The Zozobra Incident by Don Travis

Don Travis - The Zozobra Incident CoverTitle: The Zozobra Incident

Series: A BJ Vinson Mystery #1

Author: Don Travis

Genre: Mystery

Length: Novel (290pgs)

Publisher: DSP Publications (November 15, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb:  B J Vinson, a former Albuquerque police detective turned confidential investigator, hesitates when ex-lover and now prominent attorney Del Dahlman appeals to him for help in recovering some incriminating photographs of him and the hustler who broke up their relationship. BJ reluctantly agrees to find Emilio Prada, the handsome gigolo who’s been using the photographs to impress his clientele-men and women from all strata of Albuquerque society-thinking he’ll put the case to rest in a matter of days. However, things turn deadly with a high-profile murder at the Burning of Zozobra on the opening night of the Santa Fe Fiesta, and B J becomes embroiled in a search for missing negatives, a ruthless murderer, and a way to save himself from being next on the killer’s list.

ISBN:  978-1-93707-008-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  I am never sure of what to expect from an author I have never read before so I am always a bit leery of reading them.  The title is what caught my attention, but only so far as I had no clue what Zozobra actually meant.  As for the story itself let’s just say it was not what I expect.

I do have to say that I do love a good detective story or should I say a sexy man with a gun.  It is a unique story with some very interesting characters.  Although I am not sure if I actually liked it or not.  BJ was shot two years ago, which was the same time Del dumped his ass.  It would seem Del couldn’t handle blood and wounds like a true man could.  He had needs which led him to Emilio.  Emilio was a gigolo who took some very sexy pictures, and now Del needed them back.  So he goes to the one man who could help him.  Which was weird that BJ took the assignment.

Now his secretary was not one of my favorite characters but only because she didn’t much care for his lifestyle.  Complex plots, interesting story lines, and crazy characters were just a bit of what is expected from this story.  The story itself was a bit dry for me and not as entertaining as it should have been.  I hate to admit that I skimmed quite a bit from it.  

I am afraid that this story just didn’t flow right for me.  It was a bit on the slow side of things and didn’t really do much for my attention span.  I am afraid that this book sounded pretty good but when I started reading it I just couldn’t get into it.  It has great potential but failed to deliver.  I just hope the next book is a bit more entertaining.  As for this one, it just wasn’t really for me.

The Necessary Deaths by David C. Dawson

David C. Dawson - The Necessary Deaths CoverTitle: The Necessary Deaths

Series: The Delingpole Mysteries 01

Author: David C. Dawson

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Mystery

Length: Novel (200 Pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (November 1, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb:  A young journalism student lies unconscious in a hospital bed in Brighton, England. His life hangs in the balance after a drug overdose. But was it attempted suicide or attempted murder? The student’s mother persuades British lawyer Dominic Delingpole to investigate, and Dominic enlists the aid of his outspoken opera singer partner, Jonathan McFadden.

The student’s boyfriend discovers compromising photographs hidden in his lover’s room. The photographs not only feature senior politicians and business chiefs, but the young journalist himself. Is he being blackmailed, or is he the blackmailer?

As Dominic and Jonathan investigate further, their lives are threatened and three people are murdered. They uncover a conspiracy that reaches into the highest levels of government and powerful corporations. The people behind it are ruthless, and no one can be trusted. The bond between Dominic and Jonathan deepens as they struggle not only for answers, but for their very survival.

ISBN:  978-1-63477-451-2    

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  This is a new author for me so I was a bit leery of reading his work.  Never knowing what I am going to read is not my idea of fun.  However I found this story intriguing.  It was a bit slow on the up take but once it evens out, was at a pretty good pace 

Now for the title, all I can say was that it was creepy to say the least.  I was not a fan of the name to say the least.  Dominic finds out that his neighbor’s son was in the hospital for a drug overdose, it sent Dom into finding out what happened.  It is said that they just don’t know if it was a suicide or homicide.  However it also gives him a chance at seeing Jonathan, his boyfriend.  Now after the trip to the hospital and that particular talk, the story starts to speed up in pace which is a blessing to me.   

Now the characters were a bit non-descriptive and too much like everyone else.  Dom himself doesn’t stand out like he should.  He doesn’t even come off as an actual detective or investigator to me which makes it seem strange for him to actually be doing an investigating.  Now his relationship with Jonathan is dry and un-inspiring to me.  I don’t care for open relationships and never will so that lost points with me.  Plus Dom thought he couldn’t do any better than his boyfriend, and that was another loss.  He doesn’t really stand out and I had trouble connecting.

Now the whole story was dry, a bit boring and not as thought out as it should have been.  There was just too much missing for me to get into.  I seemed to not be able to connect with the story what so ever, other than the humorous parts.  What happened to the bad guys after all, I mean there is no ending to that part.  Now the story had some great potential but failed somehow.  I hate to say it but had this been a movie it would have rated pretty good but as a book it will take some getting used to it.  For me however I am afraid that this book was not for me.

As It Should Be by Sean Michael Guest Post & Excerpt!

Sean Michael - As It Should Be Banner

Hi peeps! We have Sean Michael popping in with his upcoming release As It Should Be, we have a brilliant guest post where Sean chats briefly about the Windbrothers’ world, and we have a great excerpt, so guys, check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Sean Michael - As It Should Be Cover

As It Should Be

(A Windbrothers Collection)

Sean Michael

Set in the sweeping Windbrothers’ world, where magic users and their sworn mates find each other through a process of trial and error, these stories, which take place long before the events in Desert, explore the different ways that ba’chi and hi’icha come together to become ki’ita. For every magic user, there is a grounding force to steady him, and neither half of the pair feels whole until he finds his destined lover.

Some mates discover each other with relative ease, while others have a harder time uniting with their designated partners, and the world they live in can be accepting, cruel, or even indifferent. From a shape-shifter with a secret to a pair of twins who think they’ll never find their lover, Sean Michael gives us a lot to love, just as it should be, in these stories sure to tug at your heart.

Release date: 6th December 2016
Pre-order: DSP Publications

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Equipoise by Kim Fielding Guest Post & Excerpt!

Kim Fielding - Equipoise Banner

Hi guys, we have Kim Fielding popping in today with her upcoming DSPP release Equipoise, we have a brilliant guest post and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Kim Fielding - Equipoise Cover


(Ennek Trilogy 03)

Kim Fielding

Ennek, the son of the Chief, and Miner, a former slave, have escaped the totalitarian city-state of Praesidium and remain fugitives. Having defeated two mighty wizards, they begin to realize complete freedom can be as dangerous as absolute power. Now Ennek and Miner must face battles, corruption, and further journeys through lands both new and familiar.

As they grow more secure in their relationship, they learn the greatest challenges sometimes come from very close to the heart and everything of value has a price. With the help of a few allies, they seek equipoise—a balance for themselves and for their world.

Release date: 29th November 2016

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The Zozobra Incident by Don Travis Guest Post & Excerpt!


Hi guys, we have Don Travis stopping by today with his upcoming re-release The Zozobra Incident, we have a brilliant guest post where Don chats about his novel and there’s a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~


The Zozobra Incident


Don Travis

B. J. Vinson is a former Marine and ex-Albuquerque PD detective turned confidential investigator. Against his better judgment, BJ agrees to find the gay gigolo who was responsible for his breakup with prominent Albuquerque lawyer Del Dahlman and recover some racy photographs from the handsome bastard. The assignment should be fast and simple.

But it quickly becomes clear the hustler isn’t the one making the anonymous demands, and things turn deadly with a high-profile murder at the burning of Zozobra on the first night of the Santa Fe Fiesta. BJ’s search takes him through virtually every stratum of Albuquerque and Santa Fe society, both straight and gay. Before it is over, BJ is uncertain whether Paul Barton, the young man quickly insinuating himself in BJ’s life, is friend or foe. But he knows he’s stepped into something much more serious than a modest blackmail scheme. With Paul and BJ next on the killer’s list, BJ must find a way to put a stop to the death threats once and for all.

First Edition published as The Zozobra Incident & The Bisti Business by Martin Brown Publishers, LLC, 2012.

Release date: 15th November 2016

Continue reading “The Zozobra Incident by Don Travis Guest Post & Excerpt!”

The Necessary Deaths by David C. Dawson Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!


Hi guys, we have debut author David C. Dawson stopping by today with his upcoming debut release The Necessary Deaths, we have an intro post from David, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway! So check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~


The Necessary Deaths

(The Delingpole Mysteries 01)

David C. Dawson

A young journalism student lies unconscious in a hospital bed in Brighton, England. His life hangs in the balance after a ketamine overdose. But was it attempted suicide, or attempted murder? At the request of the student’s mother, British lawyer Dominic Delingpole reluctantly takes on the role of investigator, aided by his outspoken opera singer partner, Jonathan McFadden.

The student’s boyfriend discovers compromising photographs hidden in his lover’s room. The photographs not only feature senior politicians and business chiefs, but the young journalist himself. Is he being blackmailed, or is he the blackmailer?

