Blurb: MORTALS BEWARE: What am I saying? If you made it this far, you’ll be fine…
The end is here.
Will our heroes save the day? Or will they lose to the dark forces that conspire against all the realms?
The demon Kinzer is on the run–a fugitive accused of a crime he didn’t commit. He’s lost what little he had left to live for. But despite how futile his efforts against Armageddon seem, he fights on…even when all hope seems lost.
Meanwhile, Trey and Kid are sent to an immortal prison to await sentencing for the same crime Kinzer is wanted for. As immortals work to decide the fates of these creatures, a greater war lingers on the horizon. And with it, will come an apocalypse that will ravage the heavens and the Earth.
All creation is f*cked, and despite anyone’s cries and pleas for mercy, no god will come to their rescue.
Not in…
*This is the third and final installment in the saga.
Review: This installment of the Clipped Saga has many twists and turns as well as plenty of action and heart stopping suspense. Throughout this entire series I have been on the edge of my seat. Though I will admit the sex scenes took me by surprise with the pain in them.
Aside from the sometimes brutality that goes on I was entranced by the story. I was drawn in from the beginning of the series to the end. Kinzar, Trey, Kid, Hayde and all their allies fight for their lives as well as humanities against Janka and his crew. The fight scenes were awesome and in great detail.
I have never read a series quite like it before as most dial back the horror and details. Not so in this series. You get a no holds barred story that packs quite a punch and leaves you reeling at times with it’s fast pace and the things that go on.
Even though I did not care for the assault/rape scenes and was squeamish with the sex I still loved the series. If your looking for HEA and sweetness this series is not for you. If you like dark, gritty in your face horrifying with a storyline that is amazing this series is definitely for you.
Blurb:MORTALS BEWARE: True to the first gospel’s form, this second chronicle in THE CLIPPED SAGA presents the absurd, the nonsensical, the perplexing, the disturbing, and the gratuitous adventures of immortals with bizarre tastes and inclinations. Brace yourself for a ride on the wild side with a cast of characters who still can’t seem to keep their pants on, even during the most crucial of times.
The demon Kinzer’s got a serious problem.
A powerful weapon, a ticking time bomb, that could end all of humanity. He’s also got a knack for getting himself into trouble–something complicated by a new companion who arrives to help he and his mortal ally on their quest to save humanity from God’s wrath.
Meanwhile, Treycore is on a mission to save Kid, the mortal who he fell way too fast for…something he still can’t make sense of. For the sake of rescuing Kid–and because nothing can be too easy in the demented universe of a sadist author’s creation–the only way Trey can get to Kid is to make peace with his ex, the most beautiful of all the angels…who also still hasn’t quite gotten over him.
Together, they journey through Hell to find Trey’s far more devious ex, encountering the most sinister, wicked, and perverse of God’s creations along the way.
Here’s hoping they can wrap it all up before the final installment…
*This is not a standalone, so for the most satisfying reading experience, I recommend you read CLIPPED before embarking on the adventure contained in this book..
Review: As with the first book this one is full of fast paced action and twists and turns. Trey goes to hell to find Kid and save him from Vera, his ex. Meanwhile Kinzar is on his own mission to stop a weapon that will destroy humanity and everything else.
I was amazed at how well the story flowed. I was awestruck with the details. The brutality at times had me cringing and thinking how could this be, but it works with this series. There is quite a bit going on throughout as it’s a journey in and of itself.
The story almost seems to take a life of it’s own as it progresses. The dangers that follow are edge of your seat worthy. There is no shortage of villains in this epic series as well as good guys to boot.
After Cal escapes a deranged kidnapper who tortured him, he doesn’t even have the clothes on his back. Desperate and afraid, he breaks into a convenience store. But Jake, a clerk at the store, confronts what to him is little more than a petty thief. After a violent tussle, he knocks Cal out.
Jake encourages his Uncle Gary, the owner of the store, to report Cal to the police, but Gary can’t bring himself to report a kid who was just looking to steal food. When Cal wakes, Gary asks him if he’s okay. But Cal’s trauma has left him mute. Instead, he has to write his experiences down, relaying the horrifying events that led him to the store. The police track down the sick man who held Cal captive, and when he confronts them with a gun, he’s shot dead. However, Cal discovers that even with his captor gone, he is far from free of the nightmare he endured.
