As Big As The Sky by Amy Aislin Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Amy Aislin - As Big As The Sky  RTBanner

Hi guys, we have Amy Aislin popping in today with the tour for her new release As Big As the Sky, we have a brilliant guest post, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Amy Aislin - As Big As The Sky Cover

As Big As The Sky


Amy Aislin

Sam wants nothing to do with his irresponsible, sarcastic neighbor…or does he?

Sam McAuley is having a rough start to the summer: Not only is he being sued, but the new guy running the animal rehabilitation center next door has no idea what he’s doing and his runaway chickens constantly end up in Sam’s pristine yard. 

Everything is temporary for Bo Novak. For as long as he can remember, it’s been one town to the next, one school to the next, one job to the next. Even his current job—running his sister’s animal rehab center while she’s away on a four-month leave—is temporary. And he does know what he’s doing, thank you very much. Sure, things don’t always run smoothly, but the stick-in-the-mud next door could be a little nicer about it. 

One overheard conversation, an olive branch, and a baseball game might show these guys that being at odds isn’t really what they want, and that what they want might just be each other.

Amazon US | Amazon UK 

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Wolf Whistle by A.C. Katt

A.C. Katt - Wolf Whistle CoverTitle: Wolf Whistle

Series: Werewolves of Manhattan #7

Author: A.C. Katt

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novel (196)

Publisher:  MLR Press (January 20, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Can a whistleblower find a new future with a wolf while being chased by a corrupt cop and the Serbian mob?

Richard Kerrigan is on the verge of losing hope. Fired from his job for blowing the whistle on a defect that would harm service members if used as designed, he is now blacklisted in the Chicago area. A local Serbian mobster wants Richard and won’t take no for an answer.

Garou Industries, the loup garou privately owned company, has been searching for Richard to offer him a position in the company as they value having someone with his integrity on staff. Richard relocates to Manhattan to begin his new job and stays with Julien Bellaire, his mentor, who is also Richard’s Mate.

Before they can settle in, the Serbian mobster turns up dead and a corrupt cop who secretly works for the Serbians comes to New York with trumped up charges to pin the murder on Julio. With over eighty witnesses to Julio being on an airplane at the time of the murder, the cop abandons trying to frame Richard and instead plots to murder him. The loup garou request assistance from the Italian mob to protect Richard which comes with some interesting consequences.  

ISBN: MLR-1-2017-0689

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Werewolves of Manhattan collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.  

I have been reading romance and paranormal’s for over 30 years and can honestly say that I love a good paranormal romance more than any other kind of story.  It was not until 5 years ago that I started read m/m romance stories.  There is just something about the worlds created in them that seem more attractive to me. So over the years you come to cherish and love certain authors more than many others.  It is the way they tell a story that will have you wishing you were right there with them.  And sometimes you wished you were the one falling in love 

Tis author’s characters are quirky as hell, protective to the point of well you can guess that answer.  I still have my ultimate favorite ones but many start to work their way into my heart.  Her stories also are full of action, suspense and danger plus some hot sexy time for our guys.  They catch my attention the moment I start reading and keep it all the way to the very last word.  This story gave me everything I could ask for in a story and so much more.

Richard has got to be one of the smartest men I have ever seen.  Things in his life have not always been easy.  His best friend had disappeared when he was a small child after his parents were killed.  He lost both his father and mother to illness.  Then when the company he worked for wouldn’t listen to the dangers of one of his designs, he was fired for blowing the whistle on the dangers.  Now he is working at a store and bartending to make ends meet, as well as paying on his student loans.  To top it off a mob guy from Serbia has his eye on him.  Things are not looking up.  That is until someone connected to his dear friend finds him.

Now here he is with a job at Garou Industires and living with a very sexy man.  Things might just be going good for him.  That is until the Serbian is killed and the cop is trying to frame him.  Let’s see how Julien and the other wolves protect him; well you are just going to have to read this book to find out more.

I love how it has that serious tone to it but there is a bit of humor in it that your attention is captivated throughout it all. I loved the cover and that was what caught my attention first.  I just can’t seem to get enough of this series. There is something about the way that A.C. Katt tells you a story more than likely have you laughing your ass off at parts of it. 

