Fin by Maggie Walsh

Title: Fin

Series: The Angel Pack 15

Author: Maggie Walsh

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (124 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (February 14, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: The battle the pack have all been waiting for is now upon them. Their enemy advances closer as even the world around them falls to total annihilation.

Jesse and Micah try to grasp the severity of the situation while still keeping everyone safe, but soon learn that is not possible. Pulling on their love for one another in hopes that it will see them through, Micah and Jesse step out onto the field of battle, along with those they love, and hold onto their faith that Fate knew what she was doing when she chose them.

As the battle ensues, many surprises are revealed, but a world of heartbreak shatters their resolve. In the end, will they stand victorious or will Hades win and bring the world to its knees in darkness for eternity?

When all is said and done, when the battle is over and the smoke clears, only one remains standing, in a field of blood, but is it one on the side of good or evil?

ISBN: 978-1-64010-9698

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in The Angel Pack collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Hades and Mimos are making their move. It is time for Jesse and Micah to get the others together and make the final move. The battle will be the one for the books.

I still think that Noah will always be my favorite out of them all. He just has this innocence to him that makes me smile. Micah has found the way that might win this and boy is Jesse going to be surprised. As always this story caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. It gave me everything I could want in a story and so much more. You get suspense, excitement, danger, major surprises and some hot loving in this book among other things.

I have my favorite authors and stories and I can guarantee that Maggie Walsh is one of them. Her stories are a big hit and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

I would definitely recommend this book.

The Final Countdown by Maggie Walsh

Title: The Final Countdown

Series: Beyond The Angel Pack 05

Author: Maggie Walsh

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (204 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (February 1, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: When Nicco found his mate at the age of sixteen, he knew he could not claim him. Thad was too young for him, but that didn’t stop Nicco from checking in on his mate. One day, Thad comes to Nicco to say goodbye and inform Nicco that he is leaving. The pain of losing his mate, even without claiming him, is too great and Nicco is forced to turn to a witch to place a spell on him to block the agony, so that he could go on.

Now, eleven years later, a stalker terrorizes Thad, and he turns to ParaSafe for protection, but he is unprepared for the cold man his mate has become. Realizing that it has to be the spell that is causing Nicco’s strange behavior, they must find the witch in time to reverse the spell so that Thad can stand by his mate in the upcoming battle, or they will all be doomed. 

ISBN: 978-1-64010-9520

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in Beyond The Angel Pack collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. I would recommend reading The Angel Pack books first.

Nicco and Thad had met when he was sixteen, to young to mate. Time goes by and Thad’s life gets a bit harder. When Nicco found him living on the streets he brought him to the coven and things were going great. Till Thad decided he wanted to be a famous singer. What neither had realized was there was something paranormal behind it.

Thad is about to get the biggest shock of his life. Here he is on the run from someone stalking him and killing his band mates. Only to end up in the one place he always knew he believed to belong. To bad Nicco is acting completely out of character and the stalker has found him. Some magic is going around and it is not all good.

Maggie has given us another amazing story. It caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. I was glad to find out what was behind Nicco’s odd behavior and to know it had not been from someone evil. This story gave me excitement, adventure, danger, mystery, surprises, magic and some hot sexy times. This is one of those stories that will be read more than once.

I had a blast reading it and can’t wait to get my hands on Maggie Walsh’s next story. I would definitely recommend it.

Finding Lost Treasures by Stormy Glenn

Title: Finding Lost Treasures

Series: Cade Creek 18

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (120 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (August 30, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: All Hector Cruz wanted was a place to call his own, but buying a rundown farm came with more problems than he’d been expecting. Between the needed repairs, the problems at work, and the man hiding out in his basement, he was starting to wonder if finding a place to call home was worth the headache.

Wilson Jacks was hiding. He’d done some really horrible things and now he was paying the price for his crimes. Being alone in the world made him ache for all the things he couldn’t have. He had no friends, no home, no one to call his own, but that was a punishment in itself, one he felt he richly deserved.

When his world collides with the one man who doesn’t expect perfection, learning to accept that he might not be a monster isn’t as hard as accepting the fact that Hector is attracted to him. The fragile peace Will finds in Hector’s arms begins to shatter when the chaos he’s been avoiding comes knocking on the door.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-419-4

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Cade Creek collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Will screwed up and was basically paying the price. He lied about a good man, lost his job, lost his home, lost his car and ended up with community service. He felt like the world had been turning on him. He had never really had a good life and had ended up on the streets at eighteen. Now he was homeless again and hiding out in Happy’s old home. He had not expected the house to be bought nor did he expect the man to have bought it to let him stay.

