Bonded 2 by Sara York Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Sara York - Bonded 02 Banner

Hiya peeps, we have Sara York stopping by today with her newest release Bonded 2, we have a great excerpt 2 fantastic giveaways and Cat’s review for you to check out, so enjoy the post and click that Raffelcopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Sara York - Bonded 02 Cover

Bonded 2

(Bound in Love 02)

Sara York

Liam Muller’s passion for life, mixed with his abusive past created more problems than Greg Peterson could handle on his own. When the pair meet Chris Edwards, everything changes. Both Greg and Chris keep Liam even, but when Liam’s parents plot his kidnapping, Chris and Greg can do nothing to keep him safe without the help of Chris’s new friend, Agent Samuel Graves.

Samuel is all about the job, but he craves a connection like Liam, Chris, and Greg have. When Sam meets Hudson Radcliff, he’s thrown off balance with attraction. His normally cool demeanor is set aflame with lust and need. Hudson and Sam burn for each other, but their passion is tested when everyone is put in danger.

Chris, and Greg fight Liam’s demons after they are reunited, but Liam’s parents won’t give up without a fight. Three men together may challenge people, but Liam, Chris, and Greg will fight to the end for their love.

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Never Say Never by Nicole Edwards Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Nicole Edwards stopping by with her brand new release Never Say Never, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Portia’s review so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~ 

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Never Say Never

(A Sniper 1 Security Novel, Book 2)

Nicole Edwards

Ryan Trexler has devoted his entire life to his family’s security business. And now that he’s slated to take over the reins for the company, RT knows that his life is only going to get more complicated. Add in the fact that he’s lusting over one of the men who works for him and RT knows that there are some serious tough times ahead.

Zachariah Tavoularis—nicknamed Z—has been employed by Sniper 1 Security for a decade. Despite being known as the most loyal enforcer outside of family, Z also has a reputation of being quite the playboy, though that was based more on rumor than fact. When an assignment comes up that forces the two of them to work together, Z knows it’s time to show RT he’s not the man he thinks he is. 

Can they complete the mission, despite the fact that it puts them in a tenuous situation, bringing them closer than either of them ever expected? And will Z allow RT to convince him that they can never be together, no matter how much they both want it? 

Continue reading “Never Say Never by Nicole Edwards Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Uncharted Hearts by Amelia Bishop Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Amelia Bishop popping in with the tour for her newest release Uncharted Hearts, we have a short interview with Amelia, we have a great excerpt and there’s a fantastic giveaway so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Uncharted Hearts


Amelia Bishop

Clayton Taylor is smart and skilled, and born into privilege. His expertise with navigation lands him a job on The Irish Lady, a ship which promises a world of new experiences. Half in love with Peter, The Lady’s roguish captain, Clayton signs on for adventure and a chance to test his skill against the sea. Once aboard he meets Jorge, a pillar of quiet strength.

Clayton’s life among the sailors and thieves is happy, wild, and free. He learns to sail, to fit in with the crew, and to cheat at cards. There isn’t a course he can’t chart, or a job he can’t design.

But Clayton can’t navigate love, nor can he plan for the whims of his heart. Bold and direct and often stubborn, Clayton’s uncharted heart will plot its own course, bound for a union with two men who need him as much as he does them.

Together Clayton, Peter, and Jorge will discover the heart has no need of map and compass.

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Strange Bedfellows by Cardeno C. Audiobook Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Cardeno C. stopping by today with her newest audiobook release Strange Bedfellows, we have a  great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Tams review, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Strange Bedfellows


Cardeno C.

Can the billionaire son of a Democratic president build a family with the congressman son of a Republican senator? Forget politics, love makes strange bedfellows.

As the sole offspring of the Democratic United States president and his political operative wife, Trevor Moga was raised in an environment driven by the election cycle. During childhood, he fantasized about living in a made-for-television family, and as an adult, he rejected all things politics and built a highly successful career as far from his parents as possible.

Newly elected congressman Ford Hollingsworth is Republican royalty. The grandson of a revered governor and son of a respected senator, he was bred to value faith, family, and the goal of seeing a Hollingsworth in the White House.

When Trevor and Ford meet, sparks fly and a strong friendship is formed. But can the billionaire son of a Democratic president build a family with the congressman son of a Republican senator? Forget politics, love makes strange bedfellows.

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Beyond the Surface by Felice Stevens Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hiya peeps, we have Felice Stevens stopping by today with her brand new release Beyond the Surface from her brand new series The Breakfast Club. We have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Zane’s review, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Beyond the Surface

(The Breakfast Club 01)

Felice Stevens

On 9/11, firefighter Nick Fletcher’s world changed forever. He’s unable to rid himself of survivor’s guilt, made worse by the secret he hides from his family and co-workers. Nick’s life is centered around helping burn victims, until he is reunited with the man he’d once loved but pushed away. Now he has a second chance at a love he thought lost forever.

For fashion designer Julian Cornell, appearances mean everything. His love affairs are strictly casual, and the only thing he cares about is making his clothing line a success. A chance encounter with the man he loved long ago has Julian thinking for the first time in years there may be more to life than being seen at the best parties and what designer labels to wear.

When Julian’s world takes an unexpected turn, it’s Nick who helps him regain perspective on what matters most in life. Julian, in turn, helps Nick accept who he is and understand he isn’t responsible for tragedies he couldn’t prevent. Lost love found can be even sweeter the second time around and after all the years apart, both men learn to look beyond the surface to find the men they are inside.

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Don't Throw Me Away by Brina Brady Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, we have Brina Brady popping in with her newest release Don’t Throw Me Away, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Brina Brady - Don't Throw Me Away Cover

Don’t Throw Me Away

(Bend Over 02)

Brina Brady

Shane O’Rourke screws up. He has the best intentions, but doesn’t always think things through. He means well, really he does. Shane gives up his old habits of stealing, lying, and using drugs, but he isn’t the perfect sub. He has some slip-ups here and there. He loves his Dom, and desires to please him in every way. Shane is determined to be honest, but when he finds himself in a big mess, he would do anything to not disappoint his Dom. He fears losing Julien’s love and care. One mess leads Shane into another. And this one threatens more than just his contract.

Julien Callier needs to find a way to get Shane under control. When Julien thinks his sub has cheated on him, he doubts his ability to meet Shane’s needs. Shane would be devastated if he lost his collar and Julien’s love. Shane’s sole purpose is to convince his Dom he is worthy to wear his collar. Can their D/s relationship and their love weather Shane’s mess ups and Julien’s loss of trust in his sub?

This is a Gay adult consensual story focused on themes of corporal discipline punishment and explicit sex.

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Circling Back by Amanda Young Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Amanda Young stopping by with her new MMF release Circling Back, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Circling Back


Amanda Young

A second chance is only the beginning…

Stella fled home at seventeen with a broken heart, an unplanned pregnancy, and a vow never to look back. Twenty years later, she has a career she enjoys and a solid relationship with the child she placed for open adoption. When that child goes in search of her birth father and calls for assistance, Stella is forced to return to her hometown and face the men who broke her heart, one of whom fathered her child.

Gavin and Holden raised a lot of hell as teenagers. They broke the law, broke their mother’s hearts, and almost broke each other before they finally got their act together. Through all the ups and downs, they stuck by each other and managed to build a happy life together. The one thing they couldn’t do was forget the woman they’d loved and lost.

Forced to face the past and each other after so many years is no small feat. The trio does their best to make amends and put the past behind them while forging new bonds. Old feelings are rekindled and new emotions emerge from the ashes of their youthful indiscretions. Something remarkable could be on the horizon if they’re strong enough to navigate the pitfalls of a triad relationship and stand strong against the outside forces conspiring to bring them to their knees.

Continue reading “Circling Back by Amanda Young Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Discovery by Thianna Durston Cover Reveal, Excerpt, Teasers & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, we have Thianna Durston popping in today to show off the cover to her upcoming release Discovery, we have a great excerpt, some fantastic teasers and a awesome giveaway! So check out this intriguing cowboy vampire book and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~  

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(Drakyl Ranch 01)

Thianna Durston

Warning: This book is a paranormal m/m romance with some horror elements. It also crosses cowboy and vampire genres. If you don’t think cowboys look hot with fangs, you’re missing out.

Living in Montana and working the ranch is all Aaron wants to do for the rest of his life. Diagnosed as allergic to the sun thirteen years previous, every day is a struggle to get out of bed. Having to wear long-sleeved shirts, gloves, and even material to cover his face from the effects of the sun, just makes it all worse. Now, in his thirty-second year, he is sure this will be his last summer. While he hates it, he knows he needs to come to terms with the truth and put things in order for his younger cousins. Before he does so, he heads out for one night of pleasure before facing what’s coming.

Jaret loves excitement and new adventures. For over five hundred years, he has sought them out. In Montana on a whim, he comes across someone he doesn’t expect, someone who makes him feel things he does not understand and does not want to give up. In no time at all, he feels like he cannot live without Aaron. The only problem is Aaron doesn’t know who he is, what he is, nor that he isn’t going to die. Not on Jaret’s watch. With a plan to help the other man discover who he is in place, he only has one thing to worry about: whether an ancient enemy will come and destroy everything he now holds dear.

 Release date 1st September 2015
Its on pre-order sale for $2.99 until release day! 

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Under the Gun by B.L. Morticia Blog Tour, Excerpt and Review!

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Hi guys, we have B.L. Morticia popping in today with her new release Under the Gun, we have a great excerpt and Lisa’s review so check out the post! <3 ~Pixie~

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Under the Gun


B.L. Morticia

Pre DADT Repeal…

Jaded by his lover leaving him for a woman, Camdyn Hardy is looking for love and partnership. When he goes to the local shooting range, he only wants to let off a little steam, but meeting Malik Day, a discharged army serviceman is a welcome surprise.

Malik’s issues go farther than just a lack of love. Discharged for defending a fellow gay soldier got him kicked out of the Army and back at home with his bible thumping parents. When Malik meets Camdyn, the sparks are there, but both of them are too afraid to make their desires known to each other.

After several conversations and dates, Camdyn and Malik are hot for one another and ready to take the next step. When they do, they discover they have a lot more in common than just a need for a committed relationship.

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Bad Day by M.J. Ferguson Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, we have M.J. Ferguson stopping by with the tour for her newest release Bad Day, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and my review so check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Bad Day


M.J. Ferguson

After experiencing one of the worst days of his life, Greg stops at the first bar he sees to have a few drinks before heading home. There he meets the enigmatic Angel. Unable to resist the pull he feels for the mysterious stranger, Greg soon finds himself falling under Angel’s spell. But will Angel be his saving grace or is he the devil in disguise?

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Curve Ball by Sloan Johnson Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, we have the brilliant Sloan Johnson stopping by with her newest release Curve Ball, we have a fantastic excerpt, a awesome Giveaway and KathyMac’s review to help her celebrate so check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Curve Ball

(Homeruns 02)

Sloan Johnson

Jason Klein’s living with the fallout from a decision he knew was the right one at the time. He never told anyone about the love of his life, which left him to mourn alone when he found out the man he gave his heart to had been killed in combat. Now, his heart has had time to heal, but he’s not sure he’s ready to let himself move on. Until he meets Cam Morgan…

Without a job lined up following graduation, Cam Morgan took his best friend up on his offer to move to Milwaukee and stay with him until he could get on his feet. The last thing he wanted to do the day after getting to town was go to a party filled with a bunch of jocks. Sure, they were “professional athletes” but Cam was convinced that bigger bank accounts didn’t make them any more accepting of people like him. He certainly didn’t expect to meet Jason, the Mavericks’ catcher who broke every stereotype he’d had.

What started out as one hot, sweaty night together quickly grows into something deeper. Jason welcomes Cam into his home and his life, but now he has to teach the younger man that it’s not a sign of weakness to let people help you.

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Woodlands Village series by Viki Lyn Blog Tour, Character Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Viki Lyn stopping by today with her re-released series Woodland Village, we have Blue Skye, Ryan’s Harbor and John’s Match, there’s a great character interview between Scott and John, there’s a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~ 

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Blue Skye

(Woodlands Village 01)

Viki Lyn

After years apart, two childhood friends are reunited– but will Skye settle for less than love and will Drew face his greatest fear?

Skye Taylor lives the artist life in Manhattan, openly gay and proud. Drew Adams, socially conservative and from one of Woodland Village’s wealthiest families, lives within the limits of his father’s expectations. A successful architect, Drew is content with his work and his marriage. The secret he desperately hides remains safely hidden behind lies and deception, so he thought.

