Tarnished Glitter by Morticia Knight

19308945Title:  Tarnished Glitter

Series:  Gin & Jazz, #3

Author:  Morticia Knight

Genre:   Historical Romance

Length:  Novel (186 pages)

Publisher:  Totally Bound (January 10th 2014) Available now for early download.

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb: Jack and Roman’s love grows seemingly stronger as Jack’s star rises, and he is determined to build a life with the sexually overwhelming screen idol. But hiding from the truth doesn’t make it any less real.

Jack has given himself completely to screen god Roman Pasquale – body and heart. Jack forces himself to let go of the promise of what could have been with Nick, and focus on the enchanted moments with his film star lover instead, despite Roman’s jealous and controlling behavior.

Roman’s paranoia and fear about losing the much younger Jack threatens to destroy the only real happiness Roman has ever had. Jack is a wonder and a gift to him, yet he can’t seem to just accept their charmed life together – he is determined to make Jack into the perfect partner. He believes that constant sexual attention, lavish gifts, and declarations of love will ensure that Jack never has a reason to leave him.

The pressures of being on the silver screen and being the lover of a demanding movie idol is difficult for the sensitive young man to handle, and Roman’s increasingly erratic behavior only adds to his stress. Unwanted attention from other men and a startling revelation from movie star Trixie Fox add to Jack’s confusion. All he’s ever wanted was true love, so how can he give up on Roman and the star’s promises of forever?

Product Link (pre-order): https://www.totallybound.com/tarnished-glitter

Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  This is the third book in a series that must be read in order.

All young Jack has ever wanted was to be loved and be happy. He thought he found that with Nick, but had his heart-broken when Nick left him. Screen icon Roman Pasquale was conveniently there to pick up the pieces. Jack was leery of the eccentric older man’s affections in the beginning, but persistence paid off and Roman finally won his heart. As much as Jack wants to live happily ever after with Roman, things are happening that are starting to concern Jack.

Roman is controlling and extremely jealous. And now the studio has tightened the reins on their relationship, making them hide the fact that they are lovers even more so than they already were. Roman’s constant paranoia that he’s going to lose his young lover is causing him to make decisions that are just pushing Jack even further away.

Jack loves Roman with all his heart, and Roman returns that love he just doesn’t really know how to convey it all the time. The distance that the studio is forcing on them is actually providing some clarity for Jack. That coupled with a newfound interest in him and a secret he discovers may be too much for his strained relationship with Roman to bear.

The character development throughout this series just keeps growing and maturing. Jacks naiveté is his greatest quality, and he’s about to find out he has strength as well. Roman is hanging on by a thread. His domineering personality can come across as abusive if you read him the wrong way, but he really just knows no other way to love. I’ll tell you after reading this installment and learning even more about the characters and delving deeper into the story, who I’m rooting for has shifted.

This series is fast paced and completely engaging with a wide variety of colorful characters. Knight has written a fantastical story set in the Prohibition era wrapped up with glitz, romance, movie star dreams, and heartbreak. I recommend adding this collection to your e-reader for sure.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review for MM Good Book Reviews*


Fighting Dragons by T.A. Chase

19390448Title: Fighting Dragons, 2nd edition

Series: Dragons, # 3

Author: T.A. Chase

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (31K)

Publisher: MLR Press (December 13th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Cat

Blurb: On St. Patrick’s Day, when Irish magic is strongest, a meddling elf gives Bailey Stevenson and David Wellmine a chance to embrace the love simmering between them.

Sergeant Bailey Stevenson and Captain David Wellmine dance around their attraction to each other. Bailey is more than willing to take their friendship in a more intimate direction, but David can’t climb out from under his father’s thumb long enough to take the next step. On St. Patrick’s Day, when Irish magic is strongest, a meddling elf gives Bailey and David a chance to step beyond their doubts and fears to embrace the love simmering below the surface between them. But when the spell is over, will David break the chains of his father’s plans for him and give Bailey his heart? Or will Bailey suffer a harsher wound than the ones left by the war?

Purchase Link: http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=TACFDRGN

Review: This is part of a series and does need to be read in order. https://www.goodreads.com/series/44147-dragons

This book is book three. Bailey suffers from chronic pain and many injuries from a bomb when he was stationed over-seas. He gets some relief from potions his friend, an elf, now mortal, supplies him. He is in love with his captain David Wellmine, but not sure David reciprocates or even is gay, though David has been very supportive for him.

David also has his dragons to fight. He actually is the lead of the task force that is almost done with its mission and may be disassembled and his personal ones. He lives his life the way his dad wants but part of him wants to express his true feelings and what he really wants to do with his life.

The story is good. It’s very deep and emotional but not full of angst. It deals with the deep feelings in a sweet fun way. The fantasy aspect of this story, the elves, dragons, potion, magic, help to lighten the load and make it intriguing.  I will admit I haven’t read the first two and would love to so I get a better feel of the other characters and the fantasy world.