Hector had just wanted a home of his own and to find the one for him. He had not expected to find a man hiding in a basement he had not known even existed, nor all the violence that was coming. It would seem his peaceful life is about to get more exciting.

I really liked the title and what it stood for. A young man tricked into doing something he wouldn’t have done and trying to start over. He feared no one would forgive him and it turned out no one blamed him. The guys were perfect for each other and I truly loved how they were with each other. You get a sweet story with tenderness added in with danger floating around.

I loved this book and cannot wait to get my hands on the next book. I would definitely recommend it.

Missing His Cage by Aeryn Jaden

Title: Missing His Cage

Series: Return of the Originals 06

Author: Aeryn Jaden

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (153 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (April 17, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Tormented and tortured by his adoptive family, Cage flees in the night with only his instincts to guide him. Destination? A human city, apparently. His confusion is cleared after a chance encounter with a man straight out of his dreams.

Mikkal Daggart was tired of being on the run. After being framed, he’d disappeared, waiting for the right moment to prove his innocence. The best place to hide? A human city. Only trouble seems to follow him everywhere and after saving a strange man’s life, Mikkal knows his hideout is no longer safe. Not that it matters much, he has bigger problems. They go by the name of Cage.

Was this a second chance to regain something Mikkal had thought lost forever? Will Cage find out just what had always been different about himself? Will finding answers help the two broken men mend their hearts and build a happier future?

ISBN: 978-1-64243-103-2

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Nigal and Mikkal found each other many years ago and died together. Their deaths were brutal and harsh, but they knew that they would find each other again. Many years have passed but it was not always a good life. Cage had lived pretty much in a cage. His adoptive family should have been shot for what they put that child through. Now the time has come.

Mikkal has found his mate once more. To bad he was on the run from those who wanted him dead. He had been framed and needed to prove that he was not the guilty one. He saves his mate only not to realize it right off the bat. His hiding spot has been found and those after him were coming.

It was hard to get engaged with this book. It was a slow paced story that just didn’t catch my attention like it should have. I am not really a fan of death and bringing back to life again. It is just a bit creepy but also I guess kind of sweet. To be designed for each other, then to loose each other only to come back again to find each other. But these two seemed to have had a harsh life their entire time is a bit too much for me. I liked the characters quite a bit but their story just didn’t work for me. I could not keep my attention on it like I should have. The story had great potential but seemed a bit off to me.

I will admit that this story is not one of those that will be read more than once. There just wasn’t enough spark in the story to keep it going. For now I hate to say it, this story just wasn’t for me.

Top and Tails by Clare London

Title: Top and Tails

Series: With A Kick 09

Author: Clare London

Genre: Contemporary, Menage

Length: Novella (160 Pages)

Publisher: Jocular Press (August 27, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Three men, one love—and a passion he only ever dreamed of.

Karel Novak is content with his busy job in hotel refurbishment, enjoying the social scene in Soho, London and the company of new friends he met through working at With A Kick. All he’s missing is a special man in his life. Or maybe two.

His first meeting with the mercurial pole dancer Leroy and his socially anxious partner Griff isn’t impressive, but none of them can ignore the sexual spark that flares between the three men.

Their relationship builds in steps of passion, frustration, and finally love. Both Leroy and Griff have complex issues in their lives to work through, and at first Karel brings a new dynamic that both settles and supports them.

But although he loves his men, Karel gradually realises the issues are still present. His partners struggle with living individually as well as together. His heartfelt wish is for them to create a lasting bond as a trio—but that means putting others first, all too often.
And will that mean sacrificing his own joy and dreams?


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Karel is not looking for a relationship but damn if he doesn’t get one. Not with one man but two. One night of hot sex and well you get the idea. And what an idea it is. He just has the normal will I fit into a already made relationship. I have only came across one book in the large amount that I have that make the threesome work. One that makes it seem that they each need the other. The heart, the soul and the glue that keeps them together is a bit what you get.

I have read a several books with threesomes in them and only a handfull actually make the story enjoyable. This story didn’t catch my attention like it should have, in fact after the first page I was ready to give it up. However once the story starts to unfold it actually gets a bit better. The guys are quite enjoyable and easy to follow in love with. It is about their love for each other and going further then what they are use to or comfortable with. It is a well written story that is engaging and compelling to a reader. It flows evenly and at the right pace to keep your attention captured. The characters come off as someone you would hang out with.

However Leroy and Griff come off whiny and very needy. It might be fine in parts but in this book it seemed a bit to much. Then Karel feels like he is their parent but you can still see the love for each other. There was the passion between the three and the heat burning. I just couldn’t connect with the story like I should have though. It was missing something that would have made it quite a bit better for me.

I will admit that this is not one of those stories that will be read more than once though. It is a good read and the characters are hot and steamy. It is one of those stories that seem like it could be real in life instead of a book. Overall the story was pretty good and enjoyable. I would definitely recommend it.

Fit to Be Tied by Stormy Glenn

Title: Fit to Be Tied

Series: Cade Creek 17

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Contemporary, BDSM

Length: Novella (112 Pages)

Publisher: Siren Publishing, Inc. (August 2, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: DEA Agent Dan Wilson was just looking for a place to rent. He had no idea that it would bring him the love of his life. When he rented a room in an old Victorian just blocks from work, trouble started the very first day. For one, the guy who rented the room to him wasn’t the owner. Waking up in bed with Terry wasn’t the worst morning he’d ever had, but learning he had been taken for a fool kind of was.

Terry Iverson is incensed when he learns one of his tenants rented out his bedroom to a stranger, the bedroom he’d lived in his entire life. Of course, if he was going to choose someone to share a room with, it would be the handsome DEA agent. It would be great if he was gay, but Terry was a little too afraid to ask. He was the guy’s landlord after all.

When someone starts messing with Terry’s life, going from making false accusations of sexual harassment against him to trying to kill him, worrying about dating his tenant seems minor in comparison. If he can make it out of this alive, he just might see if the sexy agent was interested in something more than being roommates.

ISBN: 9781642433715

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Cade Creek collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Terry should have never accepted to work so many shifts back to back, tired he heads home only to wake up in the morning to someone in his bed. It would seem his roommate has rented his room out, to bad the house is owned by Terry. Although the man in his bed is one hell of a hot and sexy man.

Dan spent quite a bit to rent out a room but he had not expected to wake up to one fine looking man. Of course he also had not expected to find out that he had spent money to rent a room and it to be a scam by the man who rented it to him. Although things might just get interesting. Especially when someone is out to get Terry and damn if he is not going to keep the man safe.

This story caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. The guys are sexy and dangerous in their own way. Terry is a paramedic and Dan is a DEA agent. I am not really into the whole tying up part but this author seems to write them pretty hot and not so kinky. I enjoyed reading this book and love the characters although I did miss the cute mayor in this book. I actually found myself missing the whole gang sticking their noses into it.

I had a lot of fun reading this and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book. I would definitely recommend it.

The Sister of Seven Ravens by Sophie Martin

Title: The Sister of Seven Ravens

Series: Stories, Tales, and Legends: Retold 02

Author: Sophie Martin

Genre: Fairy Tales, Myths, Fantasy

Length: Novella (138pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc.

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 1/2 Hearts

Blurb: A horrible curse turned Yasko’s brothers into ravens changing his life forever. After embarking on an adventure he finds a way to ease their suffering. It leads him into the middle of an ancient forest and requires a great sacrifice.

Duke Casimir’s had enough of his mother’s schemes. When he asks the soothsayer for help on his hunt he is thinking about finding a husband.

Lost in the middle of an ancient forest Cas is saved by Yasko. The two men fall in love and Yas agrees to go with Casimir.

But someone doesn’t want Yasko as Casimir’s husband and they’ll do anything to force them apart.

Magical forces, hidden foes, and a war brewing on the horizon all stand in their way, but with some help from new friends, the support of his brothers and Yasko’s sheer stubbornness they might yet come out of the ordeal stronger than before.

ISBN: 9781642431834

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Yasko and his brothers suffer from a curse brought on by his ailing mother’s mental state after a devastating plague affects her. Yasko goes in search of a cure that will turn his brothers back into humans. Instead he finds out that is not possible to permanently restore his brothers. He is given a long task and explicit instructions to complete so his brothers can have some semblance of normalcy.

He meets Duke Cas and romance blossoms. He agrees to go back with the man but then runs into problems with the heinous duchess, Cas’ mother. I hated this woman. She was spiteful and hurtful. The things she did was despicable all in the name of keeping her power. What really pissed me off was how Cas turned a blind eye to the way she behaved. That was unacceptable to me as he was the duke.

All in all it was a wonderful retelling of a story I enjoyed.

Great read.

Buried Treasure by Jools Louise

Title: Buried Treasure

Series: Spirit of Sage 13

Author: Jools Louise

Genre: Ménage, Paranormal

Length: Novella (5th June 2018)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc.

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Love has been right under Drew’s nose, and he couldn’t be happier. Until shit happens, and he finds he has two mates. Callahan, working at Cafe Anglais for years, punches his way into Drew’s heart after saving Drew from Vince Smith, only for them both to realize that Vince could just be their mate, too.

Drew is a computer geek, a member of Sage’s Warrior’s Brigade, and has secretly hidden a stash of money in cyberspace from arch enemies, Flashpoint. And they want it back. Hatching a plan, directed by none other than Drew’s father, Flashpoint send Vince to get the money, but Vince realizes he’s been played, and tries to make amends for his stupidity. Tragedy has hit Vince already, and he’d be a fool to throw away his second chance at happiness. Can the trio resolve their differences? Or will Vince’s ghosts continue to hinder?

ISBN: 978-1-64243-256-5

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Upon Drew being attacked he comes face to face with the realization that Callahan is his mate and worries over Daniel’s next move to get money that is not his. Learning his attacker, Vince, is his mate makes him wary. Along with this other factions are at play to get to the citizens of sage.

A plan is formed to set up other safe places as the town of sage is growing larger. I have loved these series since the very first book in the two spirits series started. These series are connected together and tell harrowing tales of survival and determination to live in piece while protecting those that are vulnerable.

Fantastic read and highly recommended.

Dra’Kaedan’s Coven by Jessamyn Kingley

Title: Dra’Kaedan’s Coven

Series: D’Vaire 01

Author: Jessamyn Kingley

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (287pgs)

Publisher: Jessamyn Kingley (August 30, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Dra’Kaedan of Leolinnia was born with a mark of Fate proclaiming that someday he would be the Grand Warlock. Standing in his way is Carvallius of Mallent who is desperate to rule the warlocks. His granddaughter Latarian has little magic so Carvallius concocts a plan to kidnap Dra’Kaedan to steal his power. After carving spells into Dra’Kaedan’s back, he begins life anew as Latarian’s familiar whom she calls Ayden. With no memory of his past, the pair are shuffled off to a cottage while Carvallius enlists the help of a brutal elven tribe to rob Dra’Kaedan of his future title. The tactic backfires, and the Coven of Warlocks is destroyed.

Minutes after Brogan shifts into a dragon for the first time, his best friend is banished from their court. Loyal to the core, Brogan follows Aleksander through the castle gates of their old home. Fate turns Aleksander into a king and Court D’Vaire is established. Considered cursed by dragonkind the D’Vaire’s are ostracized. After six centuries of loneliness Brogan leaves his family desperate to find his mate. He has no idea Fate has intervened and sent his other half right to Aleksander’s doorstep.

As a familiar Ayden struggles between a voice inside him that insists he is something more and Latarian’s stringent set of rules. He finds himself torn as he and Brogan try to find common ground. Can the pair find love and will Dra’Kaedan find out his true destiny before it’s too late?

This book has been extensively re-edited and has a new title. Previous title: Grand Redemption.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: *For those who might wonder Dra’Kaedan and Ayden are the same person, it’s all explained clearly in the first chapter how it came to be.

Dra’Kaedan’s, warlock, life is hell under Latarian’s rule. I really could not stand the spoiled, irritating, ungrateful brat who only thought of herself and enjoyed inflicting as much pain as possible on Dra’Kaedan. I seriously wanted to do her bodily harm as the story progressed. Getting to know the D’Vaire clan was a delight. Each character added to the story as it progressed. I loved Dra’Kaeddan’s sarcasm and wit. I was extremely happy with this story.

This was an amazing story about deceit, lies, love and rising above the evil in their midst. Brogan, a dragon shifter, was unsure about Ayden and ended up insulting the man he thought was a familiar. I felt for Ayden and wanted to slap Brogan for his unkind words at first. Despite the angst they got to know one another and fell in love. When Ayden falls ill after their mating ceremony accusations fly around and Latarian blames Ari, a visiting warlock.

I truly enjoyed this wonderful story from start to finish. If I could have given a higher number to the rating I would have. It was dazzling tale of how different races can come together for the greater good and how evil will not win in the end. I will say I’ve read all the way to book eight in this series and it’s my all time favorite series to date. So many wonderful characters are throughout as they each face their own struggles within each book. There are many aspects to these books that had me enthralled from the beginning. I love reading about the characters that I know and the new ones introduced.

