All I Want – Home For The Holidays by Posy Roberts Book Blast, Reviews & Giveaway!

Posy Roberts - All I Want - Home For The Holidays BBBANNER-4

Hi peeps, we have Posy Roberts popping in today with her paperback release All I Want – Home For The Holidays, we have a brilliant giveaway and Lisa’s review of Analog to Digital, and Tams audio review of Feathers from the Sky, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

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All I Want – Home For The Holidays


Posy Roberts

Prefer paperbacks? Both Feathers From the Sky and Analog to Digital in printed in All I Want: Home for the Holidays.

Heading home for the holidays is stressful enough, but pile secrets atop carefully wrapped presents, and it’s enough to turn anyone into a Grinch. But as the year comes to a close, surprises might spell new beginnings.

Family time, winter fun, and romantic surprises.

❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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Patron Of Mercy by Sam Burns & W.M Fawkes Release Blast & Giveaway!

Sam Burns & W.M Fawkes - Patron Of Mercy RBBANNER-61

Hi peeps, we have Sam Burns and W.M. Fawkes stopping by today with their new release Patron of Mercy, we have a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

Sam Burns & W.M Fawkes - Patron Of Mercy Cover k3i849

Patron of Mercy

(Lords of the Underworld 03)

Sam Burns & W.M. Fawkes

Lach has spent the last few thousand years counting only on himself. What he needed, he took. What he wanted, he won with charm. All except a god he turned his back on an age ago, when he had a different name and didn’t know what he was giving up.

Thanatos, god of merciful death, is one of the gentlest gods in the pantheon—easing the transition between life and death for billions of mortals. But he has faced eternity alone. After breaking his heart on the sharp words of a fisherman’s son, he hasn’t been able to connect with anyone.

Now, Lach is crashing back into Thanatos’s life, dragging him into an adventure that could save the world . . . or kill them both.


.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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How To Run With The Wolves by Eli Easton Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Eli Easton - How To Run With The Wolves RBBANNER-64

Hi guys, we have Eli Easton stopping by today with her new release in the How To Run With The Wolves, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic $25 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

Eli Easton - How To Run With The Wolves Cover 7j4hu4

How To Run With The Wolves

(Howl at the Moon 05)

Eli Easton

Zeus loves his job on the Mad Creek Search & Rescue team, and his inner Saint Bernard is finally being used to his full potential. When he sees a mysterious and wild-looking quickened—a dog shifter—at an earthquake site in Alaska, Zeus is compelled to investigate. Zeus falls hard for the primal beauty of Timo and of Alaska itself. Both call to his deep canine soul. But the Qimmig pack’s laws are as harsh as the Alaskan winters, and Timo is out of his reach.

Timo’s pack of dog shifters left their Inuit village generations ago and have lived wild ever since. Not trusting the “one-skinned,” and with their numbers dwindling, the Qimmig are on the verge of extinction. Timo is shocked to discover a whole group of “two-skinned” working as a rescue team, and he is particularly fascinated by Zeus, a gentle giant. He senses what Zeus feels for him… but it’s forbidden.

Can Mad Creek save this lost quickened clan? Perhaps—if they can learn how to run with the wolves.

.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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Shake The Stars by V.L. Locey Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

V.L. Locey - Shake The Stars RTBANNER-60

Hi guys, we have V.L. Locey stopping by today with the tour for her new release Shake The Stars, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~ p.s. keep an eye out for Prime’s review coming soon!

V.L. Locey - Shake The Stars Cover 367gk3

Shake The Stars


V.L. Locey

Spending time in the Poconos with his family was the last thing Dane Forrester wanted to do over the summer. He had dreams of spending his last break touring Europe and gathering story ideas for his upcoming creative writing classes before heading to college. Maybe even finding that elusive first love in a small café in Paris, or along the Rhine, or even in a sultry villa in Italy. But no, he was stuck at the Silver Fir Lodge with his family where his dreams of romance and passion would wither and die a slow painful death, or so he imagined.

When all seemed lost, the budding wordsmith is saved—in more than one sense—by Khalid Novak, a lifeguard at the lodge’s pool. Khalid is two years older, a bit more sophisticated, and the most incredibly alluring thing Dane has ever seen. The two young men find themselves joyously wound in a searing romance that teaches Dane that love can be wildly intense yet fleeting so one should revel in it when the discovery is made.

Can this summer romance survive the chill of autumn as well as the winds of time?

.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo | Smashwords | B&N ❣️**.•.•.

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What Lies Beneath by R.J. Scott Release Blast & Giveaway!