It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It also gave me everything I could want in a book. I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series. One that I will have to read over and over. I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. It was the perfect story for me and I loved it. I can’t wait to read the next story. 

Henri's Little One by A.C. Katt Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!

A.C. Katt - Henri's Little One RB Banner

Hi guys, we have A.C. Katt popping in today with her brand new Werewolves in Manhatten release Henri’s Little One, we have a great excerpt and a awesome giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

A.C. Katt - Henri's Little One Cover

Henri’s Little One

(The Werewolves of Manhatten 08)

A.C. Katt

After much hardship, Vitas Kosloff finds his Mate, Henri Giraud, Director of Security for the North American Council and Garou Industries. Vitas, held captive by Fydor Chernof, the Russian First, who claims Vitas belongs to him, escapes Chernof’s torture with the aid of Chernof’s two Betas, Anatoly and Maxim.

Vitas is a full loup garou omega who carries a huge mating gift, he can tell the truth from lies and dream the future. Because of this Chernof will stop at nothing to re-capture him, even after Henri mates and marries Vitas. With the aid of the other Mates, the North American Council and Frank Ferone, the son of Dante Ferone, the head of the Italian Mafia in New York, Vitas and Henri attempt to outwit Chernof and take care of the Russian problem for good.

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Wolf Whistle by A.C. Katt Blog Tour, Fun Questions, Excerpt & Giveaway!

A.C. Katt - Wolf Whistle BT Banner

Hi guys, we have A.C. Katt popping in today with the tour for her new release Wolf Whistle, we have A.C. answering a couple of questions about her character Richard, a great new excerpt and a fabulous giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

A.C. Katt - Wolf Whistle Cover

Wolf Whistle

(Werewolves of Manhatten 07)

A.C. Katt

Can a whistleblower find a new future with a wolf while being chased by a corrupt cop and the Serbian mob?

Richard Kerrigan is on the verge of losing hope. Fired from his job for blowing the whistle on a defect that would harm service members if used as designed, he is now blacklisted in the Chicago area. A local Serbian mobster wants Richard and won’t take no for an answer.

Garou Industries, the loup garou privately owned company, has been searching for Richard to offer him a position in the company as they value having someone with his integrity on staff. Richard relocates to Manhattan to begin his new job and stays with Julien Bellaire, his mentor, who is also Richard’s Mate.

Before they can settle in, the Serbian mobster turns up dead and a corrupt cop who secretly works for the Serbians comes to New York with trumped up charges to pin the murder on Richard. With over eighty witnesses to Richard being on an airplane at the time of the murder, the cop abandons trying to frame Richard and instead plots to murder him. The loup garou request assistance from the Italian mob to protect Richard which comes with some interesting consequences.

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Wolf Whistle by A.C. Katt Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!

A.C. Katt - Wolf Whistle RB Banner

Hi guys, we have A.C. Katt popping in today with her new release Wolf Whistle, we have a great excerpt and a fabulous giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

A.C. Katt - Wolf Whistle Cover

Wolf Whistle

(Werewolves of Manhatten 07)

A.C. Katt

Can a whistleblower find a new future with a wolf while being chased by a corrupt cop and the Serbian mob?

Richard Kerrigan is on the verge of losing hope. Fired from his job for blowing the whistle on a defect that would harm service members if used as designed, he is now blacklisted in the Chicago area. A local Serbian mobster wants Richard and won’t take no for an answer.

Garou Industries, the loup garou privately owned company, has been searching for Richard to offer him a position in the company as they value having someone with his integrity on staff. Richard relocates to Manhattan to begin his new job and stays with Julien Bellaire, his mentor, who is also Richard’s Mate.

Before they can settle in, the Serbian mobster turns up dead and a corrupt cop who secretly works for the Serbians comes to New York with trumped up charges to pin the murder on Richard. With over eighty witnesses to Richard being on an airplane at the time of the murder, the cop abandons trying to frame Richard and instead plots to murder him. The loup garou request assistance from the Italian mob to protect Richard which comes with some interesting consequences.

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Wolf Whistle by A.C. Katt Cover Reveal & Giveaway!

A.C. Katt - Wolf Whistle Banner 1A.C. Katt - Wolf Whistle CR Banner

Hi guys, we have A.C. Katt popping in today with the fantastic cover to her upcoming release Wolf Whistle, not only do we have the gorgeous cover but we also have a fabulous giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

A.C. Katt - Wolf Whistle Cover

Wolf Whistle

(Werewolves of Manhatten 07)

A.C. Katt

Can a whistleblower find a new future with a wolf while being chased by a corrupt cop and the Serbian mob?

Richard Kerrigan is on the verge of losing hope. Fired from his job for blowing the whistle on a defect that would harm service members if used as designed, he is now blacklisted in the Chicago area. A local Serbian mobster wants Richard and won’t take no for an answer.

Garou Industries, the loup garou privately owned company, has been searching for Richard to offer him a position in the company as they value having someone with his integrity on staff. Richard relocates to Manhattan to begin his new job and stays with Julien Bellaire, his mentor, who is also Richard’s Mate.

Before they can settle in, the Serbian mobster turns up dead and a corrupt cop who secretly works for the Serbians comes to New York with trumped up charges to pin the murder on Richard. With over eighty witnesses to Richard being on an airplane at the time of the murder, the cop abandons trying to frame Richard and instead plots to murder him. The loup garou request assistance from the Italian mob to protect Richard which comes with some interesting consequences.

Release date 20th January 2017
Coming to MLR Press soon

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Anubis by T.A. Chase

t-a-chase-anubis-coverTitle: Anubis

Series:  Earth Warriors # 2

Author: T.A. Chase

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, shifters

Length: Novella (148pgs)

Publisher: MLR Press (June 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: In returning to Petra, Anubis must deal with memories of his lost love while protecting his new lover.

Anubis has been an Earth Warrior for centuries and he never thought he’d return to the place where he died. Yet his next mission sends him back to Petra, his original home before the Gods chose to interfere in his life. He goes to Petra to authenticate some artifacts found at a dig site. There he meets Dr. Jamil Ahlid, the head archaeologist, and discovers someone he could love.

Dr. Jamil Ahlid has a once in a lifetime chance to dig at Petra and he discovers artifacts from an unheard of civilization. In doing so, he also uncovers something so dangerous that his very life could be forfeit. Meeting Anubis ends up being the best thing that happens to him. Especially when men come for what he’s found.

Anubis has to call on his brothers, but will they be enough to keep Jamil alive and the artifact safe?

ISBN: MLR-1-02016-0570

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Anubis, an earth warrior, is sent on a mission to find out what artifact archaeologist, Jamil, has discovered. He finds he has to face his past while keeping his true self a secret from Jamil. 

I really enjoyed this story as I love stories about Egyptian gods and shifters. Well written with adventure, action, mystery and danger as Anubis must try and protect Jamil from someone who wants a powerful book that has been thought lost for centuries and will stop at nothing to attain it.

I loved the peeks into who Anubis was and what transpired all those years ago before he was killed and changed. It was heart-breaking to say the least. I also loved all the wonderful tidbits about the different artifacts throughout. I find it fascinating when an author combines ancient stories into modern ones with twists and turns. 

I certainly hope there will be more books in this fascinating series. Highly recommended.

Julio's Wolf by A.C. Katt Blog Tour, Character Bio, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!


Hi guys, we have A.C. Katt popping in with her newest release Julio’s Wolf, the sixth book in the Werewolves of Manhatten series, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Lisa’s review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~


Julio’s Wolf

(Werewolves of Manhatten 06)

A.C. Katt

Julio Reyes has had a hard life. Orphaned at fourteen, he ran away from a group home to avoid rape but wound up being an independent prostitute in NYC. He has a life plan—go to school, become a stylist and open his own salon.

Etienne Daurensbourg is one-hundred and thirty-nine years old and fears he’ll never find his Mate until his friend Alexei introduces him to Julio. Julio is Etienne’s Mate but before he has a chance to court Julio, who is a human high beta and therefore stubborn and independent, Julio gets knifed and is forced to let Etienne provide him with a home and help to recover.

Pack problems arise that may force Etienne into the pit. Will Julio be able to love Etienne despite the fact he is a loup garou?