If you like fantasy, elves, Irish, magic, coming out and some fairly hot man-sex, this is for you! For those that need to know I would call this one a HEA. (Happy Ever After)


More Than Personal by K.C. Wells

18666564Title:  More than Personal

Series:  Personal, #1.5

Author:  KC Wells

Genre:   Contemporary Romance

Length:  Short (36 pages)

Publisher:  Island Tales Press (October 13th 2013)

Heat Level:  Moderate to Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb: Will and Blake are approaching their sixth wedding anniversary, and life is good. Their surrogate, Donna, is due to deliver their baby in three weeks’ time, and the two men can’t wait to become fathers. Boy, girl—it doesn’t matter. Their baby is going to be loved and adored.
Today is Will’s birthday, and Blake has plans to make it a very sexy and memorable one. Little do both men realize, the day will be memorable for an entirely different reason.

Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/More-than-Personal-K-C-Wells-ebook/dp/B00FVYTS3A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1388716458&sr=8-1&keywords=More+Than+Personal

Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Short, Sexy, and Steamy… my three favorite colors!!

Will and Blake are happily married for going on six years, and expecting their first child via a surrogate. For Will’s birthday Blake manages to get him out of the flat long enough to set up his surprise, neither one is aware that the day has even more surprises in store for them.

Blake has a special birthday dinner planned for Will, and Will is the main course! Blake nibbles, licks and devours more than just champagne, chocolate, and strawberries on their new four-poster bed in this sexy little dish of a story. Exhausted and happily spent, the hubbies drift off only to be woken by a frantic call from their surrogate. And baby makes three!

It seemed like I devoured this delicious treat in five minutes flat! The story flowed so well and fit perfectly into the world Wells has created with the Personal series. A lot of times, readers are left wondering what happens exactly with our favorite couples after ‘The End’. Well, Wells has given us a peak into Will and Blake’s life six years later and they are still very much in love, and lust with each other.

You have to read this book, but you have to read the first two books in the series first, Making It Personal and Personal Changes.

Hollywood Bound by Morticia Knight

2367-210x336Title:  Hollywood Bound

Series:  Gin & Jazz book #1

Author:  Morticia Knight

Genre:  HistoricalRomance

Length:  Novel, 189 pages

Publisher:  Totally Bound, November 1st 2013

Heat Level:  Moderate to Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts

Blurb:   Jack and Nick seek fortune and adventure in the silent film era of Hollywood. But their newly expressed love is threatened by the heady allure of fame, gin, and easy money.

Sweet and innocent nineteen year-old Jack has loved the older and more streetwise Nick from almost the first time he met him. Nick has taken care of him ever since Jack arrived in New York after he was beaten and thrown out of the boy’s orphanage for messing around with one of the guys there. They share a passion for silent films and have dreams of heading west to make their fortunes building sets for the studios. If only Nick felt the same passion for Jack, and wasn’t already engaged to a gal back in Philly.

Nick’s temper sometimes gets the best of him, but that’s only because he worries about Jack – Nick is all the poor kid has. But he’s also terrified about the way he’s been feeling towards Jack lately. They’re the kinds of feelings he should be having for his fiancé—Penelope—and never for a man. His only goal is to get them both to Hollywood, where he’s sure they’ll be rolling in the dough in no time, and where everything will all work out the way, it should.

Hollywood isn’t exactly what they’d thought it would be. There are plenty of gin joints, jazz, money, parties and sex—but everything comes with a hefty price. Everyone they meet—from Trixie Fox, the ditzy up and coming starlet, to Bernie, the foreman who gets them their first studio job—seems to have a hidden agenda. Can the newfound love between Jack and Nick survive the tawdry mess that makes up the glitz and glamour of the celluloid kingdom, or will their own secrets tear them apart forever?

Reader Advisory: This book contains mild BDSM elements, drug use, and sex-for-hire scenes.

Product Link:  https://www.totallybound.com/hollywood-bound

Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Jack and Nick are two friends that seek fortune and fame in the glamorous world of Hollywood. Soon enough they learn that it’s not so glamorous, there is a dark and dangerous side to the fame they seek. Can an already fragile relationship survive the grittier side of the life they want to live?

Jack is young, innocent, and naïve. To spite the abuse he’s suffered in his young life, he still has a purity about him that is endearing. Nick is shady and more aloof. There is nothing, and I do mean nothing, that he won’t do to protect Jack’s innocence. The two form a friendship and bond while traveling from New York to Hollywood that quickly becomes much more. Nick is determined to protect Jack from the reality of their situation. So he makes some very bad choices, the consequences of which may be more than either man can handle.

