Wicked Deeds by Shea Balik

Title: Wicked Deeds

Series: Syn’s Playground 02

Author: Shea Balik

Genre: Contemporary, BDSM

Length: Novella (125 Pages)

Publisher: Siren Publishing (April 11, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Heartbroken after another sub had cheated on him, Kent “Wicked” Fields had decided to give up on finding that one sub to build a future with. He should have known fate would screw with him the first time he hooked up with a sub and not let him ignore the sweet heat that could be found in the cute little waiter.

Adam “Butsy” Butts found himself once more tossed away like yesterday’s garbage by the new bouncer. What he didn’t understand was why. Maybe his ex was right, and Butsy was bad in bed. If only he could forget what it felt like to be held by the man of his dreams. It would be difficult, but Butsy feared it was time to face facts. He was meant to be alone.

But happily ever after would be around the corner if Syn has anything to say about it.

Warning: Wicked Deeds abounds when Syn becomes involved.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-101-8

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Syn’s Playground collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. This is a branch off of the Cedar Falls collection.

When I read book one in the Cedar Falls collection, I knew right then that Shea Balik was going to be one of my top favorite author of all time. The worlds she creates are unique, fresh, tempting, sexy and damn hot. I love how the characters in this one each have a past that is a bit painful, but they seem to never give up in the end.

This story caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. I never was one who liked reading about BDSM, but for some reason this author just writes about it in a way that captivates me. Very tasteful and tantilizing is the words I would use I suppose.

Adam was just wanting to make sure he never had to move back home. He was making just enough to pay his rent and maybe eat throughout the week. He was a waiter at Syn’s Playground and actually enjoyed it. He didn’t have the best luck with guys, but damn if the bouncer didn’t do it for him.

Wicked had came close to claiming his sub and even possibly thinking marriage. That is until he walked in on him getting spanked by another Dom. From that point on he decided to never take a sub for more than one night. That is until he sees Adam. Although with his head up his ass, it will take their friends to get his head on right.

I had a blast reading this and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book. Butsy or Adam which is his real name, is probably one of my favorite characters of all time. He is just so damn cute. I would definitely be reading this book more than once. Way to go Shea Balik.

His Vampire Named Joe by Cooper McKenzie

Title: His Vampire Named Joe

Author: Cooper McKenzie

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Short Story (70 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (June 20, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Metal sculptor Sloan Norris must work two full-time jobs in order to climb out of the financial hole he’s fallen into. This leaves him little time for romance, especially since his last boyfriend left him with a stack of his own bills. While working as a dealer at the casino in town, he finds himself charmed by a sexy Spanish guest who uses the cheesiest pickup lines ever heard to get his attention.

Banned from Europe for two generations, 233-year-old vampire Joe Dante meets his mate while vacationing at a casino in the mountains of North Carolina. His little human mate is working himself to death, so Joe steps in to save Sloan from himself as well as his abusive ex-boyfriend.

Will Sloan accept the position of being Joe’s mate? Will Joe agree to model for Sloan’s next sculpture? Will Sloan’s ex-boyfriend separate them permanently?

ISBN: 978-1-64243-275-6

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand 

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Sloan’s asshat of an ex-boyfriend pretty much left him in debt, homeless and well down. He worked two jobs, never missing any days and working long hours. Well you can pretty much tell where I am going with that, poor kid. He doesn’t even have time for some hot and sexy, well that is until a sexy man shows up.

Joe, which is a pretty strange name for a vampire, was once a doctor and now he has more money than ever. He was banned from Europe for gambling and humans, so here he was in the states trying to decide what he wants to do. Then he finds his mate, and his little mate is in trouble.

This story has a dark tone to it and very little humor in it. It is well written for a short story but it came off rushed. I also don’t see a human who has no clue about vampires other than reading about them, just jumping ahead. The whole story just didn’t call to me and neither did the characters.

Maybe had the story been longer with a bit more feeling put into it, but as is, well it was just not for me.

Intertwined by Olivia Black

Title: Intertwined

Series: Federal Paranormal Agency 11

Author: Olivia Black

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Ménage

Length: Novella (131 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (June 21, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Park Young-Jin and Johnny Khang are brought together when FPA headquarters comes under attack, and Park gets shot. In order to save Park’s life, Johnny, an FPA trainee, offers to change him into a vampire, and Park agrees.

Johnny knew that by changing Park into a vampire, he would be creating a blood bond. The consequences didn’t matter. His only concern was saving Park’s life. Soon after, Johnny learns that Park is Axel Lee’s mate. Even though he wants to stay with Park, Johnny leaves. He doesn’t have a choice. Park belongs to Axel. With distance, comes untamed desire. It’s impossible for Johnny to stay away from Park when he wants the young man for his own.

Axel is conflicted. Even though Park is his mate, he can’t deny the blood bond. Axel wants to keep Park to himself but, he knows that the young man is in pain without Johnny. It’s up to him to think of a solution that will make the three of them happy.

ISBN: 978- 1-64243-285-5

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Federal Paranormal Agency collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Park was just trying to protect his brother and himself. He was the creator of something dangerous and now they wanted him dead. He was being asked for information but somehow well you can guess. Johnny saved his life by changing him into a vampire but it created a tight bond. To bad he is mated to Axel, but he just couldn’t let Johnny go either.

Axel is a powerful lion shifter and Park’s mate. He had no clue what he was supposed to do, but hey a ménage might just be fun. Now if his lion will go for the idea and Johnny.

I wasn’t really sure about this one. I hate to admit that it didn’t keep my attention like the others. The characters were cool and fun, but lion shifters don’t share their mate as easy as this book makes it come out to be. I loved the characters but the story not so much. It was just kind of weird and off.

I hope the author doesn’t follow this pattern with the rest of the books. Other than my issues with it, it is well written and pretty hot. It is a good story and has an amazing plot going on. I just didn’t like the feel that they were cheating in the beginning. I hate to admit that I don’t really see myself reading this more than once.

Roped Adventures by Shea Balik

Title: Roped Adventures

Series: Cedar Falls 22

Author: Shea Balik

Genre: Contemporary

Publisher: Siren Bookstrand (October 19, 2017)

Length: Novella (125 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Welcome to Cedar Falls, a small North Carolina town nestled amongst the Smokey Mountains.

Where the people are friendly and the men are hot. Zack Adams was afraid of everything. He lived a boring a life, even getting a safe, mundane job as an accountant. But there was something missing. He needed to find it to break the chains that were holding him back.

Cullen Burke lived his life to the fullest. When doctors said he’d never walk again after an accident, Cullen proved them wrong by not only walking but learning to rock climb. Now, he wanted to find that man he could love for the rest of his life. It only took one look for Cullen and Burke to fall head over heels in love. If only Zack’s insecurities didn’t keep getting in the way, they could find their happily ever after.

Maybe what Zack needed was an adventure.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-682-6

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Cedar Falls collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

When I saw a new book out for this series, I was thinking woohoo a Jesse time to have fun. And boy was I right. Zack has always lived with his mother, at breakfast, gone to work and back home for dinner. Never really having anything exciting in his life. Then he decided it was time to try. I don’t think he had expected Jesse or a job in Cedar Falls.

Cullen has defied all odds. After a car accident he was told he would never walk again, well he is not just walking but climbing. He was going to prove them all wrong, even with a limp he was still all dominate. He decided to build a rock climbing area in Cedar Falls and have a life he wanted. He just hadn’t expected to find a man he would fall in love.

I get a kick out of these stories and hope that they never stop. They have a serious tone to them but there is so much humor in them that you will laugh your ass off through out it. This is one of the best series that I have found and can guarantee that they will be read many times over. I had so much fun and can’t wait for the next story.

Carnal Hunger by Fel Fern

Title: Carnal Hunger

Series: Devil Hills Wolves 06

Author: Fel Fern

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (109 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (June 6, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Jack and his family have been hunted their entire lives because of his ability to see the future. After his parents sacrificed themselves to save Jack and his brother, Jack flees to the Devil Hills wolf pack for sanctuary. Charming and sexy werewolf Max instantly gets his attention but Jack knows dancing with the lethal enforcer might just end up with Max breaking his heart.

After seeing the other enforcers of the pack mated, Max never thought a mate was for him until he spots the human seer Jack. Jack calls to his inner wolf like no other. Sparks instantly fly but with a war about to break out in the horizon, Max isn’t sure how to divide his time between Jack and his duties to the pack.

Jack thinks tangling with him might only lead to a broken heart but Max is intent on proving that Jack’s the only one for him.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-266-4

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand 

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Devil Hills Wolves collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Jack and his brother are espers and can tell the future. Although they are not that good at it right now, unlike their mother. She called them home only to have them run when the humans showed up. The squad either kills or experiments on those they capture and they use rehabilitated shifters who have no soul left basically, they are shells of their selves. Jack knew that there was one place they could run, but how accepting will they be.

Max protects his pack and will kill those who causes trouble. Well if that were the case, he would have kicked Jack’s brothers ass, little troublemaker. However he realizes that Jack is his mate and it looks like he has a little brother as well. Things are going to get interesting.

It is a very unique story that borders on a serious tone mixed in with dark undertones. This one however was not as dark as the others. It took a bit more time to get into it, but it is still a very good read. Action packed, drama filled, danger and hot sexy times are what you get in this plus a little more. It is not one of my favorite type of stories but it is still a good read.

If you like darkness in your tone and shifters that bite, then this book will be for you.

Lethal Desires by Fel Fern

Title: Lethal Desires

Series: Devil Hills Wolves 05

Author: Fel Fern

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (109 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (June 6, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Captured and tortured by a pro-human faction responsible for rehabilitating non-humans, Theo’s only sin is having a psychic for a brother. Theo expects to die after his brother, but the Squad has one last use for him—as a sleeper spy to kill the Alpha of the most dangerous wolf pack in the country. Theo’s nearly given up on living, until he comes face-to-face with a feral and possessive werewolf able to strip his heart bare and help him heal both inside and out.

When a naked, bleeding human is dropped on pack land borders, werewolf enforcer Joe knows Theo is trouble. Theo can’t be trusted, but Joe’s wolf recognizes its fated mate. Joe defies his pack and even his Alpha to keep Theo, but can Joe help break Theo’s brainwashing, or is he doomed to lose his mate?

ISBN: 9781642432657

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Devil Hills Wolves collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Theo and his brother were captured by a human group that are out to either kill or rehabilitate non-humans. They are a very cruel and evil group that should not even call themselves humans. They hunt, kill, experiment or brainwash the paranormals. He was tortured dailey and drugged most of the time. Then the squad killed his brother and from that point Theo just wanted to die. To bad the squad had other ideas.

Joe is a powerful wolf shifter who protected his world. When he came across Theo he knew the man was his mate. He also knew that his mate was in deep trouble and so was the pack. Theo was sent to kill.

This is not one of those fun loving, sweet type of romance. It has a serious tone to it with a darkness flowing through it. It is well written with sexy ass characters that will protect those they love. However they also tend to kill those who show up, but they do protect their mates. It is an action packed, danger filled type of story but there is some hot sexy times as well.

I don’t really care for the dark tones to the story and can honestly say that I don’t normally read these books more than once. It is a very good story but come off just a bit harsh to me. However I would recommend it to those who like these types of stories.

Anyone But Him by Marcy Jacks

Title: Anyone But Him

Series: A Dragon’s Growl 12

Author: Marcy Jacks

Genre: Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (97pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (20th September 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3 1/2 Hearts

Blurb: Warren, a half breed vampire assassin, has just been taken down by a dragon much bigger, stronger, and badder than he could ever be. And that dragon is his mate. A mate who is incredibly unhappy to have him, and lets Warren know it.

Lasius, second hand of his former alpha, is pissed. A vampire? Really? The world saddled him with a vampire for a mate. Worse, this isn’t some innocent vampire, he’s as evil and blood sucking as they come, and Warren is lucky Lasius didn’t kill him on sight.

But is Warren really so evil? Warren’s seemed to be stubbornly hiding something since the moment Lasius found him, and as much as Lasius doesn’t want to acknowledge the mating pull between them, he won’t allow anyone in his clan to harm his mate either.

A sudden pregnancy and discovering his little assassin might be related to someone in the clan could change up everything for the better or the worse.

ISBN: 9781640106376

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I felt disconnected with Lasius in this story. I understood he was angry at who his mate was but felt the way he treated him was despicable and showed he did not care in the least.

Warren on the other hand seemed so lost at times. Though his secret was certainly not expected it made the story more enjoyable to me.

Mystery and a lot of drama are in abundance but well worth the read. Good addition to the series.

Battle of the Beast by Jane Perky

Title: Battle of the Beasts

Series: Last Dragons 02

Author: Jane Perky

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Short Story (73 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (May 17, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Will’s life in a mess. He’s lost his job and just found out his boyfriend’s cheating on him. He returns to his childhood home and resumes his role as the gardener for the last dragon shifters. Will hopes to see Jax, a dragon shifter and his childhood friend. Jax broke his heart ten years ago and left without an explanation and Will’s back to get some answers. Falling in love all over again for the lethal black dragon had never been part of the plan.

Jax Draken left home ten years ago after an uncontrolled shift. He’s never been able to tame the black dragon and wolf he was born with. Jax’s a nomad, moving from place to place, but he might just put down roots for Will. There are many fences to mend. Will’s defiant and stubborn as hell, but Jax won’t stop until he claims his human mate.

ISBN: 9781642432015

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Last Dragons collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Second chance at love are pretty unique especially when it comes to Will and Jax. Jax was the lucky winner to get not only his dragon side but a wolf side as well. To bad they warred with each other at the wrong times. After he hurt his mate he took off to try to learn how to tame his two sides. Forced to come home because his asshat of a father died, he realizes he wants his mate.

Will left shortly after Jax did and made his way to the city. All was good until he not only lost his job but dumped his cheating boyfriend, who just so happened to be a shifter as well. Will however was human, but grew up around dragon shifters. He has always wanted Jax but you never just drop your pants for your flame.

It is a story that has a dark tone to it but has a bit of humor mixed in. It doesn’t really flow as easy as it should but is still a pretty good read. I can honestly say I would read this book more than once.

There is nothing better than a good old dragon shifter who needs his butt kicked from time to time.