Gary and his wife welcome Cal into their home, determined to help him heal. Jake doesn’t trust Cal, and he isn’t afraid to say so. But buried beneath Jake’s disapproval might be the person who can help Cal recover from the terrifying experience that continues to haunt him.
Review: Cal escapes a deranged man after being kidnapped and tortured. He finds Gary, a store owner, to be his savior. His son Jake is complicated. I realize this is a young adult book but I felt with Cal after he starts having feelings for Jake and acting on them it seemed a bit unreal to me. Why? I’ve known both males and females who were abused and none of them wanted to be touched for years afterwards let alone start a relationship and have sex with someone.
The details of exactly how the sadistic man was caught and how they proved one hundred percent he was the guilty party were sketchy at best. However I did enjoy the story of Cal’s recovery and his struggle to overcome the events that transpired. Jake I had mixed feelings about. He ran hot and cold so I felt disconnected to him.
It broke my heart to learn of both Jake and Cal’s past. It confuses me how any parent could do the things that were mentioned to any child let alone their own.
Full of drama, this story is about a young man who tries to overcome and conquer tragic events and learn to live again without fear.
Hey peeps, we have Devon McCormack visiting with us today with his upcoming YA release The Night Screams, we have a fantastic guest post where Devon talks about writing YA and we have an excellent excerpt for you to have a peek at, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~
The Night Screams
Devon McCormack
After Cal escapes a deranged kidnapper who tortured him, he doesn’t even have the clothes on his back. Desperate and afraid, he breaks into a convenience store. But Jake, a clerk at the store, confronts what to him is little more than a petty thief. After a violent tussle, he knocks Cal out.
Jake encourages his Uncle Gary, the owner of the store, to report Cal to the police, but Gary can’t bring himself to report a kid who was just looking to steal food. When Cal wakes, Gary asks him if he’s okay. But Cal’s trauma has left him mute. Instead, he has to write his experiences down, relaying the horrifying events that led him to the store. The police track down the sick man who held Cal captive, and when he confronts them with a gun, he’s shot dead. However, Cal discovers that even with his captor gone, he is far from free of the nightmare he endured.
Gary and his wife welcome Cal into their home, determined to help him heal. Jake doesn’t trust Cal, and he isn’t afraid to say so. But buried beneath Jake’s disapproval might be the person who can help Cal recover from the terrifying experience that continues to haunt him.
Title: When Ryan Came Back Series: N/A Author: Devon McCormack Genre: Mystery/Suspense, Ghosts/Spirits, Young Adult, Paranormal Length: Novel (228 pages) Publisher: Harmony Ink Press, Dreamspinner Press (October 16, 2014) Heat Level: Low Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3Hearts Blurb: Steven’s life changes forever the day he discovers his childhood friend and lifelong crush, Ryan Walters, standing in his bedroom. The problem? Ryan Walters committed suicide just days earlier.
Ryan tells Steven that he didn’t kill himself. He believes he was murdered and that his death is linked to an article he was working on for the school paper. Steven sets out to solve the mystery. But as the story unfolds, so does Ryan’s secret life of sex with guys and depression.
Steven realizes suicide is more plausible than Ryan’s conspiracy theory, but he struggles to convince Ryan of the real cause of his death. And despite revelations of his friend’s closeted life, he must face the truth that Ryan doesn’t—and never will—love him.
Review: Ryan should’ve been truthful with Steven from the beginning about everything instead of letting him find out about all those things on his own. Steven should’ve confided in someone about the things that were happening. Steven’s parents shouldn’t have forced him to see a therapist unless he wanted to.
While the story was good, I thought that it was a bit much for a seventeen year old to be going through. Especially trying to figure out Ryan’s death on top of the cover up murder and conspiracy that a few men were involved in.
The teacher having sex with students and recording it disturbed me. I thought it was sad that Ryan and Steven never told each other how they felt when he was alive. It just amazed me how much Steven had to deal with on his own.