R.J. Scott - What Lies Beneath RBBanner-63

Hi guys, we have R.J. Scott stopping by today with her new release What Lies Beneath, We have a fantastic $10 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter that giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

R.J. Scott - What Lies Beneath Cover kri938

What Lies Beneath

(Lancaster Falls 01)

R.J. Scott

In the hottest summer on record, Iron Lake reservoir is emptying, revealing secrets that were intended to stay hidden beneath the water. The tragic story of a missing man is a media sensation, and abruptly the writer and the cop falling in love is just a postscript to horrors neither could have imagined.

Best Selling Horror writer Chris Lassiter struggles for inspiration and he’s close to never writing again. His life has become an endless loop of nothing but empty pages, personal appearances, and a marketing machine that is systematically destroying his muse. In a desperate attempt to force Chris to complete unfinished manuscripts his agent buys a remote cabin. All Chris has to do is hide away and write, but he’s lost his muse, and not even he can make stories appear from thin air.

Sawyer Wiseman left town for Chicago, chasing the excitement and potential of being a big city cop, rising the ranks, and making his mark. A case gone horribly wrong draws him back to Lancaster Falls. Working for the tiny police department in the town he’d been running from, digging into cold cases and police corruption, he spends his day’s healing, and his nights hoping the nightmares of his last case leave him alone.

.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo | B&NiBooks | Smashwords ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “What Lies Beneath by R.J. Scott Release Blast & Giveaway!”

Keeping House by Jeanne G’Fellers Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway!

Jeanne G'Fellers - Keeping House Banner 2

Hi guys! We have Jeanne G’Fellers stopping by today with the tour for her new release keeping House, we have a great exclusive excerpt and a brilliant $20 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

Jeanne G'Fellers - Keeping House COVER ern833

Keeping House

(Appalachian Elementals 02)

Jeanne G’Fellers

Centenary Rhodes is caught in a deal she didn’t make. Thanks to her eternal lover, Stowne’s, quick thinking, she’ll live forever, but there’s a hitch. Cent’s now fey, and three months out of the year she’ll live on the other side of Embreeville Mountain among the Hunter Fey, serving their king, Dane Gow.

As Cent begins wading through the anachronisms that come with being a Hunter, she learns that nothing is what it initially seems. Cent shares several past lives with Dane, who wants her back, and Stowne’s lied to Cent so many times that she’s having doubts about their marriage. To make matters worse, the past Hunter Kings are influencing Dane’s behavior, and the youngest Hunter, Brinn, might well be the most dangerous of them all.

It’s going to be a cold, dark spring, and Cent needs to unite both sides of Embreeville mountain before her eternal life, her relationship with Dane, and her marriage to Stowne come permanently undone.

Another rich Contemporary Appalachian tale about fantastic people and the magic they possess, including LGBTQIA+ characters Human and otherwise.

.•.•.**❣️ Mountain Gap Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords ❣️**.•.•.

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Black Sky Morning by Hanna Dare Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hanna Dare - Black Sky Morning RBBANNER-60

Hi guys! We have Hanna Dare stopping by today with her new release Black Sky Morning, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

Hanna Dare - Black Sky Morning Cover fg63m

Black Sky Morning

(Mind + Machine 03)

Hanna Dare

A bounty hunter in over his head.

Xin knows how to look out for himself, and he knows when something sounds too good to be true. But a forgotten planet filled with riches is too tempting to pass up. Fortunately Xin also knows someone who can back him up – if he doesn’t arrest Xin first.

A government agent who’s lost hope.

Jonathan Gray used to believe in a better future. Now he’s not so sure. Then Xin walks in, with his dark eyes and maddening smirk, and Jonathan feels like he’s waking up for the first time in months. Well, parts of him at least. He knows Xin is trouble, but when trouble looks this good it’s impossible to resist.

Two men. One dangerous planet. To survive they need to trust each other – too bad neither of them does trust.

.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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Purple Method by Victoria Milne Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Victoria Milne - Purple Method RTBANNER-57

Hi guys! We have Victoria Milne stopping by today with the tour for her new release Purple Method, we have a fantastic guest post, a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

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Purple Method

(Purple Method 01)

Victoria Milne

When one kiss changes everything, closeted heavy metal singer Max Diaz and MMA fighter Rick Bernstein must decide how hard they’re willing to fight—for their dreams and each other.

An up-and-coming heavy metal singer and a martial artist desperate to join a top MMA gym must decide how hard they’re willing to fight—for their dreams and each other.

Max Diaz is firmly in the closet, and as unbearable as that’s becoming, he can’t risk his only remaining family—his brother, Tony—or his band Purple Method’s chance to make it big.

Rick Bernstein dreams of rising in the ranks of the MMA circuit and securing a training career at a top gym, but with rejections coming thick and fast and his financial future in dire jeopardy, starting a relationship is the last thing on his mind—especially with someone who isn’t out.