Earth Demon by Stormy Glenn

Title: Earth Demon

Series: Elemental Demons 03

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (November 16, 2017)

Length: Novella (137 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Detective Jackson Aniston was pulled into a world he never knew existed kicking and screaming. Demons were real, and one of them swore they were mates. No matter how handsome or intriguing the Djini warrior was, Jack wasn’t gay. It could never happen, no matter how many times Clagh kissed him.

Clagh had spent hundreds of years doing his duty to Jinnistan and his people. When his fellow warriors found their mates, he began to hope he would be granted the same gift. His Demonas Amaté was a welcome surprise. Now, if he could just get the handsome detective to see that they belonged together.

The threat to Jinnistan is greater than ever. The Shayatin are coming out in greater numbers, attacking indiscriminately. It’s up to Clagh and Jack to find a connection between the rogue demons and a lethal new drug on the streets of both worlds before time run out.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-820-2

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Elemental Demons collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Jackson is a detective in New York. His father and grandfather before him were also police officers. Strict and rough are just the tip of the iceberg with that family. His father also drilled it in his head that being gay was an abomination. Now here he was dragged in to a world he never knew existed. A world that was full of demons. One of those demon’s just so happened to be his mate. The problem was Jack keeps saying he is not gay. We will see how fast Clagh change’s his mind.

Clagh is over three hundred years old and is a warrior for Jinnistan. His duty is to protect hose around him and keep them safe. He has finally been granted a mate, only his mate is fighting it. On top of that, the Shayatin are showing up in large numbers. They are demons that have gone completely evil and they are killing anyone and everyone. Things are going to get real interesting soon.

I hate to admit it, but I seemed to have missed this series completely. I am now off to read the first two books and cannot wait to get my hands on the next story. It is action pact and very entertaining. The characters rock and they are very sexy to say the least.

Although Clagh is a powerful warrior, he comes off a bit timid to me. However I would probably say the same as he, when coming across a mate that is denying him. He fascinates me and so do the others. I enjoyed their names and their world.

I had a lot of fun reading this and would definitely recommend it. The world is fascinating and very intriguing, plus the sex is off the charts. This is one series I will read more than once.

Immortal Kiss by Lynn Hagen

Title: Immortal Kiss

Series: Christian’s Coven 13

Author: Lynn Hagen

Genre: Paranormal

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (November 13, 2017)

Length: Novella (120 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: After being deemed a rebel, Sterling escapes the Unseelie realm, only to end up being attacked by a rogue vampire and nearly drained dry. It was ironic that another vampire was the one to rescue him. But the rescue came at a price. Sterling had to receive a transfusion of blood in order to live, and now he has become one of the bloodsuckers. Worse, the vampire who rescued him is Sterling’s mate.

Gavino has swept the tunnels under the city for decades, eradicating rogues whenever found. But he never thought one of the rogue victims would be his mate. Sterling isn’t grateful for his life. In fact, he fights Gavino tooth and nail to get away.

Only, no one knew Panahasi had set up a spell that would alert him if anyone escaped the realm, and that spell included an ancient being hell-bent on destroying the dark fairies.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-716-8

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in Christian’s Coven collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. With this series I would suggest reading Brac Pack first, which also branches off to this series as well as Brac Village, Zeus’s Pack, Demon Warriors and so forth.

There is nothing better then a good paranormal romance with two gorgeous men involved. I love the way Lynn can put together a book that not only fascinates you but draws you in. I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading more by Lynn. There is something about the way that Lynn tells a story that will not only draw you in and keep your attention the whole time, but it will more than likely have you laughing your ass off. The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down. They will protect their mates with their entire lives. I had a blast reading this story. This story is perfect for when you are trying to take a break.

Gavino is one of the hard ass vampires, that goes out and kills those that have gone rogue. He has a dark side to him. When he rescues a fairy from one of those rogues, he is shocked to find out the man is his mate. A mate that turns out to be an Unseelie. Unseelie’s are considered evil and dark, so much so Panashai put someone as a watch dog to make sure they never came into their realm. No one expected the watch dog to hate fairies. Going to get real interesting.

I absolutely love this book almost as much as I have loved the other’s in this series. I can’t wait to read the next story. When Lynn puts out a book I am usually there to eat them up. They do have a bit of a serious tone to them but there is a lot of humor in them that I love. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It also gave me everything I could want in a book.

I would definitely recommend reading this book. Trust me it will keep you laughing, crying, loving and having fun.

The Cougar’s Assassin by E.A. Reynolds

Title: The Cougar’s Assassin

Series: Peyton City 12

Author: E.A. Reynolds

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Publisher: Siren Publishing (September 26, 2017)

Length: Novella (161 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Determined not to lose his heart to another powerful man, Jenner is unprepared for the attentions of the sexy assassin Logan. That leaves him hot and bothered yet unsure of how to deal with the assassin who’s been sent to kill not only a good friend of Jenner’s but possibly Jenner himself.