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Bastet by T.A. Chase

t-a-chase-bastet-coverTitle: Bastet 

Series:  Earth Warriors 01

Author: T.A. Chase

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, mystery

Length: Novella (151pgs)

Publisher: MLR Press (17th May 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Kellan Largant and Bastet are drawn into an ancient battle while learning to love each other.

Kellan Largent is a grad student at Harvard. His thesis is on ancient Egyptian religious cults. While immersed in his research, he comes across an obscure reference to the Earth Warrior cult. Little does he know that one sentence in a dusty tattered book will engulf him in a battle between good and evil. A battle that could be the end of the world as he knows it.

The stray cat wandering the streets around Kellan’s house is more than an abandoned feline. Bastet has roamed the earth from the days when Egypt was young. He’s watched the pharaohs rise and fall. New gods come and go. His purpose has remained the same: Protect the earth at all costs and keep the secrets of the Earth Warriors from regular mortals. He’s sent to keep Kellan Largent from finding out the truth about the cult, but also to keep the unsuspecting college student alive.

One man will do anything for the spell that created the Warriors. He wants immortality and killing Kellan for the secret is just the beginning of the trouble he’ll cause to get what he wants.

ISBN:  MLR-1-02016-0555

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Bastet is one of eight brothers who are chosen by a Egyptian god and tasked with protecting earth. They are called Earth Warriors and have the ability to shift into whatever animal represents that particular god. Bastet’s animal is a cat.

Kellan is a university student at Harvard. While collecting information on his thesis he stumbles across the knowledge of Earth Warriors. Bastet needs to get close to him to find out what he knows so he meets him as cat then as a man. The attraction between the two is immediate.

Bastet is to keep Kellan from finding out the truth about the Earth Warriors and their existence but things do not go as planned when a man hellbent on finding the spell to make the warriors will stop at nothing from attaining it.

I liked the story as it contains mystery, suspense, drama, shifters and a great plot, that grabs the reader’s attention and keeps their attention. As well as the Earth Warriors themselves as I found them fascinating. I would like to more about how they came to be the earth warriors, why they were chosen and the circumstances surrounding their deaths.  

Great read.

Julio's Wolf by A.C. Katt Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!


Hi guys, we have A.C. Katt popping in with her newest release Julio’s Wolf, the sixth book in the Werewolves of Manhatten series, we have a great excerpt and a barilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~ 


Julio’s Wolf

(Werewolves of Manhatten 06)

A.C. Katt

Julio Reyes has had a hard life. Orphaned at fourteen, he ran away from a group home to avoid rape but wound up being an independent prostitute in NYC. He has a life plan—go to school, become a stylist and open his own salon.

Etienne Daurensbourg is one-hundred and thirty-nine years old and fears he’ll never find his Mate until his friend Alexei introduces him to Julio. Julio is Etienne’s Mate but before he has a chance to court Julio, who is a human high beta and therefore stubborn and independent, Julio gets knifed and is forced to let Etienne provide him with a home and help to recover.

Pack problems arise that may force Etienne into the pit. Will Julio be able to love Etienne despite the fact he is a loup garou?

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Locke & Blade by Lynn Lorenz

lynn-lorenz-locke-blade-cover-mTitle: Locke & Blade

Series:  Locke & Blade of Waterford Patrol # 1

Author: Lynn Lorenz

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Police

Length: Novella (100pgs)

Publisher: MLR Press (MLR-1-02016-0593)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: When Locke and Blade must work together to solve crimes, but will dislike turn to attraction in the heat of fighting their enemies?

Christopher Locke is a man with a tarnished reputation. When he’s transferred to Waterford Station to serve as inspector, he meets Jonathan Blade, his new partner. Jonathan thinks Christopher is a brute. Chris thinks Jonathan is a snob. Both think the other is more than attractive, which might be more dangerous than the enemies they must face.

This title has been previously released.

ISBN: MLR-1-02016-0593

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Inspector Locke is transferred to Waterford after being disgraced. Inspector Blade is not happy that he is partnered with Locke and assumes the things he’s heard is true.

