The Assassin’s First Vacation by Catherine Lievens

Catherine Lievens - The Assassin’s First Vacation CoverTitle: The Assassin’s First Vacation

Series: Gillham Pack 24.5

Author: Catherine Lievens

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Short Story (22 Pages)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (July 24, 2017)

Heat Level: High

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Malibu isn’t ready for what’s coming.

When Nysys asks him to share a house in Malibu for a week of fun, Jago jumps on the opportunity. He wants Corbin to experience what a vacation is and to relax, hoping that it will help him step away from his unconventional upbringing.

Corbin would do anything for his mate, so he doesn’t hesitate to say yes when Jago tells him about the vacation on the beach. He could do without all the other people there, especially the weird pink-haired guy, Nysys. Corbin can tell Nysys is trouble with a capital T from the first time he sees him.

And he’s not wrong. What do you get when you put together sun, sand, and a drunken watermelon? Trouble.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1118-3

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Gillham Pack collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. This story is connected to the Whitedell Pride series.

Just a sweet little story to rock your world. What happens when Nysys puts together a plan that involves a vacation, sun, sand, watermelon and alcohol. You mix that with an assassin on his first vacation with his mate and friends and things are going to get real interesting, real fast. Corbin should have been looking out but lets just say he is about to get a real shock with a drunk watermelon. Watch out Jago.

I got a kick out of this and was not expecting it. I love little stories that have hard cases having a blast. He needed it trust me. Funny, exciting and hot as hell is what you get with this little story. Perfect for when your break needs a little pick me up. I had fun with it and you will too.

Chained at the Hip by Marcy Jacks

Marcy Jacks - Chained at the Hip CoverTitle: Chained at the Hip

Series: Alpha Wars 02

Author: Marcy Jacks

Genre: Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (88 pgs)

Publisher: Siren-BookStrand (17th November 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖 3 Hearts

Blurb: Owen Wilson (yes, just like the actor, don’t mention it) has spent the last six months of his

life in a vampire blood farm. He’s on the verge of giving up until rescue comes from an unlikely source: Alpha werewolves.

Great, not only do vampires exist, but werewolves, too? Though he can’t complain, they are rescuing him, and one of them heats Owen’s blood in a way he never would have thought possible.

Hugh Greywolf was just doing a routine take down of a vampire farm with the rest of his pack. He never in a million years would have thought he’d find his mate in that horrifying place. Owen is skinny and malnourished, but Hugh needs to make the claim. Enjoying their mating might come to an end when the vampires track down their stolen cattle, and when they come for Owen, Hugh might be too late to keep them from bleeding Owen dry for good.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-777-9

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: This story starts with Hugh and Fergus already at a vampire farm. How they got there I have no idea. This question plagued me all throughout the book as I felt I missed something. Owen has been in the vampires clutches for ix months and is practically dead on his feet.

Sparks fly when these two meet. Hugh takes care of him and explains what is going on. Owen is happy to be with Hugh, then during a hunt Owen is almost killed by a vampire.

We are introduced to Trey, Owen’s friend. But still do not get a lot about the man.

It was an o.k. read.

Delectable Series by E.M. Lynley

E.M. Lynley - Delectable Series Cover 1Title: Delectable Series

Series: Dreamspinner Press Bundle 01

Author: E.M. Lynley

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (671 Pages) (2 Novels, 3 Novellas)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (February 3, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts (Overall)

Blurb: The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and no one knows it better than the men in EM Lynley’s Delectable Series.

In Brand New Flavor, Artisan ice cream maker Jay Brown and food critic Cameron Clay have one delicious encounter that could lead to much more, if they can find each other again. Simon Ford resents the easy life of those like Austin Kelvin, owner of Kelvin Cellars in Napa Valley, in An Intoxicating Crush. But Austin’s business is going under, and when Simon’s true reasons for being at the winery come to light, Simon will have to risk everything to prove his sincerity.

When Alex Bancroft’s bakery burns down a week before Christmas and he’s pulled from the flames by Kevin Flint in Gingerbread Palace, the gingerbread house he donates to charity seems like it’s not going to happen, until Fire Station 7 comes to the rescue yet again. But can Kevin come out of the closet long enough to see what he might be missing?

In Spaghetti Western, professional chef Riley Emerson’s dreams are in tatters when he takes a job at the Rocking Z guest ranch. Colby Zane is ecstatic when the new cook turns out to be his hot one-night stand, but financial problems at the ranch may drive them apart. In 12 Courses, chef Thom Kennedy has finally regained his confidence after the theft of his recipes when ex-boyfriend Blake Warner shows up at his restaurant several days in a row. But can he trust Blake again when he seems to know more that he’s saying about the theft?