The first half of this book was laying the foundation for the story. It’s a little slow and scattered. But the last half brings all the randomness together. And although the choices Nick makes threaten to make him an unlikeable character, the reasoning behind them will keep the reader in his corner. I loved the fact that Knight stayed true to the innocence of the character Jack. More often than not in gay fiction, these characters have been written this way, but have been completely violated. Not Jack. He has suffered abuse, but not in that way. I think that aspect makes the decisions that Nick makes more believable and sufferable because you can see the validity in it all.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, but it won’t be my last! I don’t usually like stories from this old Hollywood era, but the picture Knight painted of the darker side of this time period just pulled me in. And when the personalities of Jack and Nick came together in the bedroom, oh my, it was sexy. Nick brings out the passionate and kinky side of Jack, while Jack brings out the tender and loving side of Nick. It’s a perfect balance. *Warning* there is a son of a bitch of a cliffhanger! Thankfully, book two is on Nov 30th!!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through MM Good Book Reviews*


No Quarter by L.J. LaBarthe

NoQuarterLGTitle: No Quarter, 2nd edition

Series: Archangel Chronicles: Book One

Author: L.J. LaBarthe

Genre: Paranormal / Angel~Demons

ISBN: 978-1-62798-671-7

Length: Novel (220 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 20th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit  

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: You would never know it from his flamboyant lifestyle, but Gabriel’s not just the cheerful, fun-loving adoptive father of a pair of indulged young adult humans. He’s an Archangel, commander of Heaven’s legions of Seraphim, and despite his apparently easy virtue, he’s harboring a serious crush on his superior officer, Michael.

For years, Michael has devoted himself to developing a team of humans, the Venatores, to aid in the fight against Hell. He’s been pining after Gabriel for centuries without hope, believing himself to be too serious to attract the other Archangel’s interest. He’s happy to discover that he’s wrong, but their burgeoning relationship is stymied by a major problem: an egomaniacal human is recruiting demons and fallen angels in a bid to take over the world. It’s up to Michael and Gabriel, and the rest of the Brotherhood of Archangels, to beat back the forces of Hell before the Earth is overrun.

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4447

Review: This is the second time I read this book and other than typos and errors lacking, there isn’t much done story-wise. Thus, while much, much easier a read this time around, it was still lacking profoundly in intensity for such an “epic” book/series.

Let’s take a look at the lore here. This series is about the Archangels and their duty bestowed to them by God to protect human kind and the plane of Earth. Specifically here, we have a megalomaniac human who believes to be himself the reincarnation of a Saint and thus he has bargained with a Fallen One, has surrounded himself with demons, and plans to open up the Gates of Hell and unleash the poor condemned souls. The Archangels must intervene and eliminate him, but the impending doom is not overthrown.

This is the main action plot and frankly, I found it lacking. The epic-ness that characterizes such reads was nowhere to be found, the characters making the backbone were quite flat and uninteresting, and the story itself was a bit ludicrous. I mean there were demons that really looked like lackeys, Archdemons that made no impression whatsoever, except for that mwahahaha-type of villain you get on all cheesy reads (seriously Ondrass was overkill), the human megalomaniac named Bob was, oh my God I have no words for him, and they all, all of them fell flat making me wonder what is the point of writing a bad guy if you don’t intend to do something with him.

Romantic wise it was just the same. Michael is supposed to be pinning for Gabriel for years, Gabriel always wanted Michael, but this meeting after a thousand years drove home the fact that he loves him. The beginning – before either of them talked – made you think we’d get the tragic/epic hotter than Hell kind of burning relationship that would make even the stars shine less in front of its brightness etc.etc. But, but I’m afraid it was the most disappointing thing. The longing one would come to expect, the you’re-finally-mine feeling one would rightly expect, the Earth-Heaven-Hell-are-nothing-before-us kind of feeling that should be there, were not. The sex was good, nice and all, but it was no match for Archangels, if not a bit cheesy and laughable at times. I was really put off with this relationship, one ought to have made it burn and explode, but this was beyond lukewarm.

As for Michael and Gabriel as personalities, oh my, especially with Michael, Archangel Michael, the Prince of Heaven, I wanted to blind myself and stop reading altogether. That was one hell of a way to ruin all my fantasies for the big badass Archangel and that I do not forgive. He was ruined and a total fail in my opinion, and while I’d go for any ludicrous story and lukewarm sex/love, ruining such a powerful figure such as Michael is a crime. Gabriel was just, I don’t know, just so weird… I’ll not go there at all.

Overall, this new edition did not bring any changes in the story. The only good thing was the fact that the typographic errors were lacking and it was easier a read than before. Still base core of this story, the backbone of it, held a slight interest, that’s why I’ll be reading the next installment and see if the series is a worth reading one or drop it and move on sort. As for this one, I don’t know. If you like, angels and demons so much and you don’t mind the above, then give it a try.


