Title: Acting On Love
Series: Conquest Series, #8
Author: S.J. Frost
Genre: Contemporary
Length: 121 Pages (Novella)
Publisher: MLR Press (March 27th, 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: Brandon Alexander has known many struggles in his acting career, even more in his relationships. He’s found the man of his dreams in Shunichi Miyamoto, but when his career takes an unexpected turn, the greatest role of his life might keep him from spending his life with the man he loves.
Brandon Alexander has risen to the top of theatre in Chicago, but when you reach the top, there’s usually only one way left to go. Funding fell through on the latest play he was to star in and now he finds himself an unemployed actor. Coming fresh off a bad audition, he wonders if his time in the spotlight is over. But what worries him more, is not making the man he loves proud of him. Shunichi Miyamoto runs a highly successful dojo.
He had always let work be the focus of his life, until over a year ago, the man of his dreams walked into the dojo to rekindle his passion for karate, and it led to further passions between him and Brandon. He knows Brandon is worried about his career, but he loves him, he’s proud of him, and he’ll do anything for Brandon’s happiness.
Both Brandon and Shunichi want to spend their lives together, but when a new opportunity comes to Brandon, he must decide whether to follow his career dreams or to act on his love for Shunichi.
ISBN: MLR-1-02015-0389
Product Link: http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=SJFACTLV
Reviewer: KathyMac
Review: SJ Frost was one of the first authors I found when I started reading M/M 5 years ago. The Conquest series was then, and remains still, to be one of my most favorite series ever. Acting on Love is book #8 and I highly recommend each and every one of them.
In this book, Brandon and Shunichi are already together, but if you haven’t read the others prior you can still read this one and follow along without feeling lost. I always recommend reading the series, if you can, because the history leading up to the here and now is priceless.
Brandon is struggling with his career. He bombed his last audition, according to him, and he starts to doubt if anything worth having will come along for him. His main concern, however, is feeling like he let Shun down by not pulling his weight. Of course, that’s the furthest thing from Shunichi’s mind because no matter what Brandon does he is always proud of him.
When Brandon gets a call from his agent with incredible news about an audition, he is ecstatic. This will be an opportunity to fulfill his lifelong dreams of being on stage. Once the excitement levels off he realizes there may be too many stumbling blocks in the way. If he would get the part it would mean a lot of time spent away from Shun, and that is something he can’t fathom.
Brandon has a lot of people giving him support and no matter what happens with the audition they will find a way to make it work. Shunichi was worried at first but he knows how important this is to Brandon. He will do whatever is necessary to put Brandon and his dreams first.
SJ Frost writes beautiful stories and this one is no exception. It was awesome to catch up with Jesse and Evan and I was smiling from ear to ear at the banter between the brothers. The love between Brandon and Shun has only gotten stronger and it was beautiful to watch their interaction.
There is more than one surprise in this story and I hope that the author dropped those little hints so that she may use them in the future for more books in this series. I can’t recommend this book or the series enough. There is humor that will keep a smile on your face and the sex is always hot and passionate. Everything you could want in a story you will find it with this author.
Acting on Love is a beautiful and heartfelt window into the journey of Brandon and Shunichi.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *