The Opposites series by T.M. Smith Blog Tour, Teasers, Reviews & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have T.M. Smith visiting us with her entire Opposites series, yes we have OppositesThe LibraryAppearances and The Cellar stopping by, we have some great teasers and a fantastic giveaway and we have 4 brand new reviews for Cat. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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(Opposites 01)

T.M. Smith

In the year 2081 our planet survived global warming of an apocalyptic scale. When the dust settled and the water receded Dr. Anthony Smith, one of only a few hundred survivors of GWI, started society anew. Having come to the conclusion that injudicious breeding played a huge role in the destruction of Earth as we knew it in the twenty first century, he worked closely with other survivors to isolate the Dionysus gene. This gene has the ability to manipulate human DNA to ensure that all male children be born gay, and all female children be born lesbians. A new society is born.

In the year 2300 Dr. Smith’s descendants are ushering in the twenty fourth century having maintained control of the government that still rules society. Twins Aiya and Aiyan are preparing to meet their matches and take control of House Gaeland, the current ruling House. But not everything is as it seems.

Love is Love.. it knows no gender and doesn’t conform to restrictions and boundaries. Aiyan has found his soul mate in Kaden, the prince of House Devi that he is matched with and eventually marries. But when the person Aiya falls in love with tests the boundaries put in place after GWI, all hell breaks loose. And in the midst of one secret unraveling, another will emerge. There is a growing anomaly that threatens to destroy over two hundred years of progression. This anomaly is known as Opposites.

T.M. Smith - The Library

The Library

(Opposites 01.5)

Three gay couples run amuck in this short story where clothing, beds, even four walls are all optional! 

Want to know what happened that night in the library? 
Cirian and Rian had a fight in the library and Rian ends up naked on the desk, on his back, at Cirian’s mercy. 

Want to know how far things went with ice cream? 
A romantic evening by the fire feeding his husband ice cream leads to a lot more than heavy petting for Aiyan and Kaden. 

Want to know what was going on when those birds fled? 
Travelling hundreds of miles, battling the rebels and then travelling back to House Gaeland will take it out of you. But when Tanis wants something, he takes it. Raven is about to be bent over a tree! 

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(Opposites 02

Appearances can be deceiving.

Raven and Tanis are trying very hard to merge their vastly different lifestyles, but Tanis issues with his own past could prove to be more than their fragile relationship can handle. Is their love for each other strong enough to weather the oncoming storm? 

Aiya and Sawyer have fought hard to be together in a world where Opposite relationships are generally forbidden. Yet, they are still forced to keep their relationship a secret while they are outside the walls of House Gaeland. 

Everyone assumes that the only threat lies outside their walls, the group of rebels led by Cillian. But something is happening within House Gaeland, something that hasn’t happened since GWI. And with all the attention focused on that, their guard is down. An evil that was under their nose all along strikes, and someone will make the ultimate sacrifice to save another. 

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The Cellar

(Opposites 02.5)

It’s time to learn the truth about what happened that day in The Cellar.

Taryn and Thanos are the formidable Ambassadors of House Orion. Taryn was born into power, bred from birth to lead the people of Greece along with his sister Theresa, Thanos was never a part of his mother’s plan. The son of a fisherman was not a suitable match for the son of Greece as far as their mother was concerned, but Taryn always takes what he wants. 

The Cellar is the story of how these two men met and fell in love, and what lengths Taryn went to, to ensure he kept his man. This novella also contains a more detailed accounting of what happened the night Raven and Tanis went for a walk on the beach, and the adult version of Mistletoe and Mayhem that was initially released as a free short through Goodreads. 

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The Biker's Omega by Lisa Oliver Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hiya peeps, we have Lisa Oliver popping in with her blog tour for The Biker’s Omega, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Lisa’s review, so check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Lisa Oliver - The Biker's Omega Cover

The Biker’s Omega

(Alpha’s and Omega’s 01)

Lisa Oliver

Marly Miles has been happy in his life as a lone Omega wolf, living and working among the humans of Orlando, Florida.  When an attack on him and his friend brings Marly to the notice of the Sergeant of Arms of the Epitaph’s Motorcycle Club, he realizes immediately that the man carries the same scent as his attackers. Not a very good start when the same man is also his mate.