As Dominic and Jonathan investigate further, their lives are threatened and three people are murdered. They uncover a conspiracy that reaches into the highest levels of government and powerful corporations. The people behind it are ruthless, no one can be trusted. The bond between Dominic and Jonathan deepens as they struggle not only for answers, but for their very survival.

Release date: 1st Novermber 2016

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The Alpha's Weave by C.M. Torrens Guest Post & Excerpt!


Hi guys, we have C.M. Torrens stopping by today with her upcoming release The Alpha’s Weave, we have a brilliant guest post from C.M. and a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~


The Alpha’s Weave

(Pack Born 01)

C.M. Torrens

After years of abuse in his old shifter pack, Dante found a new life with Alpha Victor. He would do anything for Victor. Anything but stay away from Jesse, the half-blood stray. But when Victor names Dante his heir, he has no choice but to accept the duties given to him even if it means relinquishing the possibility of love. He owes his life and sanity to Victor, and that’s a debt Dante can never fully repay.

But Dante should have known the good life couldn’t last. His former alpha, Caster, is not a male who lets anything of value slip through his grasp. When rumors fly of Caster’s return, Dante knows the man will stop at nothing to possess him and his talent once again. When Jesse is kidnapped and Victor falls victim to an untimely death, his worst fears are realized. His old alpha has finally returned to reclaim him. Dante must use his fears and nightmares to save Jesse and his pack, even if it means sacrificing himself.

Release date: 25th October 2016

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Quarry by Elizabeth Noble Cover Reveal & Excerpt!


Hiya peeps! We have Elizabeth Noble stopping by today to show off the cover to her upcoming release Quarry, the second book in her The Vampire Guard series. Elizabeth also lets us have a peek at an excerpt, so check out that fabulous cover and read the exciting excerpt! <3 ~Pixie~



(The Vampire Guard 02)

Elizabeth Noble

The members of the Vampire Guard—Jonas Forge, spy and soldier turned cop; computer hacker extraordinaire Blair Turner; Declan, thief, con man, and ex-pirate; and medical examiner and werewolf Dr. Lucas Coate—face a dangerous and elusive enemy.

And this time, it’s personal.

Over the course of three hundred years, a man has touched each of their lives in ways they are only just realizing. When a hunt for a psychotic killer in the present resurrects memories and clues from the past, they discover how they have been affected and are bound by the existence of a ruthless vampire criminal. Now, while preventing a heist at a high-tech art show and thwarting several large-scale explosions, the team must employ their unique blend of science and supernatural abilities to put an end to the machinations of the man toying with their lives.

This time, he won’t slip through their fingers.

This time, it’s more than a case. It’s a hunt, and Forge, Blair, Declan, and Lucas won’t stop until they’ve captured their quarry.

Release date: 17th January 2017

Continue reading “Quarry by Elizabeth Noble Cover Reveal & Excerpt!”

Infected: Holden by Andrea Speed

andrea-speed-infected-holden-coverTitle: Infected: Holden

Series: Mean Streets #1

Author: Andrea Speed

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Mystery 

Length: Novel (200 Pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (September 20, 2016)

Heat Level: None

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: With his friend lion shifter Roan McKichan no longer in the picture, former sex worker Holden Krause is now working as a detective investigating cases in Seattle. When he receives a request to investigate a rather unusual case for Big Mike, a local drug dealer, he ignores the potential hazards in working for such a client and takes it on.

But Holden hasn’t given up his vigilante ways, occasionally seeking violent retribution for those ignored by the justice system. There’s a man stalking the streets, assaulting anyone he perceives to be trans or gender nonconforming in any way. When the brutality escalates, the case becomes personal for Holden. 

If he cannot juggle being a detective and a vigilante, his taste for blood and danger might finally catch up with him. 

ISBN: 978-1-63477-180-1

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: The first thing I am going to say is that you really should start this series with reading the Infected series first. It explains the characters mentioned and how they got to be where they are now. 

For many of us who have read these stories, we have gotten pretty good at figuring out Roan’s deal. In this series Roan is mentioned quite a bit but he is no longer in the picture. Holden was a sex worker, but will do it on the side if he needs to. There are so many characters mentioned that it is a bit hard to follow sometimes. Also this story jumps around quite a lot. I wasn’t a fan of the one, two and three bits with title for each paragraph. It made it feel off to me. In my opinion if it had not bounced around so much from Holden to his ex, it might have flowed a bit better and kept my attention totally on it. 

Holden will always take care of those around him. If a john needs his ass kicked, he is the first one to do so. He is a vigilante for those who live and work on the streets. His friend Roan got him started working as a private investigator although Chai is the one who really should get that job. One of the worst guys contacts him to find out who he is. It seems Big Mike might have been abducted as a child. Then there is someone out there beating up prostitutes and they need to be taken care of.

Now I got interested in the previous series because Roan was a shifter and had a mate. In this story there is no paranormal aspect to be found. Holden is a good man in his own way, protecting those around him. However he doesn’t shift into any animal which sucked. Plus there is no romance to be seen. He had a chance with a very sexy man, but held part of himself back to the point where he got is ass dumped. 

The tone to the story felt off, as well as Holden’s attitude. He is a very weird guy to say the least. He just does what he wants and doesn’t really care for those close to him other than to help if they need it. Plus the straight, gay, bi and who knows talk throughout the story really made it stupid in my opinion. You have cops so far in the closet but damn they are in love or lust with Roan. It would seem everyone is in love or lust with the man. I just wished the story would be just a normal story with a great story line, however with this one you get a mix of different stories all focus around one. Add in the fact that Roan is thrown into every other sentence is a bit crazy. 

Now this story you have a guy who is so complicated and it doesn’t seem to be figured out any time soon. You have a guy doing multiple jobs but doesn’t seem to be really good at his actual job. The case of Big Mike would have been perfect had it not came off as a secondary thought. This story was definitely different then what I had expected it to be, but in another sense it wasn’t. It has a lot of twists and turns, with a darker tone to it that I didn’t really like. I did enjoy the previous series, but this one just didn’t make me connect with it. Although that might just be the first book and will have to hold my true feelings until I see what the next story brings out.

In From The Cold by J.T. Rogers Guest Post & Excerpt!


Hi guys, we have debut author J.T. Rogers stopping by today with her upcoming debut novel In From The Cold, we have a fantastic guest post where J.T. chats about publishing and what she didn’t know about it, and we have a great excerpt, so guys check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~


In From The Cold

(A Robert Flynn Novel 01)

J.T. Rogers

Robert Flynn abandoned a sterling military career when his best friend and fellow soldier, Wesley Pike, died under his command. More than a decade later, Flynn’s quiet life is disturbed by the troubles of a fledgling CIA and Alexander Grant, a flashy agent with a lot to prove. As the space race between the United States and the Soviets heats up and the body count rises, the two men fight to find common ground. Grant knows Flynn believes in the cause, but all Flynn sees is the opportunity to fail someone like he failed Wes. An attack by a Soviet agent spurs Flynn to action and a reluctant association with the agency, and tilts Flynn’s world on its axis with a shocking discovery: Wesley Pike may be alive and operating as a Soviet assassin.

With Grant to bankroll the operation, his superiors looking the other way, and Flynn’s hard-earned peace officially forfeit, Flynn reunites his old team with the singular goal of finding Wes. But they get more than they bargained for—Wes is amnesiac and dangerous, brainwashed into becoming the perfect weapon. Flynn struggles to reach his friend, lead his team, and navigate his charged relationship with Grant—something neither of them expected and aren’t sure how to parse—while coming to grips with his long-buried feelings for Wes.

Release date: 4th October 2016

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This is How It Ends by Nick Wilgus

nick-wilgus-this-is-how-it-ends-cover-sTitle: This Is How It Ends

Series: Deadworld #1

Author: Nick Wilgus

Genre: Science Fiction, YA, Zombies, Horror

Length: Novel (301 Pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (May 3, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: High school juniors Billy Gunn and Rory Wilder return from a weekend camping trip to find a mysterious plague has wiped out their small town of Port Moss, Mississippi. The question of why is only the beginning—especially when the dead refuse to stay dead. 

Figuring out what happened is job one for Billy and Rory. But complications quickly set in. Not only do the dead rise, but a freak storm threatens torrential downpours as winter looms. And enormous ships appear in the sky, bringing with them alien visitors with technology never seen before. 

Left without electricity and modern conveniences, Billy and Rory must figure out a way to navigate horrific zombies, advanced alien life forms, and apocalyptic storms, as well as deal with their growing love for each other in a world gone mad.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-827-6

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Nick Wilgus is a new author for me and let’s just say I was definitely not expecting this book. At first I knew it was going to be about zombies, I mean dead who are not dead usually leads to zombies. However this one is way out there, I am talking aliens. I am not usually a fan of horror, science fiction or even young adult type stories, but this one is very unique and entertaining. Although I have to admit it is also very creepy. I could have done without all the religious crap out of Rory’s mouth though; it was what almost made me put the book down.

Billy has always been in love with Rory, but had never told him. This story starts with them camping out and skinny dipping. However Rory’s reaction to Billy’s erection, leads this whole story in a bit of strange land for me. He was raised by a mom that didn’t really give a damn about her boyfriend’s extra special love for him. I hope the rat ass bastard is dead let me tell you. It shows you why he is the way he is though. Both of these boys are fifteen and fighting their attraction to each other, well Rory is through most of the story. 

Then they come home to everyone in the town dead. However they don’t seem to stay dead. Then they meet up with Leisha and Mark; well let’s just say it is a unique group to say the least. This group has been thrown into a dystopian and post-apocalyptic type of world but then you add in the UFO’s and aliens, well let’s just say it keeps getting even crazier.

I got to figure that this had to be one story that was difficult to write, but the author did it perfectly. I would have liked it better had the kids been older and not so much religious crap flowing, however it was fun to read. This is one fast paced story and it was like the author just threw it into full gear going in. The build-up, the description, details and twists were something to see. It felt like I was right there with them. Although if this really did happen, give me a guy who really knows how to shoot and survive. 

I didn’t care for the ending, what a cliff-hanger this author has given us. However it makes me hungry to get my hands on the next book. It is a very dark and creepy story with a little bit of love in it. However little Jack is going to be one interesting little character I can tell. It is a page turner that is for sure. It kept my attention from the get go and wouldn’t let go till I got to the end. I just wonder what is going to happen in the next book. This author might just change my thinking about horror books and zombies. I would definitely recommend it. 

Native Wind by A.M. Burns

a-m-burn-native-wind-cover-sTitle: Native Wind 

Series:  Native Ingenuity: First Chronicle

Author: A.M. Burns

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction

Length: Novel (216 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (July 19, 2016)

Heat Level: Nil

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: After his family is killed by thieves, sole survivor Trey McAlister is taken in by a nearby Comanche clan. Trey has a gift for magic and the clan’s shaman, Singing Crow, makes him an apprentice. While learning to control his powers, Trey bonds with a young warrior and shape-shifter, Gray Talon. When they are sent out on a quest to find the missing daughter of a dragon, they encounter the same bandits who murdered Trey’s family, as well as a man made of copper who drives Trey to dig deeper into the magics that created him.

It doesn’t take them long to discover a rancher near Cheyenne, Wyoming is plotting to build a workforce of copper men—and has captured the dragon’s daughter they’ve been searching for. Trey and Gray Talon must draw on all their knowledge and skills to complete their quest—one that grows more complicated, and more dangerous, with each passing day.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-553-4

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Grey Talon, a Comanche shapeshifter and Trey, an orphaned Shaman who was taken in by the tribe are lovers. They are sent on a mission to find a dragon’s daughter.

I liked the combination of different genres in the story as it added a unique element to it. The Wild West theme fit the story as the two men journeyed. One of the things I found fascinating is Grey’s ability to turn into any animal he has seen. I love that as I don’t think I have read that before.

Trey’s Shaman abilities were interesting. There were a few characters introduced throughout that added more to the story rather than a book about two men which I liked. 

While I liked the story I was a little confused by certain things that I felt would have benefitted from more details and other things with less. But overall it was a good read.

Dawn Over Dayfield by Karenna Colcroft

karenna-colcroft-dawn-over-dayfield-coverTitle: Dawn Over Dayfield 

Author: Karenna Colcroft

Genre: Mystery & Suspense

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (March 1, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: After the death of his adoptive mother, Andy Forrest decides to track down his biological family. The search leads him to the struggling central Massachusetts town of Dayfield—and local historian Weston Thibeault, the town’s only other openly gay man. With the help of Weston, Andy uncovers secrets about his birth father, the youngest son of the Chaffees, the family that once owned Dayfield’s largest employer, a furniture factory that closed thirty years earlier.

As Andy and Weston work together, they find a connection to a scandal that rocked the Chaffee family over 125 years ago. But small towns like to bury their secrets, and many of the older residents of Dayfield will do anything to stop Andy and Weston from discovering the truth about the town and its inhabitants.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-466-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: In finding out more about his biological father, Andy Forest travels to a quaint little town in Massachusetts where the townsfolk’s are not quite what they seem. Unfriendly and downright hateful at times this town definitely wants its secrets to remain hidden forever.

As with most secrets eventually things will come out. Upon meeting Weston they both dive into the history of the town and discover two mysterious deaths at a factory in the eighteen hundreds that seem linked to Andy’s father’s death as well as his mothers.

I really liked this story. It had all the right elements to make for a great murder mystery except for the occasional repetitive nature from time to time. The townspeople were hostile but all things considered I understood to a point. Andy and Weston worked well together to uncover the truth about past events and why. 

