Elephorilla by Jambrea Jo Jones

51xthasPEEL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Elephorilla
Series: Spliced, #4
Author: Jambrea Jo Jones
Genre: Paranormal
Length: 51 pages
Publisher: JambiLand Publishing (February 14 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4.5 Hearts
Blurb: Series blurb: When scientists mess with the most primitive elements of a man’s core, the results are bound to be explosive.
Living a loveless existence is hard for any shifter, but having DNA spliced with creatures who stand out from the crowd is damn near impossible. Which is why four experimented-on souls decide to break free from the chains that hold them, climb the fences that circle them, and go in search of adventure, passion and most of all, their mates.
But nothing worth having is ever easy, and for Sharkorilla, Pugorilla, Kangorilla and Elephorilla, this is definitely the case. They’ve come to the end of one very long, hard and frustrating road, but now, with the help of men who have big hearts, they must shed their fears, accept their bodies, and be true to the desires that burn within them. The only problem is, will they get away with it?

Elephorilla Blurb: Elephorilla – George hates change, but when his only two options are death or escape, he runs away with his friends into the unknown. Will he be able to find not only a new life, but a new love?

ISBN: e000000001263

Product Link(s): http://amzn.to/1K5XNgV


Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each one of these amazing stories is told by a different author. I would recommend reading book one first though otherwise you might get a bit lost. This story was told by Jambrea Jo Jones and I have to say she is an amazing story teller. This story caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end.

Scientists have been experimenting on humans and shifters but now they have gone too far. They managed to create humans who have two different types of shifters in them. When the lab tech’s realized that the shifters were to be put down, they did what they could to rescue them. It seems that the lab techs are somehow connected to the shifters.

George is human with gorilla and elephant genes in him. His body is gorilla and his head is elephant. He is the worrier of the group and hates change. He knew if he had not left the compound he would have died, but he had not wanted change. That is until he meets Thorne. Thorne is a wolf shifter so he knows what it is like to be a shifter. Boy does he have his work cut out for him showing and convincing George that it will be good.

I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading book three. This was one of the series that I was attracted to even before it came out. I was gifted with a look at the idea and knew that I had to read them. I was glad to have had the chance.

It was a fun read and I would recommend it.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *

Vegas Sin by Jambrea Jo Jones Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Jambrea Jo Jones - Vegas Sin BlogTour_600x315_final

Hiya guys, we have Jambrea Jo Jones and her newest release Vegas Sin, we have a fantastic guest post, a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Lisa’s review, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Jambrea Jo Jones - Vegas Sin Cover

Vegas Sin


Jambrea Jo Jones

Sex, weddings and gambling hold a back seat to kidnapping and murder in the city of sin…

Owen Carpenter sets aside one night each month to relax at the Totally Five Star, but a case has just landed on his desk that has those nights disappearing for the foreseeable future. Someone is kidnapping women in Las Vegas and Owen needs to stop them before the women end up dead.

Harrison Boone is head of security at the Totally Five Star. He notices a man who comes in once a month and he wants to know more about him. When Owen introduces himself, there’s an instant attraction between Harrison and Owen, but they are interrupted by a kidnapping—at his hotel. After Harrison leaves the military, the hotel becomes his life, so Harrison will do anything to keep the hotel out of the news and protect its reputation.

Can Owen and Harrison find love in Sin City, or will the case of the disappearing women crush what might be the best bet the men have ever placed?

Get your copy of Vegas Sin today here.

Continue reading “Vegas Sin by Jambrea Jo Jones Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Vegas Sin by Jambrea Jo Jones

28224881Title: Vegas Sin
Series: Totally Five Star Imprint
Author: Jambrea Jo Jones
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: 181 Pages
Publisher: Pride Publishing (January 26, 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: Sex, weddings and gambling hold a back seat to kidnapping and murder in the city of sin…

Owen Carpenter sets aside one night each month to relax at the Totally Five Star, but a case has just landed on his desk that has those nights disappearing for the foreseeable future. Someone is kidnapping women in Las Vegas and Owen needs to stop them before the women end up dead.

Harrison Boone is head of security at the Totally Five Star. He notices a man who comes in once a month and he wants to know more about him. When Owen introduces himself, there’s an instant attraction between Harrison and Owen, but they are interrupted by a kidnapping—at his hotel. After Harrison leaves the military, the hotel becomes his life, so Harrison will do anything to keep the hotel out of the news and protect its reputation.

Can Owen and Harrison find love in Sin City, or will the case of the disappearing women crush what might be the best bet the men have ever placed?

ISBN: 978-1-78430-952-7

Product Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/vegas-sin

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Vegas Sin is part of the Totally Five Star imprint stories.

I very rarely read murder and mystery stories, because they just don’t call to me like a good romance does. In a story I want the danger and suspense, but I also want heat, passion, romance and some hot sex. Now I have only read a handful of Jambrea’s stories but I have never been disappointed in them. And that hasn’t changed at all. This story had a serious tone which one would expect in this type of story, however there is a bit of humor that makes it even better.

I love the way Owen is when he meets Harrison. He comes off like a giddy school boy around his first boyfriend. Then there is Harrison who just absolutely adores Owen. These two get together and damn it is hot to watch.

Owen is a detective in Las Vegas and has just found himself on a multiple kidnapping case. On top of that he finally got his mother in to a home for Alzheimer’s. Then his sister and niece manage to get kicked out of yet another home, so he has some new roommates, things were getting a bit strange. However he loves his niece that is for sure. The problem is his sister looks like those missing girls.

Harrison notices Owen at the casino and wants to see more of the man. Harrison is head of security at the Totally Five Star hotel and casino. Out of the military, he loves his job and looks forward to working. It would seem now he has more to look forward to. That is if they can catch the bad guy and save the girls.