Logan was a man of action. So when he’s thrown together with his mate on a job he knew would end badly, his primary goal is to connect with his mate as unobtrusively as possible. When he learns Jenner is a target, Logan knows he’s about to put a price on his own head because saving his mate was all that mattered.

Jenner wasn’t about to mate the man sent to kill him, but his cat is drawn irrevocably to Logan, and so is he. So, there is only one thing he can do. He has to claim his assassin no matter the danger he’s walking into.

ISBN: 978-64010-622-2

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Peyton City’s collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in s
sequential order.

This is definitely one of those types of series that each story needs to be read back to back. The worlds are so twisted and the characters are completely complex. I have trouble keeping the good guys from the bad guys most of the time. It is a action packed story though with lots of excitement, adventure, twists and some hot sex scenes.

Logan was sent to find evidence against some shifters. To execute if need be, that is until he finds one of his targets to be his mate. Talk about a confusing situation for them both, because Jenner is not one of those tame pussy cats. He is all bite if need be, but he is falling for his sexy assassin mate. To bad someone wants them all dead.

Now normally I am all for books that are full of action, and assassins are majorly hot for me. The problems is trying to follow the pattern this author has put into her stories. For me a good story is remembered even if I am not reading it right then and there, and for me this was not that type of story. Now once I started reading it, I soon remembered the rest of the books. The characters however I did not. It is a difficult read to follow for me. Not so much that it took away from the story completely but I could not connect with the characters at all.

I had hoped with each book it would get easier, but when I read this one, the worlds just seem to collide with each other. I am still not completely sure of who is bad and who is good, but hey it will be interesting to figure it out in the end. Guess I will wait to see what this author makes for her readers in the future.

The Hunting Party by Dawn H. Hawkes

Title: The Hunting Party

Series: Full Moon Rituals 01

Author: Dawn H. Hawkes

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novel (213 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (May 7, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Davy Brighton is a shapeshifter and future beta of his pack, but waiting for his best friend to become the pack’s Alpha becomes a whole other ballgame when hunters come to town. Members of the pack are being hunted and being able to turn into a wolf isn’t an advantage when Davy meets his soulmate, Cole Travers—one of the hunters intent on taking down Davy and his friends.

Cole, on a never-ending mission to make the world safer, has never questioned the orders he is given. However, when Cole shares an intimate moment with sweet and sexy Davy, Cole is shocked to learn that not only is Davy a shapeshifter, but he is one of the hunting party’s priority targets. Davy defies everything Cole has come to expect from the creatures he hunts and there is something more that beckons him closer, something he can’t quite explain. Something that might just turn Cole against his team.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-187-2

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Davy and his friends are as close as one gets without being related. Terrance is going to be the alpha where the others are going to be his beta’s. Although Davy can actually kick their asses most times, he just doesn’t want to be the alpha. They are a peaceful group and have only had one tragedy. Davy had a date set up only to find out that his date had slept with his mate. A mate that just so happens to be a hunter.

Cole’s best friend had lost his sister to a shifter attack and from the point on he was a bit more distant. They had joined the military and then joined a hunter group. A hunter group that only killed those that needed to be killed. That is until the one in charge took it a bit farther. Now he is mated to a wolf and all hell is going to break loose.

I am not really sure what to say about this book. It has great potential but this first book just doesn’t come off the way it should. It has a dark tone to it, which I get, but it takes it a bit further too me. There is danger and some hot sexy times, but the tone to it is also serious. I didn’t connect with the guys like I should have and that was a down side as well. There is more information in it that was needed. It is a fast paced story when it shouldn’t be in parts, also the plot just leaves a lot to be desires. You could not connect with the secondary characters either.

Also when it comes to their mating, that was rushed by so fast that you didn’t really get a good taste to it. The whole story would have been amazing had the story felt like the author took a bit more time to make it stand out. Now that could be just because it is a first story to the series, but I will wait to read the next book to actually decide the rest of my feelings. For now this book doesn’t do it for me.

Love’s Betrayal by Stormy Glenn

Title: Love’s Betrayal

Series: Tribal Bonds 05

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Novella (115pgs)

Publisher: Siren Publishing (August 6, 2015)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Kerry is the beta of his pack. He is loyal to a fault, holding his honor close to his chest. But he also holds something else close to his chest…his need to dominate. When Jesse walks into his life, Kerry finds the one person meant to be his is the one that needs him to be dominant the most. Teaching Jesse how to be the anamchara of a wolf shifter might be harder to fight than the hunters that drag Jesse into their plans to exterminate paranormals.

Jesse is human who has a bad track record of putting his needs above others, but he has his reasons. When he meets Kerry under unusual circumstances, the life he has been fighting so hard to obtain is handed to him on a silver platter. But this gift has strings, ones Jesse’s not sure he can handle, especially when he tries to do the right thing and his past misdeeds have everyone around him believing the worst, even the man who is supposed to be his mate.

