In Lust with the Enemy by Marcy Jacks

18286132Title: In Lust with the Enemy

Series: Luna Werewolves, #13

Author: Marcy Jacks

Length: Novel (119 Pages)

Publisher: Siren Publishing (October 26th, 2013)

Heat Rating: Low to Moderate

Heart Level: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Rory Greenberg travels back in time to be with his brothers before it is too late. Unfortunately, he’s sort of new to the whole time traveling thing, so he doesn’t expect to land right in the middle of winter, or inside of a werewolf camp who immediately scent that he is a luna werewolf and capture him.

Allan Edwards never had much regard for Luna werewolves, but he’s a prisoner in this pack as well, and one sniff of the other man lets him know that they are mated. Allan has no intention of leaving his mate behind.

Escaping is easy, but surviving the snowstorm is hard, and the only thing Allan can do is trust Rory when he leads him to another pack, this one full of Luna werewolves, and Allan has to convince them to not kill him before Rory can recover and explain their situation. Not an easy task considering he used to hunt their kind.

Product Link:

Review: This was another amazing story. Just the right amount of anger, betrayal, pain, danger, and love.

Rory is from the future and missing his brothers decides to travel back in time to be with them. What he hadn’t realized was no idea how to travel back. He lands during the middle of a snowstorm and right inside of the werewolf pack that his brothers were trying to get rid of. As a prisoner, he meets his mate, who happens to be an alpha for the pack that he is trying to escape from. What he didn’t know was Allan didn’t want to be with the pack, that he was trying to escape it also. He was basically a prisoner also.

Rory is a Luna omega werewolf and has the characteristics that go along with it. He is gentle, sweet, tender, and very loving. You meet him and just want to protect him from the world outside plus it doesn’t hurt that he is amazingly hot. Allan is all Alpha. But, sometimes it seems like he is more omega, although he isn’t. He is falling for his mate and does everything in his power to prove to Rory that he can be trusted. Even risking his own life to protect him. He is strong-willed and courageous but can be tender and loving. Especially to his mate.

The sex is hot, sensuous, passionate, and full of fire. Marcy is such a wonderful writer and amazes me with her gift. I loved this story and the characters are so easy to love and cheer for. I can definitely be seeing myself reading this story again and cannot wait for the next book.

A Family of His Own by Sean Michael

81S6Z248ezL._SL1500_Title: A Family of His Own

Series:   Mannies Incorporated

Author: Sean Michael

Genre: Contemporary

Length:  Novel (202 pages)

Publisher: Torquere Press (December18th, 2013)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3Hearts

Reviewer: Eli/Mandingo

Blurb:  Will’s a widower with three little girls, including six-month-old twins, to look after. Most days it’s all Will can do just to get home from his advertising job in time for goodnight kisses, but now his mother-in-law is leaving the country with her new boyfriend and Will needs the help of a professional nanny. 

Benji loves being a nanny; looking after other people’s kids is the next best thing to having his own, and as a gay man, he figures it’s as close as he’s going to get. He’s between jobs and is thrilled when he gets the call from Mannies Incorporated to interview with Will’s family. 

He falls in love with the girls right away, but also finds himself attracted to their father. Benji knows he shouldn’t moon over his boss, especially when Will desperately really needs his services as a nanny, but he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a family of his own.

Purchase Link:

Review: Will is a perfectly nice, overworked, undervalued, sexy, grieving widower who is rescued by an equally sexy male nanny who will step into his life, take care of him, his home, and his children.  Benji, sexy male nanny will magically bring Will back to life and the two men will walk off happily into the sunset.

There is nothing new or original about this story.  In fact, this story has been written many many times before.  Often when reading a plotline that you’ve read before, the reader is hoping for a subtle twist, a character quirk or something that will make THIS story stand out.  Truth be told, none of that is here.  There is a rather quirky trait in the book in which one of the daughters’ features very heavily as a main character.  It appears that the idea was to see the growth of Will as a father through the eyes of his eldest daughter who is turning three. The problem with this, however, is that the story degenerates into way too many graphic descriptions of both Will’s and Benji’s interactions with a precocious three-year old.  It’s a clever idea and it works well the first few times it was done, however, after that it became very distracting to the story of the two men.

Summary:  Perfectly ordinary story with nothing remarkable about either of the men or the plot. But, somewhat sweet. 🙂

Indefinite Stay by Heidi Champa

71B3M3MgD6L._SL1500_Title: Indefinite Stay

Series:   N/A

Author: Heidi Champa

Genre: Contemporary

Length:  Novella (123 pages)

Publisher: Amber Allure (December 10th, 2013)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3Hearts

Reviewer: Eli/Mandingo

Blurb:  Rory Driskell had never seen the inside of a prison until his boyfriend Joel started serving a seven-year sentence for dealing drugs. Now, Rory spends his weekends visiting Joel at the state prison nearly four hours away from home. To make matters worse, Rory and Joel can’t even touch during their visits for fear of what might happen if the other inmates learn Joel is gay. While Joel maintains his innocence, that doesn’t stop Rory from preparing himself for the worst and for a long stretch of time alone.

During the weekends, Rory resides at the Broken Feather Motel, the only cheap place within thirty miles of the prison, wondering how he got into this mess. Then one weekend, the motel owner’s son, Stuart, is behind the counter when Rory checks in. Stuart, with his gorgeous smile and piercing blue eyes, offers Rory something he hasn’t had in a long time: a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold. But Stuart is in town only for a short time and isn’t looking for a real relationship.

Will Rory stick with the life he’s chosen, no matter how troubled, or will his feelings for Stuart push him to take a chance and finally unlock his heart?

Purchase Link:

Review: The premise of this story is very intriguing.  It’s not one I’ve seen explored before and that made it all the more interesting to read. The whole idea of being on the “DL” or having to remain closeted is always a compelling theme in a novel, but when coupled with the idea of prison (already an environment rife with homosexual activity), it makes for a very worthwhile read. The story did not disappoint as it explored the relationship between the closeted, since he’s in prison, Joel and his long-suffering boyfriend, Rory.