All in all, it was a good read.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through*
Hello again peeps, I am back and this time I am bringing you something that is a little dark. We have Devon McCormack and Clipped visiting and I have to tell you this story had even my eyebrows raising and my eyes widening, this is one not to miss if you like the dark and dangerous mixed in with your hot and erotic *winks*. So have a good look at what we have today click that Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance for your very own copy and check out my review. <3 ~Pixie~
Devon McCormack
Though mortals have been convinced that God cares about their souls, nothing could be further from the truth. He created the world as a gift for his lover, Satan. But when Satan left him, he decided to end what he saw as his most grotesque creation.
Satan and his army of demons are man’s only hope…
The demon Kinzer and his lover, Janka, have been sent by Satan to spy on The Raze, a gang of rogue demons who are working with God to bring about Armageddon. When someone exposes their true allegiances, The Raze clips Kinzer’s wings and murders Janka. Kinzer manages to escape. He tracks down Satan’s allies to warn them about a mole in their midst when he learns that they’ve located the Antichrist—a powerful weapon that could prevent the apocalypse. Now, he’s on a mission to protect the Antichrist and avenge his lover’s death.
Dedrus scanned Kinzer’s body, admiring his massive biceps, his brown eyes, and his black waves of hair. Even with the wounds and tears that still tainted his face, he was beautiful. Dedrus wanted to press him back against the cushion, rip off his clothes, and provide him with the ease he deserved. But no! He was just wanting it for himself, and he was pretending that it was to serve Kinzer’s pain.
“I loved him so much.” The words cracked through Kinzer’s lips. His cheeks and forehead shivered. Tears filled his eyes. “I know we had so much time, but it wasn’t enough.”
The sting in Dedrus’s chest intensified. His cheeks flashed red as anger washed over him—anger that he loathed because it made him feel like a terrible, selfish creature.
He set his hand on Kinzer’s back, his palm stroking softly across the blue fabric of his polo. He wanted to say, “You’ll find love again.” He couldn’t, because he knew he’d really be saying, “Please find love in me.” He thought of saying, “Everything will be alright.” No. He couldn’t make that kind of promise. “It’ll take time,” felt appropriate, and yet, as an immortal, Dedrus never perceived time as a generous gift as much as a twisted, agonizing punishment.
“I wish I could think of something right to say about this,” Dedrus said, “but I can’t. I know how much you loved him, and I know how much he loved you, and I can’t imagine how hard this is going to be for you. But I’m here. As your friend. I don’t know if that means much, but I know the feeling of having something so perfect and wonderful torn from you.”
Kinzer’s gaze met his. His eyes were sad.
Does he know what I’m talking about?
“Tell me you’ve found someone,” Kinzer said.
“Of course,” he lied. “I’m just being overdramatic.”
“I figured as much. Considering where you work, I’m sure you get a lot of offers.”
It was true, but not the way Kinzer was suggesting. There were nights when Treycore dragged some pathetic mortal back to ease Dedrus’s pain. Those nights were the loneliest. Though he could bring himself to climax, it was an empty relief that just stirred the cruel memories of those moments filled with so much more.
Dedrus hugged him again. “Let’s get to bed,” he said. “You need some sleep.”
Kinzer nodded.
“We have plenty to sort through tomorrow. You can have my room. I’ll just sleep here.”
Dedrus released him.
Kinzer picked the sword up off his lap and stood. He reached his hand out. “Come on. It won’t be the first time we’ve shared a bed.”
The upward curl of his lip let Dedrus know that Kinzer was more than interested.
Dedrus’s dick swelled. “I don’t think I can.” He wanted Kinzer so bad, and if he put himself in that position, he was sure that he wouldn’t be able to resist making a move—especially if Kinzer initiated something.
“I’d rather not disrespect you like that,” Dedrus said.
Kinzer’s hand fell, bouncing against his jeans. His head drooped.
“Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Dedrus smiled. “‘Night, Kinzer.”
Kinzer knelt, offering a light peck on Dedrus’s lips.
Don’t tease me with a taste!
“Up the stairs, first room on the right.”
Kinzer walked up the stairs, headed down the hall, and slipped into Dedrus’s bedroom.
Dedrus had hoped that Kinzer’s exit would provide some relief.