ISBN: 978-1-63529-623-9

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Tribal Bonds collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Jesse had betrayed his brother multiple times, but he had also been hiding a secret. A secret that got him into more than one time of trouble. However he had not known that his bother was mated to a paranormal. Hell he had not even known vampires existed and it had cost his brother’s mate. Now here he was in the same condition as his brother, mated to a paranormal. He was mated to a beta wolf.

Kerry figured out Jesse’s secret and knew that only he could give it to him. The dangers in the family was going to cost his little mate. However Jesse had information they needed, now if only they would get their heads out of their asses.

I didn’t much care for the part where Jesse was injured so badly. That part made the book go down in my eyes. Other than that this is one pretty amazing story. I always loved Stormy Glenn’s books and I can see it never changing. This story caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. I loved the chemistry the guys have, the dangers and excitement this story brings.

I had a lot of fun reading it and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Keeping Khaos by Lynn Hagen

Title: Keeping Khaos

Series: Brac Pack 34

Author: Lynn Hagen

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (November 20, 2017)

Length: Novella (104 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: When Cecil unburies a small boy from a snowdrift, he’s frantic to save the child. In doing so, he forms a bond with the little elf, even against Maverick’s warning that the boy’s parents could surface to reclaim him. But Cecil refuses to listen, adamant that he’s not giving Khaos up.

Meanwhile, Shadow is desperate to find his baby brother after his parents were killed by their evil tribe leader. He’s all Shadow has left in the world and he won’t stop until he’s reunited with Khaos—even when he comes across his mate on a backroad. The jaguar shifter promises to help Shadow, and it’s a promise Shadow holds him to.

When the tribe leader finds out Khaos is alive, he sends a demon to finish him off. He just didn’t anticipate having to come up against Cecil and Shadow, two pissed-off men who will do anything to keep Khaos safe.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-735-9

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in Brac Pack collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. What is really amazing about this series is that it has several that are branched off from this series and will give you one hell of a good time.

There is nothing better then a good paranormal romance with two gorgeous men involved. I love the way Lynn can put together a book that not only fascinates you but draws you in. I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading more by Lynn. There is something about the way that Lynn tells a story that will not only draw you in and keep your attention the whole time, but it will more than likely have you laughing your ass off. The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down. They will protect their mates with their entire lives. I had a blast reading this story. This story is perfect for when you are trying to take a break.

Cecil is bored out of his mind. All the children have left home and he is feeling that there is nothing left. That is until he takes a walk and finds a small child in a snow drift. He wants this little boy, but Maverick is being all adult and says they must find Khaos family. The thing is Khaos parents were killed and his brother is looking for him. So is the man who wants them both dead.

Shadow had to watch his parents being murdered by their leader. Now his little brother was missing and he has no idea what to do. At least he knows where to look. In looking, it leads him to his mate. A jaguar shifter who is a deputy. To get the whole taste, just read this book. However Johnny wants a kid, and it looks like he is going to drive them all crazy, right along with Cecil.

I absolutely love this book almost as much as I have loved the other’s in this series. I can’t wait to read the next story. When Lynn puts out a book I am usually there to eat them up. They do have a bit of a serious tone to them but there is a lot of humor in them that I love. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It also gave me everything I could want in a book.

I would definitely recommend reading this book. Trust me it will keep you laughing, crying, loving and having fun.

The Lion’s Lieutenant by E.A. Reynolds

Title: The Lion’s Lieutenant

Series: Wildcat County 04

Author: E.A. Reynolds

Genre: Paranormal

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (17th October 2017)

Length: Novella (123pgs)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Landyn isn’t looking for a lover let alone a mate. He’s just trying to adjust to life in a new pride where his rank has been taken and he’s forced to earn the respect of strangers. Although he’s lonely and his cat has a craving for a certain sexy lion, he’s not going near Emil.
Emil knows Landyn is a man he needs in his life, but Landyn is so deep in the closet he won’t even accept a date from him. But he has no intentions of taking no for an answer.

When a chance meeting leads to a walk in the park, Landyn accidental marks Emil and the lion is more than up to the challenge of claiming his mate even if he has to stalk the jaguar with patience.

However, time might be the enemy as the conflict with the jackals heats up and lives are put on the line

ISBN: 978-1-64010-681-9

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Wildcat County collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

This series is actually connected to another series, Peyton City. You will get characters from both series mixing together. I will admit that this series is very complex and somewhat complicated. I will also admit that I sometimes get the guys mixed up. This is one of those stories that you must read in order and not as a stand alone type of story. The story is that complex and very fast pace. For me it is a must to read them right before I read a new one otherwise my butt gets real lost with all the characters. There is quite a bit of new characters as well as old ones and it can be a bit confusing to figure out who is who and what is what. The story is real complex for me, but still fun to read.

Landyn is a jaguar shifter who doesn’t want a mate. He is so far in the closet that he fears coming out. The thing is, his mate just so happens to be a powerful lion shifter who is going to go all out to get him. Well one night, one sweet walk, and his jaguar takes the decision out of his hands.

