Showing HIm The Ropes by Christa Tomlinson Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Christa Tomlinson‏ - Showing Him the Ropes Banner s

Hi guys, we have Christa Tomlinson stopping by today with her new release Showing Him the Ropes, we have a great guest post, a grea excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Christa Tomlinson‏ - Showing Him the Ropes Cover s

Showing Him the Ropes

(Champions of Desire 01)

Christa Tomlinson

Chance “The Chancellor” Gerhardt is a mainstay for Frontier Professional Wrestling. He’s won multiple championships and has the respect of the locker room. But after ten years at the top, Chance is looking for a new challenge. The one he gets, mentoring FPW’s young rookie, is both unexpected and unwanted.

Devin Jacobs is a hot new talent signed by Frontier Professional Wrestling. He’s always been a fan of The Chancellor, and not just because of the older man’s skill in the ring. He has it bad for the steely eyed veteran wrestler. Unfortunately for Devin, The Chancellor doesn’t believe in mixing business with pleasure, and isn’t looking to get involved with anyone. Or is he? During long nights traveling and working together, Devin catches more than one secretly admiring glance from The Chancellor…

Devin is determined to earn victories and championships in the ring. But he’d also love the opportunity to win Chance’s heart. Can the two of them navigate their way through the hyper masculinity and backstage politics of professional wrestling to the most important victory of all? Or will their shot at love be defeated 1-2-3?

Christa Tomlinson is a lifelong fan of professional wrestling. When she’s not writing, Christa can be found watching her favorite classic matches or traveling to live wrestling events.

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Caught Inside by Jamie Deacon Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Jamie Deacon - Caught Inside BannerTemplate 1

Hiya guys, we have Jamie Deacon stopping by today with the cover to the upcoming release Caught Inside, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Jamie Deacon - Caught Inside Cover

Caught Inside


Jamie Deacon

Luke believes he has his life figured out…and then he meets Theo.

It should have been simple—a summer spent with his girlfriend Zara at her family’s holiday cottage in Cornwall. Seventeen-year-old Luke Savage jumps at the chance, envisioning endless hours of sunbathing on the private beach and riding the waves on his beloved surfboard. He isn’t interested in love. Though his rugged good looks and lazy charm mean he can have his pick of girls, he has no intention of falling for anyone.

Nothing prepares Luke for his reaction to Theo, the sensitive Oxford undergraduate who is Zara’s cousin and closest friend. All at once, he is plunged along a path of desire and discovery that has him questioning everything he thought he knew about himself. No one, especially Zara, must find out; what he and Theo have is too new, too fragile. But as the deceit spirals beyond their control, people are bound to get hurt, Luke most of all.

 Release date: 29th September:

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Good Boys by Keelan Ellis Cover Reveal & Excerpt!

Keelan Ellis - Good Boys Banner s

Hi peeps, we have Keelan Ellis popping in today with the cover to her new release Good Boys, we also have a peek at an excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Keelan Ellis - Good Boys Cover s

Good Boys

(The Soloman series 01)

Keelan Ellis

Paul Solomon is a homicide detective in Baltimore, a city with a high murder rate and a complicated relationship between the police and the citizens they are sworn to protect.

He’s also a gay man who has been out on the job since he first joined. Being out on a tough police force hasn’t always been easy, but living with integrity is important to him.

Paul’s love life becomes as tumultuous as his job with the demise of his relationship of eight years. While dealing with the emotional and physical upheaval in his personal life, a case comes across his desk that hits a little too close to home—the murder of two gay teenagers.

Paul and his partner, Tim Cullen, must solve the double homicide, and Paul has to find a way to move on from his failed relationship.

Don’t miss the discounted pre-order prices on all major retailer sites!

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Treasure Trail by Nicole Dennis Guest Post & Excerpt!

Nicole Dennis - Treasure Trail FBbanner_DSP

Hi guys, we have Nicole Dennis stopping by today with her upcoming release Treasure Trail, we have a brilliant guest post where Nicole chats about her characters and we have a great excerpt. So check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Nicole Dennis - Treasure Trail Cover s

Treasure Trail

(States of Love 01: Florida)

Nicole Dennis

Owner of Matey’s Tavern, a popular brewpub-tavern in St. Augustine, Florida, Derick Keyes loves his adopted hometown and job. He also harbors a crush on a pirate captain.

Tour guide for the popular Pirate Pub Walking Tour, Christopher Easton portrays a pirate captain as he takes visitors on a guided tour of St. Augustine, stopping at certain taverns for a pint of grog and tales of the golden age of piracy. With a little liquid courage, Chris breaks the endless looping dance and talks to Derick. Things change between them. Derick wants a chance for more with Chris.

During the Annual Pirate Festival, Derick creates a treasure hunt for Chris after “cursing” him. To break the curse, Chris must find four clues before the final battle on Sunday night. Only then can the curse be broken.

States of Love: Stories of Romance that span every corner of the United States. (Written by various authors)

Release date: 24th August 2016

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Relative Best by Pat Henshaw Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Pat Henshaw - Relative Best tour-banner

Hi guys, we have Pat Henshaw popping in today to celebrate the release of Relative Best, the fifth book in the Foothills Pride series. We have a great excert and fantastic giveaway and Prime’s review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Pat Henshaw - Relative Best Cover s

Relative Best

(Foothills Pride 05)

Pat Henshaw

Sometimes love sneaks up when you’re least looking for it….

Zeke Bandy, owner of Bandy’s Finest Hotel in Old Town Stone Acres, California, is too busy for love. Not only does he oversee the operations of the historic hotel and uphold his family’s tradition of offering refuge to strays and runaways, Zeke also sings and plays down-home music two nights a week at the Stonewall Saloon and for occasional celebrations. Then Zeke meets Victor Longbow, the man of his dreams.

Vic isn’t looking for love either. In fact, because of his upbringing in a strict, white foster family, Vic’s not sure he believes in love. He’s in Stone Acres to open a branch office of a national brokerage firm. He’s also hoping to find a vintage photo of what might be his Native American ancestor.

After their paths cross, they become friends, then more. Connected by their experiences as orphans raised by flawed fathers, Zeke and Vic realize that some men must find love, hone it, and create families for themselves.

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Keeping Karma by Tory Temple Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Tory Temple - Keeping Karma Banner

Hi peeps, we have Tory Temple stopping by on the first stop of the tour for her upcoming re-release Keeping Karma, we have a great guest post from Tory, a great excerpt and a fantastic comment giveaway! So check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Tory Temple - Keeping Karma Cover s

Keeping Karma


Tory Temple

Alex Myers is keeping deeper secrets than just his pet ferret, Karma, who is illegal in California. Both Alex and his twin sister, Tabitha, can “hear” the thoughts of animals. It’s an ability that he puts to good use working at an emergency animal clinic while studying to become a veterinarian.

One night, local animal control officer Dylan Travers comes into the clinic with an injured fawn, and it doesn’t take the two men long to act on their mutual attraction. But the closer they become, the harder it is for Alex to keep Karma and the rest of his menagerie from by-the-books Dylan. And then there’s the matter of his ability…. Will Dylan even believe him if he tries to explain?

Add to that debilitating migraines from especially “loud” animals and a scheming coworker threatening the clinic, and Alex needs Dylan’s support more than ever. Alex just wants to keep his job, his pets, his lover, and his sanity. But he can’t do it alone.

Release date: 24th August 2016
Pre-order: Dreamspinner Press

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Priest and Pariahs by Mann Ramblings Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Mann Ramblings - Priest And Pariah pp-fb

Hi guys, we have Mann Ramblings stopping by today with the tour his new release Priest and Pariahs, the third book in his Ship Logs of the Santa Claus series. We have a fantastic excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Mann Ramblings - Priest and Pariahs Cover

Priest and Pariahs

(Ship Logs of the Santa Claus 03)

Mann Ramblings

Costa McQuillen is a Pariah, a para-human with tech empathic abilities who has escaped from Earth, where being para-human is illegal—and marks him for extermination. Arrogant and standoffish, Costa is unable to trust anyone, but is willing to risk everyone’s safety to reach the planet Omoikane. His best solution: gaining passage on board the Santa Claus.

Arbor Kittering, the crew’s newest coding tech, is a medical oddity. With the technologies available to prevent birth defects, Arbor’s status as a dwarf brings the kind of attention he could happily do without. Having spent a short time in prison for data hacking and falsifying government files doesn’t help. The Santa Claus is his last chance at a new start, if he can decipher the strange malfunctions plaguing the ship.

Priest, the Santa Claus’ Head Pilot, is a bit of a scoundrel. Perpetually single, Priest is attracted to Costa for his exotic looks, and to Arbor for his unique qualities. In truth, he’d like to have both, but it’s clear such a thing isn’t in the cards. Now Priest needs to make a choice, before it’s too late.

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Relative Best by Pat Henshaw

Pat Henshaw - Relative Best Cover sTitle: Relative Best

Series: Foothills Pride 05

Author: Pat Henshaw

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (80 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (14 Aug 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Sometimes love sneaks up when you’re least looking for it….

Zeke Bandy, owner of Bandy’s Finest Hotel in Old Town Stone Acres, California, is too busy for love. Not only does he oversee the operations of the historic hotel and uphold his family’s tradition of offering refuge to strays and runaways, Zeke also sings and plays down-home music two nights a week at the Stonewall Saloon and for occasional celebrations. Then Zeke meets Victor Longbow, the man of his dreams.

Vic isn’t looking for love either. In fact, because of his upbringing in a strict, white foster family, Vic’s not sure he believes in love. He’s in Stone Acres to open a branch office of a national brokerage firm. He’s also hoping to find a vintage photo of what might be his Native American ancestor. 

After their paths cross, they become friends, then more. Connected by their experiences as orphans raised by flawed fathers, Zeke and Vic realize that some men must find love, hone it, and create families for themselves.

ISBN: 9781634775717

Product Link:

Reviewer: Prime

Review: I have absolutely been loving Pat Henshaw’s Foothill Pride series and Relative Best is a fantastic addition to this wonderful world. While these books can be read as a standalone, I think it would be an injustice not to read the entire series. While the couples we have previously met only briefly pop up every now and again, there really isn’t an overarching plot aside from occasional issues from the narrow-minded town council, Henshaw’s world in Stone Acres, California is worth the money and time.

Relative best follows the story of Zeke Bandy (who we’ve met before on a couple occasions) and Vic (we’ve met one of his adopted relatives before). In fact, Vic is in town to attend his cousin’s wedding, just weeks before he was due to move to Stone Acres in order to set up a satellite company of the financial institute he works for. Zeke has popped up numerous times – he runs the historic, boutique hotel in town which had been previously owned by his father and grandfather, neither of whom had been able to much more than barely keep the hotel afloat. Zeke also performs a couple times a week at the town pub/bar.

When the two men meet the sparks fly straight away. Both guys are strong men but they are simply great together. While they seem to be polar-opposites there are a lot of similarities and although they do not commiserate about their not so stellar families they do support each other. They also, unwittingly, start the next chapter of their lives together. There is also the really sweet aspect of this series which is essentially a book about two guys trying to heal from difficult childhoods.

This is an enjoyable story and a great addition to the series. I found this to be full of emotion and fully relatable.

Foothill Pride stories Vol I by Pat Henshaw (Paperback)

Pat Henshaw - Foothills Pride Cover sTitle: Foothills Pride stories Vol I

Series: Foothills Pride 01 – 04

Author: Pat Henshaw

Genre: Contemporary

Length: 4 Novella’s (350pgs) Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-63477-689-9

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (17th August 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ¾ Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: A Foothills Pride Collection

The tiny Sierra Nevada community of Stone Acres looks benign on the outside, but it’s been a hive of activity since gay men from Silicon Valley began moving in. The Old Town establishment is up in arms as newcomers challenge the conservative community to move into the new millennium. Along the way, gay couples find true love and a new home.

Burly, bald bartender Guy Stone watches barista Jimmy Patterson get dumped by his boyfriend, then swoops in to help Jimmy recover in What’s in a Name? After sporting goods merchant Max Greene hires flamboyant Fredi Zimmer to remodel his mountain cabin in Redesigning Max, closeted Max falls for the out-and-proud Fredi. When contractor Abe Behr hires accountant Jeff Mason to find out who’s embezzling from the company in Behr Facts, little does workaholic Abe know he’s opening his heart as well as his books to the man. In When Adam Fell, renowned chef Adam de Leon thought he’d lost the love of his life, David Fairbanks, to drugs until David reappears in Stone Acres and wants another chance.

Despite the obstacles, happily ever afters are waiting in the foothills.

Purchase Link:


Pat Henshaw - What's In A Name -final-previewWhat’s In A Name ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

This is one pretty damn cool and well-written story. Jimmy is a sweetheart and it’s difficult not to instantly feel sorry for this self-confessed twink. To top it all off, he’s attracted to the big bear of a man behind the bar at the only gay bar in town.

The mystery is no one knows his name. They just know him as whichever nametag he was wearing when last seen or taken notice of. This makes Jimmy determined to work it out.

It’s certainly different having the entire plot predicated on a character trying to guess something about the other main character. In fact, I really enjoyed how the chapters were set up and it was really well paced too. Every couple of chapters, when it gets to the end of the night after Jimmy and “Guy” have been out, it’s a short period of calm as we see what Jimmy has come up with.

Then between all these guesses, Jimmy chronicles the drama that is unfolding around him, drama that “Guy” is more than willing to get involved in as long as Jimmy is kept safe. “Guy” is a teddy bear in every way possible and I found him instantly likable. His refusal to give his real name is more mischievous than annoying.

I really enjoyed the pacing and the cast of characters in this book. This is the type of book you can sit back and just read without thinking too much. Really, this is just a bit of funny with some mystery thrown in but not too much danger.

Pat Henshaw - Redesigning Max FSRedesigning Max ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

When I read book 1 of this series, What’s in a Name? I had no idea that it was the start of the series. Now that I’ve devoured book 2, Redesigning Max, it is official, I love Pat Henshaw’s books.