It didn’t.
He ached for him. His thoughts dwelled on Kinzer’s lips tickling his nipples, his gaze appreciating his body, his tongue delighting in his body’s grooves. He wanted to run upstairs and throw his arms around him, to hold him for the night, and tell him that no matter what happened he’d be there for him. He wanted more than that, but he wouldn’t press his friend. He wouldn’t dare cross that line…even if Kinzer insisted.
Spreading his limbs across the couch, he rested his head on a lace pillow at the end and rolled so that he was facing the cushions.
He closed his eyes.
A few moments passed before something pressed against his ass.
He flipped over and hopped to his feet, ready for a fight.
Kinzer stood before him, holding his hands out, as if showing a cop that he was unarmed. “Whoa, cowboy. Chill the fuck out.”
“Sorry.” Every hair on Dedrus’s immortal body stood on end. “You freaked the shit out of me. Did you need something? Another cover? Pillows?”
Kinzer wiggled his thumb behind the waistband in Dedrus’s khakis.
“Yeah. I need something.” He pulled their pelvises together.
His hot breath rushed across Dedrus’s lips, settling in the bristles across his cheeks. The warmth combined with a rush of blood that surged to his face and made him feel like his cheeks were about to catch on fire.
Kinzer pressed his lips against Dedrus’s.
Amidst the creases in Kinzer’s lips, Dedrus felt the smooth, subtle dip where Kinzer’s cut was healing.
He trailed his palm over the rough fabric of Kinzer’s polo. As he reached the smooth flesh of his neck, curly black hairs pricked his fingertips.
Kinzer opened his mouth wide. Dedrus eagerly reciprocated, tilting his head and allowing their lips to seal together. A swirling sensation gathered at the back of his spine and rushed to the crown of his skull.
Guilt nagged at his thoughts. He couldn’t do this. Kinzer didn’t really want him. He was just vulnerable and ached for a physical distraction from his grief. It would be wrong to take advantage while he was still recovering from Janka’s death.
Kinzer’s tongue flicked his.
He wanted Kinzer so bad, but not like that. Pressing his hand against the dip between the bulbous, jagged pecs before him, he broke their sealed kiss.
“What?” Kinzer rested his hands on either of Dedrus’s hips.
“This wouldn’t be right. I don’t want to disrespect you.”
“I know. But I want you to.”
Kinzer wrapped both arms around Dedrus. Spinning them around, he pushed Dedrus back against a painting that hung from the wall.
Kinzer’s eyes glistened with that gleam—the one that was so familiar to Dedrus.
Dedrus couldn’t control himself. His lips returned to their passionate embrace. His fingers found their way under Kinzer’s shirt, feeling about fervently, savoring the dips in his torso.
About Devon
If I was writing an old-school craigslist personal, I’d say (appropriately in code): fit masc wm ddf lookin 4 same. 28yo. Of course, who’s honest with their craigslist personal ads? And who the hell uses craigslist these days? Please. That’s what grindr is for.
On a more serious note, I’m from Atlanta, GA. I work odd jobs. My gay erotic novel Clipped is available through Wilde City Press. I also have a vampire novel coming out through Wilde City in October and a young adult novel being released through Harmony Ink Press in June or July
Blurb: Though mortals have been convinced that God cares about their souls, nothing could be further from the truth. He created the world as a gift for his lover, Satan. But when Satan left him, he decided to end what he saw as his most grotesque creation.
Satan and his army of demons are man’s only hope…
The demon Kinzer and his lover, Janka, have been sent by Satan to spy on The Raze, a gang of rogue demons who are working with God to bring about Armageddon. When someone exposes their true allegiances, The Raze clips Kinzer’s wings and murders Janka. Kinzer manages to escape. He tracks down Satan’s allies to warn them about a mole in their midst when he learns that they’ve located the Antichrist—a powerful weapon that could prevent the apocalypse. Now, he’s on a mission to protect the Antichrist and avenge his lover’s death.
Review: Kinzer awakes to find himself chained in the mortal world, his wings removed and his lover dead and his only hope is to escape and warn Satan’s allies that a mole has leaked their location to The Raze. Kid lived on the street after running away from an abusive home life and then was taken off the streets and plunged into the world of sex trafficking, the only thing he dreams of now is freedom. The two are thrown together as they make an escape and Kid is thrown into a war between God and Satan.