Rory is a man torn between duty and his true feelings.  He’s a man willing to forgo his own happiness for what he feels to be the bigger picture and the principled action to take, even if it means he will be the financial and emotional loser in the end.  Enter Stuart – Rory’s solution to his current not going anywhere, emotionally exhausting and financially draining relationship. His relationship with Stuart allows him to experience a small measure of happiness, yet for some reason he doesn’t think that he’s worthy of the happiness that Stuart could offer him. So Rory does what all long-suffering people do, he walks away until life tells him unequivocally that there are other options he can take.

This is the story of Rory’s journey to the realization that sometimes it’s important to take a chance and to put yourself first because when you do, you might just win in the long and short run.  Nice characters, interesting plot – all in all a very good read.  Two enthusiastic thumbs up.

Boy Culture Movie Review

Boy-Culture-PosterTitle:  Boy Culture

Genre: Gay Romance  

Length:  90 minutes

TLA Releasing August 2007

Heat Level:  Moderate

Rating:  7/10 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Synopsis: Director/co-writer Q. Allan Brocka has created a gorgeously textured film that not only explores the recesses of the human heart, but also is charged with sex and filled with laughter. Adapted from the outstanding novel by Matthew Rettenmund, Boy Culture is the story of X (Derek Magyar), a high-end prostitute, and his two roommates Andrew (Darryl Stephens) and Joey (Jonathan Trent), who together have created a family for the 21st century. X is the head of the household who brings home the bacon and sets the tone. He has a serious crush on Andrew, who works at a video store and is waiting for the right man…and in Andrew’s opinion, a hustler is just not the right man. Joey is a 17-year-old whirlwind of trouble, but there’s really only one man he wants: X. The sexual tension between these three men is palpable. X is not your typical hustler; he has only 12 clients and concentrates on making these men happy. When one dies, there’s room for a new client and he chooses Gregory (Patrick Bauchau), a rich, lonely man who hasn’t left his home in eight years.

Buy from Amazon:

Watch on Amazon instant video:

You can also get this one streaming if you have Netflix, or to rent through the TLA releasing channel on YouTube.


Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  A successful male escort describes in a series of confessions his tangled romantic relationships with his two roommates and an older, enigmatic male client. 01

The story centers on these three roommates, all three are gay, and all three are unique in their own way. X is an escort with flair. He sees the same twelve clients, the most recent addition being a lonely and slightly eccentric older man. Andrew moved in a little over a year ago after breaking off his engagement to his longtime girlfriend. She was a beard to hide his true feelings for her brother. Joey is a hot mess! Barely eighteen and on the prowl, every night with someone new. But Joey is a man on a mission. While he plows through all these guys he really, only have eyes for one, X. But X is in love with Andrew, though he is hell bent on never admitting that to anyone, especially Andrew! While Andrew has spent the past year fully exploring his sexuality, he’s ready to settle down and have that lasting relationship with the right guy. And guess who he wants… X.

This movie had a solid script and above par acting. So often in gay films, your three choices are campy, cheesy, or psychotic. And oh joy if you happen to luck out and land all three, usually with lack luster acting. I wouldn’t nominate this movie for an Oscar, but it was interesting and kept me intrigued. The two main characters, Alex and Andrew, have to learn how to navigate within each other’s lives, deal with their unlikely career choices, raise a horny, gay teenager, and hopefully figure out how to love each other along the way.

The most interesting aspect to the movie for me was the telling of the story. Narrated completely from X’s POV through a series of journal entries, it adds a unique element to the plot. And how he’s always saying, “Lord Forgive Me.” Using pennies for penance at the end, or as he calls them, his Hail Marys. The guys grew and changed so much from beginning to end, and yet, they stayed the same. If you’re looking for a juicy gay movie with a balance of drama and romance, queue this one up! It’s streaming on Netflix, Amazon instant video and TLA releasing on YouTube for a just a few dollars.

Twisted Cherry by Piper Kay

81PibWqvMaL._SL1500_Title:  Twisted Cherry

Series:  Romance on the Go

Author:  Piper Kay

Genre:   Contemporary Romance

Length:  Novella (33 pages)

Publisher:  Evernight Publishing (November 28th 2013)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb: Evan is hiding his urges for other men the only way he knows how–by pretending to live a life of wenching, and by seeking the needle of tattoo artists who impart a kind of guilty pain. But when he meets Gabe, owner of the Twisted Cherry tattoo parlor, he can’t hide his desire for the hot and sexy guy. Gabe, openly gay, proceeds to show Evan how he can be tattooed not just by a needle, but by stinging hot love too.

Product Link:

Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Evan walks into the Twisted Cherry tattoo parlor looking for some new ink. What he finds is a super hot tattoo artist that turns him on like no one ever has. Gabe is the owner of the Twisted tattoo parlor who, unlike Evan, doesn’t try to hide the fact that he prefers men to women. Gabe sees a mutual attraction in Evan’s eyes and sets out to exploit it. Gabe sets Evan’s skin on fire with his gun as well as his touch. But will Evan give in to his desires? The desires he’s kept hidden inside until now.

This story was short, sexy, and twisted. Who doesn’t like big sweaty men, slobbery kisses, and tattoos?! Gabe twists Evan’s cherry all right, and then some. There is foreplay, sweet kisses and some steamy sex involving an inexperienced virgin who likes to watch himself and his lover in the mirror. This is the perfect lunch break read, just enough to reinvigorate you and get you through until quitting time!

Diversity Over Time – Azalea Moone Guest Post + Giveaway (Storm Moon Press 4th Anniversary)

Hi guys, today we are joining Storm Moon Press for their 4th Anniversary, they have sent Azalea Moone to do a guest post and they have also sent two fantastic Giveaways!! The first is Azalea’s with a chance is win Angel’s Redemption and the second is Storm Moon Press’s where the grand prize is receiving an ebook a Month for 12 months…. that’s 12 ebooks! What a fantastic prize!