I implore everyone to read this fantastic series you won’t be disappointed with the action, drama, suspense, mystery, romance and angst that are in the books.

I highly recommend this series to all.

The Seduction of Bryce by Jools Louise

Title: The Seduction of Bryce

Series: Spirit of Sage 14

Author: Jools Louise

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal

Length: Novella (117pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (25th July 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Rankin is smitten with Bryce, the sexy barista at Café Anglais. He goes all out to woo the cougar shifter, showering his beau with chocolates, flowers, and a romantic meal for two. What could possibly go wrong? Except this is Sage, and Flashpoint are getting bolder and more ruthless by the day. Bryce is contacted by an old friend Mags, a drag queen at Club Antoine. Mags is in grave danger, has witnessed a murder, and is now being hunted by Antoine, a gangster and ally to Flashpoint. Bryce is determined to rescue his friend. Bryce and Rankin’s courtship is further hampered by the efforts of an ambitious reporter, Reuben, who has a nasty knack of writing articles that put innocents in danger, and he’s not pleased when the residents of Sage don’t cooperate with his attempts at getting a scoop on all things shifter. Will Bryce and Rankin ever hook up? Or is the Seduction of Bryce never going to happen?

ISBN: 978-1-64243-319-7

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand 

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: The town of Sage is still dealing with Flashpoint and they’re many associates. What starts out as a call for help quickly turns into much more as whispers of plans and treason come to light. I loved Rankin and Bryce though I was taken aback by the things that Callahan and Bryce said to Mags.

This series just keeps getting better and better as the many enemies of shifters keep rearing they’re ugly heads. I am curious what is to became of Rueban as he seemed to be awed by Mags.

Another exciting addition to the series.

Fantastic read.

Heart of Sapphire by Jane Perky

Title: Heart of Sapphire

Series: Last Dragons 04

Author: Jane Perky

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Short Story

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand Inc. (July 5, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Dormant cat shifter River’s one regret in life is never being able to say good-bye to his childhood friend, dragon shifter Blake Draken. When he returns to his family home after losing his job and breaking up with his cheating ex, the last person he expects to see is Blake. But the angry boy River knew is gone, replaced by a deadly and sexy male.

Seeing his brothers happy with their mates while he remained alone, Blake’s sapphire dragon is slowly growing unstable. He thinks River is an illusion until he makes contact. Sparks instantly fly. It becomes clear to Blake that River is his missing mate, but Blake is terrified of losing control of the lethal beast that shares his skin. Hurting River is unacceptable, but when a blast from the past threatens to harm River, Blake refuses to stand on the sidelines. Can River tame the beast within and win the heart of his sapphire dragon?

ISBN: 978-1-64243-296-1

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Last Drgons collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

River and Blake had become friends when they had been children and now they have reconnected. Blakes dragon is having a difficult time and River’s ex seems to just want to cause trouble.

No surprises in this story and very predictable outcomes. It was pretty much like the previous books so it was a bit on the boring side. There had been a chance at making it a hot read but it failed to deliver. What danger there was, well it was dealt with in just a few seconds so there was no fun there either. I am afraid that this book was just to dull to really enjoy fully. I hate to admit that I just don’t see myself reading any more books by this author.

Abel by Fel Fern

Title: Abel

Series: Abel’s Bloodline 01

Author: Fel Fern

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Short Story (77 pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (July 18, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Plagued by mysterious dreams of a fallen and wrongfully imprisoned vampire king, socially awkward human Elliot thinks he’s slowly going insane. Elliot seeks out Abel, only to find out his vampire king is real. As Abel’s rightful mate, only Elliot has the power to free the vampire king, but that might also mean surrendering his heart to Abel and damning his own soul in the process.

For a century, only vengeance has fueled Abel’s will to live, until he meets Elliot. His fated human mate is more than he could ask for. Elliot’s misunderstood, complicated and loyal to a fault. Elliot deserves better, but Abel has waited several lifetimes for his fated mate, and he’ll eliminate whoever gets in his way. When old enemies emerge from the shadows, can a fallen king both retake his throne and claim his rightful mate?

ISBN: 978-1-64243-315-9

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand 

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Abel had been betrayed by members of his coven. Imprisoned, chained and a witch’s handiwork made it impossible to escape. He was a very old and powerful vampire but it would be up to his mate to rescue his ass. The only way he could talk to him was through his dreams. To bad it made Elliot think he was going crazy as well as those around him. However Elliot had to figure it out.