Settling the Score by Christopher Koehler

SettlingtheScoreLGTitle: Settling the Score

Series: CalPac Crew, #4

Author: Christopher Koehler

Genre: Contemporary Romance

ISBN: 978-1-61581-652-1

Length: Novel (320 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 16th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 3.5~4 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Stuart Cochrane and Philip Sundstrom make an unlikely pair. Philip’s brother, Brad, can’t imagine his brother with another man, let alone with the coxswain he razzed throughout his college rowing career. But somehow, they settle into a relationship that works as Philip helps Stuart navigate the pressures of deciding between medical school and competing for a spot on the national rowing team. In turn, Stuart helps Philip with his problems at work, where he’s faced with a rebellious board of directors.

Yet soon enough, the pressures take their toll. Stuart comes to resent the easy way Philip spends money, while Philip worries about Stuart’s time commitments. He’ll do anything to come to the rescue, including spending his money to grease the rails for Stuart, but Stuart resents the rich so much it drives a wedge between them.

Then Stuart finds himself facing the greatest crisis of his life. There’s only one person he can turn to—but Philip has his own demons to battle in the form of his board trying to frame him for their own unethical actions. Will Philip be able to aid Stuart while he extricates himself from his board’s trap, or will his divided attention cost them both everything that matters?

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4472

Review: I must say I’m quite delighted to have started this New Year with such a nicely written book. I enjoyed every line of this story, but most of all I fell in love with the writing itself. The underlying wittiness and peculiar humor made it a heck of a ride, and gave me such a great time.
This story is a part of a series that I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t read before. However, it’s easily read as a standalone. The only problem I faced was, or rather is the fact that I want to go grab all the books of the series now and inhale them.

So in this book you’ll read Stuart Cochrane and Philip Sundstrom’s love story. Stuart is getting ready to start med school while at the same time he’s been given the opportunity to compete for a spot on the National Rowing team. The stress of decision-making is wearing him down, and there comes Philip, like an unwavering rock to ask him the one question no one has before. What does Stuart want? As for Philip, this confident, cool man, dangerous like a shark, he finds a quiet strength and wisdom in Stuart that helps him ground his deeply hidden emotions. Mostly, Stuart brings out the best of him right about the time when he feels lost and alone in the world.

What starts as casual friendship with benefits turns quickly into more and while emotions and feeling grow stronger, so does differences and mostly Stuart’s hang ups with money. Before either of them knows it, things start collapsing and the couple faces a permanent break.

Okay, so I really, really wanted to slap the hell out of Stuart. This character was frustrating to the point I’d love a chance to shake him up a bit. His past did quite a number in him and the fact he couldn’t let go the money issue until the very end made me wishes I had this book in paperback and slam it on someone’s head. As charming and lovable as he was, he was a total jerk and God I got pissed with him, as in really pissed. So while I recognize the fact that this fictional character took life for me at some point, the frustration I felt for most of the read just put me down a bit. But Philip’s character made up for it in spades. I simply adored him. I loved his cold and calculating nature. I loved his icy patience. I worshiped his incredibly awesome revenge on his father. The entire CEO persona was just one huge turn on that quite literally made me drool over him, but when he went off of his office, and into Stuart’s arms, turning into a completely different man, I just lost it. For me this character was the shining spot and the reason to read this book all over again. I can’t say how memorable he is, and what an impact he makes, even as I felt that he should have made Stuart grovel a bit after the stunt he pulled for Christmas.

Overall, the love story was great and quite approachable. Even as Philip was a bit surreal for me at times, I enjoyed this relationship immensely. The erotic part was fantastic and so down to earth I just wanted more and more. Sensual and hot, this pair literally makes you scream for more. The chemistry is strong and the writing makes it able for you to feel their intensity, not only through the erotic scenes, but also through their overall relationship. I also have to admit to tearing up there for a couple of scenes. I don’t think anyone can suffer through the Pittsburgh scene all cool and composed, and the cover scene is an emotional rollercoaster as well.

As for the rest of the book, when you take away the romance and erotic parts, you’re left with a great story, highly intriguing and enticing. Now, the bitch in me would have been better satisfied with a bit more salt at the wounds of the baddies, but alas, no one can have it all, right?

Bottom end, I loved this book, it was great, awesome even, and I strongly recommend it to fans of Contemporary Romance. As for me, I need to go and catch up with the previous CalPac Crew books as well. Enjoy!