Best friends in high school, Skye and Drew were inseparable. Quiet and serious, Drew was drawn to the outgoing Skye and his hippy loving parents. Then graduation night changes everything. Uncontrollable urges are discovered in a night of passion, a love Drew refuses to acknowledge, a love Skye refuses to deny. Skye leaves town, leaves Drew and leaves all his feelings behind. But he never forgot Drew and that one night that changed their lives.

Years later, painful memories surface with Skye’s arrival and Drew’s carefully constructed world begins to unravel.


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Ryan’s Harbor

(Woodlands Village 02)

One-night stands and pretty women don’t seem to give Ryan that buzz that it once did. When he meets his architect, Martin Pierson, there’s a deep connection that goes beyond friendship. Can they cross the barrier into love?

The boys of Woodland Village are back. This time it’s Drew’s brother, Ryan Adams, that’s going through a crisis of doubt. He’s always been the guy who breezed through relationships, never getting serious with the women he dates. He doesn’t know why, but one-night stands and pretty women don’t seem to give him that buzz like before.

Then one night, at his brother’s barbecue, he encounters Drew’s assistant, Martin Pierson. Martin agrees to design Ryan’s new building for his gaming company – Fantasy Arts. As they spend time together in and out of the office, their working relationship grows into friendship and something more. But Martin can’t forgive himself for causing his brother’s death to allow for love. Ryan wants to be Martin’s safe harbor, a steadfast place where Martin can heal his heart. But can Martin put his trust in the notorious playboy of Woodland Village?

One-night stands and pretty women don’t seem to give Ryan that buzz that it once did. When he meets his architect, Martin Pierson, there’s a deep connection that goes beyond friendship. Can they cross the barrier into love?

The boys of Woodland Village are back. This time it’s Drew’s brother, Ryan Adams, that’s going through a crisis of doubt. He’s always been the guy who breezed through relationships, never getting serious with the women he dates. He doesn’t know why, but one-night stands and pretty women don’t seem to give him that buzz like before.

Then one night, at his brother’s barbecue, he encounters Drew’s assistant, Martin Pierson. Martin agrees to design Ryan’s new building for his gaming company – Fantasy Arts. As they spend time together in and out of the office, their working relationship grows into friendship and something more. But Martin can’t forgive himself for causing his brother’s death to allow for love. Ryan wants to be Martin’s safe harbor, a steadfast place where Martin can heal his heart. But can Martin put his trust in the notorious playboy of Woodland Village?


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John’s Match

(Woodlands Village 03)

Fantasy writer Scott Marwick just might be John’s financial savior if John can convince Scott to sign over the character rights for a new computer game. John befriends Scott for one purpose — to get him to sign — never planning on falling in love. When John shatters Scott’s trust, can Scott forgive and move on from his past mistakes?

John Kramer discovers two guys humping on the hood of his Ferrari in the parking lot of the local gay bar. When he finds one of the pair alone and in a drunken stupor, John drives him home. To his surprise, the young man’s father is his new next door neighbor, Scott Marwick. Tempers flare when Scott accuses John of getting his son inebriated and taking advantage of him. John plans to never see the man again.

Then John’s boss flips out when he finds out the jerk next door is the Scott Marwick, a temperamental, but famous fantasy writer. The elusive author could save their company from financial ruin if they can get him to sign over his characters for a computer game. Ryan insists John befriend Scott, show him around the Village and get him to agree to a meeting.

The last thing Scott needs is friends. He moved to Woodland Village to forget about the past and to write. Since his partner’s death three years ago, he hasn’t written one word, and his agent, publisher, and fans are clamoring for the final book of his award-winning series. His life is spiraling out of control and he doesn’t know if he can finish his series. He doesn’t need the complication of love and he certainly wouldn’t associate his name with a computer game.

But when John’s life begins to fall apart, Scott must decide where his loyalties lie — with John or his principles.

Continue reading “Woodlands Village series by Viki Lyn Blog Tour, Character Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Branded by Ana J. Phoenix Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Ana J. Phoenix stopping by with her newest release Branded, a darker paranormal/ fantasy story, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post an click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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(Ash and Flames 01)

Ana J. Phoenix

Asher doesn’t like people, and people don’t like him. He’s cool with that—all he needs from them is sex, anyway. But when he’s suddenly thrust into a strange and dangerous world filled with magical creatures, joining forces with other people may just be the only way to survive.