It starts out pretty unique but has a very dark tone to it. It is definitely not one of those happy romances one picks up but it is still quite different then many others that I have read. It actually resembles those movies you watch at night about vampires. Rising out of his casket skin and bones, well you get my picture.

I haven’t had a chance to read many stories by this author but will admit that if they have the same dark tone to them, then I will probably avoid them. I will wait to see when book two comes out though, so far it is a fairly short read and is very entertaining.

You get hot sexy times, evil vampires, shifters, cute mates and danger in this story and quite a bit more. For now I will say that this was a good read but not my kind of story.

Life With a Dragon by Marcy Jacks

Title: Life With A Dragon

Series: Fury 14

Author: Marcy Jacks

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Short (64pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc.

Heat Level: Scorching

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Lightning is trying to do right by his new mate. His best friend turned enemy turned mate. Tim has been trying to make amends for the sins of his family for years. Not just the sins of his family, but his own unforgivable actions, as well.

Now that Tim has the chance for happiness, he almost doesn’t know what to do with it, and his mate has been acting strange lately.

Lightning met an omega wolf who reminded him of Tim, an omega who needed help, though Lightning was unable to give it. When he finds out that omega came to his clan searching for aid and his clan leader didn’t help, Lightning needs to make it right.

But making it right could mean leaving Tim behind, where it’s safe, so Lightning could go off to war with the people who want him, his mate, and everyone he ever cared for, dead.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-274-9

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I love this couple but they seem to have a communication problem. Lightning never asks what Tim wants to do he always assumes Tim’s doing chores as a form of punishment and that is not the case.

With Lightning now going to stay at the other Dragon clan to hep out with the warlock problem I am excited to if these two clans can ever co exist and help each other. Really entertaining read.

Great story.

Flying High by Stormy Glenn

Title: Flying High

Series: Pacific Cove 02

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Ménage

Length: Novella (128 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (February 4, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: When Joseph and Samuel Lake spot their mate while running through the woods, they know they can’t leave without him. They have been looking for him their entire lives, but convincing the gorgeous man that they want him was turning out to be a lot harder than finding him.

Matthew Brooks knows he isn’t the world’s best catch. He’s a little more plump than he’d like and has a very boring life as a paralegal. Finding two men that seem interested in him at the same time thrusts him firmly into fantasy land.

When someone starts coming after Matt, getting him to Pacific Cove seems like the safest idea, but to do that, they will have to explain to the man about bear shifters and mates and all that entails…and that might cause them to lose their mate faster than an assassin’s bullet.

ISBN: 978-1-68295-074-6

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Pacific Cove collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Joe and Sam are twin bear shifters and they have just found their mate. A mate that is in trouble. They just have to figure out how to tell Matt that he is theirs and lets not forget the baby part. This might just get to be interesting in more ways then one.

I don’t really care for the instant sex thing right off the bat, well almost. However it is a very entertaining story that has some danger in it, plus some hot and kinky sexy times. I get a kick out of these stories. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It is even the perfect length to keep me smiling and having a good time.

The characters are a blast to read about and it always makes me tear up just a bit at the pain the human mates in these stories have. Each one seems to go through some horrible times. The author just seems to make the guys worlds seem like somewhere I would want to be. I absolutely love their dads too.

I had a blast reading this and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Bronze Dragon’s Wolf by Jane Perky

Title: Bronze Dragon’s Wolf

Series: Last Dragons 03

Author: Jane Perky

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Short Story (76 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand Inc. (June 28, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: An outcast in his own wolf pack, submissive werewolf James summons the courage to drive up to Draken Castle and see his best friend only to bump into sexy and lethal dragon shifter Zane Draken. The chemistry between James and Zane is insane, but James isn’t sure the bronze dragon is capable of commitment. James guards his heart for a reason, but will Zane only end up breaking it to pieces?

Seeing his two brothers happily mated, Zane Draken still believes a mate will only weigh him down until he meets one feisty little werewolf. Smart, bold, and adorable, James is everything he imagined in a mate, but James seems to believe a dragon can’t change his scales. When an external threat puts his mate in danger, Zane’s there to sweep in and prove once and for all that James is his to claim.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-2954

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Last Dragons collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

James wanted his best friend back. They had been from the same wolf pack but when Ben left his life got even worse. He was bullied and well you get the picture. So when he went to see Ben he hadn’t expected a big bronze dragon sitting on his car. Turns out Zane is his mate, things might be looking up.

