The Eagle and The Fox by Nya Rawlyns Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hiya guys, we have Nya Rawlyns stopping by today with her newest release The Eagle and the Fox, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Aerin’s review to check out. So enjoy the post and click that Raffllecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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The Eagle and the Fox

(Snowy Range Mystery)

Nya Rawlyns

Kit Golden Eagle is running. From poverty, from abuse. Forced to live by his wits, the Ojibwe teen slowly succumbs to living a life of hate and lies.

Josiah Foxglove is given a second chance when he takes over his family’s spread in the shadow of the Snowy Range. A veteran of the Gulf War, he came back broken in body and spirit.

Marcus Colton buried his long-time lover and best friend three years ago. Lonely and still grieving, Marcus finds solace in keeping his business afloat but that doesn’t help him get through the long, dark nights.

Three damaged souls converge as violence wracks the small community of Centurion, WY. The town protects its own so when Kit Golden Eagle shows up, it’s easy to place blame on the stranger. It looks open and shut, but for Josiah and Marcus the facts simply don’t add up.

Something’s rotten in Centurion, something that smacks of a hate crime…

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Scent of the Heart by Parker Williams Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hiya peeps, we have the pleasure of having Parker Williams popping in today with his the cover and a tasty excerpt of his upcoming release Scent of the Heart. Check out the second book in the Shifting Needs series and then click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Scent of the Hearts

(Shifting Needs 02)

Parker Williams

Casey Scott grew up being told he’d never amount to anything, and despite the unwavering love and support from his best friend, Jake, the idea sticks in the back of Casey’s mind. When he discovers he has a unique destiny in an enclave where shifters and humans live together, he seizes the chance, wanting for once in his life to be someone special.

Tsvetok Yerokhin lost his parents to the evil ruler of the enclave when he was a boy. The responsibilities of raising his two younger brothers nearly overwhelmed him and self-doubt took over. When the new Alpha and his Protector arrive in time to save his life, Sev is grateful, but he’s even more shocked when he scents his mate with them.

Casey isn’t prepared for the feelings that sweep over him when he meets Sev, but he refuses to act on them because he’s straight. Still, there is something so alluring about Sev that Casey can’t help being drawn to him.

As the two explore the edges of their new discovery, an evil returns, determined to control the enclave or destroy it. The Alpha and Protector are powerless to stop it, but Casey holds the key to victory. If he can discover what it is, he has a chance to save them all. To be the hero.

Unfortunately, the hero has to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, and for Casey that means losing his heart.

Release Date 15th June 2015

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The Live Oak Tales by Stephen del Mar Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, we have Stephen del Mar stopping by today with the blog tour for his series The Live Oak Tales, we ask Stephen a couple of question, there’s a brilliant excerpt, a great giveaway and Lisa reviews of Dark Love and The Bear, the Witch and the Web. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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“Slay me,” said the dragon.

(The Live Oak Tales Prequel)

Stephen del Mar

Drake’s a pretty, blond twink of a college kid and he has a problem. It’s his twenty-first birthday and the one person he wants at his birthday bash isn’t there. Flint, his roommate, is missing. Drake decides to ditch his own party and find him. This is the night he’s going to tell Flint how he really feels but where is he?

Flint’s hiding out in a leather bar that’s secretly a dragon den. Things get interesting when Drake finds him, because Drake has a secret of his own, he’s really a dragon slayer. “Slay me,” said the dragon, is a wacky short story about star-crossed lovers and unintended consequences.

Short Story, about 14K words

“Slay me,” said the dragon, is the prequel to “The Live Oak Tales,” a contemporary fantasy/paranormal series set in the wider Stories from Bennett Bay collection. “Slay me,” said the dragon introduces us to the dragons and a bit of their lore.

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Dark Love

(The Live Oak Tales 01)

Love and family, the two things Dieter wants most are slipping away. His uncle, the man who raised him as a father, is dead. Now his brother can’t wait to bulldoze and sell the family farm. Yet Dieter clutches at the memories of the past, fighting to hold them close. What Dieter doesn’t know is the past can be present and what is dead doesn’t always stay dead. He discovers that Dark Loves wants to live in the light.