But when Purple Method returns to Elfinbrook after a six-month tour, one kiss changes everything. Now Max and Rick face decisions that will change both of their lives forever.

.•.•.**❣️ Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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Anchors by Devon Vesper Release Blast & Excerpt!

Devon Vesper - Anchors na promo

Hi guys! We have Devon Vesper stopping by today with her new fantasy release Anchors, we have a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! ❤️ ~Pixie~

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(The God Jars Saga 08 / Loyalty and War 02)

Devon Vesper

The choice between love and duty has never been harder.

Valis is on his way to free his father from the enemy compound, but it seems like everything is working against him.

The team sent to eliminate the last Anchor of Qos needs his help. Tavros falls ill after an accident, and if he doesn’t get help quickly he’s going to die. And the constant blizzards mean they are moving so slowly Valis is afraid they may be too late to save anyone.

With so much at stake—lives, family, his heart—one wrong move may cost Valis a price he’s not willing to pay.

His army needs him. His husband needs him more. Valis can’t afford to fail either. The race to save his family is on.

.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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Oasis by J.R. Gray Book Blast & Excerpt!

J.R. Gray - Oasis Teaser4

Hi guys, we have J.R. Gray stopping by with his new release Oasis, we have a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! ❤️ ~Pixie~

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(Inferno 02)

J.R. Gray

I worshiped at the altar of pain, surviving on avoidance, physical to avoid the mental, anything to forget what I’d lost. When Remi walked through the door, I felt like I’d paid my price for the passage through hell and been granted a taste of Eden. Remi was my oasis and I was going to drown myself in him. 

But life takes with no remorse and everything was a mirage. The past won’t stay dead and a cruel phantom comes to destroy our happiness. The more we need each other the further apart our lives drive us. I’m torn between my perfect past and the hope of an oasis, and either choice demands I cut out part of my soul.

.•.•.**❣️ Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

Continue reading “Oasis by J.R. Gray Book Blast & Excerpt!”

Best New Artist by B.A. Tortuga ~ Audio Review

B.A. Tortuga - Best New Artist Audio Cover 474jhTitle: Best New Artist

Author: B.A. Tortuga

Narrator: Brian Hutchinson

Genre: Contemporary, Cowboy

Length: 6 hrs, 3 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC (25th August 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: Kasey “Tuff” Tuffman just told Nashville to kiss his you know what. After winning Best New Art-ist at an award show, he knows it’s time to head back home to Texas. So after a very public meltdown, Tuff makes his way to Austin, where the Red Dirt music lives large.

Jonah Littlejohn once loved KT more than anything in the world. When KT loses it on national TV, Jonah knows he has to reach out and offer his home studio as a place to heal and make music. A bad relationship has left Jonah broken and wary of romance, but he wants to help his old lover out.
Seeing Jonah again proves to Tuff that he’s made the right decision. Now all he has to do is convince Jonah that they’re the most perfect duet there’s ever been.

Purchase Link: Audible US | Audible UK | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: Best New Artist is a standalone romance by BA Tortuga, which will appeal to everyone that not only loves a good cowboy romance, some country music and a second chance at love. Well, it’s more country music than actually cowboy, but I hope you get what I mean. As for the author, I really enjoy Tortuga’s writing and always look forward to a wonderfully sexy cowboy romance, some books are sweet, some are angsty, some have a touch of mystery. There’s always something to enjoy as long as you love a cowboy!

Brian Hutchison performed the narration for this audio book. I’ve only heard his narration twice before, on what has actually become one of my favourite ongoing series. But Best New Artist is so different from the crazy world of PIs and mystery, that hearing Hutchison perform a romance about two country musicians was definitely novel. However, Hutchison perfectly suited the role. He nailed the uncertainty, the longing and the unrequited needs of the characters.

This is a story of two men who weren’t actually torn apart, but they never got over each other despite believing at the time breaking up was the best thing for them both – one didn’t want to live in a closet and the other wanted fame and fortune as a country singer.

Kasey “Tuff” Tuffman is a man that should be at the top of his game. But he is unsatisfied with the Nashville country scene. Like other Texans before him, he expects to be chewed up and spat out. So, when he has a very public meltdown on television, he goes back to Texas to lick his wounds.

Jonah Littlejohn used to be in love with Kasey. In fact, he still was in love with the man but breaking up ten years ago was something that he did for his own sanity. In ten years he’s gone through his own horror with an ex, while watching Kasey’s career from afar. But when he sees Kasey lose it on television, he calls Kasey’s parents to pass on the message that Kasey is welcome to regroup his thoughts at Jonah’s farm/music compound where many local musicians get together and jam and create raw music.