It’s not all bad though—in this new world, he can turn into a fire-breathing dragon! Which would be awesome if it weren’t for José, the pesky fire elf sharing his fate whose goal in life seems to be to stop Asher from ever having fun. José is hot, though and Asher wants to get into his pants just as much as he wants to get home. But José is also blind, and Asher has no clue how to charm a man without relying on his looks.

Somehow, Asher has to show José that he’s more than a sex-obsessed pyromaniac with no filter between his brain and mouth. Preferably before either of them ends up dead. Civil war rages around them, and finding the way home isn’t going to be easy. And for Asher, getting there in one piece, and with his heart intact, might just prove impossible.

Continue reading “Branded by Ana J. Phoenix Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

We, King Henry VIII Part 1 by S. Joy P. Guest Post!

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Henry VIII of England seeks his way home – into the arms of his lost lover

on the pages of a fictional autobiography We, King Henry VIII. This new release will delight you if you love Henry and enjoy supernatural fantasy in your gay fiction. Sounds good? Read on to find out more. I’ve got a sensual excerpt for you, but let’s start with the book blurb.

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We, King Henry VIII Part 1


S. Joy P.

On the 27th of January, 1547 AD, one hour before midnight, Henry VIII is mere three hours from his death. On his deathbed, he only pines to behold his true love for one more time. To catch but a glimpse of Adhamh’s face – that he desires above all things. For his whole life fearful of God, he would now give his mind, body, and soul to the Devil if the Dark Lord promised him but one moment with his lost lover. Only his heart Henry could not give, for Adhamh has it in his keeping. It has always been so, from the day they met. And there the story of their star-crossed love truly begins.

In the hot August of the year 1521 AD, England lazily revels in its still young King Henry VIII, the most accomplished and the handsomest monarch of the Christendom. For whole the world, Henry plays the King who lacks nothing, and who fears nobody save God. Deep inside, he is a man tormented by dark secrets shrouding his marriage, tortured by fears for the fate of his dynasty. His summer morning is not filled with idle delight; it brims with barely concealed terrors – until the moment when God sends him a sign: a wolf trapped in the royal chapel. From the first heartbeat of the unexpected encounter, the beast exudes an aura of unalloyed loyalty vested in Henry alone. Overcome with the sight of the wolf’s unconditional surrender into his hands, Henry believes him to be a messenger of God and spares his life.

But… a human heart beats in the wolf’s chest. Adhamh the Seventh, the only son of the House of Svar, the Margrave at Zuria Labarra is the second most powerful man after the King of Cerbeden – and a werewolf cast out of his world as a punishment for a fateful failure. The High Immortal who so sentenced him to die as the Devil’s Own knew nothing about an uncanny resemblance between the King of England and the King of Cerbeden. Neither does Adhamh. In Henry, he sees his own beloved liege lord, whom he could never harm. The moment of his surrender gives birth to a new unbreakable bond and triggers events which neither he, nor Henry could ever foretell.

The affection that arises between them faces constant dangers, both seen and unseen. Constraints placed on them by social norms and Henry’s religious beliefs can be overcome, but what if Adhamh is yanked back into his own world one day? This ever-present peril cannot be provided for. Nor is it the darkest threat lurking close.


Continue reading “We, King Henry VIII Part 1 by S. Joy P. Guest Post!”

Scent of the Heart by Parker Williams Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have the incorrigible Parker Williams and his newest release Scent of the Heart, I pinned Parker down and asked him a couple of questions, we have a fantastic excerpt, an awesome giveaway and my review. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Scent of the Heart

(Shifting Needs 02)

Parker Wiliams

Casey Scott grew up being told he’d never amount to anything, and despite the unwavering love and support from his best friend, Jake, the idea sticks in the back of Casey’s mind. When he discovers he has a unique destiny in an enclave where shifters and humans live together, he seizes the chance, wanting for once in his life to be someone special.

Tsvetok Yerokhin lost his parents to the evil ruler of the enclave when he was a boy. The responsibilities of raising his two younger brothers nearly overwhelmed him and self-doubt took over. When the new Alpha and his Protector arrive in time to save his life, Sev is grateful, but he’s even more shocked when he scents his mate with them.