To me this story is about two men who fight the attraction they have for one another and who should have gotten to know each other before believing rumors about the other. I liked that they worked together despite their misgivings at the beginning, as everyone deserves to be heard and justice to be served.

There is an interesting and fascinating paranormal aspect to a story that was already interesting because of the main characters. I loved all the different paranormals introduced and am looking forward to reading more.

Lay Your Body Down by N.J. Nielsen

n-j-nielsen-lay-your-body-down-coverTitle: Lay Your Body Down

Series: Intended Mates # 1, Seasons of Murder # 2 

Author: N.J. Nielsen

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Mystery

Length: Novella (123pgs)

Publisher: MLR Press (May 17, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: It’s funny how one small circumstance of being in the wrong place at the wrong time can fuck up the life you had.

Odin James’s world changed forever when he witnessed his best friend being murdered. The people he thought were meant to protect him may just be working for the man who wants him dead. Trust doesn’t come easy–throw a mate into the mix and everything suddenly slides out of control.

Tom Wylie is the beta of his pack. When his alpha requests he take a police witness and keep him safe, Tom doesn’t know what he’s getting into. One sniff of the man, and he knows Odin is his mate. Protecting Odin from the bad shit after him is a given.

Life gets complicated when they realise things aren’t what they seem. Odin isn’t as human as he believed, and his birthright wants him dead. With the help of Tom’s pack, will Odin and Tom beat the odds thrown at them, and come out on top, or will evil win?

ISBN: MLR-1-02016-0554

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Odin James witnesses the murder of his best friend. As a result the man who committed the murder wants him dead before he can testify or so Odin thinks. The FBI find out there’s a leak in the department and that Odin’s whereabouts have been compromised. In order to better protect him Patric enlists the help of Tom. 

Tom is a beta wolf in Patric’s pack. He knows Odin is his mate the moment he sees him. What I liked about this story was Odin had no idea of who or what he is or why his uncle is really after him. Along with another group who desperately want to rid the earth of all supernaturals Odin and Tom find themselves in a fight for their lives.

I really liked this book however I felt that the good guys were too tame. I mean they are fighting to live yet when people attacked them or took them hostage they’re reactions didn’t meet the situation in my opinion. Other than that it was a great read.

I hope to read more in this series.

A Different Breed by Angel Martinez

angel-martinez-a-different-breed-cover-ssTitle: A Different Breed

Author: Angel Martinez

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampire

Length: Novel (183pgs)

Publisher: MLR Press (August 6, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Josh the vampire hunter falls in lust with one of the enemy; Richard has secrets and might not be sane–oh, sure, this will work.

Josh hunts vampires with relentless, cold precision until the night he confronts a gorgeous hunk of vamp in the woods outside Ithaca. Richard destroys all of his prejudices about vampires in the first few moments of conversation and the sexual sparks between them ignite almost as quickly. Richard offers the stability Josh never had. Josh offers the healing Richard needs so desperately.

But it’s nearly impossible just to walk away from a life of violence. An attack one evening leaves a friend in the hospital, Richard with a bullet through his chest, muttering about strange creatures, and Josh fighting to piece together what really happened. Are Richard’s nightmare attackers real, or is Josh’s favorite vamp losing his mind? Is there a reasonable explanation or has the hunter now become prey?

This title has been previously published.

ISBN: MLR-1-02016-0594

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Josh is a vampire hunter who has been on a mission to destroy all vampires ever since the death of his twin sister at the hands of one. He does not care if they have committed a crime or not. 

Richard is a very old vampire who is attacked by Josh. Richard has suffered a great loss of his own many years before. He knocks Josh out and takes him home.

I liked that when Josh came to he did not automatically fall for or believe Richard. Richard’s tale was as heart-breaking as Josh’. Even with their differences the two men find common ground over the loss of loved ones and form a bond. 

But people from Josh’s hunter group think Josh has gone soft and so in turn make a plan to draw him out and end him. I liked the story. It was well written with the right amount of romance, drama, suspense, action. The hunters were vicious. Josh learns that he may have been a pawn in the destruction of innocent vampires by the leader of the hunters. 

Highly recommended.

Re-Inventing Love by Storm Grant Blog Tour, Excerpt & Review!