When Kasey makes it to Jonah’s place things are awkward. Jonah’s best friend is suspicious of Kasey, mostly because he saw Jonah’s misery when they first broke up and saw Jonah almost die as well. Even Jonah’s dogs are suspicious. But slowly, it’s clear that there is something very strong between the two guys. However, they have a lot of has happened and there is a lot of uncertainty and fear on both sides, despite the love being there.

This book is the journey of these two men finding their way back to each other. It’s sweet, highly emotive, low on angst and drama, but totally thoughtful.

Set Ablaze by K.C. Burn ~ Audio Review

K.C. Burn - Set Ablaze Audio Cover k3o3pTitle: Set Ablaze

Author: K.C. Burn

Narrator: Darcy Stark

Genre: Contemporary

Length: 6 hrs, 48 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC (16th August 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: California firefighter Hayden Hurst is starting to realize there’s more to life than fighting fires and drinking with his buddies. He has room in his home and his life for someone special, but no one has stood out among his hookups. And while he’s out at work, admitting he’s gay is very different from showing up at social functions with a man. He’s afraid that’ll be too much for his less-than-accepting “friends”.

Broadway dancer Jez Bouchet hasn’t been mistaken for straight since he was gay-bashed at 17. After getting a lucrative job offer in Hollywood, he uproots his life in New York and drives to Los Angeles. His brother, who is Hayden’s best friend, arranges for him to crash at Hayden’s place.

The attraction between Hayden and Jez is unexpected but fiery, and they succumb before they’re even sure they like each other. But Jez hates Hayden’s homophobic friends, and Hay-den knows Jez is too flamboyant for him to fly under the radar. Then there’s the complication of Jez’s brother.

Despite those hurdles, they fling themselves into a relationship. But Jez has secrets: a tiny spoiled dog and a determined stalker. If he doesn’t come clean, he might torch their burgeoning relationship before it has a chance to bloom.

Purchase Link: Audible US | Audible UK | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: Set Ablaze is a standalone book by KC Burn and narrated by Darcy Stark. I was looking forward to this because I’ve enjoyed other books by Burn in the past, I really gel with Burn’s writing and there isn’t an audiobook performance that I didn’t enjoy.

The story starts with firefighter Hayden Hurst, he’s very much a closeted man who is afraid of what the macho, homophobic men in his world of firefighters think of him. When his best friend, who is also a fire fighter from another from another station, wants Hayden to take in his baby brother as a tenant, Hayden feels that there is no reason to say no. Then he meets Jez – again, because he did know Jez briefly when they were kids. Jez challenges everything about Hayden and his closeted lifestyle.

Jez refuses to be anything other than the man he his. His life was made hell because his family could never accept the fact that he is gay. He has been beaten for it, he has been ignored by everyone but his family and his life has been generally shitty. Except he was able to make a better life for himself in New York. It wasn’t until he moved back to California for a new and exciting job that he sees why he left California in the first place, as well as realising that he has been seeing his brother in the wrong light, he falls for the closeted Hayden, and then discovers that Hayden has a few homophobic a-holes for “friends”.

In terms of the audiobook, the narration was fantastic and probably one of my favourite things of the whole audio experience. I feel that this is one of those books that I would enjoy more listening to the audio than if I had actually read the book. I’ll get to the reasons why soon enough. Overall, there wasn’t anything that I didn’t like about the performance of the book, although I felt that it was held back (I can’t think of a better word) by my feelings about the plot of the book.

I liked the book for the most part. The closeted firefighter was an interesting, I loved getting to know Hayden. Jez was also interesting because this is a man who has clawed his way back from adversity and is someone that he wants to be and loves himself as a person. My biggest issue, however, was some of the threads of the plot seemed rather weak. I don’t want to give spoilers, but the men that surround Hayden, in particular, Jez’s brother and his motivations, aren’t particularly strong. Which wouldn’t normally matter for many minor characters. But these guys influence everything in how Hayden sees himself and his place in life and for that reason they needed to be stronger, or at least they needed to make more sense a lot quicker. Yet, in saying that I like how the story arc went and it was, overall, enjoyable.

If you’re into an angsty, closet case type of story, this is probably a good one for you.

The General’s Mate by C.W. Gray

C.W. Gray - The General's Mate Cover `2909709Title: The General’s Mate

Series: Blue Solace 02

Author: C.W. Gray

Genre: Space Opera, Science Fiction, Paranormal, MPreg

Publisher: (November 18,2018)

Length: Novel (318 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Heart

Blurb: Welcome back to the mercenary ship, The Blue Solace:

Leti Ando and Will Hackett are certain about one thing in all the galaxy. They love one another. Now that they are mated, it’s time to meet Hack’s parents and settle into their new home. In a normal courtship, the two would spend time getting to know one another and reveling in their love. Normal isn’t what they get.