So guy’s check out the post and click the Rafflecopter links to enter these brilliant Giveaways, I know I will be 😉 ~Pixie~

Azalea Moone - smp_banner_400 1

All month long, we’re celebrating diversity with Storm Moon Press for their 4th anniversary. But what exactly is diversity? Well Merriam-Webster dictionary describes diversity as: “the condition of having or being composed of differing elements.” That would mean there are several kinds of… well, everything in the world. Like chocolate! White chocolate, milk chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, etc. Excuse me while I devour all the chocolate!

Jon PAUL  - Cover Art for Romance by Catherine La Rose (65)RomanceNow that I have acquired a sugar high, we’ll continue. Okay, I won’t lie, I used to hate romance fiction when I was younger. Sure, I tried reading one of those popular romance stories, ya’ll know, from one of the biggest publishers of romance. Those sweet, and not so sweet, “I’m a perfect woman who’s going to fall in love with this big, bad Fabio looking dude over here” titles made me puke. So it surprised the hell out of me when I picked up, and loved, writing erotic romance two years ago.

But I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s noticed that romance has changed dramatically from those older titles back in the 70s and 80s. Apologies to those who grew up with and loved those stories.

Azalea Moone - when-the-hounds-come-out-to-play_BSOne major change is there are so many different character personalities, now. A variety of endings, a variety of genres, a diverse crop to keep readers entertained and gushing over a book for hours. I’ve found myself in the same pool, screaming “OMG, this book is so hot! I need moar.”

As a new author of M/M fiction, I knew I had a lot to consider before taking the plunge. One decision was which genre to write in. Should stick to one or the other? Yes, there are a wide variety of genres, aren’t there? I started with paranormal since that was the most familiar for me, but the more I read, the more I found that I developed a love for contemporary romances and fantasies and wanted to try writing them, too. Why should I stick with just one? As a diverse author, I try to write in a variety of different genres to broaden my experience and see what I truly love out of all of them. And I’ve had a lot of fun, and have found that I enjoy a wide variety of fiction genres.

I also must weave different character personalities into my fiction, different scenarios, different lifestyles, and more. Since everyone in real life is unique, why can’t fictional characters represent that? No one in real life is a Mary Sue. Not everyone is totally accepting of themselves, not just in the manner of sexual preference, but other aspects of their lives. Not everyone has the ideal job, or the perfect relationship, or the greatest family. Plus, weaving realistic scenarios into my stories allows me to explore all the possible endings to find the one that is just right for my characters, whether it’s a HEA, HFN, or bittersweet.

Another thing I’ve found myself gushing over is the heat level of books today. Back when “Fabio” type romances were popular, a writer couldn’t dare use a sort of language that would defile the book’s pages. A more suitable description used purple prose, or a fade to black. Today, it’s a necessity, and books are getting steamier. I never thought I’d be writing full fledged sex scenes, but here I am, finding it absolutely imperative that my characters have at least one (if not more) muscle-tensing, sweat-building, heart-racing good time. I can’t close the doors because I want to see it, too! And I try to change each scene up, meaning some scenes might be vanilla, while others might require something more taboo.

Azalea Moone - AngelsRedemption_BSThat’s the one thing that turned me on to Storm Moon Press, and put their press at the top of my list: their variety of fiction tales, especially those of the taboo flavor. Many of these topics other presses won’t touch with a ten foot pole, but Storm Moon Press recognizes the need for quality fiction in these topics such as bro-cest and dub-con fiction. Just as everyone is different, so are their reading tastes. While some may want sweet romance, which SMP also serves, some readers may want something more extreme that isn’t too easily found at a publisher website.

I don’t know… have things changed? Is there a bigger, broader variety of books on the market now? What do you think?


This post is part of Storm Moon Press’ 4th Anniversary Blog Tour! Thank you for joining us, and please take a moment to enter Azalea Moone’s giveaway for Angel’s Redemption as well as our blog-tour-wide giveaway! The prize is receiving an ebook each month from SMP for 12 months! We hope to see you around the Internet and at RainbowCon in 2014! Happy New Year!

SMP’s 4th Anniversary Rafflecopter Giveaway
Azalea Moone’s “Angel’s Redemption” Rafflecopter Giveaway

Earth and Sky Audiobook by Zahra Owens

Earth&SkyAudLGTitle:  Earth and Sky ~ Audiobook

Series:  The Wranglers, #2

Author:  Zahra Owens

Genre:   Contemporary Cowboy Romance

Length:  10 Hours and 30 Minutes

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (September 27th, 2012))     

Heat Level:  Moderate to Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Hunter Krause knows better than anyone that running a ranch is hard work. Wranglers are hard to find, and even with Hunter’s foreman and entire extended family on hand, the busy ranch is constantly short-handed. So when horses go missing, Hunter’s brother-in-law hires a man Hunter would never have considered: Grant Jarreau, a man Hunter can’t forgive for leaving Hunter’s best friend Gable after an incapacitating accident.

Grant quickly fits in, befriending Hunter’s sister and making himself invaluable. Despite Hunter’s misgivings, he can’t quite control his body’s reactions to Grant, and he isn’t sure what to do about it. Then Grant saves Hunter’s young nephew from drowning and one thankful kiss opens doors Hunter never knew existed.

While Hunter and Grant tentatively move toward a relationship, the family’s in an uproar, the ranch is struggling, they can’t figure out what happened to the horses, and to top it all off, Grant is hiding something. Can Hunter learn to trust Grant, or will the turmoil already tearing up his family claim another victim?

Product Link Dreamspinner:

Product Link Audible:

Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  We first met Grant Jarreau and Hunter Krause in book one. Grant is Gable’s former lover and Hunter is the owner of the ranch that borders Gables. Hunter and Gable are also long time friends. Everyone, including me, has preconceived notions about the type of person that Grant is. We are all about to be proven wrong.

Hunter inherited his ranch when his late father passed. He lives there and runs it with his family. It is his life. When his foreman hires Grant on as a wrangler, Hunter is less than pleased. This lying, conniving bastard left his best friend at the worst of times. Grant always ducks and runs at the first sign of trouble, and Hunter doesn’t want him around. As the days pass and Hunter gets to know the man better, he learns Grant is not what he seems. There are two sides to every story. And the overwhelming attraction he has for Grant leaves him breathless and confused.