Alpha wolf, Trent Beaumont has spent a lot of years living as a human when he walked away from his home pack.  Forced to live as a straight man, because of the Epitaph’s club culture, he walks away from Marly after checking the man is safe.  But no wolf, not even an Alpha, can refuse the mating call from the Fates.  But with his President looking over his shoulder, and a woman panting after him to share his bed, Trent isn’t sure it will ever be the right time to claim his own Omega.

Fights, misunderstandings and a lack of communication aren’t the only problems Trent and Marly face.  Trent has a history that has clouded his judgment and when Marly gets attacked again, Trent realizes he could lose his mate permanently, if he doesn’t get his head out of the sand.

Warning:  Contains one hot biker, a beautiful twink with a sassy mouth, and a ton of misunderstandings. Graphic m/m sex, violence and strong language.

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Secret by Kindle Alexander Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Kindle Alexander stopping by to show off the cover to her upcoming release Secret, there’s a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway! So heck out that cover and book and then click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Kindle Alexander

Tristan Wilder, self-made millionaire and devastatingly handsome CEO of Wilder-Nation is on the verge of a very lucrative buyout. With tough negotiations ahead, he’s armed with his acquisition pitch, ready to launch the deal of a lifetime. There’s just one glitch. The last thing he expects is to fall for the hot business owner he’s trying to sway.

Dylan Reeves, computer science engineer and founder of the very successful social media site, Secret, is faced with a life-altering decision. A devoted family man with three kids and a wife, Dylan has been living a secret for years. Fiercely loyal to his convictions, his boundaries blur after meeting the striking owner of the corporation interested in acquiring his company. For the first time in his life, reckless desire consumes him when the gorgeous computer mogul makes an offer he can’t refuse.

Coming Summer 2015

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Heart of Clay by Lee Brazil & Chance at Trust by Havan Fellows Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Reviews & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Lee Brazil and Havan Fellows stopping by with the blog tour for their newest releases Heart of Clay (Lee) and Chance at Trust (Havan), Lee and Havan answer a couple of questions, we have some great excerpts, there’s a brilliant giveaway and we have Cat’s reviews. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link! <3 ~Pixie~ 

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Heart of Clay


Lee Brazil

The ghost at the heart of the problem…       

Clayton Merk, accomplished, yet arrogant, businessman, has a reputation for one-night stands and being steadfastly anti-relationship. When he decides to return home—to the root of all his problems—he brings a co-worker with him as a buffer against the past. Even though he’s ready to lay old ghosts to rest, he certainly didn’t expect a literal ghost to lend a hand.

Brad Jorgensen, Clay’s former best friend, has also clung to the past in an unhealthy way. He resents Clay for a lot of things, not the least of which is his cousin’s death decades earlier. At one time they’d been closer than brothers, but blame and anger are powerful weapons of destruction, and they’ve left Brad in a wasteland of self-doubt, hatred, and loneliness.

The ghost at the heart of the problem has had enough. Bobby isn’t pleased with his cousin or his ex. Their refusal to let go of the past has kept him on a plane where he doesn’t belong and isn’t at home. He’s expended all his energy trying to get through to Brad, without success, but Clay’s return finally gives him a foot in the door…or out the door.

If he could just get the two stubborn men together.

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Chance at Trust


Havan Fellows

The strength to walk away from an abusive long-term relationship proves Em is a survivor. But surviving isn’t necessarily living, and Em has created a life on a plateau of his own making, not even entertaining the idea of a new boyfriend. When he shows interest in a very sexy barista, his best friend sees a chance to open Em’s eyes to the possibilities in life.

Penn couldn’t help his double and triple take when the sexy man walked into his mother’s coffee shop. Priding himself on always remaining calm and collected in all situations, Penn is surprised by the strength of his attraction for this stranger. When the stranger’s loud-mouthed friend proposes a way for Penn to see Em again, he takes it.