Leti struggles to understand the artifact Dr. Morrick left them, but what he’s discovering is unbelievable and completely frightening. If his theories are true, then the entire galaxy is at risk. Meanwhile, he tries to adjust to Charybdis Station, deal with his parents, and worse of all, learn to cook. Luckily he has friends, old and new, to help him.

Hack comes home to Charybdis Station, expecting a break from the hectic adventures of the past few months. What he gets are changes, more responsibilities, and a war with the Concord. He’ll deal with it, though. All he has to do is look around him to understand why it’s time to fight back.

Together, the new couple must learn to stand together, to accept and support one another. Their happiness isn’t the only thing at risk.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Lexi is going to be one hell of a dad, that is if he ever has him. He has adopted, well sort of, a few more people. Him and Will are doing great and they are surrounded by people that love them. They have rescued a scientist who has a very secret artifact that might be more deadly then they first thought.

They have now moved onto battle with the Concords and it sounds like it is going to be far deadlier than they thought. Sebastian is getting closer to his due date and well if you want to know more your going to have to read this book.

Action packed and delicious men are just a bit of what you get in this story. I have got to tell you that this is the second book by this author I have read, and I can guarantee that she will be read more. The characters are just a blessing and I love Leti. He is super fun to hear about and has a heart of gold. His mate is definitely protective of him. Which is needed because Leti’s parents are starting their crap up again.

This is a book that will be read many times over. I can’t put the stories down at all. In fact I am tempted to start on the next book instead of bed time. They are fun to read and I can’t wait to read them. I would definitely recommend this series. You won’t be able to put them down.

Hell Bound by Jaime Young

Jaime Young - Hell Bound Cover 38j4hTitle: Hell Bound

Series: Gods Rising 01

Author: Jaime Young

Genre: Fantasy 

Length: Novella (154pgs)

Publisher: Jaime Young (April 22, 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: They are exiled, broken and in love.

After his mother sends him away, Tyler is stuck in the remote town of Canton Lake. Avoiding awkward moments with his estranged father, Tyler spends time outside until the day the storm comes. The storm would change Tyler’s life in an instant and after one hazy, impulsive decision, Tyler finds himself on the run for his life.

Jaden, an ancient god, is wrongfully convicted of a crime. The Furies of Hell are after him and he is running out of hiding places. His last chance to avoid an eternity of punishments is to flee to the other side. His rough arrival leaves him weak, exhausted and at mercy of a young man passing by.

Tyler and Jaden’s lives are intertwined at the hands of destiny and they embark on a dangerous journey to clear Jaden’s name.

NOTE: This novel is 45k words long and can be read as a stand-alone. There are no cliffhangers and the story of Tyler and Jaden is complete. The novel contains fantasy creatures, gods and daemons, mpreg elements, a guaranteed HEA and several super steamy scenes.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Tyler is forced to live with his dad after his mother gets fed up with him. Upon arriving in Canton Lake Tyler despairs he’s never going to be happy and harbors a lot of anger at his predicament. Chancing a walk outside he comes across a naked man named Jared.

We discover Jared is actually Epiales, the god of nightmares. He is on the run from Hades. The two strike up a quick and intense passion filled night then Jared Disappears. Meanwhile Tyler is experiencing weird sensations and powers.

They reunite when Tyler somehow summons Jared and saves Tyler from a Basilik and the two go on the run together. I loved the whole Greek mythology aspect of the story.

Tyler’s condition did not come as a shock to me. Jared was fierce and protective upon finding Tyler again.

Great read.

Hiding The Moon by Amy Lane

Amy Lane - Hiding The Moon Cover hen47Title: Hiding the Moon

Series: Fish Out of Water 04 / Racing for the Moon 02

Author: Amy Lane

Genre: Contemporary, Mystery

Length: Novel (290 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (August 28, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Can a hitman and a psychic negotiate a relationship while all hell breaks loose?

The world might not know who Lee Burton is, but it needs his black ops division and the work they do to keep it safe. Lee’s spent his life following orders—until he sees a kill jacket on Ernie Caulfield. Ernie isn’t a typical target, and something is very wrong with Burton’s chain of command.

Ernie’s life may seem adrift, but his every action helps to shelter his mind from the psychic storm raging within. When Lee Burton shows up to save him from assassins and club bunnies, Ernie seizes his hand and doesn’t look back. Burton is Ernie’s best bet in a tumultuous world, and after one day together, he’s pretty sure Lee knows Ernie is his destiny as well.

