Title: Legend of the Vanishing Hitchhikers
Series: Urban Legends 02
Author: Catherine Lievens
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy
Length: Novella (126 Pages)
Publisher: Catherine Lievens (December 26, 2019)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts
Blurb: Where is Sarah?
Cade is sticking to normal cases. He swore to it after the hellhound thing, even though Fluffy now comes to the office every day and he’s as good as a puppy—as long as no one threatens his owner, Dacey. But Cade doesn’t want anything to do with all that weird stuff Dacey has brought with him, even though these new cases are bringing in work and money. He’s content to let Fin and Dacey work on them, even if it means he has to follow cheating spouses. Still, he’s more than happy to accept the missing person case when a woman comes in needing help to find her daughter, Sarah.
Fin is working with Dacey on finding a ghost. He’d never thought he’d do anything like this a few months ago, yet here he is, and he loves it. It helps that the vanishing hitchhiker he meets along the way is a nice guy, even though he’s dead. But Fin is worried about Cade, who’s been pushing him away ever since they finally spent the night together. Fin isn’t giving up, even though breaking down Cade’s walls is hard work, but chasing ghosts and a missing girl isn’t making things easy on either of them.
But then their cases intersect, and Cade has to face the truth—maybe he’s looking for a ghost, too.
Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: Charlie runs the office, Cade handles the normal cases where as Dacey and Fin handle all of the supernatural cases. What Cade had not realized was his new case has been connected to theirs. He was hired to find a young girl who went missing after going to the movies. Dacey and Fin are trying to find Sean to help his father give him his peace after death.
Wow Fluffy has taken a nice surprise in his story, he absolutely loves hanging with Cade. Dacey, Fin and Charlie are loving their jobs and hanging with each other. Cade misses hanging with him and he is about to realize why. He is still a grumpy idiot but their relationship is slowly moving forward. He is even started petting Fluffy. Who knew a hellhound was such a puppy at times.
This story is full of adventure, excitement, action, danger and some hot sexy times. It gives me everything I could ask for and so much more. The characters are a blast to read about. The way they are with each other is funny as hell and I love Fluffy. In fact there is not much to not love about this story or the series.
I had a blast reading this and can’t wait to get started on the next book. I can guarantee that this is one of those stories that will be read many times over.