Now I did notice a few errors and spelling mishaps in the story but it didn’t take away from the story at all. Also there was something about the way this one was told that made it feel a bit stiff and off. You also don’t really get a good description of the guys which makes it hard to visualize them in the story. Plus they meet but there is no buildup to their relationship, no friction at all. Just meet, sex, and slowly fall in love with.

It gets better with time but the story was missing some important parts to make it perfect. It does come off rushed and a bit awkward. However the story has great potential. Now other than those issues with this story, I had a lot of fun reading it.

I could definitely see myself reading this more than once. There is just something about it that pulls me to the story and to the guys.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *

Unconventional in San Deigo Anthology Blog Tour, T.A. Chase Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Unconventional in San Deigo _BlogTour_WebBanner-750_final

Hi guys, we have T.A. Chase visiting us today with her newest release The Unicorn Said Yes which is part of the Unconventional in San Deigo anthology, we have a fantastic guest post from T.A.,  we have a great excerpt,  the brilliant Pride Publishing giveaway and we have Lisa’s review. So guys enjoy the post and then click the giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

GRL Unconventional in San Deigo _800

Unconventional in San Deigo


Carol Lynne, Amber Kell, TA Chase, Jambrea Jo Jones and Devon Rhodes

 ‘Fate’s Bridge’ by Carol Lynne

Is it possible for a soul to be reborn inside another?

What would you do if you discovered someone harboring a soul you recognized as one from a deceased loved one? For vampire Roman Gschwind, the scenario becomes a reality when he meets Bodi Rain.

‘Coming in Third’ by Amber Kell

Love sometimes comes in threes.

Jovan and Luka have been searching for their third for years. When Niall stumbles into the bar, their shifter instincts tell them the innocent fae could be their long sought mate. After a sensual night together, they’re certain the beautiful man was fated to be theirs.

‘The Unicorn Said Yes’ by TA Chase

When an innocent human virgin meets the king of the unicorn herd, it’s not just legends that come true.

As the unicorn king and the virgin begin to fall in love, there are darker forces working behind the scenes to take advantage of the unicorn legends for their own evil purpose. Neither Ivan nor Carney are safe alone, but together, they just might be strong enough to keep Ivan alive.

 ‘Blood on the Moon’ by Jambrea Jo Jones

Be careful what you wish for, especially when you’re a witch.

Can a witch and an incubus solve the mystery before one of them dies? The blood on the moon wasn’t the only thing they had to worry about. Meddling family, close calls with death and a missing witch are enough to keep anyone busy, but can Kishar and Montague still find time for love?

‘A Silver of Sunset’ by Devon Rhodes

From one-night stand to nurse and patient—is it crazy to expect more?

Dominic can’t believe his luck when bravely striking up a conversation with the hottest guy he’s ever seen leads to the best sex he’s ever had. When he wakes up—no surprise—Angelo is gone. A week later, he’s shocked when he walks in to meet a new oncology patient to find Angelo fighting for his life and dependent upon his care.

Will their timing ever improve, or will Angelo’s time run out before they get a chance?

Like the sound of the Unconventional in San Diego anthology? Buy it here.

Continue reading “Unconventional in San Deigo Anthology Blog Tour, T.A. Chase Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Unconventional in San Deigo – Anthology

GRL Unconventional in San Deigo _800Title: Unconventional in San Diego

Series: Anthology

Author: Carol Lynne, Amber Kell, T.A. Chase, Jambrea Jo Jones & Devon Rhodes

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Paranormal

Length: Novel (214 Pages)

ISBN: 978-1-78430-687-8

Publisher: Pride Publishing (August 11, 2015)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: ‘Fate’s Bridge’ by Carol Lynne

Is it possible for a soul to be reborn inside another?

What would you do if you discovered someone harboring a soul you recognized as one from a deceased loved one? For vampire Roman Gschwind, the scenario becomes a reality when he meets Bodi Rain.

Unfortunately, it soon becomes clear that Roman must share Bodi with another vampire if he has any chance of rekindling the love that he’d lost so long ago.

‘Coming in Third’ by Amber Kell

Love sometimes comes in threes.

With his mother plotting to have him wed, Niall decides to sneak out of the fae palace and fulfill one of his greatest fantasies. At the Unconventional bar, he finds a pair of lion shifters looking to spice up their love life. Unable to resist the strong attraction between them, Niall lets the persuasive pair take him home.

Jovan and Luka have been searching for their third for years. When Niall stumbles into the bar, their shifter instincts tell them the innocent fae could be their long sought mate. After a sensual night together, they’re certain the beautiful man was fated to be theirs.

His guards fetch him from the shifters’ bed and Niall is taken away from the pair. Upset about Niall’s return to the palace and a possible arranged marriage, the lion shifters battle to decide their future—should they go and fetch their mate or let it only be the one-night stand Niall promised them?

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of M/M/M ménage.

‘The Unicorn Said Yes’ by T.A. Chase

When an innocent human virgin meets the king of the unicorn herd, it’s not just legends that come true.

Ivan Brusilov goes to Unconventional to get a drink and let off some steam. Little does he realize he’ll be meeting his destiny when he walks in.

Carney Ferguson goes to the paranormal bar to celebrate his twenty-fifth birthday. Maybe he’s looking for some fun as well, considering he’s still a virgin. He doesn’t like admitting it, but when he meets Ivan, he discovers that being a virgin can bring opportunities that being experienced might not.

As the unicorn king and the virgin begin to fall in love, there are darker forces working behind the scenes to take advantage of the unicorn legends for their own evil purpose. Neither Ivan nor Carney are safe alone, but together, they just might be strong enough to keep Ivan alive.

‘Blood on the Moon’ by Jambrea Jo Jones

Be careful what you wish for, especially when you’re a witch.