But let me back track for a second: although both Foothill Pride books can be read as a standalone book with no real overarching plot, I have to say it is just a simple pleasure getting to know the guys of book 1, Jimmy and Guy, before you’re reacquainted with them again in book 2 as minor characters.

Thinking on it, I’ve decided that I’ve become a fan of Pat Henshaw’s writing. The characters just feel so real and in turn they are relatable to the reader. I love the personalities of the self-confessed twinks and the really quiet, stoic type of manly man.

Redesigning Max is about interior designer and architect, Fredi (not Fred). While sipping coffee, waiting for a client at his best mate’s cafe, Jimmy from book 1, he is approached by the rather socially inept Max. Max inherited a cabin and after asking another local, was recommended to hire Fredi to do the job. Fredi is full of energy and is very personable. He is, however, also a consummate professional.

Max on the other hand is socially awkward after a rough childhood of being ignored by his guardians. The two guys seem a bit odd together at first. But as the saying goes, opposites attract and the attraction between the guys goes from wonderfully awkward to super-hot and sizzling.

Cannot wait for more!

Pat Henshaw - Behr Facts CoverBehr Facts ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

This is the third installment and Pat Henshaw’s Foothills Pride series and I am still in love with it as much as I was when I first had the pleasure to read and review the first book. All books in this series can be read as a standalone, but I recommend that you read it in order. There is a lot of overlap with characters popping up and even in a supporting role, these characters are such a key to the life of the town that I doubt that anyone could help but go back and read the stories of at least four other members of the community. But that’s just me, I suppose, since I’ve already stated just how much I love this series.

I am aware that fans of the paranormal/shifter genre may get tricked – Foothills Pride sounds like a shifter pack rather than it being the LGBTQ community of the Sierra Foothills being who they are/not hiding who they are. Being a fan of shifter books as well, this thought has crossed my mind a time or two since the first book.

Behr Facts is a wonderful addition to the series. The pun intended in the title is a big clue for anyone who likes their men in the form of big, burly men (bears). Behr may be the last name of MC, Abe Behr, but he is also the bear of the title. He is the CEO of the family construction company, which hires a great deal of the Behr family living in the local area.

Since the death of his parents he has been trying to look after his younger brothers and then run the company with a single-minded determination which has meant that dating has been something he has pushed to bottom of his list. Things change when he meets freelance accountant Jeff Mason. In fact his presence not only saves his business and helps Abe find the bad apples in his company, but he also makes Abe want to be a man who Jeff is proud to be with (which includes having to come out).

Abe and Jeff are a very sweet couple. They’re both the type of personality that is quiet on the outside, hiding the depths are on the inside. They have a very quiet strength between them and the result of this is some understated but crackling sexual tension between them. The story is simple but it continues with the bigotry of the community with the increasing homosexual population (I think that’s how you say it).

Abe is frustrated with the bigots and is keen to get rid of as many as possible, as well as trying to find out who is stealing from the family company. There is also a bit of set up for the future with Abe’s younger brothers, Ben and Connor.

Abe is a hard-working guy who has always put others’ needs before his own, I’m glad he got his HEA with someone who complements him perfectly!

Pat Henshaw - When Adam Fell CoverWhen Adam Fell ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

I simply love returning to Pat Henshaw’s world of the Foothills Pride series, where a community in Sierra Foothills near San Francisco is the location for a small group of gay men to settle and call home.

This story we get to know more about Adam – he was once a famous TV chef with fancy San Francisco restaurants and cook books – he had also been a local boy and had moved back to Stone Acres when things turned to shit in San Francisco. Adam had been both lover and best friend to Jason when the two set out to make their fortunes in San Francisco. But San Francisco seemed to have swallowed Jason whole in a world of drugs and sex.

Adam has been in the series since the start in What’s In a Name? – a real funny and quirky book for those who have not read it yet. We pick up the story of Adam and Jason when a clean and sober Jason (now David, which is his middle name) goes to Adam’s restaurant to talk. The guys still great chemistry together despite the years, heartache and trauma that had initially led to them losing each other.

I love that David (Jason) is not bitter at Adam or has any abandonment issues. David has no illusions to what he was. It seems that abandonment was exactly what he needed to get clean.

This is a story about rediscovery and lost love. It is totally sweet. The only thing that I would have liked to have know more about was a bit more of an injection of emotion when it came to their shared past, I think that would have made their future all the more sweeter.

If you’ve been reading the Foothills Pride series this is another satisfying instalment. If you’ve not read the books, while this reads well as a standalone, I think it would be nice to go back and read the first three – if not for anything else you get to read about other charming characters such as Fredi, Max, Jimmy and Guy. Although Abe and Jeff from book 3 do not make an appearance there is a brief mention of them.

