full moon approaches, Serge worries that if he reveals his lycanthropy, he may lose not only his lover, but his life.

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Review: Serge feels a twinge of jealousy when he thinks of his brothers; as they have found what they want from life and have loving partners. Serge wants that as well and now that he has met Nicholas, maybe he can have that life.  Until Nicholas reveals a secret that just may bring havoc on Serge and his brothers.

This story intrigued me with its added storyline, but it felt a touch rushed this time around. Serge longs for his own partner and maybe a business of his own, but is happy, at the moment, though a bit restless. When he meets Nicholas, it’s instant attraction and Nicholas offers him a proposition that he doesn’t want to turn down. But, secrets come out which place Serge in an awkward position. Nicholas has been told that he has a legacy to fulfil; to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, but it isn’t something that he really wants to do. When he meets Serge, it isn’t only to have Serge repair his house and the attraction is instant. They later discover that they have more in common with their ancestors than they first thought.

I liked the added twist in this one, but the story felt rushed… like I was being pushed through the book really quickly and at the end it felt too left open with no true conclusion, except they all got away relatively unharmed. I really liked Serge and Nicholas and felt that they made a great couple. Their attraction and passion struck sparks off each other and they were very hot together. The slight conflict between them is good, with neither really ever backing down, but they manage to resolve their differences near the end with a sigh of relief.

I will admit to being disappointed that the storyline was a new one and didn’t continue on from the previous book with the professor. And now, with this one, it is also left hanging in the wind with no true conclusion. Don’t get me wrong, it is good and a new aspect has come into play, but it feels like there are more people floating about now who know about the brothers and their abilities.

So I will recommend this one to those who love shifters, good storylines, a great couple, hot sex and a happy ending.


Paradox by Chris Quinton

Title: Paradox

Author: Chris Quinton

Genre: Contemporary, Historical (Roman England), Time-Travel

Length: Novel (232pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (5th May 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: A diversionary kiss from his work partner, Ryan, shakes Phil’s world, but when an accident sends him into a dream that soon invades his waking life, he must separate past from present before he loses the best relationship he’s ever had.

Phil thrives on the danger and excitement of his job, and he trusts his partner with his life. Until Ryan kisses him. It’s a diversionary tactic, but the kiss shakes Phil to his foundations. He doesn’t need or want a long-term lover, but now it seems his heart does.

A short time later, Phil finds himself trapped in his wrecked car, drifting in and out of a dream-haunted coma where he’s living a parallel life. Centuries in the past, someone’s trying to kill Caius Marcellus Valens, and nothing is the way it seems. When the dream invades Phil’s waking life, he must separate past from present before it tears apart his world–and the best relationship he’s ever had.

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Review: Phil loves his job and his casual relationships. The only thing that he likes being permanent is his work partnership with Ryan, but even that gets shaken up when Ryan kisses him to cause a distraction. When Phil crashes his car, his consciousness slips into the mind of a man thousands of years in the past and into the mystery of who is trying to kill Caius. Ryan can’t believe Phil’s attitude after a small kiss, but now he has more important things to worry about Phil is missing and Ryan has to find him.

This story was great and gives us a wonderful view of what Roman England must have been like. Phil does not do permanent outside his job, so when Ryan kisses him it shakes him to the core because he now wants more. When he crashes his car and wakes up in Roman England, he discovers that the person he is now (who seems a bit of a wet blanket), is in danger so he sets about discovering who wants Caius dead. Ryan sets out to find Phil when he goes missing, but when Phil has recovered, his treatment of Ryan is terrible. Now, Ryan forces Phil to tell him the truth and Phil has to face the truth of what his subconscious has been trying to tell him.

I really enjoyed this story and the way that it was woven; with the past and the present being woven together.  And we are left with to wonder if did Phil’s conscious really slip into the mind of a man from the past or was it really an elaborate convincing dream? Phil is fighting himself and the wanting of permanence that he feels.  Phil fights until the bitter end, but he is no match for Ryan and his subconscious. Ryan really wouldn’t mind giving it a go, but Phil has cast him as the baddie in his mind and Ryan has to force Phil to find the truth.

The details of Roman England are exquisite and beautifully drawn.  You can picture in your mind, the villa and the frescos and the mosaics *sigh* Chris Quinton really brings that time to life. I really liked both Phil and Ryan, but there really isn’t any relationship between them until the end.  But, it’s a great journey to watch, as we watch the struggle between the two.

I will recommend this to those who love difficult stubborn men, time-travel with a difference, a mystery to solve, some hot sex and the beginnings of a great relationship.

The Heart of the Jungle by Jeremy Pack

Title: The Heart of the Jungle

Author: Jeremy Pack

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Thriller

Length: Novel (247pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (30th April 2012)

Heat Rating: Low

Heart Level: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Chris James is Fate’s favorite plaything. When She took his parents in a car crash, Chris narrowly escaped the grief with his life, and he has the scars on his wrists to prove it. Seven years later, just as his life is finally turning around, Fate smashes his universe once again, taking his partner and two-year-old daughter and leaving behind a bloodbath.

After nearly a year of investigation, with no bodies, no motive, and no clues, the police are giving up. Enter Jason Kingsley, a wickedly handsome private investigator with a troubled past and a disconnected puzzle piece he could never find a place for. Jason has his work cut out for him: his search leads down a road that was never meant to be traveled, where a ruthless and hidden enemy lurks and dark secrets await. With passion drawing them together and sinister forces threatening to tear them apart, Chris and Jason race against time to unravel the mystery and get to the shocking truth that lies behind it all: The Heart of the Jungle.