Grant had his reasons for leaving Gable’s ranch when he did, but in order to keep his secret he lets everyone continue to assume the worst about him. Besides, he and Gable were never in love, they were just in lust. Now he finds himself actually falling for his boss, the boss that can’t stand to be in the same room with him. Fate and circumstance keep pushing these two together and soon enough a rainy day leads to some experimenting. But they have a long, hard road to travel before they can even resemble a couple. Someone is stealing horses from the ranch, add to that Hunters wariness with Grant who keeps asking for time off, but not telling anyone where he’s going. There is a lot of mystery and intrigue, and just when you think they are finally going to pull it off another bomb is dropped.

Oh how I loved this book! The romance between the two ML was realistic and electric. Hunter doesn’t turn gay overnight, he struggles with his growing feelings for Grant, and the author conveys that beautifully. They share some passionate kisses and a lot of heavy petting before they find their way to the bed, well, hayloft actually. But it’s so sexy I listened to it twice!! Hunter’s insecurities balance perfectly with Grant’s assuredness, so neither one comes across as brash or fake. And Paul Morey stepped up to narrate again, Oh yes he did! The voice he uses for Hunter is so Rhett Butler it hurts, I loved it!!

Hunter is so very “Pardon me Grant, did I leave my boots under your bed?” and you couldn’t help but cheer for him and Grant to find that balance and get their much deserved HEA. There are a lot of twists and turns in this one, but I loved the added suspense. And this is not a sequel per say, it more runs alongside Clouds and Rain than comes after. I highly recommend this book, I’m certain that reading it will be just as good as listening, if not better. I will revisit this one again, and again.

*I received a copy of this audio book from Dreamspinner Press in exchange for an honest review through MM Good Book Reviews*

Going Up by Amy Lane

19274364Title: Going Up

Series:  N/A

Author: Amy Lane

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (94 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 24th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating:

Blurb: Every dreary day, Zach Driscoll takes the elevator from the penthouse apartment of his father’s building to his coldly charmed life where being a union lawyer instead of a corporate lawyer is an act of rebellion. Every day, that is, until the day, the elevator breaks, and Sean Mallory practically runs into his arms.

Substitute teacher Sean Mallory is everything Zach is not—poor, happy, and goofily charming. With a disarming smile and a penchant for drama, Sean laughs his way into Zach’s heart one elevator ride at a time. Zach would love to get to know Sean better, but first he needs the courage to leave his ivory tower and face a relationship that doesn’t end at the “Ding!”

Product Link:

Reviewer:   GiGi

Review: Fair warning for anyone who likes Amy Lane’s writing for her angst, this is a very low angst book! But it is lovely, sweet, and even funny, definitely a wonderful short novella worth reading. It’s a feel good story about stumbling into love, and taking a chance.

I have to chuckle because we all know those moments, like the ones Zach has when he purposely changes his schedule to keep meeting up with Sean in the elevator. I did the same thing, changing my running schedule in the morning so I would keep meeting up with my cute neighbor, and 12 years later, we’re still married! So yes, this is a cute and believable tale! More about leaving the security and comfort of one life, to take a gamble on something new, exciting, independent, and hopefully finding love at the same time. Leaving comfort and security to be true to one’s self.

A feel good, warm, and fuzzy tale of love in the elevator, and the sweet schoolteacher rescuing the prince in the tower!

Scorpion by Aleksandr Voinov

17433145Title: Scorpion, 2nd edition

Series: Memory of Scorpions, #1

Author: Aleksandr Voinov

Genre: Dark Military Fantasy

Length: Novel (268 pages)

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (May 27th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Never stop fighting.

Kendras is a casualty of war: injured, penniless, and quite possibly the last surviving member of the only family he’s ever had—the elite fighting force known as the Scorpions. When a steel-eyed mercenary offers him medicine and shelter in exchange for submission and a secret task, Kendras has no choice but to accept. He is a Scorpion; he’ll do whatever it takes to survive.

But his true goal is to rebuild the Scorpions. Neither Steel’s possessive nature nor Kendras’s shattered foot can keep him from finding the last of his brothers, or the mysterious leader of the Scorpions, the man who held Kendras’s heart long before Steel tried to take it for himself.

The goal is simple, the situation anything but. To rescue his leader and escape from Steel for good, Kendras must fight through a morass of politics and intrigue where enemies may be allies and even allies have hidden agendas. But Kendras isn’t only fighting for his lost lover and tribe—he soon realizes that nothing less than the birth of an Empire is at stake.

Product Link:

Review: Reader discretion advised. This title contains the following sensitive themes:

  • dubious consent
  • explicit violence

Being the first writer to introduce me to the m/m genre, it is safe to say that Voinov is one of my favorite authors. It is also safe to say that I’ve grown to expect anything and everything from this author, from romance to explicit erotica and from sci-fi to extreme dark fantasy.

So I expected to dive in this book and not be released from its spell unless it was over, I expected it to rock my world, I expected it to make me feel and intensely so. Still I didn’t saw it coming full force and hit me like a punch in the gut. And I lost count of how many times I was left there jaw hanging slack and shivers running through my body re-reading the same paragraph over and over again just because it was so very amazingly gritty and violent that I simply could not take my eyes of and move on.

Yes, I’m and addict when it comes to Voinov’s special brand of violence, I’m and addict when it comes to his horrific erotic scenes, and I’m an addict to the way he makes a perfectly terrifying character, one that should make me want to scream and run for my life, to the most delicious and lovable character ever.

If you don’t know this author’s work then frankly you don’t know what you’re missing; if you do than you’ll understand me when I say that more often than not I’m left speechless simply because there doesn’t seem to exist good enough words to talk about it.

In this book, we meet Kendras, a member of an elite military unit, The Scorpions. The unit is the family nobody can shatter. There is nothing above it and all and everything revolves around the members. They fight together, live together, die together and above all, they never stop fighting.