“Dark Love” is a paranormal romance set in Stephen del Mar’s Bennett Bay region of Florida. There are witches, faeries, bears, twinks, a dragon drive by, and one very determined fag hag. Once again del Mar gives us the rich texture of his Florida setting that goes from the bayside tourist town of Bennett Bay to the backwater country hamlet of Live Oak. Remember, things are not always what they seem and be careful what you do under the light of the full moon!

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The Bear, the Witch and the Web

(The Live Oak Tales 02)

A month has passed since the events in “Dark Love” and Max is preparing to deal with the passing of Flora May. What he isn’t prepared for is entering the world of faeries and dragons. The Jumble, the ancient wood just beyond the family farm, is in crisis. The fae are missing and the Witch of the Wood is dead. Can the Circle move past their grief and defeat the menace in the depths of the Pit? Will the secret of the Water Stone be revealed? And most importantly, will there be tea?

“The Bear, the Witch & the Web” is the second book in “The Live Oak Tales,” a contemporary fantasy/paranormal series set in the wider Stories from Bennett Bay collection.

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Hunter Moon and the Red Wolf

(The Live Oak Tales 03)

Wolves! Wolves have returned to Florida, or at least in eastern Big Cypress County, and no one knows why or how. Janos Pac, the new Witch of the Wood, is desperately trying to hold Flora May’s old Circle together, but things are falling apart despite his best efforts. Stone, the youngest member of the group, is the only one to show up for Samhain. After his first cup of tea, the blue kind, things take an unexpected turn. A plot by the dragons is unearthed and everyone’s on the watch for owls. Beware the owls!

“Hunter Moon & the Red Wolf” is the third book in “The Live Oak Tales,” a contemporary fantasy/paranormal series set in the wider Stories from Bennett Bay collection.

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Tricking Chase by Jessie G. Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Jessie G. - Tricking Chase Tour Banner

Hey guys, Jessie G. drops by today with her newest release Tricking Chase, Jessie has written us a wonderful post about herself and Tricking Chase, we have a fantastic excerpt, an incredible giveaway and KathyMac’s review. So enjoy the post, click that Rafflecopter link & leave a comment <3 ~Pixie~ 

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Tricking Chase

(Devils Pride MC 01)

Jessie G.

As Sergeant At Arms for Devils Pride MC, Tyler “Trick” Malone’s take no prisoners reputation make him one of the most feared and respected members of the club. Unbeknownst to the MC, Trick indulges his most dangerous secret, traveling out of state twice a year to trade his cut for the whip he expertly wields at a gay dungeon.

Trick’s well organized life takes a turn when he saves bar back, and terrified submissive, Chase Ward in a Georgia dungeon. With his protector and dungeon owner dead, Chase is no longer safe in the place he once called home. With the new dungeon owners circling like sharks, he desperately begs for sanctuary in the arms of his savior.

A year later, the MC is still none the wiser that Trick’s houseboy is anything more than a grateful servant. Chase knows, if the club finds out their secret, they will kill Trick—the man he’s come to rely on for everything from the food he eats to the pleasure he feels to the security he craves. Even when gratitude turns to love, Chase never expects reciprocation from his ruthless Master. After all, the only way for them to survive is if Trick remains the heartless bastard the MC knows.

Trick is positive he has it under control and having Chase around has definitely made his life easier. There doesn’t seem to be any harm in letting Chase take a part-time job at Velvet Ropes, especially after meeting privately with the owners. That is until a bomb explodes at the club, leaving Chase fighting for his life and forcing Trick to face his long hidden feelings.

Even if Chase survives, that bomb has done more than rock the foundation of the popular leather club. It’s blown Trick and Chase’s well-guarded secret out of hiding, putting their lifestyle and their lives at risk. Now there is only one thing Trick needs to do before the club gets them and that’s to get revenge on the person who dared to hurt his precious boy.

Authors Note: Tricking Chase is a direct spin-off of The Protector, which is book 3 in my Sizzling Miami series. Though I tried to provide enough details that it isn’t necessary to have read that book, I cannot really call this a standalone.

Warning: Tricking Chase contains an established D/s relationship, hot guys on motorcycles, an undercover DEA agent named Snake, and a few visits from fan favorite Sizzling Miami characters.

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Two Sides of the Same Coin by Thianna Durston Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hiya guys, today we have Thianna Durston stopping by with her newest release Two Sides of the Same Coin, we have a very tasty teaser and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~ 

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Two Sides of the Same Coin


Thianna Durston

Blake Loughton was pretty sure life was over at the age of forty. All he did was work, work, work, except for the few hours a week he spent online with a dominant who seemed to get him. When he met his dom in person quite by accident, it changed everything, especially when he fell in love with the man behind the online persona.

At thirty-four Dusty Brandon had been involved in his alternative lifestyle for ages, but hadn’t had a sub in years until he met Blake online. The more he knew him, the more he wanted to take things further. Getting through Blake’s barriers used all the knowledge he had, but getting his boy to move to Texas took even more.

Join Blake and Dusty on their journey from meeting online to the moment Sir collars his boy. A BDSM erotic romance sure to make everything worth it. Two men. Dominance, submission, kink, and love. The Blake/Dusty Chronicles: Two Sides of the Same Coin – an erotic romance you won’t want to miss.

Exclusive on Kindle Unlimited

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KAGE by Maris Black Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Maris Black - KAGE Banner

Hi guys, we have Maris Black visiting us today with her newest release KAGE, we have a great excerpt, two fantastic giveaways and Aerin’s review, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link & leave a comment <3 ~Pixie~ 

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(KAGE Trilogy 01)

Maris Black

ROUND 1 of the KAGE Trilogy
My name is Jamie Atwood, and I’m an addict. I never thought I’d say such a thing. Never had a problem being overly-attached to anything in my life. I came from a perfectly middle-class family, made good grades, and had a hot cheerleader girlfriend. But the truth is, nothing ever really moved me. So how did a guy like me become an addict?

I met Michael Kage.

Kage is an MMA fighter. A famous one. I like to think I helped him get that way.

He’s charming as hell, with looks to rival any movie star and talent to back it up. So why did he need to hire me as an intern Publicist? Simple. He has a darkness in him– like a black hole so deep it could swallow him, and me, and everyone we know– and that’s not good for business.

The first time I met him, I felt the pull. I think the addiction began at that very moment. And even if I’d known then what I know now, I would have fallen for him. How could I not?

For me, Kage is everything.

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Native Tongue by Lucy Felthouse Blog Tour, Guest Post Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hiya peeps, we have Lucy Felthouse stopping by today with the blog tour for her newest release Native Tongue, Lucy chats about Homosexuality in the Armed Forces, we have a great excerpt, there’s a fantastic giveaway and Aerin’s review. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Native Tongue

(Desert Heat 02)

Lucy Felthouse

They may be back on British soil, but the battle isn’t over.

When Captain Hugh Wilkes fell for his Afghan interpreter, Rustam Balkhi, he always knew things would never be easy. After months of complete secrecy, their return to England should have spelt an end to the sneaking around and the insane risks. But it seems there are many obstacles for them to overcome before they can truly be happy together. Can they get past those obstacles, or is this one battle too many for their fledgling relationship?


**For those of you that haven’t yet read Desert Heat (which is recommended before picking up this book), there’s a great value two book bundle available exclusively on Amazon, and is FREE to Kindle Unlimited members: **

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Cliff's Edge by Laura Harner Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hiya guys, we have Laura Harner stopping by today with her newest release Cliff’s Edge, the seventh book in her Willow Springs Ranch series, Laura answers a couple of our questions, there’s a fantastic excerpt, an awesome giveaway an Cat’s review, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Cliff’s Edge

(Willow Springs Ranch 07)

Laura Harner

Navy SEALs Cliff “Snides” Snyder and Ryan “Rhino” Matthews have been moving comfortably in each other’s worlds for two decades. Best friends since attending BUDs twenty years earlier, and despite playing for different teams, they’re often accused of acting like an old married couple—much to their amusement.

Assigned to shore duty for his final tour before retirement and without Ryan to anchor him, Cliff’s restlessness leads him to a local club and hands-on research that leaves him in a compromising position and a witness to murder—signaling the abrupt end of his Navy career. Needing a place to lay low and lick his wounds, Cliff visits his old friends at the Willow Springs Ranch while he considers making cowboy his new job title.

After six long months on deployment, Rhino returns to San Diego—only to discover Cliff’s gone dark and the unlikely words ‘poor judgment’ are hanging in the air. Despite the offer of a prestigious assignment, Ryan opts to track down his best friend first and finds him at the WSR…along with more questions than he ever expected. With the most coveted orders for a SEAL dangling, twenty years of service under his belt, and Cliff determined to move on without him, decisions must be made.

Ryan is certain he has the perfect solution going forward, but Cliff knows he must face the fallout of his actions alone—and the one thing he’s determined to do is protect Ryan from making the biggest mistake of his career—even if it costs Cliff everything. You know what they say—the only easy day was yesterday.

Continue reading “Cliff's Edge by Laura Harner Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Would I Lie to You? by Brad Vance Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hiya peeps, we have Brad Vance visiting today with his newest release Would I Lie to You, we have a tasty teaser, a brilliant giveaway and Cat’s review, so check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Would I Lie to You?

(The Game Players 01)

Brad Vance

Software billionaire Marc Julian’s orderly life is shattered one night by a cyber-intrusion into his company’s servers. He’s always surrounded himself with the best people, but finding the culprit behind this might require a real expert…and sometimes it takes a thief to catch a thief.

Jesse Winchester and his team of “grey hat” hackers are suddenly available to Marc. Marc doesn’t know if he should trust Jesse with the keys to his company’s kingdom. After all, Jesse’s a convicted felon, sent to prison for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. A felon sentenced to thirty-five years in prison, who mysteriously served only three years before being released…

Marc’s first company, his whole life, was shattered because he trusted the wrong person. This time there’s even more at stake, but few other options. Especially when his evil enemies, the billionaire industrialist Krom brothers, are revealed to be the source of the intrusion.

Is Jesse there to help Marc, or does he have his own history with the Kroms, his own score to settle? As Jesse and Marc spend more time together, their growing intimacy is at war with their need to win their respective battles. Soon the game they start to play with each other, against each other, becomes more exciting, more exquisitely frustrating…and more dangerous.

(Amazon exclusive)

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The Altered II by Annabelle Jacobs Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Annabelle Jacobs stopping by today with her newest release The Altered II, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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The Altered II

(Lycanaeris 02)

Annabelle Jacobs

A remote farmhouse in Cornwall seems the perfect place for Ash to settle into his recently altered status. Starting a new life there with Sam—the shifter he can’t stay away from—should be easy this far from London where they faced so much danger. So why does adjusting seem impossible?

Sam has issues of his own. He has to get used to his human form again after living the last eight years as a wolf. It’s hard when human worries weigh so heavily on his shoulders. Life is much more straightforward from a wolf’s perspective, until Ash needs his human support.

Ash’s problem is simple: he’s fearful of shifting fully. How can he believe he won’t hurt Sam when his genes were altered to create a killer? Despite repeated reassurance, his anger and resentment increase. Only one thing is certain: if Ash can’t learn to trust himself soon, he’s in danger of proving himself right.

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Gay for Pay by T.M. Smith Cover Reveal & Excerpt!

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Hi guys, we have T.M. Smith popping in with the cover to her upcoming release Gay for Pay, we have a brief excerpt and T.M. Smith invites you all to join her FB party where you can win prizes. So enjoy the post and make sure to visit the FB party! <3 ~Pixie~

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Gay for Pay

(An All Cocks Story 01)

T.M. Smith

Christopher Allan Roberts thought he had a promising future. Captain of the football team with the promise of a scholarship to play for Alabama. His high school sweetheart and best friend for as long as he could remember Amanda by his side, and the love and support of his family. One night, one mistake changed everything. Chris moves to New York, adrift and alone. A walk one night brings him to the flashing lights, loud music and thrumming bodies at club Berlin. A flyer in the men’s room promises fame and fortune for anyone willing to go on camera and have sex, with another man. Money is money, and how hard could it be, right?

Linc Larson is All Cocks most requested, most versatile model. The openly bi-sexual gay porn star will do anything with anyone, which pretty much writes his ticket in a versatility charged industry. Lincoln Carter is honest with everyone in his life, including his family, about who he is and about his sexual preferences. It’s not his sexuality that interferes with his personal life though; it’s his inability to trust.

What Linc wants right now, more than anything, is the chance to do a scene with All Cocks newest acquisition, Kris Alen. Six foot two with Auburn hair, an exquisitely toned body and enough ink on his skin to put Crayola out of business, Kris Alen is sex personified. Linc doesn’t know if it’s the “I want the shiny new toy” aspect that calls to him, or the distant and wounded expression that haunts Kris’s eyes. It becomes painfully clear soon enough that Kris is straight and only working the gay for pay angle that All Cocks brings to his bank account.

Can a bi-sexual man with trust issues break down the barriers that Christopher has built around himself and help Kris come to terms with the painful past he is hiding from.

Gay for Pay is a gay for you story about two men that will have to come to terms with the mistakes they made in their past if they want to stick around and have a chance at a future.

Tentative release is mid to late June 2015

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Cronin's Key II by N.R. Walker Book Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have N.R. Walker visiting today with her newest release Cronin’s Key II, there’s a stunning excerpt, a fabulous giveaway and my review, so check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Cronin’s Key II


N.R. Walker

History isn’t always what it seems.

With the battle of Egypt behind them, Alec and Cronin are enjoying the thrill of new love. Though fate doesn’t wait long before throwing them back into the world of weird.

They know Alec’s blood is special, though its true purpose still eludes them. And given Alec’s inability to be changed into a vampire, Cronin is free to drink from him at will. But the ramifications of drinking such powerful blood starts a ripple effect.

With the help of Jorge, a disturbing vampire-child with the gift of foresight, Alec and Cronin face a new kind of war. This time their investigations lead them to the borders of China and Mongolia—but it’s not what lies in the pits beneath that worries Alec.

It’s the creator behind it all.

In the underground depths of China, amidst a war with the Terracotta Army, they will find out just what the Key is, and what Alec means to the vampire world.

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Coming Clean by Silvia Violet Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Silvia Violet popping in with her newest release Coming Clean, we have a great short exclusive excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Prime’s review for you to check out, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Coming Clean


Silvia Violet

An unexpected inheritance lands Jeremy a large house and plenty of money to take a sabbatical from his job teaching poetry at a small college. He intends to sell the house and take off on a new path to discover what he wants out of life. Then he meets Connor. The attraction he feels to a man so different from himself is no less shocking than his change in financial circumstances, but Connor is in the closet and Jeremy wants a life lived out in the sun.

Connor is a former Force Recon Marine who runs a housecleaning business. When he’s hired to get Jeremy’s house market-ready, he’s startled by how attracted he is to his client despite their many differences. But his past, especially his final mission, weighs heavily on him. He’s not certain he can be the man Jeremy needs, but no man has ever made him want to take a risk like Jeremy does.

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Black Balled by Andrea Smith & Eva LeNoir Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Andrea Smith & Eva LeNoir stopping by today with their newest release Black Balled, yes it’s the book with all the controversy on ‘the site that will not be named’, now I don’t involve myself with all that stuff I’m just all about the books, and it’s up to you lot to decide if this book deserves a chance or if the authors have tainted the book… as I said it’s your choice. So for the book we have several excerpts and a fantastic giveaway, check out the post and see if this book deserves a chance 😉

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Black Balled


Andrea Smith & Eva LeNoir

Two dominant males, two worthy adversaries, in a business that takes no prisoners, will soon learn that fate refuses to be ignored . . .

My name is Troy Babilonia, but I’m best known  as Babu, a renowned literary critic with my own online column. I’m followed by thousands! I’m a living god in the literary world. I have no filter, and for that, my flock of humble followers are forever grateful. If it weren’t for me, they wouldn’t know what to read. I have zero tolerance for the weak-minded attention seekers, nor do I have respect for the self-proclaimed geniuses of the Indie world. My advice to all Indie authors is to never break the cardinal rule in this cut-throat business. Ever.