But when Burton refused Ernie’s contract, he kicked an entire piranha tank of bad guys, and Burton can’t rest until he takes down the rogue military unit that would try to kill a spacey psychic. Ernie’s in love with Burton and Burton’s confused as hell by Ernie—but Ernie’s not changing his mind and Burton can’t stay away. Psychics, assassins, and bad guys—throw them into the desert with a forbidden love affair and what could possibly go wrong?

ISBN: 978-1-64080-936-9

Purchase Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Burton is black ops. Basically he is sent to kill for his country. However when he is sent to kill a kid, he is left with different feelings. Feelings he had not expected, seeing as he usually was with women. He was starting to feel things for Ernie and lets just see how far he runs.

Ernie is quite unique. He sees what is happening around him, he sees what is to happen and he can pretty much locate anyone with his thoughts. Oh and lets not forget he can talk to someone with his mind, pretty cool. When Burton comes to kill him but saves his ass, plus lets not forget some sexy hot times, the kid is falling in love.

I can honestly say that if it hadn’t been for the fact that I had just finished book three, this one would have sat in my inbox till eternity ended. The title itself is goofy, but for it to be for two different series is bewildering. This book should have been book three seeing as it has characters in it that should have been seen in that story. It is just off. Also two different series names makes it hard to locate. Second what is with the church reference? Really to call the man you love his church is just about as strange as one can get. Totally throws the whole book off. This is murder, suspense, mystery and some sexy times, and then the author throws in church, totally doesn’t go the way it was wanted I am guessing.

Then there is the way the guys talk, like they have no education. You know they have to have been smart in different ways, but the way they speak is not showing it. Then there is the fact that each characters boyfriend sounds like they have the same difficulties is making cookie cutters normal.

Overall the story would have been a five heart story had the story followed a different pattern than where it went. I actually have come to a final conclusion about this particular series. I felt like the author is pushing religion on her readers. To call someone their church is about as quirky as one can get and lets face it, it made the story drop quite a bit. 

The Bad Boy by B.A. Stretke

B.A. Stretke - Dragon's Blood Cover hu83dTitle: The Bad Boy

Series: Dragons Blood MC 05

Author: B.A. Stretke

Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance

Length: Novella (100pgs)

Publisher: Superiorland Publishing (March 23, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Cameron Hayes doesn’t like people. He tried the whole friend thing years ago and all it did was destroy his life. Since then he has thrown himself into school and is ready to graduate with his masters, years ahead of schedule. When all you have is school and work, you know where you stand, and you don’t get hurt again. When an acquaintance forces him to go to a warehouse party with her, Cameron finds himself in his own personal hell. He’s stuck in the line for the bathroom listening to someone have sex. When the two men emerge, Cameron is disgusted by the talk, dark, and handsome bad boy biker working the crowd. When the biker shows an interest in Cameron, he makes it clear that he wants nothing the biker has to give. Inexplicably though, Cameron cannot get the biker off his mind. Bryn Keith is a name that will just not leave his thoughts. When Bryn keeps pursuing, Cameron knows he should push him away, but can feel himself getting pulled in. Danger and secrets large enough to destroy everything are lurking around the edges of this love story. Can these two opposites find a way to make it work?

Bryn Keith was tired of waiting for his mate to come. He watched as his clan one by one found their fate-destined love and yet he was still left empty-handed. Bryn decides to throw caution to the wind and live each day like it’s his last. He is hell-bent on sampling all the sexual delights Laramie has to offer. That is all well and good until his exhibitionist side puts him on a collision course with tawdry bathroom sex at a warehouse party. He realizes to his horror that his mate has witnessed the entire spectacle and is now repulsed by the sight of him. How can Bryn win over his mate and not lose his one and only chance at a forever love? Bryn needs to show his real self, the kind and devoted man that lies beneath his bad boy persona or he is at risk of losing everything and failing his quest.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Bryn has waited for his mate for a long time and now decides he’s wanting to spread his wild oats. His friends caution him to being careful because you never know when your mate will show up. Bryn throws caution to the wind and at a party has sex with someone in the bathroom.

They are loud and obnoxious when they are through they realize they have an audience at the door.
This is where Bryn sees his mate. Things do not go as planned as Bryn realizes he will have to work to get Cameron to see that he is not the person who Cameron thinks he is.

Fantastic read.

Tentative Steps Forward by Bronwyn Heeley

Bronwyn Heeley - Tentative Steps Forward Cover j4k03Title: Tentative Steps Forward

Series: Second Pack of Cameron 02

Author: Bronwyn Heeley

Genre: Paranormal, MPreg

Publisher: eXtasy Books (April 5, 2019)

Length: Novella (83 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖 3 Heart

Blurb: Being Pregnant ain’t for the light-hearted and Ben reckons the females can have it back—they’re much better at it than he is.

A continuation of Ben’s Wolf Surprise.