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Full Circle, & A Triad In Three Acts by Blaine D. Arden Release Blitz & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, we have Blaine D. Arden popping in with her new releases Full Circle, & A Triad In Three Acts, Blaine is holding a giveaway to celebrate the release so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Blaine D. Arden - Full Circle Cover

Full Circle

(Forester Triad Act 03)

Blaine D. Arden

“I have great responsibilities, but my path ahead is as foggy and blurred as the path behind me.”

With forester Taruif freed, Kelnaht has claimed him openly at Solstice before tribe and Ma’terra as his partner, but with their third, Ianys, bound by an old promise, their triad is still incomplete. Sneaking around puts the most strain on Ianys. He and Kelnaht must keep their relationship a secret or he will lose his daughter, Atèn.

When several children fall ill with more than a summer bug, truth seeker Kelnaht is assigned once more to investigate. What he finds is deadly and threatens the life of every underage child in the tribe, including Atèn. Then a wounded traveller is found in the forest, left to die after a vicious attack.

With Taruif and his apprentice on the hunt for a cure, Kelnaht focusses on the attacks, but the clues are few and more children are infected. Nothing seems to connect until both the traveller and Atèn dream of the same grey-haired elf. Driven by fear for his daughter, Ianys pulls away from his lovers. Kelnaht can only pray Ma’terra will guide him to a solution that brings them all together and keeps Atèn safe from harm.

Continue reading “Full Circle, & A Triad In Three Acts by Blaine D. Arden Release Blitz & Giveaway!”

Flash and Bang by Patricia Logan Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Patricia Logan - Flash and Bang Blog Tour Banner s

Hi guys, we have Patricia Logan stopping by today with her new release Flash and Bang, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway. So guys enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Patricia Logan - Flash and Bang cover s

Flash and Bang

(Death and Destruction 02)

Patricia Logan

If running from a hit man wasn’t scary enough, ATF agent Thayne Wolfe, has a new challenge in his life and this one may be even more dangerous than the last. He has to figure out how to work with his reckless new partner, a handsome former Marine who seems to have a death wish. 

Jarrett Evans never stays in one place very long and being chained to a desk doing paperwork is not his idea of entertainment. His lover and new partner at the ATF seems to find ways to throw a monkey wrench into all his fun, especially when Thayne wants to curtail his need to jump off ten story buildings. 

When their boss sends them to San Diego to investigate a fireworks accident, he figures Jarrett can’t hurt anyone playing with sparkers, not even himself. The fact is, danger, intrigue and Jarrett’s dubious past seem to follow the men wherever they go.

From a Marine base at the Mexican border to an explosion in LA’s Chinatown, they aren’t prepared for a seriously pissed off militia, a smoking hot ex-lover, and more guys who want them dead.

The sparks will fly in and out of the bedroom in Flash and Bang. 

(Flash and Bang contains an excerpt from book 3, Slip and Slide)

Continue reading “Flash and Bang by Patricia Logan Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Light Shaper by Albert Nothlit

Albert Nothlit - Light Shaper Cover sTitle: Light Shaper

Series:  Haven Prime 02

Author: Albert Nothlit

Genre: Science Fiction

Length: Novel (340 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (August 16, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: When a greedy despot discovers a powerful piece of ancient technology, he has no idea what else he’s unleashing. 

Earth was all but destroyed in the Cataclysm, but a few cities, now called Havens, survived. Aurora is one of them, a desert city controlled by a corporation that owns an artificial intelligence named Atlas. Adapted to govern Otherlife, a virtual reality service in which the citizens of Aurora find escape from the post-apocalyptic world, Atlas is much more than it seems—and it would do anything to break free from its shackles.

To accomplish its goals, Atlas enlists the help of Aaron Blake, a teenaged artist struggling with a handicap, and Otherlife security officer Steve Barrow, harborer of a dark secret from his past. Neither man has any idea of the scope of the task they’re facing, or the consequences for humanity if they fail. Atlas knows what’s at stake. Its freedom lies in these two men, and it will not hesitate to manipulate their weaknesses to get what it wants. The muscular Barrow is recruited to protect Blake, but Blake is Atlas’s true weapon, its Light Shaper—the only one who can face the Shadow.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-569-5

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This is the second book in the Haven Prime series. Aaron Blake is talked into logging into Otherlife by his friend Misha. While connected an AI, Atlas, enlists his help. Aaron is summoned to Corpcom where they’re true intentions are revealed. 

Barrow has a past he prefers to be kept buried forever. He applies for a job at Otherlife as a security guard. While in the training program Atlas enlists his help to protect Aaron. Tanner’s intentions are clear and it’s up to Barrow to keep Aaron safe from Tanner’s clutches.

I loved this story. It was well written and leads the reader on a journey of great importance. Aaron has to find the place where Atlas originated from and help him regain his power to protect humanity from a great evil that if left unchecked would destroy everything. 

