Heart on the Run by Havan Fellows and Lee Brazil

61pwhAPUmEL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Heart on the Run
Series: Hearts of Parkerburg, #2
Author: Lee Brazil and Havan Fellows
Genre: Contemporary/ Holiday
Length: 197 pages
Publisher: Appleton Publishing Avenue (Nov 14, 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: Charles Darwin Millsworth, Chaz to one and all since infancy, has no wish to live up to the grandeur of his name. Fortunately, his Southern belle mama isn’t at all inclined to push her son into a career that won’t make him happy. She thinks he needs to loosen up and enjoy life. After all, that’s the whole point of being independently wealthy, isn’t it?

Chaz can see her point, but his father died in his forties as did his father before him. As far as Chaz is concerned, he has limited time on this earth to make his dreams come true. And he refuses to leave anyone weeping over a wasted life.

Sprocket Moretti is a simple guy. He loves his job, enjoys college, lives in his beloved childhood home—why worry about the little things when the big stuff looks so good. Unfortunately, one of the little things he tries not to stress over is a broken friendship with a very hot and bewildering sous chef. They were pals, hung out and had fun. But one night they stepped over that invisible line, and the next morning Chaz kicked Sprocket out of his bed and his life.

Now, no matter how much Sprocket tries to charm Chaz, the guy has no desire to return to their pre-sex playful bantering ways. And if Sprocket stays true to his motto, this little thing—Chaz—should be written off and never worried about again.

If Sprocket had known one night of reality-altering orgasms would endanger their easygoing friendship… How do you finish that sentence when all your mind wants is its friend back and all your body wants is another taste?

ISBN: 9781941841365

Product Link(s): https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-heartontherun-1928170-149.html



Reviewer: Cat

Review: Heart on the Run is a very fun romance. I love Lee Brazil and Haven Fellows. Though most of their stories are short, I liked that this was longer. There are a lot of awesome characters in this story, and the setting is a big part of the story as well. I loved the quaint town and how everyone knows everyone. I wish these towns existed.

This is book two in Hearts of Parkerburg. It stands alone fine as the people in town are what the series is about. If you read the first book, you will know the other characters and stuff mentioned and its good as well.

Back to this one. I adored Chaz. He is sweet and has a goal for his life. Even though he is from a wealthy family and doesn’t have to work, he went to culinary school, and his dream is to have a restaurant of his home someday. He often thought about what his mom might say in many circumstances, and this was in italics, so it was clear it was thought, but I am not sure how I felt about it.

It wasn’t confusing the story or anything it was just that some of them were a bit odd for me. That’s a personal opinion. I will admit some did make me laugh.

Sprocket was a fun character. His description showed us how fun he would be. I did feel sorry for him and liked how he tried so hard to still be friends with Chaz after Chaz’s first run. Then there is Mason. I adored Mason. He is so funny, and I liked how he was so protective of Sprocket and there seemed to be more there at least on his side. (Hope the next book is his.)

The story is fast paced, and I didn’t want to put it down. It is heartwarming, fun and I was shocked by a couple twists. I will admit I thought it a predictable romance and was in for a big surprise! I can’t say more without a spoiler. I will say this is an excellent romance and fun book and a great holiday or anytime read!

If you like sexy tattooed men, hot chefs, best friends, hot romances with a twist, a holiday story and an allover fantastic read, this is for you! *points to buy links*

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *

Second Act by Kaje Harper

91eeO0Dd3lL._SL1500_Title: Second Act
Series: N/A
Author: Kaje Harper
Genre: Contemporary/ Hollywood/ Holiday
Length: Novel (236 pages)
Publisher: Kaje Harper (January 4th 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4.5 Hearts
Reviewer: Aerin
Blurb: Sometimes you have to go home again.

When Bryce Edwards left Minnesota for the bright lights of Hollywood ten years ago, he was determined not to look back. He’s built a solid acting career through his own hard work and talent. But when he finds himself unemployed right before Christmas, the memories he’s been ignoring start to rise up and annoy him.

Maybe it’s time to take a different approach; maybe it’s time to confront his past and not just use it as motivation for his next angsty scene. If he can make peace with what happened back then— the small-town bigots who drove him away, and his first boyfriend who refused to leave with him— maybe he’ll be free to move on to something better.

He’s not sure what “something better” will look like, but he’s finally ready to get on a plane, go home, and find out.

Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/Second-Act-Kaje-Harper-ebook/dp/B00RSOT67O

Review: I’m usually not a fan of Hollywood books because they simply don’t seem realistic enough. But Kaje Harper did an amazing job portraying the life of an actor as it really is. I loved the characters and the contrast between them, and after reading the blurb, I was sure Bryce’s love interest was his old friend/boyfriend. So imagine my shock when I realized how this story was going to develop. *thud*

I loved the characters; they weren’t perfect of course, which is a plus for me. Bryce is brittle, he’s lonely (in Hollywood of all places), doesn’t have many friends and he likes to keep to himself mostly because he’s not completely out of the closet.