Ben’s pregnant. Shad’s a new alpha.
New house. New lover. New life.
Way too much newness on top of a pregnant mate. Things should get…interesting

ISBN: 978-1-4874-2122-9

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Ben’s one night stand turned into more. He is a human with a werewolf mate, and a baby on the way. He is not to sure what he is doing or how to feel but with Shad there, things might just be alright.

Shad is an alpha who has taken a human as a mate, and they are expecting. He has his father calling him more times then he can count plus his mother always asking questions. How can one night change everything.

There were so many mistakes in this story that it just stood out, and not in a good way. Also this story is not really a story but a males pregnancy logbook. There was absolutely no heat between the guys and it drove me nuts. There was just no heat throughout the book and it left me wondering what type of book it truly was. There was nothing special that brought this book to my attention or stood out to me.

I hate to say it but this book was a bit boring and I am not sure I will continue with the rest of the series.

Q*pid by Xavier Mayne ~ Audio Review

Xavier Mayne - Q#pid Audio Cover u4h47Title: Q*pid

Author: Xavier Mayne

Narrator: Randy Sanda

Genre: Contemporary

Length: 12 hrs, 4 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC (30th October 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: Can a computer program understand love better than the human heart?

Archer, the AI at the dating service Q*pid, realizes humans don’t always make the best choices, so it begins making some unconventional choices for them.

Fox Kincade is the last of his group of friends to be single, so he’s delighted when he discovers a new match in his Q*pid app – one that, according to the new AI wizardry, should be the love of his life. Instead of the woman he’s expecting, he’s paired with Drew Larsen, a shy, somewhat nerdy PhD student who has also grown discouraged with romance.

Drew and Fox have little in common – aside from the fact that they’re both straight. Or so they thought. But as the guys get to know each other, they realize Archer might have the right idea. Their path isn’t smooth, because both need to overcome every idea they have about themselves and what true love might look like. But with the help of Archer – and some friends who have stuck with Fox and Drew through the thick and thin of their relationship trials – they might find their way into each other’s hearts.

Purchase Link: Audible US | Audible UK | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: Q*pid is a very enjoyable book by Xavier Mayne and the audio is performed by Randy Sanda. I’m not familiar with either the author or the narrator, so other than liking the sound of the blurb, I went into this one completely blind and with no expectations.

What you read in the blurb is basically what you get, which is always a good start. We follow the development and implementation of a new AI for a dating site, which accesses all of a person’s online activity in order to make a better match than the usual dating algorithms. It’s all pretty cool, techy stuff if you’re into that. However, a momentary lapse means that Archer, the AI, starts to make matches which disregard a person’s sexuality. Of all the matches that were made, and those that were actually sent out, we meet Fox Kincaid and Drew Larsen.

What starts out as dinner and drinks to laugh about the predicament of two heterosexual men being matched to another man becomes a really sweet and deep friendship. Drew is a PhD candidate who studies economic history, while Fox is a successful businessman. Fox is very analytical, devoted to his spreadsheets, while Drew is more fluid in his thinking despite his academic background. They also contrast in their reactions to the news. Despite having his two best friends (which I was disappointed we never met) who had the stunning realisation that they were gay (or gay for you) with each other, Fox is adamant that he is straight and that he would never be with a man. Drew is much more composed, if anything he is amused though his anxieties tend to make him over think everything. Drew and Fox are complete opposite in some ways, yet completely compliment each other.

There are some pretty entertaining secondary characters too. Fox’s best friend, Chad, is portrayed as a California surfer dude and he is a riot. He has a heart of gold and wants nothing but the best for his friend. Then there is Mrs Schwartzman, who is Drew’s neighbour upstairs and a strong mother figure for Drew. The elderly woman is written like a Yittish Yoda, but she is certainly entertaining. She too has only the best of intentions for Drew and his life.

What I loved most about this was that the book is thought provoking, particularly in terms of privacy in the digital age. To lesser extent, there was the whole gay for you thing going on, and it was intriguing that perhaps humans need to “broaden their parameters” a little. Seriously interesting thoughts. Another interesting point was how people present themselves online and how we really don’t know what we need in a partner when we must explain it.

The only downside was that I found the plot was a bit slow at times, especially when Fox was being a dick. I accept that in terms of his personality that it was part of his coming to terms with his attraction to another man, it was just sometimes the plot felt as though it slowed down too much. As for the narration, I liked it but it didn’t really connect with my. Granted, Sanda did a good job giving the characters individual voices and even in conveying the themes of the story. However, I was too distracted by the fact I really wasn’t into Fox’s voice and I felt some of the emotion was missing.

I recommend this one if you’re into a contemporary, gay for you story line.