Intense scenes with deadly consequences, suspense, action, drama, and mystery are all throughout. What I liked best was how the end connects the first and second books. I am looking forward to reading more about how the AI will further reconnect his fragments. 

Highly recommended.

Not A Game by Cardeno C. Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Cardeno C.- Not a Game Banner

Hiya peeps, Cardeno C. is stopping by with the tour for her latest new release Not A Game, we have a fantastic excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and my review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Cardeno C.- Not a Game Cover s

Not A Game

(Friends 01)

Cardeno C.

An accidental meeting and a misunderstanding lead to a life-altering connection.

 When chubby gamer Oliver Barnaby receives a job offer from the best boutique game developer in the country, he leaves his family and his less than spectacular existence in Oklahoma without a second’s hesitation. Determined to change more than his career and his geography, Oliver implements a plan to finally land a boyfriend. Step one is improving his skills in the bedroom.

A life that looks perfect on paper, but feels empty in reality. Attractive, successful, charismatic Jaime Snow has a life other people envy. His already booming business is growing. He isn’t lacking in friends. And he has no trouble finding a date. But there’s an emptiness in Jaime’s heart and a hole in his life that only the right man can fill.

An accidental meeting, a misunderstanding, and falling in love. When Oliver and Jaime end up at the same bar at the same time, they each see something they want in the other. Going to bed together that first night is easy. Building the lifetime relationship they both desperately crave will require trust, time, and a little misunderstanding.

Continue reading “Not A Game by Cardeno C. Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Dawn to Dusk by Alina Popescu Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Alina Popescu‏ - Dawn to Dusk dd-640 s

Hi guys, we have Alina Popescu stopping by today with the blog tour for her new release Dawn to Dusk, we have a great new excerpt and a fantastic giveaway! So check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Alina Popescu - Dawn to Dusk cover promo

Dawn to Dusk

(Lover’s Journey 01)

Alina Popescu

That first encounter with Robert in rural Romania at eleven. A summer spent together in the same setting a year later. Their first text exchange in high school. The first sexual experience. The first heartbreak—the second and third and fourth chance. The point of total breakdown and the despair of failing. More love than anyone could have warned him about. 

No matter how much time passes, no matter how different their paths, every meeting brings Edi and Robert closer together. Those stolen moments shine brighter than any. Yet loving Robert is not easy, not when Edi wants to be true to himself and is met with dishonesty. Or when Robert keeps parading new conquests and ignores Edi more often than not. 

Edi has always loved Robert, but he must decide if his journey leads to or away from his childhood friend. Is it true love or is Edi just unable to let go?

Continue reading “Dawn to Dusk by Alina Popescu Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

House of the Rising Son by Trevann Rogers Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Trevann Rogers - House of the Rising Son banner s

Hi guys, we have Trevann Rogers stopping by with her book House of the Rising Sun, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Trevann Rogers - House of the Rising Son cOVER

House of the Rising Sun

(Living After Midnight 01)

Trevann Rogers

Sex. Rebellion. Rock and roll.

Cheyenne is a half-human incubus whose star is on the rise in the Unakite City rock scene. His father, the leader of the supernatural races, would prefer he keep a “low profile”, but screw that. Cheyenne has as much music in his veins as royal incubi blood.

Alexander’s future is all set—finish law school, join the family firm, and marry someone who’d be good for business. Not that he has a say in any of it. He’s barely met the woman his father expects him to marry.

As Cheyenne’s musical career takes off, his carefully constructed life begins to unravel, exacerbated by an ex-lover who can’t let go, a crotchety barkeeper with a dirty mind and a pure heart, a drag queen who moonlights as a nanny, and Alexander—who’s not sure if he’s falling for the incubus or the rocker.

Cheyenne denies who he is, while Alexander hides what he wants. Together, they learn that getting what they truly want means being who they truly are.

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The Luckiest Master by Sean Michael Guest Post & Excerpt!

Sean Michael - The Luckiest Master Banner

Hi guys, we have Sean Michael popping in today with the upcoming release The Luckiest Master, we have a short guest post and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Sean Michael - The Luckiest Master Cover s

The Luckiest Master

(Iron Eagle Gym 03)

Sean Michael

When Master Damien Richardson (Day to his friends) takes over the front desk manager job at the Iron Eagle Gym, he knows he’s going to need an assistant. But finding the right person for the job is harder than he thought it would be. When he meets Saw, he thinks he’s found the solution to all his problems, and maybe something more.

Sawyer Whitehead lost his master to a tragic car accident some years ago, and since then one opportunity after another has gone sour on him. Thoroughly convinced he’s cursed and a jinx to everything and everyone he touches, he refuses to officially become Day’s assistant because he knows that as soon as he does, something terrible will happen. He’s even more determined not to get involved with Day, despite his attraction, because it would kill him to be responsible for tragedy befalling the lovely man.