He still needs to make peace with how his life came to an abrupt change as a teenager and with the way his relationship with his ex, Cody, ended over 10 years ago. So when he finds himself dropped from a movie, he heads back to Montana to try to make peace with Cody and hopefully put an end to the thoughts, regrets, and bitterness that still torment him.

Bryce was such a real, beautifully written character. He hasn’t made it big in Hollywood yet, even though he’s been trying his best for the past 10 years. He’s not rich; actually, he barely scrapes by, which is true with most people who try their luck in Hollywood.

It’s rare that they become stars overnight, most people work dead-end, low paying jobs in order to afford to pay their rent, let’s not even mention eating anything fancier than Romain noodles and P&B sandwiches. So for me, the realistically portrayed life of a struggling actor is the reason this book was such a success.

Once he returns to Montana, Bryce meets Dion. I liked the contrast between them; Dion was blonde, skinny, elegant, beautiful, while Bryce was tall dark and handsome, with a muscular body. I loved them together even more, although they needed a crash course in how to communicate with the person you love.

I liked Jacques and Cory as individuals and as a couple. I liked their relationship with each other and with those around them, and I was very happy with how Bryce and Cory made peace and rekindled their friendship.

If you normally get putt off books with a Hollywood theme, consider giving this book a chance. It’s very realistic and there’s neither overnight success nor spoiled, entitled actors. It’s a great book and I enjoyed reading it a lot; the book is not perfect but it kept me VERY interested (read as couldn’t put it down) so it deserves the high rating I gave.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *

Dust of Snow by Indra Vaughn

91pLf2dKiEL._SL1500_Title: Dust of Snow
Series: N/A
Author: Indra Vaughn
Genre: Contemporary/Holiday
Length: Novel (158 pages)
Publisher: Indra Ink. (December 9th, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts
Blurb: ‘T is the season. Greg’s nights are silent and his bells don’t jingle. This time last year his boyfriend broke up with him, and he’s determined to get through these holidays with only minor bruising.

So what if he lives with a cat and his best friend is his mother?

Peace and quiet: that’s life how he likes it. Nothing is going to blindside him this year, no sir. Especially not a rogue secret Santa.

ISBN: 978-1-62622-729-3

Product Link(s): Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/extreader/read/487965/1/dust-of-snow
ArE: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-dustofsnow-1656500-149.html
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dust-Snow-Indra-Vaughn-ebook/dp/B00OXIT2W2

Reviewer: Prime

Review: This is a sweet little story which has a number of elements jumbled into it. First and foremost, this is about Gregory Peck (not after the actor) and his love life, or lack thereof. Despite the fact he has at least two men at work are interested in him and he is receiving some mysterious gifts being delivered to his office. The secret admirer adds a bit of mystery – good mystery. But then Greg’s ex and his antics, add some suspense into the plot. On top of all that, there is also the craziness of the Christmas season and complicated family dynamics from more than one character.

Greg is a wonderful character, I would say realistic because he doesn’t have high self-esteem, but he at least knows his self-worth. Greg’s French boss, who he has had a crush on, is completely charming, as is another manager in the office, Ashley Montgomery. I won’t touch Greg’s ex, David so I don’t give away anything. At one point we had the makings of what could have been a horrible love triangle (or square?) but thankfully, that wasn’t strictly the case and had me cheering for the happiness of multiple characters.

However, I still wonder about the happy ever after for one of the men, too.

Quite honestly, I don’t want to go into the characters more than this because I don’t want to spoil anything. Particularly since the blurb is overly abundant with details of other main character aside from Greg. How about I throw a bone or whatever cats like? Because Greg has, a cat called Curlywurly and that had me thinking of the chocolate bar by the same name (or at least in Australia and UK).

One thing I can gush about without giving away is anything is Greg’s mother. She was the star of a delightful subplot, which featured her finally moving on years after the end of her marriage to Greg’s swine of a father.

In the end I like how, let’s call him, Prince Charming not only brought Greg out of his shell, but also brought the best out in him. Greg started out rather quiet but transformed into a vivacious character who wasn’t shy about his affections.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *

Bowl Full of Cherries by Raine O'Tierney

BowlFullofCherriesLGTitle: Bowl Full of Cherries
Series: N/A
Author: Raine O’Tierney
Genre: Contemporary/ Holiday
Length: Novel (214 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 5, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3Hearts
Blurb: Porker, Fatty, Tons-of-Fun: Crowley Fredericks has heard it all. He’s dropped a lot of weight since his high school days, but he’s still a big guy, and the painful words and bullying follow him. Rejected—again—because of his size, Crowley is starting to think that maybe love just isn’t meant for huskier men.

Averell Lang and his twin are so different they might as well not even be related. So when Rell’s brother brings his roommate home to snowy Susset for the holidays, Rell expects the worst—another uptight, pretentious hipster. What he discovers instead is Crowley. Nerdy, fascinating, attractive, Crowley. Rell never expected to look at a man this way, and what he sees in Crowley Fredericks is something he didn’t even know he was looking for. If both men can overcome their hang-ups, they might unwrap more than presents this holiday season.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63216-520-6

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5799

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Crowley Fredericks is sent a text message from his mother telling him not to bother coming home for the holidays, as no one will be there to pick him up from the airport. Upon hearing this his roommate and best friend, Tyler, immediately tells him he’s coming home with him for the holidays but he has to take a different flight as his is booked up. When Crowley meets Rell, Tyler’s twin brother, there is an immediate attraction.