Short and sweet, well I wouldn’t exactly say sweet but still a nice story. It is a bit dull and boring but for such a short story it had a lot to tell. Quite a bit of different things were thrown in to make it seem a bit longer, excitement, adventure and a touch of danger added in with a bit of sexy time.

I can’t say that it would ever be one of my favorite type of stories but it is entertaining. It is pretty good for when your just wanting to take a break. Now I am off to read the next book in this series.

Hot Mess 6 by Stormy Glenn

Title: Hot Mess 6

Series: Hot Mess 06

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (207pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (July 19, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Lany: I just wanted to help my Mom out with the Children’s Fall Festival. I had no idea I’d be dragged into a mess that would change my entire world. Learning that children in foster care were being abused, and determined to stop it, I jumped in feet first. I just had to stay alive long enough for Sal to rescue me.

Salvador: I loved Lany to the depths of my soul, but the messes he got into made me want to wrap my fingers around his pretty little neck. This last one might be the top of the list. When Lany is taken to stop me from investigating a child slavery ring, I have to step outside the boundaries of the law I work so hard to uphold, but it might be the only way to keep Lany alive.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-359-3

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Hot Mess collection features our two sexy men, Salvador and Lany. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Lany doesn’t need to look for trouble, trouble seems to find him. In this case, he decided to arrange a party for children that don’t truly have a home or family. What he finds is children who are in need of help, the kind of help his husband is good for.

Sal loves his husband deeply but for once couldn’t he just stay safe. Oh no he finds some kids, which leads him to a very dark scene where his talent will help. There is one thing he can say, Lany always seems to get himself out of trouble, but these kids need both of them and more.

I have always gotten a kick out of this series and can’t seem to get them fast enough. Which is pretty weird for me, once the same characters have gone into the third book I am usually bored as hell. But not with this series, it is entertaining, exciting, adventurous and funny as hell at times. There is always danger and some pretty hot sexy times for our two sexy men. As always this story caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. It gave me everything I could want in a story.

I hope this series doesn’t stop, they have me laughing my ass off throughout the story. Although there are some times I want to smack someone around.

I had a blast reading this and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Opposites Attract by Jools Louise

Title: Opposites Attract

Series: Spirit of Sage 10

Author: Jools Louise

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal

Length: Novella (138pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand (9th October 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Fly is a cheetah shifter with a princess attitude and a love of high fashion, who has his diva routine on tap. Noah, a bear shifter, is laid back, has zero interest in being trendy, and is quite happy living an easy life…until he is injured again, and moves in with Fly. The pair dance around their attraction for each other, until things reach a boiling point and they finally acknowledge that they’re more than just roomies.

When Fly’s mother arrives in town, Noah discovers a side to Fly that is well hidden. The cheetah shifter has been verbally abused for years, and now has to deal with a woman who is determined to continue hurting her son, at any cost. To add to the drama, Flashpoint is becoming bolder…and Fly discovers his mother is a possible accomplice.

The two shifters are now friends with benefits, but they want more. Can they ever live together as mates? Or are they just too different?

ISBN: 978-1-64010-666-6

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: This series just get better and better as it progresses. I loved Noah and Fly. They completed the other as polar opposites, The twists and turns not to mention the new threats and characters added a mysterious dangerous element to already fantastic series.

I am in awe of how how well these series are interwoven and expand to include a whole cast of characters that seem to worm their way into your heart with what they have already been through and what will happen with even more goings on. I am on pins and needles to see what happens next in this series.

Highly recommended.

Shadows on Ice by Jools Louise

TitleShadows on Ice

Series: Warriors of Sage 03

Author: Jools Louise

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (90pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc.

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Ice, a white Siberian tiger shifter, finds love in the most unlikely place after returning home to Siberia to exterminate a madman. Dima, an Arctic fox shifter, is the brother of Ice’s first love, who was killed by Dimitri Petrovsky…the head of Stronghold, and a deadly enemy.

Between them they must unravel the plot to wipe out shifters in Russia and rescue a group of shifters in need before Dimitri’s sick plans become a reality. Ice has a secret, though…Dimitri is his father, a man who threatened to murder his own son when Ice came out as gay. Fifteen years later, Ice is determined to find out what Dimitri’s problem is and stop him from his murderous plot. Can Ice and Dima succeed? Their journey takes them to the heights of passion and utter terror as their investigations uncover even more disturbing details.

Is Dima’s love enough to cast light over the shadows on Ice?