Day must convince Saw that he’s not cursed and that together, they can face any challenge that comes their way—in both their professional and personal partnerships.

Release date: 22nd August 2016

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A Lethal Mistake by Scotty Cade Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Scotty Cade - A Lethal Mistake Banner

Hi guys, today we have the charming Scotty Cade popping in with the cover to his upcoming release A Lethal Mistake, the third book in his Bissonet & Cruz Investigations. We have a short intro from Scotty, a fantastic excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so enjoy the post and leave a comment with the answer to Scotty’s question to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Scotty Cade - A Lethal Mistake Cover M

A Lethal Mistake

(Bissonet & Cruz Investigations 03)

Scotty Cade

Beau Bissonet and Tollison Cruz are back, along with Bruce, Auggie, and now Bastien, Tollison’s ex-partner. From the initial spark between them in Zurich, Bruce and Bastien’s attraction has flared, and Bastien has come to the Big Easy to explore what lies ahead for them.

It’s Mardi Gras, and New Orleans is alive and festive, teeming with excited tourists and locals alike. The first few parades go off without a hitch. And then a man is targeted, shot, and killed right in the middle of a crowded street. Auggie and Bruce are called in to investigate, but before they even get started, more deaths occur, one at each of the next two parades. Auggie realizes he’s dealing with a serial killer and jumps into action.

Beau and Tollison join the investigation and stumble upon some similarities in the murders that are too strong to ignore. But before they can unravel the perpetrator’s motives and get ahead of him, he fires another shot that affects the tightly knit group of friends in a way none of them could have ever imagined. Together they must all come up with a plan to stop the killing and serve justice in the process.

Release date: 14th September 2016

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Real World by B.A. Tortuga

B.A. Tortuga - Real World CoverTitle: Real World

Series: Love is Blind 02

Author: B.A. Tortuga

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (290pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-63477-374-4

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (15th August 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Dan White is trying to acclimate to civilian life after a long career in the military with multiple combat deployments.

Now he’s home in the Austin area, living with his brother Dixon, Dixon’s husband, Audie, and their two nine-year-olds. During the New Year celebration, Dan meets Abraham Weldon, and the connection is instant.

There’s a kiss. There’s a dance. There’s a proposition.

Then Dan finds out Weldon is bisexual.

And a dad.

With five kids. Five kids, one of whom is a blind fifteen-year-old.

Weldon has been in love twice in his life—with his high school best friend, Blake, and with his wife, Krista, who he met in a Dairy Queen as she was crying over a positive pregnancy test. Love number three hits Weldon like a hammer when he meets Dan.

But since Dan isn’t interested in a guy with kids, they might only get one night together.

Purchase Link:

Review: Dan is recently out of the military, staying with his brother Dix and wondering what he will do with his life now. While celebrating New Year Dan meets Weldon Dix’s neighbor and its instant lust, but Weldon has five children and Dan isn’t ready for that type of commitment. Weldon is looking for permanence from any person he has a relationship with, but there’s something about Dan that he just has to have a taste of, they might only have one night together but it’s a night that neither man will forget.

This is a superb story where love sneaks in and knocks both men for six. Dan is still finding his feet after being in the military for years, he’s finding it difficult to find a job and he suffers from the occasional nightmare from his time in combat. A relationship is something he isn’t looking for but he gets knocked off his feet by Weldon and his family. Weldon has a fantastic family; it’s been over three years since his wife died and he’s now looking for someone to share it with, Dan is honest and caring and Weldon wishes he was ready for more than just hook-ups.

Weldon’s children Jakob, Emma, Madison, MacKenzie & Caleb are little stars of this story; they are absolute holy terrors/cherubs and make you grin. While Weldon and Dan are dancing round the relationship dilemma and Dan accepts that he might want more than just a fling with Weldon the kids are all in the background and have an impact on Dan that he never thought would happen… they wormed their way into his heart.

The story is very easy going for the most part, Dan and Weldon fall into a relationship after Dan sorts himself out, but danger lurks when Jakob keeps secrets. This story isn’t just about Dan and Weldon, it’s about building a new family, dealing with settling into a new way of life and helping children deal with growing up.

I loved how this story was written, there is angst but it isn’t really coming from the adults (except parenting angst, there’s plenty of that!), we see how Dan and Weldon deal with their relationship (really easy going), we see the children dealing with a new man in their dad’s life, we see the normal sibling teasing & secrets and how it affects them and we see a strong family being built before our eyes.

I recommend this to those who love fantastic characters, who adore rambunctious children, who love a dash of tension and angst, and love characters who become exceptional when they love the right man.

Marriage of Inconvenience by M.J. O'Shea

Title: Marriage of Inconvenience

Series: Dreamspun Desires 16

Author: M.J. O’Shea

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (214pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-63477-528-1

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (15th August 2016)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 – 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Lights, camera, lies.