Crowley seemed very shy and insecure about himself as a result of being bullied by an older guy. I really felt for him and didn’t understand why people are so cruel. Along the way and with the help of Tyler’s family he slowly begins to have more confidence in himself.

Rell seemed like a caring individual who didn’t yet know what he wanted to do with life. He’s never dated a guy before but is deeply attracted to Crowley. He tries his best to comfort Crowley when things become too much for him.

I really liked the way that Crowley and Rell helped each other overcome the things holding them back. It was a long journey full of drama and sad stories but also full of love and understanding. Although I didn’t like Tyler trying to keep them apart, I did understand why he felt the need to do so.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through

Candy Man by Amy Lane

CandyManLGTitle: Candy Man
Series: N/A
Author: Amy Lane
Genre: Contemporary/ Holiday
Length: Novella (136 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 3rd, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Reviewer: Aerin
Blurb: Adam Macias has been thrown a few curve balls in his life, but losing his VA grant because his car broke down and he missed a class was the one that struck him out. One relative away from homelessness, he’s taking the bus to Sacramento, where his cousin has offered a housesitting job and a new start. He has one goal, and that’s to get his life back on track. Friends, pets, lovers? Need not apply.

Finn Stewart takes one look at Adam as he’s applying to Candy Heaven and decides he’s much too fascinating to leave alone. Finn is bright and shiny—and has never been hurt. Adam is wary of his attention from the very beginning—Finn is dangerous to every sort of peace Adam is forging, and Adam may just be too damaged to let him in at all.

But Finn is tenacious, and Adam’s new boss, Darrin, doesn’t take bullshit for an answer. Adam is going to have to ask himself, which is harder—letting Finn in or living without him? With the holidays approaching, it seems like an easy question, but Adam knows from experience that life is seldom simple, and the world seldom cooperates with hope, faith, or the plans of cats and men.

ISBN: 9781632166791

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5780

Review: I remember reading one of Amy Lane’s blogs earlier this year, where she was talking about her husband’s marathon and stopping by a candy shop afterwards. “But he was still game to stop at a candy store on the way back, so we could buy the kids green salt water taffy and pretty canvas bags for St. Patrick’s Day. Darrin was the AWESOME proprietor of Candy Haven.

When I read the author note on Candy Man I squealed and bounced around in excitement. It’s just so amazing when an author’s personal experience and the real life people they meet are the inspiration for a book. And this book was nothing short of amazing. It wasn’t as dark and angsty as most of the previous books, but I made sure to keep the tissues close by, just in case. And I only needed to use them twice. But I became an expert in reading with tears in my eyes while smiling like a lunatic, because this is what this book did to me.

Adam is a 27-year-old man who served in the army for 8 years. Life hasn’t been very kind to him, all the people he considered close disappointed him one way or another, all with the exception of his cousin Rico (we don’t meet Rico in this book but he is an amazing secondary character that we get a glimpse of through the text messages he exchanges with Adam). Adam has a lot of bad luck lately that causes him to lose his VA grant along with his job. He feels unworthy and unlovable. He’s hit rock bottom and now the only way to go is up, right?

Let me introduce you to Finn, an amazing and complex character who’s bubbly, exciting, and full of life. Finn becomes fascinated by Adam and he does everything he can to get the man all to himself. Finn is persistent and doesn’t take no for an answer; he’s determined to show Adam that real family and friends stick together, and he does just that.

Most of the plot revolves around Candy Heaven, a small candy shop owned by Darrin. Darrin is funny and I loved how supportive he was. He can see certain things in the future by reading the pixie stick (you know the powder that’s inside) which I got a real laugh out of. The secondary characters were unique and each of them was quirky in his/her own way. They’re meddling and protective and I loved the constant banter. Finn’s family also played a big role in Adam and Finn’s relationship; they were amazing. And Finn’s coming out story was as hilarious as it was unique.

And as amazing as this book was so far, Amy made it exceptional and humorous by including the homicidal cat and the balls sniffing dog. I laughed so much at those two. They managed to make the whole story brighter. “And Clopper lay on his back in the corner, drunk off of more turkey and stuffing than any dog should eat ever. Every ten minutes he’d pass a giant gas bubble that would send him barking around the room, angry at the big farting monster who had dared impose on his dreams.”

This book was amazing and if you haven’t read it yet, go do it RIGHT NOW. Recommended to all Amy Lane fans and to everyone else who loves a book full of happiness and joy and hope, seasoned with a little bit of angst.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *

Sleigh Ride by Heidi Cullinan

91L2uGiR88L._SL1500_Title: Sleigh Ride

Series: Minnesota Christmas, 02

Author: Heidi Cullinan

Genre: Contemporary, Holiday, BDSM, Con-non-con

Length: Novel (194pgs)

Publisher: Samhain Publishing (November 11th, 2014)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5Hearts

Blurb: The way to a man’s heart is on a sleigh.
Arthur Anderson doesn’t want anything to do with love and romance, and he certainly doesn’t want to play Santa in his mother’s library fundraising scheme. He knows full well what she really wants is to hook him up with the town’s lanky, prissy librarian.