ISBN: 978-1-64243-221-3

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Ice takes it upon himself to stop his fathers evil ways. He meets his contact, Dima a childhood frend, the two set off to take down Dimitri and his cohorts but what they discover is so much worse than either of them could have imagined.

I was horrified by the conditions the children were kept in and what was done to them. My heart wept for all the injustices done to the shifters that had been killed on the whim of a madman. I love this series. It gets better and better with each new addition. The bad guys seem in endless supply and at times makes me wonder if the shifters will ever be free of danger. But then I’m reminded by watching the news that danger is everywhere and comes in many forms.

Fantastic addition to already epic series. Looking forward to reading more.

Highly recommended.

The Devil’s Bargain by Stormy Glenn

Title: A Devil’s Bargain

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (115 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (June 14, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Don Giovanni had lost everything through his own misdeeds. His father’s villa, the family money, everything right down to the clothes on his back. He had nothing, not even his pride. When he’s offered a deal with the Devil, he knows there’s a catch, but he’s too desperate to care.

With wealth beyond his imagination, Giovanni realizes that he’s been given a second chance and he refuses to squander it. When his charitable donations and good works comes to the attention of the king, life as Giovanni knows it changes, especially when he’s offered the hand of the royal prince.

Benito is the youngest child of the royal family. As such, he’s often overlooked in favor of his older siblings. When the king gives his word to marry his son to a wealthy benefactor, and the oldest prince turns him down, Benito volunteers, not knowing he’s about to embark on his wildest adventure.

But someone is not happy that Giovanni and Benito married. When they don’t know who they can trust, they have to learn to trust in each other, especially when betrayal comes from someone close to them. It might be their only chance to break a Devil’s bargain.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-310-4

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand 

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Don has lived his life wild and fast. In the end it cost him everything. Now here he was broke, homeless and starving. So when a handsome man in a limo offers him a deal that is to good to be true, well his dumbass takes him up on it. He has just sold his soul to the devil, unless he keeps his word.

Benito is the kings youngest and sweetest child. He is full of love and tenderness, but he longs for true love. He might just get his wish, whether he lives long enough or not that is. Guess who is the bad guy in this and what king goes almost broke. Strange people in a strange land or time, I guess.

I have always been a fan of this authors work but must say that this one was not one of them. It was a bit dull and boring to me. There was no spark to it, well except near the end with attempted murder. I could not connect with the characters or the story and was not really into the story to begin with. It just did nothing to catch my attention nor keep it. I am afraid that this was one story that was not for me.

The Bear in Your Neighborhood by Alexia Ward

Title: The Bear in Your Neighborhood

Series: Magnificent Beast 05

Author: Alexia Ward

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Novella (80 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (June 27, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Jeffrey Stone has no clue he’s just moved into an all-shifter neighborhood until he crashes into Alex Cruz’s fence. When the giant grizzly bear shifter comes out raging, Jeffrey tries to make peace. He offers to pay for the repairs and hopes they can become friends. But that’s easier said than done, because his new neighbor has an attitude problem.

Could things get any worse for Alex Cruz? First the shop he works at burns down leaving him jobless, then his dumb human neighbor, Jeffrey Stone, damages his expensive fence. He is boiling mad, but can’t stay angry for long. His new neighbor is so damn cute. The harder Alex tries to push Jeffrey away, the more drawn to him he becomes.

Unperceived to them there’s a killer nearby who has set his eyes on these two neighbors. Can Alex keep Jeffrey, the human he’s falling for, safe from the killer’s deadly strike?

ISBN: 978-1-64243-290-9

Product Link: Siren-Publishing

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Magnificent Beast collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Jeffrey and his two best friends have decided to move in together as well as work together. He just had not expected it to be an all shifter neighborhood, seeing as him and his friends are human. Of course finding out was after he ran over his neighbor’s fence and pretty much drooling over the man.

Alex has an amazing family but that is about the only thing going good for him. His work burns down and he is left without work, and now his new neighbor has taken out part of his fence. Could anything else go wrong, oh wait the answer is yes.

The story starts off pretty good but goes downhill fast. They meet in a crazy way which is all good, but then it just moves at a fast pace. They go to the store for Jeffrey to pay for the fixings on the fence, end up in bed and damn they are in love. The story felt very rushed and too short. Then the assassin, well lets just say I wouldn’t hire him.

The story had a great idea but the follow through just went out the door. There were a few editorial problems that I saw but nothing major. The characters just didn’t spark any interest in me, at least not them together. The whole story just felt off to me.