ISBN: 978-1-63477-439-0

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Brand New Flavor 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Jay has had a hard time trusting others after a disaster of a relationship. It wasn’t even the relationship itself that cause the problems, but the damn man stole his recipes. He created the most erotic ice cream ever. The taste was just that good. So when a man wanted to taste his ice cream, lets say things heated up. But trouble always gets in the way, when Cameron’s ex tried to mess with Jay’s head.

The ice cream that was mentioned in this story, made me want to go out and get some. Jay definitely has self esteem issues and I wasn’t to sure about him. He is a sweetie and cute as can be. Cameron is a little better then him, but he comes off as a bit of a player at first. I don’t like cheating or close to it, and this one pushed it. However the story is cute and I did enjoy it quite a bit. Now normally I would have given it a harder rating but I truly had fun reading it.

The characters are charming and for such a short story it gives you a good taste. I do wish it had been a bit longer, but it is perfect to heat your day.

Intoxicating Crush 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Austin loves owning and running the winery. His father had given it to him and his brother, but it was Austin that truly loved it. However he is a bit stubborn when he is in need of help, he won’t tell anyone about it. When Simon came to the to taste the blends, Austin was a bit tongue tied. Things were going good, then Austin’s world just drops out. Simon is in big trouble now.

I am not much of a wine or beer person so some of the story went over my head, but the guys were a different subject. They were definitely tasty and damn sexy. This story was a cute addition to my library and I was glad that I had taken the time to read it. It is an even paced story that didn’t really draw it out, which was nice.

I really like the characters but I think Austin would win out here. Simon seemed a bit to weak in my eyes when it came to his boss and what he truly wanted. Other than that I did have fun reading this book and can’t wait to start in on the next one.

Gingerbread Palace 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Every year Alex and his screw always makes nice size gingerbread houses and men to sell. The money they raise goes to a charity for foster kids and to place them in the best homes. He had not been so luck and he over came all that had happened to him, but he wanted to give other children a chance at having a better life. When a fire looked to stop them from doing it, the firehouse stepped in to help. To bad the one fire fighter he had the hots for, acted like a homophobic asshat. However not everything is as it seems.

Lets just say Kevin is an asshat and I didn’t really care for him. Even getting to know him there was just not really a chance to like him till the very end. I loved Alex and understod where he had been standing at. I enjoyed reading the story and the charcters were quite a hit with me.

This is a sweet story with a bit of heartache added in. The guys were sexy and always did love a man in uniform. I enjoyed this book quite a bit.

Spaghetti Western 💖💖💖💖 3.5 Hearts

Riley has done something that many would wish they did, he followed his dreams. He became a professional chef and is one hell of a cook. He can make food that is orgasmic to say the least. When he heads to Colorado to be with his boyfriend, he hadn’t expected that boyfriend in bed with another. Now he not only had to mend a broken heart but find a new job. Searching around ends him up at a ranch that catered to guest. He had not expected the one man he had slept with after what had happned to be one of the owners of that ranch. Things are looking good, until a potential investor wants more from Colby.

This story gave me mixed feelings. I actually thought about giving it a lower rating because of the near screwup with the Colby and that investor. However thanks to intervention it turned out pretty good. I just don’t condone what was going to happen and felt that it would have caused big trouble between our sexy characters, but was glad the author took it in another direction. However it did make the story drop for me in the end.

I hate to admit that this story was really good but I have certain pet peeves and this one was knocking on the door for me. It could have gone either way for me and I didn’t much care for it. I liked Riley quite a bit and in the end Colby went down the drain. So this particular story just about made me want to say no to the rest of the book.

12 Courses 💖💖💖💖 3.5 Hearts

Thom was an inspiring chef till someone stole his ideas, and he was the one blamed for it. Now a few years have past and the one man he had loved back then shows up. Blake had taken off when all of the damage had been done to Thom, but it wasn’t what Thom took it for.

This one was a bit dry to me. Betrayal and anger given to one for something that had been an accident, even though the end was horrible. Now starting over and Thom was terrified by the results. They both come off a bit weak to me and the connection that should be there wasn’t. The story just

They don’t truly have trust and trust is definitely needed in a relationship, but then again with a small story I can see how it was worked. It is a cute story and the characters were enjoyable but they were missing something big to me.


I liked the recipes that were in the stories but it made them drag out and that wasn’t good for me. The story did make me hungry though. I liked most of the characters but there was so much drama that wasn’t needed to keep my attention. I had a few likes and dislikes, but overall each story was pretty unique and fresh for me. I liked the guys and their happy endings. I enjoyed reading it and would recommend it.