This is a very dark erotic story that throws good and evil on its head. God wants to destroy the world, a world he created for his lover Satan, because Satan left him and now it is up to Satan and his followers to stop the destruction of humanity. The Raze is a group of Fallen angels who are trying to get back into God’s good graces and to do that they are planning the destruction of humanity. Kinzer is one of the Fallen sent in to spy on the Raze for Satan, but when he and his lover are discovered Kinzer has to turn to the angel who once broke his heart.
This is a great storyline that has good and evil, danger and escapes, blood and violence and pain filled sex, and terrible betrayal. It is darkly erotic and weaves a tale that is dark from the onset. We meet many characters in this story, some good, some evil and some innocent but all of them know pain in one form or the other whether it is physical pain or emotional pain. This isn’t the story to read if you want happy ever afters or a sweet romance, it’s the story to read when you want dark and dangerous, pain and pleasure jumbled together so it teases the dark reaches of your soul.
Following along after Kinzer or Kid we are plunged into a world where they both have tortured souls, the story pulls around both of them leading you into darker territory and you can’t see any happiness on the horizon. This is a really good storyline that is far from finished, there is nothing that has been resolved except Kinzer discovers the truth of his capture and we are plunged further into the depths of evil that The Raze flourish in.
If you are looking for a blossoming relationship then there are hints of one but it is far from pretty. There was a slight hope of a rekindling romance that started in punishment and violence but the muses deemed it too easy and leave us feeling sore, now there is a glimmer of vengeance on the horizon but stopping The Raze isn’t going to be easy. Now while I did like this story and thought the storyline was good I really did find all the sex to be a bit too violent for my taste, and I mean all the sex, there isn’t one touch that doesn’t lead to pain being mixed in and while I do like a bit of pain tinged sex there was just a bit too much for me to truly enjoy.
I recommend this to those who love dark sex, dark erotica, dark fantasy and violence, betrayal and hopes dashed, a story that pulls you in even as you want to hit the breaks for a bit and a great storyline that is far from over.
Blurb: Though mortals have been convinced that God cares about their souls, nothing could be further from the truth. He created the world as a gift for his lover, Satan. But when Satan left him, he decided to end what he saw as his most grotesque creation.
Satan and his army of demons are man’s only hope…
The demon Kinzer and his lover, Janka, have been sent by Satan to spy on The Raze, a gang of rogue demons who are working with God to bring about Armageddon. When someone exposes their true allegiances, The Raze clips Kinzer’s wings and murders Janka. Kinzer manages to escape. He tracks down Satan’s allies to warn them about a mole in their midst when he learns that they’ve located the Antichrist—a powerful weapon that could prevent the apocalypse. Now, he’s on a mission to protect the Antichrist and avenge his lover’s death.
Review: My rating for Clipped is based on the out of the box take on God and Satan.
Clipped begins with human trafficking; rape; kidnapping, and implications of all of this done – primarily – to the underage. (I am still unsure of one of the human character’s age 17 OR 18) Topping it all off with a flashback incestuous child sex abuse – all within the first three chapters and doesn’t stop there.
There are few books that make my hard to read list and most of those are based on plot holes and bad writing. But Clipped made the hard to read list with only a one or two plot holes and some nice prose. There are many parts the writer included in the story, while providing realistic and believable backstory, story, and so on – that make Clipped very hard to get through.
Very rarely does one come across a story full of Masochists (those who enjoy sexual gratification or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from physical and/or emotional pain) and no Sadists (those who enjoy sexual gratification or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from giving physical and/or emotional pain). Yet almost every character in this tale is a Masochist. There is no BDSM, no D/s within these pages. Here there is only pain, abuse, rape, and torture being enjoyed by the victim.
This story could have been told with the inclusion of only half of the sexual scenes. Many times the scenes were announced and predictable. I will end my review here, lest I decide that I might have been too generous with this one, because I want to know what happened next in this adventure. I just don’t want to have to read through all of the ‘unnecessary-to-plot’-ness to get there.