In Discrection by Reesa Herberth Blog tour, Giveaway and Review

Hey everyone, look what I got for you 🙂 . We are being blessed today with a visit by Riptide Publishing and Reesa Herberth, they are bringing In Discrection and a Giveaway! Now just read the info and then enter the contest, Reesa is sitting waiting patiently for your answers LOL. So read my review of this interesting and intriguing story and see what you could win from Reesa. ~Pixie~
Hello out there, humanoid creatures of above-average intelligence and taste.  I’m Reesa Herberth, and this fine establishment has seen fit to let me mingle with you on my release day!  I brought a party hat, a trivia contest, a silly interview, and a special, exclusive excerpt, just to thank you all.  I’m on tour all week, and you can check out my schedule here
InDiscretion_150x300-1I’m running a trivia contest throughout the tour, with a winner to be drawn from the entries on Friday, January 10, 2014.  I’ll be giving away the winner’s choice of any e-book in my backlist, plus a reading gift pack featuring books and treats!  The contest is open to U.S. and International entrants.  In the event that a winner outside the U.S. is chosen, a gift certificate to Riptide Publishing or Amazon will be substituted for the physical prize.  To enter, email me the answers to the following trivia questions (answers to all questions can be found in In Discretion):
1.      What is the name of Thanson Nez’s father?
2.      Who is Tynna?
3.      What item did Thanson steal from Kazra the last time they saw one another?

All you need to do email me the answers to be entered to win.  I can’t promise I’ll be wearing the party hat when I reply, but if it makes you feel special, I can be talked into it.

InDiscretion_500x750About In Discretion:

Thanson Nez thought his career as a Discretionary would take him to the stars, not strand him on a space station at the ass-end of the Empire. Thanks to his last client, he’s carrying a secret he can’t get rid of fast enough, but his oath to the guild means a swift, painful death if he shares it. Already desperate for help, he runs into yet more trouble: his ex, and an explosion that paralyzes the station moments after their uncomfortable reunion.
Kazra Ferdow, Station 43’s communications officer, is almost as blindsided by the return of his first love as he is by the sudden loss of power and life support. The station is a floating graveyard in the making, and something is turning its inhabitants into savage killers. Fighting human monsters and damaged tech, Kazra and Thanson must put aside their past long enough to  try to save everyone.


The more light they shine into dark corners, the more Thanson realizes how many people might die for the secrets locked in his head—and what he’s willing to sacrifice to make sure Kazra isn’t one of them.
About the Author:
Reesa Herberth is the co-author (with Michelle Moore) of the Ylendrian Empire series.  She can often be found tweetingblogging, and messing around onFacebook when she should be writing.  Likewise, she is easily distracted by the sound of new email, and encourages you to contact her atylendrianempire@gmail.com
InDiscretion_500x750-1Title: In Discrection
Series: A Ylendrian Empire Novella
Author: Reesa Herberth
Genre: Space Opera, Science Fiction, Action
Length: Novella (114pgs)
ISNB: 978-1-62649-094-9
Publisher: Riptide Publishing (30th December 2013)
Heat: Low
Heart: Black heart (cards)Black heart (cards)Black heart (cards) 3 Hearts
Reviewer: Pixie
Blurb: Thanson Nez thought his career as a Discretionary would take him to the stars, not strand him on a space station at the ass-end of the Empire. Thanks to his last client, he’s carrying a secret he can’t get rid of fast enough, but his oath to the guild means a swift, painful death if he shares it. Already desperate for help, he runs into yet more trouble: his ex, and an explosion that paralyzes the station moments after their uncomfortable reunion.
Kazra Ferdow, Station 43’s communications officer, is almost as blindsided by the return of his first love as he is by the sudden loss of power and life support. The station is a floating graveyard in the making, and something is turning its inhabitants into savage killers. Fighting human monsters and damaged tech, Kazra and Thanson must put aside their past long enough to  try to save everyone.
The more light they shine into dark corners, the more Thanson realizes how many people might die for the secrets locked in his head—and what he’s willing to sacrifice to make sure Kazra isn’t one of them.
Review: Although this story is part of a series it can be read as a stand-alone. Thanson left his old life behind when he became a Discretionary, an elite companion, but he always had one regret. When Thanson becomes stranded on a space station in the far reaches of the Empire he comes face to face with that regret. Kazra is the communications officer of Station 43 and is shocked when he comes face to face with his first love again, but it soon emerges that his ex-lover brings problems with him and Kazra and Thanson will have to put the past aside to save the Station and the humans who are turning into mindless monsters.
This is a great little science-fiction novella that could easily have been made into a full length novel. Thanson is a man who is a Discretionary, a high caliber companion who will never reveal the secrets he learns except to his Cohort (Guild) Head of House. Leaving his last contract abruptly Thanson must share his secret, but cut off from those who can assist and with a virus turning the stations inhabitants into violent monsters Thanson has to rely on the man he left behind years before. Kazra has found himself stuck with his assignment on Station 43 and when Thanson comes waltzing back into his life it brings back memories he had locked away. With someone after Thanson to ensure secrets don’t spread and the station dead in space, Kazra begrudgingly helps Thanson.
I really loved the concept of this storyline and was fascinated by the characters and their past together. Kazra is still bitter over being left behind and Thanson only ever had one regret… leaving Kazra behind. While there is tension between the two, it never takes away from the dire circumstances that they find themselves in, the race against time to get help and to avoid the one who is hunting them. We are given flashes into their past together and the love that they had, it is a love that is still lingering but the anger is still bitingly strong. It isn’t an easy reconciliation and following them through the station you wonder if the past can ever be overcome.
Now, while I find the concept of a Discretionary intriguing and the plot to shut him up before he could talk interesting, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was dropped in the middle of the story, in the middle of a story! We had the flashes to the past with Kazra and Thanson and their relationship, then we had the Imperial Minister wanting Thanson permanently silenced and then we have the virus outbreak and the sabotage of the space station, so while everything was connected it also wasn’t, more circumstances leading to a large conspiracy and devastation while uncovering a heinous plot. So while a great story, I felt like I had missed a lot of what was going on, like I got a snatch of a much larger story.
I recommend this if you love science fiction, running for you life in a space station, foiling a deadly plot, reunited lovers working through the past and a very happy ending where the past is put to bed.