Somebody to Die For by Kris Bethke

Kris T. Bethke - 03 - Somebody To Die For Cover 1Title: Somebody to Die For

Series: Dreamspun Beyond 27 / Requiem Inc. 03

Author: Kris Bethke

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novel (218 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (4th September 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: Dying is easy. New love is terrifying.

Avery Wagner quit ghostwalking when he lost his beloved anchor to cancer. Now teaching others who have the ability, he’s beginning to live again—but he’s not looking for another lover, not now, maybe not ever.

But then he meets Jameson… younger, talented, dedicated, almost perfect, even though his mouth sometimes opens ahead of his brain. And Jameson wants Avery desperately, though he’ll settle for friendship if he can’t have more.

When an emergency demands they work together in the field, Avery discovers just how perfect Jameson is. But he had a perfect love once before, and he’s scared to even consider that he might have a chance at another. Can he trust Jameson with his newly healing heart?

ISBN: 978-1-64080-537-8

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: Somebody to Die For is the third book in Kris Bethke’s Requiem series. I think it’s fair to say that Kris Bethke is a new author that I’d love to read again after going reading three of her novel’s one after the other. I loved the first book and adored the second book. While I would have to say that the second book in the series, Lost Souls Found, was my favorite book, I also loved Somebody to Die For.

The concept of the series is different to what I’ve read in the past. There is a special group of people that work for a company called Requiem Inc. It’s not an ordinary company in that the people are charged solely to ensure that spirits are at peace and do not become malicious entities. There are people, Ghostwalkers, with a special gene which means they can die and come back to life, their body heals with some Wolverine type accelerated healing and as a result they can live up to a couple centuries. Then there are another group of people which have a gene which makes them, essentially, the perfect care giver, called anchors. Each ghostwalker needs to be paired with an anchor so that they can go through the trauma of being killed, helping dead spirits who are usually traumatized, coming back to life, living and doing it all over again.

We met Avery and Jameson in book two, through the eyes of Michael King, the boss of this branch of Requim. Avery Wagner is a broken man. He lost his anchor, and the love of his life, to cancer and ever since Avery has refused to ghostwalk. His anchor went into the light when he died, and no doubt wanted Avery to be happy, no matter what direction his life took. However, Avery is caught in the past and with his baggage. So much so that he fights the prospect of new love and new life.

Between training and a desperate situation requiring all ghostwalkers on deck, Avery has to start the process of facing his demons, so to speak. After being convinced to help with a new ghostwalker and anchor training program, Avery finds himself drawn to a young ghostwalker, Jameson. Jameson is young and idealistic, but he is also strong in every sense of the word. He knows that in order to get his happily ever after, he has to get Avery to realize that he is allowed to open his heart to love again. And somehow, in between all that, they have to contend with a potentially dangerous situation in the spirit realm.

Fans of the previous books will like this one, although I don’t think it’s absolutely essential to understand the background of the world Bethke has created. This is great for anyone who loves paranormal but open to something a little different. At the heart of it all this is a wonderful second chance romance that has a healthy dose of paranormal happenings in the background.

Forlorn by Elvira Bell Cover Reveal!

Elvira Bell - Forlorn Cover Reveal Banner

Hi guys, we have Elvira Bell popping in today to show off the cover to her upcoming release Forlorn. So check out the cover and enjoy! ❤ ~Pixie~

Elvira Bell - Forlorn Cover


(Wavesongs 02)

Elvira Bell

Nick Andrews is back in England. He is a broken man, living on the streets and trying to cope with everything he’s been through. Nick thinks that his life is over, but then Tom comes along. Tom, who is handsome and wealthy and intent on making his acquaintance.

Nick ends up as Tom’s valet, a position that brings him to the remote estate of Ravensleigh. At Ravensleigh, he soon realizes that Tom and his family have a past laden with shadows. Nick regrets coming there, but at the same time finds it harder and harder to resist Tom’s advances.

Then one night, a stranger arrives at Ravensleigh. And Nick’s world is turned upside down once more.

Warning: This book ends with a cliffhanger. The series as a whole will have a HEA ending.

Please note that the books in the Wavesongs series should be read in chronological order!

Release date: 9th March 2019
❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo ❣️**.•.•.

Elvira Bell - Forlorn Banner

About Elvira!

Elvira Bell PhotoElvira Bell lives in Sweden and spends most of her time writing, reading or watching movies. Her weaknesses include, but are not limited to: vintage jazz, musicals, kittens, oversized tea cups, men in suits, the 18th century, and anything sparkly.

Elvira writes m/m fiction with a touch of romance and has a penchant for historical settings. She adores all things gothic and will put her characters through hell from time to time because she just loves watching them suffer. It makes the happy endings so much sweeter, after all.

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