Montague Ramey wanted something to happen in his life. He thought when he found out he was a witch that his life would become more exciting, but it was the same thing every day. His coven was nice and boring, as was his job with the television station anchoring the news. The only excitement he got was going to the local bar, but there weren’t very many men who wanted to play. That was, until the moon turned red and his life changed.

After Kishar Nichelson’s motorcycle stalled on the highway with no traffic in sight, he stumbled into a small town around midnight, the red moon guiding his way. On the run and weak, Kishar needed to figure out where he was and who was after him before lack of sex killed him.

Can a witch and an incubus solve the mystery before one of them dies? The blood on the moon wasn’t the only thing they had to worry about. Meddling family, close calls with death and a missing witch are enough to keep anyone busy, but can Kishar and Montague still find time for love?

‘A Sliver of Sunset’ by Devon Rhodes

From one-night stand to nurse and patient—is it crazy to expect more?

Angelo has somehow developed leukemia—the only paranormal ever known to do so—and the doctors are mystified as to the cause. The cure requires him to repress his shifter side with a chemical inhibitor and be entirely human while he goes through chemotherapy, which contributes to some interesting situations he never would have foreseen—things like ‘misplacing’ his favorite bar, Unconventional, and getting picked up by a human without realizing it’s his mate.

Dominic can’t believe his luck when bravely striking up a conversation with the hottest guy he’s ever seen leads to the best sex he’s ever had. When he wakes up—no surprise—Angelo is gone. A week later, he’s shocked when he walks in to meet a new oncology patient to find Angelo fighting for his life and dependent upon his care.

Will their timing ever improve, or will Angelo’s time run out before they get a chance? 

Product Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/unconventional-in-san-diego

Review: When sexy humans and paranormals meet in a club set up for drinks, it is going to get hot. This is one of the cutest, sexiest, extremely hot and a perfect story to read. You get all different types of paranormals that will intrique you and captivate your heart. I always look forward to stories written by some of my favorite authors and I was not disappointed at all.

‘Fate’s Bridge’ by Carol Lynne ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Roman, Alexi and Bodi what a combination. Roman had been deeply in love with Julian. The problem was Julian passed on with a bit of pain. He had promised to come back. Roman had held on. Then over time, Roman met Bodi with Alexi’s help. Alexi was Romans brother by vampire ways not by birth. He had not expected to be bonded to Alexi also.

Damn this was a very hot story even if it was way too short to fall in love with. I do hope that Carol turns around and expands this story. I would definitely buy that book.

‘Coming in Third’ by Amber Kell ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Niall, Jovan and Luka are a sight to see. Niall was going to be forced into a marriage by his bitch of a mother, but for once he had other ideas. He was going to have a ménage a trios with two sexy men. He was shocked to find the two in lion shifters and what’s more they were his mates. Although he hadn’t known that at the time. Leave it to Jovan and Luka to save the day. Hot damn these three are hot.

Amber always gives one a good story. This was definitely hot and sexy, too bad it was to short to get more than a taste. I hope Amber expands it and turns it into a story on its own. I would definitely be the first to buy it.

‘The Unicorn Said Yes’ by T.A. Chase ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Carney and Ivan are a unique pair that is for sure. Ivan is the Unicorn king and Carney is the son of hunters. Carney had been given permission to go out finally and he was going to have fun. Although he had not expect Ivan.

This one was a bit stranger that is for sure. I wasn’t really sure what to think about it. I did have fun reading it. It is one of a very few list of books which have unicorns in it, so it makes it a truly fascinating story.

‘Blood on the Moon’ by Jambrea Jo Jones ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Montague and Kishar are two hot men that I wouldn’t mind seeing in action. Kishar was an incubi and his kind needed sex to survive. He was against killing. Montague was surprised when he found Kishar outside of his home. He was even more surprised to find out that Kishar was for him. Montague was a powerful witch who has found his mate.

This was better than I thought it would be. Jambrea gave another good story. Now if only she would expand it and give me a book to buy. Because this little taste left me wanting more. It was an exciting story that had a bit of a twist.

‘A Sliver of Sunset’ by Devon Rhodes ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Dominic and Angelo are a love story for sure. You get to meet Angel in Amber’s story. He is a sex little merman who has found out that para’s can get cancer. He went to the club, to find it gone, but ended up meeting Dominic. Dominic is the perfect nurse for when you get ill. These two are just so damn sweet. Dominic is in fact Angel’s nurse and so much more.

This was a cute little story that did intrigue me. I have not ever read a story that involved mermen so it was a different type of story, plus cancer added in made it intriguing. It was so damn short that all I got was a taste. I would love for Devon to expand it with more details and history. It would be a book that I would purchase that is for sure.


I definitely would go to this bar. It looks interesting and sounds perfect. It invites humans and paranormals for a drink. I had a great time with it and look forward to reading more by these amazing authors. I had a blast with this book and would definitely recommend it.

Storming Love: Flood series Book Blast, Guest Post, Excerpt, Reviews & Giveaway!

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Hi guys do we have a treat for you today, MLR Press has this fantastic book blast for their newest series Storming Love: Flood there are several authors on this tour and we have Cherie Noel visiting with Patric & Sam, we have a fantastic post from Cherie where she tells us her own flood story, we have a brilliant excerpt of Patric & Sam, there’s Cherie’s comment giveaway for our blog and the tour wide MLR Press rafflecopter giveaway, *wipes brow* and we also have Cat’s reviews for three of the already published Storming Love: Flood, so check out this post, leave your own flood story in the comments (with a way to be contacted by Cherie if you win) and then click that Rafflecopter link! <3 ~Pixie~   


Storming Love: Flood


Various Authors: NJ Nielsen, Jenn Dease, Jambrea Jo Jones, AC Katt, Pelaam, Cherie Noel

N.J. Nielsen: Adrian and Lockie

Storming Love - Flood N.J._NielsenAdrian Clarke knows his life is a hot mess. This is only one of the reasons he boards a plane and flies halfway around the world—so he can escape everything that’s determined to see him break. Lockie Rivers has worked his whole life on Tenderfoot Downs. After his boss died, Lockie remained as caretaker for the new owner—a man who’d never even set foot on the place. When circumstances bring them face to face, a flash flood comes along to threaten their very existence. Can virtual strangers work together to save their home, their hearts, and find their own slice of heaven?


