Title: The Prince and the Frog
Series: Stories, Tales, and Legends: Retold 01
Author: Sophie Martin
Genre: Fairy Tales/Myths, Fantasy
Length: Novella (111pgs)
Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (13th September 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 4 1/2 Hearts
Blurb: Prince Ivan’s father believes his sons should find wives the traditional way–by going on a quest. This most fervent wish sends Ivan to his destiny. A magical forest, swamps, and strange dreams are just the beginning of the prince’s bad luck. Not only does his chosen bride prove to be a frog, she is also a he!
With an ancient magic involved, Ivan and Vasiliy the frog have no choice but to marry. But their problems aren’t over yet. First a test of worthiness threatens their blossoming relationship. Then there is the small matter of the magical curse Vasya is under. Finally, Ivan’s impatience rips the two apart.
Can the prince fulfill the impossible quest and thwart the most feared wizard in the world (aka his father-in-law) to get his frog back? And will Vasya begin an all-out magical war to return to his prince?
ISBN: 978-1-68295-476-8
Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: Ivan’s father loves sending his sons on quests. This time he thinks it is time for his sons to find their other halves so has them shoot fate magic arrows in different directions and follow them to where they landed. This is where Ivan meets Vasya. Unbeknownst to him Vasya is the son of a powerful wizard being punished along with his friends for a prank gone wrong. So when the two meet Vasya and his friends are in their animal skins.
I really enjoyed the story and the subsequent adventure these two journeyed upon. Ivan is resourceful and gets help from Vasya’s friends unbeknowst to him. I loved everything about this story. It was cute, sweet, adventurous and action packed.
Well written and intriguing. Great read.