My name is L. Blackburn and I’m an Indie author. My extraordinary genius was loved and worshiped throughout the literary world, until one egocentric  critic tried to obliterate my career. It seems I broke some fucking “cardinal rule,” and now I’m paying the price for it. But I don’t plan on going down without a fight.

After all, when a predator goes after your cub, it’s time to go for the throat–and maybe more…much more.

Barnes & Noble:

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Get Off My Case by Lisa Oliver Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys we have Lisa Oliver stopping by with the tour for Get Off My Case her new wolf shifter series, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Lisa’s review. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Get Off My Case

(Stockton Wolves 01)

Lisa Oliver

The first 20,000 words of this story were published as a free read for the Goodreads MMRomance Group Love’s Landscapes Project. 49,000 words have been added to make this into the book my characters wanted it to be.

Shane West was used to being the only wolf shifter at the Stockton Police Department. His enhanced senses helped him do his job efficiently and he prided himself on keeping control of his animal instincts. Gay from the first day he’d shifted, he also expected to live his long life alone, and provided it meant that he didn’t have to come into contact with any of his ex-pack, he told himself he was happy. And he was. Until Dimitri Polst was assigned as his new partner.

Confirmed ladies man, Dimitri Polst knew Shane from before he’d ever shifted into his wolf form.  Two years older and from the same pack, Dimitri had made it his teenage mission to bring as much pain and humiliation to pretty-boy Shane as possible. But years later, he searched for that pretty boy, now all grown up, with a completely different mission in mind.

Being fated mates was hard enough, but when one man is straight and the other one has no reason to trust, then sparks are bound to fly.  Add in a serial killer who is making inroads into the gay population and a possible shifter involvement, and Shane and Dimitri have a lot of thing to overcome before they get their HEA.

Continue reading “Get Off My Case by Lisa Oliver Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Henry's End by Julie A. Richman Release Day Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Julie A. Richman stopping by today to show off her newest release Henry’s End, we have some great excerpts to whet your appetite and a fantastic giveaway, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~ 

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Henry’s End


Julie A. Richman


I used to have them—before the nightmares started.

I dreamed of nice guys, love…normalcy.

Things like reading the Sunday paper in bed with my lover.

But who needs dreams when your reality is filled with a string of faceless dominating men in uniform? Men that pack a thick bulge and are only too happy to satisfy my deviant sexual cravings.

Me. That’s who.

And then HE walked through the door and shared with me, a total stranger, his intimate dream of love. Damn him for verbalizing every single detail of the dream I buried long ago.

And now I don’t know how I’m going to live without that dream.

Or him.


Continue reading “Henry's End by Julie A. Richman Release Day Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Crossed Hearts by K. Vale Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, we have K. Vale stopping by today with the blog tour for her latest release Crossed Hearts, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Young man

Crossed Hearts


K. Vale

One heart’s been broken. The other is secondhand.

Kory Vansant doesn’t deserve to be alive.

As time sucks him dry of energy, sapping the final ounces of strength from his congenitally enlarged heart, he’s forced to end his career as Kory Kent, porn star. Staring down death, he questions his life choices and prays for a miracle. For another chance at life, he vows to change who he is at his core.

His prayers are answered. A perfect heart now beats in his chest, but it comes at a heavy price. The donor is an innocent young man cut down far too prematurely.

Kory’s blemished history and his donor’s spotless past are far from ideal matches.

As his debts skyrocket, Kory can’t help but think his resolve to walk the high road is being tested. After he meets the adorable Will Squire at the gravesite they both visit, he’s doubly damned because there’s no way he can keep up his end of the bargain. What happens when a man breaks a deal with a higher power?