Hi guys, we have Storm Grant stopping by today with her newest release Re-Inventing Love, we have a great excerpt and my review, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~


Re-Inventing Love


Storm Grant

Engineer and assistant inventor Maximilian Grün is in love with his employer, but he daren’t reveal the truth. It’s 1910 and if Canadian authorities learned of his homosexuality, they’d deport him back to Germany where the country of his birth would become the country of his death.

When promising young inventor and mathematician Dr. Jasper Hamilton expresses his own feelings for Max, the young German regretfully declines. He cannot risk their partnership, their reputations—their very lives!

Then a rival inventor sabotages their inventions. Jasper is caught between the physical and the metaphysical, reduced to atoms, and transported to the spirit plane! Max is devastated, deeply regretting his lost chances.

But Jasper manages to communicate across the aether, telling Max he must reverse the machine’s polarity. But without Jasper’s talent for mathematics, the calculations defeat him.

Can the would-be lovers bridge the gap between life and death to finally be together?

Continue reading “Re-Inventing Love by Storm Grant Blog Tour, Excerpt & Review!”

Bittersweet Dance by T.A. Chase & Jackie Nacht

T.A. Chase & Jackie Nacht - Bittersweet Dance Cover STitle: Bittersweet Dance

Series: The Mark of the Jersey Devil #2

Author: T.A. Chase & Jackie Nacht

Genre: Erotic Romance, Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Novella (119 Pages)

Publisher: MLR Press (July 14, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: A revengeful ghost threatens Ryder’s life, but Oleg threatens his heart. 

Ryder Hope moves to Chicago and is enjoying his new job there. Until he runs into a local legend. Unfortunately, this legend, known as Resurrection Mary, seems to have something important to tell him and she’ll do whatever she has to do to get his attention. 

Oleg Sarafov and the rest of the Jersey Paranormal Investigation team are in Chicago on another case when they get a call from a terrified Ryder begging for help. After rushing over, Oleg finds himself face-to-face with the most handsome man he’s ever met. 

Before any kind of relationship can start between them, they have to find out what this spirit wants, why she’s becoming increasingly violent in her attempts before Ryder is injured or worse. 

ISBN: MLR-1-02016-0584

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in The Mark of the Jersey Devil collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

I have read many stories over the years both contemporary and paranormal, but I must say that I think paranormal stories will always be my favorite. And with favorite stories, you have favorite authors that will entertain you and keep you begging for more. I came across both of these authors when they started publishing their stories and they have made a way onto my list of favorite authors. So when I found out that they were going to write together, let’s just say I was stoked.

The worlds in this story and the previous are unique and very detailed. They keep your attention throughout the whole book. I love the whole mystery and ghosts that come along with these stories. I love how the guys just seem to work perfectly together and even the long lost brother helps them. Although Tad has me a bit worried, and why didn’t Ryder mention what he saw concerning Tad. 

Ryder lost his job and thanks to a best friend, he ends up moving to Chicago and works with his buddy. However on a night out he comes across a beautiful woman in white, who might lead him on a different chase then he had expected. He has been approached by Resurrection Mary. However Mary might have been taken over, because now she is downright pissy and needs Ryder’s help.

Paval has given them another job to look at, so Oleg and his friends head out to look at the site of Resurrection Mary. Then he gets a very scared call from a man who needs their help. It would seem Mary has attached herself to Ryder and that is really Oleg’s place. Oleg needs to find out what is really going on with the ghost to keep his new love safe. 

This is an action pact and danger filled story where love finds away. I enjoyed reading this story and look forward to reading many more stories written by these two authors.

I can’t wait to read the next story in this amazing series. This is one book I would recommend.

Boyfriend Forever by Diana DeRicci

Diana DeRicci - Boyfriend Forever CoverTitle: Boyfriend Forever

Series: Boyfriend 02

Author: Diana DeRicci

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance

Length: Novella (101 Pages)

Publisher: MLR Press (September 20, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Can love survive seven years apart? 

Jayden Sindler let the love of his life walk away seven years ago to give him the chance to fulfill a future Nash Vargas had been working toward since his sophomore year in high school. As the years crawled by, they’d drifted apart, living in two different cities, with two different careers. Over time, the promises of ever after faded. 