Emil protects those around him and wants his mate. He knows deep down his mate wants him, but getting him to admit it might be too much. To top it of the jackals are at it again.

It is a very action pact series and you never know what is going to happen next. However it is also very hard to follow also. I had trouble figuring out who was trying to cause problems but damn it was fun to figure it out.

I had a lot of fun with this book and can not wait to start the next one. I would definitely recommend it and the others.

My Husband is a Grumpy Werewolf and So Is Our Baby! by Jane Wallace-Knight

Title: My husband is a Grumpy Werewolf and So is Our Baby!

Series: Grumpy Werewolf 04

Author: Jane Wallace-Knight

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Novella (160 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (November 22, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Cole Morgan and Evan West have been married for a year when their lives get turned upside down in the form of a werewolf baby that’s been left on their doorstep. Neither of them want to keep the baby, at least neither of them will admit it out loud.

After baby Freya grows on them both and worms her way into their hearts, they decide to raise her themselves. Things are good, but not for long, as they learn Freya’s true parentage. Not only was Freya’s human mother murdered but her father is none other than the heir to another pack, and the main murder suspect.

Torn between keeping Freya safe and getting justice for her mom, Evan and Cole must act carefully to keep their new family together. The deeper they delve the more secrets they uncover and a long string of murders come to light.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-775-5

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Grumpy Werewolf features Cole and Evan. You get to see them meet, hookup, get married, and now a baby.

Grumpy boss, grumpy husband and now a grumpy child. This story is the continued story of our sexy werewolf and his mate. To get the full impact you need to read the first books.

Cole and Evan have been married a full year. They have had their ups and downs, and Cole is one moody human. Yet he calls his husband grumpy. Evan was his boss and now he is husband, things sure are a nice change. Anniversary time full of hot sex, chocolate, wine and what is that, a baby. A baby that has been left on their doorstep.

Freya is a werewolf baby whose mother was killed. The mother’s friend dropped her off, knowing how the werewolf community would work with an abandoned child. However when they find out who her father is, well lets just say things are going to get heated. Especially when it looks like that father was also the one that killed her, or is he. Things are going to get twisted real fast.

As always this author has given another amazing story. It caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. I do love the little twists that this one had going on. I was also quite surprised at Cole and a baby, talk about a messy blast. Action packed and hot sex, what more could another want, well how about murder.

I had a blast reading this and can not wait to get my hands on the next book. I would definitely recommend this book and series.

Stephan’s Monster by Shelby Rhodes

Title: Stephan’s Monster

Series: Vampires of Vadin 02

Author: Shelby Rhodes

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (175pgs)

Publisher: Siren-BookStrand (13th December 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Jayden knows he’s a monster. The people he killed were horrible, but it didn’t change what he was. And being taken in by Stephan Everwood at fifteen hadn’t changed his homicidal tendencies. Yet ten years later he finds himself struggling to be someone he’s not. Then, despite thinking he lost most of his emotions years ago, Jayden discovers that not only is he not as empty inside as he thought, but that his monster is more present than ever before.

Stephan freely admits he has some issues. His self-doubts could be unrelenting and Stephan’s need to fix things tended to go too far. It blinded him to Jayden’s struggles. In the end his refusal to listen to what Jayden was trying to tell him has unfortunate results. When Stephan finally accepts who Jayden is, he must also face all that he had locked away inside.

Their difficulties brought them together. Their love healed them. And when the past tries to tear them apart, their darkness saved them.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-812-7

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Stephan a lydus blood elf, takes in Jayden, a vampire with a burning rage and unique abilities. Jayden is a killer. But he only kills those that deserve it. Along the way he realizes he has feelings for Stephan which confuse him as he has only felt hatred and rage until then.

Stephan for his part may look sweet and innocent but when he is in a rage he unleashes power unlike anything anyone else has encountered. Both these men have had horrible abuse done to them as children and my heart went out to them both. I found that I liked them both as the story progressed. Stephan helped Jayden as much as he could. While at the same time Jayden helped Stephan.

Although this story has it’s dark moments I was still enthralled with plot. I could not put it down until the very end. Excellent addition to the series and highly recommended.

Special K by Stormy Glenn

Title: Special K

Series: Pantarius Brothers 02

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (66pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (May 31, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Dominic Pantarius had stood by and watched his best friend and brother find each other and learned what he wanted in life. A mate, that one person meant just for him. One-night hookups no longer held any appeal for him. When a cute veterinarian with soulful brown eyes and a little sass gave him attitude, he was pretty sure he’d found the mate he’d been looking for.

Keeland Fagon was intrigued by Dom the moment the man almost hit him with his motorcycle. Too bad the man had to ruin it by opening his mouth. Keeland was used to bigger men trying to boss him around. He had learned to stand up to them and not let them bully him around. When Dom starts to pursue him, he doesn’t know whether to argue with the man or welcome him with open arms.