All in all it was an enjoyable read.

Calling and Cull by August Li Guest Post & Excerpt!


Hiya peeps! We have August Li popping in today with his upcoming release Calling and Cull the fifth book in the amazing Blessed Epoch series. We have a wonderful post from Gus and a great excerpt, so join in the fun game with Gus and check out the excerpt! <3 ~Pixie~


Calling and Cull

(Blessed Epoch 05)

August Li

Whose hand will orchestrate the change in the world?

The decade-long war with Johmatra is over, but peace hangs by a thread in Garith’s kingdom. Yarrow, isolated in his island realm, refuses to abide by the treaty or to follow the dictates of the priestesses. Others—Octavian Rose among them—are uneasy with the growing military power of the temples, and the mage island of Espero remains a tenuous ally. Garith knows his people cannot weather another conflict and that infighting will leave their lands vulnerable to further invasion. The arrival of a Johmatran ambassador with his own agenda calls everyone’s loyalties into question.

Sides will be chosen, and the consequences of those choices will have repercussions no one can foresee. Even among the turmoil, Yarrow is determined to have his vengeance against the thirteen goddesses and heal the world’s magic. But how far will he go, and what lines is he willing to cross? As unlikely alliances are forged and enemies are revealed, Prince Thane seems to be the key to forgotten knowledge that will shape the future—and some will do whatever it takes to control him.

Release date: 27th September 2016

Continue reading “Calling and Cull by August Li Guest Post & Excerpt!”

Cougar Chaos by A.J. Marcus

a-j-marcus-cougar-chaos-coverTitle: Cougar Chaos

Series: Mountain Spirits 04

Author: AJ Marcus

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (13th September 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Parks and Wildlife Officer Brock Summers-Weir and his new husband, wildlife rehabber Landon Weir-Summers, are on their honeymoon high in the northern Colorado Rockies when they find an orphaned cougar cub. They quickly discover that there have been a number of cougars injured or killed in the area around Steamboat Springs. Although they are supposed to be on vacation, they work with local officials to try to find out what’s happening to the big cats.

When they get too close to the answers, their camp is ransacked and an ominous message is left. Rather than letting this intimidate them, they step up their investigation in the hopes that they can find the people responsible for the carnage and still manage to have a happy honeymoon.

ISBN: 9781634770743

Product Link:

Reviewer: Prime

Review: First and foremost: if you have not read the previous books in the series, I highly recommend that you go back and read them before jumping into this installment. Not only so that you can enjoy a thoroughly good series, but also so that you can pick up all the little things that are assumed as already known knowledge throughout the book. A final thing I need to add, if you are opening this book in the hopes of a good romance, you need to be aware that being a DSP Publications book this story is not heavy on the romance.

Now… onto the book, Cougar Chaos. I have to say that this is a great addition to the series, while I don’t love it to bits, I certainly enjoyed it and liked revisiting the world of the recently married couple Wildlife Officer Brock Summers-Weir and wildlife rehabber Landon Weir-Summers. If you’ve followed their relationship from book 1, you know two things for certain about this couple: 1) they love wildlife, and, 2) trouble, involving wildlife, always seems to follow them.

That being said, you can pretty much tell what the set up for the book is going to be. The guys decide to go camping/ hiking for their honeymoon with their dog. Despite the fact that Landon is getting over his injuries, a broken leg, of the previous book. Like seriously, that is these guys to a T. But what ends up happening is that the guys encounter a mountain lion cub that they save, which brings them on a merry chase which is the mystery of this title.

Fairly quick and to the point, this is a fairly enjoyable story, but more what makes it a 4 star book in my eyes is that it is a wonderful addition to the Mountain Spirits series. It fits the development of the characters and the plotline wonderfully.

I’m not sure if there is going to be more to this series, but I would certainly love it if we get to see more of the world of Landon and Brock.

Mad Lizard Mambo by Rhys Ford Blog Tour, Guest Post, WKDHDNB Part 2 & Giveaway!


Hey guys! We have the amazing Rhys Ford and the blog tour for her upcoming release (tomorrow! tomorrow!) Mad Lizard Mambo (yessss Kai’s back!), we have a short intro from Rhys, part 2 of When Kai Discovers He Does Not Bounce, and an awesome giveaway! So peeps, check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~


Mad Lizard Mambo


Rhys Ford

Kai Gracen has no intention of being anyone’s pawn. A pity Fate and SoCalGov have a different opinion on the matter.