Casey isn’t prepared for the feelings that sweep over him when he meets Sev, but he refuses to act on them because he’s straight. Still, there is something so alluring about Sev that Casey can’t help being drawn to him.

As the two explore the edges of their new discovery, an evil returns, determined to control the enclave or destroy it. The Alpha and Protector are powerless to stop it, but Casey holds the key to victory. If he can discover what it is, he has a chance to save them all. To be the hero.

Unfortunately, the hero has to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, and for Casey that means losing his heart.

Continue reading “Scent of the Heart by Parker Williams Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Places in Time by Cardeno C. (2nd Edition) & Giveaway!

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Hiya guys, Cardeno C. is re-releasing some of her books this month and we’re helping her spread the word! So today we have Places in Time and a giveaway to celebrate it’s re-release and all you have to do to enter is to leave a comment on this post… yes it’s that simple! So enjoy the review and leave a comment and I’ll pick a random winner on the 24th June 2015. Good luck guys <3 ~Pixie~

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Cardeno C. - Places in TimeTitle: Places In Time

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary, Time-Travel

Length: Short (64pgs)

ISBN: 9781942184294

Publisher: The Romance Authors, LLC (7th June 2015)

Heat: Low – Moderate

Heart: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: A relationship-challenged actor unexpectedly finds love in the arms of his childhood best friend.

“Sexiest Man Alive” and Golden Globe winning actor Ethan Baker lights up the screen but fizzles in his personal life. When his latest girlfriend breaks up with him, Ethan turns to his one “forever” person – Jude Harrison. But as Ethan makes the familiar drive to his best friend’s house, an unexpected detour and a bewildering passenger take him through places in time he’d long forgotten. Suddenly Ethan sees Jude’s actions over the years from a different perspective, but it’s his own reaction that’s the biggest surprise.

Purchase Link: Amazon:

Review: This is the 2nd edition and has been added to and is 50% longer than the 1st. Ethan is returning home after a week of filming, and his welcome, is his girlfriend breaking up with him. Now he finds himself on his way to the one person who has always been there for him, his ‘forever’ friend Jude, but he ends up taking a side journey that opens his eyes to what he has been missing.

This is a sweet short that has a ‘Christmas Carol’ feel to it. Ethan is a film star, who, after being dumped, goes to the one person who is always there for him, Jude. But on his way to his best friend, he is waylaid by a woman who takes him on a journey of discovery. Ethan visits places in time that have happened to him before, but now, as an outsider he notices things that he never noticed before, and he comes to a startling revelation about himself and his own feelings. 

Ethan is a great character who is just human, he might be rich and famous but he isn’t a diva, he is just ignorant of things around him that don’t concern him and his career. So he is given a wakeup call in the shape of ‘Ginger’, who takes him on a journey so that he can see what is right in front of his eyes and just what he is missing. Jude is an absolute jewel, and as we see him through Ethan’s eyes, as the revelations strike Ethan, we also realise, along with Ethan exactly what he has with Jude for his friend, in the shape of friendship and love.

So if you want a sweet story of revelations, of discovering oneself, and of friends to lovers’ story, of seeing beyond the obvious and a happy ever after, then this is definitely the book for you.

Dojo Boys: Dragon and Crow by Alex A. Akira Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!


Hiya guys, today we have Alex A. Akira stopping by with the tour to Dojo Boys: Dragon and Crow, Deluxe 2 Volume Set we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Dragon and Crow

(Dojo Boys Deluxe 2 Volume Set)

Alex A. Akira

Twenty-three-year-old, Native American, Michael Black’s well-ordered life is disrupted one evening when he is ambushed at the dojo he frequents by a mysterious Japanese youth who goes by the name of Kiyoshi.

Soon circumstances have the gorgeous teen staying with Michael at his apartment. The gifted nineteen-year-old is an intriguing mix of angst, innocence and crafty intelligence, but Michael is honor bound by a promise to his sensei to keep his distance. Michael tries to keep his desire in check, but what can he do if the exquisite teen keeps kissing him?

Volume two finds Michael in deep water when, in trying to help Kiyoshi, he is persuaded by his sensei to participate in a joint government undercover operation to bring down a Yakuza lord.