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Review: Chris has been handed a harsh hand by fate.  Those that he loves have been taken from him, but he has no closure. A chance encounter brings a man who might be able to give him some answers, but as the digging begins and secrets come out, he realizes that the betrayals go deeper than he could ever imagine. Jason is haunted by an incident in his past.  As he helps Chris get to the truth, he begins to fall for his client, but there are some things that are just too hard to overcome.

This is an incredible suspense/mystery that has you gripped and intrigued right from the prologue. Chris is bordering on the brink of destruction.  After 10 months of investigations into the disappearance of his partner and daughter, all that was left was bloodstains.  But, now as the police close the investigation, one man steps forward with information that was kept hidden; one man that will dig for the truth and get the answers that Chris has waited for. Chris fights his attraction for the private investigator, as he knows that this is the wrong time and the loss he has suffered has scarred him. Jason falls hard for Chris as he investigates the disappearances; the silent strength of the man, the tenderness and the rock solid core touches something inside him that he wasn’t even sure he had.  But, the case comes first and as he delves into intrigue and danger he begins to discover that it delves much deeper and further than he thought.  As someone somewhere wants The Heart of the Jungle at all costs.

Oh. This was brilliant. A true suspense/mystery/thriller that was an absolute thrill to read. Do not think that this is a romance first because it isn’t. There is a romantic element that adds to the story, but it isn’t the main focus… far from it. This was a well-written, well-woven story that pulls you in, as you pull all the links together and find an elaborate long game plan from an adversary who is hidden in the shadows. You might think you have an idea of what is going on, but just as you reach to grasp it, it slips from your fingers as more scenes unfold and more players emerge.

All the characters are solidly written and the storyline and plot are fantastic.  This book is solid and I really can’t find any fault with it.   If it was mainstream m/f, it would be on the bestsellers list. The action and danger were spot on, not over the top, not underplayed, the characters not supermen but regular guys who get hit, bleed, stagger and fumble, but with an inner strength that shines through. They might have their own demons, but some things have to be set aside to finally go forward.

Was I disappointed that there was only a touch of sex… no.  Because, this story fed me so much more than just romance; it fed me intrigue, mystery, twists, hope, despair, desolation, unwanted lust, guilt, danger and betrayal. This story didn’t miss a spot and if you want a true thriller, mystery, suspense book to read then this is it and I highly recommend you go get this book and thoroughly enjoy the journey it takes you on.

*Portia’s Two Cents:  I just had to jump in and share a picture of Jeremy Pack I found while formatting this review.  What a beautiful family.  I promise y’all, I’m not going to rest until I get a chance to interview the writer that has my Pixie all hot and bothered.  ;-)*


Play It Again, Charlie by R. Cooper

Title:  Play it again Charlie

Series:  N/A 

Author:  R. Cooper

Genre:   M/M contemporary

Length:  869 KB

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (April 19, 2012)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts-loved it

Blurb:   After an accident left him broken in body and spirit, Charlie Howard retired from the police force to teach at a community college. Life has taught him that he’s unlikely to get what he wants, so he’s stopped asking. Instead, he hides from the world in the apartment complex he manages. After all, no one can leave him if he doesn’t let anyone in.

Will, a sexy, classic-film-loving twink, moves into the apartment across from him and—to Charlie’s surprise—makes it clear that he’d like nothing more than to hole up with Charlie and get kinky. Will has no problem expressing what he wants in bed or out of it, but he’s never dated anyone long-term, and Charlie isn’t sure Will’s ready for anything serious.

Charlie is a serious kind of guy. He wants Will and everything a relationship could mean, even if he doesn’t have any experience in that scene—even if that makes him vulnerable. As they grow closer, Charlie realizes that it’s time to start asking for what he wants, and if he wants to be happy, he’ll have to risk everything and ask Will to stay.

Product Link:

Reviewer:   Artemis

Review:  Charlie had to retire from the police force due to a severe car accident that left him scarred, both emotionally and physically.  He has to deal with chronic pain as well as the pressure of being ‘the rock’ for his slightly chaotic family.  He teaches Criminal Justice at the local community college and manages his family’s apartment complex.  He is a take charge kind of guy, but suffers from a little bit of a self-esteem problem.

He finds himself falling fast and hard for a very sexy and flamboyantly gay tenant named Will.  Will is giggly and looking for fun, but also sweet and wanting a bit of a father figure.  Charlie’s insecurities refuse to allow him to believe that Will could possibly want him for a long-term relationship.  He doesn’t want to tie Will down and sees his injury and a decade age difference a huge weight on the relationship.   There is an incredible amount of heat and passion to their relationship and also a lot of tenderness, but Charlie and Will have some MAJOR lack of communication issues to overcome.   Charlie doesn’t mind playing ‘daddy’ (even in the bedroom!), but needs to know he doesn’t have to be strong all the time.  Will is just as eager to take care of Charlie, but isn’t always sure how since they don’t talk much about it.

The sex between Charlie and Will is sweet and passionate, with a little bit of light BDSM that is totally realistic and well written.  You really get to know each one of these characters and there isn’t a huge angsty plot to deal with…just the realities of a developing relationship, with all of the ups and downs that are involved.   Sometimes, I got a bit lost in the dialogue and for some reason I felt like I got to know Charlie better than I got to know Will.  I got frustrated a number of times with their lack of communication skills, but isn’t that just like a guy?  Despite these minor flaws it was a very enjoyable read and I will be looking for more by this author!