Will often prefers the company of the dead to that of the living. Following a bad breakup, he pours himself into his two jobs—funeral director at his uncle’s mortuary and part-time paramedic. He’s drawn ever closer to Kory, as if fate sticks her fickle hand in and pushes them together like two unlikely puzzle pieces. But sometimes history can’t be buried, and maybe divine intervention isn’t always right. Will discovers everyone is imperfect, no matter how pretty the outer package, and opening one’s heart is never easy, but can be oh, so worth the pain.

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Secrets of Nothing by Liz Borino Book Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Liz Borino - Secrets of Nothing 600x600Banner

Hi peeps, we have Liz Borino stopping by now with her newest release Secrets of Nothing, we have a great excerpt, some random fun facts about Liz, a brilliant giveaway & Tams review, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Liz Borino - Secrets of Nothing Cover

Secrets of Nothing

(Secrets 03)

Liz Borino

After several months overseas, Rhett and Kaden O’Neil fantasize about a return to their version of normalcy. However, the FBI mission shows no signs of completion and the men are forced to wait. 

Just when Rhett reaches the end of his patience, a single phone call shatters his world. His beloved grandfather’s plane disappeared. No tracking. No landing. No crash site. 


Rhett now must unravel the lies in place to protect him so he can help his family. And not even the risk to his own life will stop him.

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Piece by Piece by Teodora Kostova Blog Tour, Character Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Teodora Kostova Piece by Piece Banner

Hi peeps, we have the brilliant Teodora Kostova and her newest release Piece by Piece, Tams interviews Riley, we have a great comment giveaway and Tams review so enjoy the post and leave a comment for the giveaway!

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Piece by Piece

(West End book 03)

Teodora Kostova

Sometimes to reach the surface you have to fall to the bottom first…

For the past ten years, Riley Davis’ life has been overshadowed by the tragic death of his partner. Fluctuating between alcohol induced daze, clinical depression and throwing all his time and effort into his business, Riley doesn’t believe, or even hope, that his life will ever be worth living again.

Until Sonnie Frye drops by his haberdashery shop, changing his life forever.

Sonnie is a man who likes getting what he wants, when he wants it. He’s worked hard to establish himself as Queen Victoria theatre’s chief costume designer, collecting multiple awards – and high-profile clients – along the way. Sonnie is used to putting his needs, goals and desires first, unwilling to compromise his own happiness for anybody else.
Until he meets a handsome shop owner whose eyes are so sad that they immediately tug at Sonnie’s heartstrings.

Seeing something he wants, Sonnie is determined to get under Riley’s skin and, preferably, into his bed. But he soon discovers the task is not that easy. For the first time in his life, Sonnie may need to put someone else’s needs before his own, and re-evaluate what really matters in life.

Will the two men stand side by side to overcome their differences, and everything else life throws at them? Or will it all become too much to bear, shaking them to their very core, destroying everything they’ve worked so hard to achieve?

***Sexual content, 18+ only***
***Piece by Piece is a standalone novel. It’s the full story of Sonnie and Riley***

 Where to buy

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In-Decision by Sue Brown Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Sue Brown - In-Decision  BT

Hi guys, we have Sue Brown stopping by today with her newest release In-Decision, the second book in the Left at the Crossroads series, we have a great excerpt, a wonderful giveaway and my review. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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(Left at the Crossroads 02)

Sue Brown

Little Mowbury is a sleepy English village deep in the Cotswolds. The kind of village where you’re only a local if your lineage can be traced back to the dinosaurs. Where you can find everything in the single village shop from morning newspapers to dry-cleaning, and getting your shoes mended. And, of course, where everybody knows everybody else’s business. It’s easy to find… you can’t miss it… just ask anyone and they’ll tell you… “It’s left at the crossroads.”

Eighteen months ago Jason Havers lost the love of his life and it’s time to move on. Applying for the position of chef in a sleepy country pub, a million miles away from his previous life, may well be the fresh start he needs. His new employers immediately take him under their wing and before long he finds himself with a passel of new friends and a job he loves. What he doesn’t expect is Tom, a gorgeous midwife, who stirs up feelings he’s not ready to deal with.

But when someone from his previous life turns up in Little Mowbury, will Jason be able to keep them from revealing the secret he’s been keeping from those he’s come to love?

Continue reading “In-Decision by Sue Brown Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”