Series: Tucker Springs 03 (Multi Author Series)
Author: Heidi Cullinan
Genre: Contemporary, Kink
Length: Novel (199pgs)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (29th March 2019)
Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Pixie
Blurb: Sometimes you have to get dirty to come clean.
When muscle-bound Denver Rogers effortlessly dispatches the frat boys harassing grad student Adam Ellery at the Tucker Springs laundromat, Adam’s thank-you turns into impromptu sex over the laundry table. The problem comes when they exchange numbers. What if Adam wants to meet again and discovers Denver is a high-school dropout with a learning disability who works as a bouncer at a local gay bar? Or what if Denver calls Adam only to learn while he might be brilliant in the lab, outside of it he has crippling social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder?
Either way, neither of them can shake the memory of their laundromat encounter. Despite their fears of what the other might think, they can only remember how good the other one feels. The more they get together, the kinkier things become. They’re both a little bent, but in just the right ways.
Maybe the secret to staying together isn’t to keep things clean and proper. Maybe it’s best to keep their laundry just a little bit dirty.
Purchase Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Review: This is the 2nd edition and while it has been tweaked and brushed up there’s no change to the story.
Adam is being harassed by frat boys when he does his laundry. Lucky for him, sexy cowboy, Denver, comes to his rescue and Adam ends up bent over the Laundromat table having the time of his life, after he thanks his savior. Denver can’t get Adam out of his head, even seeing all the other hot geeky twinks at work doesn’t stop him wanting Adam. Adam seemed to want the same kind of play as Denver enjoys, but Denver has to wait for Adam to make the first move.
This is a wonderful story of working past your limitations and embracing your quirks. Adam suffers from OCD, he has a lot of quirks that go with it and he has to work hard to keep his panic attacks at bay. When Adam first meets Denver he tries to hide his problems, believing that if Denver found out about his mental health, then he would want nothing to do with him. Denver has his own problem which holds him back, he works as a bouncer because the job he really wants means going back to school and he just can’t deal with books. dating Adam makes him want to try though and both men have to face their problems.
Denver and Adam are a couple that you wouldn’t think would work, but both their personalities are perfectly synced. they draw out the best in each other and are very encouraging when it comes to their individual problems. The one thing you could never doubt is how hot they are together, and we get the pleasure of seeing how hot they are together with their kinks, and although there are elements of BDSM, we really only see the kink side, with Adam reminiscing about the more mainstream BDSM.
I will admit that when I first started the book and for the first couple of chapters I thought it was going to be the typical BDSM Dom/sub story, but we get so much more than that. We get their everyday fears and the mental health problems they face, but we also see how their kinks work with the OCD. Adam and his OCD are written incredible well, with his fears being dealt with instead of being glossed over. Denver’s learning disability was covered and handled quite well, and his reaction to the knowledge was perfectly described. Both these characters’ worm their way into your affections because they are both so incredibly sweet with each other, they try to protect each other in their own way and they both dread the other finding out the truth about them.
I will recommend this to those who love geeks and cowboys, dealing with mental health problems head on, some hot kink and BDSM elements, gaining control of your life and finding your own flawed true love.