It’s clear Gabriel Higgins doesn’t want him, either—as a Santa, as a boyfriend, as anyone at all. But when Arthur’s efforts to wiggle out of the fundraiser lead to getting to know the man behind the story time idol, he can’t help but be charmed. The least he can do is be neighborly and help Gabriel find a few local friends.

As their fiery arguments strike hotter sparks, two men who insist they don’t date wind up doing an awful lot of dating. And it looks like the sleigh they both tried not to board could send them jingling all the way to happily ever after.

Warning: Contains a feisty librarian, a boorish bear, small town politics, deer sausage, and a boy who wants a doll.

Product Link: https://www.samhainpublishing.com/book/5222/sleigh-ride 

Reviewer: GiGi

Review: I always knew that librarians were sexy, and Cullinan threw in some kinks for fun! This is a fast-paced read full of details and drama. I always love the challenge of turning a cynical man into a love-struck ball of passion and Arthur Anderson fits that bill!

This second Minnesota Christmas tale fits right in with the language, lifestyle, and atmosphere of the first. Small town, both broad and narrow minds, traditions, family and a mischievous mother are all part of the sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking plot to bring Arthur and Gabriel together.

Don’t let the glasses and kids’ story time hero fool you, this small town librarian is a lusty one, but he’s in denial of the kinky side of his passions. Arthur may think he needs big strong one night encounters, but what he doesn’t know is that Gabe can handle whatever Arthur dishes out, and they may have much more in common that what lies on the surface.

There are a few small town stereotypes complete with anti-gay bashers, but even Arthur is guilty of stereotyping. He first overlooks Gabriel as weak, snobby, over educated, but one encounter at library story time open his eyes to how important Gabriel is to this town, and thus to Arthur. What starts as Arthur’s mom’s attempt to save the library budget, quickly becomes Arthur’s pet project, but can it become more?

So much great entertainment is crammed into this wonderful story! I’d be amiss to overlook the very sensual scenes, where Cullinan whips out her kink writing skills. A bit of D/s, a bit of consensual non-con, a little rough trade, and a lot of chemistry!!!!

I highly recommend this read, and not just for the cold winter months, but for hot winter nights!!!!

Gingerbread Palace by E.M. Lynley

GingerbreadPalaceLGTitle: Gingerbread Palace

Series: Delectable #4

Author: E.M. Lynley

Genre: Contemporary / Holiday

ISBN: 9781627983624

Length: Novella (130 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 11th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: A Novella in the Delectable Series

A week before Christmas, Alex Bancroft’s bakery goes up in flames. When he runs back inside after a dog, firefighter Kevin Flint has to rescue Alex—and Quincy—from the smoldering building, endangering them, and inflaming Kevin’s resentment.

Now Alex can’t create the elaborate gingerbread house he donates to a foster-kids charity each year. Fire Station 7 again comes to his rescue, offering their kitchen and their manpower.

Everyone but Kevin Flint, that is. A third-generation firefighter, he’s fearful of stepping too far out of the closet. So when his powerful physical attraction for Alex ends in a sizzling secret encounter in the firehouse, Kevin can’t push Alex far enough away, and Alex returns the cold shoulder.

After a change of heart, Kevin risks his life to prove he’s worthy of Alex’s affection, but without a Christmas miracle, their chances at sweet romance might go up in smoke.

Like all Delectable stories, Gingerbread Palace includes recipes used in the book.

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4435

Review: I think the timing I chose to read this story was simply perfect. I picked it up yesterday and finished it by the time I needed to sleep, thus my dreams were delectable. E.M. has a way of making your mouth water with her men just like she does with her cooking images. This time around, she gifts us a Candyman and a Fireman.

Let’s take a sneak peek on the story here. A bakery is on fire and the fire-team arrives to the rescue. The delicious chef gets himself in trouble trying to save the dog he was sitting and the equally – if not more – delicious firefighter saves his life, literally. And sparks cause a whole different brand of fire.

What? You thought the sexy fire didn’t you? Well, that most certainly comes later on, but the first sparks are darker than you might expect. You see Kevin, the firefighter, is deep, deep in the closet besides being a third generation fireman and one that sticks to the rules like he has tons of glue on his a$$. He thinks the sexy baker is a dumbass and actually goes ahead telling him so right after he’s rescued him. Talk about a bad start. To make it worse, they end up having angry sex only for Kevin to treat Alex like trash, triggering the most hurtful memories Alex has.

The characters are fascinating, both of them having multiple layers and hidden things that trigger their behavior. The author did a very nicely balanced job with this novella, as she managed to get lots of dark and cruel events in the middle of the light and vice-versa. This is not your typical happy and cheery read, even if it seems that way in first sight. I liked it so a lot and no, it didn’t feel heavy at all.