Jenn Dease: Bridge and Doug

Storming Love - Flood Jenn_DeaseFourth generation lawman, Bridge Bridgerton, has never seen Copper Creek, Texas, flood before. Doug Jones is a lifeguard stopping in Copper Creek to look after his grandfather’s house. Together, they help rescue some of the residents trapped in the rising water.  And together, they feel an attraction for each other that gets stronger day by day. But, will they be able to stay together once the water goes down?


Jambrea Jo Jones: Pete and McKenzie

Storming Love - Flood Jambrea_Jo_JonesMcKenzie Hallowell was born and bred in Copper Creek. He knew what could happen during flash flood season, but that didn’t stop him from driving through water during a storm. Almost dying might be the best thing that ever happened to him.

Pete Compton moved to town five years ago to take over a feed store. He’d been crushing on McKenzie Hallowell almost from the start. A flash flood brings them together, but will it also bring them love?


A.C. Katt: Derrick and Steven

Storming Love - Flood A.C.KattWhen a flash flood strikes, Steven stays behind at school to find a little girl who hid from the storm. His lover, Derrick, comes to rescue them both but can only get Josie out. Will Derrick be able to get back to the elementary school in time to get Steven or will he lose him to the raging flood waters?

Releases today: http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=SLS3_ACK

Pelaam: Euan and Gregg

Storming Love - Flood PelaamEuan looks forward to spending time with his best friend, and unrequited love, Gregg. But Gregg has a confession himself, he isn’t the straight jock Euan thinks. When the truth emerges, Euan learns of a side to his friend’s life he never imagined.

Just as they find out the truth Mother Nature unleashes her fury and they’re trapped on a mountain during the flood.

Even if they weather nature’s storm, there is still a more personal fury to be faced.

Available 1st May 2015

Cherie Noel: Patric and Sam

Storming Love - Flood SamPatric_CherieHall_StormingFloodPatric Carselowey stole Samuel Touchet-Smith’s heart six years ago in an incendiary act of passion. Then he disappeared, joining the Army without a word. When he returned, treating Sam like stranger, he broke Sam’s heart. Now Sam’s meddling Maman and sister have booked him a hiking tour with Patric as the guide. Caught in the unexpected storm, will Sam’s wounded heart be healed during their race to safety or crushed once and for all by lingering misunderstandings and lost memories?

Available 8th May 2015

Continue reading “Storming Love: Flood series Book Blast, Guest Post, Excerpt, Reviews & Giveaway!”

Love Don't Die by Jambrea Jo Jones

91JO01roLgL._SL1500_Title: Love Don’t Die
Series: Unconventional Chicago, #2
Author: Jambrea Jo Jones
Genre: Contemporary/Action-Adventure
Length: Short Story (48 Pages)
Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing (December 12, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts
Blurb: They might die, but their love never will…

Moran Schultz was tasked with getting information from one ward to another. He was all for helping his brother make Chicago a better place. What he wasn’t expecting was his lover to show up after a month of no contact.

Dutch Luciano isn’t going to let Moran go without a fight. They love each other and the gangs in charge of Chicago aren’t going to keep them apart.

Can Moran let Dutch back in or is it too dangerous? More than Chicago is on the line. Will love be strong enough to survive?

ISBN: 978-1-78430-323-5

Product Link: https://www.totallybound.com/love-dont-die

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This story has been previously released as part of the An Unconventional Chicago anthology by Totally Bound Publishing.

You need to read the first book in this series because if you don’t I can tell you that you will get lost. Moran and Dutch have been fighting a war and trying not to get killed. When Dutch is captured and taken away from him, he fears that he will be killed. So from that time on he had decided to let the man go. It was the only way he could protect the man he loved and his sanity. The problem was Dutch was not going to let that happen.

I had a blast with this story, in fact probably more than the first one. There is so much passion in these two men, that you can’t help but to be captivated by them. Dutch loves Moran so much, that he will risk his life to see him and to hold him one more time. Whereas Moran is just trying to keep Dutch safe. So when Moran is injured, they both know that things have to change.

It was told with so much heart that makes this story explosive to me. I love the way they mingle and fight with trying to keep the other safe. I also love how they are willing to risk all to be with each other. When they get together, the place goes up in smoke from the flames of their passion. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. I couldn’t stop reading even if I wanted to. It gave me everything I could possibly want in it. I would recommend this to everyone, but start with the first book so you will know what they fight for.

It will give you sexy men, men with guns, excitement, adventure, hot sex, and lots of danger. What more could you possibly want in a story.

On the Home Front by Jambrea Jo Jones

912AITd2mCL._SL1500_Title: On the Home Front
Series: This story has been previously released as part of the Stand to Attention anthology by Totally Bound Publishing
Author: Jambrea Jo Jones
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (57 pages)
Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing (March 13th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: Forgiving yourself is the hardest battle…

Peter “Bulldog” Jakes killed his mother. People tell him it isn’t his fault, but he is just as guilty as if he pulled the trigger. Bulldog knew being in the Army Special Forces would eventually hurt his family.

Moby Edwards’ heart aches for his First Sergeant and he wants to help, but Bulldog blows him off—every time.

When Bulldog is forced to take leave, Moby follows, but will things out of their control ruin what could be the healing power of friends turned into lovers?
Product Link: https://www.totallybound.com/on-the-home-front
Reviewer: Portia
Review: As some of you may know, Jambrea is my go to author for Sci-fi. And as much as I love her in that little box, On the Home Front has made me realize that girlfriend can write Contemporary, too.