The Man Plan by A. Lusch

916w19fs+DL._SL1500_Title:  The Man Plan

Series:  52 First Dates, Episode ONE

Author:  A. Lusch

Genre:   Contemporary Romance

Length:  Short (37 pages)

Publisher:  A. Lusch (August 2nd, 2013)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Blurb:   Now that David’s heading towards his mid-30s, he’s finally realized that it’s time to find a husband. But with so many men and so little time, he realizes he’s going to have to be strategic if he’s ever to find his soulmate.

Thus, 52 First Dates is formed; a challenge, a scheme, to go on a date with a new man, every week, for a year. If it pays off, he’ll be in marital bliss. If it doesn’t, he’ll know that he’s fated with being the eternal bachelor. With everything to live for, David plunges into the world of dating in search of the perfect man.

Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Man-PLAN-First-Dates-ebook/dp/B00EBBQWL0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1386547213&sr=8-2&keywords=The+Man+Plan

Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Wait for it… Short, Sexy and Steamy! My three favorite colors!!

David is in his thirties and tiring of club hopping and random hookups, after all, he’s not getter any younger. Just because he’s gay doesn’t mean he can’t have what everyone else has. A husband, a family. So he comes up with a plan, 52 first dates over the next year. So we have a new series, with each novella chronicling the latest news from David while he’s on his quest for Mister Right!

The Man Plan is episode one, and I tell you these novellas seriously read like the script for a TV show. I see a lot of QAF in the words, there is definite possibility. So, I digress, the premise… there are rules, you see, in order for his plan to work. You’ll have to grab a copy so you can see them for yourself.

This first installment focus’ is on the plan and David trying to keep himself on track. It’s difficult for an overzealous gay man to keep his libido caged when he’s meeting all these hot men in hopes of finding a husband. Let’s just say Rav goes from potential to hook up way to quick, but damn it was sexy! I really enjoyed the insight into David’s mind while he was putting the plan in motion. You are inside his head the entire time and you realize that he’s driven, smart, funny, and determined. It was nice that the author didn’t focus on sex, sex, sex. There is some steamy sex, but there is a plot and some fantastic character development as well.

I definitely recommend you grab a copy of this one and get ready to welcome a new series to your e-reader!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through MM Good Book Reviews*


Keeping Sir Thorne by Sean Michael

18747576Title: Keeping Sir Thorne

Series: Rose & Thorne (Book 3)

Author: Sean Michael

Genre: BDSM, Tattoos

Length: Short Story (46 pages)

Publisher: Changling Press (November 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:
♥♥♥3 Hearts

Blurb: It’s been nearly a year since Rose and Thorne met and things are going really well. They love their jobs at the tattoo parlor, they’re thinking of spending some time volunteering, and their love is flourishing, in the bedroom and out of it!

Rose is still somewhat hesitant about the things he and Thorne enjoy together, though. He’s been brought up to think that things like spanking during sex are weird. Will Thorne be able to convince him that whatever gets them off together is perfectly normal for them? And if he does, will Rose be able to take the next step — calling Thorne Sir?

Product Link: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=2139

Reviewer:   GiGi

Review: It’s a rather soft BDSM tale.

It’s really rather sweet, lots of love, patience and community volunteering. Tattoos and piercings are also a large part of this series. There are parts of this story that move incredibly slow, and parts that seem to skip some subtleties like the piercings. I think that is a major step yet, the actual process, the piercing is quickly glazed over. Hard to believe for me that by book three Rose is still confused about the nature of their relationship, again that seems to be the slow-moving part.

This is a lighthearted read, yes, there is some spanking, and D/s but it’s not heavy. Odd to say this about a BDSM story, but it’s cute.