Unfortunately, in the last battle, too many members died and the fear that all is lost is almost consuming Kendras. He’s been shipped away from the field and lost contact with everybody, he’s wounded, to the brink of death but he must keep living and fighting and try to get his way back to find out what happened to his unit, to his Officer.

He must do whatever it takes to get well and on the road again, even if that means to give himself, however temporarily, to Steel, a mysterious man with a hidden agenda and seemingly soulless, who for whatever reason wants Kentras to be and work with him.

And this is how things are set in motion, a wide web of intrigues and political games for power, assassins coming from every corner and people dying from least expected hands. Corruption and hunger of every form are seen and a mind-blowing plot is slowly unraveled, steadily taking every ounce of your sanity away in its path.

The characters are many, their personalities each unique and the dialogues often have a gritty sense of humor you can’t resist. The erotic relations between the characters are limitless and often the lines blur, and the eroticism is heady driving you in a mindless swirl of emotions. Hot, sexy, debauched, or even forced everything is written with a seducing pen that makes even the crudest scene seem strangely alluring. Expect that, expect anything and you’ll be able to ride it in its full glory instead of staring shocked.

The plot was quite powerful too with so many unexpected twists and turns that keep you always on your toes never allowing you to relax for a single bit. And the world created oh my, such an enticing one, I can’t wait for the next book of the series to come just for the brief chance to get in there once again.

If there is one thing about this book that somehow let me down is the fact that we never really saw Kendras in the heart of a battle. Yes, he was wounded for the better part and yes, he did kill somebody, but I was waiting for that bloodthirsty Scorpion to wreak havoc and I didn’t get that. A bit disappointed there but hopefully he’ll come back in book #2 and do just that.

Conclusion after all the above… Well, freaking awesome and definitely on my favorite shelf where books that I take out and read to fix me up are put. The Scorpion is just too good to miss.


The Boy Who Belonged by Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock

the_boy_who_belonged_hiresTitle: The Boy Who Belonged

Series:  The Boy, #2

Author: Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock

Genre: Contemporary/BDSM

Length: Novel (219 pages)

Publisher: Loose Id (December 17th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:

Blurb: Twenty-one-year-old Lane Moredock finally has a normal life. Six months after he was wrongly made a suspect in his parents’ ponzi scheme, he’s settled down with his older boyfriend, Derek, and is working and attending school. But his happiness is threatened when his mother launches a Christmastime PR campaign to help appeal her prison sentence, and asks introverted Lane to be part of it.

Derek Fields has his hands full taking Santa photos, bird-sitting his sister’s foul-mouthed macaw, and helping Lane prepare for a television interview neither of them wants him to do. As he eases Lane through his anxiety, he worries that Lane sees him as a caretaker rather than a boyfriend, and that their age difference really does matter. He and Lane compensate for the stress in their lives by taking their D/s relationship to new levels–a relationship that Lane’s mother insists he should be ashamed of.

As Christmas draws nearer, the pressure builds. Pushy elves. Snarky subs. A bad fight. A parrot in peril. How the hell is Derek going to give Lane a perfect Christmas when the Moredock legacy threatens to pull them apart before the new year?

Product Link:

Reviewer:   GiGi

Review: The Boy Who Belonged is a continuation of The Boy series and should be read after The Good Boy.

We see the relationship between Lane and Derek continue and a little bit of normalcy start to settle, that is until Lane’s mother adds to the holiday stress by reinserting herself into Lane’s life. As if the poor boy hasn’t suffered enough, his mother lays on the guilt, shame, the disappointment, and the seeds of doubt that his relationship with Derek is healthy or even real. As if, I had not hated that woman enough before! Both Derek and Lane are left questioning their relationship, have their first big fight, and reexamine both their needs and demands. Both are eager yet worried about taking their D/s play further, although both seem to need it. Can Derek help Lane navigate his parents issues, and will Lane see him as a “Daddy” or the man who loves him? Both do some serious thinking about age, their D/s relationship and their future together.

This story brings the point home about family being whom you make it, rather than those you are born to. And about the importance of friends. The whole Christmas thing added another level of stress and guilt to all parties involved. Will Derek and Lane be celebrating a happy first Christmas together, or will the pressures of family, work, and relationships prove to be too much to handle?

I suggest grabbing this book and finding out!

Hunter's Moon by M.J. O'Shea

19206574Title: Hunter’s Moon, 3rd edition

Series: Sequel to Blood Moon Inolita Luna: Book Two

Genre:  Young Adult Paranormal Romance

Author: M.J. O’Shea

Length: Novel (249 Pages)

Publisher: Harmony Ink Publishing, Dreamspinner Press (December 4th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: New York City has been calling Miles Hunter for as long as he can remember, but he’s sure the imaginary monsters in his stories are all the adventure he’ll experience—until a mugging and daring rescue leave him wondering what else is out there that he had never believed in before.

 PC has spent eighteen years doing the opposite of what everyone expects. He hunts supernatural troublemakers, hangs out with vampires, and refuses to settle down—to the disapproval of his respectable parents and the stuffy Lycan council. Then one confusing night, his instincts turn him to wolf form to save a stranger.

Miles and PC must learn to live together, because even minutes of separation mean extreme pain. Miles falls for the unpredictable PC, the wolf’s strange friends, and their nightly adventures, but his reluctant lover is determined to break their bond. As they are drawn into a mystery involving werewolves, rogue vampires, and a lot of dead humans, finding the truth might mean the hunt of PC’s life—especially if he wants to keep Miles alive.

1st Edition published by Republica Press, August 2010.
2nd Edition published by M.J. O’Shea, April 2012.

Product Link:

Review: Many people who know me know that my favorite reads in the world are paranormal romances, especially when it is two very hot and sexy men. What’s more is when those two men don’t just fall in love and in bed right off the bat. I love it when there are twists and turns to their relationships. M.J. never fails to amaze me.