Don’t tell anyone, but this was my favorite story in the Stand to Attention Anthology. It had it all, just enough angst, and a bit of suspense, hot soldiers, and steamy lovin’. Moby is the best boyfriend. He just seems to know what Bulldog needs. From dealing with “parenthood” to dealing with his past, Moby helps without taking over. That rung true, for me.

And speaking of parenthood, I really felt like I was watching the birth of a family. I always enjoy watching big, strong men deal with little girls. I also liked the fact that I didn’t guess the bad guy. (This is my only complaint, although the suspense made sense, I would have like to see a bit more foreshadowing.)

This story could easily have been a full novel, but Jambrea did an excellent job within such a limited format. Highly recommend.

Big Bone Lick Pack ~ A MLR Press Anthology

81-w0ESlkQL._SL1425_Title: Big Bone Lick Pack

Series: Anthology

Author: Jambrea Jo Jones, Kendal McKenna, and Cherie Noel

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal and shifter

Length: Novel (279 Pages)

ISBN: 978-1-60820-9163

Publisher: MLR Press LLC, January 23rd, 2014

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb:Welcome to the Big Bone Lick Pack: A more friendly and hospitable group of werewolves you’ll never meet! Visit with; ‘Devil Dog & Bad Wolf’, a ‘Big Bad Bear’ and enjoy some ‘Shifty Fox Shenanigans’. Watch yourself, ’round the state park, ’cause we had a grizzly on the loose, just a bit ago. Our brave men and woman of the Boone County Sheriff’s Department have everything under control. (Except maybe their own love lives!) But if find yourself needing a doctor, head on down to Rabbit Hash clinic, or St. Elizabeth’s Hospital is just up the road a piece. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Purchase Link: http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=ANTHBBLS

Review: Altogether, this anthology is one of the best I have come across. It shows the way true love should be, the way everyone dreams about. It has wonderful characters that you cheer on, their world you want to dwell in, a place to call home. This has three wonderful stories, which involves wolves, bears, and foxes. Six very sexy men all looking for the same thing love. I hope you enjoy them. Here is more about each one and their own review.

Devil Dogs and Bad Wolf ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts

I always love marines and when you throw in one hell of a werewolf, you have a great read.

When trying to prove that werewolves do not exist, it ends up having Seth camping in Kentucky. A marine a bit terrified a funny sight of wild animals. It was fun to hear about. What was unexpected though was one very big grizzly bear. A very pissed off bear attacks for no reason, ends up with a fight between the bear and a wolf. A wolf who is in fact a werewolf. One very sexy werewolf named Asa.

Seth was on leave from the Marine’s trying to decide if he wants to stay in or get out. He loved the Marines but he wondered what he truly wanted to do. So camping to prove his brother wrong was one way to get out of the house and just think. He is sexy as hell, funny, compassionate, and down to home guy. He never really thought about having a boyfriend or anything more than what he would do with his life. However coming across Asa and being injured has left him confused and horny as hell.

Asa on the other hand is a werewolf who didn’t believe in true life mates till he came across Seth. Trying to keep Seth alive and his feelings at bay were two of the hardest things to do, but first he had to get his mate to feel the same thing. Asa is a powerful and kind alpha of his pack. He is loved by all and is one hell of a good alpha. Now he just had to come to terms that mates really do exist. And he had one hell of a sexy mate to love.

I loved how both characters got along from the start, how they always looked for the other one and wanted them with them. The sex between them is gentle, caring and loving, well till Seth heals because there is just a hint of what is to come. It is full of passion and love. I would recommend this to anyone who loved to hear about a military man and a werewolf, two very hot and sexy men, great sex and all together fantastic life ahead of them. I really do hope that there are more of these types of story from Kendall because I will definitely be buying more of her stories.

The Big Bad Bear ♥♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Well now, this book tops all books for being funny. The big bad grizzly turns out to be Dov and he had a really good reason for attacking Seth. Not really, a good reason but a reason nonetheless.

Dov had started out on a bike when he crashed into the woods. After suffering a massive head injury, he is stuck in his grizzly bear form. Confused, thinking like a bear his thoughts made him think that Seth was invading his home. After realizing that Seth and the wolf were not intending harm but the wolf keeping Seth safe, he runs off. Confused and stuck in bear form has him running quite awhile before taking refuge at the bank of the river.

Kane, beta to Asa is sent to look for the bear and to figure out what has happened. What he comes across though is his mate. A mate that has no real idea what is going on and stuck in his animal form. Knowing the dangers that could happen if he doesn’t get Dov to shift back to human form, he pushes Dov. Thankfully, it worked, but now he has a very big mate who definitely wants to mate him. Funny as hell is what it is. Both powerful in their own way they have a lot of things to overcome.

I loved this book but I needed more to this one. I did laugh at some good parts of it. I wish it had been longer though, because I want to see Asa’s reaction when Kane brings Dov to meet his alpha. I want to know how they all react to each other and I want to know more about Dov’s motorcycle accident. Was it an accident or was it more….I would recommend this book to anyone who loves two very sexy men who can’t keep their hands off of each other, bear shifters and werewolves, and great sex.

Shifty Fox Shenanigans ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Simon is in for a surprise of his life in more way then one. He was the nurse who had taken care of Seth when he was hurt by the Grizzly Bear who turned out to be Dov. He is a funny character what with his crazy attitude, clumsy ways and just completely loveable. You can’t help but fall in love with him. It turns out he is a very cute fox shifter. He just didn’t know it.