While Em comes with baggage—his eyes tell a story of pain and distrust—Penn isn’t one to shy away from a challenge, especially when his heart is so quickly getting tied up in the equation, and he’s prepared to break through Em’s walls and give him a chance to trust.

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Redemption by Viki Lyn & Vina Grey Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, we have Viki Lyn & Vina Grey popping in today with their newest release Redemption, we have a great excerpt, a great giveaway and Shorty’s review. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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(Deliverance 01)

Viki Lyn & Vina Grey

Thou shall not kill

Archangel Raziel had no choice. He would break the Infinite’s commandment again to save his lover, Uriel, from a demon’s talons. Yet even the Infinite’s most trusted archangel cannot avoid punishment. Forced to go through the Cleansing, Raziel loses his memories and is renamed Izar, a Protector sworn to kill for the angels.

Years later, Izar is summoned to work alongside Uriel to capture a killer. Izar is shocked when his bloodlust spikes hot for the archangel. But a relationship between Protectors and angels is forbidden. As they rush to find the killer, their passion plays into the demon’s plan. Izar will have to choose between life and death if he is to save Uriel again.

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Inheritance by Lissa Kasey Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hiya guys, we have Lissa Kasey stopping by now with the new cover for her upcoming re-release Inheritance, yes, it’s been revamped and extended and it’s coming back to our bookshelves very soon! We have a great excerpt and an awesome giveaway so check out that amazing new cover and the rest of the post and click that Rafflecopter link! <3 ~Pixie~

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 (Dominion 01)

Lissa Kasey

Seiran Rou’s life is complicated—he’s the only male in the world allowed to take magic classes in a female-dominant society, his vampire boyfriend, Gabe, is hinting that he wants more, and his mother is demanding a grandchild.  But when a co-worker turns up dead on his doorstep, Seiran realizes his problems are only beginning.

With the police dogging his steps, a stalker-like bartender watching his every move, and a magic groupie following him around, Seiran is finding it hard to hide his power—a power that if revealed could get him killed. The Dominion, the ruling body of elemental magic, seems to have started a deadly game to control the rare magic he possesses.

Someone is pulling strings, murdering witches, and gathering power. When Seiran finds himself next on the hit list, he doesn’t know whether to run and hide or prove himself to be the powerful witch he is. If he stands up and fights, he’ll have to decide what is more important—hiding his power or protecting the ones he loves.

Release date: 3rd March 2015


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The Home Series by Cardeno C. Re-Release Blog Tour, Giveaway & Fanfic Contest!!

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Lets celebrate the Re-Release of The Home Series by Cardeno C.

Cardeno C. is excited to re-release the Home collection. All novels are re-edited, have sexy new covers, and include the “bonus chapters” that were previously in the Marriage anthology.

Cardeno C. - Home Banner

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The Boy and His Wolf by Sean Thomas Audiobook Tour, Guest Post, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, today we have new author Sean Thomas stopping by with his new audio release The Boy and His Wolf, Sean chats about writing and there’s a fantastic giveaway. We also have Lisa’s review of the ecopy of The Boy and His Wolf for you to check out, but let me just say Lisa was blown away with this debut short story. So enjoy the post and enter that giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

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 The Boy and His Wolf

 (The Wolves of Amber Pines 01)
 written by

Sean Thomas

Narrated by Gus Klondike

Tanner never thought he’d be back in Amber Pines or back in Dash’s bed.

But four years and 1,000 miles wasn’t enough distance to make him forget the power of first love. Sure, he spent his time training with one of the world’s top Hunters and he’s no longer the scrawny teenager he used to be. But now that his former pack is threatened, Tanner is again involved in the dangerous life he thought he left behind.

Do Tanner and Dash have a second chance or has his werewolf made his heart as impenetrable as his body? With an all-out battle raging, Tanner must find his place in the new Amber Pines or be shut out forever.

If you’re looking for Teen Wolf meets Queer As Folk, you’ll love this book.

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