The More the Merrier by Sean Michael

Sean Michael - The More the Merrier Cover sne45iTitle: The More the Merrier

Series: The Teddy Bear Club 02, Dreamspun Desires 83

Author: Sean Michael

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (195 pages)

ISBN: 978-1-64405-195-5

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (4th June 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: Too much of a good thing?

When Logan gets the call about newborn triplets in need of a home, he steps up, realizing too late the daunting task he’s taken on. He’d be lost without the men of the Teddy Bear Club—especially Dirk.

Dirk even offers to spend spring break at Logan’s home, helping him and the babies settle in. He loves being a dad, and he wants to help Logan find the same joy. It doesn’t hurt that they enjoy spending time together.

Before they even realize it, they’re settling into a routine… becoming a family.

Falling in love.

But their new bond is about to face the ultimate test. Will they come through and realize that with love, there’s no such thing as enough?

Purchase Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: The More the Merrier is the second book in The Teddy Bear Club by Sean Michael.

I’ve become more familiar recently with the work of Sean Michael and I am, quite honestly, a great fan now. For the most part, they are usually quite happy and fluffy stories, with some adorable children and strong themes of building families and bringing together people in a way that is totally relatable and believable. In short, Sean Michael has recently made it onto my seemingly long list of authors I must read these days.

I’ve been looking forward to this book since I read the first book in the series. And while it is a series and there are call backs to the kids and MCs of the previous book, I think this could easily work as a standalone book without losing any key points.

Logan is a lawyer, a single man who has a daughter with a friend who wanted a child (they have a very amicable agreement for their daughter), and now he has gone through the all the hoops to become a foster parent with the intention to possibly adopt. But then finding out that he is going to get newborn triplets, he understandably feels overwhelmed. Lucky for Logan, he has the men of the Teddy Bear Club to help him.

The Teddy Bear Club is a group of single dads who happen to be gay, their kids play with each other but most importantly the men support each other.

One of the men of the club is Dirk. The two men already of a connection and an easy friendship. Dirk also has a massive crush on Logan though he has never done anything to act on it. Logan’s desperate need for help, though, has leads Dirk to offer to move in with little girl to help with the triplets. It’s a win-win situation because Dirk can move into a safer neighbourhood and live in a larger home while he helps Logan. Logan sees the same advantages as Dirk and the men quickly fall into a routine as Logan deals with having the triplets, his older daughter, plus dirk and his daughter. The kids’ bond and the guys bond. Love grows. But life can change at the drop of a hat, Logan learnt that with the triplets, and it happens again. Now that he is growing closer to Dirk, the two men can now support each other.

I absolutely adored this book. I adored both Logan and Dirk and the five kids. Logan and Dirk are brilliant together. This was a sweet romance with low angst. Instead, this a story about two guys in an intense situation, one of them needing a heck of a lot of support, and both nursing a crush that could become something more. If you’re into romances with ordinary guys with extraordinary circumstances and lots of cute kiddies, then this will be a good book for you.

Gentleman Wolf by Joanna Chambers Cover Reveal & Giveaway!

Joanna Chambers - Gentleman Wolf CRBANNER-18

Hi guys, we have Joanna Chambers popping in today with the lovely cover to her upcoming release Gentleman Wolf, we have a fantastic giveaway so check out the cover and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

Joanna Chambers - Gentleman Wolf Cover hr74j

Gentleman Wolf


Joanna Chambers

An elegant werewolf in Edinburgh…

Lindsay Somerville, the most elegant werewolf in Paris, has no great wish to return to his home city of Edinburgh, but when he learns that the cruel Duncan MacCormaic is on the Continent and hunting for him, he reluctantly agrees to go into hiding.

Duncan, who held Lindsay in abject captivity for decades after savagely transforming him with his bite, has been trying to find Lindsay since the day he escaped his prison a century before. If Duncan can find him, he has the power to compel Lindsay to obey his every command, so the more distance Lindsay can put between them, the better.

… on a mission…

While he’s in Edinburgh, Lindsay has been tasked with acquiring the “Naismith Papers”, the writings of a long-dead witchfinder. It should be a straightforward mission. All Lindsay has to do is charm an elderly book collector, Hector Cruikshank. But Cruikshank may not be all he seems—and there are others who want the papers.

… meets his match

As if that were not enough, while tracking down the Naismith Papers, Lindsay meets stubborn architect Drew Nicol. Although the attraction between them is intense, Nicol seems frustratingly determined to resist Lindsay’s advances. Somehow though, Lindsay can’t seem to accept Nicol’s rejection. Is he just moonstruck, or is Nicol bonded to him in ways he doesn’t yet understand?

.•.•.**❣️ Release date: 26th August 2019 ❣️**.•.•.

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