Josiah is the head shrink that works for the hospital and is also an omega wolf. The low man on the pole so to speak. When Simon falls into his lap, literally by accident he finds his mate. Now all he has to do is get the courage up to ask him out. He had been gone quite awhile from the pack so things were a bit different then they had been in the beginning. For one Asa was now alpha and he was mated now.

This story had me laughing my ass off throughout the story. I would definitely be recommending this story to anyone who loves sexy characters and a multitude of different shape shifters. Now in my reviews I stated I wish there was more to it…Well there is a surprise at the end just for you. It takes the stories and combines them in the end. It is an amazing anthology one that I hope I will read more than once. I also will be checking Kendall, Jambrea and Cherie’s book for future reads. Their gifts of storytelling give you a wonderful world to lose yourself into when times get tough. I hope you enjoy this great story.

Ride Me by Jambrea Jo Jones

19341534Title:Ride Me

Series: Dark Encounters, #3

Author:Jambrea Jo Jones 

Genre: BDSM/Contemporary

Length: Short (37 pages)

Publisher:Totally Bound (December 27th, 2014)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Cat

Blurb:Let the games begin…
Franco James is in for a night of self-discovery when the owner of Dark Encounters, Trevor Keaton, takes him on a tour of the naughty toys on display for the Sex Carnival. They start with a nice Farris Wheel spanking and explore just how far Trevor can push Franco’s limits, but at the end of the night—will Trevor be his forever Sir?

Purchase Link: https://www.totallybound.com/ride-me

Review: Franco works for Trevor at a sex club called Dark Encounters. He secretly longs  for Trevor to be his Sir, but knows it will never happen as long as he works at the club since Trevor has a strict no messing with the help rule, and Franco needs and likes his job to much to quit especially since Trevor has never even hinted at any interest in him. Franco jumped at the chance to volunteer for the clubs carnival for a charity.

This is book three of the Dark Encounters series and my first time reading in the series. It stands alone pretty well. If you want more on the characters we probably need to read from the beginning though.

I liked Franco. He knows what he wants; he is a hard worker and dedicated to his job and boss. Trevor seems to be a good person too. I am sure I would know a lot more about him if I read the first two books but I got a very good feel of him here.  The story is pretty much sex based with a bit of a romantic interlude added in. The sex is pretty- hot, especially if you like BDSM and sex machines. I found some of these machines and stuff quite intriguing.

If you like BDSM, sex toys, sex clubs, carousels birdcages, and lots of hot sex this is for you!

Big Bone Lick Pack Blog Tour with Giveaway!

Hey everyone, we have three great authors visiting us today… er two, Kendall McKenna’s been laid low by an evil flu bug but she sends her love. So lets see how Big Bone Lick Pack came to be and how Jambrea, Cherie and Kendall brainstormed this versatile pack…. oh and click on the Rafflecopter link to win a Big Bone Lick Pack T-shirt. 😉 Oh and a huge shout out to Madison Parker who snuck some pic’s of the crew from MLR Press at GLR ~Pixie~

BBL Blog IMG_20131018_173601BBL Blog Lucy Lou

We’re touring in support of the Big Bone Lick Pack, an anthology which came out January 24 from MLR Press. http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=ANTHBBLS

It features stories written by Kendall McKenna (www.kendallmckenna.com ), Jambrea Jo Jones (www.jambrea.com ) and Cherie Noel (http://talesfromthewritingcave.blogspot.com/p/my-books.html ).

BBL Blog 1491757_10151849323920488_262744904_nBIG BONE LICK PACK (ANTHOLOGY)

Bad Wolf & Devil Dog by Kendall McKenna

Big, Bad Bear by Jambrea Jo Jones

Shifty Fox Shenanigans by Cherie Noel


Welcome to the Big Bone Lick Pack: A more friendly and hospitable group of werewolves you’ll never meet! Visit with; ‘Devil Dog & Bad Wolf’, a ‘Big Bad Bear’ and enjoy some ‘Shifty Fox Shenanigans’. Watch yourself, ’round the state park, ’cause we had a grizzly on the loose, just a bit ago. Our brave men and woman of the Boone County Sheriff’s Department have everything under control. (Except maybe their own love lives!) But if you find yourself needing a doctor, head on down to Rabbit Hash clinic, or St. Elizabeth’s Hospital is just up the road a piece. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Brainstorming:BBL Blog IMG_20131017_183742

Jambrea: We’ve talked about the fun multi colored google doc. I think we’ve even talked about the back and forth on Facebook, but—there was more! What could it possibly be you might ask? Well… Picture this. It’s Oct. and GRL (Gayromlit) time. Guess who is going to be there? ALL THREE of us.

Those of you who have not been might not understand how hard it is to carve out time to just sit and talk. You’re on the go all the time and this year I had a couple author things scheduled that freaked me out because I’ve never done anything like it before. I mean… I did a reading. Of my story. In front of PEOPLE! Lol

We texted back and forth a couple times and finally got together on the last day. I was standing in the lobby looking for Cherie and Kendall. I couldn’t find them for the longest time until I spotted Kendall sitting down at a table. At this point I had maybe a paragraph done of my story. Um—it was due Nov. 15th. Yes, I was cutting it close, but everyone by now should know that none of us turned the story in on time. Lol I was a couple days late.

BBL Blog Madison Pic of Me & LisaSo finally, GRL is winding down. People are leaving and I’ve got Kendall sitting with me. Cherie—I think she was outside. Or upstairs. I don’t know. She didn’t answer my text. Lol Kendall and I started to talk a bit about our characters. I mean—one of mine was going to attack hers. The talk was too short, but Cherie did join us after a bit. I had my notebook where I’d written a page at the airport going to GRL and I wrote a few notes. I need to know about Park Rangers and how they would be added. A bit about the sheriff’s office because Kane was going to work for Asa.