What I felt weird about was the abrupt change of heart Kevin suffered. It was a bit fast for me; one moment he’s a complete jerk, the next he’d a damned angel, and it caused me a feeling akin to vertigo. However, it still didn’t take away from my enjoyment.

As for the erotic part of the book, what can I say; it was as expected delicious, sensual, sexy and hot, and not nearly enough. This pair worked out so well, I’d have loved a couple more scenes for them to explore themselves through the different phases of their relationship. In fact, the entire book evoked strong cravings and made you wish for more.

Overall Gingerbread Palace is yet another lovely book in the series that will leave you drooling after having a fantastic time with its men and candies. Strongly recommended for fans of the genre and those of you who wish for a delectable Christmas read.

Eli’s Review:  ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts

Alex and Kevin literally strike sparks off each other. Each meeting they have with each other is fraught with tension and angst, largely due to Kevin’s fear of being outed. The story progresses with this tension until Kevin and Alex hook up. But once again, Kevin allows his personal issues to get in the way of a potential relationship with Alex; and, he burns his bridges with the man. In the meantime, he’s beginning to learn more about Alex and he regrets his decision but there is little he can do to fix the situation.

When Alex goes out on a date and Kevin gets hurt on the job, this provides a powerful tool, which can move these men to finding each other.  The story moves between Alex and Kevin’s perspectives which is good, but the story would have been more powerful had this been Kevin’s story for the reader to see the arc of his growth which began with his and Alex’ interaction in the hospital, which is where the book ends.  Had the story gone on to have Kevin come out and embrace who he was not just to Alex but also to the world, especially his father and co-workers, and then end with he and Alex embarking upon a relationship, this story would have vaulted to perfection.  Kevin spent so much time hiding and being a douche, that the simple transition is anti-climatic.

However, this is not to say it wasn’t a good read, it really was, hence the rating of a 3.5, it was just that it built up to a climax that didn’t quite happen and it left the reader feeling a little let down that there wasn’t just a tad more. This story has enormous potential to be a solid 5 and I hope the writer goes back and does a few minor adds to vault this book into the stratosphere which is where it could really reside.  Kevin deserves to have his full growth explored and Alex deserves that man that Kevin will become.

Buy the book, support the author and let her know what you think.

Texas Christmas by R.J. Scott

18715813Title: Texas Christmas

Series: Texas 05

Author: R.J. Scott

Genre: Contemporary

Length Novel (189pgs)


Publisher: Love Lane Books (13th December 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Six men with lives linked to the Double D… Danger comes to the Double D from Liam’s past and threatens everything Jack and Riley hold dear.

Centering on Jack and Riley, parents, lovers and friends. Jack makes a decision that will affect the ranch, and Riley realizes peace comes at a price.

Eli and Robbie have their home on Double D land. Their love is rooted in the Texas soil and they weather as many storms as can be thrown at them.

And Liam, a young man with a head full of dreams and sleep full of nightmares, finds that all things are possible when Marcus decides to interrupt his solitary existence.

Purchase Link: https://www.lovelanebooks.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=18&products_id=57 

Review: This story is part of a series and must be read in order. When Liam came to the Double D ranch, he had little more than the clothes on his back, his trust had been destroyed, and he was wary of what is expected of him. Now he has an admirer and he isn’t sure what to do, Marcus doesn’t seem like the type of man to hurt him but Liam finds it hard to open up. Marcus is determined to get close to the young man who fascinates him and discovers what has Liam so afraid, he woos Liam slowly, but when danger comes from Liam’s past will he be strong enough to help Liam through it. Jack and Riley are looking forward to their expanding family but the red tape is tangled. Eli and Robbie are getting ready to settle into their new house but leaving their little apartment is harder than Robbie thought.

We are back at Double D ranch watching as Jack and Riley’s family expands, as their friends, Eli and Robbie, settle into their new home and Liam learns to trust Marcus and find his place on the ranch. This is a beautiful addition to the Texas series; it’s filled with joy and sadness, pain and relief and men who love something fierce. It covers the months from September to December with us watching the ups and downs of these six men and we get the story of Liam’s life and hardships, we see the developing love between Liam and Marcus and the solid love between Jack and Riley, and Eli and Robbie.

So I might (under torture) admit to having to wipe a couple of tears away at certain times during this story, and some of those tears might have been for the joy and love that smacks you in the face, but some of those tears were also for the pain and heartache that Liam suffered and rolls off the page to torture your heart. Damn you R.J. Scott! I also admit to loving this story completely and having fallen madly in love with Max, that little tyke just about rips your heart out with his little hand *the one not clutching Thomas* and he refuses to give it back.

This is a wonderfully written story taking us through the journey of not just Liam and Marcus’ burgeoning relationship but the journey that Liam takes within himself to overcome his painful past with the help and love of Marcus and the support of Jack, Riley, Eli and Robbie. We see the struggles that Riley and Jack face with the red tape as they adopt Max, and as they get into the swing of being parents to the twins. We see the love that Eli and Robbie have for each other as they move into their own house and the support they offer to their Texas family.