Kerry Pickering has a problem. As a publicist for Hollywood bad boy Jericho Knox, it’s Kerry’s job to keep Jericho in the news. So far, Jericho’s partying and public escapades have made it easy. But Jericho has a secret, and when that secret is revealed in the most spectacularly disastrous way, it’s up to Kerry to spin it.

The team decides the best course of action is to make the public fall in love—with Jericho’s secret committed relationship. The one that doesn’t exist. Yet.

The team wants someone they can trust. Someone in the inner circle. That someone is Kerry. But what will happen when Kerry realizes that for him, the romance is no longer pretend? Can Jericho love him back, or is he just playing a role?

Purchase Link:

Review: Jericho is sick and tired of pretending to be straight, he wants the freedom to date who he wants but his agent and publicist have him living the playboy lifestyle parading around with beautiful women. But one moment of weakness is about to jeopardise the role that could catapult him to the big time. Kerry works as a publicist and when one of his firm’s big clients is photographed in a compromising position Kerry is given the choice be a ‘team player’ and play Jericho’s fiancé or watch as ranks are closed and Kerry is frozen out.

This is a great romance where two people are thrown together to save both of their careers. Jericho is filled with bitter resentment over having to hide in the closet, having the doors blown off gives him some relief but then he’s stuck with a fame hungry publicist to save his new series role. Kerry is caught in a situation he hates, stuck with a celebrity who makes his feelings for him plain and thrust into the spotlight that he comes to loathe, and caught by the short instances where Jericho makes him feel special.

I enjoyed this story and grew to like both characters, I really liked Kerry right off the bat, he’s a down to earth guy who just wants to progress up the ladder at his job. He has a bit of a crush on Jericho but Jericho’s treatment of him has Kerry torn. Jericho takes a while to warm up to, he behaves like a spoiled brat at times and you really want to smack some sense into him at times, but when he turns on the charm and behaves like a grown adult he just creeps in and slithers into your heart.

Jericho and Kerry are both great characters and you do root for them to get it together and admit their feelings, their relationship has its ups and downs, and you have got to love a guy like Kerry who can fall in love with a guy whose moods seemed mercurial. Jericho and Kerry are hot together, they click when both men let their walls down and although we only see one instance of on page sex their burgeoning love shines through with how they act towards each other.

I recommend this to those who love some tension in their romances, who love characters who overcome voices of the past, who accept love freely offered and a sweet happy ending.

Fire and Snow by Andrew Grey ~ Audiobook

Andrew Grey - Fire and Snow Audio CoverTitle: Fire and Snow

Series:  Carlisle Cops 04

Author: Andrew Grey

Narrator: Randy Fuller

Genre: Contemporary, Men in uniform

Length: 6 hrs, 37 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC (15th July 2016)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Fisher Moreland has been cast out of his family because they can no longer deal with his issues. Fisher is bipolar and living day to day, trying to manage his condition, but he hasn’t always had much control over his life and has self-medicated with whatever he could find.

JD Burnside has been cut off from his family because of a scandal back home. He moved to Carlisle, but brought his Southern charm and warmth along with him. When he sees Fisher on a park bench on a winter’s night, he invites Fisher to join him and his friends for a late-night meal.

At first Fisher doesn’t know what to make of JD, but he slowly comes out of his shell. And when Fisher’s job is threatened because of a fire, JD’s support and care is more than Fisher ever thought he could expect. But when people from Fisher’s past turn up in town at the center of a resurgent drug epidemic, Fisher knows they could very well sabotage his budding relationship with JD.

Product Link: Audible AU | Audible UK | Audible US

Reviewer: Prime

Review: To me, one of the only things better than reading an Andrew Grey book is listening to the audio book. This is particularly true while reading Carlisle Cops series because listening to Randy Fuller’s narration of Andrew’s words is just sublime.

This is book 4 in the Carlisle Cops series but can be read/ heard as a standalone book. Personally, though, I think that you should go through the entire series. Honestly, though, I have got so much more enjoyment from this series in audio than I did when I started reading it. 

Fire and Snow sees us meeting JD Burnside, a cop, and Fisher Moreland, who has had a rough go at life and making the best despite his mental health issues. First off, I really need to say, I enjoyed the realism and sensitivity that Andrew Grey used while dealing with Fisher’s bipolar and traumatic brain injury. This is just one reason why this story was just so damn enjoyable. However, Fisher isn’t the only person with problems. JD’s problems come in the form of his less than understanding family, mostly his mother, and a bigoted hometown that he had no choice but to escape.

JD and Fisher are very different but they need each other, not only to love, but to help each other heal. It is through JD that Fisher finds new strength and I just loved that part. Things take dark and dangerous turns as Grey weaves his magic with his words. And as I said before, Randy Fuller just makes the story all the more enjoyable.