It wasn’t until after we got home, maybe a week or so later when Kendall sent us the first bit of her story. And I needed that because my story was going to jump off from her story and we share a scene. We did some more back and forth, but it was fun to sit down with the two people you are writing with and hash a few things out. It was one of the highlights of the project. Well—that and Kris’ reminder that we only had 3 weeks left to write the thing. I’m pretty sure that came up a bunch at GRL.

BBL Blog IMG_20131017_210154Cherie: GRL is definitely madness, mayhem, and delightful foolishness. So yes indeed it is extremely difficult to carve out time to see everyone. I had only seen Kendall a little bit over the four days we’d been there, and Jambrea a touch more. Mama Kris was absolutely breathing down our necks to get ourselves all in one spot and hash out details. Kendall and Jambrea were calmly sitting in the lobby, sipping their coffees and discussing the starting points of their respective stories. And me? I was AWOL.

Here’s a secret most don’t know about me. As much as I LOVE going to GRL, as much as I LOVE seeing everyone face to face, the big events with tons of folk around scare the pants off me. I know it doesn’t look like that on the surface, because my go-to defense mechanism is to morph into a social butterfly. Which works okay to keep me from having panic attacks, but plays merry hell on trying to get actual work done.

BBL Blog Madison Pic of CherieWhile Jambrea and Kendall were getting down to brass tacks and moving fictional mountains out of the way, I was outside on the smoking patio, trying to hold onto my cool. Thank goodness those two were so rock steady. In the two or three fly by sneak planning attacks I managed in the time they were sitting together in the lobby, Jambie and Kendall gave me all the information I needed to get my story rolling.  I say again, I could not have done it without them.  And next time we’re all in one place (GRL2014?) I’m hoping to schedule a dinner or lunch out with just the two of them and Mama Kris. Because the only way I’ll manage to get there and sit there and actually stay in one place for more than two minutes is if they take me away from all the whoopla and nail my flitterty-gibbet wings to the chair I’m sitting in.

Even so, with me doing the fly-by method of contact, just being able to see their facial expressions, BBL Blog Madison Pic of Krishear the tone of their voices as we discussed details… well, it made all the difference for me. I left Atlanta with a firm grounding in the essence of the world we were building—not to say I didn’t stray from the clearly marked paths and have to be reined in by Kris, Jambie, and Kendall at differing times—but I recognized the paths when the three of them had to spin me around and point me ever so gently back in the right direction. I agree with Jambrea that you really can’t beat having some face time to get that extra level of comfort and trust built. It makes the project easier to accomplish.

The prize is going to be a Big Bone Lick Tee! Just click to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Where Tomorrow Shines by Jambrea Jo Jones

2222-210x336Title: Where Tomorrow Shines

Series: Unconventional In Atlanta, Book 6

Author: Jambrea Jo Jones

Length: Short (36 Pages)

Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing (December 20th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Be All You Can Be?

Kasey Adams will show Quinn Nelson just what kind of man he is. After a couple of dates, it’s been radio silence and Kasey wants to know why. He’s ready to settle down with just one guy and start his life.

Quinn is tired. He just wants to do his job and go home at the end of the day with an ice-cold beer and something on the TV. He doesn’t have time for a happy shiny kid who wants to change the world.

Can Kasey convince Quinn they are meant to be?

Publisher’s Note: This story has been previously released as part of the Unconventional in Atlanta anthology by Totally Bound Publishing.

Product Link:  https://www.totallybound.com/where-tomorrow-shines

Review: What happens when an ex military man lets his brain run the show?

Quinn over thinks everything and doesn’t want to hurt Kasey so he does exactly that. Kasey is so loveable and gentle you can’t help but love him, but he sees what his man is doing and goes to have it out. The sex is amazing and so full of heat and passion. You can’t help but cheer this couple on and want to be there when they make a life for themselves.

This story was very funny and a tad bit serious but mostly funny. I love this anthology because they are so cute and funny, and you don’t really have to start with book one, but you should to get a fill for each character. I would love for this book, as well as the others to be longer. There is so much promise to them. There is so much talent in each story. I love this and can’t wait to read it again.

Rayne's Wild Ride by Jambrea Jo Jones

Title: Rayne’s Wild Ride

Series: N/A

Author: Jambrea Jo Jones

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella

Publisher: Total E-Bound (October 31st, 2011)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥3Hearts

Blurb: Rayne Carr was riding his bike, minding his own business when his life was forever changed. Driving over State Boulevard Bridge he sees a woman about to jump and intervenes. Appearances can be deceiving.

Charles Sylvester Piper, III wants to end it all. No one understands him. His father is abusive and his mother hides in a bottle. When his younger brother finds Piper in his favorite dress he is kicked out of his basement apartment. With nowhere to turn he leaves his life to fates hands. When a big scary biker asks for a kiss on the worst night of his life, who is he to refuse.

Is love really all you need?

Product Link: http://www.total-e-bound.com/product.asp?P_ID=1399

Reviewer: Thommie

Review: Piper is a 22-year-old man, he’s gay, and he likes dressing in woman’s clothes. When he’s discovered by his father he suffers a violent scene and gets thrown out.  In a moment of emotional instability, Piper decides to end his misery by jumping off of a bridge. A biker passing by sees him and in his attempt to stop him asks for a kiss. Piper has never had a kiss and can’t resist the temptation of having at least one before he ends his life.

Ray can’t believe the lighting that strokes him by this woman’s kiss. Such a passionate person should not be trying to end her life and he makes it up his mind to do his best to help her… or him, as it turns out the gorgeous woman is a man dressed up…a stunning one that is.

This is how the story starts and it follows the efforts of Piper finding himself and standing on his feet, accepting all that he is. On one side, his dysfunctional family with a violent father, a drunken mother, and an uncaring brother. On the other, there’s Ray, a big bear of a man who seems not only to have no problem with Piper’s kink, but finding him actually hot. And Ray’s family, of course, that is the exact opposite of his. They are caring, accepting, and giving.