Jayden knew he was equally to blame for letting things fall apart. When phone numbers ceased working, when Nash moved jobs then residences, he knew it was really over. 

It was time to let go. 

Can new life be breathed into an old flame? Can hearts forgive? Can Jayden convince Nash to give love one more try?

ISBN: MLR-1-02015-0450

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Diana always gives you a love story that always intrigues you and keeps you captivated. Her stories have a serious tone to them but there is a hint of humor that make it a lot more fun for me to love. I have read a few stories by Diana and have put her on my automatic buy list. So when I got this story, I was not disappointed at all.

The title is what caught my attention first, and then the sexy cover was next. When I read the blurb I knew I had to read it. Like I said I was not disappointed at all. Seven years is a long time to be without the one you love. Jayden had watched Nash leave and felt his heart go with him. Nash had spent his life wanting the future he planned for and he jumped at the chance. As with many relationships, time changes things for them.

Now seven years has gone past, Jayden wants Nash to let him back in. They went seven years with no word from each other, which make it a bit harder for him. He has shown so much strength in the time. Nash has grown up in his way also, and he wants the life he should have had with Jayden.

I would definitely recommend reading this story but only after you read the first one. Otherwise you might get a bit lost. I was happy to have this ending and look forward to hearing more about them in the future.

I had a blast with it and can’t wait to read another story by this amazing author.

Rise Out Of The Flames by Jackie Nacht

Jackie Nacht - Rise out of the Flames sTitle: Rise Out Of The Flames

Series: Phoenix Brothers #1

Author: Jackie Nacht

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Short Story (62 Pages)

Publisher: MLR Press (June 24, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Come and get saved by these phoenix firefighters brothers. 

Holden, a phoenix shifter, works at Rhodes Fire Department alongside his family. When he encounters his Sun, Rick, he’s half naked on the fire escape and Holden knows he’ll do anything to save Rick from the burning building. Even with the world knowing about paranormal beings, Holden has to figure out a way to tell Rick about himself. Phoenixes exist under the radar; keeping to small groups out of the limelight. Slight problem with maintaining secrets since it seems Rick may have unknowingly exposed himself to the phoenixes new enemy. How will Holden protect Rick with what happens when he goes up in flames?

ISBN: MLR-1-02016-0573

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Holden’s first look at Rick is priceless. Here is a man standing on a ledge holding a computer, while his apartment burned behind him. He feels a pull and knows he has found his sun. He just needs to figure out how to tell the sexy photographer. Rick’s only thought was to protect his pictures, his life had been horrible and he had found a way to move on. That is until his apartment catches fire. Then he is about to meet the one man who might just give him a life.

The fire is unlike any fire they have seen, except for one. Holden and his family is about to come across an old foe, set to destroy those who are like Holden. Phoenix shifters are so very rare that you don’t know they are there. It would seem Rick is about to learn of a different world out there.

I came across one other series that involves Phoenix shifters and they have always been a fantasy of mine. So when Jackie wrote this I knew I had to grab it up. I have always loved a good paranormal love story and when I am given a new set of shifters I am there. I can’t wait to see what the next story brings me. To top it off you get the brothers in one room and you can be guaranteed to be laughing your ass off with their actions.

This is a story that will draw you in and keep you captivated until the end. The characters are quirky and a blast to have around. I had a lot of fun reading this and can’t wait for the next story.

Average Grey by A.C. Katt

A.C. Katt - Average Gray Cover LTitle: Average Gray

Series: The Sunset Club #5

Author: A.C. Katt

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Contemporary

Length: Novel (190 Pages)

Publisher: MLR Press, LLC. (July 15, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Grayson Grey spends all of his time either working at Sunset or taking care of his mother who has leukemia. He has a huge crush on Enzo Del Monte but Enzo is distracted with the manager of the Sunset, Mike Green. 

Two revelations are going to change all that’s going on: Gray finds out that Mike is not gay, he’s just working Enzo for a large sum of money; and Mike stealing from the Sunset. Gray attempts to ride to the rescue but winds up being rescued himself. 

ISBN: MLR-1-02016-0582

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Sunset Club collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading this series in sequential order.