This book is another hit and I absolutely loved it. Mile’s is a true wonder and believes that monsters only exist in him imagination and in his stories. That is until he comes face to face with them in the wonderful city of New York. He is rescued by the rough and tough PC, who is trying everything to break their bond. You would fall in love with Miles if you ever met him, quirky sense of humor and is unique and gentle. His smile would light the way for any sexy man looking at him. PC on the other hand is sexy and hot with a temper to match. However, he would give up his life to keep Miles from dying.

The sex between them both will set the sheets on fire and keep you heated up all night long. This story has a perfect story line, one that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I love plots that involve love, hate, danger, and pain. There is a lot of danger in this story one that will show you the twist and turns of their budding romance. Now if PC will let himself fall in love.

I couldn’t put this story down at all, even gave up the idea of eating for a bit. I turned on the radio, got myself a drink and sat down for a day of reading. I can see myself reading this story many times over.

Zirkua Fantastic by Voss Foster

86444fea4e5d4eba98efe505cf47b387bc37dd9dTitle: Zirkua Fantastic

Series: N/A

Genre:  Young Adult Fantasy

Author: Voss Foster

Length: Novel (188 Pages)

Publisher: Torquere Press (October 23rd, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2.5 to 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Zirkua Fantastic has been running steadily since 1753, amazing its patrons with acts of otherworldly skill and prowess. But that talent comes at a steep price: each artist must give a year of his or her life to the circus. None of them knows why, only that the circus’ owners will go to whatever lengths are necessary to ensure it. Toby, the hoop dancer at Zirkua Fantastic and son of one of the owners, is content with his life: he enjoys performing and Zirkua’s wandering life, and even has a boyfriend among the circus’ hawkers. But when a new artist arrives, bringing with him a strange flask and a number of odd occurrences, Toby falls face-first into the truth behind the circus: Its contracts bind King Jester, the immortal embodiment of chaos.

Zirkua’s performances and contracts have held King Jester prisoner for centuries, but now something’s amiss. King Jester’s sister, Dragon, has escaped her own bonds and is working to free her brother, and his power is growing. If he is loosed on the world, it will mean the worst war in human history and the end of civilization… unless Zirkua Fantastic can find a way to stop him.

Product Link:

Review: I had a lot of trouble following this story. It is written very well, but I just couldn’t keep my attention on it.

Toby is a gentle and kind young man who is a hoop dancer. He even has a boyfriend who he likes a lot, even though his father warns him to not fall in love with him because he is a Hawk and all hawks leave. He actually likes what he does even though it cost you a year of your life to be in Zirkua Fantastic. He is someone who would capture your attention and make you just take him into your arms and coddle him. Although no one knows what exactly Zirkua Fantastic is about, Toby comes across the truth. King Jester has been held prisoner for many centuries and his sister who has escaped her own bonds keeps trying to free her brother. If he escapes, everyone dies.

This story has a lot of danger and excitement in it. It has its magical side to it, which I did like and comes off like genie in the bottle. It has a good story line one that if you were in to fantasy style stories with young people it would be a big hit. The only problem I had with this story is it just didn’t come across as real to me or even a possibility to be real.

The Good Boy by Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock

lhjr_thegoodboyTitle: The Good Boy

Series:  The Boy, #1

Author: Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock

Genre: Contemporary/BDSM

Length: Novel (348 pages)

Publisher: Loose Id (March 26th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:

Blurb: Introverted college student Lane Moredock is in a bad place. His mother has been arrested for securities fraud, his father is on the run, and everyone, including the SEC, suspects Lane knows where the missing millions are. Lane, with no money and nowhere to live, makes a desperate deal that lands him in trouble and leaves him unwilling to trust a so-called Dom again.

Photographer Derek Fields lost money to the Moredocks, and is as sure as anyone that Lane is guilty despite his claims. A chance meeting with Lane shows him there might be something more to the young man than arrogance and privilege, and Derek wonders if Lane might be just what he’s been looking for: a sub with the potential to be a life partner.

As Lane slowly begins to open up to Derek and explore his needs as a submissive, the investigation closes tighter around him. Lane might be everything that Derek wants, but first Derek needs to trust that Lane is innocent–and Lane needs to trust Derek with the truth.

Product Link:

Reviewer:   GiGi

Review: Reminiscent of the Bernie Madoff investment scandal of 2008, The Good Boy follows the plight of the pyramid scheme suspects’ heir apparent through the loss of his family, friends and lifestyle, the abuse at the hands of his idol, and resulting suicide of his abuser, Landon has lost it all. Wanting the world to see him for who he is, professing his innocence, and willing to do anything to start new, to survive, Lane is at his worst when he runs into Derek.

Derek Fields is angry at what Lane’s parents have taken from him, and he doesn’t believe the son’s completely innocent, he views him as part of his problem, so when he sees the little rich boy at a party he’s hired to photograph, he feels not sympathy but anger and vengeance toward Lane. Even when he realizes that maybe Lane is in over his head with Acton, he takes a photo rather than stepping up to help, and walks away. That guilt will haunt him through the trials to come, the fact that he could have saved Lane from harm.

We see Lane go through terrible abuse at the hands of what he thought would be his Dom, Acton, the wealthy real estate tycoon who also lost so much to Lane’s parents. Luckily, he escapes with his life, but may never trust again, and does not understand his need for control and submission, blames himself for the pain that was inflicted.

When Derek and Lane run into each other again, Derek’s guilt and attraction make him pay close attention to the suffering submissive boy in front of him. He sees not a weak privileged boy, but a survivor, someone who needs his help, and he takes care of Lane’s wounds, and attempts to guide and protect him from the media, his parents, and himself. But is it love or guilt leading Derek’s choices? Can Lane even allow himself to be put in a submissive role again? Is he really ready for such things? There is definitely a psychological drama to this story. We see different aspects of BDSM from Domestic Discipline, to simple bondage, brats and Doms.

There is so much growth, so many hurdles between Derek and Lane, and that to me makes this an interesting and worthwhile read. To see how they handle those roadblocks and grow to be what each other needs most. I enjoy reading the BDSM genre and this book brought something new, and something a little scary, both sides fighting anger, blame, and guilt before their relationship even got off the ground. I was worried that was too much baggage to add to the give and take, and trust of a D/s relationship but Henry and Rock make it work! A recommended read!