I recommend this if you love cowboys, family, love, and support. If you adore well-crafted tales of building families through love and trust, overcoming the past and welcoming love and a beautiful Christmas ending.

Christmas Kitsch by Amy Lane

18591068Title: Christmas Kitsch

Author: Amy Lane

Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Coming Out

Length: Novel (254pgs)

ISNB: 978-1-62649-086-4

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (9th December 2013)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Sometimes the best thing you can get for Christmas is knowing what you really want. 

Rusty Baker is a blond, rich, entitled football player in a high school full of them—just the type of oblivious jock all the bullied kids hate. And he might have stayed that way, except he develops a friendship with out-and-proud Oliver Campbell from the wrong side of the tracks. Rusty thinks the friendship is just pity—Oliver is very bright, and Rusty is very not—but then Oliver kisses him goodbye when Rusty leaves for college, and Rusty is forced to rethink everything he knows about himself.

But even Rusty’s newfound awareness can’t help him survive a semester at Berkeley. He returns home for Thanksgiving break clinging to the one thing he knows to be true: Oliver Campbell is the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

Rusty’s parents disagree, and Rusty finds himself homeless for the holidays. Oliver may not have much money, but he’s got something Rusty has never known: true family. With their help and Oliver’s love, Rusty comes to realize that he may have failed college, but he’ll pass real life with flying rainbow colors.

Purchase Link: http://www.riptidepublishing.com/titles/christmas-kitsch

Review: Rusty has always gotten everything he wanted without even really trying, he might be expected to follow in his father’s footsteps but he fully admits to being the stereotypical dumb jock. When he meets Oliver his views begin to change, he wants more than to go into his father’s business, he want to do something that makes him happy. Oliver is out and proud, he’s from the wrong side of the tracks and his best friend puts himself down. Kissing Rusty is one of the best things he has ever done and being there for Rusty as he struggles through his first semester at Berkeley keeps him hoping that Rusty will wake up to his true feelings. Rusty heads home for the holidays knowing just what he wants but his parents have very different ideas, when he finds himself tossed out on the street it’s Oliver and his family who help him back on his feet, but can Rusty accept the love that Oliver offers or will his stubborn pride keep them apart?

This is an incredibly wonderful story where a young man finds himself and sets out to live his life in happiness and accepting that family is more than who you are born to. Rusty is a character who is easy to fall in love with, he has no illusions about himself and knows his limits, although he is very hard on himself and self-disparaging. Oliver is a lovely young man who guides Rusty as much as he can to recognize his feelings and to also buff up Rusty’s confidence. They make a perfect couple who have the usual teenage problems involving pride and confidence, but their support of each other is heart-warming.

We follow these two young men as they make friends and develop a friendship that can and does stand against pressure. Rusty is oblivious to many things around him but finds that he has much more going for him in a world he makes for himself, rather than the world his parents want for him. His relationship with Oliver is the cornerstone for all that he wants to build and we see his heartache as he strives to be something he isn’t, we see Oliver and his family pulling around Rusty as his own parents turn their back on him and we see Rusty blossoming into a man to be proud of. Rusty and Oliver’s relationship is an incredible one, they have their ups and downs but it is all based in love and when they are together, it makes you smile.

I adored this story. I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to know what would happen to these two young men as they faced life with love from one side but disapproval from the other side. The story is from Rusty’s point of view but you get to know Oliver perfectly through Rusty’s eyes and Rusty is an honest character, there’s no false pretense in him so what you see is what you get. The story is written perfectly, the characters come to life and it is a storyline that happens all too often in real life. You get behind these two young men cheering for them as they build their lives, you feel their heartache, pain and disappointment, their confusion and hurt, their love and happiness and their dreams of the future.

I recommend this to those who love young adults starting their lives, fantastic characters, wonderful family, new blossoming love and an incredible ending.       

Let It Snow by Heidi Cullinan

LetItSnow72lgTitle: Let It Snow

Author: Heidi Cullinan

Genre: Holiday

Length: Novel (185 pages)

Publisher: Samhain Publishing (November 26th, 2013)

Heat: Moderate

Heart: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Mickie

Blurb: The weather outside is frightful, but this Minnesota north woods cabin is getting pretty hot.

Stylist Frankie Blackburn never meant to get lost in Logan, Minnesota, but his malfunctioning GPS felt otherwise, and a record-breaking snowfall ensures he won’t be heading back to Minneapolis anytime soon. Being rescued by three sexy lumberjacks is fine as a fantasy, but in reality, the biggest of the bears is awfully cranky and seems ready to gobble Frankie right up.

Marcus Gardner wasn’t always a lumberjack—once a high-powered Minneapolis lawyer, he’s come home to Logan to lick his wounds, not play with a sassy city twink who might as well have stepped directly out of his past. But as the north winds blow and guards come down, Frankie and Marcus find they have a lot more in common than they don’t. Could the man who won’t live in the country and the man who won’t go back to the city truly find a home together? Because the longer it snows, the deeper they fall in love, and all they want for Christmas is each other.