I haven’t had a chance to read many stories by this author but I was impressed with the worlds she creates. I am afraid that I started reading this one without reading the others first, so I was a bit behind on who the characters were. Which is why I would strongly suggest reading these in sequential order. Now for me I am afraid that I didn’t enjoy this story as much as I should have. The characters were a hit for me; I loved Gray and Enzo quite a bit. However there was just something to the way it was told that didn’t do it for me.

Enzo is a very wealthy man who comes from a family that is full of love and wonder. However when it comes to men, he isn’t sure if they are there for him or his money. When he started coming to Sunset, he notices Grayson right off the bat. However Mike had informed him that Gray was taken. It wasn’t until later that Enzo realizes Mike was playing him for a fool. 

Gray has had a hard life since he was in his teens. His father had left them and his mother was dying from leukemia. He spent his time working his ass off and caring for his mother. However it didn’t mean he didn’t notice Enzo right off the bat. Too bad Enzo did not seem to even notice him. He noticed many things about Mike that Enzo needed to know but he feared his reaction to the news. Thank god a few of the guys noticed the trouble also.

Grayson figured he was named perfect, someone no one would ever notice. Whereas Enzo was what everyone would want, but had no clue if it was for him or his money. Now the problem is they were both too scared to approach each other, then all of a sudden the truth comes out and they are together.

There really doesn’t seem to be that much heat in the story and the romance was a bit dry for me. The story was also not as fluid or flowing at the right pace. I have to admit that the story did not catch my attention like it should have. It jumped from one point to the next way too much. Even the crime of stealing was a bit off. There was no passion in this story which was a drag for me.

The story had great potential however for me it did a flop. You get a great set of characters in the beginning to lead you into this story, however it was not needed. It made it a bit slow for me, which was the exact opposite of what it should have. You don’t see the main guys until a few pages into the story. It seemed to focus on everyone other than our sexy men. I also got tired of hearing about Mike so many times. It felt rushed and just a bunch of stuff added in to make the book longer. If all the added nonsense was taken out and possibly shortened the story, then it would be a hit. 

Overall the story is very cute and charming, but it failed to catch my attention. It won’t stop me from reading the other stories though, just to see what they are like. However I am afraid that this story might have blown the chances of the other books being different. I guess I will just have to check them out though.

I gave this book a higher rating then I would normally because it has great potential, and I feel that the author can do better with her next story. She definitely has a gift. 

Average Gray by A.C. Katt Blog Tour, Excerpt & Review!

A.C. Katt - Average Gray Review TourA.C. Katt - Average Gray Banner 2

Hi guys, we have A.C. Katt stopping by with the review tour for her new release Average Gray, we have a great excerpt and Lisa’s review, so check out the post and enjoy!<3 ~Pixie~

A.C. Katt - Average Gray Cover L

Average Gray

(Sunset Club 05)

A.C. Katt

Grayson Gray spends all of his time either working at Sunset or taking care of his mother who has leukemia. He has a huge crush on Enzo Del Monte but Enzo is distracted with the manager of the Sunset, Mike Green.

Two revelations are going to change all that’s going on: Gray finds out that Mike is not gay, he’s just working Enzo for a large sum of money; and Mike stealing from the Sunset. Gray attempts to ride to the rescue but winds up being rescued himself.

Continue reading “Average Gray by A.C. Katt Blog Tour, Excerpt & Review!”

Average Gray by A.C. Katt Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

A.C. Katt - Average Gray BannerA.C. Katt - Average Gray Banner 2

Hi guys, we have A.C. Katt stopping by with her new release Average Gray, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

A.C. Katt - Average Gray Cover L

Average Gray

(Sunset Club 05)

A.C. Katt

Grayson Gray spends all of his time either working at Sunset or taking care of his mother who has leukemia. He has a huge crush on Enzo Del Monte but Enzo is distracted with the manager of the Sunset, Mike Green.

Two revelations are going to change all that’s going on: Gray finds out that Mike is not gay, he’s just working Enzo for a large sum of money; and Mike stealing from the Sunset. Gray attempts to ride to the rescue but winds up being rescued himself.

Continue reading “Average Gray by A.C. Katt Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”