A Cunning Plan by B. Snow

CunningPlan[A]LGTitle: A Cunning Plan

Series: N/A

Genre: Paranormal/Historical/European

Author: B. Snow

Length: Novel (208 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (November 29th, 2013)

Heat Rating: Low

Heart Level: ♥♥♥3 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Alec, Earl of Whittlesey, lives a dull and reclusive existence, rarely mingling with society and, to his mother’s regret, refusing to marry. But his mother and society do not know he harbors a secret: a kind of madness that is driving him to deadly despair.

When Alec meets the commoner Morgan Villenie, he finds the man’s cheer and wit hard to resist, despite his own dark moods. Alec warms to Villenie, but Villenie has secrets of his own. If these two men are ever truly to be together, they must trust each other enough to reveal those secrets—even if they both believe the truth could tear them apart.

Product Link:

Review: Well, I got to say that I am not normally one that reads historical books, whether fiction or nonfiction. This story was pretty good, well told, and great story line. I, however, did have a hard time following it, but in the end, I enjoyed the story.

Alec is driving his mother crazy with the not wanting to marry, however it is basically because he is in the closet. He is from a very wealthy and influential family, deciding to no longer mingle with those of his station in life. That is until he meets Morgan, a commoner who has secrets of his own. Morgan is funny and is cheerful even when he is angry and judgmental. They hit it off and try to learn more about each other, even if it could destroy them both. Both hot and sexy characters with different types of personalities, they come together in a time that it is extremely dangerous to be gay.

The sex is a mixture of tenderness and passionate. It took me longer to follow this story, keeping my attention, but once I started to understand the story, it was pretty good.

War and Peace and Brotherhood by D.K. Jernigan

18303085Title:War and Peace and Brotherhood

Series:   Fraternal Devotion

Author:D.K. Jernigan

Genre:M/M, incest, urban fantasy

Length: Short (26 pages)

Publisher:Storm Moon Press (August 9th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Cat

Blurb: Riley is one of the Transformed, given superhuman abilities through a viral mutation. Keith is a militiaman dedicated to bringing down the infected humans. But these enemies are also brothers, and when their lives collide after years of estrangement, the war—and their hearts—will take them to places that neither expects.

Purchase Link:

Review: Keith works to help contain the Infecteds, his brother disappeared several years ago and he was the last person he figured he would run across on the job.  Secrets are exposed.

I really liked this story a lot. Even though it has brother sex, it was well written and emotional, not sleazy. I felt for both of these men. The only issue I had was its very short and doesn’t really have a lot of Information on the Infecteds, or the brothers past.  I’d love to read a full-length novel on this story. It’s pretty interesting.

If you like, shifters, werewolves, brotherly love and a good urban fantasy this is for you.


Claiming Their Human by Eva Evans

18760706Title: Claiming Their Human

Series: Alien Experiment, # 1

Author: Eva Evans

Length: Novella (39 Pages)

Publisher: Evernight Publishing (November 7th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Caleb hates the fact his small fishing town has turned into a tourist trap. After an alleged alien sighting near the marina, everyone is trying to make money off the spectacle. Overnight vendors and obtrusive billboards replace the beautiful views of the ocean. It isn’t until two muscular men drag him to their spacecraft that he second guesses his beliefs.

Zane and Kross have traveled across the galaxy to find their human mate. They’ve been searching for years, so when they find Caleb, they’re beyond thrilled. One thing they didn’t plan on was his reluctance to their abduction. But they won’t leave Earth without their human.

Caleb soon realizes he has nothing of value left on Earth. His gorgeous alien captors promise him love, excitement, and the best sex he’s ever had. Somewhere along the way to their planet, he decides their new ménage relationship is actually a blessing in disguise.

Product Link:

Review: I never really cared for short stories and novella’s. But this book was really cute. It caught my attention from the very start and kept my attention to the end.

Caleb use to love his small fishing town till the alien sightings brought more attention then it needed. Everyone from everywhere was visiting and Caleb was getting to the point of hatred. Then two very hot and sexy men drag his cute butt onto their spacecraft claiming to be his mates. Caleb is a cutie with a heart of gold and a love that is about to find its way out. Zane and Kross are hot, sexy and have bodies to die for. They want their mate and will do everything in their powers to keep him. He was beginning to wonder and ponder their lives together. However, he really was reluctant to go with them. However, they do find a way to change his mind, and trust me his mind was rocked. The excitement and passion over whelmed him.

The sex was hot and set the sheets on fire. I really wish there was more to this story however, because it was majorly hot. I love it and cannot wait to read it again.

The Dreamer by M. King

617V+ait96L._SL1000_Title:  The Dreamer

Author: M. King 

Genre:   Contemporary Paranormal Romance

Length:  Novella (36 pages)

Publisher:  Wilde City Press (December 12th, 2013)

Heat Level:  Mild

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥3Hearts

Blurb: Horacio is a man of science. He has poured himself into forging a career, a life…and just hoping that, somehow, the rest will take care of itself. Loneliness has stalked him for years, and he has never fully mastered the art of connecting with others. Only in his dreams does Horacio know the comfort and closeness of another’s presence, but is the figure that haunts his nights completely benign?

When Horacio is forced to confront his dreams—and the beautiful, terrible creature at their center—the truth might just be more frightening than his reality has ever been.

Product Link:

Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Horacio is a dreamer. He’s never really connected with any one person in his life, only having a sense of intimacy within his dreams. He doesn’t fully comprehend the gravity of these vivid dreams and even begins medicating in an attempt to stave them off. But the dreams never cease, they are always there, and as the story progress’ they get more detailed and the imaginary soon seems to be bleeding over into his reality.

This novella was written very philosophically. At times, I was completely dumbfounded and confused, but there was something about the dream that kept me reading. I admit I was intrigued by the confusion, which in itself is odd. When you learn the cause and effect of Horacio’s dreams, I think you’ll be surprised. And the dream never seems to come to fruition, which had me feeling Horacio’s frustration.