Before long Michael is immersed in beautiful men, martial arts and espionage all to gain the trust and love of Kiyoshi. Secrets, lies, sex and action combine in this racy, romantic, adventure of two men, Michael Black and his sensei, Ichiro Kimura, navigating a dangerous path for true love.

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All of Me by Cardeno C. (2nd Edition) & Giveaway!

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Hiya guys, Cardeno C. has re-released a couple of her babies in the last week or so and we are helping her get the word out! Last week we had Perfect Imperfections and today it’s All of Me… we even have a fantastic giveaway! Yep that’s right you can win your very own copy of All of Me by taking part in our comment giveaway, just leave a comment on this post and I’ll randomly draw a winner on the 23rd June 2015. So good luck and keep an eye out for more re-release giveaways in the coming week! <3 ~Pixie~

Cardeno C. - All of Me Small banner

Cardeno C. - All of MeTitle: All of Me (2nd Edition)

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (73pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-942184-16-4

Publisher: The Romance Authors, LLC (7th June 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Bonded by their parents before they were conceived, Abel Nasa and Zakai “Kai” Berura adored each other since they were children. As teens, the two future Alphas took the next step in their bonding process and vowed to remain true to one another until Kai came of age. But when tragedy struck, Abel felt betrayed and ran from Kai instead of completing the mating bond.

Years pass with no contact between the two, but Abel never stops yearning for the man who was supposed to lead by his side. When Kai returns, broken and on death’s door, Abel must look past what he saw and trust his heart so they can fulfill their destiny and merge their packs.

Purchase Link: Amazon:

Review: This is the 2nd edition and there are no changes from the 1st. Abel and Kai were bonded from birth by their parents so they would combine their packs and lead together, they adored each other growing up and vowed to be true to one another until Kai was old enough to bond. But with the death of Kai’s father their time together was limited, then Kai’s mother died and all contact was cut off until the day Kai turned eighteen and Abel was left devastated by what he discovered. Ten years later Abel still yearns for the man who should have been his mate and a plea for help has Kai back in his life, but Kai is broken, a shell of the wolf he once was, and Abel must trust his heart if he is going to save the man he still loves.

Holy Hell, this is a fantastic hurt/comfort story that hits you hard and has you wanting to bang two shifters heads together for their stubbornness. Abel looked forward to bonding fully with Kai but what he discovered on Kai’s coming of age day drove him away, Kai was stuck with no way out and his sacrifice nearly destroyed him.

This is a superbly written story that has a lot of hurt/comfort being dished out. With Kai most of the hurt was physical but it was also emotional as he thought he had lost the one he loved, with Abel the hurt was all emotional as he thought he had been betrayed by the man he loved, but there is more hurt that he faces as he realizes that he abandoned his mate and his mate suffered because of it. Then there’s the comfort which is wonderfully done, both Kai and Abel comfort each other but Abel also manages to comfort Kai’s scared sister giving her the safety she hasn’t had in so long.

I loved this story and absolutely adore Kai and Abel, both men have been through a lot and yes even though you don’t want to you do think ‘If only Abel had confronted what he saw instead of running away’, and Kai, poor poor Kai, stuck in a position that was impossible especially when he was so young but you do wish he had reached out himself. This really is a brilliant story that pulls on the heart strings and has you cheering when Kai gets his revenge, I loved how easily they put the past behind them, they refuse to let the past drag them down… that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t leave it’s scars on Kai because it does but with the security of his mate he can deal.

I recommend this to those who love shifters, abuse being overcome, exacting revenge the way only a shifter can, hot sex and a very happy wonderful ending.  

Secret by Kindle Alexander Blog Tour, Teasers, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Kindle Alexander visiting today with her newest release Secret, we have some great teasers, two fantastic giveaways and Cat’s review, so enjoy the post and click those Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Kindle Alexander

Tristan Wilder, self-made millionaire and devastatingly handsome CEO of Wilder-Nation is on the verge of a very lucrative buyout. With tough negotiations ahead, he’s armed with his acquisition pitch, ready to launch the deal of a lifetime. There’s just one glitch. The last thing he expects is to fall for the hot business owner he’s trying to sway.