Licensed Stalkers make their living hunting down monsters and dangerous criminals… and their lives are usually brief, brutal, and thankless. Despite being elfin and cursed with a nearly immortal lifespan, Kai didn’t expect to be any different. Then Ryder, the High Lord of the Southern Rise Court, arrived in San Diego, Kai’s not-so-mundane life went from mild mayhem to full-throttle chaos.

Now an official liaison between the growing Sidhe Court and the human populace, Kai is at Ryder’s beck and call for anything a High Lord might need a Stalker to do. Unfortunately for Kai, this means chasing down a flimsy rumor about an ancient lost Court somewhere in the Nevada desert—a court with powerful magics that might save Ryder—and Kai’s—people from becoming a bloody memory in their Merged world’s violent history.

The race for the elfin people’s salvation opens unwelcome windows into Kai’s murky past, and it could also slam the door on any future he might have with his own kind and Ryder.

Early release date: 10th September 2016
Third party release 13th September: Amazon

Continue reading “Mad Lizard Mambo by Rhys Ford Blog Tour, Guest Post, WKDHDNB Part 2 & Giveaway!”

Infected: Paris by Andrea Speed

andrea-speed-infected-paris-coverTitle: Infected: Paris 

Series: Infected #0.5 (Prequel to Infected: Prey)

Author: Andrea Speed

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (120 Pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (February 24, 2015)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts

Blurb: In a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds.

Roan is working a frustrating stalker case, with no shortage of suspects and little solid evidence, when he comes across a startling eyewitness living in his car across the street from the scene. A tiger-strain infected, the only one Roan’s ever met, Paris Lehane is a former Canadian golden boy who suffered a breakdown after becoming infected in college.

While Roan’s ex, Diego “Dee” Cole, warns against falling for the infected Paris, a man doomed to die, Roan struggles with his attraction and the knowledge that no happily ever after is possible for them.

But is the knowledge enough to discourage him from following his heart? Roan helps Paris out of homelessness, and maybe a special hospital can help Paris with the infection, but Roan’s got his hands full with this case, and there’s no end in sight.

ISBN: 978-1-63216-459-9

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: I had made the mistake of reading one of the smaller stories that comes with these types of series and was a bit disappointed in the fact that it really didn’t have much to tell at all. However it was just intriguing enough to catch my attention and made me want to check the rest of this series out. .

Now most paranormal stories you can pretty well guess what they will be like. There are very few new types out there, so when I read this one I was pretty surprised. Got to say though, I wished she had not given it a death sentence when they got infected. It made it a bit creepy. The virus creates big cat shifters that usually don’t last long. They go through this viral cycle that is about once a month type of thing. There are very few that survive, and a tiger strain hasn’t survived until now. 

Roan is a viral child. He was born infected and changed into a lion. His kind have never been known to survive childhood, but he has managed it. He thinks he is nothing more than a freak though and doesn’t really care what people think of him. He is a bit snarky and has a great attitude in some ways. He has this amazing attitude that has him trying to save those around him. He is also a big geek in a way.

Roan finds a tiger shifter close to death and knows he needs to get some weight on him, and then get him to the hospital that deals with cat shifters. Paris is not expected to make it through the night, but he has this strength behind him that proves them all wrong. However the chances of him actually living long is not good. But he calls to Roan like no one else does. He was infected not too long ago and had not wanted to survive until he met Roan. 

Roan is a private investigator who gets paid by either cash or even a car. There are a few cases to solve in the story which makes it even better, but very long in length. Now I was good with most of it and it kept my attention but that attention waivered somewhat. What was surprising was that I was never lost with this book except for the beginning. I am not sure what to really think about it though.

The story is unique and fascinating but it also comes off a bit bizarre as well. So I have mixed feelings with it and I am not sure if book two will help me or not, guess we will have to see. 

Flux by Kim Fielding (2nd Edition)

Kim Fielding - Flux Cover sTitle: Flux (2nd Edition) 

Series: Ennek Trilogy 02

Author: Kim Fielding

Genre: Fantasy

Length: Novel (200pgs)

Publisher: DSP Publications (September 6, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Blurb: Ennek, the son of Praesidium’s Chief, has rescued Miner from a terrible fate: suspension in a dreamless frozen state called Stasis, the punishment for traitors. As the two men flee Praesidium by sea, their adventures are only beginning. Although they may be free from the tyranny of their homeland, new difficulties await them as Miner faces the continuing consequences of his slavery and Ennek struggles with controlling his newfound powers as a wizard.

Now fugitives, Ennek and Miner encounter challenges both human and magical as they explore new lands and their deepening relationship with each other.

1st Edition published by CreateSpace, 2011.

ISBN: 978-1-63477-072-9

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This is a continuation of Ennek and Miner’s journey that began in Stasis.