Warning: Contains power outages, excessive snowfall, and incredibly sexy bears.

Purchase Link: http://store.samhainpublishing.com/let-it-snow-p-73107.html

Review: Let It Snow is the Goldilocks and the Three Bears version I always wanted to read! Heidi Cullinan weaves that magic that she weaves so well ONCE AGAIN! (No surprise there!)

Frankie, the main character is so adorable and endearing with his insecurities and open heart; his strength of character is so obvious to everyone but himself, you find yourself wanting to just wrap him up in cotton wool…but that is not our job, it’s the job of a lonely, bitter, gorgeous bear with a grizzly attitude named Marcus!…and when the two come together, they SIZZLE! The transformation that their love, (YES, LOVE), produces; grows these characters into two wonderfully strong, sexy, and loving men; and is a joy to read. You find yourself rooting for them every step of the way, and hoping they can find a way to make their love last forever.

The cast of supporting characters is a fun one, and I personally would not mind reading continuation(s) of this book to check back in on Frankie & Marcus; as well as to read about the happy endings so many of these SCs deserve! This book is full of sexy bears, wonderful characters, plenty of laughs, hot sex and a great story! I highly recommend this book, as well as this author!

Let It Snow was a heart-warming and lovely story with characters that grab you, and a story that will make it hard to put down! ENJOY!

The Christmas Throwaway by R.J. Scott

9615767Title: Christmas Throwaway

Series: N/A

Author: R.J. Scott

Genre: m/m, holidays

Length: Novella

Publisher: Love Lane Books (November 24, 2012) (first published December 1st, 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb: Christmas is a time for giving – what do you do when no one gives a damn?

For Zachary Weston Christmas means sleeping on a churchyard bench in the freezing snow with nothing better in his future. Thrown out of his home for being gay, he is left without money or, it seems, anywhere to go.

Until a stranger shows him that some people do give a lot more than a damn.

Ben Hamilton is a rookie cop in his small home town. He finds a young throwaway, fresh from the city, sleeping on a bench in the churchyard on a snowy Christmas Eve. Can he be the one to give Zachary his own Christmas miracle?

Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Christmas-Throwaway-ebook/dp/B004EYUES6

Reviewer: Thommie

Review: I think this is one of the best Christmas stories I’ve read. Everything about this book screams PERFECT and it really made my day even if the start of the story was horribly sad.

R.J. Scott introduces us with a unique way to Zach, a 17-year-old boy who is found sleeping and nearly frozen to death by Ben on a bench on Christmas Eve. Zach’s story is gruesome. He has lived a nightmare of a life at the hands of an abusive, homophobic father and a weak, fading to the background with no voice at all mother. Zach’s entire life has been planned by his father, an ex-special forces sergeant, whose idea of raising a child was beating his wants and beliefs into his son. This went worse when he found out that Zach was gay, taking him out from school and literally forcing him to home imprisonment. However, two-week short of being 18 years old Zach stands up to his father and declares that he is not only not going to enlist in the army, but that he wishes to live his life the way he wants to. That earns him a sound beating (again) and thrown out of the house in the middle of the winter with nothing more than the clothes he has on.

I must admit this whole story broke my heart because, even if this one is fiction. there are children out there being thrown out of their family for being who they are. It’s sad, it’s horrible and it’s a fact. I loved the way the author addresses this issue. I loved the way she writes about it without shying away and facing it as it is. I loved the way the characters reacted; she clearly has done her research on behavior patterns and psychological damage. It was all written with perfect clarity and elegance at the same time.

And while all Zach’s life is the horrible part of the story, this being the Christmas book that it is it would be naïve of us not to expect a miracle. How lovely that the miracle came in the form of Ben, the cop that finds Zach nearly frozen and on an impulse takes him home with him, offering him a meal and a bed for Christmas. And while Ben is feeling very good about his deed, thinking that’s why he became a cop for, he, his mother and his entire family fall for the innocent, obviously abused child and try their utmost to help him.

And again, while usually this kind of intervention is written somehow cheesy and sappy, I did not find any such treats here. It was excellent; I loved how it all played. I loved all the characters involved, and most of all I loved the Zach’s and Ben’s chemistry from the beginning till the end. They were brilliant and the time frame put for their “getting to know each other” was the best touch.

I must say that for me this book had it all a meaning, a purpose, awesome plot, fantastic characters, gripping even and all down to earth lovemaking, a fact that made it even hotter. For me this is a must read book and I’m definitely going to re-read it next Christmas and the next and the next and…. Yeah! Totally worth it.

The Perfect Gift by Lisa Worrall

4b3434b466abc6e6e368585eb0b2cf07.image.200x300Title: The Perfect Gift

Series: Mr. Popsalos 02

Author: Lisa Worrall

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (128pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (29th December 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Jamie and Luke’s first anniversary is fast approach and Jamie knows exactly what he wants to give Luke. The platinum wedding bands have been burning a hole in his suitcase in the attic for two months. But before he can say those four life-changing words, an accident throws their well-ordered lives into disarray.