Introducing Keeland to the world of shifters might send the sexy little human running for the hills, but an accidental bite mates them together for life. Now, Dom has to convince his mate that they belonged together even as outside forces try to rip them apart.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-284-8

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Pantarius Brothers collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Keeland is just doing what he normally does and wham out comes a motorcycle aimed right at him. Ok so maybe he was saving a small kitten’s life, but still a hot man on a motorcycle. He has always said that he would never bow down to an alpha type male trying to boss him around, and damn if that said alpha man was down right sexy. Then his life just went haywire, the man was a shifter.

Dominic was a panther shifter and he has found his mate. And boy does that mate have a mouth on him. He had been getting tired of watching his brother play around with his mate, but then again there has been a lot of surprises lately. One of them was the fact that he had four brothers and they were all shifters. To find out he had been adopted had not been a bad thing, but damn that he can turn into one hell of a big black cat was just a bit shocking. Then there is the fact that someone wants them dead, however if you want to know more, read the book.

Fascinating, exciting, adventurous, sexy, dangerous and oh so much more are what you find in this book. The characters are sexy, feisty and will protect those around them. This book gave me everything I could want in a story and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book.

Learning to Love by Marcy Jacks

Title: Learning to Love

Series: A Dragon’s Growl 09

Author: Marcy Jacks

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal

Length: Novella (109 pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (August 18, 2017)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Zane is still getting used to living under dragon rule. He escaped the vampires so he wouldn’t have to be ruled, but now he is here, forced to make the best of his new situation, even with the nightmares from a traumatic past, and one annoying, handsome dragon, who seems determined to never leave Zane alone.

Marxus was only supposed to watch over the new human, to make sure he was trustworthy, but it turned into so much more than that. Marxus sees a deeper pain within the human, something that won’t be tamed so easily, and he wants to be there for him. He wants Zane for himself, if only Zane can let him in.

The house isn’t safe, and when an old enemy comes looking for revenge, Marxus will prove to the human that he can rely on someone else, that Zane can trust Marxus to keep him safe. And to love him.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-562-1

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Zane and Marxus was a great couple. Both had painful pasts that made the other wary of others to a point. I loved the way despite the way they began when trouble came around they had each others backs.

It’s best to read these books in order as they each continue where the previous one leaves off.

Great read. 

Home in His Eyes by Stormy Glenn

Title: Home In His Eyes

Series: Cade Creek 15

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Contemporary

Publisher: Siren Publishing (August 4, 2017)

Length: Novella (124 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Adam Bozeman’s world ended when he was informed his lover had been killed in a shooting. Unable to get over his heartache, he decides to go home to Cade Creek. But his misery only grows worse when he discovers his lover alive and well and living in his hometown. Before he can deal with the betrayal he feels at being lied to, he has to make sure Mike stays alive.

DEA Agent Mike Ryan spent months in Cade Creek recovering from a bullet wound from a botched mission and a broken heart from being dumped by his lover. Coming face to face with Adam changes the betrayal he feels into confusion. Someone is trying desperately to keep them apart, and Mike is determined to find the culprit. Learning to trust each other again seems simple compared to trying to keep each other alive when the bullets start flying.

But Cade Creek is a close-knit community, and they don’t take kindly to someone going after one of their own. When trouble arrives, Adam and Mike learn they have the support of more people than they thought.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-650-5

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Cade Creek collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. This story is a branch off of the Blaecleah Brothers, so I would suggest starting with that series first.

Every once in awhile you find an author that can give you a world that would be perfect to live in. I came across Stormy Glenn awhile back and I knew from that moment that she was going to be one of my favorite authors of all time, if not the top one. There is something about the way that she writes that not only draw you in but keeps you there. She gives you hot sex, lots of love and tenderness, mixed in with excitement, adventure and lots of dangerous situations. They are not only the perfect length for me, but they are so full of detail that it feels like you are right there with them. They not only entertain you but captivates you throughout the whole story. For me once I start reading I can’t move until I find out how they end. Her characters are also very fascinating and unique to me.

The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down. To me there is nothing better than a good romance, and Stormy gives one hell of a good one.

Adam and Mike had been dating for a short time when Adam was told that Mike had been killed. Mike had told him he was law enforcement but not the one he truly was. To top it off, at the time Adam was thought to be involved in the crime. When Adam lost the man he loved, he went to the one place that brought him peace, home.

Mike was a DEA agent. He had been shot on assignment, given a good bye letter from the man he loved and had a broken heart. He had lived a life of secrets, but he had not expected what was about to come. Adam was in Cade Creek, just where Mike was now. Wow, things are going to heat up real soon.

I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series that you can’t put down and have to read more than once. It is the perfect story for me and gave me all that I needed. I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. I had a blast reading it and I can’t wait to read the next story.