Piper’s character was fairly emotional and confused. Although he is 22 years old, he’s very much innocent, being in the closet for so many years and having constant fear of his father in every corner. I would have loved this story to be a bit darker, a bit more real perhaps.  It flows so light and that makes no justice for the protagonist’s background.

Ray, on the other hand, is the very essence of sunshine. He’s literally the incarnation of a guardian angel. He shows up, saves the helpless Piper and sticks by him as if they’d known each other for years. At least they make up with their intimate moments. They do look good together and the sexual scenes that follow are hot and cute at the same time.

All in all, this was a fairytale, a romance that had the Snow-white, the Prince, the “dwarfs” and the evil Witch. Not entirely my thing, but if you’re into romance with a smooth, flowing plot this is your book for you.



Reward by Jambrea Jo Jones

Title: Reward

Series:   Alliance 04

Author:  Jambrea Jo Jones

Genre:   Science Fiction

Length:  Novel

Publisher:  Total E-Bound (February 27, 2012)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Book four in the Alliance Series

Vacation can be its own reward.

James Rodrick deserved a vacation. Running around the galaxy protecting people can be a rough road. His first officer was nicely settled and a cure for a deadly disease had been found. Time for a break. Alphonse Carter was not what the doctor ordered. A con man on the run does not a vacation make.

Alphonse Carter lived life high on the hog pretending to be something he wasn’t. His undercover identity was discovered and now he must flee before he is caught by the wrong side. Hijacking a captain with Alliance ties wasn’t in the cards, but he had to take what he could.

Will mistaken identity cause havoc or romance?

Product Link:  http://www.total-e-bound.com/product.asp?strParents=&CAT_ID=&P_ID=1556

Reviewer:   Portia

Review:  The fourth installment of the Alliance saga opens with James Roderick on vacation.  Well, actually, it’s more of a pity party, but let’s not quibble with details.  James’ first mate oopsed up and fell in love and ran off to live with his lover.  James is happy for them, but he wouldn’t mind finding his own “happy-ever-after”.  Alphonse/Ali is up to his eyeballs in an undercover operation gone bad.  He’s just trying to get off the planet and keep his ass alive.

If you’ve read my reviews, you are probably aware that I have a serious girl-crush on Jambrea Jo Jones.  No one feeds my love of MM sci-fi like she does.  Reward has all the action adventure, steamy sex…all through that space ship, and intrigue I’ve come to expect from JJJ.  If you haven’t read the other Alliance books, relax…Reward does nicely as a standalone.

The guys of Reward are a bit rougher than some of her other male characters.  James is an ex-Alliance pilot, who hates all this Alliance.  He’s loyal and smart and a good guy to have around in a fight.  Alphonse, on the other hand, fights dirty and is well…Alliance to the born.  James and Alphonse’s attraction is immediate and off the charts.  Sex is not a problem for these two.  Unfortunately, that is the only easy thing in their lives, right now.  The road to their HEA is littered with spies, betrayal, and oh yeah…literal bombs.

I loved everything about this book.  But, especially, the fact that these two are all man.  Alphas males to the core.  They work hard, play hard and love hard.  They also complement one another and do what it takes to keep the other safe and happy.

I think you should read this book, for no other reason, that to keep Jambrea feeding my addiction.  I really need Angel’s story written faster.  😉  Highly recommend.

Salvation by Jambrea Jo Jones

Title:  Salvation

Series:  Alliance

Author:  Jambrea Jo Jones

Genre:   Sci-fi, MMF, Futuristic

Length: Novel

Publisher:  Total-E-Bound

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:  Salvation: Can three people save each other?

Rock is a gun runner who was set in life. The only thing missing is a partner. He thinks it could be Sela, but he wants to be sure he isn’t after her because she reminds him of an old crush. When Dr. Alexander d’Ado explodes onto the scene, he is a goner. Can he have his cake and eat it too?

Zander is a scientist who lives for his work. He is usually oblivious to anything else. When his ship explodes around him can he find salvation in two roughened warriors? He has no idea why someone would be after him, but the three race to find out before someone kills him.

Will the trio find love while on the run?

Product Link:  http://www.total-e-bound.com/product.asp?strParents=&CAT_ID=&P_ID=1218

Reviewer:   Portia

Review:  Okay, let me start by saying that Jambrea Jo Jones is now among a handful of romance writers that do MMF the way I like it.  There’s no leg of this triad that is stronger than the other.  The love and the loving are divided evenly among all the lovers.  That being said, Rock, Sela and Zander are the perfect Triad.  Watching them fall is love was a true pleasure.

The first thing I liked about this book is that even though I jumped into the middle of series, I didn’t feel like I was missing key elements of the storyline.  The world building and back-story were easy to follow.  For those of you who did it right, Rave and Kain from the first book, Retribution, are in there and sexy as ever.

Favorite character?  That would be a hard choice.  Sela spends a lot of time trying not to fall in love with not one man, but two.  Rock is such a he-man, but you always know that his heart is in the right place.  Then there’s Zander, sweet geeky Zander who falls in love with two warriors and is constantly questioning his ability to pull his weight in their unconventional relationship.

I loved this book on every level.  Whether in pairs or all together, the sex with these guys is off the chart hot.  And not just erotic, get ya hot hot, but sensuous loving that allows each to be vulnerable with and strong for the others.  I can honest say I’m looking forward to the next MM book, Freedom, scheduled to release 12/05/2011, like a kid at Christmas.

If you love a story with smoking hot loving, uber bad guys and a happy ever after, Salvation should definitely be on your to-read list.  Trust me.  You will not be disappointed.  Excellent writing that you can always expect from Jambrea Jo Jones, fabulous plot twist and characters you can’t help but love.  Highly recommend!!!