Making It Count by Kim Dare

18780421Title: Making It Count

Series: Kinky Quickies #3

Author: Kim Dare

Genre: BDSM (Kinks & Fetishes)

ISBN: 9781611245134

Length: Novella (54 pages)

Publisher: Amber Allure (November 10th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5~4 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Duncan’s wanted to do a scene with Toby ever since he met him in their first study group of the year, but when Toby failed to flirt back, or pick up on a single kinky hint, Duncan knew he had no choice but to back off. He always thought that Toby would be interesting if he ever came out of the kinky closet—but it never even occurred to Duncan that he’d suddenly find the boy standing on the doorstep of the club he runs.

Toby’s been fascinated and intimidated by Duncan in equal measure for months. When his flat-mate bails out on a kinky play-date with Duncan at the last moment, Toby’s need overtakes his nervousness. Before he has time to think twice, he’s there, offering himself up as a replacement sub for the night.

This might be the only chance Toby has to fulfill all his fantasies surrounding Duncan—and he’s determined to make it count.

NOTE: This book is part of the Kinky Quickies series. 

Product Link: http://www.amberquill.com/AmberAllure/KQ_MakingItCount.html

Review: For some reason this little novella made it at my most favorite Kim Dare reads. I’m going to try and pinpoint why exactly, though I might even fail.

So let’s see; there’s a kinky scene play coming out of thin air. Surprise is an element I adore in any story, but when it throws a Dom off of his balance, well let’s just say the story has my attention 100%. The sub in this occasion (and yes it’s a bit of a pattern for the series) is inexperienced and secretly pinning for this particular Dom, who by the way plays with his flat-mate. And that is the reason Toby is standing in front of Duncan’s door in the first place. His flat-mate can’t make their play-date and Toby offers himself. And therein you have reason #2 that had my attention. Toby has no freaking idea what on earth he’s getting himself into.

Now normally I don’t like this type of subs, but there is something about this character that simply draws me to him. He’s so freaking alluring I couldn’t resist him as a reader. The way the author molded him, his reaction, his questions, and his naiveté. Somehow all those little things make Toby so very sexy, and Duncan, hmmm I kind of liked his amusement to all Toby did, I like the fact that he was pinning for Toby too in secret. It was such a nice game played by circumstances and fate perhaps.

Once the scene started, I think I was lost to it. Hell I was lost to it the moment Duncan closed the door to Toby after a specific order. While nothing over the top – after all it’s just a spanking scene – this entire read was very intense and (God I hate repeating this word) sexy. There was some sort of sensuality slowly taking over every single word I read, and in the end, I felt as if I’d been enchanted with a spell.

The difference of this read from the rest of Kim Dare’s work I’ve read was that this one was done. There was nothing more and nothing less needed. That was it! Somehow it surprised me, I’m used to reads that leave questions or have a sequel following.

So did I like it? Oh yeah! I most definitely enjoyed this book and most of all this was not only erotic, but also so very fun. Strongly recommended for fans of the genre.

Coming Home by Kay Fraser

818GLY02bNL._SL1500_Title:Coming Home

Author:Kay Fraser

Genre: Historical

Length: Novella (79 pages)

Publisher: Breathless Press (Dec 5th, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Cat

Blurb:Christmas would be bleak affair this year… until an emotionally scarred soldier returns from war and throws Kit’s well-ordered life into upheaval. 

Christopher Whyte never aspired to hold a respected position in the Langholm household. After all, during his youth, he had once been caught trying to pickpocket the former earl of Langholm. Yet somehow, through the magnanimous nature of the family and some unexpected circumstances, he has become valet to the new earl. However, with the new earl’s arrival come the bittersweet memories and unwanted emotions that Kit had thought buried long ago. Then, an unexpected offer gives Kit a new perspective on his situation, and he must make a choice: a life of security and stability away from his new master, or one of unrequited love with him? 

Alexander Harrington, the new earl of Langholm, knows he shouldn’t have come back. After having fought in the Crimean War, the man he had once been no longer existed. As the Christmas season nears, he is only further reminded of how far removed he is from the idealistic youth he once was and how foreign his home now feels. But it is his new valet, a man he vaguely remembers from childhood, begins to rouse something within him—something sweetly tempting, yet undeniably forbidden. And when the reality of losing Kit becomes all too real, he is forced to confront and beat his past demons. Can a Christmas miracle restore his long lost faith before Kit is lost to him for all time?

Purchase Link:  http://www.breathlesspress.com/index.php?main_page=product_free_shipping_info&cPath=10&products_id=511

Review: This is such a beautiful story. I Love a good historical romance especially a MM since back then it was even more taboo and in some places a death sentence. This wasn’t a story of sex but of finding love and dealing with feelings. 