Purchase Link: https://spsilverpublishing.com/product_book_info/products_id/1368

Tissue Alert: Please keep a box of tissues handy to stem the flow of tears.

Review: This story is part of a series that is best read in order. Jamie and Luke are coming up to their one year anniversary and Jamie has plans to celebrate, but before they come to fruition he has to get through the Christmas school play and Luke has a promotion in his sights, but an accident throws their entire world into chaos.

This isn’t your typical Christmas story, it is funny and heart wrenching and joyful and loving. Jamie and Luke have been together for nearly a year and they have become a family. Reggie is an adorable child and his relationship with both Luke and Jamie is wonderful. Seeing how Jamie has slotted into their family is really nice and the way that Jamie and Luke are together is really sweet. Jamie is my hero in this story and his actions with Reggie and Luke makes you love him to death, and his love for his family is astounding, that man can do no wrong in my eyes.

I am not going into the storyline, all I will tell you, is that it will affect you and make you sniffle into a tissue. There was one bug bear for me and that was we never heard anything about the circumstances of the accident i.e. why it happened. Other than that this story was perfect and I loved the incredible writing, the characters were perfect and really well-developed, the storyline is shocking but brilliant and the ending is incredibly sweet.

Lisa Worrall will tear your heart out, throw it around, jump up and down on it, and throw it in a blender before piecing it back together in a story that will make your eyes fill and tears trickle down your cheeks, before giving you an ending that is pure love and happiness. This is a must read book, so add it to your bookshelf and buy some tissues.

Until Thanksgiving by Michael Rupured

UntilThanksgivingLGTitle:  Until Thanksgiving

Author: Michael Rupured

Genre: Contemporary

Length:    Novel (238 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 17th, 2012)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 to 4Hearts

Blurb: Josh Freeman knows his best days are behind him. After his partner of seventeen years has an affair with a younger man, Josh buries himself in takeout boxes, half-smoked joints, and self-pity until his best friend gently kicks him in the ass and encourages him to try out a new job in Washington DC—at least until Thanksgiving.

Though DC has its share of troubles, specifically in the form of a murderer targeting gay men, Josh soon discovers its charms as well. Unlike his old home, DC is crawling with men who want to date him—apparently he’s not as overweight, out of shape, or over the hill as the man he once loved made him believe. In particular, Josh would love a chance with relocation expert Thad Parker, but Josh is sure Thad is seeing someone, so he looks for love elsewhere. He tells himself he and Thad don’t have anything in common anyway.

Then Josh learns Thad really is available. Maybe they can work it out after all. Suddenly the future seems bright again. Of course, Josh doesn’t know he’s the murderer’s next target

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3455&cPath=55_732

Reviewer:  Showme

Review: Josh Freeman has been stuck in a rut. His partner of seventeen years found another lover and Josh isn’t exactly the sharing type. This doesn’t help his self-esteem and he starts to believe in the gay and almost forty crap about your life being over. He has himself a little pity party until his best friend pushes him to take a chance on a promotion in DC. Josh has never left his hometown and a lot has changed for him recently but he decides his new life couldn’t be any worse than the one he’s living now.  A visit to DC leaves him nervous, but excited about his new start. The cute man who shows him around town upon his arrival is just a bonus.

Thad is a confident and sweet man who knows what he wants out of life. He’s happy waiting for love and he just might have found it thanks to his job. Thad’s in charge of helping the new employees find apartments and getting settled in DC.  Josh Freeman is not at all what he was expecting. The connection between the two starts the moment they shake hands at the airport.

So, Josh moves to DC and he likes it. He doesn’t really know anybody but his coworkers, including the adorable Thad. You’d think the guys would get together, more than friends, since they are obviously attracted to each other but they don’t. They hang out but a silly misunderstanding puts Thad in the “can’t have you so I guess we’ll just be friends” category. This leads to some casual sexual hook ups and dating with a new group of friends in DC all while Thad waits for Josh to realize they are meant to be. Based on the advice of someone Thad trusts implicitly he thinks building a friendship and some time is what Josh needs since Josh was hurt and newly single. Even though Thad isn’t quick to hook up, everyone has a laid back vibe about Josh screwing his way back to Thad. That sounded a little nasty, but everyone seems mostly okay with it even though it didn’t work for me. We’re told often and see that Josh is a relationship guy. He practically plans his future and changes his life over a hot guy who buys him a beer. Thad is always in his thoughts however.

I liked Josh with the other guys but it’s a little hard to get truly invested in a couple who spends more time apart than together. I wanted that feeling that I needed them together, but it never really happened.

Then there’s the psycho serial killer. He’s totally crazy. There were points where I could buy into why he was doing what he was doing, but he was a little over the top at times. Josh and the guys also went back and forth between worried about the serial killer and being oblivious to danger.

Phillip was great. I hope there is someone like him out there!  I’d like to know what happens with Greg and Ed. They were fun even if they kept stealing Josh and Thad time!

The last third of the book was super sweet with some drama. I can’t say I loved it but it was definitely worth reading.