Thought provoking and requiring concentration. But it is a short read. Overall, it was okay, it did keep my attention, and even though there aren’t any knock your socks off sex, there is definitely heat and passion. If you’re looking for something quick and interesting, you could give this one a go.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review for MM Good Book Reviews*

The Naughty Boy by Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock

17878369Title: The Naughty Boy

Series:  The Boy, # 1.5

Author: Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock

Genre: Contemporary/BDSM

Length: Novella (45 pages)

Publisher: Loose Id (May 2nd 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:

Blurb: Brin and his Dom, Ferg, have enjoyed a fun, sexy domestic discipline relationship for years. Brin knows his role–flamboyant, fabulous brat–and Ferg knows it’s his job to play the big bad Dom, giving Brin the punishment he desperately craves. When Brin is tasked with dressing his new friend Lane Moredock for a date with Brin’s ex, Derek, he’s excited–fashion is what he knows best, and Lane is going to look stunning. But what should be a fun afternoon takes a serious turn when Brin sees that Lane has been injured, and Lane’s reluctance to tell Brin the truth about it makes Brin start to question who he is, why things didn’t work with Derek, and what people really think of him. Is he just a flittery, glittery fashion fairy? Or does he mean something more to the people he loves? And can he find a way to bring these doubts up with Ferg–or is Ferg going to have to Top his way to the bottom of this?

Product Link:

Reviewer:   GiGi

Review: An interesting story from Ferg, the ultimate brat’s point of view. I actually recommend reading The Boy Who Belonged first, because then you understand where all characters are in the story arch.

This story gave me new insight into Brin’s character, because I truly felt he was quite a flake, but there is a much deeper soul, more than his bratty reputation, a truly concerned friend and lover. We see how important Brin becomes to Lane, not only a great friend but to his healing and understanding of himself as well. The two become close, and compare notes and swap secrets regarding each other’s relationships. Brin has the inside scoop for Lane because he is Derek’s ex-boyfriend and ex-sub. Once Lane realizes there is no need for jealousy, the two form a strong bond. This is also largely about Brin realizing his own value, to others and to Ferg.

A little lighter fare than The Good Boy, but a valuable piece for sure!

Time for Christmas by Liam Grey

alliwant185Title:  Time for Christmas

Series:  All I want, Torquere Press Holiday Sips

Author:  Liam Grey

Genre:   Holiday

Length:  Short (18 pages)

Publisher: Torquere Press (December 4th, 2013)

Product link:

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts

Blurb:  When your partner works a late shift for the holiday, and there’s nothing waiting at home except the damn Christmas tree, why not stay at the office yourself? Tim doesn’t care much for the holiday anyway, and there’s always more paperwork. A push out the door, a pot of stew, and a little holiday magic lets these two lovers find time for Christmas.

Reviewer:   Pammie

Review:  A Torquere Press Christmas short

This is a short, intriguing, and enjoyable Christmas read.

Tim appears to be something of a Christmas Grinch to start with when we meet him in his office. However, that changes when he gets home, and gets things ready for his absent lover. But just who is Chris, with the short, white hair and beard, who works so hard the night of Christmas Eve?

The lovers reconnect on Christmas morning, with promises and affirmations of love. At Tim’s request, they go to see the sunrise together, and then head for a favoured diner where they can sit and enjoy both the sunrise, and each other’s company.

If you like short, romantic, Christmas reads, this is for you.

Jurassic Heart by Anna Martin

19324523Title: Jurassic Heart

Series:  N/A

Author: Anna Martin

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 27th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:

Blurb: When paleontologist Nick Eisenberg learns that someone thinks they have found velociraptor bones in Alberta, his curiosity overrides his desire to stay in London. After all, he’s one of the world’s leading experts on prehistoric predators and has always wanted to look for the velociraptor’s North American cousins. There’s only one problem: eco-conservationist Hunter Joseph. While Nick supervises the dig, Hunter rallies support from the locals to oppose the way the team is destroying the landscape in their search for dinosaur bones.

Nick and Hunter just cannot get along. Hunter is self-righteous and pouty. Nick is narrow-minded and geeky. But they have to figure out how to work on the same site without killing each other, especially since someone else out there seems determined to cause Nick more problems than he could have ever imagined.

Product Link:

Reviewer:   GiGi

Review: I am quickly becoming a big fan of Anna Martin. I was wondering how she would top Cricket, but she has, and with a wonderfully refreshing tale of adventure, mud and bones! I love that she combined paleontology with romance, making those geeky fossil lovers into hot heroes! Throughout the book, we learn several interesting bits of terminology regarding the field of paleontology. In fact, the author helps us out by giving us a dictionary of dino-terms in the beginning of the book.

The book brings us the competitiveness of the paleontologists, the dirt, mud and dust of the not so glamorous digs, and the methods of how a site is set up, how people organized site and reported, and the risks both physical and environmental this type of work includes. It was a very clever and exciting twist to have two opposing people, the environmental warrior, and dino-discovering doctor, be at odds with each other to the point of fisticuffs. But, you know what they say…opposites attract.

When Eric White, the original site-managing doctor gets attacked, Nick takes over the dig, expanding in a direction he knows will be a better path, and reorganizes using some of his best connections in the field. The dig is going well, full steam ahead until Hunter stops Nick’s dig to threaten him with a shut down due to environmental protection issues. The two get into an angry confrontation, the dig site is being sabotaged, and they still haven’t found Eric’s attacker, but something that cannot be denied through all the turmoil is Nick and Hunter’s attraction to each other.

Throwing in one more complication is Boner, Nick’s sometime lover and long time best friend working side by side with him on the dig. Is what Boner and Nick have romantic love and will Hunter and Nick’s affair get in the way of that? Can one even form a lasting relationship with such a big adversary? Will rains, sabotage, and attempted murder make all of these questions null and void? Too exciting to tell!

This is a great read, fast paced, entertaining and even educational! I’m impressed with Anna Martin’s research and creativity, oh yes and I can’t forget…very steamy romance writing skills!