The story begins with Christopher pickpocketing to get money to feed his little sister. Their mother had recently died and they were running from abuse in the orphanage. I think it was Fate that the first man he chose to pickpocket was an Earl and his wife and son walk up as he is trying to decide what to do with Christopher.  The young boy shows mercy and asks to bring the children along with them and give them food and shelter for work.

The story progresses quickly, yet smoothly, from there. There are twists and turns, secrets, one pretty hot, sex scene, and lots of emotion. I absolutely loved the story and when it got to the end I was happy, but I wanted more.  No! Don’t stop! Go on! Please! Yes! I’m begging for more!

If you love a sweet love story, orphans, Dukes, Earls, Fate, and an ending that makes you sigh happily, but want more this is for you!


Volunteered to the Future by H.B. Kurtzwilde

19171429Title: Volunteered to the Future

Series: The Secret Art of Failure #1

Author: H. B. Kurtzwilde

Genre: Science Fiction / Space Opera

ISBN: 978-1-62300-558-0

Length: Novel (256 pages)

Publisher: Loose Id (December 2nd, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Kourt Crowe, the last remaining Servitor assassin, also a shape-shifter, lives to restore the lost golden age of the Fellowship of Servitors. His first husband died over a century ago, and, since then, he’s been fighting his battles alone. This next battle may be more than he bargained for, as he finds himself head-to-head and body-to-body with a promising, but troubled human student.

Evicted from his college for broken vows, self-described five-star hottie Kato Giovanni isn’t ready to hang up his dreams. With his razor-sharp mind and native genius for theoretical mathematics, he convinces badass Master Kourt to take him on as a student. He wants to learn. Really, he does. But he can’t help testing all of his teacher’s boundaries.

Product Link: http://www.loose-id.com/the-secret-art-of-failure.html

Review: This is perhaps the most challenging book I’ve read on account to understanding terms and writing a review that does it justice. The blurb might seem easy as pie, but trust me this is a book that requires all of your attention, all of your imagination, and a great deal of general understanding of things. Trying to see this book and make sense of it with something that you’ve felt, lived, or seen before in your life, while doable, it’s quite difficult to do.

From my understanding, you must read the Guide to Survival series in order to comprehend a bit about Kourt’s previous life with his lover and the word/worlds in which he travels and exists.
As for this book, my comprehension of it comes down to the point that Servitors are in touch with their inner “chi” aka telsma. Others, who couldn’t reach the telsma, went on research and sources, reading and proofing every truth in life, and there are the ones in between. These people live their life in constant training and discipline in order to be true servitors of the greater good.

Adjusting this with our own reality, it makes me think of university nerds versus military guys. Books vs. activity, knowing vs. doing etc.

Vanni is a special human striving to be a Servitor. He can analyze and mathematically see truths. I can’t even say it in words now, but he is unique when it comes to one talent he has, that of Speech, that translates on Vanni being able to do all sorts of things, from talking with every creature he comes in contact with (even trees for crying out loud) to see the truth behind those words.
The universities tried to manipulate him into making a vow with a student so that he could pass that knowledge, but being not a Master yet he couldn’t make the false vow, hence it broke his own vow with his own college. Of course the masters didn’t want to take responsibility for being idiots and downright stupid, so they out-casted him, resulting to Vanni being taken by yet another extraordinary Master who is himself a bit of an outcast, or rebel as he claims. However, this new Master will challenge all of Vanni’s learning and end-up breaking everything in order to rebuild him from scratch the proper way of a Servitor.

I really, really am having trouble saying a summary of this book with my own words. Half of the book I had no idea what on earth was going on and that doesn’t help. Honestly, I only started making sense of some things from 50% onward. End result?

I liked the characters. I want more of them. I’m guessing I’ll have more of them when book #2 comes out.
Kourt was weird; he’s not human, but he can take the shape of one. His personality is all over the place and nowhere. He is so multi-dimensional I can’t begin to count. He’s still very charming in his complex, very alluring as a character. As I said, I want more and in the end, I felt as if this book ended right about the time I started making sense and understanding what’s going on.

Same goes with Vanni with the difference that I have a better image of him in my head. I can actually picture Vanni and say he’s one hot guy, though quite stupid in his genius. Ah! That’s the best description I have for him. He’s like this super talented, genius kid, that remains naïve as a kid. One moment you see him making leaps in learning, the next he’s having quite the trouble understanding simple things like emotion and letting go. Vanni also suffers for a great deal of brainwashing due to his training with Masters that were incapable to train him properly, therefore all his learning is by half.

The sex part here, surprise-surprise, confused and frustrated the heck out of me. Hot as it was, it was still in the same level of what-the-heck-is-going-on with the rest of the story and plot.

The only thing I can add to this review at this point is that this is the first book that was such a hardship reading it, yet I never wanted to stop and mostly when the end came, I got pissed because it ended. I feel like a masochist that can’t have enough of its punishment, because said punishment is so freaking good.