Ennek and Miner go on an adventure to find freedom from those in their homeland who would have them under their thumbs. This story is Miner’s. 

His revelations are heart-breaking. But he is determined to overcome his past and be the best man he can for Ennek. Ennek struggles to control his newfound powers as wizard. 

These two are constantly on the move traveling from place to place and encountering many dangers in their quest for freedom and a life free to be together. I love the chemistry and commitment these two characters show each other. With the journey ahead they will need that strong bond as the journey is perilous.

I loved that the story spans several places as opposed to one. The details of the journey were amazing. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. 

Flux by Kim Fielding Guest Post & Excerpt!

Kim Fielding - Flux Banner

Hi guys, we have Kim Fielding stopping by today with her upcoming re-release Flux, we have a great guest post, and a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Kim Fielding - Flux Cover s


(Ennek Trilogy 02)

Kim Fielding

Ennek, the son of Praesidium’s Chief, has rescued Miner from a terrible fate: suspension in a dreamless frozen state called Stasis, the punishment for traitors. As the two men flee Praesidium by sea, their adventures are only beginning. Although they may be free from the tyranny of their homeland, new difficulties await them as Miner faces the continuing consequences of his slavery and Ennek struggles with controlling his newfound powers as a wizard.

Now fugitives, Ennek and Miner encounter challenges both human and magical as they explore new lands and their deepening relationship with each other.

Release date: 6th September 2016

Continue reading “Flux by Kim Fielding Guest Post & Excerpt!”

The Mystery of Nevermore by C.S. Poe

C.S. Poe - The Mystery of Nevermore CoverTitle: The Mystery of Nevermore

Series: Snow & Winter 01

Author: C.S. Poe

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (216pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-63477-070-5

Publisher: DSP Publications (30th August 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: It’s Christmas, and all antique dealer Sebastian Snow wants is for his business to make money and to save his floundering relationship with closeted CSU detective Neil Millett. When Snow’s Antique Emporium is broken into and a heart is found under the floorboards, Sebastian can’t let the mystery rest.

He soon finds himself caught up in murder investigations that echo the macabre stories of Edgar Allan Poe. To make matters worse, Sebastian’s sleuthing is causing his relationship with Neil to crumble, while at the same time he’s falling hard for the lead detective on the case, Calvin Winter. Sebastian and Calvin must work together to unravel the mystery behind the killings, despite the mounting danger and sexual tension, before Sebastian becomes the next victim.  

In the end, Sebastian only wants to get out of this mess alive and live happily ever after with Calvin.

Purchase Link:

Review: Sebastian finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation when his antique shop is broken into and a heart is left under the floorboards, his closeted cop boyfriend Neil is furious when Sebastian reveals their relationship to the detective investigating the case. As Sebastian investigates the murders himself after connecting them to Edgar Allan Poe stories his relationship with Neil crumbles and Sebastian finds himself attracted to the detective, Calvin Winter.

This is a great story that has mystery and suspense that is beautifully interwoven, and it has a dash of new romance that is low key but outstanding. Sebastian Snow has a low key life; he loves his antiques store, is frustrated with his relationship and has a bit of a sassy mouth on him. When he stumbles on a murder investigation he can’t help himself but become involved and it proves to be the straw that breaks his relationship into tiny pieces.

Calvin Winter is also a closeted cop; he keeps to himself a lot and just wants to do his job. With Sebastian turning up a lot in his murder investigation he doesn’t know if he should lock him up or kiss him.

The Mystery of Nevermore is a great mystery & suspense story that leaves us guessing the why and the who until Sebastian slowly puts the pieces together and revealing the story to us. We do get ideas about who the culprit might be but the why is something that we learn later, it’s really well written and we put everything together as Sebastian does so we become invested in the story.

Sebastian is a lovely character who we can take to heart, he’s in a crappy relationship with Neil and with the way that Neil treats Sebastian we quickly hope that Sebastian will kick him to the kerb, the thing is though when it did happen I kind of felt sorry for Neil. Calvin is kind of standoffish so getting to know him is near impossible, it isn’t till near the end that you actually feel like he’d be a good fit for Sebastian.

I was really happy with the way this story was written, the mystery, suspense and Sebastian were front and centre with Sebastian’s relationship woes being in the background but both balanced really well, with the murders and investigation showcased but occasionally stepping back and allowing the relationship demise/ budding new romance to step forward and take the spotlight. It was fantastically crafted.

I recommend this to those who love mysteries and suspense’s, who love great characters, who adore strong storylines with a dash of new romance and a touch of danger.