Dylan Reeves, computer science engineer and founder of the very successful social media site, Secret, is faced with a life-altering decision. A devoted family man with three kids and a wife, Dylan has been living a secret for years. Fiercely loyal to his convictions, his boundaries blur after meeting the striking owner of the corporation interested in acquiring his company. For the first time in his life, reckless desire consumes him when the gorgeous computer mogul makes an offer he can’t refuse.

Barnes & Noble:

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Perfect Imperfections by Cardeno C. (2nd Edition) & Giveaway!


Cardeno C. has recently re-released this fantastic little gem and with my review today we are having a giveaway where you can win your own copy of this incredible story… I know it’s amazing! So all you Cardeno C. fans (& anyone else) have to do is leave a comment on this post and I’ll randomly pick a winner on the 18th June 2015  <3 Good luck! ~Pixie~


Cardeno C. - Perfect ImperfectionsTitle: Perfect Imperfections

Author: Cardeno C.

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (214pgs)

ISBN: 9781942184263

Publisher: The Romance Authors, LLC (5th May 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Hollywood royalty Jeremy Jameson has lived a sheltered life with music as his sole focus and only friend. Before embarking on yet another international concert tour, he wanders into a bar in what he considers the middle of nowhere and meets a man who wins him over with his friendly smile and easy-going nature. Accountant slash bartender slash adventure-seeker Reg Moore has fun talking and drinking with The Jeremy Jameson and can’t say no when the supposedly straight rock star makes him a once in a lifetime offer: keep him company on his tour by playing the part of his boyfriend.

Listening to music, traveling the world, and jumping off cliffs is fun. Falling in love is even better. But to stay with Jeremy after the stage lights dim, Reg will need to help him realize there’s nothing pretend about their relationship.

Purchase Link:

Review: Jeremy is a world famous singer who has lived a surprisingly sheltered life in the shadow of his famous parents, but when he feels pressured by the demands of fame he has no one to turn to. Seeking escape before yet another tour he wanders into a small town bar and meets a man who couldn’t care less about who he is and treats Jeremy like any other bar goer, an attitude that has Jeremy making a surprising offer.

Reg is perfectly happy slinging drinks in a bar, saving money so he can go on adventures but his biggest adventure yet has just walked into the bar he works at and made him an offer he’d be stupid to refuse: keep The Jeremy Jameson company and pretend to be his boyfriend! Reg can’t pass up the opportunity to travel the world in good company, and it isn’t long before Reg and Jeremy are inseparable… and Reg discovers that Jeremy isn’t as straight as Jeremy thinks he is.

This is a brilliant story where sometimes you just don’t know yourself as well as you think you do. Jeremy is a fantastic character who doesn’t have any friends, he has people who tell him what to do and where to go but he doesn’t have anyone who he can confide in or just hang out with, but all that changes when he meets Reg. Reg treats Jeremy like he’s a regular man, he doesn’t get stars in his eyes or expect Jeremy to do anything for him and for Jeremy that is a refreshing change, Jeremy grabs at the prospect of having a real friend and it’s the beginning of something incredible.

Now Reg is a character who you will adore, he’s fun loving, down to Earth and always game for anything, but he also has a protective side that emerges as he shows Jeremy that there is more to life than fame. Watching them together is a treat, Jeremy is clueless to how some of his confessions sound to Reg, but those words encourage Reg to push the boundaries with Jeremy from just friendship to something more intimate. Their friendship is unique and Jeremy blooms as his friendship with Reg grows.

I don’t know if I’d say this story was a ‘gay for you’ or if I’d say that it’s a ‘man who thinks he’s straight discovers he’s really gay’ but what I can tell you is that Jeremy is just clueless until he meets Reg and Reg becomes his foundation. This really is a brilliant written story, it just flows along like it’s perfectly normal for a straight man to ask a stranger to pretend to be his boyfriend and come on tour with him, it really doesn’t come across as absurd it comes across as perfect normal and we get a fantastic relationship brewing out of it. I just adore this story; it’s a feel good, slightly sexy story to enjoy on the beach, in the airport, on the sofa or just relaxing in the garden.

I recommend this to those who love confused superstars, in the know bartenders, an incredible love blossoming, diva tantrums and fun times and two incredible men finding the love they both deserve. 
